But who is the thread hoping to side with? Marius or Sulla? Becuase let's be honest if we don't know that we can't really make a good vote. As I would rather have Sulla win than Marius but I don't know how many people would like that and would put votes in as a way to make siding with him easier after getting the Legion with us over Cassianus.
I honestly don't have a strong preference, unless 'Neither' is a valid option.

Ideally, one of them would defeat the other then promptly die. Marius is old enough where he could die of old age, and his victory in the field against Sulla would (hopefully) keep the Marian faction in Rome calm enough to not lynch Scaevola and the other optimates. Sulla's defeat, followed by Marius' death, would also leave Sertorius in the best position to return to Rome and keep the peace, which might be the best-case scenario here.
Would not hashing out who does what between the two of us allow us to then springboard into a friendship or at least professional amicability? So rather than possibly letting a snake into our circle we can at least set up a baseline for our future interactions?
we should have a pretty good shot at succeeding thanks to the presence of Theo.
That option would be trying to connect man to man, just the two of us. I don't really see where Theo could help us here.

Correspondence: (response will arrive in 2-3 turns)
--[] Cicero
Man, like I said in my plan post, I seriously don't get why we need to write to Cicero first. In Samnium, we got only 400 XP for Intelligence and Education, and that was from the entire series of letters. I really question the importance of getting even the same amount a turn or two earlier, and we might get even less, because we wouldn't be able to send as much letters. And the last update shows us that there are other and better ways of getting that XP, most probably from studying things, like all other people. But we can't get Scaevola's advice and connections from anywhere else, and they would be much more relevant in the short-term. Any news or rumors from Rome or other places seem like entirely auxiliary and not important too, as we are far away from it all and don't really have tools to affect it.
I am withdrawning my plan (Bithynia Commander).

@Publicola makes a good argument about our duties as broad-striped tribune, and not doing them would be an opening for Cassianus. As my plan is otherwise near-identical, I am voting for Plan Publicola, and recommend others do so also.

[x] Plan Publicola

and 'Law Beyond The Sword' is our specific sworn duty as broad-striped tribune, to dispense justice and utilize our 'Law' skill to keep peace within the ranks. (If we don't do 'Law Beyond The Sword', then everyone in the legion will see Cassianus taking over for our specific job. Not okay.)
I would point out that, whatever other actions we take for the legion, this one should be locked in. Yes, we've taken this action before, but that's because it is our sworn duty. If we fail to act as broad-striped tribune, then Cassianus will, and everyone in the legion will see him doing our duty while we're elsewhere. That is not a good look, and we'd be handing Cassianus a huge opportunity to usurp us with our own consent.
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[X] Plan Publicola

This has everything i wanted except Marius, and no-one else seems to want that, so it would be silly of me to contest. Plus, publicola has a good point about the oracle as another greek culture option.
[X] Plan Make Connections and Study v2
[] Connect:
You make an attempt to connect with him. Cassianus' father was a farmer and his mother a tavern maid -- you come from different worlds, yet if you can form a friendship, or at least an understanding of sorts, it will make both your lives easier in the long run.

[] Training: Your men are well-trained enough, but the Samnite campaign did not offer many opportunities for the sort of combat they will soon be facing. It may be chilly, but you drill them in the fields outside Nicomedia.
[] Promote Centurions: A few centurions and lower-ranking officers left the legion in Rome, their service having ended. Several soldiers who served with distinction during the Samnite campaign may well stand to replace them. Men you raise up may be loyal to you in the future.
[] Brothers in Arms: You strive to mend the frayed relations between the patrician cavalry and the plebian legionnaires, which have grown worse over time.

[] Correspondence
--[] Cicero

[] The Scipians: Unlike Sertorius, who traveled with a single slave, Scipio has brought along a veritable entourage of slaves, clients, friends, and cronies. These Scipians are largely plebian men of all stripes, and you attempt to integrate yourselves with them in order to learn something more of their new master, Cassianus, who seems to have become a focal point for them -- a novus homo who has risen from their ranks to lead a legion.
[] The Marians: The soldiers and legions now serving under Marius are devoted in their loyalty to the great general. You seek to make connections with these men, and form relationships which may serve you well back in Rome. Perhaps the greatest of these Marians is the legatus Gnaeus Papirus Carbo, legatus of the Seventh Legion and Marius' second in command.
[] The Prince: Bithynia is not short on royalty. Ptolemy, one of the princes of Egypt, long exiled from his native land, made himself a guest of Mithridates and remained in Nicomedia after the city fell to Rome. Famed as a great partier and player of the flute, he has resided in a palatial estate here in the city with his family and retainers. You could pay the heir of the Pharaohs a visit.
[] Si Vis Pacem: The Greek city-states in Asia and the Greek mainland have long maintained their independence and autonomy, even as nominal vassals of Rome. You read up on their histories, rivalries, and old friendships, that you might make use of these in your campaign.
[] Para Bellum: You begin studying the campaigns against the Macedonians and the Greeks over a century ago, hoping to learn more about Greek tactics, that you might counter them better.
[] Study: You study the campaigns of Marius in Africa, hoping to learn something about defeating a hostile kingdom while protecting Roman clients. That Marius himself is here does not hurt matters either.

[X] Plan Publicola
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Tough call, I'll have to think this over a bit more before I vote. But I think we should be careful about alienating our co-leader. If we can befriend him then we can possibly earn a valuable future ally/partner. He is obviously competent. I think we could accomplish more together than we could by fueding with him. And this campaign should have enough glory to satisfy us both without us needing to resort to fighting one another.
[X] Plan Love of the Legion and various Studies

I'd prefer taking Training over Law, Para Bellum over Study, and Prince because Egypt but this is closest to what I want besides my own plan.

[X] Plan Carpe Legium et Potestatem
-[] Connect
-[] Promote Centurion
-[] Brothers in Arms
-[] Training
-[] Correspondence
--[] Scaevola
-[] Brotherhood
-[] Si Vis Pacem
-[] Para Bellum
-[] The Crone of Bithynia
-[] The Prince
-[] Res Publica

[X] Conquer the Sea
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The waters defeated us once, it will never happen again.

[X] Conquer the Sea
-[] Seafaring: Rufus had some damned scroll about the sea and Hannibal and boats. In your spare time, you flick through it.
-[] Make Terms: You sit down with your new compatriot and hash out the details of your new positions -- who will do what, where, and when, and who will be command of what and where.
-[] Promote Centurions: A few centurions and lower-ranking officers left the legion in Rome, their service having ended. Several soldiers who served with distinction during the Samnite campaign may well stand to replace them. Men you raise up may be loyal to you in the future.
-[] A Law Beyond The Sword: The men often have simple issues, complaints, or grievances which they wish to address. As broad-striped tribune, it is your duty to see to these. One afternoon, you set up a table in the middle of the worn palace and invite men to come air their grievances before you, and perhaps even raise a case against a fellow soldier.
-[] Brothers in Arms: You strive to mend the frayed relations between the patrician cavalry and the plebian legionnaires, which have grown worse over time.
-[] Correspondence: As part of your efforts to stay on top of events in Rome, you write to one of your contacts elsewhere in the Republic. With such long travel times, anything you write will take a long time to arrive. However, that does not mean you cannot write. You write to...
--[] Scaevola
-[] Brotherhood: You begin eating your meals with the men, to show them that you stand as one of them, not some aloof aristocrat. They care for you already, but this may well cement it.
-[] The Cult: You call together the cult of Mars, hoping to influence the officers and tribunes within towards your viewpoint on the new tribune. (Need to pick either Undermine, Overshadow, or Make Terms above.)
-[] Study: You study the campaigns of Marius in Africa, hoping to learn something about defeating a hostile kingdom while protecting Roman clients. That Marius himself is here does not hurt matters either.
-[] Si Vis Pacem: The Greek city-states in Asia and the Greek mainland have long maintained their independence and autonomy, even as nominal vassals of Rome. You read up on their histories, rivalries, and old friendships, that you might make use of these in your campaign.
-[] Res Publica: You study the formations of your own legions, the way Romans fight. After all, you may soon be doing war with Romans -- and what is more Roman than that?

Luckily approval voting allows me to follow my heart, while also not wasting my vote. I thought about writing Volero as well, but I think the thread has officially abandoned him. RIP Brolero, you will be missed.

agumentic's plan has the three main actions I'd want and Brotherhood as a personal action, all of which, I think, are very important, so his plan gets a vote as well.

[X] Plan Love of the Legion and various Studies

It's also the exact same plan, except his has replaced mastery of the waves with visiting blind old women, which shows a strong sense of character.