Re:Mix Beats [Senki Zesshou Symphogear AU RP IC]

Shanaya a took a deep breath, before giving her phone to the rather annoying lady, but continued to stare at both Serena and Annabelle..

"...holy shit you both are serious...", she went quiet at that a bit dumbfounded.

Why her then? She'd never fought a damn day in her life, all she knew was to bum around on the internet, maybe watch a few shows, mostly play her guitar...

But her attention was grabbed by Serena again at the question.
"No. No I didn't get any word of this. I-I just moved here cause my Dad has work, and next thing I know I'm at the really famous Lydian's Academy. No one told me....this.", she emphasises her last word by gesturing out her arms at...everything, really, before they slumped back down to her sides, confused as the rest of her was.

"O-Oh." Serena was beyond bewildered at this point, glancing over at the guards. That was...something had clearly gone horribly wrong here. Even she had been told of what she was getting into, and it hardly befit a secret organization to not tell the people i was recruiting what they were doing before they got brought into the secret. Otherwise it would make things complicated if they, you know, refused. Like what Shayana seemed to be doing now.

After a moment, she spoke up again. "Well, the way this works is that only a few people are even capable of fighting the Noise, which is why you were recruited. But I guess the Doctor can explain everything better than I can. I hope that you'll stay, but you can decide whether you want to do this afterwards."

That said she looked to the guard to see if they were clear to go ahead

"----I'm positive, that there's at least 99.999999% chance of a reasonable explanation for everything!" The guard lady beams. "Don't worry tho, Chica. Things might seem super-shady, at first glance. But in actuality there's nothing but the bestest, noblest intentions! Besides, glasses wouldn't do anything hurt anyone. . ." She looks conspiratorially, "Unless you're a sneksman, but I doubt it."

The giant shrugs, "Truly, such beautiful words."

"Now then, I do believe you ladies have that conference to attend too. . ." With extra stress and emphasis on the conference bit.


"Well, here, we are! ---the most important of important rooms! The coffee/conference/bingo Tuesdays room!" Seemingly materialized outta nowhere, the doctor held of cup of coffee. While far from unusual ---its logo is a tad, uh, unfitting? It seems to be a collector's mug for one of those magical girl animes that seem so popular these days. Underneath the small pic/logo read: 'Don't loose your head something-something. . .'

"---Wait. Oh god, the brief!"

He makes a questionably pained expression.


["You too, Robin. You too. . ."]

["Anyways. . . from my myriad spies, it seems Peters made like a damned ghost. Only greasy McDonald and deviant Douglass are present today. McDonald McDonald is busy attending some charity for refugees downtown. Likely to breakdown and cry mid-speech, engulfing himself with his own snot and bitch-tears. Douglass's apparently visiting his sixth mistress on the side, go figure, he'll most likely be riding around in a limousine trailed by brawny meatheads with guns."]

["Hopefully one of them will know of Peters whereabouts. Questions?"]
["You too, Robin. You too. . ."]
"Excuse you, I'm clearly Wonder Woman. Incredibly badass lady in an invisible jet? It's obvious."
["Anyways. . . from my myriad spies, it seems Peters made like a damned ghost. Only greasy McDonald and deviant Douglass are present today. McDonald McDonald is busy attending some charity for refugees downtown. Likely to breakdown and cry mid-speech, engulfing himself with his own snot and bitch-tears. Douglass's apparently visiting his sixth mistress on the side, go figure, he'll most likely be riding around in a limousine trailed by brawny meatheads with guns."]

["Hopefully one of them will know of Peters whereabouts. Questions?"]
Kara glaces at Laylah and shrugs.

["You too, Robin. You too. . ."]

["Anyways. . . from my myriad spies, it seems Peters made like a damned ghost. Only greasy McDonald and deviant Douglass are present today. McDonald McDonald is busy attending some charity for refugees downtown. Likely to breakdown and cry mid-speech, engulfing himself with his own snot and bitch-tears. Douglass's apparently visiting his sixth mistress on the side, go figure, he'll most likely be riding around in a limousine trailed by brawny meatheads with guns."]

["Hopefully one of them will know of Peters whereabouts. Questions?"]

"Excuse you, I'm clearly Wonder Woman. Incredibly badass lady in an invisible jet? It's obvious."

Kara glaces at Laylah and shrugs.

"None," Laylah replied flatly, beginning to exit the aircraft without waiting for a response. She jumped down from the jet onto the roof, grunting with the impact. She took the opportunity to stretch her arms and legs out, trying to work out the kinks from being stuck in the jet for several hours.

"MacGregor? We can count on that McDonald guy to stay in the same place for a while for that charity event or whatever, so what say we go after the other one first? It'll save us having track down his limo later."
"None," Laylah replied flatly, beginning to exit the aircraft without waiting for a response. She jumped down from the jet onto the roof, grunting with the impact. She took the opportunity to stretch her arms and legs out, trying to work out the kinks from being stuck in the jet for several hours.

"MacGregor? We can count on that McDonald guy to stay in the same place for a while for that charity event or whatever, so what say we go after the other one first? It'll save us having track down his limo later."
"Makes sense," Kara says as she hops out of the jet. "Smash the mobile target first, then go for burgers second. I can get behind that plan."

"Well, here, we are! ---the most important of important rooms! The coffee/conference/bingo Tuesdays room!" Seemingly materialized outta nowhere, the doctor held of cup of coffee. While far from unusual ---its logo is a tad, uh, unfitting? It seems to be a collector's mug for one of those magical girl animes that seem so popular these days. Underneath the small pic/logo read: 'Don't loose your head something-something. . .'

"---Wait. Oh god, the brief!"

He makes a questionably pained expression.
"H-How long until-"
Mild bewilderment at the sudden materialisation of a mug aside, Lucy's question halted as the doctor suddenly switched gears to panic.
"...Is Miss Hiroto going to yell at you again?"
"----I'm positive, that there's at least 99.999999% chance of a reasonable explanation for everything!" The guard lady beams. "Don't worry tho, Chica. Things might seem super-shady, at first glance. But in actuality there's nothing but the bestest, noblest intentions! Besides, glasses wouldn't do anything hurt anyone. . ." She looks conspiratorially, "Unless you're a sneksman, but I doubt it."

The giant shrugs, "Truly, such beautiful words."

"Now then, I do believe you ladies have that conference to attend too. . ." With extra stress and emphasis on the conference bit.

"Thank you," Serena said to them both before moving towards the other door that would take them further into the base. She glanced back to the duo, nodding in the direction that she was going. "Follow me."

Lading the way, she headed for the conference room. Now that they were underground it would really look like a secret base, with metal, muted pastel colors, and a chill to the air that was not present above ground. It showed off the tech that had gone into it, and would probably incite anyone's imagination. Serena moved through it all with ease, hoping that the Doctor would be ready when they arrived. They really needed to start making a good impression.
"Makes sense," Kara says as she hops out of the jet. "Smash the mobile target first, then go for burgers second. I can get behind that plan."
"Limo guy it is," Laylah confirmed with a nod.

That meant their first target would be Mike Douglass. According to the briefing Charon had given to them before they left, he was some two-bit politician with a fondness for whores dressed up as his nanny. Laylah made a disgusted face just imagining the implications of that particular fantasy. Goddamn perverts.With a sigh Laylah reached into the pocket of her jacket and pulled out the ring Charon had given her.

The relic, Andvaranaut. This was the first time she'd be using it without having the training wheels on so to speak, which, if Charon was to be believed, would have made her explode or something if she hadn't taken that injection earlier. Still she had been given a general idea of how to activate it and what it would be able to do. Now it was just a matter of putting it into practice.

After rolling the ring around in her palm a few times, Laylah took it and slid it onto the ring finger of her left hand.

"Alright, let's get hunting, 'Wonder Woman'," Laylah called out to Kara as she made her way to the staircase that would get them off the roof.
"Thank you," Serena said to them both before moving towards the other door that would take them further into the base. She glanced back to the duo, nodding in the direction that she was going. "Follow me."

Lading the way, she headed for the conference room. Now that they were underground it would really look like a secret base, with metal, muted pastel colors, and a chill to the air that was not present above ground. It showed off the tech that had gone into it, and would probably incite anyone's imagination. Serena moved through it all with ease, hoping that the Doctor would be ready when they arrived. They really needed to start making a good impression.

'Hmmm quite what I expected. Hidden cameras? I can't see any of them. Well I suppose that OOP technology didn't only go into Gears, I wonder if they reverse engineered any of it? Would be interesting to see what could be done...'

Personalities seemed as if the base was indeed top notch. Quite the thick ground and firm design, it was strange and amusing how a single elevator ride changed the scenario so brusquely. From a High School of Young Ladies to a Military Operation to fight the Noise

'It's like the place is...filled with truth. Ha Arietta would laugh if she heard me talking like this.' And indeed it seemed that none of the people she met so far any sort of fear or prejudice in regards to the situation and were quite welcome of them, not as tools or people 'useful' to know about and tolerate.

'Is this how an Argonaut would feel? A great gathering of heroes fighting not for other men, not for the gods, but for glory?' Unbidden a happy smile bloomed on her face, like a child receiving a what she always wanted for so long.

"Miss Serena. If you pardon the interruption but what are your thoughts about all of this?"

@Murderhobo of Nod
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"Limo guy it is," Laylah confirmed with a nod.

That meant their first target would be Mike Douglass. According to the briefing Charon had given to them before they left, he was some two-bit politician with a fondness for whores dressed up as his nanny. Laylah made a disgusted face just imagining the implications of that particular fantasy. Goddamn perverts.With a sigh Laylah reached into the pocket of her jacket and pulled out the ring Charon had given her.

The relic, Andvaranaut. This was the first time she'd be using it without having the training wheels on so to speak, which, if Charon was to be believed, would have made her explode or something if she hadn't taken that injection earlier. Still she had been given a general idea of how to activate it and what it would be able to do. Now it was just a matter of putting it into practice.

After rolling the ring around in her palm a few times, Laylah took it and slid it onto the ring finger of her left hand.

"Alright, let's get hunting, 'Wonder Woman'," Laylah called out to Kara as she made her way to the staircase that would get them off the roof.
"Well you're the one who has the onboard GPS. Lead on, uh... Dammit, I don't remember if Wonder Woman ever had a side-kick."
Kara ambles after Laylah, rolling her own relic between her fingers. 'Once I'm not in danger of wrecking anything I want unwrecked', she promises herself, 'then it's hammertime.'
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"Miss Serena. If you pardon the interruption but what are your thoughts about all of this?"

Moving along, Serena was not expecting to be asked how she felt about all this. Not that she minded, but she had thought that it would not come up until after the meeting at least.

There was no pause as she glanced over to the duo. "Well, the program is made of good people, and they're doing amazing things here. I just wish we didn't have to fight, but that's probably a silly hope." How would they avoid fighting the Noise, given the kinds of beings they were?
"Well you're the one who has the onboard GPS. Lead on, uh... Dammit, I don't remember if Wonder Woman ever had a side-kick."
Kara ambles after Laylah, rolling her own relic between her fingers. 'Once I'm not in danger of wrecking anything I want unwrecked', she promises herself, 'then it's hammertime.'

"How did I end up the sidekick in this duo of ours?" Laylah grumbled to herself as they made their way off of the rooftop and into the skyscraper proper. Reflecting on it, she figured Charon must own the building, or at least have whoever did on his payroll. That would explain why he could park his fancy Wonder Woman jet on top of it and that they could get inside without a fuss. One floor down from the roof there was a landing with an elevator waiting to take them down to the ground floor. Once both girls were inside the elevator Laylah pressed the button and then crossed her arms as she waited for it to descend.

"Let's try to find somewhere secluded where we won't need to worry about other people. Then we'll be able to transform and we can see how well this 'GPS' of mine actually works," Laylah suggested, toying with the relic on her finger. There was a notable tone of doubt in her voice. She wasn't confident that Andvaranaut's ability would be helpful in locating Douglass, unless he was carrying one of those knockoff relics with him, and even then it might be too weak to notice...

"If the easy way doesn't work, we could always just say 'fuck it' and use our Gears to leap around the city until we spot the limo. Charon never specified that we be subtle."
Moving along, Serena was not expecting to be asked how she felt about all this. Not that she minded, but she had thought that it would not come up until after the meeting at least.

There was no pause as she glanced over to the duo. "Well, the program is made of good people, and they're doing amazing things here. I just wish we didn't have to fight, but that's probably a silly hope." How would they avoid fighting the Noise, given the kinds of beings they were?

That was quite the textbook answer, it seemed that the people here had some self-control unlike at 'home'. Smiling and thanking Serena for the answer Annabelle remained quiet for the rest of the tour.

@Murderhobo of Nod
"If the easy way doesn't work, we could always just say 'fuck it' and use our Gears to leap around the city until we spot the limo. Charon never specified that we be subtle."
Kara snorts loudly. "If he wanted subtle he wouldn't have sent a pair of teenagers in power armor made of mythical doom weapons. You think a guy like that can't afford a sniper rifle and someone who can use it? No, he wants this to be an example."
"Thank you," Serena said to them both before moving towards the other door that would take them further into the base. She glanced back to the duo, nodding in the direction that she was going. "Follow me."

Lading the way, she headed for the conference room. Now that they were underground it would really look like a secret base, with metal, muted pastel colors, and a chill to the air that was not present above ground. It showed off the tech that had gone into it, and would probably incite anyone's imagination. Serena moved through it all with ease, hoping that the Doctor would be ready when they arrived. They really needed to start making a good impression.
Shanaya looked around in a bit of awe, cause wow.

This place really was snazzy, cool looking..
'Hmmm quite what I expected. Hidden cameras? I can't see any of them. Well I suppose that OOP technology didn't only go into Gears, I wonder if they reverse engineered any of it? Would be interesting to see what could be done...'

Personalities seemed as if the base was indeed top notch. Quite the thick ground and firm design, it was strange and amusing how a single elevator ride changed the scenario so brusquely. From a High School of Young Ladies to a Military Operation to fight the Noise

'It's like the place is...filled with truth. Ha Arietta would laugh if she heard me talking like this.' And indeed it seemed that none of the people she met so far any sort of fear or prejudice in regards to the situation and were quite welcome of them, not as tools or people 'useful' to know about and tolerate.

'Is this how an Argonaut would feel? A great gathering of heroes fighting not for other men, not for the gods, but for glory?' Unbidden a happy smile bloomed on her face, like a child receiving a what she always wanted for so long.

"Miss Serena. If you pardon the interruption but what are your thoughts about all of this?"

@Murderhobo of Nod
Moving along, Serena was not expecting to be asked how she felt about all this. Not that she minded, but she had thought that it would not come up until after the meeting at least.

There was no pause as she glanced over to the duo. "Well, the program is made of good people, and they're doing amazing things here. I just wish we didn't have to fight, but that's probably a silly hope." How would they avoid fighting the Noise, given the kinds of beings they were?
Shanaya thought about that statement a bit.
'If everyone here...they all actually want to be here, fight the Noise and why me..?'

Guess she'd get her answers from this "Doc" later but for now...

Well, she just had to wait it seems..
Kara snorts loudly. "If he wanted subtle he wouldn't have sent a pair of teenagers in power armor made of mythical doom weapons. You think a guy like that can't afford a sniper rifle and someone who can use it? No, he wants this to be an example."

Laylah nodded in agreement with what Kara was saying. Her eyes were focused on the floor indicator as it ticked downwards.

"Oh, I'm well aware of that. Our boss tries so hard to be a cartoon villain that I doubt he understands the meaning of subtlety to begin with. Staying under the radar would be strictly for our benefit. You never know what info could get out there, or who's lap it might fall into."

As she finished responding both girls felt the elevator begin to slow down and then jolt to a halt as it reached the ground floor. A cheerful ding sounded from the elevator's speakers and the doors slid open. Stepping off the elevator and glancing around, Laylah saw that they were in the lobby for some sort of business.

"Empty," she noted, walking over to an empty desk where a receptionist would normally be seated. "I guess the boss had this place cleared out for when we got here."
Laylah nodded in agreement with what Kara was saying. Her eyes were focused on the floor indicator as it ticked downwards.

"Oh, I'm well aware of that. Our boss tries so hard to be a cartoon villain that I doubt he understands the meaning of subtlety to begin with. Staying under the radar would be strictly for our benefit. You never know what info could get out there, or who's lap it might fall into."

As she finished responding both girls felt the elevator begin to slow down and then jolt to a halt as it reached the ground floor. A cheerful ding sounded from the elevator's speakers and the doors slid open. Stepping off the elevator and glancing around, Laylah saw that they were in the lobby for some sort of business.

"Empty," she noted, walking over to an empty desk where a receptionist would normally be seated. "I guess the boss had this place cleared out for when we got here."
"Convenient." Kara glances upward toward the ceiling and what lay beyond. "And far enough from the jet that I probably won't total it if I transform. This secluded enough for you or do you want to go find a shady alley or whatever instead?"
"Convenient." Kara glances upward toward the ceiling and what lay beyond. "And far enough from the jet that I probably won't total it if I transform. This secluded enough for you or do you want to go find a shady alley or whatever instead?"
Laylah shook her head.

"We shouldn't have to worry about being seen here. No sense in wasting the opportunity, right? So, it's just a matter of using this..." Laylah trailed off, holding up her ring hand.

Laylah's heart began to beat faster. She'd be lying if she said she didn't feel some amount of trepidation. The implications of what Charon had said to them before administering the drug were still fresh in her mind. Assuming his drug didn't work, or if something else went wrong... well, if that was the case, she wouldn't be worrying about it for much longer anyways, so best not to dwell on it.

Deep breath.

"If I explode or something... punch Charon in the dick."

With that Laylah closed her eyes and began to chant as Charon had instructed. Her voice was soft, but the melody she sang seemed to carry a threatening edge to it. The words in the chant were foreign, their meanings utterly lost to her. Laylah felt oddly distant as she sang, the words and rhythm coming to her on mere instinct. As the chant came to a close, the ring on Laylah's left hand suddenly exploded into wind and blinding light.

Within the light Laylah's clothes dissolved away, briefly leaving her naked. Her deep red hair was now freed from its ponytail and allowed to whip around freely in the wind. A skin hugging black suit, seemingly made from scales, materialized to cover her body. Her body was then gradually encased from the bottom up in plates of black armor decorated with swirling red patterns. A spiny, lizard-like tail extended from the back of the chest piece. A half mask resembling the snout and maw of a dragon's head formed around the upper half of her face, hiding her eyes behind a red visor. Her ears were completely encapsulated by headphones resembling horns. With one final burst of light her relic appeared as a red gem, wrapped around her throat.

The entire transformation lasted mere seconds and from the light emerged Laylah, clad in her draconic symphogear: Andvaranaut. She was hunched over and breathing heavily, her heart racing a mile a minute. Part of that was caused by the stress of maybe almost killing herself, but even more so than that was the massive rush she was getting. It was amazing! She could feel the strength and power of her Gear coursing through her like a raging inferno. Laylah began shaking and her panting soon gave way to uncharacteristic giddy laughter, growing gradually more manic by the second. She clutched her head tightly, a crazed smile trying to force its way onto her face.

With a sharp intake of breath Laylah clenched her teeth tightly, her expression contorting into one of anger. With a low growl at the back of her throat she balled up her right hand into a fist and wound back before slamming it into the reception desk. The heavy piece of furniture was shattered into splinters which began to rain down around the lobby. A small crater was left in the marble floor below where it had stood.

"Ha... ha... Sorry... Needed to get that out..." Laylah mumbled, staring at her armored hand with wonder. Her breath was ragged as her heartrate started to come down and she began to return to her senses.
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Laylah shook her head.

"We shouldn't have to worry about being seen here. No sense in wasting the opportunity, right? So, it's just a matter of using this..." Laylah trailed off, holding up her ring hand.

Laylah's heart began to beat faster. She'd be lying if she said she didn't feel some amount of trepidation. The implications of what Charon had said to them before administering the drug were still fresh in her mind. Assuming his drug didn't work, or if something else went wrong... well, if that was the case, she wouldn't be worrying about it for much longer anyways, so best not to dwell on it.

Deep breath.

"If I explode or something... punch Charon in the dick."

With that Laylah closed her eyes and began to chant as Charon had instructed. Her voice was soft, but the melody she sang seemed to carry a threatening edge to it. The words in the chant were foreign, their meanings utterly lost to her. Laylah felt oddly distant as she sang, the words and rhythm coming to her on mere instinct. As the chant came to a close, the ring on Laylah's left hand suddenly exploded into wind and blinding light.

Within the light Laylah's clothes dissolved away, briefly leaving her naked. Her deep red hair was now freed from its ponytail and allowed to whip around freely in the wind. A skin hugging black suit, seemingly made from scales, materialized to cover her body. Her body was then gradually encased from the bottom up in plates of black armor decorated with swirling red patterns. A spiny, lizard-like tail extended from the back of the chest piece. A half mask resembling the snout and maw of a dragon's head formed around the upper half of her face, hiding her eyes behind a red visor. Her ears were completely encapsulated by headphones resembling horns. With one final burst of light her relic appeared as a red gem, wrapped around her throat.

The entire transformation lasted mere seconds and from the light emerged Laylah, clad in her draconic symphogear: Andvaranaut. She was hunched over and breathing heavily, her heart racing a mile a minute. Part of that was caused by the stress of maybe almost killing herself, but even more so than that was the massive rush she was getting. It was amazing! She could feel the strength and power of her Gear coursing through her like a raging inferno. Laylah began shaking and her panting soon gave way to uncharacteristic giddy laughter, growing gradually more manic by the second. She clutched her head tightly, a crazed smile trying to force its way onto her face.

With a sharp intake of breath Laylah clenched her teeth tightly, her expression contorting into one of anger. With a low growl at the back of her throat she balled up her right hand into a fist and wound back before slamming it into the reception desk. The heavy piece of furniture was shattered into splinters which began to rain down around the lobby. A small crater was left in the marble floor below where it had stood.

"Ha... ha... Sorry... Needed to get that out..." Laylah mumbled, staring at her armored hand with wonder. Her breath was ragged as her heartrate started to come down and she began to return to her senses.
"Not a problem, it's a feeling I'm familiar with," Kara said as she slipped her relic onto her finger. Stepping a bit farther way from Laylah, she too began to sing.

The melody was harsher than Laylah's, aggressive and angry, with the promise of violence heavy in every note.

Kera's clothing vanished, shortly replaced with a red-brown leotard, highlighted by celtic patterns of gold. Carved plates and fragments of some gray material, metal or perhaps stone, swirled through the air, smashing together and interlocking to form a skirt, breastplate, and boots.
Detached sleeves of the bodysuit formed around her arms, bracers of the same carved stone as her armor quickly following, whilst the final pieces clicked and slotted together, forming headphones set in a stylized winged helmet.

The entire affair was underpinned by the sound of all the lightbulbs in the room exploding like a string of firecrackers as Mjolnir's power flooded them beyond their capacity.

"Alright," Kara said, pounding a fist into her palm as the transformation ended. "Where to, O Mighty Smaug?"

"---Don't worry, I will never be caught at a disa--"


In the conference room, stood the good doctor. He looked oddly panicked over something or another, and when he heard the door creak open. He jumped, with a frightful energy. ". . ." The man sighs; adjusting his glasses, "Well then, uh, sup' girls?" Flashing an easy, goofy smile, until he noticed the particularly large man accompanying them. "Holy hell ---Since when did we get a McLargeHuge?!"

The giant grunts, "Last week, Doc."

"Well. . ." He switches his focus to the girls, "Take a seat. Get comfy, we'll be here a hot minute. Lots of things to chit-chat about, and in case y'all never heard of me ---I'm the one, the only, Dr. Mikal." He strikes a series of unnecessary poses, "Right ---uh, McHuge?"

"Its Nicholas, Doc"

"Well, Nicholas, if you don't mind, can you drop their things off in that corner real quick? I kinda need shoo you away for a hot minute, as this conversation is quite private, no?" Mikal bobs his head to stress his words.

"Understood." With care and attention, Nicholas drops the luggage into a nearby corner and exits.


"What a quiet fellow." Switching his attention over to the new girls, "I take it you gals have a safe, relaxing trip?"
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Entering the room, Serena could only sigh and shake her head at the antics of Doctor Mikal as he tried to recover from clearly being unprepared for this whole thing. "Doctor, please try to give them a better impression than they've had already," she chided from where she stood.

Though she did not look at anyone in particular, there was one person in mind when she continued. "At this rate we may lose some of our new members before they even learn what we're trying to do here." And that was the last thing that they needed right now.

@Vanargand, @TheFanficAddict, @Murderhobo of Nod
"Not a problem, it's a feeling I'm familiar with," Kara said as she slipped her relic onto her finger. Stepping a bit farther way from Laylah, she too began to sing.

The melody was harsher than Laylah's, aggressive and angry, with the promise of violence heavy in every note.

Kera's clothing vanished, shortly replaced with a red-brown leotard, highlighted by celtic patterns of gold. Carved plates and fragments of some gray material, metal or perhaps stone, swirled through the air, smashing together and interlocking to form a skirt, breastplate, and boots.
Detached sleeves of the bodysuit formed around her arms, bracers of the same carved stone as her armor quickly following, whilst the final pieces clicked and slotted together, forming headphones set in a stylized winged helmet.

The entire affair was underpinned by the sound of all the lightbulbs in the room exploding like a string of firecrackers as Mjolnir's power flooded them beyond their capacity.

"Alright," Kara said, pounding a fist into her palm as the transformation ended. "Where to, O Mighty Smaug?"

Laylah blinked once and nodded her head slightly. She couldn't afford to lose her head, she had a job to do.

"Let's find out."

It was time to put Andvaranaut's special ability to the test. Just like with the activation song, she felt an odd, distant sensation in the back of her mind. It was as though she knew instinctively exactly what she needed to do to use it.

On the crimson visor of Laylah's mask, inscriptions in the shape of slit-pupiled, catlike eyes appeared and began glowing with a bright golden light. Laylah's vision seemed to warp and shift. Suddenly she wasn't merely seeing the world with her eyes, but also with some indescribable sixth that was gradually expanding outwards from her. Almost immediatly, Laylah's breath caught as a sensation like a lightning strike fired up her spine. She was now accutely aware of Kara's position, it was as though she could innately sense where she was, without even havimg to think about it. They could have been seperated amongst a stadium full of people and Laylah felt as though she would have been able to pinpoint exactly where Kara was without fail.

'So that's what it should feel like...' Laylah mused to herself as the field of Andvaranaut's search continued to expand outwards and into the city. Just as Charon had said, Andvaranaut could locate other relics. Now it was time to find out if it could sense those knockoffs he'd pawned on to their targets.

@Murderhobo of Nod