Reincarnation: May Come with Teething Problems (Exalted)

I have to believe you already had this much of the story written, because the only other explanation for this speed plus amazing quality is a Writing Exultation.
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Well, that Exaltation story is going to give them Cool Points for life. Why did you exalt Udano? Oh, I exalted because I wouldn't let her win the fight. Why did you exalt Erika? I exalted because I wouldn't let Udano win the fight despite exalting in the middle of it!

Then there's the element of embarrassment in it to make it so it's not just dragging to the others. Udano: I also lost the fight because I didn't stop when the Sifu called it, so another student had to throw me out of the room after I took out the Side when he tried to stop the fight. Out of the room and thrown into the fishpond at that. Erika: You may have had to forfeit the fight, but at least you were thrown into the pond. I was fish-slapped in the face to make me stumble backwards into the pond!
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Cathak Erika is Fire-aspected, breaking no stereotypes, but Udano is another rarity in the Tepet household. At least he won't feel awkward about it with Alina also being Earth and so obviously self-confident. Although Lyta might well feel a bit awkward now that one of her lackeys is a Prince of the Earth and she isn't.

Good to see Alina getting an early start on crafting excellence, even if its just Craft (Water) for now.
This is getting me the vibes of the birth of a supervillainess backstory with the chekov's gun of the arrogant young mistress Lyta and foreshadowing of a solar exaltation (fated) and huge inferiority complex she's going to be operating under now that all of her 'allies' and rivals are leaving her behind.

Honestly, Alina is just being slightly reckless in not manipulating that girl to be better considering that she suspects she'll exalt as a bad solar.
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*chef's kiss* You know a story is good when you end up reading every chapter twice!

My schoolmate passed me the correct judge and I let a trickle grace the top of the pastry before placing the plate before Serakan.
She thanked me gravely but did not eat yet. "I understand that your lady mother has had little opportunity to discuss marriage plans with you."

I nodded silently. The Exalted might easily not marry until their forties or fifties, but the matter was discussed well before and given the importance of continuing bloodlines that bore the potential for exaltation, women tended to marry younger. Negotiations usually began years in advance.

"Now that you have exalted, there is less urgency but more interest." She sipped on her tea. "Have you given any thought to the matter."

I hesitated – long enough that Serakan noticed. "I cannot say that I have considered either marriage or romance," I confessed. "I assumed that the former would be a matter for my elders alone at this early stage and the latter…" I let a hint of distaste cross my face. "Boys of my approximate age are not appealing in that way."

"You will probably find your opinion on the latter changing over the next few years." The woman appeared to find the prospect amusing, damn her. "So long as you recall that they are two separate matters, you will likely make no major errors. I have warned Iyuki of how confusing them may damage her prospects but I doubt you are old enough to need examples."

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a flicker of irritation cross Iyuki's face. Other than the occasional joke about Udano, I don't recall her ever mentioning the matter of romance either on my part of hers. Perhaps she had felt it inappropriate to discuss seriously with a seven-year-old. Wait, I was eight now, wasn't I? Yes… not that it made a huge difference.

Serakan leaned back and bit into her pastry. Both of us had to wait politely as she chewed. "Once you marry, it will be important to factor children into your plans. A marriage that is fruitless might as well not have happened, wasting the time and effort to prepare it for you. It might even be dissolved. But children need not impact on your life too heavily. Unlike mortals, carrying a child does not impair us greatly until the last few weeks. Though do not take the example of some women who continue to march and campaign right up to the birth. Your children matter far too much to be so careless."

"Now." She set down the pastry. "More seriously, even though you are correct that your parents will handle the matter at least until it is time to introduce you to potential husbands, there is much that you can do to raise your profile and attract better offers."

I finished my own pastry. "Thank you for taking the time to instruct us, Lady Serakan."

"Given my own daughter's behaviour, encouraging you to make a better job of managing your prospects is the least I can do for the House." Serakan considered us both seriously and then nodded. "Both of you have exalted young, which is good. That is the mark of a strong exaltation and any sensible family will want to marry their sons to someone more likely to have Exalted children. While it's true that Alina's strong aspect markings and exceptionally young, Iyuki, this applies to you as well."
Why do I get the feeling the family is already being barraged with offers for Alina's hand? Prevously I said I thought I remembered a terrestrial exalting at six, but I could only find references to that on fan wikis in regards to V'neef. If the Leedal at eight was the youngest that makes Alina the current record holder and her seemingly extraordinarily pure bloodline a subject of great interest to many.

Not just her possible marriage, but people are going to be looking into her mother's background, which could set off the Chekhov's Gun of Alina's Ragara heritage. Hell, imagine if the elders try to betroth her to one of Ragara Nova's sons!

"Are there no end to your talents?" she asked as she helped me by unpicking the stitching holding lace cuffs to one of the tunics. That was just a bit silly to my eyes, but reworked it could be a nice contrasting decoration against the blue on blue of my dress. Covering for the obvious fact that I had no bosom.

"You have heard me singing," I pointed out as I finished the main seam up the side of the dress, keeping the stitches neat and even.

"Ah, yes." She looked away demurely. "A memory I was trying to block. But cooking and sewing? If you ever set up your own households, your servants will be driven mad trying to live up to the standards you set."
Also, can I just say that I'm amused at the former male with a playboy reputation being the most interested in traditionally feminine skills out of her female peers? Cause I am :D

The large boy hurtled away, flipping over in the air with a surprised look on his face. He came down in the koi pond on this side of the dojo, the water splashing up out of the water and taking a couple of fish with them.
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Personally , I loved the whole part where people don't realize that Alina is already essence 3. To be fair, its insane, and breaks all the records.

Also, those two are super lucky they have a skilled Exalted there to stop them. I doubt the other kids are skilled enough to pull something like what she did off.
Personally , I loved the whole part where people don't realize that Alina is already essence 3. To be fair, its insane, and breaks all the records.
Based on this bit, I think Iyuki at least realises that Alina is further along than reasonable.
She looked at me. "I'm sure Iyuki can coach you in how to increase your mastery. Breaking through into the second plateau before you complete primary school would be another feather in your cap when it comes to invitations to meet suitors."

I exchanged looks with Iyuki and then gave Serakan a warm smile. "We have been practising meditation exercises to help advance our control, elder."
I would guess she's been coaching Alina. Alina probably wouldn't bet Essence 3, but if told, she'd probably say something like "I really should've expected that".
They're going to try to awaken her essence to 2 someday (probably after/prior to graduation) and the master sorceror/drug dealer or whatever will just tell them to fuck off because she's already essence 4.
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They're going to try to awaken her essence to 2 someday (probably after/prior to graduation) and the master sorceror/drug dealer or whatever will just tell them to fuck off because she's already essence 4.

Nah, I could see them ending up unlocking essence 5. Only to then realize what they've done. Last chapter stated that most younger Terrestrial Exalted stop at essence 2, so she's already well beyond people several times her age.

Remember, this is someone known as the Bookworm, who's explicitly known for cheating. Plus, she used to know gods and has future knowledge. There's plenty of them she could bribe. Oh, and she ran with Solars. If fics have taught me anything, those don't dream small.
Well, that would be a con and a half, because honestly, essence is doylistically a GM tool to limit the biggatons, so higher levels are purposefully set to 'fulfill a character defining motivation' (ie: finish a chronicle) or 'spend 100 years as a hermit' (ie:retire from the fucking game to be a NPC).

Mechanically going 'do this and that to' to get bigger biggatons like the underage-drugs episode isn't supposed to work in higher essence levels, so she needs a 'worthy challenge' to fulfill just to get essence 4, and conning her family is not going to cut it.

Maybe smuggle Lyta into the hands of the gold faction/lunars or whatever after solar exaltation would work. Or first getting sorcery back as a motivation and then smuggling Lyta for the full 5.

Currently there are no or few signs of a 'character defining motivation'. Well the character is supposed to have been sort of gold faction adjacent, so there is that but that's all, no real goals yet.
Besides grinding the craft(cookie) and martial arts excellencies ofc.
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Man I hope those teachers get hazard pay.
Depends on the snobbery of the family in charge of the school. As a general rule, it's socially rude to not grant extra pay to instructors that have to deal with Exalting kids, but it's not law. Still, if an instructor is a good instructor, you still want to keep them around, so yeah, hazard pay is a likely thing.
Honestly, once you're using essence, human ribs are hardly a barrier if you absolutely feel you have to rip someone's heart out.

It's not my preference, too showy, but some deathknights and green sun princes feel differently.
Don't forget the Dragon Kings.
Nah, I could see them ending up unlocking essence 5. Only to then realize what they've done. Last chapter stated that most younger Terrestrial Exalted stop at essence 2, so she's already well beyond people several times her age.

Remember, this is someone known as the Bookworm, who's explicitly known for cheating. Plus, she used to know gods and has future knowledge. There's plenty of them she could bribe. Oh, and she ran with Solars. If fics have taught me anything, those don't dream small.
I wonder if she knows about Taru Han. That's some high quality blackmail. Or just a good way to get in with Shining Barrator and set up the Gold Faction to get Lytek as branch head again.
'spend 100 years as a hermit' (ie:retire from the fucking game to be a NPC).
You only need to meditate in an area that aligns with your Essence and only for a few months. She doesn't have full months to meditate, but training time can be split up and Lord's Crossing has absolute shitloads of Earth Manses. She can probably justify access to a one or two dot manse, and even with an average of an hour of meditation per day, it'll take less than a year and a half to hit E4 and a little less than two years to hit E5. That gives her four seasons to convince someone to let her squat in their country house on weekends for three hours of meditation if she wants to max out before primary school ends.
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Yeah, that's in the 'it's not going to happen' folder. First because that's the kind of blatant munchkin technicality that a good GM would fall on like a pile of bricks, second because it doesn't advance narrative.

Honestly, it's things like that that discourage me from participating in quests where the players can 'choose' to train, instead of getting training as a reward for narrative.

You could potentially structure some narrative tension around 'let's get swole guys, let me mooch off your elemental manse and i'll teach you 10 simple ways to raise essence' and their families finding out and politics happening. But it's not exactly good narrative.
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Yeah, that's in the 'it's not going to happen' folder. First because that's the kind of blatant munchkin technicality that a good GM would fall on like a pile of bricks, second because it doesn't advance narrative.

Honestly, it's things like that that discourage me from participating in quests where the players can 'choose' to train, instead of getting training as a reward for narrative.

You could potentially structure some narrative tension around 'let's get swole guys, let me mooch off your elemental manse and i'll teach you 10 simple ways to raise essence' and their families finding out and politics happening. But it's not exactly good narrative.
Eh, in the end it's about having fun. If you want to run a high powered game and everybody is fine with it, then it's a perfectly fine method of doing things.

By the same token, whether it works here depends on what story drakensis wants to write. If it's about preventing the collective awful shit waiting in the wings and fixing up creation in general, then moving her essence up quickly can make sense, because to actually do something at that scale it's kind of necessary. No matter what essence she's at, there'll be plenty of things capable of kicking her ass. As a terrestial, she's the underdog pretty much by default when dealing with the high-powered stuff like celestials or 2nd/3rd cycle demons.

Incidentally, that age restriction on maximum essence? There's a good chance she gets to count the Bookwyrm too.

It's not gonna happen, but the mental image of someone with essence sight (can't remember which charms do that right now) coming across a 12 year old girl at Essence 6 and being very confused amuses me a lot.
Wouldn't they immediately suspect possession?

It's not 'impossible' like the truth (time travel and reincarnation), so it'd be pretty much deductive reasoning.

So let's imagine that indeed happens, E6 superstar 12 year old dragonblooded. Suddenly all her very potent enemies and 'allies' have demon-y and bronze-faction-y and anathema-ny questions to ask.
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Wouldn't they immediately suspect possession?

It's not 'impossible' like the truth (time travel and reincarnation), so it'd be pretty much deductive reasoning.

So let's imagine that indeed happens, E6 superstar 12 year old dragonblooded. Suddenly all her very potent enemies and 'allies' have demon-y and bronze-faction-y and anathema-ny questions to ask.
Well, yeah, either that or a disguise charm. That's how it would go down realistically. But I frankly doubt we'd see that in the first place, so it's a funny mental image and doesn't have to be realistic.
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I mean it could happen... when she's running around with a Solar circle again and tells them shit's fucked and the world's going to end and is blacklisted as traitor to the realm.

It would 'just' require the upending of nearly all the relationships on the realm-side and a transition to heroic quest story instead of young masters politics.

Being too cool even with a perfect cover is probably not quite as suicidal as it would be in other places like the world of darkness, but it's still pretty bad. Superpower political factions man.
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Alina knows three ways to reach essence 6. All have the same first step: reach essence 5.

For the purposes of the fic, I'm going with the age limit for higher essence levels being that you need a certain amount of metaphysical 'weight' and this takes time to accrue.

So the simplest path is simply wait until she's a century old and then meditate upon her essence until she reaches essence 6. This would take until RY 850.

The second plan would involve convincing a god or other spirit to confer a permanent increase to her essence. While the game rules don't seem to rule it out, I don't think it's reasonable for a spirit to be able to confer a higher essence level than they already have, so it would require a significant favour from a major power. (This is how the Bookwyrm made the jump, but the specific circumstances were... unusual, to say the least, and it's not likely Alina could benefit from them).

The third would be the method of breaking the age barrier that the Bookwyrm used to move up from Essence 6: learn (devise, but she has the benefit that her past life has already done that) a custom charm that expressly negates that limit. The Bookwyrm's charm is possible for an Essence 5 Dragonblood to learn... but what it does is replace the age limit with a limit based on the number of their living descendants (it's a dynasty charm that essentially 'borrows' the metaphysical weight of the descendants in lieu of aging into it). And the minimum number of descendants to reach Essence 6 is six hundred and fifty-one.

It would be difficult for Alina to have that many children - or any children - at any point in the near future at all, much less without drawing quite a lot of attention. She's not physically mature enough, for one thing. And Dragonblooded women have year long pregnancies, with noted health issues if they have too many children in too short a span of time. It's usually recommended for Dragonblooded women to have no more than one pregnancy every five years or so and they have excellent birth control methods.

This doesn't rule out potentially coming up with another cheat, but she's got no real reason to worry about it until she reaches the final mortal plateau anyway. The risk she ran just getting to Essence 2 was something of a warning against being too reckless, and as an Earth-aspect she tends naturally towards being methodical anyway. There are plenty of other things she can do to improve herself other than pushing into the immortal courts of essence mastery, at least right now.
Yeah, that's in the 'it's not going to happen' folder. First because that's the kind of blatant munchkin technicality that a good GM would fall on like a pile of bricks, second because it doesn't advance narrative.

Honestly, it's things like that that discourage me from participating in quests where the players can 'choose' to train, instead of getting training as a reward for narrative.

You could potentially structure some narrative tension around 'let's get swole guys, let me mooch off your elemental manse and i'll teach you 10 simple ways to raise essence' and their families finding out and politics happening. But it's not exactly good narrative.
Downtime can last years depending on the game style and access to compatible areas for essence training is super easy for Dragonblooded, especially on the Blessed Isle.
what is a bookwyrm? is it on the wiki?
It was the MC's title in their past life. A bookish dragon.
It would be difficult for Alina to have that many children - or any children - at any point in the near future at all, much less without drawing quite a lot of attention. She's not physically mature enough, for one thing. And Dragonblooded women have year long pregnancies, with noted health issues if they have too many children in too short a span of time. It's usually recommended for Dragonblooded women to have no more than one pregnancy every five years or so and they have excellent birth control methods.
I'd be surprised if no Deeb ever came up with a sex swap spell or charm for exactly that reason. Or even just an immaculate conception charm that lets you "father" a child with only your essence, no physical requirements required.
It would be difficult for Alina to have that many children - or any children - at any point in the near future at all, much less without drawing quite a lot of attention. She's not physically mature enough, for one thing. And Dragonblooded women have year long pregnancies, with noted health issues if they have too many children in too short a span of time. It's usually recommended for Dragonblooded women to have no more than one pregnancy every five years or so and they have excellent birth control methods.

I suppose if she has a son she could raise them to be a playboy. That pushes it out a generation but is still viable... but potentially too manipulative to do to her own child.

I'd be surprised if no Deeb ever came up with a sex swap spell or charm for exactly that reason. Or even just an immaculate conception charm that lets you "father" a child with only your essence, no physical requirements required.

That would work too.
By the same token, whether it works here depends on what story drakensis wants to write. If it's about preventing the collective awful shit waiting in the wings and fixing up creation in general, then moving her essence up quickly can make sense, because to actually do something at that scale it's kind of necessary. No matter what essence she's at, there'll be plenty of things capable of kicking her ass. As a terrestial, she's the underdog pretty much by default when dealing with the high-powered stuff like celestials or 2nd/3rd cycle demons.
Honestly, the value of her knowledge of which shitstorms are going to strike Creation, where and when, is orders of magnitude greater than her value as a face puncher could ever be. She needs to get into a social position where her advice will be followed and being a rising star in House Tepet and the Realm seems like a good path to being able to send entire armies of face punchers to the right time and place.
I'd be surprised if no Deeb ever came up with a sex swap spell or charm for exactly that reason. Or even just an immaculate conception charm that lets you "father" a child with only your essence, no physical requirements required.
If these existed, the canonical gender dynamics in Dragon-Blooded society wouldn't. Hence they either don't exist, or they have some highly undesirable side effects.
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I'd be surprised if no Deeb ever came up with a sex swap spell or charm for exactly that reason. Or even just an immaculate conception charm that lets you "father" a child with only your essence, no physical requirements required.
Exalted has lots of those. There's a certain Water-Aspect Hearthstone...

Anyway; the problem there is really more the political and social, plus the possibility that reincarnation or not Alina might not find the execution of that strategy pleasant.