You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world

[X] -
I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.

[X] -
Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language

Playing as a fairly apathetic isekai protag is very nice.
[x] - It was a regimented and autocratic human empire, like the Rome of our world.
[x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
[X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try tolearnabout the culture and language
[x] - It was a regimented and autocratic human empire, like the Rome of our world.
[x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
[x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
[X] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
[X] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
[X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learn about the culture and language.
[X] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
[X] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
[X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learn about the culture and language.
[X] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
[X] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
[x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
[X] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
[X] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
[X] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
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I'm running a little late but will close the vote at about 6pm GMT.

EDIT: Closing and adding tally. Update will be up in the next couple of hours.

Human Autocrats beat out Isolated Elves 9-6, but since we have a tie on attitude towards you sister, I'll see what I can do to implement elements of both in for a bit of ambivalence rather than coin flip it. 6-6-5 on the sister treatment, that's pretty close... Culture study beat out console commands 9-7.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 10, 2017 at 1:03 PM, finished with 58 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] - It was a regimented and autocratichuman empire, like the Rome of our world
    [X] - Going out of my way to observe the people around me and try to learnabout the culture and language.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works.
    [X] - I wish she'd leave me alone. This was just kind of creepy and annoying, especially given how much older than her I actually am.
    [x] - Actually, it feels pretty good to get spoiled by your big sister. Ah, don't tell anyone I said that, though...I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
    [x] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [x] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [X] - It was an industrious nation of dwarves, who lived and worked in the mountains.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight.
    [X] - It was an advanced and prestigious country of elves, who used powerful magics.
    [X] - It was a mysterious and isolated country of elves, who kept to the world's forest.
    [X] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
    [X] - She's so cute I can't help but feel a little attached to her. In a way I guess I feel more like I could look out for her, rather than the other way around.
Last edited:
03. Empire, Biology and Etiquette

「Skill Level Up! Skill: Imperial Language Lv. 1 Unlocked」

Ahhhh,'d taken over two weeks, but I was finally able to understand some of what was being said. The time had passed quite quickly, mostly thanks to boredom-induced sleep. There wasn't much to do as a baby, especially not a baby under the constant watchful eye of the maids. It turned out that at least one eye was on me at all times.

I honestly felt like I was learning this too quickly, but the more I learned, the more I realised it wasn't that I really understood what was being said, but it was more like something was translating it for me. As the translation and real words overlaid in my consciousness, I developed something of a headache, but eventually the Imperial Language was making sense to me.

Ah, so you want to know about the Empire? Well, I have to admit, there's not a lot I'd figured out myself yet – people don't exactly run around talking politics and cultures to a baby, and when they did, it was usually too complicated for me to understand at this level of speech. I had picked up that this was a roughly European society, and although the names seemed to mostly resemble English and German ones, the actual society looked a lot closer to something resembling Ancient Rome transplanted into a medieval fantasy setting.

I'd been able to gather that our family was one of the richer and more powerful ones – supposedly my father had been a Praetor responsible for ruling over one of the Empire's largest provinces, but now it seemed he was either missing or dead. My mother, for her part, was a half-sister of the Emperor and thus we had no shortage of money, and our house's prestige had not been diminished for her inheritance. Hm...if she was the half-sister of the Emperor, doesn't that mean that we're almost royalty of sorts? Well, I don't know exactly how this kind of thing works, but doesn't that mean that I'm pretty much free to do whatever I want? No work, no school, all my food prepared for me, all my clothes cleaned for me, a servant to follow me around and fulfil my every demand...

Hah! Is this a dream? What kind of jackpot have I landed? If I'm going to be living the high life soon, then maybe this whole kidnapping thing won't be too terrible. Ah, no, that's a terrible way to think about things, Hino. Get yourself together, if something happens to your body in the real world, won't you die here, too? There's no choice but to try and figure out what's going on.

Once again, it was clear I'd aged a lot in just this short amount of time. In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd say I seemed to be ageing much faster than my sister was. It was easy for me to tell, since we ended up spending a lot of time together. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't my idea! I keep trying to push her away, but she just keeps showing up all the damn time.

The worst part of all of this? It was embarrassing, and kind of weird; I had honestly tried to push her away, but now I was actually starting to enjoy her visits a little bit in spite of everything. Maybe it was just because every time I complained and tried to ignore her, she'd stuff the cookies in my mouth. Well, in my defence...they're good cookies. I guess I could allow her to visit if she's going to bring me snacks, but let's be clear, I'm doing it for the food – and if anyone here finds out I let her feed me, I swear to god I'll kill you myself. I'm not even joking.

Ah, so, I just remembered something absolutely critical. Well, to be more correct, I was just reminded of something critical. It might sound weird, but in my almost four weeks trapped in this game, I hadn't looked into the mirror even once. The truth was I was kind of afraid to look, I wasn't sure if I could handle the dissonance between who I should be and what I would see. Still, one day I'd managed to pull the bonnet from my head and that's when I noticed something...well, something strange. Look, I'll just cut to the chase: I've got horns, okay?

Not huge ones, mind you, nothing really crazy. They're just these little bony nubs hidden in my hair. They didn't get in the way and I hadn't even noticed them until I had put my hand onto my head. Curiosity kicked in, and I had rushed across the room at my best possible speed until I found the large, man-sized mirror. I was aware that the maid on duty had noticed me, but she wasn't coming my way yet, so I had been given the freedom to absorb what I was seeing.

If I was honest...I resembled my sister a lot. It wasn't just the golden hair, but also the skin tone and the face – it was quite clear to anyone looking that we shared the same mother. But...having said that, there was no doubt when looking at me that I was disfigured. The black horns were clearly visible against the light coloured hair, and although small, they curved slightly towards the back of my head. What's more, my baby teeth had grown in – well, I knew that bit already – but I couldn't help that notice that when I opened my mouth, the canines were noticeably more pronounced than they should be. I wouldn't go as far as comparing them to an oversized set of vampire dentures you might find on Halloween, but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a bite from them, either.

Still, I had kind of known this was the case from my character sheet, but looking at it like this, I really wasn't human, was I? My race was listed as a Half-Demon, right? That was just...

How did I feel about my visible Half-Demon traits?
[] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.
[] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
[] - ...creepy, actually. I know I still look mostly human, but knowing that I'm not just feels really unsettling for some reason.
[] - ...disappointing. With a name like Half-Demon, I'd kind of expected something flashier, like wings and a tail.
[] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.

Ack! While I was stuck in thought, the maid had crossed the room with speed that rivalled a lightning flash. Well...maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but in this body with its stumpy limbs, there was no escape. I was scooped up and began to thrash and yell at the sudden interruption.

"Now, now. You know better than to take off your bonnet. I understand you're alone, but it's for your own good, you know?"

I glared at the maid in frustration. It's not that I cared about the bonnet, although it was pretty embarrassing – I think mostly, I just wasn't okay with being told what to do. I got the impression that bit was never going to change...

What else did I plan to learn as time passes?
[] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works. Maybe if I can find a menu, I can get out of here.
[] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
[] - Taking the time to practice and focus on learning the language even faster, so that I can master the complex conversations required to fully learn about this world.
[] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
[] - Start trying to sneak out of my room. With the maids constantly watching me, it's going to be hard to slip away and act on my own, so I should start figuring out how to give them the slip now while I'm young enough to get away with it.
[] - In life, I was a pretty tough girl, so I needed to learn how to defend myself. Knowing how to throw a punch is as much muscle memory as it is fitness or theory, so I should start practising now while I'm still young.

Tch, here we go, I knew something like this would come eventually. The weeks have continued to pass since I unlocked the first level of Imperial Language, and I'd continued to play dumb. My ageing process had definitely slowed compared to the first "year" or so, because I was still stuck at two after all this time, but it was definitely going to be strange if I didn't start talking soon. I hadn't figured out exactly how I should handle this situation, but the safest conclusion would be to act casual and pretend I fitted in. Of course, I had rights and since I'd been born into this family, I did intend to exercise them. I wasn't going to let myself be told what to do...or so I'd told myself.

It seemed we had some kind of important visitors over, and for whatever reason, they had insisted on having me join the main dining family tonight. What kind of idiot brings a child to a high class dinner table? Why on earth had mom agreed? I don't know the first thing about etiquette, damnit, no one's taught me anything like that in this life or the next.

The maid who usually tends me - ah, I guess I could just call her Tanya, but "maid" will do fine; she seemed to be trying to rectify that. It's not like I'm stupid, I understood her perfectly well. I just don't care enough to go along with her. Besides, every time she tries to get me to act a certain way or put the fork down in a certain place, I get a kind of weird kick out of seeing her face twist in frustration when I don't go along with it. If I didn't know any better, I'd get the impression that she knows I'm just spiting her, but of course, that can't be the case – I can't believe my bluff would be called that easily, even by someone who's with me every day.

"Fine, it's like that, is it?" Tanya sighed. "Here, I'll play your game. If you behave, you can have this candy."

...what the hell, woman? You think I'm that easily bribed? Hah, well, the joke's on you, I'll just take the candy and then- whoa hey, give it back! You can't just pull it away!

"I know you're a smart young girl, Victoria-sama. This is your favourite candy, right?"

As if I'll admit that to you, you she-devil, you foul wench. You're always getting in my way! Give it back to me this instant! I grasped for it with a whine, but she held me with one hand and kept it just out of my reach.

"I'll make you a deal, if you behave and do it properly, I'll give this candy to you now, and if you can behave all the way through dinner, I'll give you even more later."

She closed her eyes with a false smile that radiated awful, manipulative undertones. Maybe a child would've fallen for it, but I'm better than that. Nice try, monster maid, but I'm in control of my own destiny!

How should I deal with this impertinent maid?
[] - She's just a servant, she needs to learn her place! Throw a fit and grab for her hand, yelling an order: "GIVE ME THE DAMN CANDY!"
[] - What are you trying to do, turn me into your obedient little pet? Well, I'll go along with it this time, look, see? I did what you wanted, now give me the candy.
[] - Stay calm...what are you, stupid? It's just some candy, why are you getting so worked up? You don't need something like that. Let's keep to our principles and refuse to cooperate.
[] - Hah, the joke's on you, Tanya. My sister will get me all the candy I want, I don't need you! I'll just go see her after you give up.
[] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 10, 2017 at 8:04 PM, finished with 65 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
    [x] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works. Maybe if I can find a menu, I can get out of here.
    [X] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.
    [x] - Stay calm...what are you, stupid? It's just some candy, why are you getting so worked up? You don't need something like that. Let's keep to our principles and refuse to cooperate.
    [X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
    [X] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
    [X] - What are you trying to do, turn me into your obedient little pet? Well, I'll go along with it this time, look, see? I did what you wanted, now give me the candy.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 10, 2017 at 9:49 PM, finished with 68 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
    [x] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.
    [X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works. Maybe if I can find a menu, I can get out of here.
    [X] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.
    [x] - Stay calm...what are you, stupid? It's just some candy, why are you getting so worked up? You don't need something like that. Let's keep to our principles and refuse to cooperate.
    [X] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
    [X] - What are you trying to do, turn me into your obedient little pet? Well, I'll go along with it this time, look, see? I did what you wanted, now give me the candy.
    [X] - In life, I was a pretty tough girl, so I needed to learn how to defend myself. Knowing how to throw a punch is as much muscle memory as it is fitness or theory, so I should start practising now while I'm still young.
Last edited:
[x] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.
[x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works. Maybe if I can find a menu, I can get out of here.
[x] - Stay calm...what are you, stupid? It's just some candy, why are you getting so worked up? You don't need something like that. Let's keep to our principles and refuse to cooperate.
[X] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.

[X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.

[X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
[X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
[X] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
[X] - What are you trying to do, turn me into your obedient little pet? Well, I'll go along with it this time, look, see? I did what you wanted, now give me the candy.
[X] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.
[X] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works. Maybe if I can find a menu, I can get out of here.
[X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
[X] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.

[X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.

[X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
[X] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.

[X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.

[X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
[X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.

[X] - In life, I was a pretty tough girl, so I needed to learn how to defend myself. Knowing how to throw a punch is as much muscle memory as it is fitness or theory, so I should start practising now while I'm still young.

[X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
[X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
[X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
[X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.

Punching is nice, but we're a noble. We can probably get good sword. AND it'd look more like we're interested in sis(or at least, cookie bribes) rather than an anomalous interest in fighting.
Also, as per the maid, being half demon is NOT a good thing socially. Need to hide it for now. We're in an authoritarian civilization, which means something like that would backlash on the family providing us all the nice stuff
Last edited:
Punching is nice, but we're a noble. We can probably get good sword. AND it'd look more like we're interested in sis(or at least, cookie bribes) rather than an anomalous interest in fighting.
Also, as per the maid, being half demon is NOT a good thing socially. Need to hide it for now. We're in an authoritarian civilization, which means something like that would backlash on the family providing us all the nice stuff

I agree entirely, but I imagine it be more interesting to establish a fighting style difference from our sister and likely the norm, and maybe we'll get to level that up quicker since we did it in our past life. Though cookie bribes are good bribes. Also I think if we get magic later it be more fun to use magic and punch things than use magic and a sword, both used often but punching magic is a bit less often.
[X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
[X] - Taking the time to practice and focus on learning the language even faster, so that I can master the complex conversations required to fully learn about this world.

Somehow I doubt we'll make much progress in learning to fight at the age of two.
Since were in a Rome like country wouldn't it just be Lady Victoria? I mean it just feels out of pla- Oh right Isekai, super western cultures use Japanese honorifics... because reasons :p
[X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
[X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
[X] - Taking the time to practice and focus on learning the language even faster, so that I can master the complex conversations required to fully learn about this world.
[X] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.
Half Demons are cool.

[X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
Swords are cool, plus more time with our sister.

[X] - What are you trying to do, turn me into your obedient little pet? Well, I'll go along with it this time, look, see? I did what you wanted, now give me the candy.
Yes, give us what we want, and we won't make your life as hectic. Little do they know that we are training them to give us lots and lots of Candy!
Since were in a Rome like country wouldn't it just be Lady Victoria? I mean it just feels out of pla- Oh right Isekai, super western cultures use Japanese honorifics... because reasons :p

This wouldn't be a cheesy Isekai Light Novel "translation" if I didn't ruthlessly abuse honorifics for absolutely no reason. xD
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 11, 2017 at 1:59 AM, finished with 72 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
    [X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
    [X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
    [x] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.
    [X] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works. Maybe if I can find a menu, I can get out of here.
    [X] - What are you trying to do, turn me into your obedient little pet? Well, I'll go along with it this time, look, see? I did what you wanted, now give me the candy.
    [X] - Taking the time to practice and focus on learning the language even faster, so that I can master the complex conversations required to fully learn about this world.
    [x] - Stay calm...what are you, stupid? It's just some candy, why are you getting so worked up? You don't need something like that. Let's keep to our principles and refuse to cooperate.
    [X] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
    [X] - In life, I was a pretty tough girl, so I needed to learn how to defend myself. Knowing how to throw a punch is as much muscle memory as it is fitness or theory, so I should start practising now while I'm still young.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 11, 2017 at 4:23 AM, finished with 72 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
    [X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
    [X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
    [x] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.
    [X] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works. Maybe if I can find a menu, I can get out of here.
    [X] - What are you trying to do, turn me into your obedient little pet? Well, I'll go along with it this time, look, see? I did what you wanted, now give me the candy.
    [X] - Taking the time to practice and focus on learning the language even faster, so that I can master the complex conversations required to fully learn about this world.
    [x] - Stay calm...what are you, stupid? It's just some candy, why are you getting so worked up? You don't need something like that. Let's keep to our principles and refuse to cooperate.
    [X] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
    [X] - In life, I was a pretty tough girl, so I needed to learn how to defend myself. Knowing how to throw a punch is as much muscle memory as it is fitness or theory, so I should start practising now while I'm still young.

Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 11, 2017 at 5:08 AM, finished with 73 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
    [X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
    [X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
    [x] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.
    [x] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works. Maybe if I can find a menu, I can get out of here.
    [X] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.
    [X] - What are you trying to do, turn me into your obedient little pet? Well, I'll go along with it this time, look, see? I did what you wanted, now give me the candy.
    [X] - Taking the time to practice and focus on learning the language even faster, so that I can master the complex conversations required to fully learn about this world.
    [x] - Stay calm...what are you, stupid? It's just some candy, why are you getting so worked up? You don't need something like that. Let's keep to our principles and refuse to cooperate.
    [X] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
    [X] - In life, I was a pretty tough girl, so I needed to learn how to defend myself. Knowing how to throw a punch is as much muscle memory as it is fitness or theory, so I should start practising now while I'm still young.
[X] - ...unimportant. I didn't really care about what race I was or anything like that, compared to the fact that I was still stuck as a child, albeit a fast-growing one.
[X] - Spamming every imaginable console command there could be, in the hopes of figuring out exactly how this system works. Maybe if I can find a menu, I can get out of here.
[X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.
[X] - freaking COOL! I can't believe I lucked out on such a badass looking race, I'm going to look totally awesome once I grow up.
[X] - Practice my Appraisal skill - this useful magic allows me to gain information about any object or creature I focus on, which will make it easier for me to understand this world.
[X] - What are you trying to do, turn me into your obedient little pet? Well, I'll go along with it this time, look, see? I did what you wanted, now give me the candy.
[X] - ...scary, actually. What if people find out? I should probably make an effort to hide this, just in case demons are hated in this world.
[X] - Let's try and watch my sister's sword training lessons, if there's one thing everyone needs to know, it's how to properly fight. You never know when I'll have to defend myself.
[X] - ...I hate to admit it, but knowing this world's etiquette might help me blend in. How lame. Fine, I'll cooperate with you this time, woman, since it suits me, but don't expect me to do as you please on demand in the future.