Resurgence(Council Game)

The Bird

In that den of villains and scum, OKLAHOMA
2049. Almost a hundred years since the war ended, in a storm of ice and fire and death and undeath.

There had been a war, between the three great powers and a fourth, more terrible group, made up of monsters in human skin.

First of the great powers, America, had unleashed wave after wave of their armored soldiers on the great enemy, invading over the sea to crush their foe. Legends still tell of the legendary american ships, so full of grandeur and majesty, and their soldiers, knights clad in mechanized steel who strode over the battlefield.

The second great power, the European coalition, a collection of states dedicated to slaying the serpent. To this end, they delved into black science, raising their dead as horrible revenants, the dire Totenmensh, contacting other worldly beings, even developing methods to grow men in wombs of iron and lightning rather than those of flesh and blood. Still, before the end, they had been a bastion of security and progress.

Last, but not least, was the Union.

Ah, the Union. The most mighty of the great powers, a giant among children. The only one of the great powers to not have been completely wiped out.

You see, the Union was clever. They realized that after defeating the serpents, conflict between the great powers was inevitable. And so they did what they were best at.

They fortified. They built massive underground tunnels to shield from radiation, from toxins. They developed devices capable of redirecting the city destroying weapons the other powers utilized. They created hidden fortresses away from the eyes of the world where, if everything fell, it could be rebuilt at the very least.

And so when the hammers finally fell, and the great powers turned on one another, the Union didn't die, not wholly at any rate. Those who led it, who protected it, had been slain, but its citizens survived. Its ideals survived.

However, it was fractured now. What was once a mighty giant devolved into struggling city states, centered around the legendary fortresses constructed by the Union.

As time passed, truth faded into legend, and once ubiquitous technology and knowledge transformed into ritual and superstition. The damages of the great war healed, though it left scars.

This is where you came in. You are the Committee Heads of парник-12. Once a mighty fortress on the border between the lands of the European Coalition and the Union, now almost a husk. On this day, the doors to your home, once thought perpetually locked, opened, and a voice played on the intercom.

"Comrades, you have been locked up long enough, Da? I believe it is time to fulfill your mandate. Go, and recreate what was. Bring back the Union. Bring back Communism."

Welcome to Resurgence, a game set in the aftermath of a titanic, earth shattering war. You control the leaders of Garden-12, a fortress established by the Soviet Union before the war, and have to recreate the Soviet Union. However you can. The system used will pretty much be the same as @Gideon020 's Eurasian War RP(which is also partially because it's set in the same general universe)

Application for Joining:

Specialty(Science, Politics, Military, Engineering, Espionage):

I'm accepting roughly six players. This isn't first come first serve, by the way.

@DaLintyGuy @Estro @Simpli @Happerry @Shadows
@Teron, are you interested?

Name: Patrik Geller
Specialty: Engineering
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You raaaaanngg~?

Name: Mikhail Mikhailov
Description: A particularly shady and grumpy scientist who has spent nearly his entire existence in the so called 'Garden', busying himself with keeping an eye on and studying the available scientific data. An excercise in futility in his oppinion as the 'Garden' kept on declining in more or less all aspects until the entrance was finaly unlocked. Not particularly interested in restoring 'Communism' and instead more interested in the restoration of the technological level of the old days.
Specialty: Science
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Name: Li Dafa
Description: Great-Grandson of Chinese Refugees who got a new home in Russia. He is rather small and oftentimes looks angry for no apparent reason.
He is a gifted enough speaker and listener and has run smoothly the "Morale and Propaganda"-Department for a little while.
He is 34 years old and keeps a clean apperance despite the troubles.
He will speak openly enough when asked for an opinion, but his main method of dealing with someone of a different mindset is to slowly invade into their way of thinking and deteriorate whatever Li does not agree with. In that sense, he is like a precise surgeon for political matters.
He favors loyalty and favor-exchange above bribery and long-outdrawn personal vendettas.
He is unenthusiastic about communistic idealism when approached about it in private. Not to the point where he is a dissident but merely annoyed with the constant repetition of the same things.

Specialty: Politics
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Alternate Universe: Drakaverse. There was a game set during the offset of WWII which, when it ended abruptly due to personal reasons, was predicted to bring a superb Soviet Victory. This seems to be a continuation of said game a 100 years later.
The original Game featured: Superscience, Magic, Aliens, Weird Science, Treachery and Nuclear Explosions.
Name: Dmitri Akulovich

Description: Born and raised in the harshness of war, Dmitri was one of many children. An orphan of war and poverty, taught reading and writing and not much more. His skills of the streets honed by his enlistment into the Soviet military, rolling over into the VDV and later becoming a candidate for the KGB. His rough exterior and combat-hardened outlook served him well, especially in the brutal math that the serpents invoked. Soviet blood spilled in bulk, with Dmitri weighing each mission. His weathered face is complemented by a cleft chin and contrasted by crow's feet along his eyes, rough hands built from years of handling wooden and metal stocs and more than a few bayonets or garrotes.

Standing at six foot four and almost three hundred pounds he is massive by any Soviet standard, making his feather-light footfalls ven in boots a testament to his natural predatory nature.

Specialty(Espionage) (Military as well if nobody suitable arises.) Dmitri has climbed the ranks of the Union in great strides, especially against the enemy. Serving initially as muscle in the VDV, he climbed the ranks in operations both clandestine and overt. Polkovnik was a natural rank to ascend to, given his propensity for a surgical touch in the field. His evolution of rank and talent brought him as a candidate for the KGB, gaining traction as an intelligence officer against the serpents and their influence.

When the Gardens were first imtroduced, this became a key skill. With the rugged cynicism and vital coldness required to keep the Union alive, the soldier-turned-spy became one of the internal safeguards against alien influence or the poison of foreign ideology. As such, the politburo deemed him fit to rule the Garden's shadows, overseeing operations where required.


He'd have to be a Nekron recipient to still be alive. Still, good job.
I can rewrite, of course, but I wasn't sure the exact time we've been interred. Late 2040s made me think at least 60 years, but the presence of super science made me iffy on age and the like (not sure how prevalent Nekron is.) I can easily rewrite to taste, or course, but "rough soldier made rougher KGB" was the theme I had in mind. Thanks for the praise!
Name :Zhukov Tuchaevsky
Description:A renowned scientist working on the unions military complex.He become increasingly curious especially after the discovery of Meta-Material and Its Metaphysical properties.Sadly,when the great war struck was forced to evacuate the survive the storm that come after it.An important key factor in the soviet's technological development.His sheer scientific prowess is match only by his curiousity and arrogance
Specialty :Science
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There is technically nothing stopping you from being an Undead if it is permitted. They exist and occasionally are rather well-behaved.
Name: Lorovenco Mihovil Ilic
Description: Officer born and raised inside the bunker, currently manager of the Garden's security unit. (will flesh out).
Specialty: Military

Updated version below
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Name: Illarion Maksimov
Description: A tall bearded man with a reclining hairline of grey hair, with a pair of thin frame glasses and a slight belly. One of his hands has a faint scar across the back of its fingers.
Specialty: Engineering

The Gardens were no minor feat of engineering, even with the plans for the Black Pyramid to draw upon and experience in constructing the two step fortress towns. They had to be built solid, they had to be built deep, and they had to be built right the first time, or the other factions would find out about them. That's why the Soviets sent some of their best to do the job. But once it was done, to let them back into the union was a security risk. To kill them would have been poor reward for their loyalty and hard work, so instead they were sent into the very Gardens they had built.

Now, with the union in ruins, much lies broken and in need of repair. It's a good thing that the ones to rebuild it are of the blood of those who built it in the first place, da?
I'd like more information? About the serpent and monsters and whatnot.

Let me tell you the story. First of, it's based of another forum game, which can be found here: OOC - Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! (Competive Council RP Signup and Main OOC. Game Ended.)

Anyway, the story.

The year is 1932. We're on Earth, but not Earth as we know it. The Draka Dominion, a vile and evil regime, rules over the entirety of Africa, and much of Asia. They're evil and rotten to the core, there's no crime or villainy they've not committed. Arrayed against them are the Americans, rich but lazy due0 their wealth and isolation, the Germans, industrious but facing severe repression after having lost the first world War, and the Soviets, a barely civilized people that values quantity over quality.

The discovery of a mysterious, alien resource by all factions early in the year 1932 allowed them to challenge the Drakan hegemoney. Openly, in the case of the Soviets. Silently, in the case of the Germans. Not at all, in the case of the Americans. The noble German people immediately set towards freeing Europe from the Drakan grasp, but could not do so before the Draka destabilized Europe. Despite the interference of the Americans, they succeeded in this endeavor, uniting Europe in coalition against the Draka.

But the Soviets had not said idly. Through overworking of their population, and other methods second on horrificeness to the Draka themselves, they advanced with leaps and bounds. It helped though that they had infiltrated the German government. After all, unlike any other nation in Europe or America, the Weimar Republic had not eliminated all political opposition. With stolen secrets and forced labor they forged ahead, holding their ground and even striking back when the Draka invaded in the Summer of 1932.

But the Draka had an unlikely ally. The United States intervened in the Pacific War, by attacking and destroying the Japanese fleet using submarines. Making a deal with the devil, Japan signed a truce with the Draka, allowing both nations to focus upon their primary enemy. But it was not enough. As winter came, the Draka where still facing bitter resistance from the Soviet forces. The situation complicated further when then nobel German Republic, at the head of a European coalition, cut of the Drakan supplies with the destruction of Drakan infrastructure in the Bosborus and the Middle East. Without supplies, the Asian front collapsed.

Blood was in the water now, and the fighting intensified. The United States, having finished it's war in the Pacific, staged a massive naval invasion of the Drakan home land, which had though themselves secure and had send most of their fighting forces to the front. At the same, they were resorted to drastic measures. A nuclear weapon, stolen from Japan was smuggled into the Germany, and used to destroy Paris, as the start of a massive civil war. It's likely that this was facilitated by Soviet agents, as the recall of German forces allowed them to take the Middle East, and force their way into lesser defended territory.

Where Germans fought to restore order in France for the second time in as many years, while still continuing it's severe fighting in Drakan Africa, the Soviets and Americans plundered with abandon. It was a long and brutal slog, but by 1942 the last Drakan resistance was eliminated by the sustained nuclear bombardement of Mount Killimanjero by Soviet Nuclear missiles. Yet all was not well, the world was know divided among 3 great powers, and situations where tense. This was not helped by the fact that the nuclear and other esoteric weaponry deployed by the Soviets had greatly damaged agriculture in any targeted area.

Peace negotiations were started. Led by the German Fuhrer in Copenhagen, just like the negotiations that had united Europe against the Draka ten years ago. But on the second day of negotiations, the Soviets ended the world. Nuclear weapons rained down amongst the globe, and while there was retaliation, it was both scattered and generally ineffective, caught unprepared by the backhanded blow. Still, the Soviet Union collapsed, destroyed from within by dissidents and the after effects from it's own destruction weaponry.

Few fragments still remain, and it's possible that they may try to restore the Union. It's our intention that this Evil never again comes to pass.

And now, a speech by the fuhrer.

History lesson in 2049, Pacific Deep, German Remnant

Note: I wanted to write a story with a subtle bias. Couldn't do that, so I just went over 11. It's only a little bit accurate, considering most of the latter parts are interpolated based on the last turns, and the end state.
Name: Katerina Dietrich
Description: Five and a half feet of slender, brown-haired intellectual badassery hailing from New Moskva, descendent of one of the original leaders of the Great Cabinet. Her keen blue eyes have been known to pierce even the thickest academic egos with ease.
Specialty(Science, Politics, Military, Engineering, Espionage):

waves the red flag proudly
Name: Due Non Hollande
Appearance: Of mixed French-Chinese descent. Black hair, dusky skin, 5'8". Thirty eight years old, Due was once a notable troublemaker among the denizens of the Fortress, although it had less to do with actual behavior and more simply not getting permission before doing things. Said things included exploring incomplete sections of the Fortress, joining the security teams in their exercises before someone was sent to find him for something unrelated, and 'requsitioning' nonfunctional machinery to tinker with. While he has a grasp of the principles that govern the functioning of the Fortress, he prefers 'practical' problems rather than the theoretical.
Specialty: Engineering (kind of an action scientist wannabe, really: he wanted to go out and get Stuff done; of course, then he was raised to the Council...)
Name: Lorovenco Mihovil Ilic

Description: Lorovenco Ivic is a youngish man, short and very pale though of proud bearing; of Latvian descent, if there were still a Latvia. Born and raised inside the Garden, he's heard only stories of the outside world, and never actually had command in battle - but with the pre-war officers being dead or very old, he's the most prominent of the new generation of soldiers.

Specialty: Military. Despite his inexperience, Ilic is widely respected by the security force, a successful theorist, and a competent enough administrator, the reasons for his position. He is a big believer in the social and political role of the military - as an integral tool of not only force and interstate policy, but also in helping to create support an orderly society. In his commands in the security force, he has emphasized discipline among the troops, based not only on appeals to duty and the fear of officers but on constant political education, and on integration with the civil services and communities under their aegis.
Probably gonna figure out who gets to play tomorrow. Fer now, any questions? Be aware the information I intend to give is what your characters know IC.