Reborn With The Force (Name Susceptible To Change)

How do we handle 'learning' or 'training' our skills and abilities? Like are you gonna introduce a point-buy system of some sort? Can we assume that we get a healthy power up at the end of each story 'arc'? etc. etc.
Personally I just figured we were going to have to IC practice things to learn them, like the moment I am far enough away from the town and have found a suitably isolated spot I am planning on practicing my Blazing Chain blaster techniques.
How do we handle 'learning' or 'training' our skills and abilities? Like are you gonna introduce a point-buy system of some sort? Can we assume that we get a healthy power up at the end of each story 'arc'? etc. etc.
The latter is a good guess.

But also, you can spend actions practicing and training your Force abilities, and depending on the roll, might improve them.
"I am the Great Maker, yes. As for your duty, I need you to find a way to destroy the other ROB's connection to this world Speak to the Elf Queen, she maybe able to assist you."

You suddenly felt an influx of information on the cultural norms of Elves, such as don't touch the ends of their ears, do not cause unnecessary damage to nature, swearing by the World Tree was a magically binding oath and one of the few bit of Magic that still worked, and more.

As you processed the information, you don't notice the elf child looking at you with wide eyes as you float in the air, kept aloft by the power of the Force. You do notice when the adult elves come out of the forest and see you though.

"Prince Oberon, flee! We will handle this intruder." Said the lead elf, a man clad in armor made of leafmetal and readying a bow.
Just to be clear, by the time the adults get there I'm standing like a normal person, yes? Standing like a normal person was my intent.

Also, RE: Magical Binding Oath, is it the sort of oath where you can't break it, or if you break it bad things happen?
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Just to be clear, by the time the adults get there I'm standing like a normal person, yes? Standing like a normal person was my intent.

Also, RE: Magical Binding Oath, is it the sort of oath where you can't break it, or if you break it bad things happen?
Yes, you are standing like a normal person when the adults arrived.

The latter.
Player Name: Zedalb
Character Name: Donavin Patterson
Gender Very male
Force Path: Grey
Personality: Be sure to apply the influence of your Path.
Lightsaber Color: Silver​
...So all but two of us are together. Of those two, I managed to not be arrested for messing with royalty.

...Sounds like the beginning of a proper adventure. We just need to converge in a tavern somewhere in the middle of the continent.

Also looking at the map, I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm smack dab in the middle of the cluster of "bad magic" on the southern part of the map.
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(This freakin RP is making me go soul-searching)
Well, Thank you.
...So all but two of us are together. Of those two, I managed to not be arrested for messing with royalty.

...Sounds like the beginning of a proper adventure. We just need to converge in a tavern somewhere in the middle of the continent.

Also looking at the map, I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm smack dab in the middle of the cluster of "bad magic" on the southern part of the map.
Yes, you are in that Jungle.
So as one might have guessed from my IC post my character is highly suspicious about, for lack of a better name, The Force at the moment. Primarily this is because from my understanding of The Force, regardless of crazy stuff, there are two immutable facts.
  1. The Force is subtle.
  2. The Force is Vast and Alien.
Now take these two facts and consider what just happened IC for me, namely the force being snippy and directly speaking to me. Those actions go so much against the previous two facts and when coupled with the BROB involvement it would lead me to the conclusion that there is something pulling the strings through the force.
So as one might have guessed from my IC post my character is highly suspicious about, for lack of a better name, The Force at the moment. Primarily this is because from my understanding of The Force, regardless of crazy stuff, there are two immutable facts.
  1. The Force is subtle.
  2. The Force is Vast and Alien.
Now take these two facts and consider what just happened IC for me, namely the force being snippy and directly speaking to me. Those actions go so much against the previous two facts and when coupled with the BROB involvement it would lead me to the conclusion that there is something pulling the strings through the force.
That is correct, this isn't The Force as shown in Star Wars. But rather, it's an imperfect replica created by "The Maker".

An extremely imperfect replica at that.