[X] Plan The New Order
-[X] Chairman of the Presiding Committee: Shido Shaciye Shuuriye
-[X] Commissar of Foreign Affairs: Marie Isabelle Marinette
-[X] Commissar of Production: Ryom Na-Rae
-[X] Commissar of Research and Development: Mannfred Lukas Meyer
-[X] Commissar of Security: Zarina Mastache
-[X] Commissar of Culture: Danny Murtagh

I'm going to format the vote like this so the tally can pick it up. If you only vote for Marie on her own line, then even if you labeled it on your post it just comes up as Marie by herself in the tally, and doesn't say which of the three positions you're assigning her to.
Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X] Shido Shaciye Shuuriye
Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
Commissar of Production: [X]: Ryom Na-Rae
Commissar of R&D: [X]: Mannfred Lukas Meyer
Commissar of Security: [X] Akifume Shinzo
Commissar of Culture : [X] Danny Murtagh

Hopefully the Red Banner will stretch along our world and this new world soon.
Chairman of the Presiding Committee
1. [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
2. [X] Phạm Trường Phát
3. [X] Shido Shaciye Shuuriye
Commissar of Foreign Affairs (Diplomat)
1. [X] Sirvan Vahdat
2. [X]: Dalip Qalhari
3. [X] Ninia Makreli
Commissar of Production (Economy)
1. [X] Ryom Na-Rae
2. [X] Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva
3. [X] Marija Tesla
Commissar of Research and Development (Science)
1. [X] Sizamile Msiz
2. [X] Mannfred Lukas Meyer
3. [X] Anna Jonsson
Commissar of Security (Spy)
1. [X] Akifume Shinzo
2. [X] Sayar Aktug
3. [X] Verano Cetta
Commissar of Culture
1. [X] Danny Murtagh
2. [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
3. [X] Zubair Sahetapy

I think Valeriya is enough of a generalist we don't need Shido to round out our weaknesses on that front, and Marie would make a good counterpoint in that position, and I think Sirvan is the best candidate for diplomat. He's the kind of guy you want in that role.
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[X] Plan Red Future
-Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X] Shido Shaciye Shuuriye
-Commissar of Foreign Affairs: [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
-Commissar of Production: [X] Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva
-Commissar of R&D: [X] Mannfred Lukas Meyer
-Commissar of Security: [X] Zarina Mastache
-Commissar of Culture: [X] Danny Murtagh

Not a big fan of the pick for the Presiding Committee, but we need to keep the peaceniks out of foreign policy
For foreign policy, see above
For production I love me some cybersyn, so that was an easy choice, plus this guy is actually better at AI then the other choice
RnD, Meyer seems like the more ambitious pick, so I went with him
For security I had to go with my candidate for leader, and the most anti GTO candidate on the bloc, to start revolutions everywhere, also she seems to be the more powerful choice overall
For culture there was only one option as I needed to keep the pacifists out of foreign policy
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Chairman of the Presiding Committee [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
Commissar of Foreign Affairs (Diplomat) [X] Sirvan Vahdat
Commissar of Production (Economy) [X] Ryom Na-Rae
Commissar of Research and Development (Science) [X] Sizamile Msiz
Commissar of Security (Spy) [X] Akifume Shinzo
Commissar of Culture [X] Danny Murtagh

I think Valeriya is enough of a generalist we don't need Shido to round out our weaknesses on that front, and Marie would make a good counterpoint in that position, and I think Sirvan is the best candidate for diplomat. He's the kind of guy you want in that role.
He is the opposite of the kind of guy we want in the role, he's "beloved by the GTO", we want to crush then, not play nice with them
It's the civilian office of diplomacy. He's a diplomat. How well loved by the GTO he is won't determine whether or when we go to war with them on its own, and In particular it helps make sure we decide that and not them. Besides you're too focused on the GTO. They are not the main long-term threat, and when we start making contact with the locals we should have the most experienced and skilled person in the field in that role.

Sirvan isn't going to be dictating policy, we will, and it's not like he's being put in charge of our military planning and implementation.
It's the civilian office of diplomacy. He's a diplomat. How well loved by the GTO he is won't determine whether or when we go to war with them on its own, and In particular it helps make sure we decide that and not them. Besides you're too focused on the GTO. They are not the main long-term threat, and when we start making contact with the locals we should have the most experienced and skilled person in the field in that role.

Sirvan isn't going to be dictating policy, we will, and it's not like he's being put in charge of our military planning and implementation.
While that is a fair point, Marie does seem to be quite skilled at manipulating others to do what we want as well, and is still quite a good diplomat, who should be extra good when dealing with the commies of this world. And Sirvan's weakness in espionage, combined with the fact that he will certainly not get along with some of our more... aggressive members of the government, and it's never good when your top diplomat has completely different goals then the government he works for, or having a cabinet member resign. It's still too much of a risk, and I cant bring myself to do anything that might cool relations between us and the GTO, out of fear that it will give the pacifists in the voting bloc an opportunity to seize the reigns of power, and calm down tensions fully.
While that is a fair point, Marie does seem to be quite skilled at manipulating others to do what we want as well, and is still quite a good diplomat, who should be extra good when dealing with the commies of this world. And Sirvan's weakness in espionage, combined with the fact that he will certainly not get along with some of our more... aggressive members of the government, and it's never good when your top diplomat has completely different goals then the government he works for, or having a cabinet member resign. It's still too much of a risk, and I cant bring myself to do anything that might cool relations between us and the GTO, out of fear that it will give the pacifists in the voting bloc an opportunity to seize the reigns of power, and calm down tensions fully.

Exactly. Our big concern should be someone who can work with the communists and she seems to fit the bill; and we definitely don't want a cabinet member with oppositional views to the government in general.
I'm curious about your assumption that diplomacy with the non-communists won't be important at all. Like, I get it you want to just declare war on everyone but seriously, we will not be in the same position vis a vis the local powers that we are with the GTO we have obtained now, we will not be starting with a position of superiority and having neutralized their most potent weapons. The movement did not get where it is now by declaring all out open war against all capitalists and imperialists and throwing diplomacy out the window. Indeed, it's likely in our best interests to convince local powers that might not have a positive initial outlook on us not to do unto us what we're planning to do unto the GTO, namely stomp us flat to eliminate us as a threat.

Making the assumption that we will not and should not be engaging in diplomacy on some level with non-communist powers is short sighted, self destructive, and in clear opposition to the political strategy which has given us this opportunity for final victory on the territory of Earth. You must, by necessity, engage in diplomacy not only with your allies but with your enemies, and indeed sometimes diplomacy with your enemies is of greater importance. This is simple pragmatism, and I think the best choice for that role is someone with the credentials, experience know-how to do it. Just because Sirvan prefers peace to war doesn't mean us going to war is going to instantly drive him away, how could it when there have been differing levels of armed conflict ongoing between us and the members of the GTO for decades and he hasn't simply left the government.

And besides all that, I genuinely think Marie is a better fit for the Chairman position as a counterpoint in terms of focus to Valeriya, and would be wasted on the Foreign Affairs office when we have a perfectly good choice for the slot who has the skills, experience, and temperament to excel in the face of the unknown challenges which await us.
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I'm curious about your assumption that diplomacy with the non-communists won't be important at all. Like, I get it you want to just declare war on everyone but seriously, we will not be in the same position vis a vis the local powers that we are with the GTO we have obtained now, we will not be starting with a position of superiority and having neutralized their most potent weapons. The movement did not get where it is now by declaring all out open war against all capitalists and imperialists and throwing diplomacy out the window. Indeed, it's likely in our best interests to convince local powers that might not have a positive initial outlook on us not to do unto us what we're planning to do unto the GTO, namely stomp us flat to eliminate us as a threat.

Making the assumption that we will not and should not be engaging in diplomacy on some level with non-communist powers is short sighted, self destructive, and in clear opposition to the political strategy which has given us this opportunity for final victory on the territory of Earth. You must, by necessity, engage in diplomacy not only with your allies but with your enemies, and indeed sometimes diplomacy with your enemies is of greater importance. This is simple pragmatism, and I think the best choice for that role is someone with the credentials, experience know-how to do it. Just because Sirvan prefers peace to war doesn't mean us going to war is going to instantly drive him away, how could it when there have been differing levels of armed conflict ongoing between us and the members of the GTO for decades and he hasn't simply left the government.

And besides all that, I genuinely think Marie is a better fit for the Chairman position as a counterpoint in terms of focus to Valeriya, and would be wasted on the Foreign Affairs office when we have a perfectly good choice for the slot who has the skills, experience, and temperament to excel in the face of the unknown challenges which await us.

Honestly, that's fair. I'm going to have to think this over for a bit before deciding, as I would really like her as second in command, but I'm really worried about the peaceful attitude of the other guy, which go contrary to everything I am trying to support. And the Commies in this world are a major faction, I don't think that focusing on them diplomatically is so bad

I still think that its too dangerous to have our head of foreign policy directly opposed to what we want to do, but you have made some good points
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Would you guys like me to add some extra candidates and call another vote? I need to finish this assignment and clear out my backlog of updates for other stuff anyway so it'll be at least a day before the next update.
Eh, I think with the number of positions we have, each with two candidates as it stands is perfectly fine.
Chairman of the Presiding Committee [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
Commissar of Foreign Affairs (Diplomat) [X] Sirvan Vahdat
Commissar of Production (Economy) [X] Ryom Na-Rae
Commissar of Research and Development (Science) [X] Sizamile Msiz
Commissar of Security (Spy) [X] Akifume Shinzo
Commissar of Culture [X] Danny Murtagh

Oh man, this formatting is making the Vote Tally's eyes bleed.
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Chairman of the Presiding Committee:[X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
Commissar of Foreign Affairs (Diplomat) [] Sirvan Vahdat
Commissar of Production (Economy) [] Ryom Na-Rae
Commissar of Research and Development (Science) [X] Sizamile Msiz
Commissar of Security: [] Akifume Shinzo
Commissar of Culture: [] Danny Murtagh

Given the kind of personalities we are dealing with, we need someone like Marie who will be able to back us up with the rest of the committee. Plus, her propaganda efforts should make it easier to gain influence abroad.

Sirvan is much better than people seem to note. Sure he is a man of peace, but he is very good at getting us in the door legitimately, which we will need since we've just gotten ISOT'ed. We are aiming for a Cold War with the GTO, and he is extremely good at the tactics that won the forces of democracy the Cold War in real life. Plus, we will need someone to resolve the crises that being ISOT'ed will cause diplomatically with non GTO nations.

I really would prefer we don't have Zarina be our spymistress. She is powerful indeed, but only when it comes to taking new territory. She does pretty much zilch for maintaining our control of new territory when we have it. I also don't want to have to deal with a Reign of Terror or even a Mccarthianism type situation. Shinzo, meanwhile, is very good at both defense and offense. He also synergizes pretty well with Sirvan.
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Chairman of the Presiding Committee [X] Marie Isabelle Marinette
Commissar of Foreign Affairs (Diplomat) [X] Sirvan Vahdat
Commissar of Production (Economy) [X] Ryom Na-Rae
Commissar of Research and Development (Science) [X] Sizamile Msiz
Commissar of Security (Spy) [X] Akifume Shinzo
Commissar of Culture [X] Danny Murtagh
I understand that I'm fighting a losing battle here, but Zarina is by far the superior spymaster in every single way. She's active, and let's us push into new areas, her main downside is that the GTO hates her, and if anything, that's a plus. She's the better canidate in every way
People do realize that regardless of what happens with the GTO we're gonna have to deal with other powers on a war footing because of what's happening in the broader world that we've been ISOT'd into, right? Explicitly choosing a diplomat who will handle wartime situations poorly and not like his job probably isn't the greatest idea.
There has been a total war against a group who is actively seeking to end civilization for over 50 years. The pacifist is not the right choice for this situation at all
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Chairman of the Presiding Committee: [X]Shido Shaciye Shuuriye
Has a lot of good bonuses, plus its always good to have good relations with the whole comintern.

Commissar of Foreign Affairs (Diplomat): [X]Marie Isabelle Marinette
She is the perfect individual to give a boost to soon to be insurgents in the upcoming final conflict with the GTO.

Commissar of Production (Economy dude): [X]Zdravko Samuilov Valeriva
I believe that is important that we need improve the efficiency of the administration rather then becoming bloated, and it has nice bonuses to its computer systems and such.

Commissar of Research and Development (Science dude): [X]Mannfred Lukas Meyer
Despites its lack of experience with military it could be reduce overtime, plus it has also very good bonuses.

Commissar of Security (Spy dude): [X]Akifume Shinzo
Like any good spy, its always important to build networks with spies and insurgents that would help us in the upcoming conflict with the GTO.

Commissar of Culture (Culture dude): [X]Danny Murtagh
He is a good comrade.
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Sirvan is much better than people seem to note. Sure he is a man of peace, but he is very good at getting us in the door legitimately, which we will need since we've just gotten ISOT'ed. We are aiming for a Cold War with the GTO, and he is extremely good at the tactics that won the forces of democracy the Cold War in real life. Plus, we will need someone to resolve the crises that being ISOT'ed will cause diplomatically with non GTO nations.

I don't see no point in doing a Cold War with the GTO since we were ISOT'ed to some strange world, we don't know what kind of unknown forces that the GTO would align with. It would be for the best if we end the threat at our backyard so that we can dedicate our full force at the front lawn.
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Okay everyone, the sheet is now fully updated with the new options, please take the time to look over them and alter your votes if you think that the newly added people suit your style better. Or if you like your choice keep it!


Red Earth, Black War (Alternate Communist Bloc ISOT into Original Magitek Fantasy, CK3) Original

An alternate Earth in the year 2045 is displaced across time and space onto the surface of a vast magitek fantasy world in the midst of one of its worst periods of upheavals and crisis. Already being torn apart by revolutionaries, reformists, liberals, reactionaries, fascists, and monsters; the...