My mind goes to weird places when I think too hard on jokes.
I was initially going to make a joke about spreading the ccurrent iteration of the Cult of Mars (with MC as the head) to the rest of the legions. Then I thought, "man it would be cool if there was a joke omake set in the future wherein we successfully spread the Cult of Mars throughout the republic with MC as the Pontifex Maximus of the cult (not to be confused with the one in Rome) and takes the city and the republic at large in the name of Mars Ultor therefore skipping the Republican and Imperial routes by going the
Theocratic route!" I then went even deeper and started to imagine that instead of just regular worship, the new Cult of Mars Ultor evolved into a branch wherein Mars overthrew Jupiter, continuing the cycle of son usurping father, and declared himself King of the Gods and taking Bellona as his Queen.