Repercussions (MLP)

Yeah, I feel like the first thing that would happen after a curse like that would be the victims would wipe the perpetrators from the face of the earth.

But I've seen enough in 2020 that I can't say something that dumb is SOD-breaking.
Day 7

We are over grassland now. We passed over which according to the map may be one of the last villages in Equestria this morning and now we are over the grassland bordering the edge of the jungle.

We'll likely reach it sometime tomorrow but then we are another day or two of flight away from the area Moon Dancer, Midnight and their team pointed out as a good starting point for our search for the origin of the thestrals.

Moon Dancer has some ideas about how to narrow things down more, but I'm not overly convinced how useful it will be…


I spread my wing as wide as I could as Moon Dancer ran a measuring tape along every bone I had in it while making measurements on a notepad.

"How exactly is this going to help?" I asked as I turned my head to look at her.

"Don't move, please," she answered and measured along the rear edge of my wing, mumbling measurements to herself, her pen scribbling calculations on her notepad.

Well, when she got like that you just had to wait for her to get out of it. I took the time to look around the workshop set up in the cargohold of the ship. One entire corner, the one Moon Dancer and I were currently occupying held several maps and stacks of scrolls and books on several shelves set up around a table with a large map on it.

The rest of the workshop had several worktables as well as storage areas. Right now they were mostly empty other than a couple of ponies working away at their workbenches.

What exactly they were doing already as we haven't even gotten there yet was beyond me, but nothing wrong with getting your tools ready beforehand.

What I was carefully not paying attention to however was Tempest and Midnight at the other end of the workshop. They were sitting close to each other and Midnight was in the middle of explaining something about what they were reading in the book laid out before them.

Tempest were watching her closely and nodding along before asking a question. Midnight shifted her wings and nodded before she answered, shifting a bit closer and pointed out something in the book.

You know what? I think Cadance might actually know what she's doing.

"Moon Dancer?" I asked as I turned back to her, folding my wing again, "How will this help?"

Moon Dancer looked at me in surprise like she had forgotten I was there, "How's your glide ratio? Better or worse than when you had feathered wings?"

I blinked at her, "About the same as before from what I noticed."

She nodded and went back to her notepad.

Oh for…

I sighed and just moved over to look at the map of the area we were heading to. Not that it was especially useful, it was basically a blank roll of paper with coordinate lines on it. Oh, it had a mountain to one side, but other than that?

Just blank.

Never thought I'd miss satellites as much as I did right now. Just eight days from Canterlot and we were in basically uncharted territory.

...Okay, that wasn't fair. One, we were flying day and night faster than a pegasus could cruise. We'd actually covered a good amount of actual distance. Two, the area we were going to was honestly dangerous and filled with deadly predators.

So… far away from the center of Equestria combined with dangerous environments didn't exactly encourage exploration.

Humans might be attracted by that kind of thing but ponies? Not so much.

Speaking of danger, I should go check on the guard detachment and see how they were doing. I had a feeling that we might need them when we arrive and… well, maybe twenty guards was a bit low.

Or maybe that's just my paranoia.

Moon Dancer moved over to look at the map next to me and I looked to her,

"So, what was that entire 'measure the wings' thing?"

"To see if thestral flight capabilities matched pegasi," she said and looked at the map, "It seems like they are."

"I could have told you that. But I'm not the best example, I'm no more a pegasi than Midnight over there is a pegasus. Besides, I think my wings are a bit bigger than average."

"You are," Midnight confirmed, "As an alicorn you are approximately six percent bigger than the average male pegasus over all. But I can scale that and it doesn't matter that much as the rest of you are scaled to it."

I'm still growing. I knew that much too, I had caught up to Midnight and Sparks just before my batification. Nopony had no idea how big I would end up.

Celestia, Luna and Cadence seemed somewhat static like they were now. Would I end up as big as one of them? Considering I seem to be passing Sparks and Midnight, I suspected I'd be bigger than them at least. Or maybe I just grew faster for some reason.

What in the world would I do if I ended up with Celestia's stature?

"Does it help?" I asked, flicking my ear, "That seems… imprecise."

"No," Moon Dancer admitted with a sign, "Even if you think that a raiding party from a pegasus tribe might not like to wander more than a day or two from their homes, a pegasi can travel impressive distances in a day, even carrying potential plunder. I had hoped your flight capabilities would have been significantly worse."

"I guess we just have to do it the hard way then."
A few plural mismatches:
"To see if thestral flight capabilities matched pegasi,"
Or better: thestrals' […] pegasi's

a pegasus
"As an alicorn you are approximately six percent bigger than the average male pegasus over all. But I can scale that and it doesn't matter that much as the rest of you are scaled to it."
Does the square-cube law not apply, then?
a raiding party from a pegasus tribe
This seems correct, having singular in adjectival usage. "A unicorn tribe" not "A unicorns tribe", or
a pegasus
I'd want to change the lot to "pterippus" (winged horse) because Pegasus was a particular horse but that horse has flown the coop.
"Sir," Moonglow said and saluted as I joined her out on the deck of the airship. Despite her name, she wasn't either a hidden batpony or a unicorn, she was pure pegasus and with a white coat and silvery mane, a moon and sword cutiemark.

"Lieutenant Moonglow," I said with a smile and looked out over the grasslands beneath, "How's things?"

She put her hoof down on the deck again, "We're doing well, sir," she said and shifted her wings across her form fitting armour, "The girls are a bit restless, but we make do."

"Space is at a bit of a premium onboard, sadly," I said, "Sorry."

Moonglow shook her head, "We're making due, sir," she said again with a smile, "We're doing a lot of exercise, but it's hard for the earth ponies."

I nodded. They were so much stronger than being constrained like this made it difficult for them to work.

"Well, we should be there in a couple of days… the first spot at least," I said, "It's going to be a dangerous area."

Moonglow nodded, "Yes, sir. The briefing of possible creatures was worrying, but we'll set up a perimeter and a full guard rotation with shifts to keep the camp safe with fortifications."

"Let me know if I can help with lifting or something," I told her, "I do have a horn and not a lot of other duties."

She smiled and nodded, "Will do, sir," before she looked out towards the landscape, "We have slowed down."

I nodded, "I noticed and asked earlier. Apparently the weather scouts reported back that there is a storm ahead. We have slowed down to either let it pass by before us or find a way around."

Moonglow frowned, "We should have been informed. Every pegasus in the Legion has a valid weather licence."

"I'll talk to the Captain," I said, "Cooperation will be important for this expedition to go smoothly. But he might already have plenty of scouts, that's why he has weather scouts after all."

Weather may be carefully managed further into Equestria. This far out? Towns had their own weather teams, yes, but they only managed weather in the area around the towns and farms. Plenty of feral clouds around.

"Yes, sir," Moonglow said and flicked her ears. She sniffed the air and looked towards the way we were going, her wings half spreading and she spread her primary feathers wide, "...The wind and pressure is shifting."

"You can sense the storm?" I asked. I didn't feel anything. I suppose feathers really were better for some things.

Moonglow nodded, "I was a weatherpony before I joined, sir," she said, "Rain specialist. The storm is heading this way and if I can feel it before I see it, it's going to be a big one. If we're going to avoid it, we should likely start moving soon."

"I'm sure the Captain knows what he is doing," I said and then turned as the hatch opened for a crewpony to approach us.

The earth pony saluted, "My Lord," he said, "The Captain sent me to inform you that it may be a good idea to return to your quarters, we are about to get some turbulence in a few hours."

"Thank you," I said and nodded to him. He saluted again before quickly returning the way he came and I looked to Moonglow, "Seems like avoiding the storm isn't possible."

Moonglow nodded, "It's not visible yet, but if the wind isn't lying, it's going to be a big one. He might have found out that it's too wide for us to avoid. If that's the case, we should try to get as high as we can and try to get above it."

A moment later the large propellers started to turn faster and we started to pick up speed, raising higher through the air.

Moonglow nodded, "...I'd listen to him, sir," she said, "I'll go tell the troops to get ready and secure our equipment. With your permission?"

I nodded, "Go ahead."

Moonglow saluted and then turned and trotted back inside. I half spread my wings and tried to feel what she had.

I just felt wind. Maybe there was something I did lose when I got non-feathery parts. Or maybe it was the lack of experience and the fact that I knew about as much about weather work as I did about panda breeding.

Oh well.

Not like I ever planned that as a career and nobody could possibly know how to do everything. Shrugging my wings I refolded them again and looked towards the horizon. The sun was slowly setting in the distance and I raised my wing against the glare.

Celestia is lowering her sun somewhere in Canterlot right now. Soon Luna would raise her moon.

I miss my Luna. I miss Sunset.

It's only been a bit over a week but I still missed them.

Pushing that thought from my head, I turned and headed inside. Better head down and help secure the workshop in case it got bumpy and then make sure that my stuff was strapped down.

We're making due, sir
The phrase is 'making do' in modern English. Apparently way-back whenever both versions were equally prevalent - when spelling was more of an optional extra. Those times may yet come again, going by the media covfefe.

They were so much stronger than being constrained like this made it difficult for them to work.
Should be 'that' not 'than'?
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Okay, so I predict that the storm's gonna be worse than anticipated, breaking up the airship and scattering the various ponies across the jungle, and then the story will end and we'll find out what Hiver's next project is. I sense a story climax on its way; we'll see if I'm correct in the next few chapters, I think.
Okay, so I predict that the storm's gonna be worse than anticipated, breaking up the airship and scattering the various ponies across the jungle, and then the story will end and we'll find out what Hiver's next project is. I sense a story climax on its way; we'll see if I'm correct in the next few chapters, I think.
No, he said this story is a large one.
Okay, so I predict that the storm's gonna be worse than anticipated, breaking up the airship and scattering the various ponies across the jungle, and then the story will end and we'll find out what Hiver's next project is. I sense a story climax on its way; we'll see if I'm correct in the next few chapters, I think.
To be fair it's still possible that the course of event you just described will happen.
Day 8

It was a dark and stormy night. You know, i have written many books but I don't think I have ever used that one before. But this time it's fitting.

We reached the stormfront just after nightfall and the Captain had taken us as high as the airship would go. We're above the clouds, but the winds are still heavy and we're experiencing a lot of turbulence. Luckily we had plenty of warning from the weather scouts, it gave us plenty of warning to secure our belongings for a bumpy ride.

That didn't mean that we were't buffeted by it however and-


A tendril of cloud drifted past outside my cabin window and lightning flashed through the dark cloudlayer beneath us, lighting the clouds.

I glanced up from my journal as there was a loud rumble, the ship actually shaking slightly at that one. That was a big one.

So, so glad this ship was held up by magic floaty stuff instead of hydrogen.

Because that would have been bad. Explosively so.

Not that I was very happy about it in any case, but it's not like there was a lot we could do about it anyway. We had maybe thirty pegasus onboard that could work clouds. Not enough to affect a storm of this size.

There was another rumble and the ship shifted beneath me slightly before straightening again and I quickly caught my inkwell with my magic before it slipped off the table, putting a cork in it before putting it away.

"You okay, Amber?"

"I'm fine, sir," a voice answered, drifting out from beneath my bunk. I could just about see a pair of luminous eyes from the darkness there when I leaned down to peer in beneath it. Even with my eyes I could barely make her out in the pitch black darkness compared to the rest of my small cabin.

"You sure?"

"...Don't like this, sir."

I nodded, "I know. Don't worry, we'll be okay."

"...Yes, sir..."

Changelings didn't like open spaces in general and were the most comfortable in cramped underground spaces. Amber didn't like this. Like, at all.

Moving, dangerous, waaaay above ground, constricted rooms and way too many things that could go wrong and absolutely nothing she could do about it.

Basically a nightmare scenario for her and at the first thunderclash, she had retreated to beneath my bunk.

The ship shuddered beneath my hooves again and Amber kind of twitched in the darkness, her eyes retreating a bit further back into the darkness. She had to be pressed hard against the wall behind her at this rate or possibly having clawed her way halfway through it.

I frowned slightly, "You sure, Amber?"

"I-I'm fine, sir."

There really wasn't anything I could do to help either, instead I laid down on the floor just outside the bunk, "We're not going to be passing anywhere close to the old Jungle Hive," I commented, "That was much further east from here. Not even sure it's the same stretch of jungle."

"It was," Amber agreed after a moment.

I shifted my wings, "Is that's part of what worries you?" I asked her.

Amber shook her head, "...No, sir."

"There really is no danger, Amber. We're safe."

"We're in a metal box in the sky above a zzzeeetazz," Amber answered, slipping into old changeling for the last word.

That was one that I knew. It meant basically, 'sky ripping storm' or possibly 'hive killing sky' depending on context.

"...Okay, fair assessment," I admitted and shifted my wings, "But this ship is well built and Captain Jetstream and his crew know what they are doing."

"Don't trust them."

I frowned at her, "Why's that?"

"Don't know them, not of The Hive."

I flicked my ear, "A lot of ponies aren't. The other ponies onboard aren't either. Is Midnight or Moon Dancer? The Guard?"

"No. Don't trust them. But they belong to you."

"Amber, I'm not 'of the hive' either."

Her eyes blinked at me once in the darkness, "Yes you are."


I smiled at her, "Thank you," I said and shifted my wings, "Come on, let's see if we can't find someth-"

There was a crashing sound of ripping metal and I suddenly found myself slightly airborne for a split second before sliding sideways across the floor to smash into the legs of the table as alarms started to blare.
I suppose the question is: what's the damage. Given that it's metal ripping, I assume that its damage to the ships propulsion, rather than structural failure, since the hull of the airships were mostly wood.
Having them travel on hoof, while some ponies stay and fix the ship, would make for a more interesting story. More interaction with the wildlife.
Lizards? How about orcs... here we goez here we goez here we goez... Waaaag! Kidding, in mlp they would be pigs/wildboars.
What in the fuck!

I rolled with the slide, putting my hooves against the legs of the table to stop myself from hitting it with my back.

Alarms blared as Amber scrambled out from beneath my bunk, "Are we crashing!?" she asked, eyes wide.

The ship rocked beneath us and then tipped back to level. I rolled onto my hooves but stayed down, "...I don't think so. But something just went horribly wrong."

The ship didn't seem like it wanted to throw me across the room again and I very carefully got onto my hooves again, wings half spread for balance just in case.

"I don't like this!" Amber said and her eyes darted around the room.

"Not a huge fan either," I admitted over the sound of the blaring alarm, keeping on my hooves when the ship rocked slightly by using my wings, "Let's find out what happened."

I moved over and slid the door open, exiting my cabin. No smoke in the air and it didn't feel like we were falling. But I also didn't hear the engines anymore.

That's… bad.

An engineering pony came galloping the corridor and I quickly got out of her way. As much as I wanted to ask the earth pony what happened, she likely had way more important things to do than informing me.

She passed us at a full gallop towards the rear of the ship, tools clanking in her tool belt at every step.

But I needed to know what was going on. I glanced back at Amber, "Come on, let's go to the bridge."

Amber nodded, her eyes wide and her side firmly pressed against the wall of the corridor, her legs slightly bent.

I shifted and touched my wing to her side, "Come on."

She nodded again and then started to move.

It didn't take us long to get to the bridge but after dodging another five ponies galloping through the corridors on their way to their stations or duties.

The door to the bridge was already open and I entered, looking around.

"No power, Captain!" The unicorn by the wheel called back to the Captain, keeping a firm grip of the wheel with his hooves while working one of the levers with his magic, "Engines not responding."

A earth pony galloped past me and Amber directly to Captain Jetstream, "Captain! Report from the engine room."

"Well, speak up!" Jetstream said, barely sparing amber and myself a glance.

"Port engine is gone, we had a direct hit! The mana capacitor is cracked and it brought down the starboard engine with it. Engineer Sparkgap thinks she can get it working again, but it'll take days to fix the capacitor."

Jetstream nodded, "Can we siphon power from the lift system?"

The earth pony nodded, "Yes, but only for a couple of minutes before we start to lose altitude. Ten, fifteen at most."

"Captain!" The helms pony said, "It's getting mighty tricky keeping her into the wind without power!"

Jetstream stomped his hoof on the deck before he nodded once, turning back to the messenger, "Tell Sparkgap to get us hooked up for cross power transfer. If we start to drift, we might hit a mountain or get pulled into an airstream that can rip us apart. We have to land."

The messenger nodded and saluted before turning and galloping out from the bridge.

Jetstream spared us a glance now, "Lord Page, this might be a rough landing, we're well over the jungle by now, we have had a strong headwind. If you want to make yourself useful, alert Princess Midnight and the rest of the passengers."

I nodded, "That we can do. Midnight might have some ideas on how to keep us going."

"Find her."

I nodded again and looked to Amber, "We have to move fast. Think you can keep up?"

She pulled herself up straight and gave me a firm nod, "Yes sir!"

I shot her a smile and then I galopped out of the bridge. We had to find Midnight, if nothing else she would be able to teleport everypony down to the ground safely if it looks like we're about to crash. Moon Dancer too, she might have some good ideas about what we could do.

If you're on a crashing airship, make sure to do it with the smartest ponies you can onboard to help figure out a way out of it.

I was only a couple of meters away from the bridge when I literally ran into Midnight and we went into a pile on the deck.

"Page!" Midnight exclaimed as we unentangled ourselves, "What's going on!?"

"Engines took a hit!" I said, "One engine gone, one down with the mana capacitor damaged. Engineer is going to cross feed from the lift system!"

Midnight's eyes widened before she looked determined, "I'll help," she said and disappeared in a flash of a teleport.

I am so envious of that filly's skill at teleporting.
It doesn't have to be a crash at all, the amount of damage sets up the scene where they go on foot fine, and truthfully they should have enough Unicorns and Pegasi to be able to form a wind cushion so they can set it down gently. The ship requires a few weeks of repairs and they have to leave behind the engineers and a portion of the troops to guard it before continuing the mission.

I'm wondering if they'll run into another hive or a tribe of Thestrals who have never left the jungle and what they'll make of the group as it is not only composed of all the pony breeds but is lead by a Thestral Alicorn with his changeling companion.
It doesn't have to be a crash at all, the amount of damage sets up the scene where they go on foot fine, and truthfully they should have enough Unicorns and Pegasi to be able to form a wind cushion so they can set it down gently.
I think the problem isn't really the crash since like you said they should be able to land safely using magic, however they are still above a freak storm and if they keep losing altitude they will enter fully in it's area of effect.
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It doesn't have to be a crash at all, the amount of damage sets up the scene where they go on foot fine,
Sure, but
(whoa, it's dogbertcarroll)
the excursion is always set up so that it cannot leave immediately.

…though, on the other hand, Alicorn Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer are demonstrated to do serial crosscountry teleportations and not be exhausted from it, in canon.