[X] You still have Cyborg's flight computer. Figure out who sent her that message, or where they sent it from. It's your most reliable lead right now. (This is a Difficulty 3 roll.)
->[X] Harmeet can do it! (Harmeet does it, obviously.)
→[X] Stick with Harmeet while she works.
[X] You need to get Abhas to a proper doctor, one you can trust. Fortunately, you know an Asura who's willing. Kind of. You'll owe her, though.
->[X] Do the healy thing. You're not sure how you did it, but it'd save time you may not have. (Uses 2 motes. Can only be done once. You can pick another action.)
2 motes just isn't that much. I'd go for getting parts, but it might be best to wait the risky stuff until Abhas is a bit more healed. (also a reason not to just haul off and rob someone). Calling Yashar is tempting (so tempting) but you'd feel like a bit of an ass assigning Harmeet to do a bunch of work while you just vent.
edit: Joining in on the Harmeet action. She could conceivably use the help, and getting some quality time with the kid would be cool.
->[X] Harmeet can do it! (Harmeet does it, obviously.)
→[X] Stick with Harmeet while she works.
[X] You need to get Abhas to a proper doctor, one you can trust. Fortunately, you know an Asura who's willing. Kind of. You'll owe her, though.
->[X] Do the healy thing. You're not sure how you did it, but it'd save time you may not have. (Uses 2 motes. Can only be done once. You can pick another action.)
2 motes just isn't that much. I'd go for getting parts, but it might be best to wait the risky stuff until Abhas is a bit more healed. (also a reason not to just haul off and rob someone). Calling Yashar is tempting (so tempting) but you'd feel like a bit of an ass assigning Harmeet to do a bunch of work while you just vent.
edit: Joining in on the Harmeet action. She could conceivably use the help, and getting some quality time with the kid would be cool.
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