State of the Scarlet Realm
Scarlet Population:
Humans: 10 000
Youkai: 7 500
Fairy: 20 000
Reserves: Will defend the dynasty with their lives if asked too, but are not dedicated soldiers and won't receive the same benefits and bonuses the army does.
-15 000- Fairies (The bottom rung of Gensokyo's population fairies are weak, stupid, numerous and fearless. Low attack, Low Defense, Average Mobility, Very High Morale. Special: Immortal)
Army List:
Melee Infantry
-2 500- Fairy Maid Warriors (Tasked with looking after the Scarlet Devil Mansion and equipped with simple spears the fairy maids are slightly better than their wild counterparts. Below Average Attack, Low Defense, Average Mobility, Very High Morale. Special: Immortal)
-1 500- Hobgoblins (A breed of youkai once brought to Gensokyo to help the human village they were driven out and taken in by the Scarlet Devil's Mansion. Average Attack, Average Defense, Average Mobility, Below Average Morale.)
Ranged Infantry
-2 500- Fairy Maid Archers (Tasked with looking after the Scarlet Devil Mansion and equipped with simple bows the fairy maids are slightly better than their wild counterparts. Below Average Attack, Low Defense, Average Mobility, Very High Morale. Special: Immortal)
-1 000- Little Devils (Demons Patchouli summoned to look after her library the strongest of which being Koakuma they are adept at simple offensive magic. Above Average Attack, Average Defense, Average Mobility, Average Moral. Special: Offensive Magic)
Elite Units
(Will be using gold for simplicity's sake)
Treasury: 8 400 Gold
Tribute: None
Army Upkeep: 500 Gold per turn
Mining Income: 0
Farming Income: 0
Lumber Income: 0
Fishing Income: 0
Hunting Income: 0
Trading Income: 0
Net Income: -500
Economic Status of the Scarlet Empire: Non-Existent
Political Status:
The Scarlet Devil Mansion: Loyal
Gensokyo Humans: Fearful
Gensokyo Youkai: Fearful
Food Situation:
Current- Deficit
Types of Food Situations:
Massive Surplus
Huge Surplus
Large Surplus
Small Surplus
Slight Deficit
Large Deficit (People Begin Starving)
Huge Deficit (Half of Population is Starving)
Massive Deficit (All of Population is Starving).