Red Flux: A New Weird Quest for Justice, Freedom and the Self

[X] Go in at once.
[X] Try to surprise her with an entry through the second story window.

Doors are for people with no imagination, and the man was a security guard. Live by the sword, and all that.
[X] Go in at once.
[X] Try to surprise her with an entry through the second story window.
Rain beats down, spattering your coat as Halna jumps towards her.
Should this be, "towards you"?

You just have to hope that your combat form is too hard for the security to recognize.
Hmm, couldn't find mention of it before, what does this combat form entail?

I feel almost guilty knowing that no one wants to help the security guard. It's just a job and they might not be the violently bigoted one... We're supposedly stronger and faster though, so I'd like for us to rush in and get this done as soon as possible. Especially with the possibility of witnesses to her violent episode.

[x] Go in at once.
[x] Go in fast, find her and finish this.
[X] Go in at once.
[X] Enter through the second window.

I'd like to stop and help, but he's not our responsibility, while Halna is. As it is, if we take a moment to look after him, more guards will be hurt anyway. Best to just try and end this.
Don't step out. She's not in her right mind.
I can't just leave her. You step out into the pool of light around the pole. "Halna!"
"I can't just leave her" should be italicized, I believe.

Her mouth flickers, then returns to normal, with only sharpened, vampire like incisors to mark an abnormality.
Usually it's the canine teeth that are sharp in vampires.

Also, are vampires confirmed to exist in this setting? Or maybe they just have vampire fiction, like we do?

There's no time for subtly now.

You just have to hope that your combat form is too hard for the security to recognize. not recall any mention of a "combat form" for Leigh. Ever. Shapeshifting was mentioned among Leigh's powers, but I don't recall her actually making use of it.

[X] Go in at once.
[X] Enter through the second window.

Like Ford said, if we want to minimize harm and loss of life (and I do), it's best to go after the source of the violence.
[X] Try to save the guy.

That's what heroes do.

[X] Go in fast, find her and finish this.

People are in danger. I'm in favor of saving the guy, but once that's dealt with, there's a need to act fast here.
[x] Go in at once.
[x] Try to surprise her with an entry through the second story window.
Dynamic entryyyyy.

First off, Halna's gonna make a lot more casualties no matter what, we need to end this ASAP and we can worry about the wounded afterwards. The longer this goes on the more people are gonna die, so saving the guy is going to get more people killed than leaving him to die. Secondly, everyone's expecting someone to come through that door, probably, so dynamic entry this shit and go in behind her.
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