Remnants of Team SV Reboot

It begins anew


Armed and Ready
OOC Link

One time, certain SV members were doing whatever. Maybe they were at school. Maybe they were at work. Maybe they were asleep. Maybe they're watching TV or even an episode of RWBY at home. Then, for a moment, all is dark.

Afterwards, they would suddenly find themselves somewhere else, as someone else. For some, it would be familiar scenery. For others, not so much.

Nonetheless, they may or may not have a good time.


You find yourself in what looks like a large tent. There are maps, masks and Dust containers, and this symbol happens to show up pretty often:


You open your eyes to find yourself within what looks like a sealed pod. At least it's somewhat comfortable.


You find yourself in an oriental-looking bar. Watching the news, drink in hand.

@samdamandias, @Estro

You find yourself in what looks like an abandoned warehouse. The sun shines through the few windows present. Roman is at the upper floor, seated in front of a desk, with various paperwork scattered on it. A map of Vale is hung on a graffitied wall to the side, with red markings on it. Neo is nearby, observing.

@shadow shinobi

You wake up alone, in a simple, nondescript apartment. Hand resting on a dagger hidden under your pillow. Your body relaxes when the only noise you hear is the cold wind outside.


You stand at attention before three figures shrouded in shadow. An odd description, given the room was stark white and well-lit. Next to you stood a burly man in a white and grey suit not too disimilar to Military formal dress. Behind him was a white-haired girl who elicted a feeling of shame from you everytime you looked at her.

@Rei of Sunshine, @UbeOne, @Lazy Coyote, @chiufan95, @CyanDies, @Sablonus, @Brightflame, @Birthday, @Tada Taro, @Sinistar, @Magnive, @Assembler, @Shadows, @Xalgeon

You find yourselves aboard an airship, and it's a relatively smooth ride so far. The view of the landscape outside can be easily seen from either the port or starboard side.

@Jhin Lemon

You find yourself on a similar airship flying over a barren desert, the sudden heat being enough to make you dizzy.

Weiss "o_o" Schnee​
Airship to Beacon, Vale

I go to sleep, having just finished watching the Weiss Character Short with my dad that night. Sure, I had already finished seeing the entire Volume Five before, but my dad hasn't, and it's a bonding moment for us. It's nice seeing Weiss being awesome once more, complete with choreography and music. She really looks like she's dancing while fighting, though some of the flourishes seem to be... more flashy than necessary.

I open my eyes, nearly losing my balance when I realize that I'm standing on the floor, not lying on my bed. While regaining my balance, I look down in the process. I'm fairly certain I don't wear Weiss's snowflaky dress, I mean combat skirt, at all, let alone to sleep, and why do I look like a girl? This isn't me at all! What's going on?

I look around. This is definitely not my room! Instead, it looks more like the cabin of an airplane, but where are the seats? There are semicircular windows, slanted at an obtuse angle, on either side of me with a view of the sky. One of those windows is right beside me. Ahead of me, meanwhile, is a large, brown, double door with two black and white emblems on either side, that of crossed axes. Wait, aren't those the symbol of the kingdom of Vale, the one from RWBY?

There are several people here, and for some reason, they seem a bit taller than me. Is everyone around here of significant height or something? Wait, that's Ruby and Yang! I'd recognize them anywhere! That red cloak! That mane of blonde hair! Crescent Rose! Ember Celica! But then, why am I in Remnant? Isn't that fictional?

This setup rings a bell; could this be an airship to Beacon? I remember what the interior looked like, and it looked like this. Those two sisters don't look like their timeskip selves, and I once roleplayed being the Grimm Reaper over there. What am I doing here, then?

A strand of white hair gets in my face, which I wave off. Wait, what, white hair? I swear I'm not that old! Yet to my right, on my peripheral vision, is... a long ponytail? I could feel its weight on the right side of my head. So, if by chance this is Remnant...

I look for a weapon on my side, and find a familiar silver sword clipped to my left, the same one I watched last night as it was used to dispose of Winter's summoned Beowolves. The four-pronged guard, the revolving cylinder, and the straight, tapering blade stand out to my eyes. That's clearly the Dust rapier, Myrtenaster! So, I look like a girl; I wear Weiss's bluish-white outfit; I carry that particular sword, her trademark weapon; I have a side ponytail of white hair, which she wears in defiance of her controlling father...

My eyes widen. Oh god, I've... I've become Weiss Schnee!

I look at the nearest window, the one right beside me. I could see my faint reflection, but it's not my face that is shown, but rather, that of Weiss's: feminine appearance, blue eyes, pale complexion, white hair and all, including that scar over her left eye. I trace it with my finger, and the image copies me. It feels so real... I don't know how or why, but... but that means... my loving family, they're not with me anymore... if I'm really the heiress now, then... who could I turn to? I'm stuck with people like Jacques, while Winter, like what she said, won't always be around...

I gaze at my mirrored visage, finding myself isolated from my loved ones, from what is familiar and safe... It's like the mirror is telling me something, telling me that I'm really in Weiss's shoes now, that I have to live her life, with all that it entails.

What should I do? It's starting to feel lonely in here...
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OOC Link

One time, certain SV members were doing whatever. Maybe they were at school. Maybe they were at work. Maybe they were asleep. Maybe they're watching TV or even an episode of RWBY at home. Then, for a moment, all is dark.

Afterwards, they would suddenly find themselves somewhere else, as someone else. For some, it would be familiar scenery. For others, not so much.

Nonetheless, they may or may not have a good time.


You find yourself in what looks like a large tent. There are maps, masks and Dust containers, and this symbol happens to show up pretty often:


You open your eyes to find yourself within what looks like a sealed pod. At least it's somewhat comfortable.​


You find yourself in an oriental-looking bar. Watching the news, drink in hand.​

@samdamandias, @Estro

You find yourself in what looks like an abandoned warehouse. The sun shines through the few windows present. Roman is at the upper floor, seated in front of a desk, with various paperwork scattered on it. A map of Vale is hung on a graffitied wall to the side, with red markings on it. Neo is nearby, observing.​

@shadow shinobi

You wake up alone, in a simple, nondescript apartment. Hand resting on a dagger hidden under your pillow. Your body relaxes when the only noise you hear is the cold wind outside.​


You stand at attention before three figures shrouded in shadow. An odd description, given the room was stark white and well-lit. Next to you stood a burly man in a white and grey suit not too disimilar to Military formal dress. Behind him was a white-haired girl who elicted a feeling of shame from you everytime you looked at her.​

@Rei of Sunshine, @UbeOne, @Lazy Coyote, @chiufan95, @CyanDies, @Sablonus, @Brightflame, @Birthday, @Tada Taro, @Sinistar, @Magnive, @Assembler, @Shadows, @Xalgeon

You find yourselves aboard an airship, and it's a relatively smooth ride so far. The view of the landscape outside can be easily seen from either the port or starboard side.​

@Jhin Lemon

You find yourself on a similar airship flying over a barren desert, the sudden heat being enough to make you dizzy.

Oscar "confused as fuck" Pine
Beacon Bullhead
Morning 10:00 AM

Metal...under my feet? Nothing supporting me? Light? This isn't my bed... I open my eyes and see people I've only really ever dreamt of meating.

Looking around like I always have, my head actually MOVED which broke whatever auto-pilot I was on. Suddenly having to contend with working muscles after 18 years of full-body paralysis isn't conductive to standing on a moving surface. My knees buckled under my weight as my leg muscles relaxed, causing me to topple as my body turned making my chin bounce off the metal floor.


"Ow!" A sharp pain lanced through my tongue and jaw... Wait, so this isn't a dream? Does that mean...

"...I'm free?"
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You stand at attention before three figures shrouded in shadow. An odd description, given the room was stark white and well-lit. Next to you stood a burly man in a white and grey suit not too disimilar to Military formal dress. Behind him was a white-haired girl who elicted a feeling of shame from you everytime you looked at her.
Jacques "oh crab frick why" Schnee

I stumbled in place a bit, the sudden shock going from being asleep and unconscious to sudddenly awake and standing up.
"Wha..." the feeling of vertigo made me hold my head trying to steady myself with....course hands? What...? I look down on myself seeing a white all around formal suit...
Jacques "oh crab frick why" Schnee

I stumbled in place a bit, the sudden shock going from being asleep and unconscious to sudddenly awake and standing up.
"Wha..." the feeling of vertigo made me hold my head trying to steady myself with....course hands? What...? I look down on myself seeing a white all around formal suit...
Seeing the man beside him stumble, James Ironwood reached out a steadying hand while tensing up. "Are you alright Jacques? You look pale. Specialist Schnee, check his drink."

Nodding, Winter walked over to a side table and sniffed her father's cup of tea. "It's clean Sir. No signs of tampering detected."
Airship to Beacon, Vale
Time Unknown

I am looking out of a window, viewing a forest. I do not know how I got here. I was at home one moment watching TV, and now I am here, where ever here is.

There are strands of blonde hair peaking at the top of my vision, I am a brunette. I inspect my self, I am now a woman judging by the size of my chest. And what a lovely Chest it is. I am apparently in the body of Yang Xiao Long Cosplayer.

There is another person here besides me, a young Woman. I guess she's a Ruby Cosplayer.

Choose your words wisely, try to speak In-Character as Yang Xiao Long.

"Hey sis, gotta go to the little Huntress' room." I say to the Ruby Cosplayer, leaving to find a bathroom.

Gah, that was terrible. Now she's gonna think I'm one of the pod people from invasion of the body snatchers.

@Rei of Sunshine
I fumble around, looking for a mirror. What I see confirms that something's off: apparently I am now some form of rabbit woman. I stop and look through the room, finding a document confirming that Velvet Scarlatina is returning to her second year at Beacon Academy.

While I didn't recognize the appearance, I did know both the name and the place. Beacon was the center of much of the early RWBY action, and Velvet had one of the cooler powers from said series. The fact that I was in RWBY was a little disheartening, as I had never actually watched the show; most of what I knew I'd picked up from wiki diving when trying to figure out which character I wanted to play as in a RWBY-themed game of forum Mafia. That said, I was apparently a second-year student at Beacon, where the protagonists learned how to be Huntsmen, and as such I should be in a position to observe and effect matters.

Experimentally, I began attempting some combat maneuvers, leaps, and hops. Everything was going well until I tripped over a box on the floor. A camera spilled out of it, and I hefted it, instinctively going to the picture gallery. There, I saw lots of photos of weapons, with a lot being of a form of machinegun. I realized that this had to be Velvet's weapon, and as such was how she copied the weapons of others.

The sound of footsteps seemed to come from nearby. I quickly stuffed the camera back in its box, slung it around my shoulder, and moved to the door. I apparently had Velvet's skills but not her memories, so I should be able to feign amnesia. Hopefully whoever it was was someone willing to help. If there was actually someone nearby and it wasn't my giant new ears playing tricks on me.
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You find yourself in what looks like a large tent. There are maps, masks and Dust containers

A hand drift towards a masked face, and laid there, sighing. "The only you is you, but am I sure, that the only me, is me?" Fingertips slipped under his mask, and he sighed at what he felt, chuckling sadly. Slowly, he swung his legs wide, shedding bedding and bed clothes, pitcher of water and cloth on a small table that he spotted near a handmirror. He did not want to look, but he knew he must. Removing the mask, and taking cloth, dipping into pitcher, brushing away last nights sleep as best he could, a quick birdbath to distract himself, the mirror laid face down beside. He nodded, at last ready. Taking the mask, and affixing back to face, he inhaled.Raised mirror to gaze upon, the man stared at masked face and crimson hair.

"There passes all hope of finding a life through Jacques Schnee's shed blood, and Willow Schnee's comfort. Passing strange, where lay rage at young feline's betrayal?" He laid the mirror back down, and the man inhabiting Adam Taurus set himself to dressing, before tsking. "So undignified with so short a hem. No pockets, nor warmth to be found." He gave a languid sigh, and sat down, reaching idly to find maps, and a journal beside, thumbing through such, eyes flicking along, and eliciting annoyed growl. "If you loved her so much, you daft fool, why would you lay such harm on what ideals she holds? Was she merely an object, or are you just incapable of being a man? Neither Love nor Courage in this one, I swear."

He sat on stool over map laid on low bench, frowning, and resting cheek on left balled fist, eyes closed as he ordered his thoughts, trying to reach deep to see if there was any remnants of Adam Taurus left, or if this new body was solely his alone.
You find yourselves aboard an airship, and it's a relatively smooth ride so far. The view of the landscape outside can be easily seen from either the port or starboard side.
//Jaune Arc - "We have a little tune that we always play for the ladies."//
A slow blink and a sip of bitter coffee as I stared into my computer screen, languidly typing a few words at a time. It was a few ideas for an RWBY Quest. Something nice and quaint that would rid me of my writer's block. Pushing the mug to my face hole I grunt as I find only a trickle of dark liquid land on my tongue. Deciding that if I passed out on my keyboard that'd be the end of it after all muse always skyrocketed when I was half-comatose. Glitch hop jazz thrumming in my ears I attempt to push my fingers harder onto the keys as I squint to keep awake.

Soon though, my eyelids felt heavier than the earth itself as my body slowly failed my will. My hand raises and my index finger slams onto the space key-

|"I've got the words..."|

-Before my eyes flip open as I feel myself lurch forward softly, a yelp nearly making it out of my throat before my breath catches, eyes catching sight of mops of brightly colored hair, my eyes catching sight of a certain bob of black and red. Blinking rapidly I feel a weight settle in my stomach as I recognize the cloak and eyes... unless I'd lost a good one hundred pounds and dyed my hair blond I couldn't imagine going to some sort of Rooster Teeth Con. Without much information, he plopped back into his seat holding his head as he felt the weight grow heavier.

"God, this'll make me hurl..." I murmur as I run a gloved hand through my new hair I notice Weiss was standing just opposite of me as she glanced back into the window. Humming I do the same looking back into the window finding a great view and my own reflection; barely seen in the light yet I could recognize the face I saw.

Jaune Arc. A small chuckle made it out of my throat as I give a grin to myself. 'Short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue, huh? Sounds like how my life will go here. Nice and short.' The weight only growing heavier I decide to try and lessen it by getting up and taking a seat next to the Ruby hopefully-a-cosplayer and give a wave as I begin to speak hopefully not sounding like I haven't had good social interaction for the last year, "Hey! Don't you look a bit young to be attending Beacon?" ...Now I just needed to try and keep from screwing any of my lore up. Dandy, truly.

@Rei of Sunshine
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You find yourselves aboard an airship, and it's a relatively smooth ride so far. The view of the landscape outside can be easily seen from either the port or starboard side.
My eyes flutter open, a yawn slipping past my lips as I rose from my seat--Funny, my voice sounded higher than usual. Looking around, everything seemed.. Stranger. Was it the fact I had woken up amongst some very realistic RWBY cosplayers and not a subway train to class, or that everything had become bigger? Definitely the latter.

I smack my lips, eyes darting from side to side. No hint of the roast beef and onion sandwich I had picked up from the local food truck--Sweetness instead. Syrup? I hated syrup. My eyes tear themselves away from the multicolored crew (Was that Oscar?) -And down to.. 'My', hands. Gloves. Fingerless. Pretty pale--Calloused though. Metal corset thing--Skirt?


I swallow, trying to moisten my mouth as it dries, body shaking and eyes widening as my hands instinctively fall to my hips--A grenade launcher. Magnhild. Magnhild? I didn't know Nora's weapon's name off the tip of my tongue--Two sets of memories collide, converging amidst the mind of the--Probably--Orange haired girl. I knew that Infinity War had just came out, this past weekend. Yet I also knew the feeling of ashes coating my body as Grimm rampaged through a half built city.

Nora slid back into her seat, licking her dry lips. Ren. Childhood friend. Together but not together-together.

..Maybe he wouldn't notice?
Seeing the man beside him stumble, James Ironwood reached out a steadying hand while tensing up. "Are you alright Jacques? You look pale. Specialist Schnee, check his drink."

Nodding, Winter walked over to a side table and sniffed her father's cup of tea. "It's clean Sir. No signs of tampering detected."
Jacques-!? I look up from the floor and my suit-oh. Oh..... That was...that was James Ironwood. And...Winter. But if what he said was true...

I blinked standing up to my full height as I looked away from the Specialist. I felt ashamed. She wouldn't want this man anywhere near her.

Jacques These two being here and...oh. Shadowy..people. I was...I was in Remnant...

Remnant. Fuck. This was....and I was now the most hated guy in the show. Next to Taurus. Oh damnit all....

I blinked focusing on looking the General in the eye, clearing my throat. "Yes. I was simply..light headee for a moment. Now, where were we?"

I stood at attention looking back forwards to the shadowy people, a feeling like ice in my heart...
I hoped this wasn't bad. Who were they...?
Jacques-!? I look up from the floor and my suit-oh. Oh..... That was...that was James Ironwood. And...Winter. But if what he said was true...

I blinked standing up to my full height as I looked away from the Specialist. I felt ashamed. She wouldn't want this man anywhere near her.

Jacques These two being here and...oh. Shadowy..people. I was...I was in Remnant...

Remnant. Fuck. This was....and I was now the most hated guy in the show. Next to Taurus. Oh damnit all....

I blinked focusing on looking the General in the eye, clearing my throat. "Yes. I was simply..light headee for a moment. Now, where were we?"

I stood at attention looking back forwards to the shadowy people, a feeling like ice in my heart...
I hoped this wasn't bad. Who were they...?
The middle figure spoke up. "Would you like a seat then Mr. Schnee?"
The middle figure spoke up. "Would you like a seat then Mr. Schnee?"
I blinked, surprised. Okay. That was..surprisingly generous offer. But...have to keep up appearances..
I did my best to hold my head up higher, straigten my back some more.
"No, that will not be necessary."

That seemed in character for the prick. Just....was I really in Remnant? How do i know this isn't some...dream?
Blake "Why do I have boobs" Belladonna
Beacon Airship

He stared at his phone, sitting on his bed as he tried to figure out what MLP fanfic he was about to try and write, the ideas in his head, usually so plentiful seeming to be missing.

Maybe... something with Greed from FMA? 'A Dragon's Greed' would work. He chewed on that idea for a bit, he had been wanting to try his hand at a dragon Fanfic, but Greed... just didn't seem right.

He shrugged, he might as well go back to 'A Good Life' and try to finish the latest-

He blinked, and suddenly he was sitting in the corner of an airship reading a book.

Almost instantly his adrenaline was pounding through his veins, the world focusing to a clarity that nothing else could match.

Doesn't... look like anything is attacking him, and he took stock of-


He wiggled.

They wiggled back.



Ignoring that clusterflock of a mental breakdown, he reached down and grabbed the sword looking thing that hung from his hip, bringing it up and looking at it.

Gambol Shroud. He'd recognize it anywhere, and he reached up to confirm his fears.

Gambol Shroud, Bow, Ears hidden under said bow, and clothes that he could only generously call 'rags'.

He, now a she, was Blake Belladona, going to Beacon for the first time, as evidenced by the shocks of red and yellow hair he could see in the middle of what he assumed to be the transport from the start of the series.

He gently closed his book, fishing into all his (her, it's her now) pockets, before bringing out a Scroll, opening it up to start browsing, best to learn it's functions now.

Wonder if remnant has FimFiction... probably just fanfiction, if even that.

He'd have to do his best to play the part for now, didn't want anyone getting suspicious.
I blinked, surprised. Okay. That was..surprisingly generous offer. But...have to keep up appearances..
I did my best to hold my head up higher, straigten my back some more.
"No, that will not be necessary."

That seemed in character for the prick. Just....was I really in Remnant? How do i know this isn't some...dream?
Nodding, the figure resumed. "Very well. As you all no doubt are aware; The White Fang have been rather silent as of late in all the Kingdoms. We have reason to believe the Atlas cells are making a resurgence, starting with a recruitment drive headed by the local Cell Leader; Bhalo Biru, a Mistrali Bear Faunus. As this is not yet a military matter, we would like to hear your thoughts first Mr. Schnee."
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Amber Eoghan
??? (Vault, Beacon, Vale)
??? (Morning?)

I skim through the update, only half-reading it. It had potential, but the format made it difficult to focus on. Next post. Skim... Darkness.

A hall, pillars stretching down the sides, lit by pale green torches, viewed through a plate of thick glass.


I...the thief. That white glove, that Grimm bug, the sensation of something being ripped out of my soul... Cinder.

Well, at least I know where I am now? The thought brings surprisingly little happiness. On the one hand, magic! On the other, Cinder, and her vile glove.

I would have to kill her, of course. That thought brings forth only a little revulsion, though less surprisingly so than before. Nothing of value would be lost from her death, and the only other reason not to do so is fear. I take pride in cowardice, but not only am I safer the faster she dies, here I need not fear the legal repercussions that might otherwise incite me to refrain. My decision has absolutely nothing to do with what she did to me. Nothing whatsoever.

... Yeah, I didn't believe that either. But now I know who she is.
My face twists into a brief smile, thin and spiteful. Black Queen, I believe that makes this check.

I reach up, pushing the glass lid off with a few seconds' effort. I stumble slightly as I stand, my body unaccustomed to movement. Maybe I shouldn't have done that? No, I'm fine, and that might have alerted Ozpin. I have no idea how to get out of here myself. Can I just use the elevator?

I stretch briefly. I'm not sure it'll be enough to fully recover my balance, but it should help. As I do so, I return to a tangential thought, I wonder how the life-support even works. There weren't any tubes or needles. Maybe some kind of stasis or maybe transfusion through aura? I might ask...but there are more important things to worry about.

My balance mostly restored, I begin the long walk towards the other end of the hall.
Penny "Well isn't this nice?" Polendina

I strained and pulled and cursed on that blasted pipe wrench - the firemain line was leaking from the valve we'd installed recently, and it was really chafing, being here at this ungodly hour of eight at night. I was tired, and more importantly I was done.

"I'm about to do something really, really stupid." I warned the others. I used the locked pipe wrench as leverage, and crawled up the side of the officer's locker, planting my feet into the overhead with one hooked around a stanchion, and the other around a pipe. My head and torso were quite a bit closer to the ground than the rest of me.

"You're about to break your fuckin' neck." FC1 offered.

"I call her wallet." my fellow 2nd class said from the doorway.

"I'm insured. I break my neck, my siblings don't have to worry about student loans. Win-win for everybody." I muttered, and hauled on the wrench with every ounce of force my compact frame could manage.

Which turned out to be enough to get another quarter turn on the fitting - and enough to stop the leak.

"Got it!" I shouted.

"Great, now get down without dying." FC1 said. I grabbed the pipe near my head (Navy overheads have pipes everywhere), unhooked my legs and walked out, swinging my way back to the ground.

"Ta-da!" I said, and struck a pose. Then... well, then, something like nausea came over me, and I stumbled.

"You alright?"

I swayed in place, and looked at FC1. "FC1, I don't feel so good..."

The ground rushed up to meet me.


I opened my eyes and found myself in a most unfamiliar place, and looked a..rou...nd.

What the deuce?

There were a lot of very strangely... if familiarly... dressed people here.

I looked at my hands. They were smaller, and little grey ruffs covered my wrists. My eyes followed the ruff... up and up until my neck didn't allow it anymore. I knew this outfit very well.

Also, that was the point at which I noticed the readouts and displays hovering in my vision.

"Oh, sensational!"
Cinder "Evil Queen" Fall

Here I was minding my own business about to go to sleep after a long day. Right when I closed my eyes. I was transported. It felt strange. . . If I was forced to describe it I would say it was dizzying. I was pulled in multiple ways by invisible forces and suddenly these forces worked together to wrap me with myself.

Suddenly I was gone.


Then I was standing, kinda. I seemed elevated and not the you are hovering sort of elevated but more the your feet, specifically the heels and middle, were off the ground.

For a second I thought I would fall on my face, I even waved my arms for a second to stop myself. Suddenly, I knew how to stand with this cursed heels almost like you walked with these heels since you were horned. You glcoukd walk with them, run with them, hell you can probably dance with them!

But, that wasn't the only thing you suddenly 'remembered'. You remembered your semblance, your fight with Amber, where and why you are where you are, and finally your name. Cinder Fall.

Apparently you are now in the world of Remnant specifically Mistral. You are also a female, which you weren't a few moments ago, madwoman who wants to be strong, feared, and powerful.

Finally, deciding on your first meaningful action beside you 'remembering' who you are. You asked, "How long is he gonna make us wait?"
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Cinder "Evil Queen" Fall

Here I was minding my own business about to go to sleep after a long day. Right when I closed my eyes. I was transported. It felt strange. . . If I was forced to describe it I would say it was dizzying. I was pulled in multiple ways by invisible forces and suddenly these forces worked together to wrap me with myself.

Suddenly I was gone.


Then I was standing, kinda. I seemed elevated and not the you are hovering sort of elevated but more the your feet, specifically the heels and middle, were off the ground.

For a second I thought I would fall on my face, I even waved my arms for a second to stop myself. Suddenly, I knew how to stand with this cursed heels almost like you walked with these heels since you were horned. You glcoukd walk with them, run with them, hell you can probably dance with them!

But, that wasn't the only thing you suddenly 'remembered'. You remembered your semblance, your fight with Amber, where and why you are where you are, and finally your name. Cinder Fall.

Apparently you are now in the world of Remnant specifically Mistral. You are also a female, which you weren't a few moments ago, madwoman who wants to be strong, feared, and powerful.

Finally, deciding on your first meaningful action beside you 'remembering' who you are. You asked, "How long is he gonna make us wait?"
Not looking away from where she was practicing her aim on random boxes, Emerald Sustral replied. "He said he'll be busy today. It's the first day of term for the Huntsmen Academies, remember?"
Jacques Schnee
Well Shit

Nodding, the figure resumed. "Very well. As you all no doubt are aware; The White Fang have been rather silent as of late in all the Kingdoms. We have reason to believe the Atlas cells are making a resurgence, starting with a recruitment drive headed by the local Cell Leader; Bhalo Biru, a Mistrali Bear Faunus. As this is not yet a military matter, we would like to hear your thoughts first Mr. Schnee."
Shit. Hitting me with a hard choice right from the start..
"Yes. Well..." while thinking of my response, I tried pinching my arm-ow. Okay...that actually hurt....
Dammit. Okay. If this wasn't a dream...I can guess what Jacques would say. But. I don't think I want to say it....
But if I act all different...they'd get suspicious. Damn it all to heck. And this isn't even mentioning the company. If I was in power now...I could change things. Help people. Stop more anger in the Faunus...stop there being more hurt kids like Illia. But coming from the man I was now...

No. No one would accept it. Frick it all how was I supposed to do anything...?
But that would have to come later. They'd be expecting an answer. I force the words out,trying to put as much of a sneer on my face as possible. Just...think of Adam and Cinder. Imagine I'mtalking doen to them...
"Well, the answer should be rather obvious. We should stop these...terrorists, from recruiting more people, causing more mayhem for the fine people of Remnant. Espacially all of us here in Atlas. Perhaps find this....Biru, you said? He seems to be a potential problem."

I was surprised at the actual vitriol in my voice at the word terrorists. I guess...all I knew was Adam's White Fang. The ones who had ruined Beacon, threatened lives, lost Yang her arm,made Weiss' life miserable through her shitty father. For what? Anger? Idiots....
Not looking away from where she was practicing her aim on random boxes, Emerald Sustral replied. "He said he'll be busy today. It's the first day of term for the Huntsmen Academies, remember?"

"Yes Emerald I remember." I said. It seems that some of these memories come faster than others. Oh well let's see if you can make fire out of thin air like Cinder seems to be able to do.

After a few tries the fire comes to life on your palm. It also seems that the fire doesn't harm you in any way. A obvious one considering how often Cinder uses it but one you are happy to know any way.

You then practiced with the Fire Manipulation for a while until either yohcan control it as easily as your hands or until Lionheart shows up.
Amber Eoghan
Vault, Beacon, Vale
??? (Morning?)

I finally reach the elevator, wrapping my arms around myself after pressing the button. I would warm myself with my powers, but who knew how they had been affected. Though it left me feeling almost empty to do so, it would be best to avoid using them until I had spoken to Ozpin. All the ore reason to do so quickly.

A minute later, the elevator dinged, and I stepped inside and pressed the button for Ozpin's office. There was no reason to put it off, though I do wish I had better clothes.

Now to see Ozpin. I hope he's not busy.

The doors swing open.
Jacques Schnee
Well Shit

Shit. Hitting me with a hard choice right from the start..
"Yes. Well..." while thinking of my response, I tried pinching my arm-ow. Okay...that actually hurt....
Dammit. Okay. If this wasn't a dream...I can guess what Jacques would say. But. I don't think I want to say it....
But if I act all different...they'd get suspicious. Damn it all to heck. And this isn't even mentioning the company. If I was in power now...I could change things. Help people. Stop more anger in the Faunus...stop there being more hurt kids like Illia. But coming from the man I was now...

No. No one would accept it. Frick it all how was I supposed to do anything...?
But that would have to come later. They'd be expecting an answer. I force the words out,trying to put as much of a sneer on my face as possible. Just...think of Adam and Cinder. Imagine I'mtalking doen to them...
"Well, the answer should be rather obvious. We should stop these...terrorists, from recruiting more people, causing more mayhem for the fine people of Remnant. Espacially all of us here in Atlas. Perhaps find this....Biru, you said? He seems to be a potential problem."

I was surprised at the actual vitriol in my voice at the word terrorists. I guess...all I knew was Adam's White Fang. The ones who had ruined Beacon, threatened lives, lost Yang her arm,made Weiss' life miserable through her shitty father. For what? Anger? Idiots....
The figure on the left speaks up. "And what do you intend to do with Biru once he's captured? Throw him in your mines? It's that kind of attitude that caused this mess in the first place Mr. Schnee."
Weiss "You gotta be kidding me" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Oscar "confused as fudge" Pine
Beacon Bullhead
Morning 10:00 AM

Metal...under my feet? Nothing supporting me? Light? This isn't my bed... I open my eyes and see people I've only really ever dreamt of meating.

Looking around like I always have, my head actually MOVED which broke whatever auto-pilot I was on. Suddenly having to contend with working muscles after 18 years of full-body paralysis isn't conductive to standing on a moving surface. My knees buckled under my weight as my leg muscles relaxed, causing me to topple as my body turned making my chin bounce off the metal floor.


"Ow!" A sharp pain lanced through my tongue and jaw... Wait, so this isn't a dream? Does that mean...

"...I'm free?"

The sound of someone hitting the floor and crying out in pain gets my attention, causing me to turn my head towards the source. The originator of the sound turns out to be... a boy with tan complexion, who is even younger than Ruby, and wearing white, brown and orange clothes that wouldn't look out of place in a farm?

I blink. What's Oscar doing here?! It's way too early for him to show up. He should be raising crops in Mistral!

Anyway, I might as well help him up, so I go over there to do so. However, my steps feel a bit unsteady, as if my sense of balance needs a little work. I would blame these lady stilts I happen to be wearing, but for some reason, it also feels as if I've worn heels more often than this.

I extend a hand to him. "Are you all right?" I ask, my feminine voice sounding familiar, yet strange at the same time from my lips.

You know, unless Ozpin's successor is also a special case like Ruby, he really shouldn't be here. He's like a younger Jaune right now. If anything, he'd be better off at Signal.

Penny "Well isn't this nice?" Polendina

I opened my eyes and found myself in a most unfamiliar place, and looked a..rou...nd.

What the deuce?

There were a lot of very strangely... if familiarly... dressed people here.

I looked at my hands. They were smaller, and little grey ruffs covered my wrists. My eyes followed the ruff... up and up until my neck didn't allow it anymore. I knew this outfit very well.

Also, that was the point at which I noticed the readouts and displays hovering in my vision.

"Oh, sensational!"

That quote. That voice. I glance at that direction, and see a certain ginger-haired girl wearing grey and green, a certain synthetic someone who should be with Atlas's general at around this time.

I blink once more. You gotta be kidding me! Penny's here too?!
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Amber Eoghan
Ozpin's office, Beacon, Vale


Well, that was anticlimactic.

A quick glance around the room fails to find a chair besides the headmaster's own. As much as I want a place to sit, that might rather give the wrong impression. No idea why he doesn't have other chairs. He even has a table.

A quick walk over to the window next. Ironwood's fleet isn't there. That narrows down the timeline a bit.

A brief pause. Should I try somewhere else? No, better to just wait here. A quick glance at his desk - I know the thing has holograms, but have no idea how to use it. Oh well.

I wait, pacing around the room. Even tired as I am, my aura can keep me on my feet for a while, especially if I'm not standing still. If I get too tired, I'll just sit down. For now, I need to think. RWBY was not a series I had memorized obsessively, but I could remember most of it. I just needed to be sure I wouldn't forget. Although.... Would it even be that useful, considering my awakening? That alone would change both masterminds' plans dramatically. And that assumed this world even followed what I knew. Better, then, to rely on my own memories of Remnant.