Reimagine Works of Fiction If They Had Been Written By Different Authors

Now, can someone tell me what the hell is up with Gretchen Felker-Martin's Ranma 1/2?
Kayfabe aside, had to look this person up, I have never read her books, but I understand she's a horror novelist.

Ranma 1/2 is a genderbending (and species bending) horror story about a teen named Ranma who is cursed to change genders at random, while also having to deal with their dad being a shit who keeps putting his kid into numerous arranged marriages as a form of payment when they have no money. But yeah, the disturbingly small panty thief was weird.

Michael Moorcock's Lord of the Rings.
Kayfabe aside, had to look this person up, I have never read her books, but I understand she's a horror novelist.

Ranma 1/2 is a genderbending (and species bending) horror story about a teen named Ranma who is cursed to change genders at random, while also having to deal with their dad being a shit who keeps putting his kid into numerous arranged marriages as a form of payment when they have no money. But yeah, the disturbingly small panty thief was weird.

I mean, that's literally just actual Ranma if you don't accept the weirdly blase attitude everyone has to the goings-on at face value :V
Okay i wil cheat a little (since Rwby was partially inspired by Avatar the last Airbender)

Make the team that made avatar the las Airbender (the animated show), maybe add the korra guys too.
Making the script/lore for RWBY.

(Let monty do his thing, I just want to see what changes "story wise" are made)
Hello, I just got recommended the two anime series below:
  1. Yoshiyuki Tomino's Legend of the Galactic Heroes
  2. Yoshiki Tanaka's Mobile Suit Gundam
What's the difference between these two sci-fi anime and how should I get start if I'm a complete newbie to either?
Hidetaka Miyazaki's Mega Man Zero.

I'll give this a shot, mostly for the maybe-half-dozen people who have played Mega Man Zero and remember that Miyazaki Hidetaka actually started out working on the Armored Core games. =V

  • Neo Arcadia utilizes a powerful energy source, the reality-warping Weil particles, to meet the world's energy demands. Coinciding with X's disappearance, however, global saturation of Weil particles gives rise to the Corruption, which has not only destroyed most of Earth's ecosystem, but also erodes the sanity and corrupts the structural composition of humans and Reploids alike, fusing flesh with machines. Due to some level of similarities to the rogue Reploids of the 22nd century, these insane and violent entities are called Mavericks.
  • X's disappearance creates a power vacuum filled by four feuding megacorporations that rules Neo Arcadia and control Weil particle production, led respectively by four former Reploid subordinates of X who have since fallen out: Sage Harpuia, Hidden Phantom, Fighting Fefnir, and Fairy Leviathan.
  • Although the outside world becomes increasingly post-apocalyptic and uninhabitable, stopping the use of Weil particles would cause the collapse of Neo Arcadia, so the megacorporations wall off the rest of the world and pumps emissions out of their domed city even as the Corruption increasingly encroaches into the walls of the last bastion of civilization.
  • Aside from assisting Ciel in developing an alternative energy source to Weil particles, the Resistance is also dedicated to finding X, whose existence has been reinterpreted by inhabitants of the android-cyborg-zombie wastelands as a messianic figure whose return to Neo Arcadia will destroy the megacorporations and bring an end to Weil particles. Zero is similarly revered as a messianic figure now that he's been found after a hundred years.
  • Zero is sent on missions in the overworld to find resources and intelligence pertaining to Ciel's development of a new energy source and X's whereabouts, which see him fighting both the Mavericks and the megacorporations. He eventually crosses paths with and destroys Hidden Phantom at the game's halfway point. The other three megacorporations briefly unite and launch a major offensive against the Resistance, but soon mysteriously retreat back behind Neo Arcadia's walls.
  • The offensives against the Resistance cripples much of its already strained capabilities. The war among the megacorporations also further degrades the environment, putting all populations outside of Neo Arcadia on a timer. Zero increasingly has to choose whether to prioritize missions that secure resources for Ciel's energy project or intelligence as to X's whereabouts.
  • The outside world becomes utterly inhospitable, and the Resistance makes a desperate exodus into Neo Arcadia to evacuate refugees within its walls. They meet surprisingly light Resistance on the way in, only to find the megacity in complete disarray as the megacorporations are engaged in open fighting, the Corruption has spread significantly into the city, and Mavericks prowl the city streets. This is the endgame.
  • Ciel completes her alternative energy source, the Ciel particles, but warns that they react adversely with Weil particles: Only one type of particle can exist. Zero needs to reach the core of the tower of Yggdrasil at the center of Neo Arcadia to distribute the Ciel particles. Intelligence collected throughout the game also point at X actually being in Yggdrasil.
  • Fighting his way to Yggdrasil, Zero learns that the megacorporations have been fighting over control of the Arks, giant, city-sized airships that were created as a contingency plan in case the Corruption overtakes Neo Arcadia. The megacorporations and a select fraction of the population would flee to the skies where the Corruption cannot reach. Zero fights the remaining three megacorporation bosses on his way to Yggdrasil, helping the Resistance secure paths into the Arks.
  • At the core of Yggdrasil, Zero finds the final boss, X, who has succumbed to the Corruption and become an empty but still-powerful and hostile shell. Zero destroys X in a two-phase boss battle, triggering several possible endings.
    • If Zero did not collect all resources and intelligence for either the Ciel particle project or the search for X, Zero can choose to distribute the Ciel particles or evacuate to the Arks. If Zero chooses to distribute the Ciel particles, the Ciel particles turn out to have been imperfect in development due to insufficient resources, and combusts with the Weil particles when distributed, setting all of Neo Arcadia aflame and bringing about the end of civilization on Earth. If Zero chooses to evacuate to the Arks, hundreds of millions of humans and Reploids successfully take to the skies where the Corruption cannot reach, but as they all continue to operate off Weil particles, the Earth is lost to them forever.
    • If Zero collected all the ingelligence related to the search for X, Zero learns that X discovered too late that the Weil particles were a Trojan horse created by the megalomaniacal Doctor Weil, and could not prevent its continued use without destroying the last bastion of civilization on Earth. X and Zero are uniquely resistant to the Corruption, which is why X sacrificed himself as a sort of filter in Yggdrasil to limit the spread of the Corruption and buy civilization more time to find an alternative. Zero has the additional option of sealing himself in Yggdrasil to take X's place, ensuring that civilization can continue for another decade.
    • If Zero collected all the resources for the Ciel particle project, the perfected Ciel particle will negate Weil particles without combusting, but they are significantly less potent as an energy source. If Zero chooses to distribute the Ciel particles, Neo Arcadia collapses around him as Weil particles disappear from the world, the Arks fail to take off, but the Corruption begins to recede. Whether or not civilization can recover from this is unclear.
    • If Zero does nothing, the spread of the Corruption accelerate without X as a filter, the Arks take off without him, and Earth succumbs to the Corruption.

I guess I should suggest something cursed too: Sailor Moon by Ohba Tsugumi, the man behind Death Note, Bakuman, and Platinum End. Alternatively, Disco Elysium by Ayn Rand.
Alternatively, Disco Elysium by Ayn Rand.
  • Near the end of the game, you have to talk to an NPC that's blatantly re-telling Rand's own politics. The NPC's monologue cannot be skipped, you have to read all of it to progress the game, it goes for forty minutes - all voice-acted - and tells you all about the need for great men to act and that the common rabble and hapless bureaucrats is what prevents them from saving the world. If you disagree with that NPC even slightly, he calls you a cuck.
  • Regardless of your political affiliation, your player character posseses seething hatred towards unions.
  • Measurehead is white, and suspiciously, the narrative seems to agree with him.
The Lord of the Rings as adapted by Hayao Miyazaki.
Well there is this classic gif. If Titanic was directed by Michael Bay:

The gratuitous special effects shots took up way too much of the movie, and the fact that they redid RMS Carpathia to be more rah-rah American was ahistorical and unnecessary. On the plus side, "My Heart Will Go On" was another smash hit for the Foo Fighters.

I keep hearing chuds talking up Plato's Atlas Shrugged. What gives?
I keep hearing chuds talking up Plato's Atlas Shrugged. What gives?
Well it's really dated, of course, but apparently it was one of the foundational texts of western philosophy... the part where Atlas gave a monologue for three chapters instead of shrugging was very confusing, though.

Now can someone explain to me this Tite Kubo's The Illiad? There's way too many characters for me to follow the actual plot!
The Lord of the Rings as adapted by Hayao Miyazaki.

  • Froda Baggins is a girl with a bob cut.
  • Gandalf the Gray has muted unresolved sexual tension with the middle-aged Saruwoman the White, who represents the well-intentioned but doomed dreams of industry.
  • The four hobbits of the Fellowship simultaneously represent the young as inheritors of the dreams of the elderly, as well as the elderly's disillusionment towards the superficial-ness of the young.
  • One does not simply walk into Mordor, because the Fellowship travels everywhere by eagle in lovingly animated flight scenes.
  • The depiction of the dwarves largely remains the same, but with a strong undercurrent of being down-to-earth working-class men with their hearts in the right place, and less of a focus of specific lineages.
  • Froda has multiple scenes either nude or in only her underwear that is mostly unsexualized.
  • Rather than corrupted elves, the orcs are the spectral remnants of the resentments of the deceased. While there are several action scenes, many "battles" revolves around Gandalf teaching Froda how to lay these spirits to rest.
  • Denethor is actually a good father to Faramir, to compensate for Miyazaki Hayao being a garbage father to Miyazaki Goro.
  • As Froda throws the One Ring into Mount Doom, she gives a speech about how humanity cannot live away from nature.
  • Rather than become King of Gondor, Aragorn retires to the countryside with Arwen.
  • Rather than the bombastic score of Howard Shore, the soundtrack of the films instead have the nostalgic harmonies of Joe Hisaishi.

I again raise Sailor Moon by Ohba Tsugumi.
I again raise Sailor Moon by Ohba Tsugumi.
Who Ohba Tsugumi..... Death Note...
I can work with this not well but I can

the main character is absolutely the evil sun monster they are now a beautiful anime boy they also have a human form now

they are against Earth Rose Prince boy are playing a game of cat and mouse trying to prove with certainty that the other is who they suspect

the monsters of the weak I'll probably way more Gothic and I definitely way more thin and sickly looking most of the sailor Scouts are gender swapped at least one or two aren't an act as love interest for one of the two boys

Luna and Artemis are the same species as the monster of the week probably look way more creepy and humanoid also they definitely aren't benevolent

I'v been hearing a lot about A Little Vice by franz kafka
The trial [German: Der Prozess]by our dear friend @Shadell
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