As it turns out, the lure of eating new stuff was an alluring and perhaps even zogging good prospect, and the as-yet-unnamed tribe wandered towards the place where the big light in the sky went down when it got dark. Some confusion promptly arose when first one, then a second smaller and less bright shape showed up in the black sky. The confusion was both theological and also rather more navigational, as the sudden loss of light led to several of the boys falling down ravines which was widely acclaimed to be well funny, but also a tad inconvenient.
The fact that after a period of darkness, the brighter light in the sky then came back was a radical discovery, and the tribe celebrated by eating several of the grotz.
After countless cycles of light and dark - countless because no one bothered counting them, and really it was only about two - the tribe arrived at their new forest home. Once this area had been a fertile floodplain, where the regular insinuations had layered thick coatings of sediment. When men had come to this world, they had turned it into farmland, and the floodings had been an obstacle to the efficient use of the land. The river had been dammed, and serried fields planted. Of course, this had caused its own problems without the yearly inundations, but copious use of fertiliser had fixed that. And so the area had become a place where poorly paid workers had grown cash crops for the lords of these lands, interspersed with chemical plants that took advantage of the tamed river to ship their products to the cities.
Of course, when the rok had crashed, the shockwaves had shattered the dam, and the long-restrained waters had torn their way across the land with a vengeance. The released waters had carved up the floodplain and turned it into a morass of ever-shifting waterways separated by raised land where the radiation-mutated descendents of the orchards grew as thick and gnarled trees. And their fruit carried the mutagens that seeped from the destroyed chemical plants, twisting the beasts that lived in this forest. Flies the size of a man's fist fed off the rotting fruit, spiders as big as wolves spun their webs in the trees, and orkiforms like squigs hopped around the landscape eating whatever they felt like.
So, all on all, this forest was pretty much what the orks wanted.
"Oi! Look what I found, ladz," hollered one of the orks, holding an oily-looking fruit that was descended from an apple. Its juices sizzled when they dripped on the ground, blackening the wiry grass. "It's some kinda mushroom growin' on that tree." He took another bite. "It don't taste half bad," he opined through his mouthful of heavily contaminated fruit. "It goes well good with them spiders," he added, referring to the giant eight-legged things that had eaten some of the grotz before getting torn limb from limb and eaten by orks who had also been planning to eat said grotz.
Naturally, the discovery that the fruit was edible led to the other orks wanting to try it, and when there wasn't enough to go around, a fight.
After a few light-and-dark cycles wandering through the forest, punching the wildlife and each other, the loose conglomerate had found a few places that looked to have what the orks were looking for in a new home, vis a vis 'having stuff to eat' and 'having things to fight'.
To the north, there was a towering stump of some giant broken rock that had been tossed up by the rok's impact which rose up from the surrounding forest. The orks knew nothing of this, of course, but to their simple minds it looked like a giant tooth sticking up from the earth, something only reinforced by the orkish mushrooms that grew around the base. The very primitive proto-theologians among the boyz had devised something akin to the doctrine of signatures, which was to say, if the orks dwelt by a giant rock that looked like a tooth, their own teeth would grow big and they would be tough, strong, and other similarly desirable things. Other less theologically inclined orks contributed that given its height, they could climb the Big Toof and see anything was coming near their settlement that needed a good krumpin'.
To the east some wandering boyz had found a glade where, as well as a few sprouted grotz, they found strange blue fungus sprouting from the spoil. Naturally, they ate it, and made the discovery that eating the strange blue fungus gave really really distracting visions. Some of them were less than constructive, such as seeing one's hands turn into grotz or thinking that the world was upside down and so having to stand on one's head to stop yourself falling into the sky. But some of the boyz saw other things, like the location of some tasty squigs that turned out to really be there when they came down from their mushroom-induced trip.
To the south west, the landscape had formed a shallow bowl, and there the water pooled. Unfortunately, the area had previously been home to great chemical plants and while time and a big rok smashing into the planet had levelled them, it had not removed the toxic chemicals and radioactive substances that had been worked with there. The swampy area there was full of strange trees that moved even when the wind didn't move, and the creatures that lived in that area were particularly large and mutated. Which, to the orkish mind, implied that they were particularly tasty.
Ah, such difficult dilemmas. The only way to choose was, of course, a scrap - and scrap they did, until a conclusion was reached.
Which place do the orks choose to settle?
[ ] The Really Big Rock Wot Looks Like A Toof
[ ] The Glade Where There's Blue Fungus That Gives Visions
[ ] The Polluted Swamp Where There Are Mutant Monsters