Reborn With The Force.

Serenity felt Noelle's aura touch her own, a warm tingle like slipping into a bubble bath. She smiled broadly.

"Um, I guess I am," she said. "That was the deal I got, anyway, and it wasn't like I was about to get a better offer, y'know? I'm guessing it was like that for you too."

She extended her hand.

"My friends call me Serenity."

After we're done shaking hands and exchanging introductions, I'm left with the awkward realization that I don't actually know how to proceed from here on out. "Well, Serenity, any ideas about how we're suppose to go and 'protect this realm'? I literally just woke up minutes ago."
After we're done shaking hands and exchanging introductions, I'm left with the awkward realization that I don't actually know how to proceed from here on out. "Well, Serenity, any ideas about how we're suppose to go and 'protect this realm'? I literally just woke up minutes ago."

"Me too," Serenity said. "We didn't really get a user manual for this, did we? I guess we could go ask around and get our bearings a little, hear what people are saying and what they need. Oh, and maybe get something to eat. I'm starving and I don't think I have any money...."
"Tywin Lannister?" I state in a whisper under my breath. " Excuse me, m'Lord Twyn Lannister. My name is Janus. I am the Sith, known as Darth Janus."
My eyes shift around. I am curious as to why I was taken here. Meanwhile my gaze slowly fixes it'self on Tywin, rather than continuing to shift around. In the same moments therein, I hope to learn as much about this situation as I can.
The Tywin look a like gives you an confused look. "I am afraid you have mistaken me for another, though I have never heard of a Lord Lannister." He says before giving you a look that would make lesser men cower. "I am Lord Darius Skyfall, master of this castle and the surrounding villages. I only answer to the King and the Maker." Darius looks towards your escorts. "Leave us."

The lady knight seemed stunned and moved to protest, but a glare from Darius silenced any deviance and she bowed her head along with the other knights. She sent you a glare of her own as she left though. When it seemed youand the Lord were alone, you sensed something fall over the room like a veil, and see faint shine in Darius' eyes. As the feeling settled the shine faded.

"There, no need to worry about any unwanted listeners." said the apparent magic user.
"Rested, thank you. That healing took a bit more out of me than I was expecting," Victor replied politely, "Could either of you tell me where I am or how I arrived here? I can't quite recall anything before that...thing showed up."

While he was averse to speaking at length, he still needed to find out where he was and staying silent wasn't conducive to that goal. At the same time, he inspected both himself and his environment with his Force Senses, trying to figure out if the peaceful feeling he noticed earlier was coming from himself or being imposed upon him from an outside source.
One of the guards had gone off to speak with the chief while the other remained to explain things. "You're in our village, inside of the Great Jungle. As for how you got here, you were carried here after you passed out. If you are referring as to how you were in the jungle... I'm afraid I don't know myself. One moment you weren't there, the next you were." The guard's ears twitched while he took on a nervous expression. "Sorry, I know that doesm't really answer your question."
With what little strength he had left, Coyote leaped into an alleyway, releasing a heavy breath he sat down to rest, making sure he stayed awake, just in case he needed to intervene to save anyone.
The demons that remained seem to focus on the other Sith as a shadowy miasma formed around him. You could feel a sense of confusion from The Force, from the Dark Side. It did not understand why you would reject its power, did you not want to destroy your enemies? Did you not wish to conquer and prove your might?

What Do You Desire?
I feel the power flood through me slowly ensnaring me as my eyes glow an ominous yellow. I notice out of the corner of my eye, my ally jumping into an alley before collapsing to the ground before I start to look around for more demons. I notice slowly as I continue to glance around me warily that my thoughts are slowly being corrupted by the power inside of me.

"I became a sith to gain control, not lose it" I scream out loud as I try desperately to purge the excess dark side from my body into the air.
Suddenly the power... shifts, and your thoughts become clearer.

Is That Your Desire, Control?
"Thank you." Zero Eight said almost cordially as I let go of the woman, "Sorry for being so rough, you'd be surprised how different things are after a couple centuries napping." which was a lie of course, a bit of misinformation just in case she went running her mouth about this encounter. As such the man turned his back on her and began his journey to the edge and then out of the village, only to stop after a short distance and speak once again "Oh and by the way, don't tell anyone about our little talk and I'd get out of town before the two madmen back there start on their power trip and decide to 'practice' on the rest of you."

With that Zero Eight left, leaving the no doubt confused woman behind. He had gotten the information he had wanted and with two sith in town he didn't want to stick around any longer. At the very least he now had some rather crucial information
  1. Whoever ruled this country probably practiced a rather decentralized system, since the woman had pointed to the mayor rather than a local lord or even their King.
  2. There almost certainly was some kind of intelligence guiding the demons, as they had not only appeared right in town but had also apparently killed the Mayor. Which suggested intentional targeting of people who could muster a response to the attack.
  3. This society was at the very least 127 years old or had reset their calendar system 127 years ago. Which suggests some kind of unifying factor be it governmental or religious.
While not all that important now, in his current situation Zero Eight understood the value of information. But for now he will just concern himself with getting out of town undetected and getting far away from the Sith as he could.
The woman gives you a shocked looked as you vanish, the Force cloaking your presence. You are able to leave with little difficulty as the demons were too focus on the two Sith. You end up several feet away from the village before the question of what to do next falls on your mind.
After we're done shaking hands and exchanging introductions, I'm left with the awkward realization that I don't actually know how to proceed from here on out. "Well, Serenity, any ideas about how we're suppose to go and 'protect this realm'? I literally just woke up minutes ago."

"Me too," Serenity said. "We didn't really get a user manual for this, did we? I guess we could go ask around and get our bearings a little, hear what people are saying and what they need. Oh, and maybe get something to eat. I'm starving and I don't think I have any money...."
Suddenly you both sense a familiar and colossal presence fall over your Souls.

"You Need Only Call If Guidance Is What You Seek." The Voice of ROB speaks within your minds.
Unknown Village

I check my pockets and turn with nothing vaguely resembling money. Darn. Somewhat startled at the voice, I concentrate on it and try to communicate via the force (?). <First of all, whoever you are. Fuck you. I was out. I was at peace. And now you've given me life, the last thing I need or want. You-...> Bah! Whats the point. Rubbing my head in annoyance, I draw upon the warm feelings of the light side - enhanced by Serenity's presence - and do my best to calm down. <I'm not taking back my words, but this neither the time nor place for that. I don't suppose you could point us towards where we could get a bite to eat? Or some 'quest' to get us started?>

I'm pretty sure Serenity heard my telepathic outburst and apologize to her. "Sorry about that. Just...some issues of my own. Nothing important. I've asked 'the voice' for some guidance. Hopefully it'll get back to us."

@ShieldCrown @Kensai
One of the guards had gone off to speak with the chief while the other remained to explain things. "You're in our village, inside of the Great Jungle. As for how you got here, you were carried here after you passed out. If you are referring as to how you were in the jungle... I'm afraid I don't know myself. One moment you weren't there, the next you were." The guard's ears twitched while he took on a nervous expression. "Sorry, I know that doesm't really answer your question."

Victor held up a hand, "It's alright. I suspected as much, but asked just in case."

His curiosity satisfied, he thanked the guard. While he had more questions, the man probably couldn't answer them to his satisfaction. Instead, he looked around the village, searching for something to help out with. Sitting idle had never agreed with him and he preferred to keep himself busy.

(This freakin RP is making me go soul-searching)

The demons that remained seem to focus on the other Sith as a shadowy miasma formed around him. You could feel a sense of confusion from The Force, from the Dark Side. It did not understand why you would reject its power, did you not want to destroy your enemies? Did you not wish to conquer and prove your might?

What Do You Desire?

Coyote shifted as he felt the dark side's curiosity.

He thought about the question. What did he want? Truly?

He wanted to escape death. He did, and now he has an entire new life.
He wanted power. The dark side gave him plenty.
He wanted so much, but he already has most of it.


Maybe it could be simpler than those things... Something childish, but powerful unlike anything else. A dream long since forgotten, because the world had no need for it.

But... this wasn't that world, was it?

And suddenly he knew, and a fire filled his eyes.

He had read and watched as hundreds of people had risen to become something amazing, to become the greatest, not physically in some cases, but in spirit.

A scaled scarf with pink hair, a straw hat with a D grin, an orange jumpsuit with a leaf headband.

'I want people to cheer me on, I want people to look at me in awe as I do the impossible.'

He firmly reminded himself that despite what it does to people, the Dark Side just wanted to help, to make people better than they were.

"I want to be one of those heroes I read about in the dark of night, I want to challenge something impossible and come out on top."

He opened himself fully to the dark side, but took in nothing, his entire being screaming with the same thought.

'I want to be like them.'
"Um thank you. I have been given a task by God, Lord Darius. Whom you call the Maker, I presume. I am what you would call a Sith. Sith, while capable of magic like a Sorcerer aren't really sorcerers, all the time."
"I want to get this straight. I'm not a threat to you or your kingdom. I'm interested in doing whatever I can to make things better, but I intend on making a tidy profit on the side."
The woman gives you a shocked looked as you vanish, the Force cloaking your presence. You are able to leave with little difficulty as the demons were too focus on the two Sith. You end up several feet away from the village before the question of what to do next falls on your mind.
As his feet left the village Zero Eight contemplated where he would go next, on one hand he was confident that if he followed the roads he would eventually find someone to give him directions.

But he thought that would take too long so he did the next best thing, he opened himself to the force and let it tug him in a direction towards whatever grand plan it had.....then he went the exact opposite direction, careful to remain hidden of course.
Suddenly the power... shifts, and your thoughts become clearer.

Is That Your Desire, Control?

"Yes"I shout out as the demons converge on my position, the other sith seeming to be forgotten"I want control, to know absolutely that something is mine, I don't even get to control how I died, I was pushed in front of a damn car, I never got to live"my breath grows ragged as my bodies stamina starts to slowly run out.

As I open myself up to the dark side of the force I mutter, more to myself than anyone else"And if I have to, I'll control the dark side to"before sending the force around me out in a concussive blast, in the hopes of at least crippling th demons
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Unknown Village

I check my pockets and turn with nothing vaguely resembling money. Darn. Somewhat startled at the voice, I concentrate on it and try to communicate via the force (?). <First of all, whoever you are. Fuck you. I was out. I was at peace. And now you've given me life, the last thing I need or want. You-...> Bah! Whats the point. Rubbing my head in annoyance, I draw upon the warm feelings of the light side - enhanced by Serenity's presence - and do my best to calm down. <I'm not taking back my words, but this neither the time nor place for that. I don't suppose you could point us towards where we could get a bite to eat? Or some 'quest' to get us started?>

I'm pretty sure Serenity heard my telepathic outburst and apologize to her. "Sorry about that. Just...some issues of my own. Nothing important. I've asked 'the voice' for some guidance. Hopefully it'll get back to us."

@ShieldCrown @Kensai
You feel a sudden weight in your pockets, and find 300 Gold coins. As for direction, the Light Side points towards the Tavern you just came from. Specifically towards something inside the Tavern, a board of some kind.
Victor held up a hand, "It's alright. I suspected as much, but asked just in case."

His curiosity satisfied, he thanked the guard. While he had more questions, the man probably couldn't answer them to his satisfaction. Instead, he looked around the village, searching for something to help out with. Sitting idle had never agreed with him and he preferred to keep himself busy.

You find that the village is mostly peaceful, though you notice that a tiger beastfolk seeks worried about something. Perhaps he needs some help?
(This freakin RP is making me go soul-searching)

Coyote shifted as he felt the dark side's curiosity.

He thought about the question. What did he want? Truly?

He wanted to escape death. He did, and now he has an entire new life.
He wanted power. The dark side gave him plenty.
He wanted so much, but he already has most of it.


Maybe it could be simpler than those things... Something childish, but powerful unlike anything else. A dream long since forgotten, because the world had no need for it.

But... this wasn't that world, was it?

And suddenly he knew, and a fire filled his eyes.

He had read and watched as hundreds of people had risen to become something amazing, to become the greatest, not physically in some cases, but in spirit.

A scaled scarf with pink hair, a straw hat with a D grin, an orange jumpsuit with a leaf headband.

'I want people to cheer me on, I want people to look at me in awe as I do the impossible.'

He firmly reminded himself that despite what it does to people, the Dark Side just wanted to help, to make people better than they were.

"I want to be one of those heroes I read about in the dark of night, I want to challenge something impossible and come out on top."

He opened himself fully to the dark side, but took in nothing, his entire being screaming with the same thought.

'I want to be like them.'
You feel a rush of power, your exhaustion simply vanishes as the Dark Side answers your wishes.

Then A Hero You Shall Be.

What... is your Code?
"Um thank you. I have been given a task by God, Lord Darius. Whom you call the Maker, I presume. I am what you would call a Sith. Sith, while capable of magic like a Sorcerer aren't really sorcerers, all the time."
"I want to get this straight. I'm not a threat to you or your kingdom. I'm interested in doing whatever I can to make things better, but I intend on making a tidy profit on the side."
Lord Darius looks you over, and you feel something else, as though someone was staring into the depths of your Soul. The Lord nods once, and the feeling vanishes. "You are telling the truth, so I will tell you this. If you can find and destroy the sources of Dark Magic on our world, then the demons may vanish, losing their anchors to our world."
As his feet left the village Zero Eight contemplated where he would go next, on one hand he was confident that if he followed the roads he would eventually find someone to give him directions.

But he thought that would take too long so he did the next best thing, he opened himself to the force and let it tug him in a direction towards whatever grand plan it had.....then he went the exact opposite direction, careful to remain hidden of course.
The Force is oddly silent, until it wasn't.

You Know, I'm Not Going To Show You The Way If You're Going To Do The Exact Opposite.
... Well, that's new.
"Yes"I shout out as the demons converge on my position, the other sith seeming to be forgotten"I want control, to know absolutely that something is mine, I don't even get to control how I died, I was pushed in front of a damn car, I never got to live"my breath grows ragged as my bodies stamina starts to slowly run out.

As I open myself up to the dark side of the force I mutter, more to myself than anyone else"And if I have to, I'll control the dark side to"before sending the force around me out in a concussive blast, in the hopes of at least crippling th demons
Then So Be It.
Suddenly, everything was so clear, your body felt more like it was yours than it had ever been before, you felt the Force more eager to obey, and you felt that if you were to simply reach out...

... that you could make these demons Kneel.

The concussive blast was more precise, more controlled than it normally was, striking with the right amount of force to cripple the Demons, breaking their bones, but not killing them outright.
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The Force is oddly silent, until it wasn't.

You Know, I'm Not Going To Show You The Way If You're Going To Do The Exact Opposite.
... Well, that's new.

A chuckle escaped Zero Eight's lips as his feet began walking that lonesome road away from the village, a contradictory feeling of Joy and Malice washing off of him.

"Well that was more than I was expecting." the man said, his hands in his pockets as he traveled "But really what did you expect? Me to dance along like those puppets back there or whoever else got brought to this place? I am no Zealot blinded by light nor am I a Tyrant consumed by the dark. I am of the grey, truly unbound by the trappings of destiny."

As he walked Zero Eight gathered up some of his power so that his next words will ring true to their recipient "However I have a better question, who are you oh puppet master? And don't try and spew some bullshit about being the force itself, while powerful it is rarely as direct as you are now nor am I foolish enough to think the ability to wield it came to came to us as easily as they do, without even a lick of training."
??? Village

@Kensai "Well. Serenity. I just happened to 'discover' a pouch of gold that wasn't there before, on my person. Lets grab a bite, split the loot and work from there. What do you think?" The two of us were still directionless. Maybe with a full stomach we could figure something out. Or considering we were heading to a tavern, something might find us. But that'd be cliched as all hell and just one more reason to slap the higher power that brought me back.
His code huh... a memory long since faded rose to the surface, and he remembered the sense of right that he felt when he first heard it... the sense that this was what he lived for.

He reached over and detached his lightsaber from his spear, he would need speed for what he was about to do.

And he stood, turned to the remaining demons, and spoke, reaching out to the force, gathering as much as he could and pushing it into his body as he had the first time.

Except... something was different this time.

"Even in the darkest of times, there is always hope...
But sometimes fear clouds our vision...
Sometimes our strength gives out...
And yet when all seems lost, a light shines through the darkness.
We are reminded that even the smallest amounts of courage...
Can turn the tides of War...

It wasn't a yell. No, it was a whisper, but that whisper meant more than any ranting or raving he could have done...

He opened his eyes, a blazing purple-


-And then he moved.

Then So Be It.
Suddenly, everything was so clear, your body felt more like it was yours than it had ever been before, you felt the Force more eager to obey, and you felt that if you were to simply reach out...

... that you could make these demons Kneel.

The concussive blast was more precise, more controlled than it normally was, striking with the right amount of force to cripple the Demons, breaking their bones, but not killing them outright.

I look around the square, the broken bodies of the demons, twitching sporadically as they lie on the ground. I wander around slaughtering any demon that has been to crippled to use before speaking to the remaining demons, the dark side oozing in my voice as I speak "I have chosen to spare your worthless lives, I can heal your injuries and make you better, stronger, faster and all you have to do for the rest of your meaningless existence is obey"
A chuckle escaped Zero Eight's lips as his feet began walking that lonesome road away from the village, a contradictory feeling of Joy and Malice washing off of him.

"Well that was more than I was expecting." the man said, his hands in his pockets as he traveled "But really what did you expect? Me to dance along like those puppets back there or whoever else got brought to this place? I am no Zealot blinded by light nor am I a Tyrant consumed by the dark. I am of the grey, truly unbound by the trappings of destiny."

As he walked Zero Eight gathered up some of his power so that his next words will ring true to their recipient "However I have a better question, who are you oh puppet master? And don't try and spew some bullshit about being the force itself, while powerful it is rarely as direct as you are now nor am I foolish enough to think the ability to wield it came to came to us as easily as they do, without even a lick of training."

I Am The Force, But Not The Force You Know. I Am An Imperfect Copy, Crafted By The Hands of A Young Yet Ancient Being Who Has Given You New Life. As For Your Innate Talent, That Too Is A Gift From The Entity Your Kind Would Call A God.
??? Village

@Kensai "Well. Serenity. I just happened to 'discover' a pouch of gold that wasn't there before, on my person. Lets grab a bite, split the loot and work from there. What do you think?" The two of us were still directionless. Maybe with a full stomach we could figure something out. Or considering we were heading to a tavern, something might find us. But that'd be cliched as all hell and just one more reason to slap the higher power that brought me back.
You find a selection of stews and meals that you can afford, along with ales and other beverages. The lady from earlier does not recognize you, thankfully, so you don't need to worry there.

"What'll you be having?" She asked with a smile
"Apologies, but I couldn't help but notice something seemed to be bothering you," Victor started, "Might I be of aid?"
The tiger beastman looked at you in surprise. "Oh, the demon slayer. Apologies, I do not wish to be a bother but..." He sighs. "... I fear my son has gone out and done something foolish."
His code huh... a memory long since faded rose to the surface, and he remembered the sense of right that he felt when he first heard it... the sense that this was what he lived for.

He reached over and detached his lightsaber from his spear, he would need speed for what he was about to do.

And he stood, turned to the remaining demons, and spoke, reaching out to the force, gathering as much as he could and pushing it into his body as he had the first time.

Except... something was different this time.

"Even in the darkest of times, there is always hope...
But sometimes fear clouds our vision...
Sometimes our strength gives out...
And yet when all seems lost, a light shines through the darkness.
We are reminded that even the smallest amounts of courage...
Can turn the tides of War...

It wasn't a yell. No, it was a whisper, but that whisper meant more than any ranting or raving he could have done...

He opened his eyes, a blazing purple-


-And then he moved.
The demons fell before you like wheat to a reaper's blade. You notice another group of demons at the other dark sider's mercy.
I look around the square, the broken bodies of the demons, twitching sporadically as they lie on the ground. I wander around slaughtering any demon that has been to crippled to use before speaking to the remaining demons, the dark side oozing in my voice as I speak "I have chosen to spare your worthless lives, I can heal your injuries and make you better, stronger, faster and all you have to do for the rest of your meaningless existence is obey"
The demons looked at each other, silently conversing, before nodding in agreement and bowing their heads to you.

You feel chains and shackles of darkness ready to bend them into your loyal servants....
The tiger beastman looked at you in surprise. "Oh, the demon slayer. Apologies, I do not wish to be a bother but..." He sighs. "... I fear my son has gone out and done something foolish."

"It's no bother. I'd be happy to help," Victor replied, holding up a hand to placate the man, "Just tell me what happened that has you so distressed."
I Am The Force, But Not The Force You Know. I Am An Imperfect Copy, Crafted By The Hands of A Young Yet Ancient Being Who Has Given You New Life. As For Your Innate Talent, That Too Is A Gift From The Entity Your Kind Would Call A God.
"Well at least your honest." Zero Eight said, his tone a lot more casual now that the voice was giving him answers "So in this case you are just a proxy, seeking to what? I can't imagine that something powerful enough to be called a god would do something like this unless it had some reason to...or unless it was super bored but I am going to go with the former, since anything truly all powerful would be able to make a better copy of the force."
"Demons? What demons? I fought a strange fire breathing monster on my way here. Is that what a demon is? Or do you mean barbed tails, horns and forked tongues with pitch forks? Those kind of demons?"
Jake suggested.
You find a selection of stews and meals that you can afford, along with ales and other beverages. The lady from earlier does not recognize you, thankfully, so you don't need to worry there.

"What'll you be having?" She asked with a smile

Serenity beamed at the server. "Um, do you have anything that's, like, all vegetables? As in, no meat? I'm cool with bean stew or something with lentils or whatever, just no meat. Oh, and bread. And butter. Lots of bread and butter."
You find a selection of stews and meals that you can afford, along with ales and other beverages. The lady from earlier does not recognize you, thankfully, so you don't need to worry there.

"What'll you be having?" She asked with a smile


"I was going to order bread and butter, but my companion seems to have taken care of that. A simple and tasty meat stew will do for me." With our meal orders finalized, we settle into a companionable silence. It seems we're both waiting for the meal to arrive before we loosen our tongues.
Coyote frown as he watches the other Dark Sider, before sighing and looking around for any Survivors.

"Hello!? If anyone needs help just make some noise!"