Rebirth of a Dungeon Master

Chapter 49
Yuuki sat behind his desk, engrossed in the paperwork that seemed to multiply each day. The soft glow from the desk lamp illuminated the room.

"Those blackout curtains were a good idea," Yuuki mutters to himself as his heavy eyes close and his body slumps forward ever so slightly. Could you blame the guy? It 7:08 am he was pulling an all-nighter and a little bit of a nap couldn't be too bad… After all no one would know.

The door to his office burst open abruptly, and a frantic secretary rushed in, her face flushed and eyes wide with alarm. That loud bang immediately stirred the tired Grandmaster of the Freedom Association awake.

"Grand Master Yuuki!" she gasped, trying to catch her breath. "There's an urgent situation."

"What is it?" Yuki asks standing up both his hands on his desk.

"At the main desk, hurry." The panicked receptionist says

Yuki was already out the door the second he had gotten the location.

Nekra stood confidently at the main desk, her presence commanding immediate attention from everyone in the vicinity. The room was buzzing with whispers and hushed conversations, as guild members exchanged surprised glances at the sight of the legendary S-rank standing before them.

The guild's main hall, usually a place of bustling activity and camaraderie, fell into a palpable silence as Nekra stood at the desk waiting for the receptionist who took her adventurer's card to come back. She ran off rather quickly so it shouldn't take her too long to get back.

As Nekra waited, a voice echoed from a stairway that led upstairs. "Oh my god, you're actually real?"

A young adventurer descended the stairs, his eyes wide with awe as he stared at Nekra. His voice had caught the attention of others in the hall, and soon all eyes were him looking between him and Nekra…

"I thought you were just a myth, a story told to inspire us," the young adventurer continued, taking a few hesitant steps closer. His excitement was palpable, and it was clear that meeting Nekra was a dream come true for him. Or was it some other emotion besides excitement?

Nekra glanced towards the staircase, her expression unreadable as she observed the young man's enthusiasm. She had grown to hate such reactions over the years, but it still amused her to see the awe and disbelief in the eyes of those who had only heard tales of her exploits.

Nekra nodded in acknowledgment, her attention returning to the main desk as she prepared to follow the receptionist. The room was still buzzing with excitement, but now there was an added sense of anticipation as everyone wondered what business the legendary S-rank had with the grandmaster.

"Well, I'm glad I can inspire others," Nekra responded with a wry smile, her eyes scanning the room. Seeing that the receptionist had made her way back, "Although, where is the guild master?"

Unbeknownst to her, the young adventurer she had just spoken to was none other than the Grandmaster himself, Yuuki. The young appearance of the guild master often led to such misunderstandings, much to his annoyance. Yet he had to be nice here, after all, he couldn't anger the one and only S rank. The humanoid monster in front of him somehow survived her clash with Milim Nava over 80 years ago.

Yuuki smiled warmly at Nekra and the receptionist this was not the best place to have this conversation however his safety was guaranteed in the bustling lobby. Standing tall, he addressed Nekra with a welcoming gesture. "Ah, Nekra, welcome to the Freedom Association. I'm Yuuki, the GrandMaster here."

Nekra's eyes widened slightly, her surprise evident but quickly replaced by a respectful nod. "Ah, Guild Master Yuuki. It's a pleasure to meet you… You must be strong to be in such positon in such a young age."

"I'm 23!" Yuuki shouts

Nekra is taken aback, "No, thats too young nya. Do you perchance mean one hundred and twenty-three? Some humans are surprisingly long-lived." Nekra states

Yuuki does his best to keep his calm, he might be one of the strongest however fighting against a being who at this point he is 80% sure is a demigod would not end well for anyone especially the city they are in.

"So, what brings you here?" Yuuki asks

"I need a map of the continent and an update to map of the easter empire nya?" Nekra states

Yuuki maintained his composed demeanor, reminding himself of the stakes as he engaged with Nekra. He leaned slightly against the nearby table, feigning casualness while internally calculating how best to handle the situation.

"Ah, maps of the continent and the Eastern Empire. Those are certainly doable requests," Yuuki replied, keeping his tone neutral and professional. "We have an extensive collection of maps and geographical data. I can have someone fetch them for you right away."

Nekra's feline features seemed to light up at the prospect, her tail flicking with anticipation. "That would be great, thank you."

Yuuki signaled to one of the nearby assistants, instructing them to retrieve the requested maps. As the assistant scurried off, Yuuki maintained his focus on Nekra. "While we're waiting for the maps, is there anything else you'd like to know or any other assistance you require?"

"Nyo that would be it, however if you have any investments in that country… You dont want them." Nekra states with a smile

"Go get her the maps." Yuuki says seriously while looking at the receptionist

Said girl lets out a panicked squeak before nodding and running off.

"Thank's nya." Nekra states
Chapter 50
Rimuru and Safi stepped into the bustling lobby of the Freedom Association headquarters. Yuuki, on high alert, immediately sensed a presence and identified it as that of a monster. Reacting swiftly, he leaped forward, weapon drawn, aiming directly at Rimuru.

Before Yuuki could make contact, Safi swiftly interposed herself catching his fist throwing light sparks as dust from said leap filled the air in the lobby.

"Really Yuuki? Also congrats on becoming the Grandmaster." Safi says with a grin.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Yuki shouts…

"Okay, you two… I don't even know who you are but we are going to my office." Yuki says not wanting to cause another panic like Nekra had.

Who exactly are you?" Yuuki asked, eyeing Rimuru and Safi with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"I am Rimuru, the slime," Rimuru replied calmly. "And i'm not a bad slime ya know."

Yuuki raised an eyebrow. That was a reference and a half… "Reincarnated as a monster? That's new to me."

"It's a complicated process," Safi chimed in. "You lose your humanity, retaining only memories. I think its only happened a total of 4-5 times in all of history as far as I am aware."

"I have decided I am not going to ask how you know that," Yuuki says to Safi

The girl who professed herself a dragon was one of only ten A+ rank adventurers

Yuuki shifted the topic back. "About Shizue's class... it's not that simple. They're essentially dying due to an overflow of magic."

"Like a magical form of cancer," he added.

"Why not create a device to drain off the excess magic?" Safi suggested.

"We tried, but it led to an increase in monster activity, Literally spawning some in the same room as them" Yuuki explained.

Rimuru pondered for a moment. "I might have a solution, but it'll take time."

Yuuki then turned his attention to Safi . "There are talks of a new demon lord. Any truth to that?"

"I have heard of a werecat princess who is also a vampire, but we all know that race has been extinct for a few millennia." Safi replied.

"Huh, that's… Could you maybe get the other A+ ranks? The one and only S rank might go rouge." Yuuki queried.

"I uh… I don't think anyone could beat Nekra." Safi answers faking extreme nervousness.

Yuuki paused, processing that statement. "So, we're screwed huh?"

"Since you're now back as an A-ranked, you'll need to join a nation—" Yuuki began but was interrupted by a sudden surge of bloodlust.

"Safi can serve under the Tempest Federation," Rimuru interjected, and Yuuki nodded, acknowledging that he didn't want to fight the girl who might actually be a dragon in disguise.

The peace was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass.


Yuuki rushed to the window, his expression turning to one of alarm as he saw the city's protective barrier collapsing.

"I wonder what caused that," Safi mused, tilting her head curiously.

"A great mystery indeed," Rimuru added.

"I feel like a Yoda quote would be fitting here," Yuuki said with a wry smile.


Outside the capital, chaos ensued.

"Uhhh, I don't have to pay for that, right?" An elderly mage with a long grey beard stammered.

"What in the world are you, old man?" a guard shouted, surrounding him with others.

"I just wanted to enter! I didn't mean to shatter the barrier!" the mage protested.

"None shall pass," a guard in black knight armor declared firmly to the Gandalf look-alike.
Chapter 51
Nekra arrived at the Eastern Empire, greeted by a vast expanse of open plains stretching as far as the eye could see. The horizon seemed to blend seamlessly with the azure sky, creating an illusion of boundless space.

"This is the great threat?" Nekra muttered to herself, her voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of the wind through the grass. She surveyed the seemingly endless expanse of the Eastern Empire, searching for any sign of the ominous presence she had been warned about.

"THERE'S NOTHING HERE!" Nekra shouts before continuing to walk forward hoping to find anything.

Meanwhile, deep underground in a labyrinthine cave system, shadows danced and echoed off the damp stone walls. The air was heavy with the scent of earth and moisture, and the only sounds were the distant drip of water and the occasional skittering of unseen creatures.

In the dim light filtering through narrow crevices, a figure moved with purpose through the twisting passages. Clad in dark robes that seemed to absorb what little light there was, the figure navigated expertly in the darkness.

Suddenly she arrives at massive aged wooden door blocking off the cave.

"I need in I have a message for the baroness." The hooded figure says

The wooden door creaks as it opens letting the figure pass.

The school building stood tall and imposing, its architecture a blend of classical and modern design elements. Constructed from sturdy stone and reinforced glass, it exuded an air of permanence and stability.

At the entrance, a grand set of double doors welcomed students and visitors alike, adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of learning and achievement. Above them, a carved emblem of the school proudly displayed its name in bold letters.

Inside, the foyer was spacious and well-lit, with high ceilings and polished marble floors.

That is where Safi and Rimuru found themselves.

"I think I shall try to blend in as a student." Safi states

Rimuru just nods speechless by the size of the school.

Safi had already wandered shrinking down to her child form and she was off to look for the classroom. A short moment later she found it and entered as all of the kids watched

"Uh, hi, who are you?" a curious boy inquired.

"I'm Safi," she introduced herself with a warm smile.

"Your middle name wouldn't happen to be Jiiva, would it?" another student asked, catching Safi off guard.

"Yes? How did you know?" Safi responded, tilting her head in confusion.

"You're named after a dragon from Monster Hunter?" a girl chimed in with intrigue.

"Yes, my mothers both liked Monster Hunter," Safi explained with a nod.

"Mothers?" another girl queried, sparking Safi to improvise a story about her origins.

"On my earth all the men died. So women found a way to...." Safi says blushing making up complete bullshit.

"How did you end up here?" A boy asks

"A few nobles tried a summoning ceremony I was found in the forest a few hours later. I miss my mothers" Safi says as tears appear in the corners of her eyes.

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Rimuru observed Safi's adept diversion with admiration as He began to enter the class himself.

"Hello Everyone! Now, when I call your name, I want you to say 'here'," Rimuru instructed the students, but encountered resistance from some.

"What's the point? Why are you so nice to us? We're all going to die soon anyway," one boy remarked bleakly.

Safi nodded in agreement, "Like cancer right?" Safi asks, drawing a collective group of agreements from the class.

"Alright since you have decided to ignore me I will call in a friend." Rimuru says

As Rimuru attempted to regain control, a shadow enveloped the room as it suddenly went dark. From said shadow emerged Ranga, who appeared behind the students.

"Students when I call your name I expect you to say here." Rimuru states

Ranga growls threatening.

Safi however mutters "Nya, Fluffy," perfectly mimicking Nekra's voice.

Roll had been called and everyone was accounted for.

"Alright very good." Rimuru says

"Teacher, can I pet the puppy now?" Safi asks breaking the tense atmosphere.

"No." Rimuru says remembering the story Ranga told her of what Nekra did.

"Don't threaten us with this massive dog!" Kenya shouts before he is suddenly licked by Ranga who is currently giant.

"I'm glad you're getting along. How about we go outside?" Rimuru asks

In the heart of the underground cave system, the hooded figure stood at the edge of a worn carpet, its faded patterns barely visible in the dim candlelight that flickered around the chamber. Shadows danced along the walls, casting eerie shapes that seemed to writhe and twist with a life of their own.

The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and ancient stone, and a palpable sense of anticipation hung in the air. The figure's hood obscured many of the features however said figure was on a knee awaiting someone.

Suddenly a door to the side of the chamber opened and in walked a female figure, walked in her yellow cat-like eyes scanning the room, a tiara adorning her head hugged by what could only be a pair of fluffy feline ears.

"Baroness nya! The princess is alive!" The hooded figure shouts in excitement pulling back her hood and revealing her cat ears as well.
Chapter 52
Nekra finally found a city… and it was a city, there was no doubt about that.

As twilight descended, casting a hazy glow over the cityscape, Nekra's sharp eyes discerned the towering structures above. The silhouette of buildings stretched into the darkening sky, their outlines etched against the fading light as the buildings themselves began to glow.

Nekra looks straight up again before doing a double take looking at the city.

"Is that powerlines?" she muttered to herself, her voice clearly with the hum from electricity coming from above her.

With a swift, practiced motion, Nekra's arms flashed, slicing through the air with precision. The black wires, once charged with electricity, were now severed, dangling lifelessly between poles.

Sparks erupted as the power lines snapped, electricity arcing and striking the ground before dissipating. A wave of darkness swept through the city as lights flickered and dimmed, plunging streets and buildings into shadow.

"I guess its time to do this nya." Nekra mutters as she disappears into her own shadow.

Her momentum is frozen by a message though, her skill severely under utilized skill Sage… Or was it great sage? Had ot her attention because Rimuru's skill with the same name had reached out to her with a question from the slime.

"Nya tell Rimuru where to find Remairs. It'll save us all some time." Nekra says aloud surrounded by darkness.

Rimuru is with his students having taken them to a rather nice restaurant.

To say that the kids were Rudy were an under statement.

"Teacher? Why would you do this for us?" Chloe asks

"Well, thats rather simple because i have an idea on how to save you. Although it was difficult to get an answer from her. I know where to take you all to save you now." Rimuru states

Suddenly all the kids freeze in shock when Safi suddenly smirks standing behind the kids.

"Don't lie to us! Miss Rimuru!" Safi shouts

"IM A MAN!" Rimuru shouts back

"You are?" Kota asks

"Wait teacher-chan is teacher-San?" Chloe asks

"What…" Rimuru says although it is obvious to everyone he is quite angry.


Nekra was currently experiencing the sound of forgiveness, screaming and then silence.

The darkness of the night sky had swollowed the city which it turns out wasnt the capital, however what need to be done still had to be done.

Did the cat girl with the gift of knowledge like killling innocents no, however happy sheep were not always safe sheep.

As the city burned and her magical prowess made itself known, her battalion of earthen golems made their way through finishing off any stragglers they could find.

Nekra's eyes glowed blood red as her thirst took over the cat girl struggling to maintain her personality.

Did she want the kids to live, yes but they wouldn't really survive and likely end up being sold into slavery in this country so… It was a mercy killing.

With that, her thirst which she's been holding back for hundreds of years lest she hurt Yuki was let loose.

Yuki sought
refuge in the dungeon's depths, where paperwork couldn't reach and her self-esteem wasn't under constant assault. Rimuru's offhand remark about the dungeon being merely a lazy mine had struck a nerve, leaving her feeling inadequate and overlooked.

In the dim light of the underground, Yuki found solace amidst the stone and earth. She wouldve gone into the core however the home felt empty and lonely without Nekra here…

She wanted her sweetheart to get home soon. Although, that comment about her really weighed a lot at the back of her mind. So with that in mind she realized she could do something she's never done before… She could pray.

"Actually, Sandstorm is a bad idea. According to Nekra, Kyra should be rather nice though." Yuki mutters to herself clasping her hands together as her tails swayed behind her.

An with that a small flashdrive fell on top of her head.

Yuki looked up at the dungeon roof and mouthed out 'thank you' before picking up the flashdrive to see what it is.
Chapter 53: Red Eyed monster
Joseph was living with his parents in Prosperity City, a place teeming with novelty. According to his parents, everything here was thanks to the heroes. The magic lights, which kept the city safe at night, were apparently powered by something called electricity. As far as his parents were concerned, it was just another form of magic.

However, for Joseph, who was enrolled in the public school system, learning the basic fundamentals of circuits felt like navigating a maze, especially with those vacuum tube thingamajigs making his head spin.

"Hey, honey, how's the school work?" His mother inquired.

"I'm doing well, Mom. It involves a lot of math, but it's pretty interesting. How was your day at work?" Joseph replied.

"It was annoying. Those stupid Demi-humans tried to leave their positions again," his mother grumbled.

"Call it what it was, dear. The damn slaves revolted again," his father responded.

"I don't understand why we have to be nice to those... those things now! It's the one bad thing that the heroes keep insisting on. Luckily, the new royal family is thwarting that, and those Demi-humans are keeping their roles."

The sudden darkness enveloped the room, plunging them into an eerie silence broken only by the faint hum of the city's generators in the distance.

Joseph's mother sighed in frustration. "Not again. These power outages better not become frequent again."

His father grumbled in agreement, reaching for a flashlight stored nearby. "Seems like the electricity wizards need to work on their spells."

Joseph couldn't help but chuckle at his father's attempt at humor, though unease lingered in the air. Without the comforting glow of the magic lights, the room felt strangely unfamiliar. Especially as long as Joseph could remember they had the lights

"We should check the circuit breaker," Joseph suggested, stepping cautiously through the darkened hallway toward the fuse box.

As he fumbled for the switch, a distant screaming echoed through the streets outside, muffled but unmistakable. His parents exchanged concerned glances, their worry mirrored in Joseph's own expression.

"What's going on out there?" his mother whispered, her voice tight with apprehension.

Before anyone could answer, a series of loud bangs reverberated through the house, startling them all. With a shared sense of trepidation, they moved toward the window, unsure of what awaited them on the other side.

Heart pounding, Joseph followed his father to the nearest window, his parents close behind. As they cautiously peered outside, their eyes widened in shock at the scene unfolding before them.

Shadows slumped on the ground, their forms barely discernible in the dim moonlight. Strange, viscous liquid pooled around them, reflecting the red glow of the moon.

"What in the world...?" Joseph's mother gasped, a shiver running down her spine.

His father's brow furrowed in concern. "It looks like... some kind of attack? I don't really know I mean how would they get past the walls?"

The sound of a thump rang out the house as his mother suddenly collapsed. Blood pooling on the carpet.

The sound of a thump echoed through the house as his mother suddenly collapsed, her body hitting the floor with a sickening thud. Shocked gasps escaped Joseph and his father as they rushed to her side, horror flooding their veins at the sight of blood pooling on the carpet beneath her.

"Mom!" Joseph cried, panic rising in his chest as he knelt beside her, hands trembling as he searched for a pulse.

His father's face paled, eyes wide with fear as he reached out to cradle his wife's limp form in his arms. "We need help—" his father began but was suddenly cut off by a blood-curdling scream from outside.

Joseph's heart hammered in his chest as he scrambled to his feet, and he ran, he ran and he iran and he ran.It was an instinctual feeling , all of his senses telling him to run. driving him forward with adrenaline-fueled speed.

His father's desperate voice echoed behind him, calling out for him to stop, but Joseph couldn't bear to wait any longer. Every fiber of his being screamed for him to escape, to find safety.

Joseph's heart seized as he heard his father's heavy footsteps falter behind him, then the sickening thud as his father collapsed to the ground.

A quick glance behind him would allow him to see his father being pinned to the floor by a hooded figure, which was hunched over biting at his father's neck. Suddenly the hood blew away and it revealed a pair of dark cat ears and blood-red eyes staring into the depths of his soul.

"Wuaaa!" Joseph screamed as he ran past the lifeless bodies strewn across the street, his shoes kicking up blood with each frantic step. His heart pounded in his chest as he glanced over his shoulder, relief flooding him momentarily as he saw the red-eyed shadowy figure was gone. But his relief was short-lived.

Suddenly there was pain, as his foot collided with a hard object, sending him sprawling to the ground with a cry of pain. Up was down and down was up as the stars flew across the floor.

The last thing the young boy heard was a whisper of "I'm sorry." and then there was nothing.
Chapter 54: All Quiet on the Front
Nekra perched on a weathered tree trunk, Her hood covering her head as the weight of the guilt from her actions over the past few days slowing her down.Was what she did good? No, but she was a monster afterall… I mean they had probably enough blood to last her tens if not hundreds of thousands of years yet that was so much blood on her hands.

"Hey, you alright?" A voice asks

Nekra looks up to see a man in full plate armor with his hand on his hip talking to her.

"Nyo, it's not good nya." Nekra says dialing up her verbal tick for effect.

"What does that mean?"

"There was this thing, and it's traveling north killing everything nya," Nekra explained, her voice lowering to a hushed whisper as she recounted the horrors she had witnessed. "I think I managed to keep away from it, but I don't know how far it is."

A flicker of alarm passed over the man's features as he absorbed her words. "We need to warn the others," he declared, his voice resolute.
Nekra stumbled slightly as the man grabbed her arm, his urgency evident in the firmness of his grip. With a nod of agreement, she allowed herself to be pulled away from the downed log and towards the main road, away from the shelter of the forest.

As she neared the company Nekra couldn't help but smirk to herself.
The company of knights moved cautiously through the dense woods, their senses alert for any signs of danger. As they rounded a bend in the trail, their eyes fell upon a lone figure sitting on a log, her presence incongruous amidst the shadowy forest.

"Aruther… Do you see her aswell?" the commander asks

"Yes, I do. Sir" Arthur says a mix between a spear and a barrel loaded gun strapped around his shoulder sword at his hip.

"Go, and see why she is here. Maybe she knows what happened to the 3 cities we lost contact with."

"Of course Sir." Arthur says

Arthur, with his comboweapn, stepped forward, his armor clinking softly with each careful stride. He approached the lone figure cautiously, his senses attuned to any hint of danger that might lurk beneath her calm exterior.

"Good eve, traveler," Arthur called out, his voice echoing softly through the forest.

Said figure on the tree moves.
"What brings you to these woods alone?" Arthur asks

"Nyo, it's not good nya." Nekra says dialing up her verbal tick for effect.

Arthur stills a demi human here? How did it escape the factories?

"What does that mean?"

"There was this thing, and it's traveling north killing everything nya," The cat girl explained, her voice lowering to a hushed whisper. "I think I managed to keep away from it, but I don't know how far it is."

This girl… she knew what it was why those cities have gone silent.

"What does that mean?" Arthur asks grabbing the girl knowing the captain needed to see her.

"Arthur, I see you brought her here." The captain says with a smile.

As they returned to the captain, Arthur presented Nekra, the captain smiling at the sight.

"This thing would be an IT, sir," Arthur explained. "And IT saw whatever the beast we are hunting is."

But Nekra's true nature soon revealed itself as Arthur pulled back her hood, revealing her "bestial" blood.

"You are going to tell us what you saw, and then you shall have served your purpose," the captain declared with a sickening smile. "Maybe we could find a use for you."

But before the captain could react, Nekra's eyes turned into soulless, glowing red orbs.

"Thank you for the snack nya," Nekra said with a chilling smile.

In an instant, all but the captain fell to the ground, their armor seemingly crushed faster than he could blink.

"Now… You are going to tell me where the stupid capital is so I can raze it to the ground then head home," Nekra stated blandly, her tone devoid of any emotion.

The captain felt the agony of his armor merging with his skin, his nerves on fire as he writhed in pain.

"It's about a day and a half northeast," the captain whimpered, unable to withstand the torture.

"Good. Now die, you worm," Nekra said coldly, as flames consumed the entire company of knights, leaving nothing but ashes in their wake.
Chapter 55
Yuki sat at her computer, completely engrossed in the world of Dungeon Keeper Gold Edition. Her fingers moved deftly over the keyboard as she commanded her minions to dig tunnels, set traps, and defend against invading heroes.

As the dark overlord of her own virtual dungeon, Yuki relished the opportunity to try diffrent strategies and maybe even adopt some of the ideas that came about from this game to the dungeon itself. Although that would have to be with Nekra, the loveable cat girl technically was her master… As Yuki continued to play Dungeon Keeper, she sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere of the room. At first, she brushed it off as a trick then she felt her connection cut, followed by a connection to a being much stronger.

"Nerka?" Yuki asks aloud her voice cracking at feeling the bond break.

Rimuru and Safi exchanged a puzzled glance as a strange sensation washed over them, causing them to pause mid-conversation with Rimaris, the fairy. It was as if the very fabric of reality had shifted, leaving them all feeling disoriented and uncertain.

Rimuru furrowed his brow, his keen senses picking up on the subtle change in the atmosphere. "Did you feel that?" he asked, turning to Safi and Rimaris.

Safi nodded, her expression mirroring Rimuru's confusion. "Yeah, something feels... off," she replied, her voice tinged with unease.

Rimaris, the fairy, fluttered her wings nervously, her delicate features etched with concern. "I sensed it too," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's like... a disturbance in the natural order of things."
Nekra stood amidst a sea of flames and blood, her form illuminated by the inferno that raged around her. The last city had been decimated, its once bustling streets now reduced to smoldering ruins.

As the acrid scent of smoke filled the air, Nekra's heart weighed heavy with the weight of her actions. She had unleashed destruction upon the world, leaving nothing but devastation in her wake.

Yet, amidst the chaos and destruction, there was this pulling feeling she truthfully had not clue what it was however, she felt the urge to answer it.

"How many people have I killed again?" Nekra asks with a head tilt blood dripping from her black cloak.

That was when the world shifted. As reality itself seemed to tear at the sense and her sense of sight twisted.

Kyra adjusted the straps of her blue vault suit as she spoke, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "I guess you could just summon us all then," she remarked casually.

Sandstorm raised an eyebrow at Kyra's attire. "You still wear that?" he asked incredulously.

Kyra shrugged nonchalantly. "I sleep in it," she replied with a smirk.

Yuna, the bear girl, let out a worried growl. "Why am I here? I was in the middle of a behemoth hunt! My team could be in danger!" she exclaimed, her concern evident in her voice.

Lisa, the calm and composed one of the group, stepped forward to reassure Yuna. "It's fine. Time is paused in your worlds while we are here," she explained calmly.

Harriet, with her striking red-black hair and piercing green eyes, chimed in with a sigh. "That's good. I was at lunch with Luna," she added, her tone laced with relief.

The girl holding a sword, radiating with magical power, spoke up next. "So what are we here for?" she asked, her gaze sharp and focused.

Sandstorm grinned, his eyes glinting with mischief. "To welcome the new members of the pantheon, of course," he declared proudly.

Harriet let out a groan, clearly unimpressed with the idea. "Can I please just go back to practicing control? I would rather not accidentally break something again," she pleaded, her frustration evident in her voice.

Amidst the chatter, Nekra spoke up timidly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Nya... Hi?" she said, she knew who a majority of these figures were… An in truth she might consider them friendly but they terrified her, why was she here?

The group fell into a momentary silence as they processed the unexpected turn of events. Lisa was the first to break the silence, her calm demeanor contrasting with the confusion in the room.

"She achieved godhood really quickly," she remarked, her tone tinged with surprise.

Sandstorm and the others exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how Nekra had ascended to godhood so rapidly. "Uh, how?" Sandstorm asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

Nekra remained quiet, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty. 'A goddess of fate? Confused, that's new,' she mused to herself.

"Nya? I was working on the dungeon, nya. I don't know," Nekra finally replied, her voice hesitant as she blatantly lied to them after all mass murder tended to be frowned upon.

Shirone, her silver wolf ears twitching in curiosity, spoke up next. "So, what was the reason for this meeting? I was in the middle of making a weapon," she said, her tone curious.

Sandstorm, a girl with golden eyes, cleared her throat, feeling slightly embarrassed at the lack of a better explanation. "It was to introduce Harriet to everyone, the new goddess of death," she explained, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Kyra raised an eyebrow, clearly not satisfied with the answer. "Was that the only reason?" she pressed, her gaze lingering on Nekra.

Sandstorm hesitated, struggling to come up with a better excuse. "Right!" she exclaimed suddenly, her golden eyes glowing with determination. "She's actually extremely close to godhood," she admitted, pointing directly at Nekra.

The group murmured amongst themselves, intrigued by Nekra's sudden ascension. "What's her divinity going to be?" Yuna asked, her curiosity piqued.

Nekra took a moment to channel her newfound power, tapping into the depths of her knowledge. "Knowledge, nya," she finally answered, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Kyra let out a low whistle, impressed by Nekra's choice. "I think we gave her a broken skill, but eh, that's fine," she remarked casually.

Sandstorm chuckled, remembering Kyra's own unconventional divinity. "Coming from the person I gave the dream divinity to," she teased.

Kyra shrugged, unfazed by the comment. "Yeah, but even without that, I would've become a broken character," she replied with a grin.

Sandstorm's expression turned serious as she turned to Kyra. "Yeah, that AUM energy... Do you have any clue what you created there?" she asked, her tone tinged with curiosity.

Before Kyra could respond, Nekra's vision was suddenly consumed by a sense of urgency as she felt her beloved Yuki pull at her bond causing said thing to snap somewhere in the void between the Cardinal world and wherever this patch of void was.

"I have to go." Nekra states quickly eyes wide open as she was suddenly back in the Great Jura forest.
Chapter 56
Meanwhile, amidst all of Nekra's ascension.

"Nekra!" Yuki shouts, looking around for her the determined fox never one for giving up hope.

"Is everything alright, Yuki?" Benimaru asks.

"No, Nekra has been gone for two days," Yuki says worriedly.

Two days ago, in a different part of the world,

"It's just a straight path," Rimuru says.

"This is a labyrinth; it's super easy!" Alice shouts.

Safi suddenly closes her eyes, and the "plushie" does the same.

"Use the force, Rimuru," Safi says in a message that is automatically translated through a skill of Rimuru; it almost seems like telepathy.

Rimuru begins to look around, not knowing who said it.

"Let go, Rimuru, trust me," Safi says with a wide grin.

"Stop quoting Star Wars," Rimuru shouts at Safi, since Rimuru was already using her mental map.

A little girl's laughter is heard.

Then, several children laughing.

"Not afraid? Please be more amusing visitors, be very afraid, more fear!" A woman? shouts.

"This dungeon is boring, Ramiris!" Safi shouts.

Suddenly, the laughter stops.

"Wait, you know me?" Ramiris asks suddenly a fairy emerged from the ether, her wings shimmering with iridescent hues of azure and emerald. Her eyes sparkled with ancient wisdom, and her delicate features held a timeless grace. As she floated before them, surrounded by an aura of curiosity.

"Yes, I'm from Momma Nekra's dungeon," Safi says.

"Nekra... Nekra... The cat girl!" Ramiris shouts.

Safi nods.

"Auntie Milim says hi," Safi says.

Suddenly, the false illusion in the hallway begins to glow, and a door opens ahead of them. Ramiris goes through said door with everyone walks through it while glancing at Safi. Several questions in their heads. Only for the fairy to disappear.

"It's a dead end," Rimuru says.

"Wait a moment, please. I'm working on it!" Ramiris shouts.

"Small world!" Ramiris shouts.

"This is too small. If you want me to go all out, you know!" Safi shouts as she starts to use space magic herself to enlarge the space in the room.

"Right! So, if you're actually from Nekra's dungeon, pass my test, let me know what you think!" Ramiris shouts.

As a magic tech soldier that the dwarves threw away starts to power up.

"Auntie Rimuru, I am fighting this cheap knock off even if I have to fight you," Safi says, the dragon in her arms' eyes glowing red.

"Cheap knock off?" several of the students say.

"It's not a cheap knock off! I worked hard on it!" Ramiris shouts since it took a lot of work to get the dwarves' broken machine to work.

Rimuru also backs off as Safi walks to the front.

"You may wanna stand back," Safi says, looking behind her with a wink as she suddenly disappears from her spot, and her dragon "plushie" begins to enlarge; it fully transforms into a mechanical Safi Jiiva towering over the Magitech knight.

"This is what I meant by cheap knockoff!" Safi says as her magical engines draw magic from the atmosphere, draining the pocket world.

"What the HELL!" Ramiris shouts, terrified, while all the students behind Rimuru also seem scared.

Safi starts to fly up and shoots a blue beam down at the robot, completely erasing it from existence.

"Show yourself, or you can get the option to remodel your labyrinth," Safi says; she shrinks back down, and her human avatar picks her up again.

"Wait... you're the dragon that inspired the Magitech soldier program!" Remiris shouts.

"Of course... Why do you think I called those things cheap knock offs?" Safi says with a shrug while all of the students behind Rimuru begin to match Safi to a story that Shizu told them.

Suddenly, the fairy pops out from wherever she was hidden.

Safi pushes Rimuru in front of her and goes to stand with the slightly scared students.

Gabe jumped back a little when Safi stops near him.

"I am one of the 10 great demon lords, Ramiris of the labyrinth," Ramiris says.

"Yeah, this is less of a proper labyrinth than Nekra's place..." Rimuru says, looking around.

"Eh!" Ramiris shouts.

"Yeah, I mean, sure, there was a maze full of illusion traps, but you can't just have an empty room full of illusions!" Rimuru shouts.

"It's not my fault you weren't affected by thought manipulation. It's been so long since I've met someone like you," Ramiris says.

"Can you tell your friends to be quiet please," Safi says quietly yet extremely politely to seem less scary. Because a loli dragon is scary... definitely ask Gabe Gibson; he peed his pants a little.

"You're actually a demon lord?" Rimuru asks, dumbfounded, but Safi says Nekra met her. The only place Nekra has ever been is her dungeon, Dwargon, Tempest, and the demon lord meeting.

"Of course," Ramiris says, puffing her chest.

"She's not, she's a spirit queen. She just has the title of demon lord," Safi says.

"Hey! I'm a demon lord!" Ramiris shouts.

"And Treyni is a rock," Safi deadpans.

"That's a name I haven't heard in a long while," Ramiris says to herself.

"I knew it. None of you brats were a demon lord," Rimuru says.
Chapter 57
Safi giggles a bit as Rimuru had just belittled all the demon lords for acting like children. Which according to momma Nekra they often did.

Suddenly, the fairies start to get noisy again.

"I need to ask Mom to add a mute function so I can mute certain people's voices," Safi suddenly says.

"So, who are you?" Ramiris asks, looking pointedly at Rimuru.

"Me? I'm just a slime," Rimuru says.

"Ah, the slime who's the leader of the great Jura forest! Nekra's territory?" Ramiris asks.

"Nekra's territory is technically her dungeon under the forest. But she claimed the forest to deter other demon lords from messing with me," Rimuru says.

At this point, all of the kids are eating the snacks Rimuru has brought out.

"So, she doesn't actually control the territory.

"So about the golem," Rimuru says.

"It's not a golem... it looked like it followed a set of predetermined movements. It could've either been an animatronic or an automaton," Safi says, taking a cookie and holding it to the "plushie" in her arms.

"We just finished that too; do you have any clue how efficient it was? Earth spirits manipulated the weight, water moved the joints, and fire powered it," Ramiris says.

"That sounds horribly inefficient. It also was a puppet and not even a complicated machine if it required input from some other being to constantly move it," Safi says, disappointed.

Ramiris recoils from the insult.

"Right anyway I have a request," Rimuru says.

"Why would I listen to you?" Ramiris asks.

"I could let you move in next to Nekra. You're Senpai when it comes to golems. I mean, look at Safi there," Rimuru says.

Ramiris's eyes seem to glow as she nods enthusiastically.

As everyone moved to a different place.

To the deepest room in the labyrinth–the oracle room.

Prior to arriving through to this room, everyone first passed a large empty room before it.

A path that is one meter wide and twenty meters long leads from this room to a five-meter-in-diameter circular scaffold.

What the scaffold is made of, I do not know; it looks as if it's spreading through the room.

"To think you were a saint's guide, how did you become a demon lord?" Safi deadpans.

"Anyway, time to summon spirits," Ramiris says.

"What should we say?" Gabe asks.

"Whatever you like, really. Help me! Or, Let's play! An interested spirit will definitely appear before you," Ramiris responds sounding unsure of herself.

"… will they really come?" Alice asks.

"They will! Sensei, they will, right?" Ryota asks.

"Will they?" Kenya asks.

The children look at Rimuru, worried.

"It's fine if they don't appear; I can always drain the magical energy and Rimuru can make a new one out of it.

"…Hey, you! You're making a scary face!" Ramiris says to Safi.

"Hmm? Right, No problem, no problem.

"Hey, brats! Don't worry. It'll work out!" Rimuru says, realizing he can change the spirits himself with the help of great sage.

"Alright! One person at a time will go. Who's first?" Rimuru asks.

Then, an order was decided on.

First will be the eldest, Gale.
Then Alice.
Followed by Kenya and Ryouta.
And concluded with Chloe.

The children did quarrel about it, but in the end, everyone was satisfied with this order.


Everyone had arrived at a tranquil room with a sole light leaking in from the ceiling lighting up the entire place. Without a sound to be heard, only footsteps echoed throughout it.

"Sensei, if anything happens to me, please take care of them," Gabe says.

"Oi, idiot, don't drop flags!" Safi yells.

That seems to scare Gabe even more.

"Don't worry, there's a platform here. If anything happens, I'll save you," Rimuru says.

Timidly and carefully,

He proceeds into the center.

"Okay, there's fine! I'm looking forward to the phrase you choose!" Ramiris shouts loudly, like she could care about his nervousness.

Gabe started kneeling, as if praying to the gods.

"I wonder who will answer him," Safi mutters, knowing plenty of gods may see this.

After some time has passed, balls of light began to fall from the sky.

It was like watching a feather fall.

And, before us on the altar, a single spirit appeared.

Gale noticed it and began to pray harder.

"Good job! It's a success," Ramiris shouts.

"Hello, I was sent by the goddess of dreams to be your partner," the spirit says, stunning everyone.

"Gale, continue praying! Pray to Yume the Dreamer!" Safi shouts, referencing some files on her system.

"Wh-what was that! You… are you doing?!" Ramiris shouts in panic, hearing the name.

Rimuru's point of view.

"Gale, continue praying! Pray to Yume the Dreamer!" Safi shouts.

'Great Sage?' Rimuru asks.

(Great Sage: I have nothing...)

"Wh-what was that! You... what are you doing?!" Ramiris shouts in panic.

'Now I really wanna know... maybe Nekra knows,' Rimuru thinks.

Suddenly the spirit merges with Gabe.

I mean, I haven't ever seen what it looks like and have no idea if it even has a form.

"Yup, all done! Good job!" Rimuru says, Gabe.

Doesn't look like he was in pain or anything; he just quickly looked up at everyone and nodded.

"You're okay now. The collapse has stopped, I guarantee it!" Rimuru says with a face full of tears,

"Sensei, thank you very much!!!" Gabe shouted as he bowed.

Next was Alice.

She said that she was scared walking down the path, so Rimuru carried her instead.

Chloe and Alice seemed to be bickering about something before.

"Stupid harem protagonist," Safi mutters.

After waiting for a while, light began to fall from the sky just as before.

The moment the spirit appeared on the Altar, Rimuru ate it.

Ramiris looked panicked as if she had something important to say, but Rimuru completely ignored her.

After a few seconds of silence, Safi notices the transfer of magical energy.

"Alice, well done! You're fine now!" Rimuru says.

Alice smiled widely and kissed Rimuru on the cheek.

Once Alice comes back down to the group.

"You know Auntie Rimuru is a married woman, right?" Safi asks.

"Eeehhh!!!" Several of the students shout before looking over at their teacher who blushes a slight blue.

"I AM NOT MARRIED!" Rimuru shouts

Kenya went up next.

The moment Kenya started praying – I mean, he hasn't even closed his eyes yet – light began falling from the sky.

That's a mass of energy far larger than the ones that appeared for the other two an there stood a human-shaped spirit–a boy.

"Yo! How's life? I'm good. I felt like coming over, so I did!" The spirit said and extended a casual greeting.

"Ah, ahhhhh!!! You, why did you just come to someone's house uninvited!" Ramiris shouts, seemingly upset.

Seems like they know each other.

"Yo, who's that?" Rimuru asks.

"O~su! I am the spirit of light!

Unlike that depressing and fallen descendant of darkness spirit, I am a pure spirit!" He says, taunting Ramiris before he suddenly feels a bunch of pressure.

"What is she!" The spirit shouts, scared, pointing at Safi.

"I'm technically an ancient dragon," Safi says.


"So, I decided to help Kenya!" Is what the spirit shouted before he inhabited the boy.

Generally, light and darkness spirits have the highest social standing and are the highest grade of spirits.

Seems like he's also capable of bestowing divine protection onto heroes. In the first place, Ramiris and him are supposed to do that together, but that rarely happens.

"So you aren't the only saint's guide, you fraud," Safi says.

"Sensei…" Kenya says, dumbfounded.

"Hmm? It's okay. All according to plan!" Rimuru says.

"Whose plan!" Safi retorts.

"Things are going smoothly," Rimuru says.

"True, nothing has blown up yet," Safi says with a shrug, not really caring.

Next would be Ryouta.

He walked down the narrow path by himself. Seemed spirited enough.

Now, what will happen?

Immediately, an emerald light fell from the sky, drawing thousands of helices.

Before anything strange could happen, Rimuru ate it... again.

Bestowed a skill again.

And so, only one person left.

The last person, Chloe, was very afraid to walk there, so Safi carried her over.

Seems like she lied about her fear.

"Umm, sensei... I… I love you!!!" Chloe shouts.

Rimuru became a little flustered upon hearing her words.

"It's weird how Rimuru blushes a light blue," Safi says before realizing it probably has to do with her being a slime.

Now, what kind of spirit will Chloe summon?

Like everyone else, she bowed to pray.

That's when things started to change.

Should I call it that…? For example, something did fall from the sky.

An oppressive aura, and a beautiful girl with silver-black hair.

"Time...." Safi mutters before the spirit looked at the Safi in shock.

That girl (?)… celestial maiden suddenly saw Rimuru and grabbed onto him. And locked her lips around Rimuru's.

The celestial maiden, with a look full of disappointment then moved to touch Chloe.

"Stop!!! I won't let you! I won't let you do as you please!" Ramiris shouts, very well ready for battle.

A black light covered her hands which she shot out at Chloe. Rimuru jumped in front of Chloe to protect her and absorbed the attack into her body

"H-hey! What was that for!" Safi shouts, recognizing annihilation magic.

"Shut up!!! She's dangerous! Don't you see?!" Ramiris shouts.

"I don't?! What's dangerous?" Rimuru shouts after tanking a one-shot kill magic.

While they were busy arguing, the celestial maiden overlapped with Chloe and disappeared.

Rimuru quickly chose to verify Chloe's status. The collapse had stopped.

"No problem, right…?" Rimuru muttered to himself.

"Ooooo! Mou! Too late. I give up… I don't even care anymore!" Ramiris shouted puffing her cheeks.

"Yosh! I think we are done here." Rimuru says in cheer.
Chapter 58
Nekra arrived back at Tempest to what could only be described as hell on earth… Acually that's a lie, Hell on earth would be repeatedly getting invaded by the United States Madeline's over and over again.

The village/small city was on fire and people were running around panicked as arrows littered sticking out of the ground.

Nekra looked up to see the lights of falling stars, although they glowed too similarly to fire rather than shooting stars.

With a surge of anger, Nekra raised her hand to the air and clenched her fist. The air around her seemed to still, the chaos pausing for a moment as the falling arrows froze mid-air, suspended by her will.

"What is this," Nekra stated angrily, her voice carrying an edge of barely contained fury.

The once panicked monsters of Tempest suddenly halted, their eyes wide with awe and hope as they turned to stare at Nekra. The sight of dungeon meowster let them know they would be safe.

Nekra's eyes burned with determination as she took in the scene. "Who dares attack Tempest?" she growled, her voice full of anger while in truth she was looking around for Yuki.

With but a wave of her hand the arrows had been turned back on those who fired them and shot towards the group of humans in the far of distance each finding their intendent target.

"Spread out and help anyone in need," Nekra commanded the gathered monsters. "Ensure everyone is safe, and put out these fires."

"What about you Ma'am?" Shion asks

"I am going to take care of this." Nekra states her ears twitching in anger.

Rimuru had arranged one final celebratory dinner at the merchant's restaurant, a place they had grown fond of. The evening was filled with laughter, stories, and delicious food, a fitting tribute to their time spent in the area.

"That was nice," Safi remarked, watching her small dragon happily munching on the remains of her meal.

Rimuru nodded in agreement, a content smile on their face. "Indeed, it was."

As they prepared to leave, Safi waved to everyone. "Bye, everyone! It was nice meeting you all!"

Suddenly, the merchant Rimuru had previously spoken with rushed over, visibly out of breath.

"What's wrong?" Rimuru asked, concern etched on their face.

"The Farmas Kingdom has sent troops towards Tempest," the merchant managed to say between gasps.

Safi's eyes widened with worry. "We need to go. The people of Tempest are in danger."

Rimuru's expression hardened with determination. "Right."

Without wasting another moment, they were swallowed into a shadow, disappearing from the restaurant in an instant, leaving the patrons in awe at the how quickly they had just disappeared.

"This isn't Tempest," Rimuru observed, scanning their unfamiliar surroundings.

"There's very little magicules in the air," Safi noted, her tone tinged with concern.

"My spatial skills have been sealed," Rimuru said, frustration evident in their voice.

"Mine haven't, but I'll need to switch to backup power soon," Safi replied. "All magic is cut off." As she spoke, she retracted her nanites to conserve power, shrinking down to the size of a large dog in her dragon form.

"Pleased to meet you two, should I say? Though I won't know you for long," a voice interjected. It was Hinata, standing confidently before them.

"You look similar to a little girl that ran away from a dungeon," Safi said, suddenly returning to her full size.

Power is at 90%, Safi thought, monitoring her energy levels. The strain of using electrical components instead of magic was taxing her arc reactor far more than usual.

"You!" Hinata exclaimed, recognition and anger flashing in her eyes as she remembered their encounter nearly a decade ago.

"Never gonna give you up," Safi quipped, her dragon head attempting a grin.

Safi emitted a high-pitched squeaking sound, reminiscent of air pressure being released. However, Rimuru, thanks to a skill that translated intent rather than words, understood her perfectly.

"Try to get away while I distract. I maybe have 10 minutes of battle time," Safi conveyed, urging Rimuru to head for Tempest. Something was wrong—Momma Nekra wasn't here. She would have annihilated the army and appeared by now.

Rimuru nodded and began to run.

Seeing this, Hinata charged towards Rimuru, but was halted by the sound of a gaster blaster being fired. Hinata barely dodged a massive laser that obliterated a rock in front of her.

"Your opponent is me! And you shall not pass!" Safi shouted.

Power is at 85%, Safi calculated, using her nanites to form energy blasters above her for rapid attacks, preferring not to strain her hydraulics unnecessarily.

Hinata adopted a guard stance as another beam shot towards her. She managed to dodge it, observing the result of deflection. Her magisteel blade heated up significantly but remained bearable, successfully deflecting the shot.

Power is at 80%, Safi noted, preparing for the next step in their engagment.

Rimuru luckily had made it to the edge of the barrier it was their chance to slip out and head home.

So they hit it with as much as they could and escaped.

As the intense rhythm of "Megalovania" began to play, Safi's eyes glowed a menacing red.
"Let me start off with, do you wanna have a bad time? 'Cause if you take another step forward... you are REALLY not going to like what happens next," Safi warned, her voice laced with a dangerous edge.

"Stop making references!" Hinata shouted, stepping forward with determination.

"Welp, sorry, old lady. This is why I never make promises. It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... On days like these, kids like you... should be burning in hell," Safi intoned, her voice echoing ominously as she fired a massive beam at Hinata's head.

Hinata barely dodged, the beam singeing her hair as it passed.

"Does Luminous know you are doing this?" Safi taunted, her mind racing as she monitored her power levels.
78% shit, Safi thought, her anxiety growing.

"I don't need to worry about her. I am just doing what the church is supposed to do!" Hinata shouted, her voice tinged with frustration and anger, memories of Shizu's death fueling her resolve.

Safi fired three blasts simultaneously, each one searing through the air with deadly precision.

Hinata rolled under them, narrowly avoiding the attacks as parts of her clothes smoldered from the near-misses.

62%, Safi calculated, knowing she needed to drag this out longer to survive.

"I wonder what kind of power you are using," Hinata mused as she attempted to activate her unique skill, Usurper.

43% fuck! Safi panicked, watching as Hinata staggered slightly before collapsing, her body convulsing for a brief moment before lying still.

Safi stared at the fallen Hinata, dumbfounded. "The fuck!" Hinata shouted, pushing herself up slowly, her face twisted in pain and confusion.

Safi was genuinely surprised she hadn't electrocuted herself to death.

"I use electricity. All of my attacks are products of science!" Safi announced, trying to buy more time as she checked her power levels.

42%, Safi thought, the numbers ticking down in her mind as she strategized her next move. She needed to keep Hinata distracted, hoping Rimuru had enough time to reach Tempest and rally their defenses.

Hinata, regaining her composure, fixed Safi with a steely glare. "I don't care what powers you use. I will fulfill my duty," she declared, preparing for the next round of their fierce battle.

"Even after you and your teacher ran from me? So be it." Safi growls.
Chapter 59
With the pulsating beats of "Megalovania" filling the air, the tension between Safi and Hinata reached a fever pitch.

Hinata's blade gleamed in the dim light as she lunged at Safi, her figure blurring. While Safi, using her enhanced reflexes, sidestepped the attack.

Hinata's eyes widened as she flew right on by the massive dragon which had just completely and totally dogged her.

Safi smirked at the shocked look and retaliated with a barrage of electrical blasts.

Hinata, undeterred, dodged the first few blasts but was forced to deflect one with her magisteel blade. Realizing at the last moment that magisteel blade meeting electricity would hurt.

Safi watch as Hinata screamed in pain her entire body twitching uncontrollably as her hand death gripped her blade and she was shot backwards by the power of her own muscles snapping into place.

"Didn't think that through, did you?" Safi taunted, her eyes glowing brighter.

Hinata gritted her teeth, pushing herself back to her feet. "You won't win this," she spat, her determination unyielding despite the pain.

Safi chuckled darkly. "Let's see about that."

Hinata charged again, this time with more caution. Safi, confident in her superiority, met her charge head-on. The clash of steel against scale filled the air, each strike sending sparks flying. Hinata's speed and skill were impressive, but Safi's sheer power and reflexes kept her one step ahead.

With a swift movement, Safi swept Hinata off her feet with her tail, sending her crashing into a nearby rock formation. Hinata coughed, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth as she struggled to rise.

Safi could feel her energy levels dropping—down below 60% now. She needed to end this quickly. "You're persistent, I'll give you that," she said, charging another powerful electrical blast.

Hinata dodged just in time, rolling to the side and throwing a knife imbued with holy energy at Safi. The blade struck true, lodging in one of Safi's scales and causing her to roar in pain.

58%, Safi thought, the fight taking its toll on her reserves. She unleashed another barrage of electrical orbs, forcing Hinata to dodge frantically. The ground lit up with each explosion, creating an almost surreal battleground as arcs of lightning flew in the sky.

Hinata, desperate, activated her unique skill, Usurper, attempting to siphon Safi's power. Safi felt a tug at her core but managed to resist, countering with a devastating swipe that sent Hinata reeling.

43%, Safi realized, annoyance creeping in. She needed to conserve energy, but Hinata wasn't giving her any time to recover.

Hinata staggered to her feet, clearly battered but far from defeated. "I'll stop you... no matter the cost," she vowed, her resolve shining through her pain.

Safi, down to 41%, knew she had to make her final move count. She channeled 50% of her remaining power into a single, massive beam aimed directly at Hinata.

Hinata, eyes wide, raised her blade in a last-ditch effort to deflect the attack. The beam collided with her sword, causing a massive explosion of energy. When the dust settled, both combatants were left panting, barely able to stand.

Safi, anticipating the assault, activated her nanite shields. Sparks flew the microscopic machines were cut off burning in the air as the blade met the mystical metal of Safi's chassis, and Safi used the momentary clash to launch herself backward, creating distance.

"You talk big, but can you back it up?" Hinata taunted, her eyes narrowing.

"Try me," Safi retorted, her dragon form crackling with energy.

Hinata groaned, but quickly recovered, her eyes blazing with determination. She summoned her strength and unleashed a powerful energy slash, the arc cutting through the air towards Safi.

Safi didn't even bother avoiding the attack. Did it hurt her? Not really, did it look cool yeah! She could feel her energy reserves were low now. She needed to end this quickly.

"That's not fair!" Hinata shouts

"Deal with it then!" Safi shouts as suddenly all of the floating blasters she had in the air opened fire flooding the sky with light the beams heading straight for Hinata.

Hinata deflected and dodged as best as she could, but the relentless assault was overwhelming.

In a desperate bid, Hinata charged through the onslaught, her blade aimed straight at Safi's head. Safi braced herself and, at the last second, redirected the energy from her core into a focused beam, meeting Hinata's charge head-on.

The collision created a blinding flash of light, and the ground trembled from the force of their clash. When the dust settled, both combatants stood panting, their bodies battered but unbroken.

Safi's energy levels had dropped to a critical 2%, but she couldn't give up. She growled, ready to continue the fight. Safi was worried, her vision pixelated. She had given everything, and it still wasn't enough.

Hinata, bloodied but resolute, raised her blade. "This ends now," she declared.

With a roar, Safi fired a concentrated beam from her maw, aiming directly at Hinata. Hinata rolled to the side, barely evading the attack as the beam scorched the ground where she had stood. She used the momentum to spring forward, slashing at Safi with deadly precision.

Safi blocked with her forelimb, but the force of the blow forced her to step back for balance. Yet that was it, Safi had powered down collapsing.

"Is that all you've got?" Hinata panted, bleeding from her mouth, her clothes torn up, and her entire body covered in second and third-degree burns.

Hinata walked up, stumbling as her adrenaline wore off, and lightly poked the dragon with her sword. Safi's body remained motionless, her systems completely shut down from the power drain.

Hinata took a deep breath, her own body barely holding together. She sheathed her blade, acknowledging the fierce battle they had just endured. "You fought well," she murmured, suddenly coughing up blood.

"S-shit," Hinata mumbled as the world spun and the sky became the ground, which was fast approaching.

The barrier broke as the magicians holding it up ran in, panicking to help their commander. They rushed to Hinata's side, their faces pale with worry.

"Commander! Are you alright?" one of the magicians asked, his voice trembling.

Suddenly there was a scream as all the mages turned to look and the massive metal dragon was gone.
Chapter 60
Rimuru soared through the sky, his senses attuned to the shifting currents of magic in the air. Below him, the Farmas Kingdom's army marched straight towards his home, their scrap metal armor gleaming under the moonlight. The sight of the invading force stirred a protective rage within him, his thoughts filled with the people of Tempest… Of his people.

As he scanned the horizon, a familiar presence caught his attention. Turning, he saw Nekra flying towards him, her form cutting through the sky with effortless grace. The two met in mid-air, Nekra's expression rather annoyed while Rimuru's was grave as they surveyed the threat below.

"Nekra, Welcome back…" Rimuru greeted, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Looks like we've got some uninvited guests."

Nekra's eyes flashed with anger, her usually playful demeanor replaced by a cold fury. "So it seems," she replied, her gaze fixed on the army. "They dare to threaten our home."

Rimuru nodded, his own determination hardening. "They will regret it, although Safi is currently having fun from what I gathered."

The two hovered in the sky, a silent understanding passing between them. Nekra's presence was both reassuring and invigorating. Together, they were a formidable force, capable of defending Tempest from any threat.

"What's the plan?" Nekra asked, her voice carrying the edge of anticipation.

Rimuru considered their options. "We'll need to split their forces and create chaos within their ranks. I'll handle the main battalion, draw their attention. You can focus on their commanders. Without leadership, they'll fall apart."

"Or," Nekra suggested with a mischievous glint in her eye, "you could just drop hellfire on them and call it done."

Rimuru chuckled, appreciating her straightforward approach. "Tempting, but we need to make a statement. Let them see their own folly before we crush them."

Nekra grinned, her fangs glinting in the moonlight. "Fair enough. Let's get to work. Full force no holds bar?"

Rimuru smirks slightly, " Sure lets show them how badly they fucked up."

With a final nod, Rimuru and Nekra dove towards the ground, their combined power radiating through the air.

Tom had always been a simple peasant, tending to his family's modest farm in the quiet village of Glenwood. His days were filled with the rhythm of the seasons—sowing, tending, and harvesting crops alongside his father and younger brother. But the peace of their rural life was shattered when news of the kingdom's war reached their remote corner of the realm.

The king's herald arrived on horseback, his armor gleaming under the midday sun. He unfurled a parchment and read aloud, his voice echoing through the village square. "By decree of His Majesty, all able-bodied men are hereby called to serve in the defense of our land against the monsterous scourge!"

And now he was here marching in-line with all of his neighvbors and all of the other peasants.

Suddenly there as a shrill cry!"

Tom's body was flooded with a surge of intense heat and energy, his muscles convulsing in pain. The sensation was overwhelming, like every nerve ending in his body was being simultaneously burned and electrocuted.

He gritted his teeth, trying to hold on, but the pain was too much. His vision blurred, dark spots dancing in front of his eyes. Every breath was a struggle, his chest tight with agony. The radiation wreaked havoc on his cells, tearing through his DNA with merciless efficiency.

As the second wave hit, Tom's body began to shut down. His thoughts grew disjointed, memories flickering like a dying flame. He saw Sarah's face, her eyes filled with love and worry. He saw his children, their laughter echoing in his mind. Despite the pain, a sense of peace washed over him. He had lived a life filled with purpose and love, and in his final moments, that was enough.

With one last, shuddering breath, Tom's body went still collapsing on the ground.
And that was it.

The combined aura of the goddess and demi-god lite killed the mortals instantly, much like glancing upon a god of Olympus would burn the soul of the mere mortal who dare glance upon the divine.

"Uh, did they all just die?" Rimuru asks

"Yes… and you are about to evolve?" Nekra says uncertainty looking at the slime who just about killed over 10,000 people.

Rimuru blinked, taken aback by the sudden and overwhelming outcome. The battlefield lay eerily silent, the once formidable army now lifeless at their feet. A strange sensation coursed through Rimuru, a powerful surge of energy building within him.

"An evolution?" Rimuru murmured, feeling the raw power intensify.

Nekra watched with a mixture of awe and concern. "Yes, your aura is changing. This much power... it's transforming you."

Rimuru's form began to glow, the energy reaching a crescendo. "I didn't expect this."

Nekra nodded. "Brace yourself, Rimuru. This is just the beginning, actually you better use your spare energy while you can."

"It hurts!" Rimuru shouts before his humanoid form suddenly collapses the bipedal form melting like hot candle as

That however comes out too late as Rimuru passes out all of the power the slime was drawing from the souls of those humans they had just killed. Especially since Nekra was able to refuse the power from dead mortals.
Chapter 61
Under the shroud of night, the werecats embarked on their long migration across the continent. Their eyes glowed faintly in the moonlight as they moved with agility through the dense forests, avoiding human settlements and major roads.

By night, the werecats covered ground at a frightening pace. They moved like shadows, their movements barely disturbing the foliage. Each step was purposeful, driven by the instinctive need to reach their destination. They communicated through subtle gestures and soft, barely audible sounds, ensuring they stayed together and on track.

When daylight approached, they sought refuge wherever they could find it. Trees with thick foliage provided excellent cover, their branches forming natural hammocks. Abandoned attics offered quiet, undisturbed places to rest, and the werecats curled up underneath the hoods of old, unused cars, the warmth of the engine compartments a welcome comfort. They were masters of concealment, blending seamlessly into their surroundings and sleeping deeply, their bodies curled up tightly to conserve heat.

Their journey took them through rolling hills and open fields, where the vast, exposed landscape made them feel vulnerable. Yet, their speed and coordination kept them safe from potential threats. They avoided main highways, choosing less traveled paths, moving in a loose formation, each cat watching out for the others, ears perked and eyes alert.

On the outskirts of a bustling city, the werecats had to be particularly inventive in finding shelter. They slipped into basements of old buildings, found nooks and crannies in areas one could only dream of. Although they often avoided cities, the hum of machinery and the warmth of the urban environment provided the perfect camouflage. They slept fitfully, ready to move at the slightest hint of danger.

Despite the hardships, the werecats pressed on. Their trek took them closer to the Great Jura Forest, the home of Tempest. The promise of finding the werecat princess drove them forward. As they neared their destination, the dense forest offered familiar terrain, and the werecats smiled as they knew their princess was near.

Yet that was a few days from now.

As Nekra blinked away the last remnants of sleep, she found herself greeted by Safi, her daughter, softly shaking her. With a groggy murmur, Nekra stirred, her senses gradually returning to her.

"Nya? What is it?" Nekra murmured, still half-asleep, her mind lingering in the hazy realm between dreams and reality.

"Mom, you're holding my main body," Safi's voice replied, gently reminding Nekra of the situation.

"Ah, right. It's surprisingly huggable, nya," Nekra responded with a faint chuckle, tightening her embrace around Safi's main body, the cold and roughness oddly comforting her.

However Nekra looks down at Safi's main body the scars of battle marring it.

"What in the world did you fight? Cause I doubt you threw your main body into the titanium bladed blender?" Nekra asks looking over the damage

"Hinata cut off my access to magic and then we proceeded to have a very fun disagreement." Safi states

"Sure just make sure you stay in a magic rich environment and you should repair yourself… What happened anyways?" Nekra asks

"You brought back the slime form of Rimuru than said sleepy before falling a sleep." Yuki explains

"So what have you been up to Yuki?" Nekra asks however she feels her stomach drops as the looks into Yuki's eyes

"I have been thinking of Ideas for the dungeon!" Yuki says with a massive smile.
As Nekra settled into her chair, she couldn't help but notice the excitement bubbling within Safi. Her daughter's eyes sparkled with anticipation, and Nekra couldn't resist asking, "What's got you so excited, Safi?"

Safi's tail wagged eagerly as she replied, "Yuki's going to show us her game! She's been working on it for a while, and she's really proud of it."

Nekra's interest piqued at Safi's words. "Yuki's game? What game?"

Yuki entered the room, a laptop cradled in her arms and a grin plastered across her face. "Hey, guys! I've got something really cool to show you," she exclaimed, her excitement radiating the room as Nekra found herself mesmerised by Yuki's smile.

"Okay then! This has got to be good!" Nekra states

"Oh it is!" Yuki says as she flips her laptop around to show Nekra what she has been working on the past week.

Nekra leaned forward, her curiosity piqued as she gazed at the screen of Yuki's laptop. The soft glow of the monitor illuminated Yuki's face, casting her features in a warm light as she eagerly awaited Nekra's reaction.

As the game's intro music filled the room, Nekra's eyes widened in surprise. "Dungeon Keeper? This looks amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged shock before realize the goddess mustve given her this item.

Yuki beamed with pride, her excitement palpable as she launched into an animated explanation of her ideas for the dungeon. Her passion for the game was infectious, evident in every enthusiastic gesture and animated expression.

Nekra couldn't help but be impressed by Yuki's creativity. "I think I am getting ideas nyow."
Chapter 62
Nekra looks up from Yuki's laptop before looking over to the desktop in the corner.

"I think its time we worked on our dungeon itself nya." Nekra states

Yuki pauses before smiling. "We are actually gonna work on the dungeon for once!"

"Yep I think its time we finish being a mine and a death trap." Nekra says walking towards the desktop.

"I am going to sleep then," Safi mutters as her humanoid body turns to metallic dust and her dragon self slumps onto its side.

Nekra is looking at the computer in dumbfounded shock afterall having over one trillion dungeon points is insane.

"Dear, what is this?" Nekra asks

"Hmm?" Yuki asks looking over her beloved's shoulder blinking cutely.

"Well, ever since you told me to not waste dungeon point's I only bought the bare minimum such as your sushi." Yuki states

Nekra closes her eyes and sighs, "With this many points its gonna be a rather scary dungeon."

"Oohh, I like that!" Yuki cheers

With but a click the dungeon goes from 3 floors to 11. Yuki visibly shakes as she feels her being being edited and ligly gasps in pleasure.

Nerka's ears twitch as she turns back and pouts at her life long partner.

"Really nya, are you trying to distract me?" Nekra asks

"Sorry it just kind of happened." Yuki reponds blushing as her ears rest flatly on top of her head, Nekra unable to help herself from taking a quick glance at Yuki's swaying tails.

WIth a quick head shake the determined cat girl hypes herself up."Lets focus and do this."

Five hours passed. Then ten. Then twenty. After twenty-two hours, Yuki decided to speak up.
"Nekra, dear? Is everything alright?" Yuki asked.

"Nya? Of course, nya. I just had an amazing moment of inspiration," Nekra said excitedly as she spun in the desk chair. "I'm almost done with the first level, nya."

"Nya, and done," Nekra said, looking at the computer with satisfaction.

"Nekra, why are floors 2-9 empty?" Yuki asked, peering at the screen.

"Because I am going to redo those too,afteral my lovely dungeon is going to get a complete overhaul it is only right for her," Nerka states standing up capturing Yuki's chin in her hand quickly kissing her on the lips before falling back down on to the chair to focus on floor 2.

Yuki however is enthralled by the changes to the first floor. "Did you make it look like a mineshaft on purpose?"

"Of course Nya, its a bit of a call back to what the dungeon used to be, although now its a proper maze and the main mobs of the floor are our famous iron golems.

Yuki looked at the screen again, the level even has mine cart rails, several hidden rooms, and chests. There are a few traps too… Did that section go down?

"Nekra is the first floor actually multiple floors?" Yuki asks

Nekra smirks as she zooms out, and the computer panned showing the dungeon in its entirety, going by old standards it was nearly 30 floors, the first "Floor taking up the space of five old ones.

"There are also roaming Khezu, Stone Golems, and Stone Legionaries that fight solo with no tactics, nya," Nekra said.

"And the boss?" Is all Yuki can ask as she stares dumfounded at the first floor which is now as big as the previous dungeon's form.

"Nya, it's a golem robotic knight, like the one we had before I made Safi, nya," Nekra answers happy to find that old thing still in the system..

"Great…" Yuki mutters utterly baffled.

Nekra nodded and yawned a little.

"Let's take a break and go to sleep." Yuki stats wrapping her arms around her beloved Master.

Nekra looked at Yuki's face only to find it fully flushed and panting her ears twitching and tails swinging wildly.

"Of course I graciously accept this award," Nekra replies standing up and stretching a bit.

Yuki down at Nekra with a smirk before Nekra suddenly pulls her head down and whispers something.

"Just cause we are taking our time to do this does not mean that I am done with this overhaul," Nekra states clasping the fox girls hand.

"Thank you," Yuki replies happily

Yuki yawned, waking up to a somewhat cool pillow against her. She smiled as she realized it was a full-size body pillow of Nekra, complete with her cute cat ears and a mischievous grin. She hugged it tighter before sitting up and looking around.

"Where's Nekra?" she wondered aloud, noticing the computer was not where it usually was. Yuki got up and started wandering around their small apartment, soon noticing a new door.

"I wonder what she did?" Yuki asked as she opened the door to see a massive control room.

The sight before her was breathtaking. The room was utterly massive with a ceiling that seemed to stretch into infinity. At its center stood what could only be a computer, Yet it was too massive construct that resembled more of a living organism than any of its cold metal cousins, It was interlaced with veins of glowing blue energy, pulsing rhythmically like the heartbeat as leads of light lead allthrough out the room and different fans kicking on and off wining as every now and then an audible click could be heard before a different section lit up.

So Yuki walked along the towering columns of an unknown metal its surfaces adorned with intricate runes that shimmered and shifted, alive with a continuous flow of data and magic. Massive holographic displays floated in mid-air, projecting real-time data and visual feeds from every corner of the dungeon. Each display could be manipulated with simple gestures, allowing for seamless control over the entire dungeon's operations.

As she rounded a corner there sat Nekra at the helm, her eyes flicking between various screens as she monitored the dungeon's intricate systems. Her fingers danced across a holographic keyboard, inputting commands with a speed and precision that seemed almost impossible. Despite her fatigued appearance, there was a gleam of excitement in her eyes.

"Oh, sweet master of mine… What have you done?" Yuki asks
Chapter 63
"Nekra smiled as she spun around in her office chair. "What have I done, nya? You slept for a few days, so I took that time to work on the dungeon."

"A FEW DAYS!" Yuki shouted, motioning to the entirety of everything around her.

"Yep, a few days," Nekra responded nonchalantly.

"THAT IS THE SHIP FROM TREASURE PLANET ON THE MONITOR BEHIND YOU!" Yuki shouted, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"Almost done, nya..." Nekra replies having the camera pan out to show an entire fleet of spaceships.

Yuki falls to her knees in disbelief. "Did you assembly line those are you making them in a factory?"

"Nya, I could, but where would I put it?" Nekra asked.

"How about in the massive hangar bay area you are using to hold the rocket pirate ships?" Yuki suggested.

Nekra nodded. "That could work, nya. Although an assembly line is a bit much I could probably depo it. Good old MRO"

"Did you sleep much?" Yuki asked, combing Nekra's hair back with her fingers before kissing the cat girl.

"Nya, I got a decent amount of sleep," Nekra replies.

"That's good," Yuki says with a nod.

"So, what's the next area you want to build? What did you build?" Yuki asks

Nerka smirks as she does a spin in her chair, the floofy ears following the centripetal force.

Yuki spun around in a panic as she felt warmth hit her back, the sight of an utterly massive hologram of the dungeon could only leave her in awe. Although it was technically 11 Floors it was truthfully well over 80 floors deep.

"N-Nekra… How long was I asleep?" Yuki asks repeating the earlier question

"A few days?" Nekra responds not quite sure of herself now looking at the work she had done herself.

"How about we break down the dungeon and try and figure out how much time I spent?" Nerka asks

'Sure." Yuki responds not actually too sure and her tails conveyed that.

"Alright, Yuki, let's go over the dungeon layout from top to bottom, nya," Nekra said, her eyes glowing… Actually the red glow was rather creepy.

Nekra brought up the first floor on the main screen. "The first floor is a network of abandoned mine shafts with mine cart tracks. It's a 3D maze with a lift in the middle that takes you to the second level. There are chests and hidden rooms throughout the mineshaft."

"I was there when you built that… and That is more than onen level. It's more like eight," Yuki states, nodding.

Nekra wilts. "What do you mean?"

"Semantics but, its a rather deep mine." Yuki states flatlyl.

"Nya, I am gonna move on then." Nekra states flicking a button as the display changes to the "Second floor." Nekra switched to the second floor. "This is a lava floor and there's a volcano in the background with a hot spring that's a secret portal to the third floor. To get to it, you need to cross a wooden bridge over a lava river."

"That sounds dangerous…" Yuki mutters, eyebrows raised as she looks at a literal floor which is almost its entire own Hell world.

"The monsters here include Lavasioth, Fire Drakes, Fire Elementals, Fire Birds, among other things" Nekra states

"And the boss?" Yuki asks not sure if she wants to know.

"An Azure Rathalos," Nekra replies with a smirk as the camera dives into the hot springs in the boss room and suddenly while going down it's now going up and it breaks water in a swamp.

"You swim out into a swamp with a forest canopy on the roof and heavy fog limiting visibility." Nekra explains

"The monsters here are Ghouls, Zombies, a few Odogaron and some other undead-themed stuff."

"And the boss?" Yuki inquires worried that she already know what its going to be.

"Val Hazak, it should be pretty simple to slay," Nekra replies with a smile.

"Of course she would say that." Yuki mutters

"There's a giant dead tree with the passageway to the fourth floor, which unlocks after Val Hazak dies." Nekra finishes

"It should be simple to slay a Val Hazak with its death fog? You are kidding right? And this is what floor 23?" Yuki asks trying to keep track.

"Nyo, its the third floor."Nekra corrects

"You have taken almost 200 Meteres worth of space from that floor to the entrance. Thats at least 20 floors. Yuki states plainly.

"Is this an inbuilt dungeon thing?" Nekra suddenly asks

Yuki sighs messaging her forehead "Just continue."

"Yes love." Nekra answers with a smirk.
Chapter 64
Yuki sighs, at Nekra's near-automatic response.

"Hey you want me to work on the floors so I did." Nekra responds

"True. So, level 4?" Yuki asks.

"Nya, it's going to be a night forest, like the 10th floor," Nekra said.

"You haven't finished it yet?" Yuki asks.

"I am going out of order nya, just as the inspiration hits. Although it should be full of tigers, bears, lions, a few silver wolves, and the boss of the floor is the Zinogre, nya," Nekra answers as a forest full of hostile creatures wear away at the invaders as the spiders lurk above waiting for their prey to tire out.

"The floor will be more of an endurance round, nya. Let's say there is a group of ten adventurers. Only ten enemies will spawn," Nekra said.

"So they are going to be picked off one by one?" Yuki asked.

"Exactly, nya," Nekra said.

"And if they are a solo adventurer?" Yuki asked.

"Then they get ten weak wolves, nya," Nekra said.

"So, basically, this floor will test their endurance against the hunt, while the boss tests their speed," Yuki asks.

Nekra nodded doing a so-so.

"Is there any physics-breaking things that you did there too."

"Awe but of course I had to, if you keep walking down a set of stairs eventually you will somehow begin walking up. It's kind of like that crazy painting of stairs that is sometimes the background on the computer." Nekra replies smirking as she catches Yuki's tail swish in what could only be assumed of as a happy motion.

Yuki froze just wondering if physics meant anything to her beloved master.

"So eventually you wil end up walking out of that staircase up into the center one of those stone circles those Britanni love so much and wake up in a plains," Nekra states as she shows that floor on display and monitors.

"You put a fucking sky in the dungeon!" Yuki shouts. Floor 5 had a fucking sky how did that work!

Nekra turns around to look at the monitor before looking at Yuki sheepishly.

"It's no big deal?" Nekra says questionly.

"Right Right, Next floor," Yuki states looking at the monitor to see a horse who is literally on fire walking across the grassy plains.

"Are you sure? You don't hear about th-""Next floor!"" Yuki says interrupting Nekra.

Nekra changes it to floor six which is a smart auto-moving labyrinth.

"Besides the maze is there anything there that will attack people?" Yuki asks

"Nyo- unless you get crushed by a wall or something. It should be a safe floor." Nekra answers

"Cool, floor 7?" Yuki asks

Nekra spun around in her office chair, a playful grin spreading across her face. "Alright, Yuki, let me break down the next floor for you."

Yuki leaned in, curious. "What's the theme this time?"

Nekra pointed to a large monitor displaying a detailed map. "Floor seven is a ruined cityscape, the kind you'd see in a post-apocalyptic settin. Imagine… kinda of like pompeii."

"I dont know what that is but it sounds Spooky," Yuki said, nodding. "What kind of monsters are they dealing with?"

Nekra listed them off, ticking her fingers as she went. "First, we have Tobi Kadachi, those electric squirrel-like creatures that zip around. Then there's Kulu-Ya-Ku, those annoying bird wyverns that steal anything they can get their claws on. Next are Pukei-Pukei, the poison-spitting chameleons."

Yuki raised an eyebrow. "And the golems?"

"Ah, yes," Nekra continued, her eyes bright. "Golem legionaries, organized into small squads of up to twelve. They're not your typical mindless golems, though. These guys use battle tactics and formations, making them much tougher to handle."

Yuki seemed impressed. "And the door to the next floor?"

"It's hidden in the ruins of the Roman senate," Nekra explained. "A nice touch, don't you think?"

"Very thematic," Yuki agreed. "And the boss?"

Nekra's grin widened. "The boss is a golem Spartacus, leading ten Roman legionary golems. He's not just tough; he's smart, commanding his troops with precision."

Yuki chuckled. "You really went all out with the references."

"Of course, nya! Kinda my home" Nekra replies, spinning her chair one last time. "This floor is all about strategy and survival in a world that's fallen apart. The challengers will need to navigate the ruins, outsmart the golems, and defeat Spartacus to move on."

"It sounds intense," Yuki said, a hint of excitement in her voice. "I can't wait to see it in action."

"Neither can I, especially since the boss golem gets stronger the stronger its opponents are." Nekra adds, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "When it finally happens it shall be unforgettable, nya."

"That k… Did you put a night sky in the dungeon too?" Yuki asks look at the monitors.

"Ah, maybe?"

"You are IMPOSSIBLE!" Yuki shouts.
Chapter 65
Nekra giggled. Suddenly, the hologram filled the area with clouds, revealing a large floating platform resembling a pier. A magnificent ship, reminiscent of the RLS Legacy from Treasure Planet, floated majestically in the display. The vessel had a sleek, wooden hull with ornate details, large solar sails billowing out majestically, and intricate rigging. The masts were adorned with glowing, celestial lights, and the entire ship seemed to hum with an otherworldly energy.

Yuki's jaw dropped, her eyes widening in disbelief. Her tails, which had sagged moments before, now stood completely rigid. She blinked several times, as if trying to process what she was seeing. Finally, she found her voice.

"You... you built a spaceship?" Yuki stammered, her tone a mix of awe and incredulity.

"You should look around the floor, Yuki dear," Nekra responded with a smile.

Yuki focused on the hologram, feeling her stomach drop.

"Nekra, where is the floor and roof? How did they get there?" Yuki asked, her voice trembling.

"Anyway, this is floor 8, where daring adventurers must protect their ship from wave after wave of enemies," Nekra answered, not addressing Yuki's question at all. "You appear on an aircraft runway with a steampunk zeppelin plane thing. It has to be defended before it can take off on a set route. Defend the airship and don't let it take too much damage."

Yuki blinked, still processing the sight before her. "Monsters come in waves, right?"

Nekra nodded enthusiastically. "Correct! Here's the breakdown:

Wave 1: Three Legiana.
Wave 2: Two Legiana and two Shrieking Legiana.
Wave 3: Three Rathalos and two Azure Rathalos.
Wave 4: Three Azure Rathalos and one Bazelgeuse.
Wave 5: Two Bazelgeuse and one Seething Bazelgeuse.
Wave 6: Velkhana.
Wave 7: Kushala Daora.
Wave 8: Golden Rathian.
Wave 9: Silver Rathalos.
Wave 10: Coup d'état – Silver Rathalos and Golden Rathian.

The ship takes off after the tenth wave, and you arrive at level 9 the air stage in the ship."

Nekra's excitement was infectious . "Once the airship takes off, you board it, make your way to the deck, and continue the defense. The airship is outfitted with cannons, ballistae, and a gong. Monsters will fly at the airship from above. This section is split into five specific events."

Yuki's eyes widened further. "Five events?"

Nekra nodded, her ears twitching with excitement. "Yes, let me explain:

1. Storm Ahead: The airship heads into a massive storm cloud and is beset on all sides by storm spirits. This section tests the perception of challengers and their ability to both detect threats amidst the storm and hit said threats.

2. Cloud Plain Panic: At the end of the storm event, the ship will breach the top of the cloud layer. A light shower will ensue, refracting sunlight through the raindrops. Here, challengers face crab hybrids that shoot invisible bubbles of high-pressure air. These bubbles refract light perfectly, in an event I like to call bullet hell." Nekra's laugher after that final comment caused Yuki to worry a bit.

"Anyways 3. Fear Incarnate: After defeating a few of the hybrids, the sky will become cloudy. A Gore Magala plunges from above, instantly enraged, tinting the surroundings dark grey. The challengers will be highly pressured to kill it quickly as it slams into the ship frequently, damaging it.

4. A Royal Procession: The ship rises to about 15 feet below the second layer of clouds. A chariot pulled by two Kirin charges at the challengers at high speed. This event tests their reaction time, preparation skills, and ability to take the loss of at least a single person if caught unawares.

5. High Holy Dragon: The ship breaks through the clouds, revealing a massive expanse of clouds with a wrecked starship on it. Amatsumagatsuchi breaches the clouds and guards the island. This is the ultimate test for challengers as they try to invade the dragon's domain for their goal. The door to the next level is on the crashed starship in the clouds."

Yuki let out a long sigh, her shoulders slumping. "This sounds... insane?"

Nekra beamed with pride. "It's going to be epic! "

Yuki took a deep breath, nodding slowly. "I… I guess? But, Nekra, what about the tenthfloor?"

Nekra's grin widened, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, you'll see. I know Safi happens to love it."

Yuki's tails drooped in exhaustion. "I'm almost afraid to ask."

Nekra chuckled. "Alright, alright. I'll tell you. The tenth floor is a futuristic realm filled with factories that seem to be working tirelessly, yet not a single soul is seen around."

Yuki's ears perked up slightly, curiosity piqued. "Factories? What kind of factories?"

Nekra nodded. "The entire floor is dominated by massive, automated factories churning out advanced Robotic golems like no tomorrow . You'll encounter various types of robotic enemies due to that."

"Like what?" Yuki asked, intrigued despite her weariness.

Nekra continued, "Firstly, there are the Automaton Androids(Literally YORHA) sleek and agile, designed for quick and precise attacks. Then you'll face Robotic Golem Knights(An army of the first boss Nekra ever made), heavily armored and strong, serving as the frontline defenders of the factories. Lastly, there are the Standard Silhouette Knights(The god damn mecha from Knights and magic piloted by the YORHA androids), a versatile class of combat mech suits that can adapt to various fighting styles."

"Nekra… Is this made to fight a demon lord?" Yuki asks

"I wanted older sister Milim to be able to have fun too." Nekra responds with a smile

"And the Boss is Safi? Nekra no normal human would be able to complete this." Yuki states

"I think Rimuru would have fun though." Nekra responds with a smile.



"Uh, Nekra did you ever see Rimuru since you decimated the army coming to invade?" Yuki asks

"Uh, Nyo?" Nekra asks

"We should probably pop out and say hi." Yuki states.

"That would be a good idea nya." Nekra states

Yuki squints at her beloved master. "Why do you keep saying Nya? I thought you didnt have to?"

"Its fun." Nekra states blandly.
Chapter 66
Rimuru woke up nearly half a month ago, and according to all of his… Followers?

"Maaa, that feels weird calling them that Raphiel." Rimuru states

'That is what they are, although the case of Nekra is a weird one.'

"I am sure she'll be back soon, gobuta saw her go into the dungeon. With Yuki… An the entrance has been closed the past week meaning she's likely awake." Rimuru states

'Dugeon has opened.' Raphael informs Rimuru

"Oi Remaris Nekra's appears to be awake and moving about!" Rimuru shouts.

They fairy who was no where near the slime did nothing as she was busy setting up her own dungeon in the territory of Jura.

Rimuru suddenly feels Nekra emerge followed by hundreds of others suddenlingly become visible to his sense.

"WHAT!" Rimuru shouts

Meanwhile, at the dungeon entrance, Nekra and Yuki emerged hand in hand. Nekra stretched and yawned, her eyes adjusting to the daylight. As they stepped out, shadows around the entrance began to shift. Sleek, agile figures started to emerge from the darkness—werecats, their eyes gleaming with curiosity and readiness, leaped from the shadows and attics, landing gracefully around the entrance.
"Nya! We're back!" Nekra called out, expecting to see the goblin riders only to be caught off guard as she felt HER people appear in front of her.

In front of her was one hundred werecats, all taking a knee with their heads bowed down. Most were young, with a few elderly among them and perhaps 13-15 men and boys scattered throughout the group.

Nekra's eyes widened in surprise, her heart swelling with emotion. "My people… I was told you were all extinct…"

The catwoman at the head of the group was looked up to meet Nekra's eyes. "Hime- No, hidenka. When we heard word of your survival the few of us that remained made the great journey. I am so happy to see you are alive." starting to break out into tears.

Yuki stepped in front of Nekra protectively, eyeing the werecats. "What do you want with my master?"

The elderly werecat raised her hands in a gesture of peace. "We seek only to serve and protect her. Nekra is our queen, our beacon of hope. We wish to join her and rebuild our clan."

Nekra gently placed a hand on Yuki's shoulder, calming her. "It's okay, Yuki. They are my people. Our family."

Yuki hesitated for a moment before nodding, stepping back slightly but keeping a watchful eye on the werecats.

Nekra stepped forward, before holding her hand out towards the cat girl in front of her.

The leader reached out and grasped it only for Nekra to pull her up. Grasping her in a hug.

"I am the Werecat Princess Nekra, welcome home." Nekra states officially as the young woman starts to cry tears of joy in her arms.

Meanwhile, Rimuru made his way towards the town center, curious about the sudden surge of energy and the presence of so many beings he hadn't sensed before. As he approached, he was met with a surprising sight: a large gathering of werecats, all kneeling in the town center.

Rimuru's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scene. Nekra stood at the center, surrounded by her people, with Yuki by her side. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement, relief, and anticipation.

"Nekra, what's going on here?" Rimuru asked as he approached, his voice calm but filled with curiosity.

Nekra turned to face Rimuru, a broad smile on her face. "Rimuru-sama, these are my people. They've come to find me and rebuild."

"These are all WereCats!" Rimuru shouts in shock seeing all of the Special A rank monsters with the one Nekra hugging at minimum an S rank monster.

"Hime-Sama what is this being?" The cat girl in Nekra's arm asks as suddenly there is a massive amount of killing intent in the air.

"KNOCK IT OFF!!" Nekra shouts

Rimuru chuckles at his followers reaction.

"That is Demon lord Rimuru." Nekra states

"Princess you follow a demon lord?"

"Follow? I think Nekra an I are roughly equal in strength." Rimuru states

Nekra smiled warmly at Rimuru. "Thank you, Rimuru. With your support, My race… We can truly rebuild."

Rimuru nodded. "Of course, Nekra. Let's make this place a home for everyone." the slime said with a brilliant smile
Chapter 67
The sun was high in the sky as Rimuru sat in his office, poring over various documents and reports. The bustling town of Tempest was thriving, with new arrivals and construction projects springing up almost daily. Rimuru's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," Rimuru called out, setting aside the paperwork.

The door opened, and Shion entered, her expression serious. "Rimuru-sama, we have an unexpected visitor."

Rimuru raised an eyebrow. "Who is it?"

"A messenger from the Beast Kingdom Eurazania. They've requested an audience with you."

Rimuru's curiosity piqued. "Alright, show them in."

A moment later, a tall, imposing figure stepped into the room. It was Albis, one of Demon Lord Carrion's esteemed Three Beastketeers. She bowed deeply in respect before Rimuru.

"Greetings, Demon Lord Rimuru. I am Albis, here on behalf of Demon Lord Carrion of Eurazania. I bring an urgent message."

Rimuru nodded. "Welcome, Albis. What brings you to Tempest?"

Albis straightened up, her expression grave. "Demon Lord Carrion requests your assistance. A powerful threat has emerged near our borders, a creature of immense strength and malevolence. We believe it to be a rogue ancient dragon, and it's wreaking havoc across our lands."

"Does this Anient Dragon happen to have the name of Milim?" Rimuru asks sweat dropping a little

"Yes…" Albis respond curtly

"I think it would be best if we got Nekra involved aswell. Is she awake yet?" Rimuru asks aloud

Suddenly both Soeui and a Werecat emerge from shadows.
"Yes the princess is awake I have already sent a messa-" Only to be intteroupted by a loud pop/bang which makes everyone flinch in shock.

"I am here nya?" Nekra states.

Rimuru took a deep breath looking at Nekra. "Alright, here's the deal. Albis has brought news that Milim is about to go on a rampage in the borders of the Beast Kingdom Eurazania. It's a Seeing as its Milim and she is currently stronger than me I was hoping you would be up to figure out what she is doing."

Nekra's eyes widened with excitement. "Big Sis Milim? That sounds like fun!" A rather scary grin appearing on the cat girls face.

Rimuru smiled, knowing Nekra was a bit of a battle maniac. "So, what do you say, Nekra? Up for the challenge?"

Nekra's grin widened, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "You know it, Rimuru! Leave it to me!"

She was gone in a blink and in a second blink she was out of Rimuru's detection range.

"Wow… She was fast, was that a werecat?" Albis asks

"Yes that was out princess." States the werecat who had emerged from the shadow earlier.

"Huh, I thought that a hero drove all of your kind to extinction." Albis says in shock

"Tales of our demise were greatly exaggerated." The cat girl says forcing Rimuru to do a double take.

Little did they know that the rest of there Werecats were having a movie marathon down in the dungeon with Yuki.

Nekra felt the wind whip through her hair, the sensation invigorating its been awhile since she tried to go all out maybe? She moved faster and faster, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her vision sharpened, and she could see every detail of the forest floor as it flew blurring beneath her feet.

With a powerful jump, Nekra soared through the air. For a brief moment, everything seemed to pause. She watched in awe as the landscape curved beneath her, the horizon stretching out into the distance. The curvature of the planet was visible, a reminder of- WHO CARED SHE WAS IN SPACE AND SPACE IS SO COOOOOLLL my computer can't handle the rendering.

Completely oblivious to the trail of destruction left behind as she had managed to make it suborbital the country of Eurazania was fast approaching along with the ground.

Nekra felt the wind whip through her hair, the sensation invigorating its been awhile since she tried to go all out maybe? She moved faster and faster, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her vision sharpened, and she could see every detail of the forest floor as it flew blurring beneath her feet.

With a powerful jump, Nekra soared through the air. For a brief moment, everything seemed to pause. She watched in awe as the landscape curved beneath her, the horizon stretching out into the distance. The curvature of the planet was visible, a reminder of- WHO CARED SHE WAS IN SPACE AND SPACE IS SO COOOOOLLL my computer can't handle the rendering.
Chapter 68
Milim floated mid air looking down at the chaos she had wrought, her laughter echoing through the ruined landscape. Flames roared around her, and the ground was littered with the remnants of what had once been a thriving kingdom. Her eyes gleamed with a wild excitement as she reveled in the destruction.

"Hahaha! Is this the best you can do?" Milim taunted, her voice carrying over the devastation. "Come on, show me something worth my time! CARRION!"

Suddenly, a streak of light appeared on the horizon, moving impossibly fast. The blur of motion approached with incredible speed, and before Milim could react, Nekra slammed into her at near orbital velocity. The impact sent the pair flying, crashing through several buildings before coming to a halt in a pile of rubble.

Nekra skidded to a stop holding milim, the ground giving way to her momemntum. Sheeyes locked with Milim as the dust began to settle. Milim pushed herself up from the debris, A grin spread across her face, filled with a mix of delight and excitement.

"Well, well, well," Milim said, brushing the dust off her clothes. "It looks like we've got a real challenge here. This is going to be fun!"

"OH OF COURSE BIG SIS MILIM JUST DONT EXPECT ME TO HOLD BACK!" Nekra announces her arms spread wide as she lets loose her full power causing all of the debris in the area to be launched away from her as a shockwave radiates out.
Milim's eyes sparkled with anticipation, and she charged first, her speed blurring as she closed the distance between her and Nekra in an instant. She swung her fist with tremendous force, aiming for Nekra's midsection.

Nekra reacted swiftly, blocking the punch with her forearm. The impact sent a shockwave rippling through the ground, creating a crater beneath them. Without missing a beat, Nekra countered with a swift kick to Milim's side, but Milim twisted mid-air, avoiding the blow with an acrobatic flip.

"You're fast, Nekra!" Milim exclaimed, her voice filled with uncontained excitment. "But let's see how you handle this!"

Milim summoned a massive sphere of energy, its intense heat distorting the air around it. With a fierce cry, she hurled the sphere at Nekra. Nekra's eyes narrowed, and she raised her hand, summoning a barrier of shimmering energy. The sphere collided with the barrier, causing a blinding explosion that shook the surrounding landscape.

As the dust settled, Nekra emerged unscathed, her barrier holding firm. She smirked, her eyes glinting with determination. "Is that all you've got, Milim? My turn!"

Nekra dashed forward, her speed leaving afterimages in her wake. She unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, each one carrying enough power to level mountains. Milim blocked and dodged with incredible agility, the two of them moving faster than the eye could follow.

Reality almost seem to crack and splinter as they traded blows, Nekra leaped high into the air, summoning a fireballs that rained down on Milim like a fire storm.

Nekra landed on the ground near silently and turned around to see Milim Laughing.

"This is really fun Nekra!" Milim said, her voice booming . "But I'm just getting started!"

Milim's aura flared even brighter, her power surging to new heights. She launched herself at Nekra with blinding speed, her fists glowing with energy. Nekra met her head-on.

The ground began to tremble, fissures forming along the surface as the ground split open. a black and pink streak were flying along the ground, moving with such speed that it was barely visible to the naked eye.

The streak raced along the ground, a blur of motion that seemed to defy the laws of physics. As it moved the fissure continued to grow In its wake, the streak left a trail of destruction almost 10 miles long when it finally stopped, and Nekra and Milim were locking eyes. Nekra had caught Milims fist.

Milim suddenly burst into laughter. "Hahaha! You're really something, Nekra! I'm impressed!" She pulled back, floating a few feet away. "I'm proud of you. You've grown strong. But for now, I'll take my leave."

With that, Milim gave a playful salute before shooting off into the sky, leaving a trail of sparkling light behind her.

"Nya? Or right CARRION!" Nekra shouts before running off to find the other demonlord.
Chapter 69
Rimuru sat at his desk, surrounded by maps, documents, and reports. His usually relaxed demeanor was replaced by one of intense focus. The door to his office creaked open, and Ramiris fluttered in, her tiny wings beating rapidly.

"Rimuru! You called for me?" Ramiris chirped, landing gracefully on his desk.

Rimuru looked up, offering a small smile. "Yeah, Ramiris. We need to discuss the next Walpurgis. After what happened with Milim, it's more important than ever that we go in prepared."

Ramiris nodded, her expression turning serious. "You're right. The other Demon Lords will want answers, and with you being a new demonlord we need to make sure that we wont get caught off guard." The Fairy states

Meanwhile to those who were perceptive enough they could feel the ground shake. Like an earthquake was occurring in the far off distance.

Rimuru leaned back in his chair, contemplating. "First, we need to ensure that Eurazania is still in existince. Carrion's strength is great, but a fight against milim? Hopefully Nekra got there in time."

Ramiris fluttered anxiously. "And if she didn't?"

Rimuru sighed, rubbing his temples. "Then we might be facing more than just political fallout. The balance of power among the Demon Lords is already gone, completely and utterly destroyed. We need to prepare for every possible outcome."

"Maybe it would be best to start counting more alliances?" Ramairs states

"Souei go and get Fuze, and-" Rimuru is suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

The door opened to reveal the Cabal Party, the two men escorting an elf who looked remarkably similar to Ellen.

"Ellen?" Rimuru asked

"Yes but I am also, Elyun Grimwald," the elf introduced herself, stepping forward with an air of confidence. "I've come to discuss an alliance."

Rimuru raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the unexpected visitor. "An alliance, you say? Please, have a seat and tell us more."

"My father is Erald Grimwald Archduke of the Sorcerous Dynast of Sarion." Ellen starts off only for said man to suddenly teleport in.

"You damn seductive DEMON LORD, HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY DAUGHTER!" Erald roared, his presence filling the room with an aura of immense power and fury.

Rimuru blinked in surprise, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down, Archduke Grimwald! I didn't take your daughter; she came here of her own will!"

Erald's eyes flickered with a renewed spark of anger as he glanced between Rimuru and his daughter. "HER OWN FREE WILL? I've heard enough smooth words from Demon Lords before. Perhaps a demonstration of power is in order! DO NOT UNDERESTMATE THE SORCEROUS DYNASTY!"

He began to chant an incantation, his hand glowing with a fierce light as he prepared to cast an explosion spell. The air around him crackled with energy, tension rising in the room.

Before Erald could complete his spell, Ellen—or rather, Elyun—swiftly stepped forward and struck her father on the head with her staff. The impact enough to knock the man several feet to the side a hollow bonking sound reverberating through the office.

"Ow!" Erald exclaimed, rubbing his head and glaring at his daughter. "Elyun, what are you doing?"

"Father, stop this!" Eren scolded, with a rather annoyed pout.

"I am not a bad slime ya know?" Rimuru states suddenly warping into his slime form.

Erald's expression softened, the anger draining from his face as he looked at his daughter. "Elyun… you're right. I apologize. It's just…I got worried an kinda panicked afterall it was my dear little princess in danger."

Rimuru, who had been watching the exchange with mostly amusement, stepped forward. "Archduke Grimwald, I assure you, our intentions are peaceful."

Erald sighed, lowering his head in a gesture of reconciliation. "Very well, Rimuru Tempest. I will listen to what you have to say. Let's discuss this… Actually I have heard rumors of your alliance with Dwargon and Bulmund, It might be best if they were here too.."

"I had actually just sent for them, I suppose they are likely to arrive at end of day or early tomorrow." Rimuru states

"Bulmund has the capability to move that quickly? I know that Dwargon has the pegasus knights however I was unaware such a small kingdom was capable of that." Erald states a little shocked

"No, i had arranged transport for Fuze, he is usually their representative and I consider him a friend." Rimuru states

Suddenly a hole is busted in the roof as Nekra comes tumbling down hitting the wooden floor panels causing them to break.

"I need to work on my landings Nya, however I am back." Nekra states standing up dusting herself off.

"A-A A, A WERECAT!" Erald shouts in shock
Chapter 70
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the bustling town of Tempest. Rimuru Tempest, the slime-turned-demon lord, sat at the head of a large conference table, surrounded by his trusted allies. To his right sat Benimaru, Shion, and Shuna, while on his left were Rigurd, Gobta, and Hakurou. The pavillion welcomed a gentle breeze of air as as they awaited the arrival of their human and elf guests.

Rimuru glanced out on to the road leading up the hill seeing some figures walking up, "Soon" Rimuru muttered
Nekra was sitting on the top of the pavilion as below a rather important meeting was going on between

"And Finally we have the caretaker of the forest of Jura Treyni, that concludes the introduction's from Tempest."

Nekra sits back wondering when the best time to make an entrance would be, afterall that was a rather long introduction and there was still a bit to go.

"Welcome, everyone," Rimuru began, his voice carrying authority and warmth. "Before we dive into our discussions, allow me to introduce our guests."

Rimuru gestured to the first guest. "First, we have King Gazel Dwargo of the Armed Nation of Dwargon."

King Gazel nodded, his expression stoic but respectful.

"Next, we have Youm, the Champion. Slayer of the Orc Lord"

Youm gave a confident nod, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Fuze, the Guild Master of the Free Guild in Blumund, is here as well. His support and the resources of the Free Guild have been crucial to our efforts."

Fuze acknowledged Rimuru with a respectful bow.

Rimuru then turned to the next guests. "From the Sorcerous Dynasty of Sarion, we have Erald Grimwald, the Archduke, and his daughter Elyun, also known to many of us as Ellen."

Elalude inclined his head, while Elyun smiled warmly.

"And finally," Rimuru continued, "From Animal Kingdom of Eurazania we have the three beastketeers, and their leader Carrion."

"Where is that Werecat that I had met the otherday?" Erald asks

Carrion bursts out into laughter, "You think you can tell a cat what to do? Although where is Nekra? As Princess of the Werecats and my rescuer she should be here."

"Nekra will do what she want, although she doesn't have a large force and using her is like using a weapon of mass destruction." Rimuru explains

"Using her?" Gazef asks

"Its fine Magic student of mine nya, When it comes to asking for my expertise and needing help, I do not mind assisting Rimuru." Nekra says from behind all of the guests sitting at the table

Nearly everyone jumpin in shock from how silently her approach was.

"HOW DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT!" Rimur turns around shouting.

"Just get good Rimuru."Nekra states taking

"Alright! Lets get this talk started." Rimuru shouts the serious mood having been ruined

"Nya? We should have one more guests coming? I can feel him approaching fast." Nekra states

Suddenly, the roof of the pavilion exploded inward as a massive figure crashed through it, sending debris flying. Everyone jumped to their feet, in shock. As the dust settled, the unmistakable figure of a very powerful dragon newt emerged, looking completely unperturbed by his dramatic entrance, and the powerful figures around him.

"Rimuru!" Veldora boomed, completely oblivious to the shocked and stares from the gathered guests. "I just found this amazing new game, and you have to play it with me!"

Rimuru facepalmed, feeling the collective exasperation from everyone in the room. "Veldora... We're in the middle of a very important meeting."

Veldora blinked, finally seeming to notice the assembled dignitaries. "Oh... Is this a bad time?"

"You think?!" Shion growled, looking ready to throw him out herself.

"Umm, excuse me, did you say your name was Veldora, as in the Dragon?" Fuze asked, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and fear.

Veldora grinned proudly, puffing out his chest. "Yes, indeed! I am the mighty Veldora Tempest, the Storm Dragon! In fact very few people have had the pleasure of speaking with me and living to tell the tale you are all very fortunate."

Fuze immediately fainted with a loud bang his head hitting the wooden floor.

Rimuru sighed, his head shaking slightly. "We'll play later, Veldora. Right now, we have critical matters to discuss."

Veldora pouted, looking every bit like a disappointed child. "Fine...What's going on here?"

"We are talking about the demonlord threat Uncle Veladora." Nekra states making everyone do a double take.

"UNCLE!" Everyone excepts Veldora and Nekra shout
Chapter 71
Yuki sat at her computer, her tails flicking behind her gracefully as she watched the Werecats build a village in the ancient forest of the dungeon. Nekra's people were perfectly happy in the dungeon biome and were actually having quite a bit of fun both hunting the monsters and living their best lives. One of the Werecats had even recently announced her pregnancy and wished for Nekra to bless the baby.

Yuki had to sadly tell them that their princess was in another castle before quickly correcting herself.

She sighed to herself, "I hope Nekra comes back soon. I know Rimuru needed help, but we haven't cuddled in so long."

"Yuki, it's been a week, nya. We cuddled for the better part of a millennia, and you get upset over a single week?" Nekra's voice came from behind.

With a gasp, the fox girl jumped up. "NEKRA!" Yuki shouted, lunging for her lover.

Nekra caught her with ease, a warm smile spreading across her face. "I'm back, my love. Did you miss me that much?"

Yuki nuzzled into Nekra's shoulder, her tails wrapping around them both. "Of course I did! I was lonely without you."

Nekra chuckled softly, stroking Yuki's hair. "Well, I'm here now. How are our people doing?"

Yuki pulled back slightly, her eyes brightening. "They're thriving! The village is coming along beautifully, and they're really enjoying themselves. One of the Werecats is pregnant and wants you to bless the baby."

Nekra's eyes softened. "That's wonderful news. I'll make sure to give them my blessings. Anything else I missed?"

Yuki grinned. "Not much, just me missing you every minute, of every day."

Nekra laughed, her heart lightened by Yuki's affection. "Alright then, let's go see our people and give them my blessings. Then, we can have all the cuddles you want."

Yuki's eyes sparkled with happiness as she held Nekra's hand. Together, they warped out of the room and to the village.

As they arrived, a cheerful shout rang out. "The princess is back!"

The village burst into joyous activity, with Werecats gathering around to greet Nekra and Yuki. The few children ran to them, elders bowed respectfully, and the air was filled with excitement.

Nekra turned her attention to the children, who were eagerly waiting for her. She crouched down to their level, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Who wants to play?" she asked, her voice full of excitement.

A chorus of enthusiastic voices responded, and soon Nekra found herself busy as Yuki watched over them.
Nekra was playing tag… and going extremely easy on those kids. Yuki's tail's swished as she watched it go down and all of the elders and adults couldnt help but smile at the sight either.

"She would make a good mother." The Baroness states

Yuki suddenly smiles rather brightly. "That would be nice."

That was how the noon had passed into the afternoon Yuki watching Nekra play with the werecat children, and wanting with all of her heart to give Nekra a child of her own.

"Alright Princess! The Bonfire is ready!" A older male shouts.

"You hear that kids! Time for dinner!" Nekra shouts as all of the kids who were frozen in freeze tag suddenly break out of their frozen states giggling.

Yuki was eating a kebab as Nekra sat next to her, then suddenly the love of her life coughed before standing up.

"Alright! I have an announcement to make. It warms my heart to be here with all of you. I wish I could stay longer, but there are urgent matters on the surface that require my attention. I'll need to leave for a few more days."

A murmur of concern spread through the crowd.

"But don't worry," Nekra continued, her tone reassuring. "While I'm away, I ask that you all stay within the dungeon. Avoid the surface for your safety. I promise I'll return as soon as I can."

"W-what about our cuddles?" Yuki asks

"I have a few hours, they are going to be some rather active cuddles though." Nekra states with a wink causing the fox girl to blink.
Chapter 72
Nekra stood at the edge of the village, the laughter and joy of the werecats was warming up the floor. She held Yuki's hand, squeezing it gently.

"I'll be back soon," Nekra says turning to Yuki. "But there's still some unfinished business I need to attend to with Rimuru and the others."

Yuki nodded, her eyes filled with understanding and love. "Just come back safely."

With one last kiss, Nekra turned and Yuki felt her exit the dungeon.

Rimuru stood with his arms crossed, a thoughtful expression on his face. Ramiris flitted about excitedly, her wings a blur of motion, while Veldora is leaning against a tree reading his book.

"Nekra, good to see you," Rimuru greeted, a smile breaking through his serious demeanor. "Thanks for coming."

Nekra nodded, acknowledging the gathering. "What's the plan?"

Ramiris fluttered closer, her excitement palpable. "We've been discussing the upcoming Walpurgis meeting since late lastnight. After Milim's actions with Eurazania, it's crucial we go in prepared."

"Nya, thats fine if it came down to it I would win, but something tells me she just doing it for the hell of it. Probably cause some weird reason." Nekra states

"What makes you say that and why did you not say that last night?" Rimuru asks

"Well the item on her neck was supposed to be a mind control device yet she seemed perfectly normal while fighting me." Nekra states with a shrug

Veldora suddenly starts laughing "I knew my niece was up to something."

Rimuru's brow furrowed. "What do you mean, Veldora?"

Veldora closed his book and looked up, a wide grin on his face. "Milim has always had a knack for mischief. If she's acting out, there's likely more to it than meets the eye."

"Are we talking about the same Milim?" Rimuru asks

"She is stronger than she appears nya." Nekra states

"Right! We have to go if we wish to make it on time!" Ramaris shouts
"I will now introduce the participants in tonights meeting. Demon Guy Crimson, The Lord of Darkness. Ramiris, Pixie of the Labyrinth. Dragonoid Milim Nava, The Destroyer. Giant, Daggrull, The Earthquake. Vampire Roy Valentine, Bloody Lord. Fallen Angel Dino, Sleeping Ruler. Harpy Frey, The Sky Queen. Deathman Clay, Marionette Master. Demonoid Leon Cromwell, Platinum Saber. Werecat Vampire Hybrid Nekra, The Annoying cat."HEY NYA!" Finally Slime Rimuru Tempest, Leader of the Jura Tempest Federation. This concludes the introductions."

"I would like to start by thanking you all for answering my summons especially you Nekra… To be completely honest I believe most of us thought you dead slain by a hero." Clayman starts off

"I was told there would be free food nya." Nekra responds in a quip

"Anyway,s it is my tremendous honor to declare the commencement of the demonlords banquet Walpurgis."
'I forgot how incredibly boring these meeting were, and on top of that Rimuru was giving off so much hostile intent behind clayman's back it was rather clear what was going on.Clayman was trying to pin some sort of blame on Carrion and also get Rimuru in trouble '

"Demonlord Carrion's forces are currently held up in tempest. Undeniable proof of his actions." Clayman announced trying to hammer the point home.

Nekra lifted her head from the table with a yawn, "Nya? Did you say something I was taking a nap. How long till food again?"

God fucking with the demonlords was just so much fun especially Clayman the guy was like a wind up doll you wound him up and he just kept going.

"Were you not listening to a single thing I SAID!" Carrion shouts at Nekra.

"Weaklings like you do not get to speak to me like that. Mind your place puppet." Nekra growls out unleashing a small amount of her goddess aura directly targeting the Deathman.

An with that job was done would probably make any mistakes within the next few minutes hopefully Rimuru would take advantage of it.

"I have a question?" Rimuru states

"What is it little slime." Clayman states trying to get some sort of decorum and some inpercivible sense of importance back.

"Do you think everyone in this room is stupid or are you just an idiot?" Rimuru asks