Resurgence: The Threads of Fate

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The twisting branches that reach towards the sky does little to diminish the pale rays of the...


Writer's Block Incarnate
South Dakota
The twisting branches that reach towards the sky does little to diminish the pale rays of the moon as it glared upon a single small figure walking in the woods. With dead leaves crunching underfoot, a young woman--no, a young girl--trots mindlessly forward, a placid if dead look in her eyes. She has no idea where she is, or even, who she is. In some way, that doesn't overly concern her. The reason why she was on this path, who she is....Insofar as she's concerned, she's always been walking. Yet a small voice that soon turns into legion began echoing in her mind.

Who are you? (Gender and age is locked)
[] (Write your name here)

A small seeping of acknowledgement as she defers to this unseen voice. Yet it dug deeper, discomfiting the girl.

What powers are you capable of?

[] Swordsinger--Your hand itches for a blade. Before you, flashes of memory occur as you stare at the moon, the silvery glint reminding you of a steel weapon as it swings through the air in a mesmerizing pattern. Beautiful. Yet...skill with the sword isn't all that you're capable of. With a little concentration you believe you can imbue your weapon with an element...

[] Sorceress--Spells shoot through your mind, promises of both destruction and reparation. With each memory words come unbidden to your lips. It would take time to restore the power once lost, but if you achieved it once, it's possible to do so once more. The world will learn to tremble as you revel in the possibilities. Truly, you can be a force to be reckoned with again.

[] Hunter-- Speed is your watchword. Stealth your cloak. Blades surge in the night and arrows pierce into your targets. "Hunter" is merely a title most would simply heave onto you. Yet your repertoire of skills exceed a simple "hunter". Beasts, men, are capable of felling them all with the right preparations and time.

[] !!! SPECIAL !!! (...come baaccckk....)-- ...You do not belong here. Go back from whence you came. If they find out your true nature, you will be named a beast in flesh, a monster in human form. Darkness will be your companion. A soul sucking void has been placed upon your heart. Is it up to to decide how you will continue your existence...Is that death calling you?

As you can see, the gender and age of your character is locked in. However, your "job" is not. Choosing one will alter the story a bit, so pick wisely. Each one will give you a different intro, so to speak, as well as a glimpse into the personality of your character. Honestly, I'm hoping you'll choose the SPECIAL because that's originally how I envisioned the story. But,

the choice is up to you, dear questers.
Character sheet
Name: Amaranth
Age: ???
Appearance: In progress


Amnesia-....? Who are you?

Come back...-- A connection that doesn't quite seem to have a use. Special interactions unlocked and special options available at certain times.

The Unknown--What is this other occupant in your mind? Obviously it's linked to the conceptual weapon but how far does it go?

Clarity-- +5 to Perception. Every time a lie is told, a roll will be done in the background. Chance to reveal lies is possible. If a liar fails to pass a certain check, you will automatically detect lie.


??? (Chain)-- A conceptual weapon with unknown effectiveness.
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I am full of questions.

[X] Plan Appease The QM
[X] Amaranth

[X] !!! SPECIAL !!! (...come baaccckk....)

Since you say the special option is how you envisioned the story originally I'm kind of curious to see how things will go. Plus, being potentially unique means instant main character status, really.


We're going to die, aren't we?
N-no! It's just that this concept came from me free writing. After I got into a page in, I saw how I was gonna write the story thematically. Don't let that stop other people from picking the other options though, it was just my first idea.
[X] Amaterasu
[X] Swordsinger--Your hand itches for a blade. Before you, flashes of memory occur as you stare at the moon, the silvery glint reminding you of a steel weapon as it swings through the air in a mesmerizing pattern. Beautiful. Yet...skill with the sword isn't all that you're capable of. With a little concentration you believe you can imbue your weapon with an element...

Gonna ignore the Shiny.
[X] Plan Appease The QM


And Amaranth as a name is pretty okay, even if inaccurate if the lifespan is as short as expected.
I'll give it another day before making the Story Only thread, just in case others might be interested. But so far, that's two votes to "appeace the QM" :I, one for SPECIAL, and another for Swordsinger.

Two for amaranth and one for Amaterasu.
[X] Lina
[X] Sorceress--Spells shoot through your mind, promises of both destruction and reparation. With each memory words come unbidden to your lips. It would take time to restore the power once lost, but if you achieved it once, it's possible to do so once more. The world will learn to tremble as you revel in the possibilities. Truly, you can be a force to be reckoned with again.
[X] Aleya

[X] !!! SPECIAL !!! (...come baaccckk....)-- ...You do not belong here. Go back from whence you came. If they find out your true nature, you will be named a beast in flesh, a monster in human form. Darkness will be your companion. A soul sucking void has been placed upon your heart. Is it up to to decide how you will continue your existence...Is that death calling you?
[X] Lina
[X] Sorceress--Spells shoot through your mind, promises of both destruction and reparation. With each memory words come unbidden to your lips. It would take time to restore the power once lost, but if you achieved it once, it's possible to do so once more. The world will learn to tremble as you revel in the possibilities. Truly, you can be a force to be reckoned with again.
[X] Lina
[X] Sorceress--Spells shoot through your mind, promises of both destruction and reparation. With each memory words come unbidden to your lips. It would take time to restore the power once lost, but if you achieved it once, it's possible to do so once more. The world will learn to tremble as you revel in the possibilities. Truly, you can be a force to be reckoned with again.
If someone could do a vote tally for me, that'd be appreciated. If not, I'll do it myself when I get back in a few hours.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Plan Appease The QM
No. of votes: 3

[X] !!! SPECIAL !!! (...come baaccckk....)
No. of votes: 1

[X] Amaterasu
[X] Swordsinger--Your hand itches for a blade. Before you, flashes of memory occur as you stare at the moon, the silvery glint reminding you of a steel weapon as it swings through the air in a mesmerizing pattern. Beautiful. Yet...skill with the sword isn't all that you're capable of. With a little concentration you believe you can imbue your weapon with an element...
No. of votes: 1

[X] Lina
[X] Sorceress--Spells shoot through your mind, promises of both destruction and reparation. With each memory words come unbidden to your lips. It would take time to restore the power once lost, but if you achieved it once, it's possible to do so once more. The world will learn to tremble as you revel in the possibilities. Truly, you can be a force to be reckoned with again.
No. of votes: 3

[X] Aleya
[X] !!! SPECIAL !!! (...come baaccckk....)-- ...You do not belong here. Go back from whence you came. If they find out your true nature, you will be named a beast in flesh, a monster in human form. Darkness will be your companion. A soul sucking void has been placed upon your heart. Is it up to to decide how you will continue your existence...Is that death calling you?
No. of votes: 1
[X] Lina
[X] Sorceress--Spells shoot through your mind, promises of both destruction and reparation. With each memory words come unbidden to your lips. It would take time to restore the power once lost, but if you achieved it once, it's possible to do so once more. The world will learn to tremble as you revel in the possibilities. Truly, you can be a force to be reckoned with again.
Chapter 1: A walk in the Night
[X] Amaranth

[X] !!! SPECIAL !!! (...come baaccckk....)

Instead of grand clarity, your memories continue to slip away, leaving you with a sense of longing and sadness. Your hand reached for the moon, in a futile gesture of snatching what is intangible. They were gone, the key to your powers and your sense of self. They weren't simply locked behind a mental barrier, or magically sealed.

They were gone.

Frustration welled up in your chest, and you clenched your hand so tightly your fingernails bit into your palm. You stood there, in middle of the forest, and stared angrily at the sky. You didn't even realize you were holding your breath in till you heaved a big sigh. Your memories were gone. That was assured. The only thing left to do would be to get them back. But how? A cursory glance around only revealed dead trees and yellowing grass. The beaten path before you stretched unseen in the darkness.

With only one recourse before you, you begin to walk forward. With every step, an unfamiliar sense of dread begins to grip your heart. It sends chills down your spine and paranoia surges through you. Hunching your shoulders, you shot quick glances over you shoulder. No one. You speed up your pace a bit, slippers kicking up a small dust cloud. Finally, you figure out what it is.

The forest is silent.

There are no singing insects, hooting of owls, or even a breath of breeze. The forest is silent, unmoving, dead. Despite that, you feel a maliciousness creeping up on you. You didn't know how far it was, but you could be damned sure it would reach you in no time. With a growing sense of urgency, you rush forward, lifting the hems of your plain white black and white dress from the ground.

Finally, you see something in the distance. A little light as it bobbed up and down. The sound of neighing horses and creaking wheels reaches your ears. A traveler? At this time of night? You couldn't allow doubt to grip your heart. Not now of all times. But...

What do?
[] Rush towards the wagon and its driver. Warn them, cajole them, whatever it takes to escape the encroaching darkness.
[] Hide to the side of the road. You don't know who this person is and what they're capable of. They could be just as deadly as the thing behind you.
[] ...Why don't you stop and turn around? Take the darkness head on? It's definitely foolish. It could end your journey here and now. Or could it?
[] Write in
[X] ...Why don't you stop and turn around? Take the darkness head on? It's definitely foolish. It could end your journey here and now. Or could it?

I believe.
[X] Hide to the side of the road. You don't know who this person is and what they're capable of. They could be just as deadly as the thing behind you.

Let's go see the wagon, bandit, whoever the light is! Without getting trampled in surprise of course.
Chapter 2: No One Escapes
[X] ...Why don't you stop and turn around? Take the darkness head on? It's definitely foolish. It could end your journey here and now. Or could it?

You grit your teeth and stop. Moving forward felt like an almost hopeless endeavor, with the onset of maliciousness behind you. It was approaching faster than you could outrun it, and the wagon with its bobbing light seemed to almost exist in a different dimension, it was so far away. It was the light at the end of the tunnel, yet it was so damn far, questions about the wagon drivers possible hostility notwithstanding.

Standing alone against the encroaching darkness, you felt resignation well up in your chest. The darkness gleefully surged forward, swallowing the trees as it drew ever nearer. Not even the full moon's light could pierce through. You turned around, just as a light breeze gently blew your jet black hair over your shoulder. A deep sigh left your chest. It seems you weren't destined for anything more than prey. Almost in agreement, a voice slithered in your ears, whispering,

"No one escapes..."

For a brief moment, you wondered at the gender-less voice's message. It almost seemed less of a threat and more...personal. Suddenly, the jangling of steel chains broke through your reverie. Your right hand twitches reflexively. You could almost feel the cold steel running through your own fingers. It was like a sensation long forgotten...

Suddenly, the miasma of darkness and despair stopped, surveying you. The malign feeling it gave off before had all but disappeared. felt cold. You couldn't find any other words to describe it. An unbearable silence once again reigned, causing your chest to rise and fall rapidly in succession. Whatever was gonna happen would happen very soon, you knew it.

And so it did.

A green ethereal chain whipped out from the darkness, a wicked scythe-like blade attached in the front, aimed directly at you. Panic caused you to shut your eyes as you waited for the inevitable blade to slice your white skin. Flashes of blood and torn flesh rippled throughout your mind. Yet, as blade struck your chest, you felt nothing. Glancing down, you realized it had drawn no blood nor even pierced your skin. Yet it still jutted in your chest, a ghost like mist now slowly surrounding you.

Before you could even make sense of what just happened, the chain was suddenly yanked. A sudden weakness overcame you as realized with horror that the target of the blade hadn't been your was attempting to claim something even far more important than that. Your very soul. The conceptual blade yanked once again, and your vision of the world blackened, a dull grey settling over the world. Yet...


Confusion came over the darkness. You could sense it. Another tug, and you nearly lost sense of the world, yet your soul remained firmly in place. Your resistance has the darkness somewhat...disconcerted...

What do?
Special Action! New trait possible.
---[] (Write in only)