Ready to Be Replaced (A Video Game Maker Quest)

June 1985 - The Five Mountains #4 New
[X] A tale of two ideologies. [+5 to the next Convince roll against Bartholomew]
-[X] Near the End of the Game, after the fight with the Dark Witch that planned to take the Storm Dragon's power for themself, the Companion Witch suggests that they take the Ritual themselves and share the Dragon's power between the two of them, the Witch arguing that the Kingdom had sent them on a suicide mission. This initiates a Boss Fight that depending on who wins, the story changes with either the Witch winning, and the Swordsman follows her idea with the story ending on the Swordsman and Witch setting out to fight the Kingdom in 'revenge' for trying to kill the both of them, or the Swordsman wins, which leads them to fight the Storm Dragon as a True Final Boss.
--[X] Keep the question of if the Kingdom really did send them to die unanswered one way or another. If the game is successful, a potential sequel could come to answer the question following, probably, the Swordsman's Ending.

[X] Perhaps there is some other reason they were killed? Write-in.
-[X] they were investigators who had managed to find out some important Intel about the crime syndicate, and were killed to silence them.

[X] The Protagonist has a mentor that gives them tips throughout the game.
-[x] An entire clan of ninjas.
--[X] Evil ninjas. [+10 to the next Argue roll against Silver]
—[X] Maybe the clan itself was the one to commission the creation of the robots to use the loophole and the robots rebelled.
---[X] they cannot act by themselves because of an ancient agreement that all clans keep, if a single one interferes, they all do, potentially starting a war due to all the secrets they have gathered throughout the years, the protagonist is a loophole, as they are not of any clan.
—-[X] they infiltrate levels and leave behind scrolls for the protagonist to find, and to keep an eye on the progress of the mission.

"I..." Time slows as you take a deep breath, looking at all five of them. Annabelle who twists your expectations on what she'll do at every turn. Silver who follows only the path that would lead to their own satisfaction. Davis who lets their emotions take charge and lead them astray. Bartholomew who quietly accepts the chaos that reigns around them. Paris who shepherds them all but clearly has their own plans behind the glint in their eyes...

Air exhales from your nose as your heart calms. You're no longer in a classroom playing around with your mates, this is a world of adulthood that won't give you a second to think before it punches you in the gut. Isn't this what your father always warned you about?

Getting flustered over one game idea you thought of through one single night... That's the definition of tripping over the first hurdle on the path. Above all what you need to do now is roll with the punches.

Time resumes again. "...pick to go with Bartholomew's route. Two ideologies." Bartholomew's face lights up at the mention of you going with their choice. "But. I have some suggestions on how the game will end. One's that I'm sure Mr. Silver will be happy about."

The aforementioned curiously looks over at you, noting that this is the first time you truly ever directly called out any of their names. You recognize now that you can't be a silent observer, overlooking at the antics of these Five Mountains. You must be part of the conversation itself truly.

You adjust the beanie on your head as you continue. "As of right now, I see four characters in mind for the story of Mythic Sword. First are the two main characters of the Good Swordsman and Evil Witch. Those two childhood friends are the viewpoint the entire game is based on, and so most of the story would be them interacting with each other or with how their two different viewpoints interact with the world itself. Second is the Storm Dragon. They are the inciting incident, the reason for the journey and the end goal all in one. Third and finally is the Dark Witch. Unlike the Storm Dragon they will have a more active role to play as they create various incidents and events that the two main characters go through. They act as a way to not keep the adventure boring and to have circumstances for the two main characters to argue over."

Annabelle puts a question forward. "And how would romance fit into this dynamic?"

You stop. If only momentarily, but it happens all the same. "To be honest I do not think I have an answer for that right now Ms. Annabelle, other than for myself to try once I get to making the eventual script and planning of the game itself. But as it is something I agreed to do so I will take my best effort to incorporate it."

Taking a breath to breathe, you are immediately interrupted by Silver. "Do go on Sammy! I would love to hear what you think will entice me so much."


You resist the urge to roll your eyes as you go into detail. "The Dark Witch has a plan to take the power of the Storm Dragon for herself with a ritual. After the two main characters defeat her near the end of the game our Witch will then bring up the possibility of using that same plan for themselves. All under the pretense that the Kingdom essentially sent them both on a suicide mission to fight the Storm Dragon. This then initiates a boss fight between the Good Swordsman and Evil Witch."

This has everyone shoot up, immediately raising questions. Surprisingly of all people it's Paris who asks first. "And who do you play as?"

...who? What does he mean by that? Wouldn't it naturally be the Swordsman-

The shine of their eyes, like star that twinkles in the night becomes apparent to you. Then you finally get what they're thinking. "Depends. I'd say the Swordsman, but both are as much main characters as the other. Perhaps the players get a choice on who to play as? Either way, you get a different ending depending on which of the two wins. Or should I call them paths? Routes? The Swordsman winning would lead to the two of them going on to fight the Storm Dragon as originally planned, following the Swordsman's ideology. The Witch winning on the other hand has the Swordsman follow her ideology, going on together to take revenge against the Kingdom that set them out in the first place. Though I'll likely be leaving the question of whether the Kingdom really sent them out to die as unanswered, something that can be answered after the game itself."

A spark of electricity runs through Silver. You've got him. "Then that would mean..."

"Correct. A sequel, or perhaps even multiple. I likely do see a sequel going down the path of the Swordsman, but there's always a possibility of seeing down the path of the Witch..."

Bartholomew holds a hand up before coughing into it. "Now now Samson, you too Silver, let's not get ahead of our selves with the idea of sequels when we are merely in the idea stage of this game."

"O-oh, right." You sheepishly stop, perhaps you did get ahead of yourself there for a moment. "But yes, that's about everything I can think for now. Well, if I want to add more to the romance, I guess there is a point to be made that the two never truly betray each other no matter which path the ending goes towards."

All Five Mountains look at each other. Silver and Bartholomew seemingly happy they got what they want. Annabelle at the least contained and satisfied on the fact that you will be working to place in the romance within this dynamic later on. Davis looks as if he has something to say, but he bites his tongue looking at the former three's expressions. Paris...

Your body instinctively shudders as you take in the face Paris makes. Their blonde hair casting a shadow over their eyes as their smile takes on a sinister form. Yet despite it all they do not say anything at all, their face going back to normal in the next second without a single other person noticing, as if he meant to show that frightening smile only to you.

"Well Samson..." R-right, you have to focus. Bartholomew is speaking to you. "It does seem that we are all in agreement here with this version of the story. What's next is something more simpler that I've been personally thinking for the last while, on the gameplay side of things. First-person or third-person?"

Davis joins in before you can make an answer, talking to Bartholomew. "Like the difference between Wizardry and Ultima. Would that be right friend of mine?"

"100% correct! To see from the perspectives of the two sets of eyes, or from up above. I much have any doubt on someone having a preference between the two here, so I'll defer to Samson's opinion. Which would you like to do out of the two?"

+5 to the next Convince roll against Silver. [Due to you adding sequel bait]

+5 to the next Convince roll against Bartholomew.

[ ] First-person. See through the eyes of your two main characters. Perhaps being able to switch between those sets of eyes may bring new perspectives to life.

[ ] Third-person. Look down on the two and the action that goes on around them from above. This will fully immerse the players on the story between these two and their interactions.


"Investigators, that's what the family was." You're thinking parents, but who knows what you'll choose down the line. "They got too close to discovering some sort of major truth about the international robotic criminal syndicate and got annihilated as a result."

To his own Paris takes in that information before shrugging. "That certainly works well enough as a motive to kill."


"Evil ninjas-"

"Ah ha!" Silver interrupts you with a triumphant laugh.

+10 to the next Arguing roll against Silver. This adds to the previous +5 making for a total of +15.

Starting again. "Evil Ninjas. An entire clan of them out of many that exist in the world. This clan cannot act by themselves because of an ancient agreement that all clans keep when it comes to confrontation. If a single one interferes, they all do. Thus potentially starting a war due to all the secrets they have gathered throughout the years. They... Perhaps have initially commissioned the creation of these robots, using them as a loophole to attack other clans without the robots technically being part of their clan. But things got out of hand as these robots discovered their sentience and chose a chance to rebel and take control. Significant reasons to get rid of them are to not let robots and then ninjas come to the public consciousness of being recognized as real threats within the world."

Annabelle taps their cheek in thought. "So in that regard the protagonist's family perhaps was rather close to spilling the beans on this type of secret society to the entire world."

"Probably." You say with a shrug. "This ties back to the Protagonist, as they are the next in the cycle to be used as a loophole to kill this evil ninja clan's enemies as they are not part of any clan. They also infiltrate levels and leave behind scrolls for the protagonist to find, as to keep an eye on the progress of the mission. Does that work as an answer to the impasse, Mr. Paris?"

"I'd say that does Mr. Samson. So it is stress that improves you?" That same sense of dread overcomes your mind as Paris continues on without even a stop to acknowledge what they said. "That puts the story in a solid-enough place that I believe we can move over to yet more of the gameplay side of things, does anyone here have anything to raise?"

"Difficulty." Silver simply says as all turn to him. "With this type of game we all know we're gonna be making an Arcade Version of it as well eventually. It's better to an intense difficulty already ingrained into the game to wring the money out of players wallets."

Davis coughs into their hand. "As much as I don't agree with Silver's choice of words, I will have to put my vote towards the meaning of them. It's just standard practice."

You watch as the other three in the room raise no objections on their own, adding this to the game quickly and efficiently.

[ ] Argue against the intense difficulty. [40% Arguing rolls for all five]

[ ] Accept the intense difficulty.

Paris holds a palm up. "Hm. This arcade talk does make me think of something. Should we have the screen auto-scroll? Not that it'd necessarily change much but it is something to bring up for the process."

Shrugs go all around at that, not exactly caring which way it goes.

Ugh. Another choice for you.

[ ] Have American Ninja be an auto-scroller.

[ ] Refuse the suggestion by Paris for American Ninja to be an auto-scroller.

Davis raises a point. "If the protagonist is going to be learning from different scrolls on their journey, then it seems like the controller on our console might not suffice to carry out its mission."

Bartholomew comes in with a response. "Unless these scrolls don't teach outright special abilities, but stuff more akin to traversal like walking on walls. Though if it's more like your point, then perhaps a pause feature to switch between different abilities.

Davis and Bartholomew look at you, not bothering to turn this into a vote for the Five Mountains.

[ ] Abilities. [+10 to the next Arguing roll against Davis.]

[ ] Traversal. [+10 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]

[ ] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]

[ ] Perhaps you wish to get into immediate detail? Write-in.

Then Annabelle is the last, knocking the wind out of everyone with a single sentence. "What nature are they?"

"?" "?" "?" "?" "?"

She blushes as everyone tilts their heads, nobody in the room knowing what she's talking about "I-I mean... Y'know... Like they're ninja scrolls, but how fantastical are they?"

"Ohohoho." "Thaaaaaaat makes sense!" "..." "Why didn't you say that in the first place you idiot." "Splendid Ms. Annabelle."

Suffice to say the one who stayed silent was you.

Annabelle scratches her neck. "Like are we looking at them being cybernetic, actual fantasy ninja stuff, or plain realistic?"

The old man adds one last thing. "Or demons."

"Bartholomew my friend, I will never get your fascination with that topic." Davis sighs at the older man's antics.

"Friend oh friend of mine! It is just a writing interest is all!" Though Bartholomew says that, his drunk friend yawns as if he's heard this a million times before. "All in all I can tell we have our own preferences. Do we wish for Samson to make the call here?"

"As the question asker here, I say we do!" The short woman pumps her fist to the air, though she eyes Bartholomew for what he says his preference is.

[ ] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[ ] Fantastical. [+5 to the next Convince roll against Annabelle]
-[ ] Cybernetic. [+5 to the next Convince roll against Davis]
-[ ] Realistic.
-[ ] Demonic. [+5 to the next Convince roll against Bartholomew]
-[ ] Something new or a combination? Write-in.
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[X] Third-person. Look down on the two and the action that goes on around them from above. This will fully immerse the players on the story between these two and their interactions.
[X] Accept the intense difficulty.
[X] Refuse the suggestion by Paris for American Ninja to be an auto-scroller.
[X] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]
[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] Cybernetic. [+5 to the next Convince roll against Davis]

And this Davis, is what we call, foreshadowing.
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[X] Third-person. Look down on the two and the action that goes on around them from above. This will fully immerse the players on the story between these two and their interactions.

[X] Accept the intense difficulty.

[X] Refuse the suggestion by Paris for American Ninja to be an auto-scroller.
-[X] The game would have transversal together with the hard difficulty there is no necessity to pressure them so, letting them tackle the stages as they see fit might be for the best.

[X] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]
-[X] The first word that comes with Ninja is fluidity, so the transversal of the levels should feel as close as we can. Hence the scrolls would give stuff like clinging and walking on walls, a higher jump, walk on water, etc.
—[X] But the main character should have access to a melee attack and a small variety of ranged abilities as a secondary function. There could be a small pause menu to change them on the fly, or maybe treat this abilities as power ups that he can only have one at the time.
—-[X] This secondary abilities would need to be tied to a resource so they can't be simply spammed, maybe a power bar that is filled by defeating enemies and collecting specific items throughout the level.

[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] They are both fantastical and cybernetics.
—[X] The transversal abilities would be more linked with cybernetic items or implants collected throughout the levels, starting the first level by collecting the ability to cling and climb walls in the form of special shoes.
—-[X] While the secondary abilities could be tied to more mystical means like throwing lighting balls, spinning wind, letting a shuriken fly around.
——[X] does not mean they couldn't have some intersection, like a mystical transversal skill and a secondary ability based on cybernetics.

The NES isn't able to support the multiple first person pov, so third person does offer us the better path for the public to experience the story between them too the idea is that they love this characters and their development.

Now in therms of difficulty it is a standard practice to help retain the audience so I am in favor for this game, we aren't going to have at most some hours of content of perfect in the NES era specially if we try and push for cutscenes later on, so the difficulty for the America ninja must be hard but fair. Which adding the autoscroller would drive it into the frustrating territory.
[X] Third-person. Look down on the two and the action that goes on around them from above. This will fully immerse the players on the story between these two and their interactions.
[X] Accept the intense difficulty.
[X] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]
[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] Cybernetic. [+5 to the next Convince roll against Davis]
[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] They are both fantastical and cybernetics.
—[X] The transversal abilities would be more linked with cybernetic items or implants collected throughout the levels, starting the first level by collecting the ability to cling and climb walls in the form of special shoes.
—-[X] While the secondary abilities could be tied to more mystical means like throwing lighting balls, spinning wind, letting a shuriken fly around.
——[X] does not mean they couldn't have some intersection, like a mystical transversal skill and a secondary ability based on cybernetics.
[X] Third-person. Look down on the two and the action that goes on around them from above. This will fully immerse the players on the story between these two and their interactions.
[X] Accept the intense difficulty.
[X] Refuse the suggestion by Paris for American Ninja to be an auto-scroller.
-[X] The game would have transversal together with the hard difficulty there is no necessity to pressure them so, letting them tackle the stages as they see fit might be for the best.

[X] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]
-[X] The first word that comes with Ninja is fluidity, so the transversal of the levels should feel as close as we can. Hence the scrolls would give stuff like clinging and walking on walls, a higher jump, walk on water, etc.
—[X] But the main character should have access to a melee attack and a small variety of ranged abilities as a secondary function. There could be a small pause menu to change them on the fly, or maybe treat this abilities as power ups that he can only have one at the time.
—-[X] This secondary abilities would need to be tied to a resource so they can't be simply spammed, maybe a power bar that is filled by defeating enemies and collecting specific items throughout the level.

[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] They are both fantastical and cybernetics.
—[X] The transversal abilities would be more linked with cybernetic items or implants collected throughout the levels, starting the first level by collecting the ability to cling and climb walls in the form of special shoes.
—-[X] While the secondary abilities could be tied to more mystical means like throwing lighting balls, spinning wind, letting a shuriken fly around.
——[X] does not mean they couldn't have some intersection, like a mystical transversal skill and a secondary ability based on cybernetics.
[X] Third-person. Look down on the two and the action that goes on around them from above. This will fully immerse the players on the story between these two and their interactions.

[X] Accept the intense difficulty.

[X] Refuse the suggestion by Paris for American Ninja to be an auto-scroller.
-[X] The game would have transversal together with the hard difficulty there is no necessity to pressure them so, letting them tackle the stages as they see fit might be for the best.

[X] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]
-[X] The first word that comes with Ninja is fluidity, so the transversal of the levels should feel as close as we can. Hence the scrolls would give stuff like clinging and walking on walls, a higher jump, walk on water, etc.
—[X] But the main character should have access to a melee attack and a small variety of ranged abilities as a secondary function. There could be a small pause menu to change them on the fly, or maybe treat this abilities as power ups that he can only have one at the time.
—-[X] This secondary abilities would need to be tied to a resource so they can't be simply spammed, maybe a power bar that is filled by defeating enemies and collecting specific items throughout the level.

[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] They are both fantastical and cybernetics.
—[X] The transversal abilities would be more linked with cybernetic items or implants collected throughout the levels, starting the first level by collecting the ability to cling and climb walls in the form of special shoes.
—-[X] While the secondary abilities could be tied to more mystical means like throwing lighting balls, spinning wind, letting a shuriken fly around.
——[X] does not mean they couldn't have some intersection, like a mystical transversal skill and a secondary ability based on cybernetics.

The Judge, has some interesting preferences, if we ever do a Demon/Yokai based game, we might get some points with him.

Also Davis is scheming something.
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[X] First-person. See through the eyes of your two main characters. Perhaps being able to switch between those sets of eyes may bring new perspectives to life.

[X] Accept the intense difficulty.

[X] Refuse the suggestion by Paris for American Ninja to be an auto-scroller.

[X] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]

[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] Fantastical. [+5 to the next Convince roll against Annabelle]
[X] Third-person. Look down on the two and the action that goes on around them from above. This will fully immerse the players on the story between these two and their interactions.

[X] Refuse the suggestion by Paris for American Ninja to be an auto-scroller.

[X] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]
-[X] Perhaps you wish to get into immediate detail?
--[x] Traversal abilities could include things like walking on water or scaling walls, while there would also be abilities that would, through an a series of sequential button presses, allow for otherwise interacting with objects, or to do special attacks, such as ones that are more targeted, or more powerful.

[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] A combination of Fantastical, Realistic, and Demonic, being primarily Realistic, especially early on, such as introducing long ranged weapons like like shuriken and kunai, or wall-climbing, with the Fantastical being mostly hidden, or late in the game, offering the ability to walk on water, or to have unlimited ammo instead of having to find bags of kunai and shuriken that are scattered across the levels. The appearance of Demonic Scrolls (offering special, powerful attacks) would serve, in part, as subtle foreshadowing to the twist with the Ninja Clan.
[X] Third-person. Look down on the two and the action that goes on around them from above. This will fully immerse the players on the story between these two and their interactions.

[X] Accept the intense difficulty.

[X] Refuse the suggestion by Paris for American Ninja to be an auto-scroller.
-[X] The game would have transversal together with the hard difficulty there is no necessity to pressure them so, letting them tackle the stages as they see fit might be for the best.

[X] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]
-[X] The first word that comes with Ninja is fluidity, so the transversal of the levels should feel as close as we can. Hence the scrolls would give stuff like clinging and walking on walls, a higher jump, walk on water, etc.
—[X] But the main character should have access to a melee attack and a small variety of ranged abilities as a secondary function. There could be a small pause menu to change them on the fly, or maybe treat this abilities as power ups that he can only have one at the time.
—-[X] This secondary abilities would need to be tied to a resource so they can't be simply spammed, maybe a power bar that is filled by defeating enemies and collecting specific items throughout the level.

[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] They are both fantastical and cybernetics.
—[X] The transversal abilities would be more linked with cybernetic items or implants collected throughout the levels, starting the first level by collecting the ability to cling and climb walls in the form of special shoes.
—-[X] While the secondary abilities could be tied to more mystical means like throwing lighting balls, spinning wind, letting a shuriken fly around.
——[X] does not mean they couldn't have some intersection, like a mystical transversal skill and a secondary ability based on cybernetics.
So anyone has any idea how to juggle the three projects at once or maybe we can convince them to let us focus on them one by one or at least work in 1+Snowed In.
June 1985 - The Five Mountains #5 New
[X] Third-person. Look down on the two and the action that goes on around them from above. This will fully immerse the players on the story between these two and their interactions.

[X] Accept the intense difficulty.

[X] Refuse the suggestion by Paris for American Ninja to be an auto-scroller.
-[X] The game would have transversal together with the hard difficulty there is no necessity to pressure them so, letting them tackle the stages as they see fit might be for the best.

[X] A mix of both abilities and traversal. [+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis, +5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.]
-[X] The first word that comes with Ninja is fluidity, so the transversal of the levels should feel as close as we can. Hence the scrolls would give stuff like clinging and walking on walls, a higher jump, walk on water, etc.
—[X] But the main character should have access to a melee attack and a small variety of ranged abilities as a secondary function. There could be a small pause menu to change them on the fly, or maybe treat this abilities as power ups that he can only have one at the time.
—-[X] This secondary abilities would need to be tied to a resource so they can't be simply spammed, maybe a power bar that is filled by defeating enemies and collecting specific items throughout the level.

[X] What are the origins of these scroll abilities?
-[X] They are both fantastical and cybernetics.
—[X] The transversal abilities would be more linked with cybernetic items or implants collected throughout the levels, starting the first level by collecting the ability to cling and climb walls in the form of special shoes.
—-[X] While the secondary abilities could be tied to more mystical means like throwing lighting balls, spinning wind, letting a shuriken fly around.
——[X] does not mean they couldn't have some intersection, like a mystical transversal skill and a secondary ability based on cybernetics.

Third-person for Mystic Sword. You can't imagine the amount of work it'd take for the perspectives of two main characters to be set up. Then to accept the intense difficulty for American Ninja. If anything that seemed like it would get the players more immersed into how the character "learns" as the game goes on. After that was refusing Paris' offer for it to be an auto-scroller, it seemed a bit much on top of the difficulty to do that.

The next two... Yeah, they're definitely linked together. "Abilities and traversal. Action and fluidity. Both fantastical and cybernetic. Action-based abilities that would be stuff like throwing lightning balls, letting shuriken fly or spinning tornados into existence. Traversal-based abilities on the other-hand is akin to getting high-tech shoes to walk on walls, getting implants that allow for a double jump or walking on water itself. Though there could be crossover between which side is fantastical or cybernetic in nature. If I would split them, they would be called primary and secondary functions. Primary functions would be abilities that do not need to be activated to be used, such as the examples earlier of walking on walls. Whilst secondary function are those that you have to activate, such as sending a ball of lightning, to do this I believe there should be a feature to pause the game-"

"Pause?" Silver interrupts you. "And how do you suppose a future release onto arcades handle that?"

Tch. He's got you there. "...a physical feature onto the arcade machine itself, displaying what you've collected on a separate smaller screen being able to pick which to activate." Honestly that's the best you can come up with at the top of your head. "Speaking on these secondary abilities, there should be a function that makes them unable to be spammed. Something akin to RPG's having mana points? Something that depletes that you can get back with defeating enemies or collecting specific items throughout levels." You feel yourself getting out of breath at this point with how much you're talking, but this should get the point across.

Everyone looks at each other, judging appearances on all their faces.

The first to speak is Davis. "Then we are done, are we not?" Huh?

+5 to the next Arguing roll against Davis. This adds to the previous -10 making for a total of -5.

+5 to the next Convince roll against Davis.

+5 to the next Arguing roll against Bartholomew.

+5 to the next Convince roll against Annabelle. This adds to the previous -10 making for a total of -5.

Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon premise and gameplay have been finalized.

American Ninja premise and gameplay have been finalized.

"That we are, considering nobody here is raising any points otherwise to continue." Silence happens as Paris speaks. "Example made. It seems as though nobody here disagrees with the provided explanation Mr. Samson." The well-dressed man then looks at you, everyones eyes trailing to your own. "Then here comes the fun part!" A widening smile to their lips.

The fun part?



"Oh, it's quite simple Mr. Samson. You have created three rather robust ideas over a single night and a rather long conversation. So robust in fact that... Well, I might as well put it to a vote. As usual the only rules here for all is that there is no abstaining this vote. The first, raise your hand if you wish for Snowed in Tactics to be disposed of."

Silver raises their hand. "As said before, I don't see any appeal this could have to players."

"And yet, only you raise your hand." Silver's eye twitches at Paris' response. "The second, raise your hand if you wish for Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon to be rid of."

Davis raises their hand, though they say nothing.

Paris' smile grows wider. "Excellent, that continues on. Third and finally, raise your hand if you wish for American Ninja to be disposed of."

Annabelle raises their hand and shrugs. "Just not my kind of thing."

With a sigh Bartholomew admonishes her. "Let us not put personal opinion and love onto products that all manage to fit particular niches." This falls from one ear and out the other as Annabelle merely crosses her arms in a hmph.

Paris opens his arms wide. "And so all three predictably make it through. Mr. Samson... All three of your game ideas will now be made. Pick one."

"To..." You get the feeling where this is going to go, but you need to make sure.

"To create. As for the other two... They will be given to other new startups much like yourself, if you have noticed the many that have been standing outside the door before you walked in. Whether they succeed or fail will be entirely outside of your hands, as much as it would pain any creators heart to see their babies corrupted by others. Could you imagine that?"

Owch. Really laying it thick there.

"Though... Before you make your choice, would you like to guess how long your development time will be? Let's call it personal amusement. In fact, I'll give you a hint. Silver at some point put towards their own hint as to when it should release, though who knows if he even processed giving that away." Silver glares at the sharp man, though said man does not look away from you as they say that.

Something about this... It fills you with a sense of dread.


[ ] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]

"Go on Mr. Samson, make your choice."

Have you paid attention so far as to the changes? What stays and what doesn't? What got added and what got removed?

Be careful not to trip over yourself. You're on your own with this from now on.

[ ] Snowed in Tactics!
Adolescence. Fun and nostalgia all contained on one snowy day.

[ ] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon
Two sides on one side. Yet in the end all things must branch.

[ ] American Ninja
Vengeance hidden in scrolls. A price that goes over your head.
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This game has the most story elements. And that's what we chose to put out focus in
[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon
Two sides on one side. Yet in the end all things must branch.

[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 10 Months
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[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 10 Months

[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon

RPGs take a while to make. Honestly, I am being generous with how little time it'll take us to make such an ambitious project
[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 5 Months

This is the old school days, so I don't think they're going to be generous with the time.

[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon
Just popping in to make sure people know that the average time of NES game development was generally 6 months to a year. Guessing outside this time is likely to be wrong unless our bosses expect this to be done in a truly atrociously short amount of time.
[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 6 Months

[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon

Edit: The desired release schedule is gonna make it harder with a lot less room for fixing the errors that'll probably pop up but ultimately workable if we get decent rolls. Better to have an adequate game on a schedule that makes the bosses happy then to burn through our limited good will for a great game now. We can do that later after we stock up on some more brownie points first.
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[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 8 Months
[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon

I'm expecting an unfair amount of time. Dreading 6, but I'll guess 8 for Copium.
[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 8 Months
[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon
"Oh please. As if any child is going to entertain the idea of this when they could just go outside themselves, you know what season we'll be releasing it in."


[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 6 Months

[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon

[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 6 Months

[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon
[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 6 Months

[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon
[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon

This is probably the one that'd be easiest for another party to fuck up
[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 6 Months
[x] Snowed in Tactics!

[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 6 Months
I want to do mythic sword I do…but might been too much for us as a newbie from nowhere, eh screw it time to put overtime into it.

[X] Mythic Sword: Tale of the Storm Dragon
[X] Guess how long your development time will last. [+10 to the next Convince and Arguing roll against Paris if you guess correctly]
-[X] 6 Months

[X] Snowed in Tactics!
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