havocfett said:
"You can do-oh, duh," says Abhas, "You did the thing for, uh, wossface. Blando." Ilana snarls, and quick as lightning throws a piece of debris at Abhas' forehead. It smashes into the dragon-bloods face, cracking a scale. "What the fuck, Ilana" he exclaims.

"He had a name you shitheel," says Ilana.
Why must you tell these lies, Ilana?
havocfett said:
"You can do-oh, duh," says Abhas, "You did the thing for, uh, wossface. Blando." Ilana snarls, and quick as lightning throws a piece of debris at Abhas' forehead. It smashes into the dragon-bloods face, cracking a scale. "What the fuck, Ilana" he exclaims.

"He had a name you shitheel," says Ilana.
"Ok, so what was it, Ilana?"
"...........Jo.....Ja......Ji.......er................................... You know what? Fuck you guys."
MJ12 Commando said:
Also, if anything from infantry tactics manuals and talking with veterans has taught me, when in doubt, rock(et) out.

So blow something up, use the distraction to ninja people in the face, and free the prisoners (then turn on the robots).
[X] You need a distraction. (total 1.3x)
[X] You have a rocket launcher.
My background with an Armor battalion (2nd Bn, 69th AR, Speed & Power, baby) may be influenceing me here, but I've got to say, very few operation have ever failed because you used too much firepower. So let the rockets fly.
Although I've got to disagree with the ultimate aim. Retreat is not yet unavoidable. The pattern of the Chola-Allies attack indicates the Pratihara defenses represent a real threat to the invaders. If we can get them back online, I think we still have a good chance of pranging their entire operation. So let's aim high.

EDIT: ->[X] Save the heir, they want him then obviously you shouldn't let them have him. (+.2x)
Agreement with Nuts! Preservation of the heir will strengthen House Pratihara greatly in the event we are forced to evacuate. Keeping him alive and free is only slightly a lower priority than Abhas.
Strypgia said:
"Ok, so what was it, Ilana?"
"...........Jo.....Ja......Ji.......er................................... You know what? Fuck you guys."
[X] You need a distraction. (total 1.3x)
[X] You have a rocket launcher.
My background with an Armor battalion (2nd Bn, 69th AR, Speed & Power, baby) may be influenceing me here, but I've got to say, very few operation have ever failed because you used too much firepower. So let the rockets fly.
Although I've got to disagree with the ultimate aim. Retreat is not yet unavoidable. The pattern of the Chola-Allies attack indicates the Pratihara defenses represent a real threat to the invaders. If we can get them back online, I think we still have a good chance of pranging their entire operation. So let's aim high.
[ ] You have the element of surprise, that'll fade if they know hostile elements are in the building. You know you can get the drop on those squad leaders, accelerate up and hit them as soon as possible. (1.2x)
->[ ] You have a rocket launcher.
->[ ] Save the heir, they want him then obviously you shouldn't let them have him. (+.2x)


This...this is bad. There's some kind of elites at the Manse itself, to say nothing of the elite enemies Chandra's already seen so far. There's enemy forces around him, enemy craft overhead, and a whole godsdamned enemy army on the move to occupy this place. The Pratihara heir is getting hauled away, and the computers he needs are being guarded by four clearly capable enemies. He's exhausted, running low on that same unnatural energy that's gotten him this far, and has nothing but a laser carbine and a battered old sword to his name.

Situation untenable. Presence of superior enemy forces at Manse center, plus reinforcements, render defense of Manse extremely difficult. Decisive action needed to slow enemy activity.

Decisive action, eh? Chandra peers at the tube strapped across his back. It's a short-range launcher, meant to put a few kilos of kaboom onto something a very short distance away. He brought along four rounds with the launcher itself, the dull black rounds nearly invisible in the moonlight. The launcher doesn't fire very far, but it does shoot the shells silently. Right now, that's exactly what Chandra needs.

Objective: raise havoc among enemy defenders, appear as prelude to larger assault. Suggest coordination with allies to orchestrate larger diversion effort. Time-on-target fifteen seconds, barrage plotted.

Five arcs show up in Chandra's vision, each one precisely calculated to drop the rocket down from on high, disguising its origin. Chandra scales the mansion to the roof, just above the open window, which the Engine in his mind calculates as enough to hide the minimal noise from the launcher. He carefully unpacks and sets down the five shells, but hesitates before letting them fly. Tapping his comm-bead, Chandra waits until Abhas's voice comes in through the static. "Yeah?"

"On my signal, I want you to kill all the lights just south of the command center. At the same time, play something loud and scary-sounding over the PA system in the same area: gunfire, screams, whatever disturbing stuff you can come up with. If you can find a way to muddle enemy sensors, too, then make that happen," Chandra whispers.

"I'll see what I can do," Abhas promises. "What're you planning?"

Cut lights and create noise approximately one second after impact. Casualties and outside noise should convince opponents that full-scale assault is underway, and assets will likely be mobilized to repel presumed invaders. Should buy enough time to get in and reactivate mechs; status of Pratihara heir unknown, as is likelihood of rescue.

"Fireworks," Chandra says with a grin. "Lots and lots of fireworks."


Five stars fall to Earth, and men die.

The dull black shells, invisible unless you were the same person who fired them, streak downwards to land at Chola positions. One strikes a heavy weapons position on a lower balcony, the night lighting up with flashes as secondary explosions turn the area into a hellstorm. Another lands in a knot of Nandi mechs, crippling two and sending a third spinning. Two more hit Chola forward positions deployed to the south, armored men torn to shreds by superheated plasma as the shells detonate. The final shell, its charge set to armor-piercing, drops through the roof off to his right before detonating inside. The screams let Chandra know his aim wasn't off.

He hears footsteps underneath him as Abhas's distractions start up. With casualties all around them from an enemy they can't see, the Chola troopers are mustering for the outer-walls assault that's surely moments away. His sword in hand, Chandra jumps off the side of the roof and swings himself monkey-like into the room below.

He might be tired, he might be under-armed, and he might possibly be outmatched. Yet even facing down an enemy army, Chandra still knows how to properly make an entrace.

Just requoting this bit as a reminder in case people forgot it.
havocfett said:
Khutulun and Garuda Unit's Orders


Kill the heir to the Pratihara Dynasty.
Wavering myself on whether to bug out now with the heir (+others) or if it's worth it to try and keep going. Or whether in doing so would give Garuda unit time to just kill him off in captivity regardless of Chola orders.
Spectrum said:

Just requoting this bit as a reminder in case people forgot it.

Wavering myself on whether to bug out now with the heir (+others) or if it's worth it to try and keep going. Or whether in doing so would give Garuda unit time to just kill him off in captivity regardless of Chola orders.
I figure that our best bet there still lies with getting the command center online. We reactivate the mechs and suddenly there /is/ a real, honest-to-gods assault going on. Garuda Unit and the Chola troops will be busy defending and trying to figure out what's going on, which gives us enough time to get in to the holding cells. (not to mention which, that it gives enough time for Ilana to catch up and gives Abhas's men surveillance power over the command center itself.

EDIT: One thing to keep in mind here is that we don't know whether Garuda Unit and Khutulum know the Pratihara heir's been captured. We should consider leaking the information to them somehow, in order to get the Garuda and Chola forces fighting each other.
[X] You need a distraction. (total 1.3x)
[X] You have a rocket launcher.


[X] You have the element of surprise, that'll fade if they know hostile elements are in the building. You know you can get the drop on those squad leaders, accelerate up and hit them as soon as possible. (1.2x)
->[X] You have a rocket launcher.
->[X] Save the heir, they want him then obviously you shouldn't let them have him. (+.2x)

1*1.2x (Saving the heir is part of a separate update/vote with this option)=1.2

[X] You have the element of surprise, that'll fade if they know hostile elements are in the building. You know you can get the drop on those squad leaders, accelerate up and hit them as soon as possible. (1.2x)
->[X] Laser Carbine, then teleport to the other door and ambush them when they come for this door. (+.2x. Uses 2 motes.)


[X] The new information has changed the situation. There's no way we can fight an army, even with the drones. Bug out. (1x)
->[X] We don't leave people behind. Grab all the prisoners (+.4x. Death or Glory.)


Well, that looks...definitive.

Roll 13d10+2 Autosuccesses (Stunt included) for the rocket barrage.

Roll 9d10+2 Autosuccesses to stealth back into the control room in the confusion. Stunt it.
Chandra knows the rules of explosive distractions. The first rule is that you do not look at the explosion. The second rule is that you always refer to the first rule. He adjusts his shades and takes a few dramatic steps away from the detonations, before finding a large potted plant to duck behind as a soldier dashes past.

As everyone but Varahi exits the command center in panic, he can see, in his mind's eye, a picture of where Varahi is probably looking at, where . It's as if he had trained for this moment again and again, rehearsed it a dozen times. Yet he had not settled on a plan until less than a minute ago. Chandra still cannot come to terms with his new condition, yet he's not going to let anyone see him blink. Figuratively, since his shades provide literal protection from letting people see him blink. He follows his instincts-instincts that have all of a sudden become smarter than him, instincts that seem to babysit him through every scenario like some sort of bad pirated hologame tutorial.

Varahi's back is turned, she is looking at the camera feeds. She has to, otherwise the coordination of the enemy will suffer, possibly fatally. By distracting the guards, he has distracted her. Good. While she faces the other way, waiting for a massive counterattack that will never come, Chandra creeps over to the command console noiselessly and enters the emergency security response code.
Ravana had been the racer, the daredevil. He was the one who loved to pour on the speed, the flash, the hey-everybody-look-at-me. Chandra had been the quiet one, the one too cool to talk, to draw any attention. He'd won races that way, even against Ravana once or twice, being so far beneath the radar that no one had seen him coming until he'd shot past them just before the finish line to snatch victory from their hands. Ravana would have grinned as he'd jumped loudly into the room, challenging the huge Chola heir with the Yellow Jade sword to a duel for all the prizes he could name. He might even have won. He might also have been cut in half on the first strike; Chandra's friend/rival was a lot of things, but an expert swordsman was not one of them. He'd preferred big flashy pistols. Swords had better suited Chandra's quieter nature.

He was profoundly glad about that right now. Ravana would have gone in gung-ho, the big flash hero....and died ingloriously. Much better that he'd died the way he had, a smile on his face and in a blaze of glory that no one who saw it would ever forget.

Chandra tried to tell himself he was thinking of his friend because he was glad he wasn't here, and not because he was worried he'd be joining him soon. A bead of sweat traced its way slowly down his temple and he sidled very, very slowly around the last pillar on the outside of the room. The four guards left behind were running towards the other windows and doors, taking firing positions facing west, away from him. The smoke, explosions, and noise from the speakers Abhas people had fired up were providing a perfect distraction. He'd never have a better shot at getting to the computers he needed to access, the one's they'd now abandoned. No one was doing anything but looking outwards, readying to repel the Pratihara counterattack they expected and feared.

No one but Varahi. She was still doing exactly what a commander should do; keeping her head, surveying the situation, thinking and not reacting. Fuck.

Chandra took a deep breath. He was good at this. He'd once ninja'd his way into a guarded compound and rescued a Sub-Commander of the House Laṅgara Guards that had been taken hostage in a bit of inter-House squabbling. He'd been well paid for that. He'd snaked a choice bit of jewelry out from under the noses of a dozen guards of the East System Trading Company who had all been in a brightly lit room with no cover. He could do this.Plus, now he had bullshit timehax powers. That had to be a good thing for sneaking. All those years of playing Jade Gear: Hypervengeance had to come in handy, right?

He flickered around the pillar with only a moment's concentration. He could feel the weird inner voice telling him exactly when Varahi was looking in this direction. He froze behind cover every time she faced his way. He knew exactly when a drifting pall of smoke would screen him. He placed his back against a fallen bank of lights and let their glare hide the weird anima flare that flickered around him after he used his powers to flicker between exposed bits of cover.

In far less time than he'd have thought it would take, but that somehow still felt like days, he was crouched behind a console that would give him the access he needed. Varahi was still watching her troops and talking occasionally into a communicator. She had no idea he was here. Chandra kept a grin off his face as he tapped into the computer and set control access to Abhas manse. This was no time to get cocky. Now he still had to get out alive.

EDIT: Frak! Took so long writing it I got ninja'd by MJ. And he rolled a crit sux, so I can't even complain!
Last edited:
How Not to be Seen
How Not to be Seen

First rule of explosive distractions: Never look at the explosion.

Second rule of explosive distractions: Refer to rule number one.

This...this is bad. There's some kind of elites at the Manse itself, to say nothing of the elite enemies Chandra's already seen so far. There's enemy forces around him, enemy craft overhead, and a whole godsdamned enemy army on the move to occupy this place. The Pratihara heir is getting hauled away, and the computers he needs are being guarded by four clearly capable enemies. He's exhausted, running low on that same unnatural energy that's gotten him this far, and has nothing but a laser carbine and a battered old sword to his name.

Situation untenable. Presence of superior enemy forces at Manse center, plus reinforcements, render defense of Manse extremely difficult. Decisive action needed to slow enemy activity.

Decisive action, eh? Chandra peers at the tube strapped across his back. It's a short-range launcher, meant to put a few kilos of kaboom onto something a very short distance away. He brought along four rounds with the launcher itself, the dull black rounds nearly invisible in the moonlight. The launcher doesn't fire very far, but it does shoot the shells silently. Right now, that's exactly what Chandra needs.

Objective: raise havoc among enemy defenders, appear as prelude to larger assault. Suggest coordination with allies to orchestrate larger diversion effort. Time-on-target fifteen seconds, barrage plotted.

Five arcs show up in Chandra's vision, each one precisely calculated to drop the rocket down from on high, disguising its origin. Chandra scales the mansion to the roof, just above the open window, which the Engine in his mind calculates as enough to hide the minimal noise from the launcher. He carefully unpacks and sets down the five shells, but hesitates before letting them fly. Tapping his comm-bead, Chandra waits until Abhas's voice comes in through the static. "Yeah?"

"On my signal, I want you to kill all the lights just south of the command center. At the same time, play something loud and scary-sounding over the PA system in the same area: gunfire, screams, whatever disturbing stuff you can come up with. If you can find a way to muddle enemy sensors, too, then make that happen," Chandra whispers.

"I'll see what I can do," Abhas promises. "What're you planning?"

Cut lights and create noise approximately one second after impact. Casualties and outside noise should convince opponents that full-scale assault is underway, and assets will likely be mobilized to repel presumed invaders. Should buy enough time to get in and reactivate mechs; status of Pratihara heir unknown, as is likelihood of rescue.

"Fireworks," Chandra says with a smirk "Lots and lots of fireworks."


Five stars fall to earth, and Chandra adjusts his shades and turns away as he plans the next part of his infiltration.

Ravana had been the racer, the daredevil. He was the one who loved to pour on the speed, the flash, the hey-everybody-look-at-me. Chandra had been the quiet one, the one too cool to talk, to draw any attention. He'd won races that way, even against Ravana once or twice, being so far beneath the radar that no one had seen him coming until he'd shot past them just before the to snatch victory from their hands. Ravana would have grinned as he'd jumped loudly into the room, challenging the huge Chola heir with the Yellow Jade sword to a duel for all the prizes he could name. He might even have won. He might also have been cut in half on the first strike; Chandra's friend/rival was a lot of things, but an expert swordsman was not one of them. He'd preferred his fists and big, flashy pistols. Swords had better suited Chandra's quieter nature.

He was profoundly glad about that right now. Ravana would have gone in gung-ho, the big flash hero....and died ingloriously. Much better that he'd died the way he had, a smile on his face and in a blaze of glory that no one who saw it would ever forget.

Chandra tried to tell himself he was thinking of his friend because he was glad he wasn't here, and not because he was worried he'd be joining him soon. A bead of sweat traced its way slowly down his temple and he sidled very, very slowly around a large potted plant on the outside of the room. The four guards left behind were running towards the other windows and doors, taking firing positions facing west, away from him. The smoke, explosions, and noise from the speakers Abhas people had fired up were providing a perfect distraction. He'd never have a better shot at getting to the computers he needed to access, the one's they'd now abandoned. No one was doing anything but looking outwards, readying to repel the Pratihara counterattack they expected and feared.

No one but Varahi. She was still doing exactly what a commander should do; keeping her head, surveying the situation, thinking and not reacting. Fuck.

Chandra took a deep breath. He was good at this. He'd once ninja'd his way into a guarded compound and rescued a Sub-Commander of the House Laṅgara Guards that had been taken hostage in a bit of inter-House squabbling. He'd been well paid for that. He'd snaked a choice bit of jewelry out from under the noses of a dozen guards of the East System Trading Company who had all been in a brightly lit room with no cover. He could do this.Plus, now he had bullshit timehax powers. That had to be a good thing for sneaking. All those years of playing Jade Gear: Hypervengeance had to come in handy, right?

He flickered around the pillar with only a moment's concentration. He could feel the weird inner voice telling him exactly when Varahi was looking in this direction. He froze behind cover every time she faced his way. He knew exactly when a drifting pall of smoke would screen him. He placed his back against a fallen bank of lights and let their glare hide the weird anima flare that flickered around him after he used his powers to flicker between exposed bits of cover.

In far less time than he'd have thought it would take, but that somehow still felt like days, he was crouched behind a console that would give him the access he needed. Varahi was still watching her troops and talking occasionally into a communicator. She had no idea he was here. Chandra kept a grin off his face as he tapped into the computer and set control access to Abhas mansion. This was no time to get cocky. Now he still had to get out alive.

Pick One:

What to have Abhas do with the robots.

[ ] Activate the robots now. It'll mean more of them are destroyed by the time you make your next move, but it'll give you valuable cover during the escape.(.9x)
[ ] Activate the robots only if you need them for the escape. It'll give you cover if you need it, but conserve resources. (1x)
[ ] Don't activate the robots. You're awesome enough to get out of here undetected. True coolguys need no robotic help. (1.2x)

Pick One:

What'll you do on your way out.

[ ] Straight out of here. No need to stop and fight. (1x)
->[ ] Go save the soldiers! (+.3x)
->[ ] Go save the heir! (+.2x)
->[ ] No man left behind! (+.4x)
[ ] You can totally win a duel with Varahi. Especially since she's low-ish on essence. (1.1x)
->[ ] And you can get the prisoners out of here in the process! (+.4x)
->[ ] And that's a really nice sword. (+.3x)

Due to being absolutely incredible at stealth, I award you 5 extra exp, and a free background dot to be cashed in...later.Remember the duel and escape notes from last post.

Status: 2 LHL Taken. No Wound penalties. 20 motes spent, 12 recovered. 8 mote net loss. WP Neutral. One Compassion Channel, One I Hate Time Bullshit Channel, used. 16 exp this arc. Anima flaring at 1-3 level.
havocfett said:
All those years of playing Jade Gear: Hypervengeance had to come in handy, right?
Chandra is such a nerd! [3

[X] Activate the robots only if you need them for the escape. It'll give you cover if you need it, but conserve resources. (1x)

-Abhas has been whining about us damaging stuff enough already.

[x] Straight out of here. No need to stop and fight. (1x)
-][x] Go save the soldiers! (+.3x)
->[x] Go save the heir! (+.2x)
->[x] No man left behind! (+.4x)

-We can try to challenge her to a duel if we get caught. Contingencies are a wonderful thing. (Also, I have this sneaking suspicion that any duel will result in CYBORG INTERRUPT!)
Yes, but the sword. We need a weapons upgrade, especially if we're planning to ever fight Cyborg. Ever.

Also, as I recall, Cyborg's objectives involve not being seen by House P's dudes, which means that if there is a Cyborg Interrupt, we can run away really fast and use her as a meat shield.
[X] Activate the robots only if you need them for the escape. It'll give you cover if you need it, but conserve resources. (1x)

[x] Straight out of here. No need to stop and fight. (1x)
->[x] No man left behind! (+.4x)

The Sword would be nice, but it's not worth the risk.
[X ] You can totally win a duel with Varahi. Especially since she's low-ish on essence. (1.1x)
->[X] And you can get the prisoners out of here in the process! (+.4x)
->[X ] And that's a really nice sword. (+.3x)

Look, beating her in a duel does several things.

1. We can potentially win her respect, which may be useful significantly later.

2. We can get sweet loot. Loot? Loot!

3. We can probably get her to free the fuckin' prisoners without having to sneak in and attack them.

4. If Cyborg decides to disagree with her, we can turn them against each other, which can make their plan even more of a clusterfuck.

This is obviously somewhat risky, but we're basically full up on willpower, have most of our channels, and still have what, 2/3rds or so of our juice? She's much lower on power and is a DB. Taking her on is probably the most efficient method of getting our objectives done. Especially if we make her think we're here as duelists instead of, y'know. Secretly turning on Chola's death robots.

[X] Activate the robots only if you need them for the escape. It'll give you cover if you need it, but conserve resources. (1x)

[X] You can totally win a duel with Varahi. Especially since she's low-ish on essence. (1.1x)
->[x] And you can get the prisoners out of here in the process! (+.4x)
->[X] And that's a really nice sword. (+.3x)