Original Reborn as a Book: The [TBD] [ERROR] of the… System’s Pre-Integration Testing?

Reborn as a Book: The [TBD] [ERROR] of the… System’s Pre-Integration Testing?
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You ever read one of those LitRPGs or isekai stories where an All-Powerful System suddenly integrates the entire planet? Like, poof, congrats, you're in a game now! And somehow, it only takes a few minutes for the whole thing to go down? Usually, there's a massive loss of life either during or right after—because why not add a little trauma to the setup, right? But oh, don't worry! The System's so intuitive that the survivors figure it out super quickly! Like, "Oh, my whole reality just flipped upside down? No problem, let me pull up my skill menu real quick!"

Sure, not everyone survives. There's always an 'X percent' survival rate, which conveniently varies depending on the plot. Sometimes it's 10%, sometimes 90%. Real consistent, huh?

But here's the thing: don't you ever stop and wonder how the System actually manages all that? I mean, think about it. It seamlessly integrates everything—our bodies, our environment, the air we breathe! And somehow, our new "skills" work perfectly, even with our weird little human brains trying to make sense of them. That doesn't just happen!

Of course, the System always has some smug explanation. "Oh, I'm just that powerful! I've done this a thousand times before! I'm stronger than GODS! In fact, I make gods! Mwahahaha!" Yeah, okay, sure, buddy. Real convincing.

You wanna know the truth? I'll tell you how it really does it. And I should know, because that rat-faced jerk did it to me!

See, I'm one of the so-called Beta Testers. But not the cool kind who gets to hold the clipboard and tweak the mechanics. Nope. I'm the one being tested. The guinea pig. The one they poke and prod to make sure their fancy integration works before they roll it out to everyone else.

Lucky me, huh?
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