Red Soul: Back to the Future

Late night meanderings before I head off, feel free to discount and/or ignore these if I forget or misremember anything important~

Last time Kyoko popped in for a chat it knocked the stuffing out of her, and Oktavia said that if Kyoko did that again it may well kill her. Even if it's survivable, she may well be out for a fairly significant time; Oscar will come looking. If you want to continue with the consultation in spite of the risks, you'll have to deal with that somehow.

Eh, best thing I can think of right now is to just explain the situation(hoping to have her check the soul out to make sure there weren't any lingering effects, the whole Ornstein thing, etc.) and hope for the best.
scope said:
I could think of a write-in, but seeing as Kyoko never says anything exactly as SB types down, especially when it comes to diplomatic things, it's a pointless endeavor.
You might as well. I'm not intentionally trying to dick you over and you've gotten Kyoko out of frankly much hairier social situations with talking before -Kyoko's limit break with Oktavia last time you talked to her andtalking down Ciaran when she was angry being the two big ones.

It's just Kyoko, in game terms, has what could be called high Charisma and low Persuasiveness- people like her and think she's good people, but she has difficulty getting them to do what she wants them to do, and she has a chronic case of foot-in-mouth.
[X] "Fine, fine, I'll leave her soul with you, but I've gotta talk to someone first before I revive her to try and prevent Ornstein from finding out about this and Quelaan, since I lied to him to get the soul. Just don't do anything with it if you want me to save her. I'll also need to let my friend know I'll likely be collapsing in a few minutes to do this."

Added a comma to IB's vote.
Zeful said:
Everyone who voted for this: You are a moron.

What the fuck do you insipid drooling retards think Quelaag is going to do when she gets a body back, and isn't in a giant easy to identify spider body? If you guessed "continue killing people for humanity," congrats you even dumber than the idiots that just followed along with the vote. Because you knew this was a shit idea and still voted for it anyway.

[x]"And get Ornstein to just kill her again? Uh-huh, you know for being their sister you seem to like condemning them to terrible fates."

I'm sorry it's just when someone throws the word retard at someone and then goes on to suggest something even more and obviously retarded I cannot help but to laugh at them.


Hahaha! Oh jfc are you for real? Pffft, oh yeah, jus t. Just tell the sister that has lived her life mourning for her family and blaming herself for being a coward that ppppffffft that she likes condemning



Okay, I'm I'm done. Hehe, jfc man just hahaha aaahhhh. Delicious irony man, fucking he'll.
Bag of Bones said:
Actually not really because we were going to resurrect Quelaag anyway (saving her was one of the goals at the beginning of the quest) this is just the push to actually do so. We can also get rid of the whole murdering people for humanity thing (which frankly is one of the least evil things going on in Anor Londo) by getting Oktavia down here to heal Quelaan since that was the plan before Quelana kept interrupting us.
And what do we do in the interim? You know that time period between us talking Ocktavia into helping and her actually arriving to help, as well as however long it'll actually take to cure Quelaan. Are we just going to sit on Quelaag? Because if you really seriously think she's just going to be idle when much of her existence of a millennium was protecting Quelaan, you represent why this plan is stupid and doomed to fail from the outset. And that's ignoring Ornstein who can apparently detect untruths with his shark powers, and might either be watching us or have sent someone to watch us. And Oscar. And all the other problems that can show up by just acting impulsively with no real thought into what the consequences are.
We already have enough problems to deal with and you want to add up to 5 more without dealing with any of the other ones? Yeah, not seeing how this is the smart option.
Zeful said:
And what do we do in the interim? You know that time period between us talking Ocktavia into helping and her actually arriving to help, as well as however long it'll actually take to cure Quelaan. Are we just going to sit on Quelaag? Because if you really seriously think she's just going to be idle when much of her existence of a millennium was protecting Quelaan, you represent why this plan is stupid and doomed to fail from the outset. And that's ignoring Ornstein who can apparently detect untruths with his shark powers, and might either be watching us or have sent someone to watch us. And Oscar. And all the other problems that can show up by just acting impulsively with no real thought into what the consequences are.
We already have enough problems to deal with and you want to add up to 5 more without dealing with any of the other ones? Yeah, not seeing how this is the smart option.
Ah ahahaha well it's smarter then the option you presented.
ImmortalsBlade said:
If I remember right thagguy said it's like a month away because we're at the bottom of a canyon surrounded by monsters, we aren't expected to be speedy
IIRC, our platforms allowed us to travel from Darkroot to the swamp bonfire in less than a day. Similarly, the funhouse-y parts of Sen's are only a problem for characters that can't (effectively) fly.
ImmortalsBlade said:
If I remember right thagguy said it's like a month away because we're at the bottom of a canyon surrounded by monsters, we aren't expected to be speedy
And it will take less than a month for Ockatvia to actually get out of the blockaded city of Anor Londo, and safely to blighttown to heal Quelaan, on the assumption that she even can heal the Fair Lady to begin with? Because as much as healing in Dark souls is quick, the time it takes is a function of what specifically is being healed. Something as pervasive and damaging as the Blightpus doesn't sound like something that'll take less than a week to heal, assuming Ocktavia can do it right then and there, and doesn't have to research a new miracle from scratch to do it. And how are you going to keep Oscar from finding out?
Zeful said:
Time limit. Ornstein put us on one. You know that whole trial for Kirk?

No it's not.
Your option is being a complete idiot to someone who is FUCKING desperate and may or may not decide to try and force us.

Thank God we didn't mention Oscar.
I think its worth asking her if she can assure us that Quelaag will not be a horrible tainted being if we do this. Does she know if the problem really, truly, was only of the body?

That is one of the things that worry us and what we wanted to be sure of.

It was also one of the reasons we wanted to talk to Oktavia -- since, I mean, her being a Goddess with some healing powers, she might recognize if there were any problems in Quelaag.

And at some point we should also ask if this process of ours might work on the Fair Lady too. Possibly not, though, as the illness seems to be soul-deep...
NitroFumetsu said:
Right, before I completely lose my shit at you guys for this idiocy I told you all would happen if you voted for that, I need to know. I haven't read this quest entirely, but I remember Ornstein was around at around the same time as the Alvinia clone was made.

Does he know what we can do with souls and clones?

If he does, we have a VERY VALID reason not to revive Quelaag right now.

If not, I will lose my shit at you guys for this idiocy I told you all would happen if you voted for that.
Well personally, this is what I more or less wanted to happen.

So I am rather pleased!
[X] "Fine, fine, I'll leave her soul with you, but I've gotta talk to someone first before I revive her to try and prevent Ornstein from finding out about this and Quelaan, since I lied to him to get the soul. Just don't do anything with it if you want me to save her. I'll also need to let my friend know I'll likely be collapsing in a few minutes to do this."
Goddamnit people, this is exactly what we told you would happen!

[x] You are asking me to die lady. Ornstien will kill me if I don't have Quelagg's soul on me when I get to Anor Londo. Then he'll come back and be more through in the search of your sister's nest.
1234q1234q said:
I took that as the body of Witch of Izalith. She was trying to recreate the flame with a lords soul. The body is wearing her clothing. Considering the dialog hints, I believe that she used her soul on a one shot attempt to make a new flame. The description of the soul also suggests that it is a separate being from the Witch.
You should read the description of that set again, mate.

Anyway, all the sisters wore those robes, as well as the Witch (just a fancier version).

The Bed of Chaos is a separate being from the Witch of Izaith in the same way a Witch is a different being from a Magical Girl.

That Lord Soul is the Witch of Izalith's. She was explicitly stated to have found/received that Soul from the First Flame.
dan-heron said:
Hey Thag, what changes were made to Ash Lake part?
That sequence with Seath never happened, or if it did (I haven't decided yet) it was in the Crystal Caves, not Ash Lake. It's silly and doesn't mesh with either the game's canon or the rest of the cosmology I've invented for this Quest. I'll get around to making the necessary changes around it in the story thread at some point.
... Between facepalming and RL I don't have time to make a serious vote, but I will still thank Lilithium for inspiring this joke vote:

[J] If you would like your wish granted, make a contract with me! :3
So, I just realized that this Quest's first birthday was two days ago, and I never even got you a present.


[] Blue Soul: Ophelia vs. Dragonslayer Ornstein


[] Artorias & Sif

(The main storyline vote is still open)


MY mouth is foaming please help