Re:Mix Beats [Senki Zesshou Symphogear AU RP IC]

The girl peeked up with a defeated expression, ". . ."

"Y-you saw it, didn't you?"

She groans, face flustered, and visibly irritated. No doubt, due to embarrassment. Noting Serena's offending hand, "I'm fine. I'm totally fine. Thank you," She jolts on up. "Stupid papers, stupid club, stupid school, stupid. . ." Her mantra seem to went on, and on, and on. Angrily she begins fetching up loose paper.


A car pulls up front. Two girls, maybe that's them? And a living titan seems to be escorting them. . .

Serena pulled back hr hand when it was refused, not minding too much. Instead she turned to help the girl collect her scattered papers, moving for the ones that had fallen further away from their originating point.

"Here you go," she said once she had gotten the rest into a small pile, handing them back to her fellow classmate in spite of the anger currently on display. She didn't think too much of it, and hoped that this girl wouldn't continue to have such a bad day.

But she was distracted, for just about when she was done with that she found a car pulling up nearby. Two girls stepped out with a large man in a suit, none of whom were in Lydian Academy uniform. Were they the people she had been sent to meet.

Quickly, she left behind the previous incident to go meet the new arrivals. "Hello," she said with a warm smile and her hands clasped together. "My name is Serena. Apologies for my rudeness, but would you happen to be transferring in?"
"That's fucking weird," Laylah stated bluntly.

That was, of course, a bit of an understatement. She didn't quite want to consider the full implications of this nameless servant girl and her past. Needless to say it gave her one more reason to think Charon was an utter creep. Unfortunately she was stuck with said creep for the forseeable future.

"Also, Maid's a stupid name for a person. You should pick a better one for yourself."
Kara chewed thoughtfully. "...How about Steve?"
Annabelle pondered asking if Shanaya took a certain test, but surely the talk of Relics and Gears was classified information right? Casually talking about it might cause problems and there was the chance that Shanaya's papers were just late and thus resulting in them sharing this car ride, yes indeed it was better to keep quiet and wait for the officials to approach her rather than risk protocol break

There were no calm waters for Annabelle and thus staying as safe as possible was optimal

"It is a pleasure to meet you." It seemed Shanaya wasn't interested in talking much, it didn't seem to be out of being shy or antisocial but it wasn't Annabelle's business and thus she wouldn't pry. Grabbing her smartphone Annabelle started to use the internet to pass time, even so she hoped to pass time with exercise or something, being copped up in a car with a stranger wasn't something enjoyable at all

@Murderhobo of Nod
Shanaya took a quick look at Annabelle again, giving her a nod and an attempt at a brief smile.
"Yeah, same here..."
The girls have finally reach their destination as the impressive visage of Lydian's drew in closer and closer, parking up front, the walking mountain of chauffeur exits his tiny government car. Like a true gentleman, he begins helping out the duo by escorting them out of the car and helping with their luggage. "We're here," the man says in a unfittingly soft voice. "We should make our way to reception so the both of you can get situated.
"Oh?", she notes that, yeah. Huh, they were here. At a brand new school and people....again...

Her face darkens a bit, briefly, at this before going back to normal, nodding her head at their driver when noticing that he had decided to help with the luggage.
"Oh, uh, thanks.."
But she was distracted, for just about when she was done with that she found a car pulling up nearby. Two girls stepped out with a large man in a suit, none of whom were in Lydian Academy uniform. Were they the people she had been sent to meet.

Quickly, she left behind the previous incident to go meet the new arrivals. "Hello," she said with a warm smile and her hands clasped together. "My name is Serena. Apologies for my rudeness, but would you happen to be transferring in?"
Shanaya simply nodded at her with a " Yeah, I guess.", opting not to say too much.
Shanaya took a quick look at Annabelle again, giving her a nod and an attempt at a brief smile.
"Yeah, same here..."

"Oh?", she notes that, yeah. Huh, they were here. At a brand new school and people....again...

Her face darkens a bit, briefly, at this before going back to normal, nodding her head at their driver when noticing that he had decided to help with the luggage.
"Oh, uh, thanks.."

Shanaya simply nodded at her with a " Yeah, I guess.", opting not to say too much.

Thankfully someone who seemed to carry conversation by themselves appeared. Strangely the young girl, younger than Annabelle and Shanaya it seemed, was expecting them. It was unexpected she thought as someone like one of the doctor's assistants or a military officer would be more appropriate for greetings, given that they saw to send a giant of man to drive them, he seemed nice regardless but almost wary of how to interact with them as if they were made of was nice to be treated with such care, nonetheless Annabelle showed nothing of those thoughts and smiled politely at Serena

"Yes we are new transfers, there was some issues with the papers so we arrived somewhat unexpectedly I hope it didn't hinder your day-to-day miss Serena? Can I assume that you are here to guide us to the installations?"

....Did she overdo it? Shanaya stared at her strangely and Serena seemed to pause to gather her thoughts

@Murderhobo of Nod
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Shanaya simply nodded at her with a " Yeah, I guess.", opting not to say too much.

Thankfully someone who seemed to carry conversation by themselves appeared. Strangely the young girl, younger than Annabelle and Shanaya it seemed, was expecting them. It was unexpected she thought as someone like one of the doctor's assistants or a military officer would be more appropriate for greetings, given that they saw to send a giant of man to drive them, he seemed nice regardless but almost wary of how to interact with them as if they were made of was nice to be treated with such care, nonetheless Annabelle showed nothing of those thoughts and smiled politely at Serena

"Yes we are new transfers, there was some issues with the papers so we arrived somewhat unexpectedly I hope it didn't hinder your day-to-day miss Serena? Can I assume that you are here to guide us to the installations?"

....Did she overdo it? Shanaya stared at her strangely and Serena seemed to pause to gather her thoughts

Hm, seemed one of the girls was the loner type. That was too bad, though hopefully they would warm up to each other soon. She had the feeling that they were going to have to move past that if they were going to be a team. Which the other girl confirmed was indeed the case, by the way that she talked.

"That's correct," she confirmed with a small bow. "Doctor Mikal is busy and asked me to show you around." After a moment she paused, glancing between the two with growing confusion. "Though, um, who is who? He didn't give me a picture to go with your names..." And their names hadn't been legible, but she wasn't going to admit that.
Hm, seemed one of the girls was the loner type. That was too bad, though hopefully they would warm up to each other soon. She had the feeling that they were going to have to move past that if they were going to be a team. Which the other girl confirmed was indeed the case, by the way that she talked.

"That's correct," she confirmed with a small bow. "Doctor Mikal is busy and asked me to show you around." After a moment she paused, glancing between the two with growing confusion. "Though, um, who is who? He didn't give me a picture to go with your names..." And their names hadn't been legible, but she wasn't going to admit that.

Doctor Mikal? Wasn't that the name of the doctor 'responsible' for this operation, still it was strange that no picture came with the documents she was sure that the identification and medical reports were quite detailed but for them to lack a picture? How unprofessional. Was father right in that this bunch were just a group of barely competent fools being fed the best resources?

Well Serena used Mikal's name in Shanaya's presence without hesitation so all of them were part of this project. Annabelle could feel excitement tickling her bones

"Ahh I suppose that can happen from time to time. Well my name is Annabelle D'Eon and the miss by my side is Shanaya Ichimonji."

Grinning without restraint Annabelle's eyes seemed to shine with hunger

"Let's go check our Gears shall we?"
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Hm, seemed one of the girls was the loner type. That was too bad, though hopefully they would warm up to each other soon. She had the feeling that they were going to have to move past that if they were going to be a team. Which the other girl confirmed was indeed the case, by the way that she talked.

"That's correct," she confirmed with a small bow. "Doctor Mikal is busy and asked me to show you around." After a moment she paused, glancing between the two with growing confusion. "Though, um, who is who? He didn't give me a picture to go with your names..." And their names hadn't been legible, but she wasn't going to admit that.
Doctor Mikal? Wasn't that the name of the doctor 'responsible' for this operation, still it was strange that no picture came with the documents she was sure that the identification and medical reports were quite detailed but for them to lack a picture? How unprofessional. Was father right in that this bunch were just a group of barely competent fools being fed the best resources?

Well Serena used Mikal's name in Shanaya's presence without hesitation so all of them were part of this project. Annabelle could feel excitement tickling her bones

"Ahh I suppose that can happen from time to time. Well my name is Annabelle D'Eon and the miss by my side is Shanaya Ichimonji."

Grinning without restraint Annabelle's eyes seemed to shine with hunger

"Let's go check our Gears shall we?"
Shanaya kept quiet and simply nodded at that.

What did she mean by that?
"That's fucking weird," Laylah stated bluntly.

That was, of course, a bit of an understatement. She didn't quite want to consider the full implications of this nameless servant girl and her past. Needless to say it gave her one more reason to think Charon was an utter creep. Unfortunately she was stuck with said creep for the forseeable future.

"Also, Maid's a stupid name for a person. You should pick a better one for yourself."
Kara chewed thoughtfully. "...How about Steve?"
Laylah rolled her eyes, taking a bite of her meal to hide her smirk. Given the maid's demeanor she figured there was a fifty-fifty shot of her actually going with that.

". . . S-steve?" The maid was about to voice her own objections when the intercom suddenly croaked.

["Testing. . . Testing. . . Testing. . . Well, look at that! It seems the series of storms hasn't completely fucked over coms, yet. . ."] Unmistakably, it was Charon. It seems he's here finally. ["Group huddle at the tower. Today's a team effort day, I repeat today's team a effort day. ----Lord knows, where that bottle of scotch went. . ."] He inevitably trails off and rambles on until the intercom cuts itself off.
Doctor Mikal? Wasn't that the name of the doctor 'responsible' for this operation, still it was strange that no picture came with the documents she was sure that the identification and medical reports were quite detailed but for them to lack a picture? How unprofessional. Was father right in that this bunch were just a group of barely competent fools being fed the best resources?

Well Serena used Mikal's name in Shanaya's presence without hesitation so all of them were part of this project. Annabelle could feel excitement tickling her bones

"Ahh I suppose that can happen from time to time. Well my name is Annabelle D'Eon and the miss by my side is Shanaya Ichimonji."

Grinning without restraint Annabelle's eyes seemed to shine with hunger

"Let's go check our Gears shall we?"


Shanaya kept quiet and simply nodded at that.

What did she mean by that?

Serena brightened a bit with the introductions, realization making itself clear. Ah, so that was what Doctor Mikal had meant to write down. It made a lot more sense now. Though she still wished that there had been a picture to go with the names. Oh well, it was a bit late for that now.

But it seemed that Annabelle was eager to get going, and Serena had no desire to refuse when one considered the job that she had been given by the Doctor earlier. She turned on her heels, hair waving gently from her motion as she stepped towards the Academy. "Well, like I said the Doctor is busy at the moment. But I can show you around the Academy, and hopefully he'll be done by the time we get to the base."

With that the introductory tour began. She might not be a senior here, but she knew the general layout and provided general facts about classes and the buildings as they headed in the general direction of the hidden base
". . . S-steve?" The maid was about to voice her own objections when the intercom suddenly croaked.

["Testing. . . Testing. . . Testing. . . Well, look at that! It seems the series of storms hasn't completely fucked over coms, yet. . ."] Unmistakably, it was Charon. It seems he's here finally. ["Group huddle at the tower. Today's a team effort day, I repeat today's team a effort day. ----Lord knows, where that bottle of scotch went. . ."] He inevitably trails off and rambles on until the intercom cuts itself off.
Kara scowls and makes eye contact with Laylah. "Do you wanna hold him down while I break his legs, or shall I hold and you break?"
". . . S-steve?" The maid was about to voice her own objections when the intercom suddenly croaked.

["Testing. . . Testing. . . Testing. . . Well, look at that! It seems the series of storms hasn't completely fucked over coms, yet. . ."] Unmistakably, it was Charon. It seems he's here finally. ["Group huddle at the tower. Today's a team effort day, I repeat today's team a effort day. ----Lord knows, where that bottle of scotch went. . ."] He inevitably trails off and rambles on until the intercom cuts itself off.

...Damn it. Of course he'd decided to show back up just as they were eating. And while it was still raining.

Kara scowls and makes eye contact with Laylah. "Do you wanna hold him down while I break his legs, or shall I hold and you break?"

"Why not split him down the middle? I'll break everything on the left half and you break everything on the right," Laylah responded sourly before giving a resigned sigh.

"Let's get this over with. He'd better be sober when we get there..."

With that Laylah pushed her chair out from the table and stood up. As she made her way to the door, slouched once more, she threw one last glance at the maid girl.

"Pick a good name, otherwise we really will be calling you 'Steve'."

With that she opened the door and stepped out into the downpour. Fucking rain. She turned around slightly to eye Kara.

"You coming?"
...Damn it. Of course he'd decided to show back up just as they were eating. And while it was still raining.

"Why not split him down the middle? I'll break everything on the left half and you break everything on the right," Laylah responded sourly before giving a resigned sigh.

"Let's get this over with. He'd better be sober when we get there..."

With that Laylah pushed her chair out from the table and stood up. As she made her way to the door, slouched once more, she threw one last glance at the maid girl.

"Pick a good name, otherwise we really will be calling you 'Steve'."

With that she opened the door and stepped out into the downpour. Fucking rain. She turned around slightly to eye Kara.

"You coming?"
Kara grunts and, shoving the last bite of her food into her mouth, rises from her seat. Stepping outside, she shuts the door behind her and swallows her mouthful. "Aight, let's go."
Kara grunts and, shoving the last bite of her food into her mouth, rises from her seat. Stepping outside, she shuts the door behind her and swallows her mouthful. "Aight, let's go."

The two girls set off into the rain, working their way up several staircases and walkways in the Atlas Rig's confusing structure until they reached the central tower where an elevator stood waiting. Laylah stepped inside and took up a position leaning against the back wall.

"'Team effort day', huh? What do you think the pervert wants?"
The two girls set off into the rain, working their way up several staircases and walkways in the Atlas Rig's confusing structure until they reached the central tower where an elevator stood waiting. Laylah stepped inside and took up a position leaning against the back wall.

"'Team effort day', huh? What do you think the pervert wants?"
Kara leans against one of the side walls upon entering the elevator. At Laylah's question, she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms under her chest. "Choir practice? Rousing game of Monopoly? Debauched orgy? Fuck if I know what goes on in that asshole's head. I'm just here for the legal-reprisal-free violence and complementary dental plan."
Kara leans against one of the side walls upon entering the elevator. At Laylah's question, she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms under her chest. "Choir practice? Rousing game of Monopoly? Debauched orgy? Fuck if I know what goes on in that asshole's head. I'm just here for the legal-reprisal-free violence and complementary dental plan."
"All valid options, considering his... eccentricities," Laylah agreed with a nod of her head. She didn't bat an eye at the other girl's eagerness for violence, even if she didn't quite share in her thirst for it. Kara was far from the worst of the morally dubious individuals she'd had to work with.

The ride up was a brief one. Thankfully respite of any kind of elevator jaunty - not like there would be one in a terrorist stronghold out in the middle of the sea, but considering its landlord? Maybe. A pleasant ding, later, and the door opens with a noisy click. Inside the tower, was a modest office with the usual trappings. Unusually, however, where those dusty tomes that honestly looked like they belong in somekind of museum. Some were open and as for their contents? Rather indecipherable at the girl's current level of understanding.

On the desk, sat a bottle of scotch, a good bit of it drunken already. By the windows, stood the long-awaited man of the hour. Charon. Peering deeply into the ongoing storm. "It seems I lost my own bet. Pity." Without bothering to turn and face either of you, he simply commands "Sit."

"--- We have some things to do and discuss today."
On the desk, sat a bottle of scotch, a good bit of it drunken already. By the windows, stood the long-awaited man of the hour. Charon. Peering deeply into the ongoing storm. "It seems I lost my own bet. Pity." Without bothering to turn and face either of you, he simply commands "Sit."

"--- We have some things to do and discuss today."
Laylah eyed the partially empty bottle with distaste as she wordlessly took a seat in front of the desk. That comment about a bet didn't slip by her either, but she decided she didn't care enough to ask. Instead she gazed at the open books, unable to find meaning in their contents as she waited for Charon to explain what he'd called them for.

The ride up was a brief one. Thankfully respite of any kind of elevator jaunty - not like there would be one in a terrorist stronghold out in the middle of the sea, but considering its landlord? Maybe. A pleasant ding, later, and the door opens with a noisy click. Inside the tower, was a modest office with the usual trappings. Unusually, however, where those dusty tomes that honestly looked like they belong in somekind of museum. Some were open and as for their contents? Rather indecipherable at the girl's current level of understanding.

On the desk, sat a bottle of scotch, a good bit of it drunken already. By the windows, stood the long-awaited man of the hour. Charon. Peering deeply into the ongoing storm. "It seems I lost my own bet. Pity." Without bothering to turn and face either of you, he simply commands "Sit."

"--- We have some things to do and discuss today."
Kara plops down in one of the chairs in front of Charon's desk and props her feet up on said piece of furniture. "Well? Wha'd'you want?"


"The good news or the bad news? --- I suppose the good news first?" He turns stiffly. Heading towards his desk, "Deserving or not, the fine little details of your Sacrists are for the moment 'completed' give or take." Sighing, "Which means we have to begin doing something I truly and whole-heartedly despise ---work." He pauses for the moment. Perhaps savoring the melodrama of his little speech. "Suffice to say, sweets, I'll have you run lots and lots of errands."

"But first and foremost we're going to take a lovely visit to the United Kingdom. London, exactly." Stepping forward he pulls out something from his desk. It looked to be the unholy combination of a dart gun and syringe. "I may of offered a few politicians some cheap parlor tricks. But it seems I've been too lenient, and alas, for them ----they have forgotten they owed me a considerable sum of money. Truly I cannot stress how vital funds are. . ." Nonchalantly he places in a canister filled with some venomous green substance. "Since these bastards said 'fuck me' I'll fuck them too, in other words, its what you call, say, a shooting gallery ---Aah, don't worry. Its only old men and thugs."

"Now then. I assume you have questions and concerns? We'll go over them as I begin administering these shots." He gives his syringe-thing a few squeezes and it jets out that mystery substance. "Lovely, just lovely."

"The good news or the bad news? --- I suppose the good news first?" He turns stiffly. Heading towards his desk, "Deserving or not, the fine little details of your Sacrists are for the moment 'completed' give or take." Sighing, "Which means we have to begin doing something I truly and whole-heartedly despise ---work." He pauses for the moment. Perhaps savoring the melodrama of his little speech. "Suffice to say, sweets, I'll have you run lots and lots of errands."

"But first and foremost we're going to take a lovely visit to the United Kingdom. London, exactly." Stepping forward he pulls out something from his desk. It looked to be the unholy combination of a dart gun and syringe. "I may of offered a few politicians some cheap parlor tricks. But it seems I've been too lenient, and alas, for them ----they have forgotten they owed me a considerable sum of money. Truly I cannot stress how vital funds are. . ." Nonchalantly he places in a canister filled with some venomous green substance. "Since these bastards said 'fuck me' I'll fuck them too, in other words, its what you call, say, a shooting gallery ---Aah, don't worry. Its only old men and thugs."

Laylah's eyes narrowed as she caught sight of the green liquid Charon had loaded into the syringe gun. That didn't look healthy, whatever it was. She wanted to know what it was, but decided to hold her toungue until he was finished.

Upon hearing Charon explain his little errand, Laylah let out a small, bitter chuckle devoid of humor. It figured she'd be half a world away from home and still be doing the same old shit: shaking old men down for money. Uncle would be proud. Well, maybe just a little bit, in between trying to murder her for running away.

"Now then. I assume you have questions and concerns? We'll go over them as I begin administering these shots." He gives his syringe-thing a few squeezes and it jets out that mystery substance. "Lovely, just lovely."

"Two things," Laylah stated, holding up as many fingers. "First: define 'fuck them' for me. Are we talking broken bones and smashed up houses, or did you have something else in mind?"

"Second: What the flying fuck is that," she pointed to the green cartridge in the syringe gun, "And why do you want to inject us with it?"


"The good news or the bad news? --- I suppose the good news first?" He turns stiffly. Heading towards his desk, "Deserving or not, the fine little details of your Sacrists are for the moment 'completed' give or take." Sighing, "Which means we have to begin doing something I truly and whole-heartedly despise ---work." He pauses for the moment. Perhaps savoring the melodrama of his little speech. "Suffice to say, sweets, I'll have you run lots and lots of errands."

"But first and foremost we're going to take a lovely visit to the United Kingdom. London, exactly." Stepping forward he pulls out something from his desk. It looked to be the unholy combination of a dart gun and syringe. "I may of offered a few politicians some cheap parlor tricks. But it seems I've been too lenient, and alas, for them ----they have forgotten they owed me a considerable sum of money. Truly I cannot stress how vital funds are. . ." Nonchalantly he places in a canister filled with some venomous green substance. "Since these bastards said 'fuck me' I'll fuck them too, in other words, its what you call, say, a shooting gallery ---Aah, don't worry. Its only old men and thugs."

"Now then. I assume you have questions and concerns? We'll go over them as I begin administering these shots." He gives his syringe-thing a few squeezes and it jets out that mystery substance. "Lovely, just lovely."
At the sight of the Mysterious Evil Ooze and the accompanying syringe, Kara pulls her feet off the desk and adjusts her position, hands braced against the armrest and ready to propel her out of her seat at a moment's notice.

Dr. Mikal fetches a cup of chilled water for Lucina, handing it over gently, "Don't stress it, silly."

He flashes her a reassuring smile sitting opposite to her; resting his hands and tapping them playfully on his oaken desk. "I can only imagine. . ." His smile becomes a bit more somber, "But, you're here. Safe. While you don't have to say a word, know that I'm readily available if so wish. Anytime. Anywhere ---certain commander's be damned."

". . ."

". . . Just don't say it, directly, like that to her, please?" Mikal winks at her conspiratorially. "I don't think I can survive another, er, 'encounter'.
Sipping from the cup, Lucina managed to give Mikal a small smile. Waking up to an unfamiliar ceiling and almost immediately attempting to flee wouldn't have left a good first impression, but SDIR had shown nothing but concern ever since her arrival.
His last words, however, got a giggle out of her.
"Yes, Miss Hiroto seems strict, doesn't she?"
While she hadn't seen as much of her, she'd gotten the feeling she didn't like Mikal much.
"Yes, Miss Hiroto seems strict, doesn't she?"

He winces for the effect. "You have no idea."

"But toots to that nonsense." Dr. Mikal's smile turns sly, "Wanna go meet the other girls? They should be here by now."


Following after Serena were Annabelle and Shanaya in addition too, the silent giant carrying their respective luggage. The brief trip had more than a few stares from one or two stray students still at school.

"Who is he?"

"He looks like a Yakuza!"

"---Ssh!! Stupid what if he hears you?"

"I'll be killed?"

"That's a very morbid joke. Besides why would a Yakuza go to a private school?"

"Because Yakuza Princess-hime(ko)!"

"I ---What?!"

"See, look at that girl. She's clearly a Yakuza princess!"

". . ."

"You do realize he's just helping them with their things, besides Eve is with them too."

"I smell a secret rendezvous! It must be forbidden love! I can totally ship it. . ."

"Just stop, please."


S.D.I.R's entrance was literally in the school's basement/boiler room. A swipe of few key cards and a elevator ride later; the group makes they're way to a security check point. A guard in a suit waves them over with a simple greeting, "Yo." Flashing a wining smile, she continues her small talk. "These the new girls?" Eyeing both Annabelle and Shanaya before turning to Serena and finally resting on the giant.

"Sup' Serena." Noe totally focused on the mountain, "Say Luchador, enjoy your little trip."

". . ."

"You know ellipses ain't talkin' but you too."

"Anyways, back to business." She coughs gruffly, "Please take out all metallic objects - don't be that smartass that throws change everywhere, I meant things like phones and the like. Through I highly doubt it, no weapons, through that shoulda been pretty obvious. Just step on through that big ol' metal detector there." She gestures to it.

"Oh. One more thing! Dr. Mikal is out at the moment. But he wants y'all in the conference hall by the lab."
"Two things," Laylah stated, holding up as many fingers. "First: define 'fuck them' for me. Are we talking broken bones and smashed up houses, or did you have something else in mind?"

"I prefer more screaming and/or death, but give or take, yes." He playfully squeezes his syringe and giggles aloud as that venomous-looking fluid jets out. "Hmn, well, besides that, there's more to it than money, really. I rather them not use my toys in ways they weren't designed for. . ."

"Second: What the flying fuck is that," she pointed to the green cartridge in the syringe gun, "And why do you want to inject us with it?"

"Your daily vaccinations against cooties. That's what it is." Charon says dryly. "Don't worry, there's no negative side effects besides a slight sting from the syringe. I take it you're not afraid of needles Laylah~?" Charon turns to notice kara, and eerily, If it could even be considered physically possible --- his smiling mask look almost predatory.

At the sight of the Mysterious Evil Ooze and the accompanying syringe, Kara pulls her feet off the desk and adjusts her position, hands braced against the armrest and ready to propel her out of her seat at a moment's notice.

"Y'know what. You're going first." He teases. "--- Now do you wanna make this fun or easy?"

He begins chanting "Fun. Fun. Fun." Over and over again daring Kara to bolt away. "The quicker we get this done. The quicker you'll get your gears and off my lil' island of paradise. Temporarily, mind you."
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