The adventures of a small tribe of feral orks as they rise up from from humble beginnings to achieve the ultimate goals of all living beings - to reach those twinkly things in the night's sky and punch them for being so damn smug.
Scheduled vote count started by EarthScorpion on Mar 24, 2021 at 12:04 PM, finished with 114 posts and 91 votes.
[X] Up in the tall trees, there's nests of black crow-like toothed birds that eat dead bodies, steal anything shiny like the teef out of a sleeping ork, and are smart. Prob'bly smarter than the orks, honestly.
[X] There's a pit that glows at night and which is surrounded by rusty metal shapes that are kinda oozy and sludge-y. It's probably a place of honour. Or zoggin' good luck 'cause there's water at the bottom an' it glows blue.
[X] Snakes in the many rivers. So many goddamn snakes. All of them poisonous. Some of them also constrictors. Some of them bigger than the tallest trees.
[X] A nest of particularly large and vicious swamp boars who are gonna need a lot of zoggin' killin' to keep down and have a skull thicker than an ork's.
[X] Giant floating air-jellyfish that dangle paralysing tentacles down from their gas-bags. Also, their immature forms live in the water and aren't a good day if you step on them.
[X] All the rivers flow down to a zoggin' big lake that's so big you can't even see what's on the other side of it and tastes salty. Lots of birds and stuff to chuck rocks at and then eat.
[X] There's these weird path-things that are half-sunk into the swamp and all smashed up. They're made of this black stuff that doesn't taste all that good to eat. You can walk along those paths way faster than wading through the swamp, though.
Scheduled vote count started by EarthScorpion on Mar 28, 2021 at 6:38 PM, finished with 170 posts and 148 votes.
[X] Zorbag da Trappa. He's brutally cunning, good with the gizmos, and his boys are good at settin' traps, fiddling with stuff they find, and hitting things over the head when they're looking the other way. ['Big Ork' position created]
[X] Nasha da Snatcha. He's cunningly brutal, broadly liked by the tribe, and his boys are good at runnin' after things over long distances, trackin' them, and smashin' things over the head when they're all tired from running. ['Big Ork' position created]
[X] Neither - they beat up both of them for thinkin' they can give orders. The Blue Flash tribe is gonna decide what to do based on old fashioned battle royale brawls over every single decision, no matter how small. It's worked for them so far and they ain't changing. [Reject 'Big Ork' position]