[x] They wander to the south, heading down into the grasslands, as nomadic wanderers.

A civ quest with quite possibly the bestest faction in 40k? Sign me the hell up.
[X] They head to the forest growing in the ruins of long-abandoned fields.
Farm orks, best orks since its the best way to grow the population quickly.
[X] They wander to the south, heading down into the grasslands, as nomadic wanderers.

Imagine not playing as Evil Sunz.
@Maugan Ra has proposed the perhaps unrivalled concept of the Orkwok, and I must therefore change my vote and support...

[X] They head to the forest growing in the ruins of long-abandoned fields.
[X] They head to the forest growing in the ruins of long-abandoned fields.

Animal husbandry is a deeply important step in any culture, especially those that tame wild animals by headbutting them.
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[X] They head to the forest growing in the ruins of long-abandoned fields.

This decision is based on the much-considered assessment that I think forests are prettier than caves and plains.
[X] They head to the forest growing in the ruins of long-abandoned fields.

Rocks and sticks are all well and good but in a forest we can find bigger sticks to tie even bigger rocks to.
[x] They head to the forest growing in the ruins of long-abandoned fields.
[X] They head to the forest growing in the ruins of long-abandoned fields.

Changing my mind to forest for the tech tree puns.
[X] They wander to the south, heading down into the grasslands, as nomadic wanderers.

Tremble at the sound of our squig riders. Tremble! Stop laughing and Tremble!
[X] They wander to the south, heading down into the grasslands, as nomadic wanderers.

In an effort to change more minds: Cult of Speed quest can be a go. Let us Mad Max into the stellar highway! With Motork Bikes! In Space!
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[x] They head to the forest growing in the ruins of long-abandoned fields.

The numbers must go up, and raiders can only go as high as those they raid.

Whaddya mean we don't got no numberz here?!? Den fine, orkwok'll be good enouf thinkin for me!
[x] They wander to the south, heading down into the grasslands, as nomadic wanderers.
[X] They head to the forest growing in the ruins of long-abandoned fields.

Hahahahahah! Oh yes, we'ze gunna be da rocks dat erald' da coming storm! Of Flash an' DAKKA! Once we'ze found da tektree and imperial scrapheaps of course. Course we cant get any of da good stuff till we unlock the fore' mentioned tektree, and where'ze else we gunna find dat but the trees?

Also yes, dropbear orks is a hilarious mental image, so of course let's go for that. May we rise to be the orks that give dat git Imohtek conniptions before taking his head.

Also because I'm a bit too tired and too excited, some music to get us even more in the mood of the orks, turns out da humies make sum good noise for the orks.
[X] They wander to the south, heading down into the grasslands, as nomadic wanderers.

EarthScorpion you mad, beautiful bastard...