Red Origami (Tokyo Ghoul/Parasyte-esque)

[X] Say that you knew that he was a blood-abomination thing from reading 8chan conspiracy theories, and that you knew that their kind got sniped where she was.
-[X] Explain you know fully well they think you're some monster, as 'Sven' did too.
-[X] Explain that one of those things tried infecting you, and that they were confused by the apparent failure.
-[X] Apparently you retained your humanity, or at the very least you're indistinguishable from Daniel.
-[X] You also want to know what she really is, as you're mostly sure she isn't an ordinary human.

What does -[X] mean versus a regular [X]?
What does -[X] mean versus a regular [X]?

They're just sub-actions, so they show up under a Block Tally as one cohesive whole. It wouldn't win unless the majority/everyone (it varies) vote for the same sub-actions, and honestly I'm not really sure what to do here.

Like, they obviously know a lot about Gamis and very least aren't bothered by killing them despite their human intelligence. Which would definitely look bad, if things went public: "Government officials murder and enslave new sapient lifeform".

Still, we don't know what they'll do to Daniel, so saying as little as possible makes sense... but figuring out what Venus is and trying to secure better standards/rights appeals to me. Surely they must know Gami don't need to eat people...
"I knew he was a blood monster thing from reading stuff on 8chan." you tell her. "And I also knew that you were basically a trap for these kind of things, so I lead him there."

She put a hand to her face and then slipped it down. "Alright. So you totally know about the Gami then, right?"

"Yeah." you reply.

"OK..." she said, and sighed. "I'm going to lay it all out for you, then."

"Revealing this kind of thing constitutes a crime of terrorism. Don't ask me how it works. It just does, somehow. It's a bit messed up if you ask me, but whatever. Sure you can discuss it with me and stuff. But with like, normal civilians? Zip it. Got it?"

You nod.

"OK. Next off, I'm part of the World Health Organization. So is Mr.W, and a few cops. We're here to try to fix this Gami issue. Again, this is all secret." she says. "The other cops know we're doing confidential stuff, but not what exactly, anyways."

You nod again.

"I'm Marika Nobel." she then tells you. "Well, Doctor Marika Nobel."

"Doctor?" you ask. She didn't look older than you, so it was weird that she was already a full doctor.

"Yes. I'm pretty smart." she replied then chuckled. Her chest quivered than naturally bounce in reaction at her chuckling. It was also so high and round, as if beachballs had been stapled to her ribcage - they seemed to be made of plastic. But the way they moved wasn't, even if bizarre and surreal. But was it really flesh?

"Are you even a normal person?" you ask. "Are you a…"

"Gami?" she fills in. "No, hohoho! I'm just a human like you. And really fortunate one, at that. I'm a genetic jackpot. If like, general health was a clear metric, mine's just really, really high."

She shrugged. "Just so happens that it's high enough that I'm immune to the Gami virus too. Or at least very resistant, or something."

"But that Gami was really crazy for you." you said. "Like, he super wanted to infect you."

She rose a finger. "They aren't evolved to exceptions." she said. "It's a good principle to have developed that - to want to infect good, better, healthy hosts. The effort needed to infect someone normal is like 15%? And to infect someone really strong and stuff is like 20%? So it's not an issue, natural selection never reacts to it. The problem is that I'm maybe above 100%, hrm."

Gorgeous, immune to Gamis, smart as hell. So, she basically was born with way more Skill Points to distribute than everyone else? - you thought. A Mary Sue. Man, genetics really were unfair.

"So, you know a lot about the Gami then?" you asked.

"Yeah, of course. It's my job to research them." she said. "And find a solution. Originally we were trying to find a cure, but seeing how they rewrite the brain… We're looking for a vaccine now instead, to prevent future infections. Being infected is… Irreversible death of the person they once were. There is no going back."

"I invented this too."
she said, patting the machinery of the white suitcase. "I'm going to check if you're a Gami. Just standard procedure."

She stuck the needle into your arm and let the machine churn and extract a quick sample. Then, he pulled it out and put a damp cotton on the tiny wound.

"Hold that." she told you, gesturing to the cotton, and then seemed to wait for the now-whirring machine.

"So, yeah." she added. "The Gami virus is a really curious thing actually. It's like nothing we have seen before. It's not really a virus, though. I call it a Nephilim. Do you know Hela cells?"

"No." you reply.

"Well they're a line of immortal cancer cells." she told you. "Human cervical cancer cells from some lady from 1951. And they keep on splitting and making more of itself, as long as it has nutrients. And it does it forever."

"That's really similar to how a living being is like, right? They eat and reproduce? Virus-like for sure, but they're derived from a portion of something else"
she added and wagged a finger. "Hela cells are what I call a Nephilim. They used to be part of a human, but can now act as its own independent organism."

"The Gami…'virus' is also a Nephilim. Rogue cells - cancer cells, I speculate - which have coincidentally managed to hit the right mutation to be able to survive independently - although I'm sure that they've gained more adaptations since they first became Nephilim. So our usual medical techniques can't really apply to them, they're something totally new. Which make them really hard to deal with. But we'll end the Gami someday. I hope."

The machine then stopped whirring. It then shone a green light.

"Positive?" she emitted. Then she looked at you. "You're a Gami? Can't be. You act too human. Don't worry Daniel, this happens sometimes. The stuff they used to erase your memory was actually a distilled byproduct of the Gami. That stuff can sometimes give me a positive on this thing too."

"I actually am a Gami." you admitted.

"You're a what?"

"I'm a Gami." you said again.

She stepped back in her chair clumsily. "H-how? W-what?"

"But don't worry. I've retained my personality. Or at least, I'm indistinguishable from Daniel." you said. "I'm still me."

She blinked.


"Yes really."

She held her mouth. "This could be… a breakthrough." she said. "You can do the Gami things then? Blood stuff and all?"

"Yeah." you replied.

Her long-lashed eyes widened.

"You aren't going to kill me, right?" you asked.

"No, no. We only kill Gami. Well, you know. Those people are already 'dead', their mind is gone. But you… You're still human, right?"

"Yeah." you tell her.

[ ] Be open about what you know about the Gami to her to help with the vaccine and neuter the Gami's options for reproduction for good.
[ ] Just pretend to be collaborative but act with the interests of the Gami's survival and spread in mind covertly.
[ ] Stick around passively without any specific agenda in mind yet.
[ ] Write in
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[X] Just pretend to be collaborative but act with the interests of the Gami's survival and spread in mind covertly.
-[X]Talk about Jesus' origin. Who was that 'God' figure?

Okay soo...Here's my thoughts: The Jesus thing we're talking about because while these guys want to halt the Gami, there's the little problem of someone CREATING these creatures and the implications-this isn't the epidemic this is the first wave...If we're lucky an experiment escape but Jesus didn't sound like that was what she did- too loyal to 'God'. If these guys are even REMOTELY trustworthy, they'll be alarmed at this.
[X] Ask if their organization has ever tried peacefully interacting with Gami. You know they tried to capture a friend of yours, and later they killed him once they set up the trap. Were they planning to kill him from the start?
-[X] Mention that Gami can consume normal human food, and a few seemed interested in reproducing naturally instead of infecting grown humans.
-[X] You're not entirely sure why you're a 'hybrid', but given how Gami are essentially children trying to piece together an identity... You think hybridization could be a learnable ability.

So things are going surprisingly better than I expected... Time to see how much they are know and if they care. Overall, from what Daniel has seen, Gami are surprisingly reasonable even though "reproduce" is a big priority to them. Which, admittedly, is true for any species so...

Honestly, the biggest problem for integrating them is figuring out what to do regarding the "Nobels" of the world. Even if Hybridization or something similar can't be learned, there's undoubtedly people okay with giving themselves up.
[X] Ask if their organization has ever tried peacefully interacting with Gami. You know they tried to capture a friend of yours, and later they killed him once they set up the trap. Were they planning to kill him from the start?
-[X] Mention that Gami can consume normal human food, and a few seemed interested in reproducing naturally instead of infecting grown humans.
-[X] You're not entirely sure why you're a 'hybrid', but given how Gami are essentially children trying to piece together an identity... You think hybridization could be a learnable ability.
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Oh right, we could always arrange for brain dead individuals or those beyond conventional healing for the Gami. That way they sate their "primary directive", while only effectively dead people lose their bodies to them.

Of course, the results for the Gami's mind is another story... Still, they're capable of regenerating from anything barring death itself, so the main concern is making sure these Gami aren't feral or alien in personality.
"Has the World Health Organization ever tried interacting peacefully with the Gami?" you asked.

"Yeah. We try it all the time." she said. "But they're not always open to it. Especially after they learn a caveat of why we want to do it - to eradicate the Gami disease. You know, the vaccine. Like we try to do with most diseases, really. It's what we're supposed to do."

"Oh. So like, you want to bring them in to betray their species?" you asked.

"Putting it like that is a bit… I don't know. It's more like we want to learn more about them in order to deal with them." she said.

"But you also kill them - you killed that guy you tried to talk to with first." you said. "How does that work out with trying to interact peacefully with them? Did you want to kill him from the start?"

"Once a prospect declines we sort of have to keep on moving with the rest of plans we got anyways." she said. "But we really try to talk to them! But unfortunately a lot of them also try to go infect humans meanwhile, erasing the mind of people, mentally killing them. Which then, instinctively, become more of these killers. We're in a situation of emergency here - how do you stop these superpowered serial killer which breed more superpowered serial killers? En masse?"

"There is no magic solution. And yet, we desperately need to contain this situation before it gets out of hand. We don't have an infinite budget, infinite time, we don't have infinite understanding of what these things are. But we do know that they kill people mentally as a necessity for their reproduction, and they kill people for food. You're getting at that it's 'wrong' to kill them, right?"

"This is the trolley problem."
she said and chuckled with a jaded air to it. "Do you let the Gami live, and continue to potentially kill more humans - not that it's guaranteed that the Gami will. It's just extremely likely that they will because of how they're instinctively programmed. Or do you pull the lever and decide to only kill that one Gami."

"What do you choose?" she asked and raised her eyebrow.

"Some Gamis have shown interest to reproduce like humans though, and they don't have to eat huma-" you said, but she interrupted you.

"That is not the situation that out there, right now." she said, and slammed an index finger to the table.

"I don't know what Gamis you know. Maybe they are like that - great. Cool. Fantastic. But people are out there dying right now. What do we do, try to convince all of the Gamis to play nice? Sure, that would be very nice. And just let people fucking die until the Gamis decide they are convinced - if that ever happens? Or is that just a price that those innocent people will have to pay for your overly idealistic fantasy?"

She seemed pissed.

"These, big, utopian dreams are cheap." she said, waving her hands up into the air. "Unfortunately, reality isn't like that." she continued, and poked the table firmly more times. "Or at least, it isn't yet. Unfortunately, we have to deal with the present. The things right in front of us, now. In the real world."

"I mean, it's not wrong to try, right?" you suggested.

She sighed and leaned back into her chair. "Yeah."

"You know that they don't have to kill people for food, yes?" you told her.

"Yeah, I know." she said. "But they still do it anyways to get stronger because of sexual competition pressures. Well, it's not really 'sexual', technically, because they have no gender. But it's similar. Instead of competing for mates, they compete for hosts."

"We could also have them infect brain dead people. Or maybe people who just want to give up their bodies to the Gami." you also brought up.

"Yes. That would be nice. But, again, those are high fantasies that don't help with the now. Gamis aren't instinctively programmed to think like that. They are programmed to want and hunt good, healthy people and they don't care about that person's own wants. They just want to spread like their instincts tell them to. They want to get strong to spread better and more. Could we convince them to not be so homicidal? Sure. Totally possible. Is it a practical option right now? No. Unfortunately not. Because every day, more and more of these serial killers are born, and we don't know how close we are to point were they reproduce faster than we can get rid of them."

Wenzel appeared through the door.

"Hey, how's it going, champ?" he asked. Then, he put a hand on Marika's shoulder, which she peeled away.

"How did the blood test go?" he asked, and looked at the other doctor.

"Positive." Marika replied.

"Positive. P-positive?" he asked. "You h-had me fooled back there! Good one, good one."

"No, his mind is actually intact." she said. "He's an exception, like me. Well, not exactly like me. But you get the idea."

"Intact mind? H-how?"

Marika shrugged. "I dunno man."

"W-well! This is quite the development! So, Marika-"

"Dr. Nobel."

"C'mon, you don't have to be like that. We're friends, right?" Wenzel insisted.

"You were saying?" she asked, abrasively.

"...Yes. Uh, Dr. Nobel, did you give him the briefing for his current situation?"

"Yes." she replied.

"OK, good." Wenzel continued. "I just came by to say that he could go if that's the case. Just live your normal life, don't draw any suspicion, and if you ever have anything to tell us, we're here for you. Here's my card. Just give me a call. Also, we may go visit you or contact you if someone comes up, so don't be surprised if we do."

He handed you over his business card.

"Here's mine too." Marika added and gave you hers as well.

"I'm definitely extremely interested in learning more from you, Daniel." Wenzel said. "Gah. Such a pity I can't stay here right now. I… very, very much want to learn more about you."

"Me too!" Marika butted in.

"Anyways." Wenzel continued. "Here's a coupon for the cafeteria next door, I guess you'd want some breakfast, yes? I get that it's not much payment for all of the trouble we've caused you, but I hope you understand that it's for the good for the world's health and wellbeing, the protection of mankind."

"...Thanks." you reply.


They escorted you out of the police station and soon waved their goodbyes as they got into a police van and drove off. There, you also noticed how massive Marika's ass was too, and wondered for a few moments how she managed to sit.

You opted to skip the breakfast they had gifted you to get back to the Nest as quickly as possible.

Once you got there, you found the group of Gamis immediately wave their hands and celebrate - silently - until you got inside, when they got a lot noisier.

"You're alive!" one of them cheered and threw their hands to the air. "Brother Daniel is alive!"

Several others went to hug you tightly. They smelled pretty pungent, dressed in their usual hobo attire. But you didn't care and hugged them back.

"Yeah, I'm back and alive." you replied and rubbed their backs and heads.

"D-daniel!" Legion said. The others made space for her, as if she had an aura that mustn't be passed, as she approached you and held your hand and put it to her face.

"I-I don't want to lose more of us anymore." she said. "It hurts too much."

She looked up, eyes a bit teary. "I'm so happy you're back. We're so happy you're back." she said.

You rubbed her head. "Thanks, but don't worry. I'm here now."

She then hugged you and let her face rest on your belly for a while.

[ ] Try to set conditions with Marika/Wenzel, that you'll only let them study you if they leave Legion's clan alone.
[ ] Try to have Legion's clan become a sort of sociological experiment for contra natura pacific Gami for the WHO duo.
[ ] Relocate the clan to outmaneuver the WHO, with the help of information you can get from Marika/Wenzel.
[ ] Write in.
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[X] Explain what happened, how it seems the WHO isn't so much opposed to Gamis and more just overzealous in protecting humans.
-[X] To that end, suggest that Legion's clan change their methods. Perhaps whatever happened with you could be replicated. Point is, they just need to not be "killers" of humans.

I'm still a little wary, given how they set up a murder trap and had no intention of capturing or speaking with the Gamis baited. Granted, they could of easily assumed the Gamis affected were too dangerous, given how they didn't kill Daniel just to be safe.

Overall, seems like the best bet would be to have the clan avoid killing or overwriting humans- at least unprovoked. If the personality overwrite could be refined, they could effectively infect people to be better versions of themselves instead of someone else entirely. Huh, could effectively create Neuromods that way, adding in and removing mental changes as desired.

Besides that, taking out rival Gamis who refuse to play nice with humans would be good. As for human targets, it depends on how good/powerful Gami healing ability is...

Like, people who literally can't do anything could get a functional body with Gami powers. Though unless the infection ability can be refined, they'l be limited to people who are effectively dead or have nothing to lose.

Oh, going for non-humans could be an option, but I'm worried about the mind-set those Gamis would have. If they form themselves from the previous mind, then animal Gamis would be even harder to manage unless they have the potential for human level intelligence.
[X] Try to have Legion's clan become a sort of sociological experiment for contra natura pacific Gami for the WHO duo.

Once things calm down, you decided to explain to the Gamis the situation.

"These government people - well, the World Health Organization… They're aren't opposed to Gamis." you tell them. "They're just really worried with protecting humans."

"So, for that I had in mind an idea. What if more like me could be made instead of the usual infection? More people whose mind isn't taken over."

"Why." Legion asked. "It's my greatest happiness to have a new Gami. It's true that I am very happy to have you, but your situation is… tragic."

"Why not have the humans produce people who have no mind of their own? You know, vegetative people? Why does it have to be us?"

How did Legion know about vegetative people? Probably Newton speaking there. But it still seemed a bit exotic of a topic for her to know about.

"Yeah, why don't the humans make vege...vegetables people!" one of the offspring Gami said. "Why do we have to have our own sons and daughters be like that, on purpose! It's so cruel!"

You took a moment to pause. This was a dilemma. Who should be "vegetative":

The humans?

or the Gami?

"I'll think about it." you said, and stroke your chin, trying to buy time. "It's not an easy problem, sorry. I just want the best for everyone."

"I thought you were on our side." Legion said, and looked away.

"I am!" you replied. "This is hard, OK?"

She nodded.

"I think the other humans have gotten to him." one of the offspring commented to another of them.

"He just needs more family warmth." the other answered.

You held your chin. There just wasn't enough body real estate to go around. One Gami, and one human. Two parties, but only one brain.

This wasn't easy.

But, hold on a moment. You remembered an idea.

"There are still humans who are just vegetative to begin with, or have no choice and might willingly want to be infected." you tell them. "There are still options."

"Yeah." Legion said. "That sounds better than deliberately trying to make our children vegetative…"

"But I want to infect the person I'm in love with!" another Gami said. "What if I'm in love with a human that isn't veget...vege...? You know, sleeping forever?"

Legion wove her hand down at them. "We have to think of the humans too if they're going to think for our good too." she said. "Some… prudence and not letting ourselves be slaves to our impulses could be good."

"But Leeeegion!" one the Gami said.

She inhaled deeply. "This isn't an easy situation for me too. But we have to-"

"I don't feel like staying here anymore." another one of the Gami then said. "First, living together and afraid, like children, humiliated and stuck here. Next, we have to surrender love. Love. How can you go against love, Legion? Are you really still Jesus, Newton and Curry, or are you someone else now?"

You already knew that the feeling of 'romantic love' of the Gami was how they felt attracted to an infection target to turn them into a Gami too, instead of the usual human meaning of it.

"When did you stop listening to your heart, Legion?" they asked. "Oh."

He looked at you. "I know now."

"Anyways." he continued. "I don't want to be here anymore. Do whatever you want. I'm out."

"Please, Adam, we can talk this-" Legion said.

"No, Legion. I'm through." he replied, and marched out.

Nobody else went with him, thankfully.

"Daniel has helped us a lot before." another Gami said. "I still believe in him. I'll stay."

A few others nodded.

"Taking out rival Gami is still fair game though." you tell them. "The humans already consider them 'dead', you know, brain already rewritten and stuff. So no issues there."

The Gami nodded again.

"Fighting other Gami is so hard though, because we're not eating humans..." another brought up. "How will we be able to do it if we aren't even strong?"

"It's better than nothing, though." Legion said.


Later that day as you left the Nest and went towards your home to keep on working, you had in mind to propose to the WHO people about having Legion's clan serve as an experiment group, but as you were fiddling with your phone to get their number right, you were interrupted by a grinning Gami. You knew they were, because they had their blood weaponry out, some light armor and daggers attached to threads. You looked around. You were in a fairly private place, at a narrow street of a residential area but in broad daylight, so you found surprising how she was so reckless about being so obvious about being a Gami.

Then, she hid them, and giggled. It was like she was teasing you with the danger.

"Hey. You're Daniel, right?" she asked. "The guy who killed Sven?"

How did she know?

Was it Adam? Did he somehow go defect to a different group? But they'd infect him and turn him into a new Gami if that was the case, right? Or maybe, he already got attacked and converted, and the "new" Adam retained some knowledge from before. You didn't know.

"And if I am?" you asked.

"I want to learn how you killed him." she said and chuckled. "Also, you're not so bad-looking. Want to take this somewhere private? Or do you want to duke it out right here?"

"You want to fight?" you asked. She seemed to not be the kind to go up and shank you, but rather, just like Sven, had some sense of fights being ritualistic.

"Yeah. Two birds with one stone." she said and then chuckled more.

[ ] Just tell her the truth. That you just baited him to a place where Gamis were killed.
[ ] Tell her that you'll fight on her home turf if she wants, to learn more about her and this common culture with Sven.
[ ] Deliberately concede and be infected. Then leave and go back to Legion and be re-infected by her.
[ ] Flee
[ ] Write in
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[X] Elaborate about the WHO encounter, play it up as an unfortunate accident. You're curious to know more about this Gami group, and explain some about what Marika spoke of.
[X] Tell her that you'll fight on her home turf if she wants, to learn more about her and this common culture with Sven.
I suppose with so many of them it's inevitable that we'd have to fight eventually, and I am curious how we'd fare.

I'd rather not lose, though, it's not like we know for certain that our partial immunity works equally well for all strains of the virus.

By the way, can we infect other Gami? Would it override their mind, or would it preserve their connection to their family while adding them to ours?

[x] Tell her that you'll fight on her home turf if she wants, to learn more about her and this common culture with Sven.

I am worried about others of her kind, though, and what "her turf" might imply.
"Yeah, I'll fight you. Would your home turf do?" you suggested. Wherever her 'turf' happened to be at.

"Uh. Sure, I guess." she replied. "I'll let you choose the last place you see, heh."

You shrugged. "Lead the way."

She nodded, and started to walk in a direction and you followed her. She didn't make much conversation, and you could sense how she felt awkward about this how she seemed to avoid looking at you as if that would cause you to talk to her, except when it was a glance to check that you weren't running away.

Was she... afraid of you? Maybe. She kept that sassy permanent smile on herself still.

And together, you walked in silence.

You phone then rang, as you got a phone call from Marika.

"Hey, Daniel, everything alright?" she asked. "I see you're with a girl. I mean, she's a Gami. She's dangerous. Should I intervene?"

"You can see us?" you asked.

"Yeah, I'm in the police van across the street." she said. You looked around and found it. Ah.

"No, I'm fine." you tell her. "Thanks though."

"Alright. Take care." she said. Then she hung up.

You looked at your phone for a moment and then stuck it back into your pocket and continued following the girl.


You arrived to a church which was noted to be closed for reforms. Quite a lot of churches in Sweden have been abandoned because of the rampant apostasy. People just weren't religious anymore.

The girl lead you to climb over the construction barriers to then lead you over to the spacious cemetery park, where there seemed to be a pair of people chatting.

"Oh, who is the newcomer Meifeng?" one of them asks. "He smells - oh. You've brought him here to beat him up?"

"He's Daniel" she said and grinned more widely.

"The Daniel that killed Sven? Oh, I'll be watching this." he replied and sat on a gravestone.

Meifeng then made her daggers and armor reappear.

"Go." she told you. "It's time."

"Right." you replied, and produced your blade, covering your forearm.

Meifeng then just stood there and waited.

"Oh. That's all?" she asked, looking at your blade with amused disdain.

"Yes." you tell her.

"Fine. Here I go!" she called out and tossed one of her knives towards you, and you moved your blade to try to slice off the blood-wire that was attached to them, but the wires themselves bent mid-air to avoid the strike, and she retracted the knives.

"Oh no, he's trying to go for my obvious weakness!" she mocked and then chuckled as she grabbed her daggers again, one in each hand.

You saw another Gami spectator arrive, holding a pregnant woman over her shoulders. She was headless. From that Gami's mouth, blood-made appendages emerged and injected themselves into the neck opening, and she started to suck, with the body starting to slowly wither and wrinkle like a raisin, as she sucked the contents within.

"Hey. Are you going to fight or not?" your opponent scoffed as you got distracted by the horror, and then looked back at her.

"Uh, yeah." you reply, and glance at your crude and simple blade, and then to her pair of daggers attached to wires, and light armor.

[ ] Bum-rush her, attempt to heal damage she may deal as you charge forwards, and attempt to melee her down once you're close.
[ ] Get deliberately stabbed and then try to reel her in via her blood-wires for a strike.
[ ] Be obnoxiously defensive and patient in hopes that you just outlast her.
[ ] Write in
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[X] Bum-rush her, attempt to heal damage she may deal as you charge forwards, and attempt to melee her down once you're close.

Not really sure what to do, so might as well deny her range and exploit our healing factor. Still, I kind of hope we get the chance to point out how wasteful it is for Gami to feed on pregnant women.

I mean, you're barely gonna get anything from the baby like that, not to mention you could try turning the baby into a Gami. Hmm, actually, if all they need to do is absorb blood... then killing people is super wasteful. Like, humans don't murder cows after milking them, because the cows can make more milk.

Not to mention all the blood drawing things humans do deliberately, so having Gami infiltrate places for blood donation and/or storage would let them get plenty strong without even fighting for it.
[x] Get deliberately stabbed and then try to reel her in via her blood-wires for a strike.

We can probably heal the damage.

Like, humans don't murder cows after milking them, because the cows can make more milk.
Cows are expensive to both raise and buy. Gami can grab people off the street effortlessly, which is what they are doing.

Leave the ones willing to adapt and coexist, exterminate the others. They are likely not going to listen as long as they can do whatever they want with no repercussions (we can't convince our own family let alone others), so I am thinking that helping WHO is probably the right move.
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[ ] Get deliberately stabbed and then try to reel her in via her blood-wires for a strike.
I don't like the 'reel her in' strategy. As she pointed out in this update, obvious weakness. And I don't trust she can't whip her wire around and cut our arm off like that or something else nasty.

We have more HPs with the healing, but that doesn't mean much if she gets to do lots of damage, which we're letting her do.

[ ] Bum-rush her, attempt to heal damage she may deal as you charge forwards, and attempt to melee her down once you're close.
Much better. Not perfect, because daggers and armor and she's probably good with them, but a step in the right direction.

[X] Be obnoxiously defensive and patient in hopes that you just outlast her.
I know, ceding initiative is a terrible idea but hear me out on this one:
1. All we manifest is our sword. No armor, no whips, and only one sword to her two daggers, light armor and wires for the daggers. We're beating her in economy.
2. I don't think we'll win the close-combat game, we don't have armor and she does. Sure we can heal better but that won't mean much if she's also more skilled at close quarters, which I suspect she is.
3. The focus on defense, while it won't help us do damage to her, it might help us close the skill gap.
Hello. It's with great sadness that I tell you that I won't be continuing this Quest, because I'm having a hard time bringing myself to write things for this place. I still have immense passion for it - I've been updating twice a day for a week for it. But I've also only been here for a bit more than that week, and I think it's better to leave before I become too invested.

I unfortunately just come from the conventional nerd mainstream, where saying "are t**** gay?" as a meme is OK. This is the first place I've found that saying the word "trap" to refer to people is somehow offensive. Along that and many other things, I find this forum exotic and weird in comparison to just reddit, youtube and such, like being in a foreign country I don't speak the language of, and I was OK with that at first. Because I was just here to run my quest.

But after being temp banned (which I find correct, I was being too rude in a thread to illustrate my point. Thankfully the point itself wasn't the reason for the ban but the way I was doing it), I took the time to understand the reason for my ban and went to study the rules and appeal precedents more in depth.

There were a lot of interesting discussions, internal forum politics and debating techniques which I started to took note of because they could be useful if I want to continue my quest. I had to be ready to defend it because it has a lot of controversial shit. You know, the homicidal cannibalistic sapient parasites and a bunch of sub-themes: their extermination justified via the classic trolley problem, the problem and chagrin of the genetic lottery (which would later devolve into genetic superiority/breeding problems) in the form of Marika. And well, dealing with sapient beings who honestly believe what they are doing is good and morally correct, based on their innermost honest feelings, such as family and romantic love. Much like how our morals often emerge from feelings too.

And so, two species having different moral systems but which have developed in the same way, which finds the opposing side morally wrong - which is right? Or can a compromise be found?

It was extremely fun to discuss and explore those compromises, either to rejoice in finding a solution or despair over that there might just never be one for a certain aspect.

Of course, the Quest was designed around bringing up these things and putting you guys into the situation where a solution had to be found. It was designed around these controversial, horrible things and needing a way to wrestle it. Or not. Ultimately it was in your hands, because seeing you guys deal with it through the power of your ability to make choices for this was my greatest happiness when running Red Origami.

But, like mentioned before, bringing up these difficult themes, and especially relating it to sensitive subjects, would mean that I would need to be ready to defend it against possible reports - because some things will be offensive. I think that would be normal for a Quest like this, for things to be found to be abhorrent. That's the intent. I want it discussed, voted on and reacted to. That's the adventure I want to tell. Finding hope in extremely messed up shit.

But then I thought. Why should I be so afraid of constantly self-policing myself and thinking of defenses for my actions beforehand?

If I need to be always worried about that at some place, that place wouldn't feel very welcoming to this kind of content that I want to create. I don't want to feel the warmth breath of censorship and report risk on my shoulder constantly as I do my quest. It's just a greater relief to run a quest elsewhere where there isn't this censorship.

So, I just don't think this place will net me enough fun compared to other places.

Sure, I could try to wrestle others and argue for different policies, and according to the Rules, I'm supposed to fight for the changes I want to see. But I don't have some messiah complex to go around 'saving' random forums on the internet of what I think is wrong and have them do right, I have a life and better things to be concerned about, the discomfort would remain anyways until things change (if they ever do), and again: I'm really not here to wrestle other people in forum-political arguments, and I don't want to have the looming fear that I'll sometime have to.

I just want to have fun and run a Quest.
Thanks for playing Red Origami.
Hello. It's with great sadness that I tell you that I won't be continuing this Quest, because I'm having a hard time bringing myself to write things for this place. I still have immense passion for it - I've been updating twice a day for a week for it. But I've also only been here for a bit more than that week, and I think it's better to leave before I become too invested.

I unfortunately just come from the conventional nerd mainstream, where saying "are t**** gay?" as a meme is OK. This is the first place I've found that saying the word "trap" to refer to people is somehow offensive. Along that and many other things, I find this forum exotic and weird in comparison to just reddit, youtube and such, like being in a foreign country I don't speak the language of, and I was OK with that at first. Because I was just here to run my quest.

But after being temp banned (which I find correct, I was being too rude in a thread to illustrate my point. Thankfully the point itself wasn't the reason for the ban but the way I was doing it), I took the time to understand the reason for my ban and went to study the rules and appeal precedents more in depth.

There were a lot of interesting discussions, internal forum politics and debating techniques which I started to took note of because they could be useful if I want to continue my quest. I had to be ready to defend it because it has a lot of controversial shit. You know, the homicidal cannibalistic sapient parasites and a bunch of sub-themes: their extermination justified via the classic trolley problem, the problem and chagrin of the genetic lottery (which would later devolve into genetic superiority/breeding problems) in the form of Marika. And well, dealing with sapient beings who honestly believe what they are doing is good and morally correct, based on their innermost honest feelings, such as family and romantic love. Much like how our morals often emerge from feelings too.

And so, two species having different moral systems but which have developed in the same way, which finds the opposing side morally wrong - which is right? Or can a compromise be found?

It was extremely fun to discuss and explore those compromises, either to rejoice in finding a solution or despair over that there might just never be one for a certain aspect.

Of course, the Quest was designed around bringing up these things and putting you guys into the situation where a solution had to be found. It was designed around these controversial, horrible things and needing a way to wrestle it. Or not. Ultimately it was in your hands, because seeing you guys deal with it through the power of your ability to make choices for this was my greatest happiness when running Red Origami.

But, like mentioned before, bringing up these difficult themes, and especially relating it to sensitive subjects, would mean that I would need to be ready to defend it against possible reports - because some things will be offensive. I think that would be normal for a Quest like this, for things to be found to be abhorrent. That's the intent. I want it discussed, voted on and reacted to. That's the adventure I want to tell. Finding hope in extremely messed up shit.

But then I thought. Why should I be so afraid of constantly self-policing myself and thinking of defenses for my actions beforehand?

If I need to be always worried about that at some place, that place wouldn't feel very welcoming to this kind of content that I want to create. I don't want to feel the warmth breath of censorship and report risk on my shoulder constantly as I do my quest. It's just a greater relief to run a quest elsewhere where there isn't this censorship.

So, I just don't think this place will net me enough fun compared to other places.

Sure, I could try to wrestle others and argue for different policies, and according to the Rules, I'm supposed to fight for the changes I want to see. But I don't have some messiah complex to go around 'saving' random forums on the internet of what I think is wrong and have them do right, I have a life and better things to be concerned about, the discomfort would remain anyways until things change (if they ever do), and again: I'm really not here to wrestle other people in forum-political arguments, and I don't want to have the looming fear that I'll sometime have to.

I just want to have fun and run a Quest.
Thanks for playing Red Origami.
If you really want to continue this quest in a better or more accepting environment you should try Questionable Questing.
If you really want to continue this quest in a better or more accepting environment you should try Questionable Questing.
I find it hilarious and depressing how this place touts itself as being as being super inclusive yet I'm getting people (in PMs) and you telling me that it's actually the opposite and not the most accepting place.

Anyways. I appreciate the care for the suggestion but I actually already started there yesterday with a new Quest and it has been explosively popular. 22 likes and 26 voters for just the first post and I'm very glad and flattered that people have liked it so much. Maybe the place just suits my fortes better.
I find it hilarious and depressing how this place touts itself as being as being super inclusive yet I'm getting people (in PMs) and you telling me that it's actually the opposite and not the most accepting place.

Anyways. I appreciate the care for the suggestion but I actually already started there yesterday with a new Quest and it has been explosively popular. 22 likes and 26 voters for just the first post and I'm very glad and flattered that people have liked it so much. Maybe the place just suits my fortes better.
Could be worse, could be the other forum I will not name but Star Wars has a bunch of them, if you could give me the name or link, I'll definitely check out this new story.