Strypgia said:
"Ok, so what was it, Ilana?"
" You know what? Fuck you guys."
[X] You need a distraction. (total 1.3x)
[X] You have a rocket launcher.
My background with an Armor battalion (2nd Bn, 69th AR, Speed & Power, baby) may be influenceing me here, but I've got to say, very few operation have ever failed because you used too much firepower. So let the rockets fly.
Although I've got to disagree with the ultimate aim. Retreat is not yet unavoidable. The pattern of the Chola-Allies attack indicates the Pratihara defenses represent a real threat to the invaders. If we can get them back online, I think we still have a good chance of pranging their entire operation. So let's aim high.
[ ] You have the element of surprise, that'll fade if they know hostile elements are in the building. You know you can get the drop on those squad leaders, accelerate up and hit them as soon as possible. (1.2x)
->[ ] You have a rocket launcher.
->[ ] Save the heir, they want him then obviously you shouldn't let them have him. (+.2x)
This...this is bad. There's some kind of elites at the Manse itself, to say nothing of the elite enemies Chandra's already seen so far. There's enemy forces around him, enemy craft overhead, and a whole godsdamned enemy army on the move to occupy this place. The Pratihara heir is getting hauled away, and the computers he needs are being guarded by four clearly capable enemies. He's exhausted, running low on that same unnatural energy that's gotten him this far, and has nothing but a laser carbine and a battered old sword to his name.
Situation untenable. Presence of superior enemy forces at Manse center, plus reinforcements, render defense of Manse extremely difficult. Decisive action needed to slow enemy activity.
Decisive action, eh? Chandra peers at the tube strapped across his back. It's a short-range launcher, meant to put a few kilos of kaboom onto something a very short distance away. He brought along four rounds with the launcher itself, the dull black rounds nearly invisible in the moonlight. The launcher doesn't fire very far, but it
does shoot the shells silently. Right now, that's exactly what Chandra needs.
Objective: raise havoc among enemy defenders, appear as prelude to larger assault. Suggest coordination with allies to orchestrate larger diversion effort. Time-on-target fifteen seconds, barrage plotted.
Five arcs show up in Chandra's vision, each one precisely calculated to drop the rocket down from on high, disguising its origin. Chandra scales the mansion to the roof, just above the open window, which the Engine in his mind calculates as enough to hide the minimal noise from the launcher. He carefully unpacks and sets down the five shells, but hesitates before letting them fly. Tapping his comm-bead, Chandra waits until Abhas's voice comes in through the static.
"On my signal, I want you to kill all the lights just south of the command center. At the same time, play something loud and scary-sounding over the PA system in the same area: gunfire, screams, whatever disturbing stuff you can come up with. If you can find a way to muddle enemy sensors, too, then make that happen," Chandra whispers.
"I'll see what I can do," Abhas promises.
"What're you planning?"
Cut lights and create noise approximately one second after impact. Casualties and outside noise should convince opponents that full-scale assault is underway, and assets will likely be mobilized to repel presumed invaders. Should buy enough time to get in and reactivate mechs; status of Pratihara heir unknown, as is likelihood of rescue.
"Fireworks," Chandra says with a grin. "Lots and lots of fireworks."
Five stars fall to Earth, and men die.
The dull black shells, invisible unless you were the same person who fired them, streak downwards to land at Chola positions. One strikes a heavy weapons position on a lower balcony, the night lighting up with flashes as secondary explosions turn the area into a hellstorm. Another lands in a knot of Nandi mechs, crippling two and sending a third spinning. Two more hit Chola forward positions deployed to the south, armored men torn to shreds by superheated plasma as the shells detonate. The final shell, its charge set to armor-piercing, drops through the roof off to his right before detonating inside. The screams let Chandra know his aim wasn't off.
He hears footsteps underneath him as Abhas's distractions start up. With casualties all around them from an enemy they can't see, the Chola troopers are mustering for the outer-walls assault that's surely moments away. His sword in hand, Chandra jumps off the side of the roof and swings himself monkey-like into the room below.
He might be tired, he might be under-armed, and he might possibly be outmatched. Yet even facing down an enemy army, Chandra still knows how to properly make an entrace.