Reborn as a Book: The [TBD] [ERROR] of the… System’s Pre-Integration Testing?

The book quest is so unique and interesting, thank you for writing it!

[X] Stay Quiet, See What Happens.
Vote 4 Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Runetyr on Jan 3, 2025 at 11:01 PM, finished with 20 posts and 16 votes.

And with that we have a winner! Let's get talkin'!

Edit: I knew I forgot something!

Jan 4, 2025 at 11:00 PM Until Chapter 5
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We have about an hour left with what looks like another tie in the works! :stickouttongue2:
Let's see how this turns out, yeah?
Looks like its becoming a tradition.
Vote 1: tie resolved 15min before close
Vote from Chapter 2: tie resolved by die
Voting on Chapter 3: tie resolved by die
Vote from Chapter 4: tie resolved 47 min before close
Chapter 5
I wasn't sure if they could actually read anything from the moving text on my pages. Infinite Layers had compressed Handbook and Wildlife into just a few pages each, arranging the words into elaborate geometrical patterns. Sentences scrolled past as words rose and fell between the fore and background, more art than information. The titles, at least, stayed fixed on the first page of each section.

'Alright,' I thought, focusing my attention. 'So, you can't hear me, huh? But the other guy… maybe?' I mentally popped open my scroll, searching through the skills I'd seen before. 'One… of… these… aha!'

Writing - Level 1
Description: You can inscribe new words or symbols into your own pages at will. The writing appears as if created by an invisible hand and can include any language or cipher you understand. This ability allows you to record thoughts, observations, or information directly.

'This is the one!' I zeroed in on the person currently perusing my pages, excitement bubbling up as I activated the skill.


The hand froze. I could feel the tip of a claw paused just beneath the word. 'It worked. It WORKED!' I almost wanted to cheer out loud but reminded myself to focus. 'Well… maybe. Let's confirm it.'

"If you can understand me, would you change to a blank page?" My center trembled with anticipation. If I had lungs, I'd be holding my breath.

The claw disappeared, leaving me to wait in tense silence. Seconds stretched like hours before fingers gripped my pages and flipped through to a blank one.

'Yes! Haha! It worked!'

"Yes! Haha! Hello! I am so glad you can read me!" I hummed happily in victory, basking in the moment as I waited for a response. And waited. And… waited. "Uh? You can read me, right?"

The moments dragged on, and I felt myself shifted to another hand. This one held me steady as something pressed to my paper. "Yes." It was short and simple, but it was there. It was there. They had responded! Written in me! We had conversed!

"Hello! I'm so excited! This is awesome!" I was starting to ramp up my excitement. "I don't know how long I was on my own there… Thank you for finding me!"

The utensil seemed to hesitate on the page before it started to move again. "Are you an Artifact?"

Something about the way that last word was written gave it weight. It was weird to feel a word have weight. "Uh… no. I'm," I paused to pull up my scroll and glance it over.

Name: Nakia Davids
Species: Handbook, Level 0Experience: 1.67/100
Health: 18/25
Stamina: 26/26Mana: 814/814 (824)

I sighed into the void. My xp had gone up again! 'What am I doing, well, right?'

"I am a Handbook, Leve-,"

A thick slash cut through the sentence as I was writing it. Surprised, I stopped writing. After a moment the person did so. "Are you Nakia Davids?"

I stared at the words, suddenly weary. 'How did they know my name? I don't think I… no, no I didn't tell them.'

With a bit more hesitance, "Yes?"

There a few moments of silence before they say anything more. "I have been looking for you. I am Cuttle. How you managed to," I could almost see the '...' even though it wasn't actually written out. "Bond with me, I do not know. But here is some advice you would have received if you had appeared in a proper Initiate Zone: Keep the details of your Status Scroll to yourself. While we are Bonded, it is not," he paused in his writing, as if searching for the right word. "It was not done as it normally would have. The fact we are Bonded, gives you a stronger chance at trust, but perhaps just us." I can feel Cuttle be jostled, as I am jostled in turn. "I will do my best to help in that regard, but later."

'Initiate Zone? What's that?' I flick through Eryngo's notes and nothing came up. He talked about wanting to be in the City of Highpeak before the next Initiation, but nothing about it being a Zone. He also had a few years to get there, at the time of the note. 'And a 'non-normal' bond?' I would like to look to the Heavens now.

"I understand. Thanks for the tip. Cuttle… oh, right! There was a brief message about being 'bonded' with someone named Cuttle, but no actual details as to what that meant." I looked over my scroll once more. My Trait and Skills were there, but nothing about the Bond.

That hesitance again, no. They were talking again. I felt a little bit of annoyance about being left out of the loop, but not much could be done since I couldn't actually hear them. 'I suppose they could write out the conversation, but that would probably just draw the whole thing out.'

Almost as if mirroring my thoughts, "It seems there is much to discuss, and it would be unwise to try and continue this conversation while traveling. We must make camp if we are to continue speaking. We can talk more after we have set ourselves up."

"Could you put me down near my friends?"
I asked, rather hopefully.

Cuttle paused, "The other books are Initiates too?"

"Oh, no. Haha! I think they're normal books. But I can hear them? Its like some kind of… book bond or something? They're the only thing I can experience."
Something about the grip that held me softened just ever so slightly.

"Very well." I felt myself be closed and moved. A flat surface pressed against me from below, or rather I guess I had been set down. Shortly thereafter the rhythms of the eight other books slowly started to filter back into my void.

The directions they came from were different. Wildlife, Deep Blue, and Pastel Yellow seemed to be piled together. White and Tan came from their own direction. Reddish-Brown was on it's own. Then Grey and Iron were paired up. 'Ooo, maybe they organized them for me? Or completely forgot the order they grabbed them in.'

I sat, basking in the gentle rhythms of the other books. On occasion, I once again thought I saw the flashes of other rhythms far out in the void. 'I wonder if there is anything on my sheet that could help me out with talking to Cuttle? I should probably come up with some questions to ask too. Instead of just kinda wingin' this whole thing.'

My scroll unrolled before me, and I took a look. While most of the sheet looked much the same, two things stood out.

Experience: 1.67
Traits: Living Book – Racial
Within silent pages, wisdom stirs. Your form, bound by leather and lore, feeds on the currents of magic and vitality that surround you. Though your body needs no breath, your mind never slumbers. When your physical and mystical energies are sated, you will passively gain experience.

'What the what?' My focus didn't waver from the scroll. 'I gain xp from… being full? No. That doesn't feel right. Physical and Mystical…' I focused in on Resonant Scribe and compared it side by side with the new Trait.

'I think… passively absorbing the knowledge, which is different from Echoing Script, and what? Organizing it? No, something, something, rhythm. So absorbing knowledge and improving my rhythm fills up my mana and stamina, and when my 'energies' are full I, what, convert the excess into xp?'

I was beginning to feel another book ache coming on.

A bit shorter, but a lot of info, yeah?

Majority Vote, No Approval

[ ] Distract yourself by Echoing another book
[ ] Prepare a list of questions for Cuttle
- Plan with 3 questions you would like to ask
[ ] Scrutinize your Scroll for anything you might be missing

Jan 5, 2025 at 11:00 PM Until Vote is Done
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[X] Scrutinize your Scroll for anything you might be missing

Lot of capitalized words… hm. We might need a lore document. Ah well, nothing more reading can't fix.
Analyze - Level 1
Description: You can delve deeper into the essence of anything written in your pages or within your Aura Detection range. Analyze reveals intricate details such as magical properties, hidden meanings, or historical context, giving your wielder unparalleled insight.
(Underline by me)
This could be usefull to use on all the proper nouns we don't fully know yet.
And all odd statements (like our Bond being non standard).
Heck, even using it on Cuttles name might give us additional insight.
[X] Distract yourself by Echoing another book

Just in case our time with the books is limited (they might be lost at some point), I want to copy all of them as soon as possible - it seems status page and Cuttle are not going anywhere in the foreseeable future
[X] Distract yourself by Echoing another book

No idea what interesting we can find in the status. But the advantages of the new copied book are obvious.
Vote 5 Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Runetyr on Jan 5, 2025 at 11:00 PM, finished with 14 posts and 13 votes.

Sounds like a plan! I also like spme comments and points a few of you brought up. Let's see what happens!

Jan 6, 2025 at 11:00 PM
Chapter 6
[X] Scrutinize your Scroll for anything you might be missing.

'I'm not dim. I swear.' I stared at my scroll in disbelief. 'How. How many times have I looked this thing over?'

Analyze - Level 1
Description: You can delve deeper into the essence of anything written in your pages or within your Aura Detection range. Analyze reveals intricate details such as magical properties, hidden meanings, or historical context, giving your wielder unparalleled insight.
Active: 10 Mana

I grumbled to myself for a few minutes before setting aside my frustration. It wasn't really going to do me any good to be upset. Not like I could actually do anything about it but to fix it. And by fix it, I mean to use the skill that was clearly designed to help me figure things out.

'What do I actually need to figure out?' I mused over everything I believe I had questions about. There was the Bond, and how I got xp. The trait of Living Book gave an explanation, but maybe there was more to it? 'What else, oh! I wonder if I can Analyze the rhythms?' That would be useful if that worked.

'Hmm, 'anything written in your pages'… Maybe not the rhythms then but could be worth a shot.' I glanced back through the conversation I had with Cuttle. 'Initiation Zone? Oh, and in that case, Initiates would be a good one. I'm pretty sure I have it down, but no one actually explained it.'

I checked everything over once more and hummed with satisfaction. It might not be everything, but I was sure it was going to be a pretty decent start.

'Alright, let's start with… 'Bond'.' I focused on the word where Cuttle had written it on my page, at the same time… 'Analyze…?'

Bond: A symbolic vow of trust between two individuals—stronger than friendship, not necessarily romantic, and less binding than a Familiar bond. Often formed by long-term companions. Can fade or break over time if neglected. Demonstrates loyalty and shared commitment.

Mana: 804/814(824)

'Well. That's something at least.' The conversation between us made a bit more sense now. If this was something that people who trusted their lives to each other I could see why he might be a little perturbed by suddenly having a bond. Not only that but with an Initiate as well. 'Which I guess leads into the next bit, eh? Anaylze.'

Initiate: An individual selected from a planet undergoing System evaluation.

Initiate Zone: A designated region where Initiates appear every century during the New Initiation cycle. Each zone marks the entry point for the latest group of off-world arrivals, placed there to begin their trials under the System's watchful eye.

Mana: 784/814(824)

'Okay… I guess that makes sense? But…' I let the sentence die out as I mulled over the two 'definition'. Honestly, that is what Analyze seemed to be doing, giving me the definitions for the words. Which, in a way made sense. 'I am a book after all. Is that why I didn't start in an Initiate Zone? Because I didn't start up as a normal human?'

My focus shifted to look at Cuttle's name. 'Speaking of 'human', I am fairly 100% sure that Cuttle has four arms. So, I'm guessing not human. Analyze.'

Name: Cuttle
Class: [HIDDEN]Tier: [HIDDEN]
Health: [HIDDEN]
Stamina: [HIDDEN]Mana: [HIDDEN]

'But… what? That tells me nothing.' I scrutinized over the scroll. 'No. Not nothing. It tells me that Cuttle has a Class at the very least. It also tells me a bit about the limits of having a Level 1 Analyze. I bet I would get more if it was higher level.'

I switched to a page further back in my book and quickly labeled it 'Lore Compendium'. 'It came to me in a dream.' I took the time to copy from the scrolls that had popped up with each Analyze into my little compendium.

It seemed to take just a thought to change how I wrote. When 'speaking' with Cuttle earlier, the words scrawled across the page very similarly to my natural handwriting. Now, as I dictated the words and their definitions, they were written out in neat little block letters.

'I'll keep Cuttle's status stuff to myself. It seemed to be a fairly private thing.' As I finished writing, I looked about my void. 'Even if it is just in this little space, it really would be nice to move around. Just a little bit.'

I hummed to myself for a few minutes, long enough to get back to 800 MP. 'Guess they're still setting things up. Did I miss anything? Oh! Here is something. Analyze.'

Artifact: A potent magical item imbued with rare or ancient powers—sometimes even manifesting its own sentience. Artifacts are rarely forged, even by master crafters, and are most often discovered as high-tier Dungeon rewards or bestowed during Grand Events. Many lie scattered throughout the world, abandoned at the final resting place of their previous wielder, awaiting a new owner bold enough to claim them.

Dungeon: A naturally formed concentration of the world's latent energy, condensing into a self-contained realm full of hazards and mysteries. Each dungeon is anchored by a core, the source of its power and structure. Adventurers venture into dungeons to test their skills, gather resources, and claim rare rewards.

Event: A System-coordinated scenario—often presented as a quest, dungeon challenge, or Tower ascent—unfolding on either a local or global scale. Events serve as major trials or opportunities for growth, offering substantial rewards and shaping the world's balance of power.

Tower: A System-generated structure that functions similarly to a dungeon yet is deliberately created rather than formed by nature. Towers pose tiered challenges, with each floor designed to push participants' limits. Completion often grants powerful boons or unlocks higher-level content within the System.

Mana: 764/814(824)

Quickly I add each entry to my Lore Compendium. Including Analyzing and copying the new word: Tower. 'I wonder, are there any Events or Quests for books? If all I do is gain xp passively, it is going to be a while before I get anywhere.'

Something jostled the surface I was on and then hands began to open me up. 'Looks like Cuttle is ready for another chat.'

It has been brought to my attention I should include the winning vote of the previous chapter. So I have included it here and will do so with future Chapters.

This is going to be a fun one! I know there was a lot of technical kind of information thrown out here. It may have answered some questions, it may have created more. Which leads us into the next vote!

Unlike last time where you got to Plan out 3 questions to ask Cuttle, this time you get to put forth 3 questions/topics you would like to discuss with him. Here is the catch. It is not as a plan. Others can either use one of their 3 slots to vote for one of yours or write out their own options, as normal. This is a Limited Riot Vote (if another appropriate or accepted name, insert here), where the top 3 voted for options will be used in the next chapter, hence why it is not being a Planned Vote.

You get 3 Votes for a Question or Topic of Conversation. Top 3 over all Votes will be in the next chapter.

Jan 7, 2025 at 11:00 PM Until Vote Close
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