Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [x] Marini Risala
(Phạm Trường Phát as second choice)

Bordiga gang ignoring all other options as they're now automatically bad

Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [x] Dalip Qalhari
(Ninia Makreli as second choice)

Broadly popular and gives us a lot of options.

Commissar of Production: [x] Ryom Na-Rae
(Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva as second choice)

I like AI shit and she seems good.

Commissar of Research and Development [x] Anna Jonsson
(Mannfred Lukas Meyer as second choice)

we're in a magitek world, might as well go with the person insane enough to take advantage of that

Commissar of Security: [x] Verano Cetta
(Akifume Shinzo as second choice)

He's cool

Commissar of Culture [x] Marie Isabelle Marinette
(Danny Murtagh as second choice)

She's intensely radical, and it we're smart we just make Danny attaché for fae affairs or something like that.
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After reading the updated roster, here are my picks and reasoning for them.

Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X] Phạm Trường Phát
Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [X] Dalip Qalhari
Commissar of Production: [X] Ryom Na-Rae
Commissar of R&D: [X] Sizamile Msizi
Commissar of Security: [X] Akifume Shinzo
Commissar of Culture: [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette

Phạm Trường Phát - A seasoned administrator with a deep understanding of communist praxis, he provides substantial bonuses for internal and leftist diplomacy, organizing revolutions, and resource gain. As a second-in-command, I believe most of his negatives can be mitigated.

Dalip Qalhari - An experienced diplomat, he provides significant bonuses to general diplomacy, alliance-making, treaties, and organizing revolutions. He's also capable of operating both in peace and war time, while not being overly hawkish, and he has a strong sense of justice to boot.

Ryom Na-Rae - Great strengths in both general administration, industry/infrastructure, and military production (which we will need and fast), plus her inclusion will make the military happy. I think those all these qualities together make up for her stubbornness. Plus she advocates for the rights of sapient mechanical lifeforms, which we may very well run into in this 'verse.

Sizamile Msizi - A great scientist in her own right, her bold and experimental approach should really help with understanding how technology and magic in this world function. She is also well-liked in general, will make acquiring additional scientific talent easier, and is an advocate for trans rights.

Akifume Shinzo - Excellent base espionage credentials, gives a bonus to networking with other potential revolutionaries, and increases our internal security and counterintelligence capabilities without heavy-handed security ops that would cause resentment. Great positives across the board, and I believe his downsides can be mitigated.

Marie Isabelle Marinette - A skilled, charismatic, and passionate artist who can rally people to the cause of communism and is a stalwart advocate for the vulnerable and downtrodden. All great qualities in my book.
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Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X] Marini Risala
(Phạm Trường Phát as second choice)
Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [X] Ninia Makreli
(Dalip Qalhari as second choice)
Commissar of Production: [X] Ryom Na-Rae
(Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva as second choice)
Commissar of R&D: [X] Anna Jonsson
(Mannfred Lukas Meyer as second choice)
Commissar of Security: [X] Verano Cetta
(Zarina Mastache as second choice)
Commissar of Culture: [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
(Danny Murtagh as second choice)

My cabinet is

Token normal production guy
Mad scientist
Cultural revolutionary
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I don't see no point in doing a Cold War with the GTO since we were ISOT'ed to some strange world, we don't know what kind of unknown forces that the GTO would align with. It would be for the best if we end the threat at our backyard so that we can dedicate our full force at the front lawn.
That assumes that we can defeat the target in our backyard before anyone out front decides to join in, and that doing so doesn't weaken us to the point we can't defend the front yard.
Commissar of Security: [X] Zarina Mastache
Commissar of Culture: [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette

These are the only ones I'm sure about, for now. I'll fill up the other positions later, perhaps.
[X] Plan The New Order
-[X] Chairman of the Presiding Committee: Shido Shaciye Shuuriye
-[X] Commissar of Foreign Affairs: Marie Isabelle Marinette
-[X] Commissar of Production: Ryom Na-Rae
-[X] Commissar of Research and Development: Mannfred Lukas Meyer
-[X] Commissar of Security: Zarina Mastache
-[X] Commissar of Culture: Danny Murtagh
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Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [X] Dalip Qalhari
Commissar of Production: [X] Marija Tesla

Commissar of Security:[X] Akifume Shinzo
Commissar of Culture:[X] Sophie Sligman
I'll figure out the rest later, but both Dalip and Shinzo are excellent all rounders. Meanwhile, superweapons tend not to win wars as much as conventional equipment. Tesla is really good at the meat and potatoes stuff that makes economies and armies top of the line. We are about to get into a war of ideas with the GTO to convert our new neighbors, and Sophie is the best at getting the message out there without running afoul of the censor's pen.
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Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X] Phạm Trường Phát
Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [X] Ninia Makreli
Commissar of Production: [X]: Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva
Commissar of R&D: [X] Sadi Al-Sheikh
Commissar of Security: [X] Sayar Aktug
Commissar of Culture: [X] Sophie Sligman
Nice chapter! I like how the previous votes and discussion got seamlessly integrated into the narrative.

Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X] Phạm Trường Phát
Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [X] Sirvan Vahdat
Commissar of Production: [X] Marija Tesla
Commissar of R&D: [X] Mannfred Lukas Meyer
Commissar of Security: [X] Verano Cetta
Commissar of Culture: [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette

A mixture of young talents, well-known veterans... and communist Batman.

Yes. This could work.
Chairman of the Presiding Committee:
[1] Phạm Trường Phát
[2] Marini Risala
[3] Shido Shaciye Shuuriye
Commissar of Foreign Affairs:
[1] Sirvan Vahdat
[2] Dalip Qalhari
[3] Marie Isabelle Marinette
Commissar of Production:
[1] Marija Tesla
[2] Ryom Na-Rae
[3] Zdravko Samuilov Valeriv
Commissar of R&D:
[1] Mannfred Lukas Meyer
[2] Sadi Al-Sheikh
[3] Sizamile Msizi
Commissar of Security:
[1] Akifume Shinzo
[2] Verano Cetta
[3] Zarina Mastache
Commissar of Culture:
[1] Zubair Sahetapy
[2] Marie Isabelle Marinette
[3] Danny Murtagh
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Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X] Phạm Trường Phát
Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [X] Sirvan Vahdat
Commissar of Production: [X] Marija Tesla
Commissar of R&D: [X] Mannfred Lukas Meyer
Commissar of Security: [X] Verano Cetta
Commissar of Culture: [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
[X] Falcon87456

I'd like to see the mad scientist working with magical technology. Special experimental projects look very promising.
Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette - Culturally radical French women appeals to the May 68 nerd in me
Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [X] Ninia Makreli - Seems like a damn solid propagandist and rhetorician
Commissar of Production: [X] Phạm Trường Phát
Commissar of Research and Development: [X] Mannfred Lukas Meyer - science twink science twink science twink
Commisar of Security: [X] Akifume Shinzo
Commisar of Culture: [X] Danny Murtagh - I think I'm mainly picking him because he could be useful with the magical aspects of the setting, otherwise I think I'd go for Zubair
Wait, I'm only just taking into account that this is for Otmesozob CC member approval by the people (thru Cybersyn polls), the ULAPAC STAVKA, and the participatory democracy thru Comintern's Supreme Soviet; the Otmesozob's own STAVKA positions will be up later.

Considering some candidates in the current vote has previous military roles, any chance some of them could be in for Otmesozob STAVKA instead? If so, would it be a spoiler to know those eligible people. Cuz that could shift my votes (and maybe others).

I know Xuan, from the prev vote, is defo up for 2 positions (STAVKA chief of staff or their Ground Forces' chief of staff)
Wait, considering this is Otmesozob CC member for approval by the people (thru Cybersyn polls), the ULAPAC STAVKA, and the participatory democracy thru Comintern's Supreme Soviet; the Otmesozob's own STAVKA positions will be up later.

Considering some candidates in the current vote has previous military roles, any chance some of them could be in for Otmesozob STAVKA instead? If so, would it be a spoiler to know those eligible people. Cuz that could shift my votes (and maybe others).

I know Xuan, from the prev vote, is defo up for 2 positions (STAVKA chief of staff or their Ground Forces' chief of staff)
Generally anyone with specific military bonuses can be in the STAVKA.
Not sure if we want an unpredictable mad scientist who has a chance of causing mass destruction to the area she's in on the committee.
Lmao now I'm going over the list again.

So from what I gather, ppl who could be up for the Otmesozob STAVKA approval voting:

1. Ryom Na-Rae, currently up for Commissar of Production based on her military project background and related bonuses
2. Sadi al-Sheikh, currently up for Commissar of R&D based on his UAR military background and related bonuses
3. Anna Jonsson, currently up for Commissar of R&D based on her "I can weaponize this" trait
4. Zarina Mastache, currently up for Commissar of Security, based on her guerrilla warfare, specops, and insurgency bonuses
5. Xuan Xiulan, previously up for Commissar-in-Chief. Will be up for Otmesozob STAVKA Supreme Commander or as Chief of the Land Forces.

Probable?: Danny Murtagh, currently up for Commissar of Culture; based on his trait "Legacy of the IRA"...but what would he even do in STAVKA doe?

Probably others I've missed. And outside of Xuan, I could be very wrong.

And of course, you'd do all your fellow Jews proud with your dedication to arguing a point.

Ohhh Valeriya's of Jewish descent too

Btw, keeping in mind Valeriya's skillset and shortcomings; her 2nd should be experienced and connected. Friendliness with GTO is smth the diplo person can handle. She can mediate internal conflicts in the civilian central committee, so that mitigates effect of opposing personalities & beliefs

Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [] Phạm Trường Phát

Experienced + has both political connections *and* personal bond with the people by way of his labor advocacy. Sweet production and admin bonuses. Phạm infexibility regarding other anti-capitalist tendencies means keeping him away from dealing with internal work where he could work with non-Marxist tbh.

Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [] Dalip Qahari

All rounded diplomat, popular among the revolutionary organs and the people too. That automatic failure negation is amazing. Remember to watch out for Hindu nationalists tho.

Commissar of Production: [] Marija Tesla

Her save against critfail is amazing. Also, Marija has a bonus to reverse engineer techs, which could be a boon to help the R&D commissar. The Personally, I'm torn between her and Na-Rae but the latter may not be exclusive to this phase.

Commissar of R&D: [] Mannfred Lukas Meyer

Part of the New Guard, academia experience, an in with Germany who is one of the Comintern's Big 3, Initially torn between him and Miss Mad Scientist, but Anna could possibly apply for related Ormesozob STAVKA work. The fact that Mannfred is a twinkish looker totally didn't factor, nope :V

Commissar of Security: [] Verano Cetta

Communist Batman, what more do you want? That bonus for "strange cultures" would def help in the Lonely Earth setting. Man of Mystery is a gureto counter-intelligence trait, and it could be a boon for Qahari (if Qahari won). In the meantime, I think that Zarina could perhaps be limited in civilian sphere bruh moments by making her focus on her specialty i.e. external guerrilla action in the Otmesozob STAVKA (if she can be selected there obv).

Commissar of Culture: [] Danny Murtagh

I'm not sure Danny & Marie would be available in the next phase. And I lean to the former bcs of his esoteric and fae bonuses which could be a boon for dealing with some Lonely Earth factions. He's also part of the young new guard.
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Is there a chance any of these characters will come into play later or appear in some other position even if they aren't appointed here?
Is there a chance any of these characters will come into play later or appear in some other position even if they aren't appointed here?

Some who don't get into either the Committee or Stavka will be filtered into lower character positions such as Generals, Chief Scientists (think Stellaris), Regional Administrators and the like. Though their stats will only have local effects in that case.

Some will simply filter back to their home countries.
I think that Marie is probably the better choice then Danny for ministry of culture. A lot is said about Danny's Fey stuff, but it isnt actually that massive of a thing, and while he can make some good propaganda, Marie will actually be able to advance the faction as a whole by massive amounts, and do a lot more fun culture things if slightly less propaganda. In addition, Marie would likely get along very well with the communists in this world, who are very culturally progressive. While Danny's Few things are nice, they simply dont outway the opportunity we have here to do some advanced cultural progression with Marie

In addition, we can always make Danny a Fae attache or something, whereas Marie's social progressivism can really only be implemented if she's on top
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Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [x] Marini Risala

Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [x] Dalip Qalhari

Commissar of Production: [x] Phạm Trường Phát

Commissar of Research and Development: [x] Sadi Al-Sheikh

Commissar of Security: [x] Sayar Aktug

Commissar of Culture: [x] Marie Isabelle Marinette
Edited my vote for Ranked Choice after discussing it with Crimson.

Chairman of the Presiding Committee:
[1st] Phạm Trường Phát
[2nd] Marini Risala
[3rd] Shido Shaciye Shuuriye

Commissar of Foreign Affairs:
[1st] Dalip Qalhari
[2nd] Ninia Makreli
[3rd] Sirvan Vahdat

Commissar of Production:
[1st] Ryom Na-Rae
[2nd] Marija Tesla
[3rd] Zdravko Samuilob Valeriva

Commissar of R&D:
[1st] Sizamile Msizi
[2nd] Mannfred Lukas Meyer
[3rd] Anna Jonsson

Commissar of Security:
[1st] Akifume Shinzo
[2nd] Sayar Aktug
[3rd] Verano Cetta

Commissar of Culture:
[1st] Marie Isabelle Marinette
[2nd] Danny Murtagh
[3rd] Sophie Sligman
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