Winged One said:
But seriously, that's not the only possible dramatically unhealthy result from that attitude.
Yeah, you could horribly emotionally and physically isolate yourself, increasingly estranging you from all of your friends and what passes for your family, with basically no healthy emotional outlets for a period of years until everything goes horribly wrong, at which it's too late to reconcile with most of them properly because they're dead/arrested and you can't properly take care of who's left because you are
fucked the hell up.
Oh, wait.
Anyways, your IFV rewards!
House Chola Objectives:
Take and maintain control of the compound's Manse until the army arrives.
Capture as many dragon-blooded members of the Pratihara Dynasty as possible.
Capture and extract the genebank of the Pratihara Dynasty
Assist Cyborg and the Aruna Dynasty's Garuda Unit in the completion of their objectives,
Once the army arrives, take over the compound and fortify it against counter-attack.
Shutdown or take control of the compound's defensive systems
Shut down or take control of the compound's drone complement to deny the defenders their strength.
Decapitate Pratihara Dynasty's Military Command
Capture the Compound's Hangars to slow or prevent breakout and escape attempts by air.
Maintain Defensive Perimeter to prevent breakout attempts by ground.
Capture the riches of Pratihara Dynasty Members
Impress Cyborg's Employer, that they may default to the Dynasty more often.
Secure evidence of treason on the part of the Pratihara Dynasty.
Don't get executed by Cyborg.
Cyborg Khutulun Manghud Dossier Update
In-depth analysis of the enemy's tactical net has revealed that Cyborg's name, or at least the name she is under contract with, is Khutulun Manghud. A basic search of the accessible Pratihara Databanks reveals that Khutulun Manghud is a non-exalted former member of the Manghud Dynasty in the Ogedei Expanse, a collection of worlds on the far end of the Ya Uncontrolled Area. She never exalted, despite excellent breeding, and when she realized this decided to go for a more technological approach to achieving transhumanity.
She left her family and became a mercenary due to a political schism a decade ago. At the time her known augmentations included an extensive essence shielding package, protecting her from many offensive charms, and mental augmentation that at least partially protected her from unwanted mental influence.
Soon afterwards, she became effectively untraceable, resurfacing only, well, now.
Khutulun and Garuda Unit's Orders
Retrieve evidence of collusion between high ranking members of the Pratihara Dynasty and Indrajit. Ensure that all evidence of this conclusion is either extracted from the compound or destroyed.
Kill the heir to the Pratihara Dynasty.
Gain access to the Manse's Grand Central Mountain Node in order to retrieve further information on possible dissidents.
Remind the planet of the Superiority of Garuda Unit.
Execute known conspirators in the Pratihara Dynasty.
Maintain the facade of this being a Chola Dynasty operation.
Remind Chola Dynasty Troops that Garuda Unit (And Khutulun) are, in fact, the baddest motherfuckers on the planet and that they better not get any ideas.
Establish a Cassus Belli for the Chola assault.
Remain unseen by Pratihara Troops for the duration of the raid
Leave no surviving House Pratihara witnesses to your presence.
Khulun's Personal Objectives
Check House Pratihara's Files for evidence of collusion with residents of the System Intelligences, recent demonic anomalies in the local area, or demonology findings not shared with the public.
Find evidence that Indrajit was involved in the same.
Slay Abhas Pratihara to claim more of the reward.
Assess possibility of off-world contracts with the Chola Dynasty in the near future.