[x] Skip the socialization. (Will also skip to the next day.)
-[x] Attempt to get Melinda to invest in a timeshare and pyramid scheme.
//Just want to apologize for the current delay. Life stuff + writer's block has been taking my focus away from this quest for a bit.
//Will try to have something up by the end of the week.
//Sorry for the delay.
//Writing social is suffering...
[X] Do not.

The next several minutes were spent waiting. Until you finally hear a knock on the door. Answering it, you're greeted to the sight of team JXMN.

"Hey!" you smile, "So uh... I don't know if the fish is ready yet, but I guess we could just hang out in here in the meantime." you say as you invite them inside.

"That is fine." Pyrrha nods as she steps in, "So how was your team's day?"

"Well, other than fishing, Weiss helped me with my Semblance. I learned that it's compatible with Dust, but it causes my familiars to take on a different form when it happens, which is kinda strange, but cool. What about you guys?"

"We sparred for a while." Melinda speaks up, "After that we 'studied' in the library."

"What do you mean?" You tilt your head at Melinda's use of air quotes.

"Pyrrha was actually studying, Jaune was reading a comic until Pyrrha noticed, Yang was being herself, and I couldn't care less about the subject."

"You really shouldn't shirk your studies." Pyrrha cautions.

"Bite me, Nikos. I came here to become a huntress, not learn about history."

At this time, you notice Jaune casually stroll up to Weiss, "So, Snow Angel, what did you do today?"

"Please excuse me, I'm going to see what Coral and Blake are up to." Weiss immediately makes an exit.

Jaune sighs as another set of knocks ring out from the door. Answering it, you see Team RRAN assembled outside the door.

"Hey guys." you smile.

"Sorry if we're a little late." Ruby shifts.

"You're not. You're actually a little early. Come in!"

You let your other neighbors inside and allow them to mingle. It feels a bit crowded in the main room now...

"So when's the fish party starting?" Nora questions.

"Nora, this isn't a party." says Ren.

"But we have so many people in here!"

"You know, we should totally throw a party in one of our rooms sometime." Yang suggests.

"Why not in here?"

"I-I don't think Weiss would approve..." you say, "If we did throw one, wouldn't one of your Dorms be better?"

"I mean our dorm would be fun, but--"

"I refuse to subject my scientific equipment to the presence of more stupidity." Argent protests.

"--Mr. Boring-pants here would whine!" Nora frowns, "Wait. What do you mean by more stupidity!?!"

"Guys, not now, please..." Ruby sighs.

"So I guess that leaves our dorm, then!" Yang grins.

"...Yeah, I'm not cleaning up whatever mess you bring to our dorm if we go through with this." Melinda states.

"Our dorm?" Jaune questions, "I mean, it could work, I guess, but I don't know the first thing about hosting parties."

"Just leave it to me! I have a lot of ideas already." Yang pumps a fist.

"Er... Sorry for saying this, but if I may, I don't think Beacon would approve of us throwing a party in one of the dorms." Pyrrha speaks up.

"Come to think of it, the neighbors might complain about the noise too..." Ruby slumps a bit.

"THE FISH IS READY!" Coral practically shouts from the other room, cutting off the conversation. Signalling that it was time for this impromptu fish dinner to commence.

"Absolutely not!" Weiss frowns from her seat, "Do you realize how much trouble we could be in if we went through with that?"

"Aw, come on, Ice Queen. It's just a party!" Yang smirks.

"A party that I'd rather not involve myself or my teammates with!"

"Aw, but the idea sounds so fun!" Coral pouts.

"Not helping..."

"I don't think Beacon would let you get away with it either." Blake speaks up after swallowing a mouthful of fish.

"That's what Pyrrha said." Yang responds, "But it's still something to think about."

"...Maybe we won't get caught if we don't make a lot of noise?" Ruby suggests.

"Where's the fun in that!" Nora frowns.

"I'd imagine a quiet gathering would be enjoyable to an extent." says Argent.

"No one asked you!"

"Don't rich people have quiet parties all the time?" Coral asks, causing everyone to stop and look at Weiss.

"...Really?" the girl in question frowns.

"So Weiss, have you been to a rich person party?" Ruby asks, "Are they fun?"

"I highly doubt it would be your definition of 'fun'."

"...So you have been to one?"

Weiss sighs.


"So you caught all of these fish yourself, Coral?" Ruby questions after the conversation shifts topics.

"Yep, speared them with my trusty Rat-a-tat!" Coral holds up her submachine trident to demonstrate.

"...You named your weapon Rat-a-tat..." Melinda gives her a blank stare.

"Yeah, so?"

"That has to be the stupidest weapon name I've ever heard..."

"It's not that bad, really." you defend Coral, "I'm pretty sure there are sillier weapon names out there."

"Really? Like what?" Melinda crosses her arms

"I don't know... uh... maybe 'Magic Sword'?"

"Who names their weapon that!?"

"Guys! Guys!" Ruby cuts in, "I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as a stupid weapon name, I'm sure Coral just has uh... unique naming sense?"

"...Yeah, not buying it."

"Oh! I bet Argent's flintlock dagger thing has a dumb name!" Nora volunteers.

"Rustic Paradigm is not a, quote unquote, 'dumb name'." Argent frowns.

"Anyway..." Pyrrha tries to steer the conversation back on rails, "You said you speared them, Coral?"

"Yep!" she nods, unfurling her weapon into its trident mode.

Melinda blinks, "...Couldn't you have used that mode against Ruby earlier?"

"I'm bad at melee." Coral shrugs.

"It can't be that much different than spearfishing." the snake faunus scoffs.

"Ohoho yes it is!"

"Just pretend your opponent is a fish!"

"It's not that easy!"

"I'm sure you'll get better at it in time." you say.

"Maybe, but I'll just stick to my SMG and bubbles for now." Coral smiles while creating a small stream of bubbles over her hand.


Some time later everyone finishes their dinner and you find the conversation winding down.

"That was fun." says Ruby, "Maybe we should hang out like this again sometime?"

"Maybe next time we can do a movie night?" Jaune suggests.

"Oh! That sounds nice! What movie?" Coral asks.

"Well, uh... I don't know, it was just a suggestion."

"I'm sure we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Pyrrha reassures.

"Oh! Maybe we can play Truth or Dare next time!" Nora cuts in.

"Really...?" Melinda frowns.

"We can probably decide the next time we have a get-together like this." you say, "So see you all tomorrow, then?"

After receiving varying acknowledgements, both teams leave your dorm. Weiss promptly collapses on a bed as soon as everyone leaves. You take a moment to get changed and have a quick shower, before stretching your wings after keeping them cooped up all day. After a few stretches and joint popping flaps, you ponder what to do next...

[] Sleep. (Starts the next day.)
[] Start a conversation. (Choose at least one, specify a subject.)
-[] Weiss
-[] Blake
-[] Coral
[X] Start a conversation. (Choose at least one, specify a subject.)
-[X] Coral
--[X] Talk about fishing.
[O] Start a conversation. (Choose at least one, specify a subject.)
-[O] Blake
--[O] So about the smut...

[X] Start a conversation. (Choose at least one, specify a subject.)
-[X] Coral
--[X] Talk about fishing.
[x] Start a conversation. (Choose at least one, specify a subject.)
-[x] Weiss
--[x] About if she's asleep yet and then about why she thinks people even need to sleep in the first place.
3.5/4.0 (Dawn of Day 4)
//Sorry for the looong delay. Had some life stuff going on.

[X] Start a conversation. (Choose at least one, specify a subject.)
-[X] Coral
--[X] Talk about fishing.

"Hey Coral?" you say as you plop onto your bed.

"Yeah?" Coral sits up.

"I just want to let you know that today was nice. We should totally go fishing again sometime."

Coral's eyes light up, "Yeah! And maybe next time we can drag Weissy along with us!"

"Not interested." Weiss speaks up from across the room.

"Aw, c'mon. Three quarters of the team got to experience it!" Coral pouts.

"I'm still not interested."

"One day, Weiss. One day you'll see the light!"

A moment of silence passes before the conversation continues, "S-So uh... were the fish you caught today any different than what you'd catch back home?" you ask.

"Oh yeah, very different!" Coral nods, "Those temperate water fish are less colorful and generally bigger than most of the tropical fish I catch back home. It was still fun to catch them, though."

"I can imagine, with you hunting them with a trident and all."

"Hmm... want to try it next time? I could probably put a bubble around your head so you can breathe longer..." she taps her chin in thought.

"I don't know. Probably not." you say, "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that... uh..." you fidget uncomfortably for a moment, "...I can't swim..."

"...Really?" Coral blinks.

"W-Well, my wings would just get in the way in the water," you explain, "plus I'm from Atlas. I-It's not exactly a swimming pool climate..."

"I could teach you then!" Coral bounces on her bed enthusiastically, "I don't think your wings would be too much of a problem, I've seen shorebirds dive into the water back home and come out fine!"

"I'm not a shorebird, though. I'm a vulture faunus."

"I mean the concept should be the same...? You should at least consider it, Beacon Buddy. You'll never know when you'd need to swim."

"I'll think about it." you say.

Coral lets out a yawn, "Well I'm going to go to bed, see you in the morning!"

"Good night." you smile, before tucking yourself in as well.

Within moments, you allow yourself to drift off...


You find yourself in the middle of a floating ruin before a golden mirror. Off the side of the ruin you see a beautiful world below you, one that radiates a familiar feeling of warmth you once felt in a black void. As you reach towards the world below, the mirror begins to shake, and a masked figure steps forth from it. You can't make out anything out other than the mask as they seem to be blurred. You attempt to greet the figure, but before you can even speak to it, it attacks. Acting on instinct, you summon a familiar to defend yourself, but find yourself surprised as the familiar adopts a form that resembles a darker, masked Pyrrha for some reason.

"Pyrrha" duels with the mysterious figure, ultimately defeating it and kicking it into the mirror, which promptly shatters.

Thanking your friend, you turn your attention back to the world below, only for a group of four lights to suddenly fly towards you, each one a Schnee Glyph colored pink, green, yellow, and red respectively. You watch as the lights surround the mirror and restore it from its cracked state and releasing the figure imprisoned within. The figure then tosses its sword at the pink glyph, causing the blade to transform into a golden version of Weiss's rapier, which is then thrusted at your heart.

Staggering away, you attempt to attack the glyphs, but to no avail. You are soon slashed across the eye, causing you unimaginable searing pain. However, you remain standing, and in desperation spread your wings in an attempt to escape as the blood from your injured eye oozes down your cheek. Looking back, you spot the glyphs pursuing you. Try as you may, you are unable to get away, and the last thing you feel is them colliding with you.

You hit the floor with a loud thud. It seems you rolled off your bed in your sleep.

The light streaming in through the window suggests that it's morning, so without further ado you prepare for the day ahead...

[] Wing it (Day will progress slowly, with many voting options being presented before and between classes)


Pick two after school plans. Events that occur before and between classes will be abridged.

[] It's the third day of classes. You should probably train with your team.
-[] Focus on Teamwork.
-[] Focus on improving your ranged skills
-[] Focus on improving your melee skills
-[] Practice your Semblance.

[] Explore town. (???)
-[] Take teammate(s) with you (Specify which teammate(s))
-[] Go alone.

[] Head to the CCT and call your family. It might be nice to see how they're doing.
-[] Bring any of your teammates but Weiss with you? (Specify who.)
-[] This is something you should do alone.

[] Hang out with another team.
-[] RRAN
-[] JXMN
-[] Both

[] (Write-in?)
[X] It's the third day of classes. You should probably train with your team.
-[X] Focus on Teamwork.

[X] Head to the CCT and call your family. It might be nice to see how they're doing.
-[X] This is something you should do alone.
You find yourself in the middle of a floating ruin before a golden mirror. Off the side of the ruin you see a beautiful world below you, one that radiates a familiar feeling of warmth you once felt in a black void. As you reach towards the world below, the mirror begins to shake, and a masked figure steps forth from it. You can't make out anything out other than the mask as they seem to be blurred. You attempt to greet the figure, but before you can even speak to it, it attacks. Acting on instinct, you summon a familiar to defend yourself, but find yourself surprised as the familiar adopts a form that resembles a darker, masked Pyrrha for some reason.

"Pyrrha" duels with the mysterious figure, ultimately defeating it and kicking it into the mirror, which promptly shatters.

Thanking your friend, you turn your attention back to the world below, only for a group of four lights to suddenly fly towards you, each one a Schnee Glyph colored pink, green, yellow, and red respectively. You watch as the lights surround the mirror and restore it from its cracked state and releasing the figure imprisoned within. The figure then tosses its sword at the pink glyph, causing the blade to transform into a golden version of Weiss's rapier, which is then thrusted at your heart.

Staggering away, you attempt to attack the glyphs, but to no avail. You are soon slashed across the eye, causing you unimaginable searing pain. However, you remain standing, and in desperation spread your wings in an attempt to escape as the blood from your injured eye oozes down your cheek. Looking back, you spot the glyphs pursuing you. Try as you may, you are unable to get away, and the last thing you feel is them colliding with you.

Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, from the perspective of Dark Mind.

[X] It's the third day of classes. You should probably train with your team.
-[X] Focus on Teamwork.

[X] Head to the CCT and call your family. It might be nice to see how they're doing.
-[X] This is something you should do alone.
It's time for your regularly scheduled Dream Sequence, this time: Amazing Mirror Edition! (Don't forget that Void can summon Dark Mind's mirrors in the, appropriately named, attack Dark Mind Laser. It wouldn't be too broken or complex for Violet to summon one at some point, even without the laser.)
[X] It's the third day of classes. You should probably train with your team.
-[X] Focus on Teamwork.

[X] Head to the CCT and call your family. It might be nice to see how they're doing.
-[X] This is something you should do alone.
[X] It's the third day of classes. You should probably train with your team.
-[X] Focus on Teamwork.

[X] Head to the CCT and call your family. It might be nice to see how they're doing.
-[X] This is something you should do alone.
[X] It's the third day of classes. You should probably train with your team.
-[X] Focus on Teamwork.

[X] Head to the CCT and call your family. It might be nice to see how they're doing.
-[X] This is something you should do alone.

After spending the morning getting ready, you and your team proceeded to attend classes. Port's class proceeded as normal, that is, everyone being bored to death by one of his stories. Though at least this time he brought in a beowolf for demonstration and randomly picked one of your classmates to face off against it, mitigating the effects of the main lecture somewhat...

Nothing noteworthy happened at breakfast aside from some casual conversation. Peach's class was at least mildly interesting. Sure it was a lab about mixing Dust and dust properties, but it was definitely a far cry from Port. There was even a minor explosion or two in the back somewhere when some people mixed the Dust improperly or otherwise horsed around with it. Thankfully the amount of Dust you all were working with was small enough that it didn't cause a chain reaction with the neighboring tables. Peach still ended up putting a couple people on "The List" for that, though.

As always, you can barely keep up with the pace of Oobleck's class, but you somehow manage to get through it. You do catch that Cardin guy picking on Jaune again as they left the classroom. When you were sure the former was far enough away, you approached Jaune and again questioned if he was okay. He again insisted that he was fine...

Nobody on your team was called up during Combat Class today. The people that were selected to spar had their strategies examined and criticized by Professor Goodwitch, with her occasionally addressing a major issue to the class or asking what a certain combatant did wrong. You got to see a few matches between random people with somewhat equal combat strength before the bell rang, signalling the end of today's classes.

"So, what now?" Coral asks as your team files out of the room.

"I was thinking we do some training as a team today." you answer, "If that's fine with everyone, of course."

"Training is important." Weiss states, "So of course I'm not going to disagree with the idea."

"I'm fine with it." Blake nods

"What kind of training?" Coral asks.

"I was thinking of maybe just focusing on our teamwork and coordination today." you say, "We're a team, so we should be able to work well as one if we're in a combat situation."

"A sound idea." Weiss agrees, "What's the plan, then."

"U-Um..." you actually didn't think that far ahead, "I-I'll tell you when we get to the training room."

"...Fair enough."


The training room looked pretty nice: A large, open space reminiscent of a gymnasium with some practice dummies of varying types stored off to the side, with some small bleachers for spectators to observe from if necessary. There was also various equipment strewn about for varying purposes, some of which you weren't entirely sure about.

"Hmm..." you squint as you try to piece together a plan from the dummies and equipment available to you, "Okay, so I have a couple ideas floating around in my head... So first: maybe we can take one of those dummies, set it up in the middle of the room, and then split into groups of two. One pair has to defend the dummy, while the other pair has to capture the dummy. After a while, we switch partners, and we keep doing so until everyone has had a turn with everyone else or one of our auras goes into red."

"Oh, so we can work well with anyone on the team if we get split up?" Coral asks.

"That's sorta the idea." you nod, "Though I think it's also more of knowing how to work and adapt with everyone's strength's and weaknesses... or something like that."

"Well, it seems like a good idea." says Blake, "What were your other plan?"

"Well, the other idea was just setting up a dummy or two and coming up with some cool team attacks..." you fidget.

Coral giggles, "I mean, that'll work too! Will they have cool code names or something?"

"Personally, I think the first idea has more merit." Weiss chimes in.

"I will have to agree with Weiss." Blake nods, "It would be good to be able to work well with with anyone on the team."

"I think that settles it then." you smile, "I think we should start with our actual partners first, then after a few minutes we swap so it's Coral and I vs. Weiss and Blake. After that it'll be me and Blake vs Coral and Weiss. Does that sound good?"

"It sounds like a plan." Blake agrees.

"I agree." Weiss answers.

"Yep!" Coral beams.

"Alright, uh... let's set up a dummy in the middle and get started. Who's defending first?"

After some minor deliberation, it was decided that you and Weiss would defend first.

"A-Alright, so uh... my familiars can provide a lot of cover but I'm not entirely sure what the upper limit on how many I can control is. What about your uh... glyphs...? Do they have limits?"

"A lot of the things I can do with them rely on Dust." Weiss explains, "And my current Aura reserves also play a major factor in what I can and cannot do with them."

"I see... so uh... Coral is a ranged fighter, so if we get her into melee range she'll be in trouble unless Blake's figured out a good way to cover that weakness... Any thoughts on how to deal with uh... Blake."

"Well-" Weiss begins, but is suddenly cut off by a burst of suppressing fire from Coral's submachine gun. Thinking quickly you send a few familiars at her while Weiss puts up a wall of ice to shield the both of you. Unfortunately, Blake takes this opportunity to flank the two of you and makes a beeline straight for the dummy. Having some familiars accompanying you, you move to intercept her with Gemini deployed into its sword forms. You're not using Dust blades this time to conserve what you have left. You note that you should probably make a trip to the store soon...

Blake quickly proves herself to be more agile than you, and is quickly able to get out of range of your swipes. Thankfully, your familiars are able to restrict her movement enough to allow Weiss to step in and assist you. Outnumbered, Blake quickly activates her semblance and retreats.

"Hey, Beacon buddy!" you hear Coral call from behind you. Turning around, you're greeted with the sight of a dodgeball sized bubble sailing right for you, which beans you in the head with an audible ping before bouncing into Weiss and knocking her off balance, giving Blake another opening to attempt to take the dummy. Fortunately enough, the two of you are able to quickly recover, only to find yourselves attacking a clone while the real Blake manages to grab the objective.

"Weiss, Ice wall!" you shout, and she complies by raising another one to block Blake's path while you rush her with your blades, forcing her to drop the dummy in order to parry your strikes, which Weiss swiftly retrieves with a series of glyphs.

Before things can continue the alarms all of you set in your scrolls go off, signalling the end of this matchup.


After resetting the dummy and clearing Weiss's ice. You briefly discuss strategy with your new partner.

"Okay, so I know you're better at range, but you aren't good at melee." you say, "So I think we should stick next to the dummy, you and my familiars will keep them from getting close as much as possible, while I'll help cover you if they manage to close the gap. How good are your bubbles at defense."

"I can shield one of us with one for a few seconds, but it'll take a good chunk of my aura. Anything bigger than that will be hard to keep stable."

"Could you use one to block their path if we need it? Such as shielding the dummy?"

"Of course! You can count on me Beacon Bud--WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Coral immediately begins firing as Blake sails over your heads, it seems that Weiss has propelled her with a glyph.

Wasting no time, you summon ten familiars to assist Coral in her suppressing fire. Together, they seem to be effective at keeping Blake at a distance, allowing you to turn your attention to Weiss, who is currently launching fireballs at your familiars in an attempt to thin their numbers. You direct any familiars that are directly in danger to dodge, before Weiss seems to change tactics and uses a glyph to launch herself over you, taking an opportunity to launch more fireballs straight down mid-flight.

You summon a few more familiars and have them move into the paths of the shots, taking out most, but not all of them. Which forces you to dodge sideways, where Weiss intercepts you with another propulsion glyph, knocking one of your blades out of your hand with her rapier, forcing you to attempt to parry her incoming strikes with just one sword. You direct some of your familiars to stop assisting Coral and fire one Weiss in an attempt to get her to back off, which unfortunately manages to give Blake the opening she needed to close the gap. Thankfully, Coral manages to shield herself with a bouncy bubble that catches Blake off guard, the noise of the bounce drawing your attention to her. However, this allows Weiss to completely disarm you in your moment of inattentiveness.

"Don't take your eyes off the enemy." Weiss frowns.

"S-Sorry..." you say, before the scroll alarms go off again, indicating another switch.

This time you're on the attacking side, with Blake as your partner... Thinking back you should've probably added more rules for switches considering Blake's been on offense three times now.

"Hmm... Coral would be less of an issue if we can get in close... Weiss on the other hand might be a problem..." you muse.

"Maybe you can overwhelm Weiss with your semblance while I use the chaos to get in close and secure the target?" Blake suggests.

"It could work. Just watch out for Coral's bubbles, though."

With your plan set, you get to work, sending a dozen familiars at Weiss only for her to erect a wall of ice as Coral begins firing at them. She manages to take out a few familiars as you advance, but you keep replenishing them as necessary.

Despite all of Coral's attention being on you, Weiss is doing a good job of keeping Blake from sneaking up on them, which is honestly a problem, so you direct your familiars to concentrate their fire on Weiss as you continue to replace what Coral takes out, which is effective in causing Weiss to break off from Blake, who attempts to grab the dummy only for Weiss to yank it away with a well placed glyph. Knowing that Blake likely needs some assistance, you order your familiars to form a shield in front of you as you charge towards Coral. You replace every familiar destroyed, but it's honestly starting to take its toll on you.

Soon, you reach Coral and with as much energy as you can muster, charge through your shield in an attempt to tackle Coral to the ground, only to be bounced away by a bubble. Meanwhile, Blake has managed to get behind Weiss using her clones and is currently trying to drive the heiress back with her weapon. Soon, however, the scrolls' alarms go off once more, drawing the training session to a close.

Session Results:
-All team members gain a permanent +2 to combat when with at least one other teammate.


"Well that was fun." Coral says as the four of you begin cleaning up, "We should do that again sometime."

"Yeah." you agree, "We did pretty well this time, though."

"That thing you did with the familiar shield at the end was pretty cool too!"

"Yeah, but it ended up eating a big chunk of aura..."

"It was a viable tactic, though it was a bit reckless..." Weiss frowns, "You could probably make it work in certain situations, however... Perhaps with a more efficient use of your semblance."

"Y-Yeah... maybe."

"So what now?" Coral asks.

"Well uh... I was going to head to the CCT to call my parents and see how they're doing." you say.

"Ooh! Can I come with?"

"I'd prefer to do this alone... Maybe next time?"

"Sure!" Coral smiles, before turning to the other half of the team, "So what should we do while our leader's away?"

"Study." Weiss answers.

"Well aside from that! We could go out into town or hang out with the others or something!"

"I was going to read in the library." says Blake.

"Oh! Maybe I'll join you then! What kind of books do you think they have in there?"

"Many different kinds..."

"Oh, that's cool... So see you later, Beacon Buddy?"

"Yeah." you nod, "I won't be long."

After saying goodbye, you make your way over to the CCT. You find yourself impressed with the look of the lobby on the ground floor as you attempt to find your way to the elevators. Once there, you place your outdated scroll into the terminal and allow the tower's AI to take you to the communication room. Once there, you explain that you would like to call your family in Atlas, and the AI directs you to an open terminal.

After a moment of letting the system patch you through, the screen begins to show a rather weak feed wracked with static. Through the interference, though, you can make out the face of your mother, Iris Tenebris.

"Hi mom." you smile.

"Violet!" she exclaims happily, "How are things going? Is Beacon treating you well...?"

"Yeah, it is. I have a team now... Team TBCW and uh... I don't know how it happened, but I'm the leader."

"What!? Oh, Violet, I'm so proud of you! I'm sure your father would be too if he were home, but unfortunately they're working him overtime at the moment... Anyway, I have a feeling that you'll make a great leader."

"Y-Yeah... So how are things over there?"

"Oh? We're fine." a burst of static fills the screen, "There was an accident in the quarry yesterday, but--"

"A-An accident!? What do you mean an accident!? Is dad okay!? Are YOU okay!?"

"Don't worry, we're fine. Really." your mother reassures, "It was only a small cave-in. Your father did have a close call, but he only came out with a few cuts and bruises."

"It could've been much worse..." you frown.

"I am aware, but we're both here and not much worse for wear, so you shouldn't let it bother you too much. It's just another occupational hazard in our line of work... So tell me about your team?" she changes the subject, "Are they people you can work well with?"

"H-Huh, well uh... For the most part. There's Coral. She's some kind of aquatic faunus. She was actually one of the first friends I made here. She has this semblance that lets her make bubbles and she really enjoys spear fishing, even giving her weapon a mode that lets her do it. She even taught me how to fish a bit with a pole..."

"Oh, she seems nice. It sounds like you've found yourself a nice partner."

"Actually she isn't my partner..." you say, "We just happened to end up on the same team."


"Anyway there's also Blake. She's like a ninja bookworm in a way. She also wears this bow in her hair all the time, even when she's sleeping. She's Coral's partner, and I think we get along kinda well..."

"I see, so what's your partner like?"

You hesitate for a moment, "Well uh..."

[] Tell the truth about your partner being Weiss Schnee of all people.
[] Tell a half truth. Say what Weiss is like but try to avoid giving a name.
[] Change the subject!
-[] Specify.
[X] try to change the subject but end up telling the truth about your partner being Weiss Schnee
[X] Tell a half truth. Say what Weiss is like but try to avoid giving a name.