[X] Take both. More health is worth the Mote loss.
Heal. We're about to get Tank Cannoned.
Convenient superpowers from nowhere are go!

We anime protag now.

[X] Channel 3 Dot Virtue (Compassion)

On more serious terms, channel compassion, we're gonna need the extra dice, and we haven't seen compassion come up much yet anyway.
Cornuthaum said:
[X] Take both. More health is worth the Mote loss.
Heal. We're about to get Tank Cannoned.
OK! That's another 6 motes used, aaaand

Roll 5d10 +3 Autosuccesses: Quantum Vampire 1.
Roll 5d10 +3 Autosuccesses: Quantum Vampire 2.

If you make an appropriate stunt for the Quantum Vampiring then you can channel a Principle with them.
The new awareness he has, the ability to leisurely evaluate the battlefield and take action at his leisure, is nearly addictive, Chandra thinks. His time powers are uncontrollable annoying bullshit, but they've saved his life multiple times, and some of the perks are amazing. Chandra sees the gatling-style antipersonnel railgun on the G-12 spool up to max rate of fire. He sees its large main turret arc upwards and release another swarm of angry spiralling rockets on Abhas. The Dragonblood tries to dodge, but his attempts to put distance between himself and a swarm of self-forging penetrators is insufficient, and a wall of orange-white surrounds him as the Dragonblood flies down into the courtyard behind a thick stone pillar and lies unnaturally still.

And immediately Chandra has to change his plan. His music stops, changes again. "IllanatakecareofthetankI'llgetAbhas" he screeches, voice distorted in fast-time.

"What?!" She asks.

"I'll get Abhas! KILL THE TANK!" he yells. Slowly, this time. He does not wait for a response. Ilana, despite being enhanced by hyper-fast femtotechnology, is still too slow. Time warps further, bends to his sheer determination. The hyper assault gauss normally would have spit its rounds out so fast that even an enhanced human would only see a single streak of silver. In his adrenaline fueled state, Chandra can pick out individual details on the ammunition. He has subjective eons before it reaches him. He throws one of his flash grenades in the way of the burst. The plastic casing ripples when the first projectile hits, then the grenade detonates in blinding light. A second and third round meet the edge of the blade as he evades, and with a flick of his super-strong wrist two flechette halves embed themselves behind him. The rest of the burst tracks behind him, millimeters off and microseconds too slow.

Even so, the IFV gunner is skilled. A powerful lightning cannon sweeps downwards and towards him. High lethality. Low likeliness of overpenetration. Chandra slides across the ground like it was frictionless, heading towards Abhas. The IFV gunner sees that he has no cover, nothing but broken ground and the bodies of the dead. But Chandra only needs the dead. He finds one of the corpses Abhas left. You're going to save my life, Abhas. I hope I can save yours, he thinks, and he grabs the broken body and throws it, as if it was no heavier than a football, into the path of the lightning gun. The azure fork hits the body and stops.

And Chandra is behind cover, looking down at Abhas. The armor is shattered, there is blood everywhere. He doesn't know if he can fix the Dragonblood, or even keep him alive. But he has to try.

Insufficient medical aptitude. Reverting subject to last possible recovery state. His subconscious interjects, and something miraculous happens. He sees shrapnel tear itself out of Abhas's internal organs, blood strewn across the ground seemingly fly of its own volition back into the Dragonblood's body. Exposed muscle and bone knits together as if time is reversing, and then all of a sudden it stops. Partial recovery complete. Abhas is alive now, when he wasn't a half-second before. Chandra looks at his now-clean hands in awe. What did he just do? No time to contemplate. You have an IFV to kill, Chandra. His subconscious unhelpfully supplies.
Looks like 2 die stunt with a 3 die channel, soooo

roll 5d10 to augment the healing In Addition to the 6d10+1 Autosuccess being rolled.


roll 2d10 to augment your dodge dv.

And, uh, one of those guys botched the willpower roll, and the other one rolled 2 sux, so, uh, you heal to full.

Edit: And you get three temporary -0 Health Levels to soak damage with.
havocfett said:
Looks like 2 die stunt with a 3 die channel, soooo

roll 5d10 to augment the healing In Addition to the 6d10+1 Autosuccess being rolled.


roll 2d10 to augment your dodge dv.

And, uh, one of those guys botched the willpower roll, and the other one rolled 2 sux, so, uh, you heal to full.

Come on Abhas, we can't be mad at you if you're dead. So fuck that.

Oh god let's not die, we can't be mad at you if we're dead.
The Mask Breaks
The Mask Breaks

Chandra dives for cover as corkscrewing rockets sail through the air in slow motion. He leaps over one, twists in midair to slide between two more, and slides into cover behind a half-destroyed statue.

His new calmness freaks Chandra out. Before, he might have looked unflappable in a fight, but internally he was just as spooked as anyone. Only fools and Ravana -admittedly, a tautology- felt no fear whenever they were facing potential horrible death. Now, the rockets, the gunfire, it...failed to impress. He didn't feel as though he was truly in danger, as though the rockets and blaster-fire ricocheting around the courtyard was a proper threat. They were a problem, a relatively minor one, to be solved. Not the life-or-death threat that true combat had always been before now.

Ten Commandos, power armor and assault rifles. One IFV, heavy armor, rocket armed, unknown weapon in the turret, two blasters. IFV's passengers are in the process of dismounting, vehicle size indicates between four and six. Enemy armor is highest target priority. Disabling with current weaponry...unlikely. Alternate: Enemy armor can be suborned. Rooftop approach viable.

"Ilana," He says, "I have a plan." A squad of Heavy Infantry piles out of the IFV-BELL G-12 Urban Pacification and Rapid Response Vehicle, says a label on its side-and immediately swing their weapons towards his statue.

"Hit me," she calls as she leaps from the roof. The shock troops open fire, railgun and machine gun rounds slicing through the air with unerring accuracy. The statue disintegrates, and Chandra's forced to sprint for cover again, slicing coilgun rounds out of the air as he runs. He won't be able to stop them all, he knows that, there are just too many.

He passes a corpse of one of the squad leader, feels...something of the dead man through the bizarre lightshow at the edge of his vision, and without thinking he pulls. The man's corpse ages rapidly before collapsing into dust, leaving a pile of rusted implants, unnaturally ancient armor, and abandoned weaponry, and Chandra feels his wounds disappear.

A coilgun round pierces Chandra's guard, grazing his ribcage, but with...whatever he just did still protecting him, he barely even notices.

Six Chola Dynasty shock troops deployed, heavily armed. Sound analysis confirms railguns, ballistics on round that grazed ribcage indicates heavier-than-average coilgun, possibly a SAW of some sort. None match weapon profiles of the IFVs mounted weaponry. Abhas' comm chatter implies that he has opened fire on the Shock Troopers and scored several hits, considering previous marksmanship and make of his weapon, likely at least one kill. New time-related power catalogued, unknown effects. Possible Explanation: Cannibalizes the time of others in order to reverse sustained injuries? Possible shielding effect.

Irrelevant to current course of action: Proceed with plan.

Chandra slides into cover behind a small building (Office building, likely for professors at the university, unarmored. Will not stop coilgun rounds, but breaks line of site. Acceptable.) and thumbs his comms again. "Look, you want to take that tank out faster?" Chandra asks, "I say we board it."

There's a pause as Ilana shoulders her plasma cannon. "Board it?" she asks, "That's a BELL, it'll have biometrics-" There's a moment of realization, accompanied by a railgun round bouncing off of her armor. "Like in The Monstrosity of Ganges VI: IV. That's...actually kind of brilliant, Chandra."

"Like in I Can't Believe My-" starts Chandra as he adjusts his shades, "Err, yes. Like in The Monstrosity. Exactly."

Ilana vaults onto the next building and draws her hammer before she catches Chandra's slip. She stops and turns, staring across the battlefield to look Chandra straight in the sunglasses. "Really?"

Social situation non-salvageable. Optimal Course of Action: Refuse to acknowledge gaffe.

Chandra doesn't acknowledge the quip and signals Ilana to move. The shock-troops swivel to fire at the Witch, and then Chandra leaps, kicking off of the wall in front of him to get onto the roof. The IFV turns, firing a salvo of rockets, and he begins to calculate how to evade them.

It takes him a moment, watching them spiral through the air in slow motion, to realize that they aren't aiming for him. He flicks the comms on, his body, even accelerated, moving far too slowly. Abhas has noticed by the time Chandra's yelled a warning. Coilgun rounds fly across the courtyard, and Chandra sees each impact and rocket-detonation in glorious slow-motion as the dragon-blood picks the rocket barrage apart.

He does the calculations near-instantaneously. Abhas isn't firing fast enough, he can't stop all of them, there are just too many. The dragon-blood notices, turns, sprints as he fires, but Chandra already knows that it's too slow.

Dragon-blooded have enhanced physiology and his armor provides potent protection, he is unlikely to be seriously harmed. Exalted Physiology means even serious injury is unlikely to be fatal. Continue current course of action.

A rocket gets through, hits Abhas square in the chest. Armour shreds, but he keeps running, keeps firing. Another rocket hits the building right below him, and he's thrown from his feet. Abhas' body hits a concrete wall, falls to the floor, and lies all too still.

More rockets impact, shrapnel and detonations rock the dragonblood's body. Ravana and Indrajit in front of Chandra's eyes, a last smile, last words, the crash and the arrest. Friends torn away as he watched, time and again, unable to intervene.

Eight years of repression, of always being the cool kid, of never, ever, letting anyone see who he was or what he truly thought or felt (outside of a few conversations with Yashar, few, far between) disintegrate in a moment.

He runs calculations, knows that turning back for Abhas is suboptimal, objectively a bad course of action. It doesn't matter, he's moving before his internal monologue finishes, turning back and sprinting with every bit of speed his superhuman physiology can squeeze out. The IFV fires its lightning cannon, it smashes squarely into his back and he feels lances of pain across his back, but they're just not that important.

He slides in front of Abhas' unconscious body, pulls the dragon-blood close. Basic first aid, he knows this, Indrajit taught him and Ravana. He's used it, on city streets, in gutters, after races. He can do this. He has to do this.

There's blood, so much blood. It burns to touch as he peels off Abhas' armor and tries to staunch gaping wounds. Blue plating has fused to brown skin and reddish scales, a face that turned heads at every public appearance is sliced open and burned, everything Chandra can see of him, every bit of exposed skin, bleeds out faster than he can staunch wounds. He tries to use his powers, staunch the bleeding, but it's not enough. He goes faster, the bleeding goes slower, but it's still utterly beyond him.

Abhas is dying, and Chandra can't do anything to stop it. He isn't fast enough, smart enough, skilled enough, good enough. He's never good enough. His family leaves, his friends die, and he just has to move on. He never has enough resources, skill, time, to do what he wants.

The imagery and sound around him, his anima, intensifies. And finally, Chandra can see it, hear it, as clearly as everyone else must.

A great timepiece, a thing of steel and clockwork and gears, projects itself across the ground beneath Abhas. The time ticks on, and on, taunting him. The hands slow, and the world slows with them, less time passes with each tick, and less, and less, they come to a stop for an eternity and no time at all-

The second hand goes backwards.

Time resumes, Chandra resumes, but Abhas continues in reverse. His injuries reverse themselves, shrapnel flies out of his body, blood flows backwards, skin knits itself together. By the time it's over, the worst of his injuries are gone, reversed as if they'd never happened. The dragon-blood coughs and begins to regain consciousness.

Chandra smiles.

Then the shooting resumes.

Pick One:

You have more actions this tick

[ ] Hit the shock troops. (1.1x)
[ ] Hit the mooks, you cannot let them kill Abhas. (1x)
[ ] Cut the missile pods off of the IFV, sure, you won't be able to use them once you get the IFV, but you really don't want those things finishing off Abhas. (1.1x)
[ ] Defend Abhas, you can't let them kill him. (1.2x)
[ ] Write-in

Pick One:

You're being shot at, the lightning cannon again and machine gun fire as well.

[ ] Trust in your blade, run and slice. (Stunt a dodge or parry)
[ ] Teleportation time! (Stunt a teleport out of the way of incoming fire.)

Pick One:

[ ] Current system, present channel options with the vote.
[ ] New system, you suggest what you want to channel when stunting, or else justify it for the course of action outside of a stunt. People can vote for the channel, and if it's approved and wins votes it is taken.

Added to Surprise Tick: Chandra Zandatsus his victims, regaining all health levels and generating 3 temporary -0 health levels.
Tick One: 6 Shock Troops disembark from the IFV, Abhas opens fire, killing two, dealing 9 LHL to one (Reducing it to its negative 4 health levels), dealing 8 LHL to another (Reducing it to its negative 2 health levels). The Shock Troops open fire, a machine gunner deals 1 LHL to Chandra, destroying a temporary -0 health level. A Railgunner deals 1 LHL to Ilana's Power Armor, and Ilana parries a machinegunner's assault on her. Two snipers and a machine gunner fire on Abhas. He ranged parries most of the machine gun fire and the sniper rounds, but takes 3 LHL to his armor despite that.
Tick Two: Ilana jumps atop another building, closes with the IFV, and draws her sledgehammer.
Tick Three: The IFV fires a rocket barrage at Abhas. Despite shooting down most of it, he's hit by several rockets, takes 9 LHL of damage, reducing his armor's health levels to 0 and dropping him to his Incapacitated Health Level. It then Lightning Cannons Chandra, dealing five LHL, removing the rest of his temporary -0 health levels (And reducing him to his -0 health levels)
Tick Four: The House Pratihara Troops in the bunker open fire, killing three of the Power Armored Commandos and dealing 2 LHL to one of the Shock Troops (Reducing it to its negative four health levels)
Tick Five: Chandra runs and heals Abhas for 7 LHL, bringing him back to his -2 health levels. Ilana takes an Aim action. The Power Armored Commandos open fire on the House Pratihara Troops, wounding one.

Status: 3 LHL Taken. No Wound penalties. 17 motes spent, 8 recovered. 9 mote net loss. WP Neutral. One Compassion Channel, One I Hate Time Bullshit Channel, used. 6 exp this arc.
"Like in The Monstrosity of Ganges VI: IV. That's...actually kind of brilliant, Chandra."
"The Monstrosity of Ganges VI: IV."
Wh-what the hell kind of title is that?


After a minute's head-scratching and thinking, I realized that "Ganges VI" was probably the name of a planet. Which meant that the IV would make sense as the number of films made.

But it made me go "wut?" for a while.
havocfett said:
"Like in I Can't Believe My-" starts Chandra as he adjusts his shades, "Err, yes. Like in The Monstrosity. Exactly."

Ilana vaults onto the next building and draws her hammer before she catches Chandra's slip. She stops and turns, staring across the battlefield to look Chandra straight in the sunglasses. "Really?"

Social situation non-salvageable. Optimal Course of Action: Refuse to acknowledge gaffe.
Dying over here. Literally dying. Send help plz
[x] Hit the shock troops. (1.1x)
[x] Trust in your blade, run and slice. (Stunt a dodge or parry)
[x] Current system, present channel options with the vote.

Often when he drew the short straw and had to watch Harmeet, Chandra was forced to serve as her captive audience as she gushed about whatever tech manual she -or rather, Ravana-had managed to get her hands on. Mostly the slew of nano-technobabble went in one ear and right out the other. Miraculously though, something seemed to have stuck in Chandra's mind. Even more luckily; it's something actually useful.

Lightning cannons, and all derivative tech, can't switch targets, instead relying on secondary arcing after impact to inflict damage. Once primary arc hits, has to hold circuit until charge grounds.

Chandra scrambles over the ground, one hand stays on his sword, blurred almost to invisiblity as he spins it to deflect the storm of hypervelocity rounds from the MG. His other hand grabs Abhas' gun -the dragon-blood would ordinarily complain about this, but he owes Chandra on account of being no-longer dying. He breaks into a dead sprint troops, at the same time watching the turret as it tracked on it's rails towards him.

Beyond the slight flicker flash of the MG's muzzle, he just glimpses the barrel of the lightning cannon start to glow, alloys heated far beyond sensible temperatures, and holds the rifle out in front of him. This is either going to go really well, orreally badly.

Time slows again, flowing like week old protein-paste. What that means, is that instead of suddenly being electrocuted, he's able to watch the lance of electricity jump towards him, still at speeds politely referred to as real fucking fast, but just slow enough for what he's planning. There's a flicker of light as the canon shot hits the rifle, but Chandra's already throwing it upwards. For one impossibly long moment he can feel sparks on his skin, his hair standing on end-

But it's only a moment, and Chandra's already sliding below the actinic beam as it's wrenched upwards from it's original target to follow the rifle as it arcs slowly through the air and time grumpily returns to normal.
Pick One:
[X] Defend Abhas, you can't let them kill him. (1.2x)
-[X] Be the distraction, while they're trying to kill you and Abhas, Iliana has a clear shot at hijacking.

Pick One:
[X] Trust in your blade, run and slice. (Stunt a dodge or parry)

Pick One:

[X] New system, you suggest what you want to channel when stunting, or else justify it for the course of action outside of a stunt. People can vote for the channel, and if it's approved and wins votes it is taken.
[x] Hit the shock troops. (1.1x)
[x] Trust in your blade, run and slice. (Stunt a dodge or parry)
[X] New system, you suggest what you want to channel when stunting, or else justify it for the course of action outside of a stunt. People can vote for the channel, and if it's approved and wins votes it is taken.

Suiting the channel to the stunt seems like it makes sense to me. Nobody cares about extras, and killing the shock troops should either cow them or draw their fire. And I'm worried that dodging or teleporting away will get Abrhas killed.
[X] Hit the shock troops. (1.1x)
[X] Trust in your blade, run and slice. (Stunt a dodge or parry)
[X] Current system, present channel options with the vote.

The three remaining Shock Troops are the biggest threat you can deal with yourself, and they're between Chandra and the IFV, which is the biggest threat full stop. Taking out the Shock Troops on the way to helping Ilana tackle the IFV is the best bet to keeping Abhas alive. The friendly troops in the bunker can handle the remaining commandos while you deal with the rest.
Pick One:
[X] Bug out, get Abhas to cover

Pick One:
[X] Teleportation time! (Stunt a teleport out of the way of incoming fire.)

Pick One:

[X] Current system, present channel options with the vote.
Spectrum said:
Dying over here. Literally dying. Send help plz
Garlak said:
Wh-what the hell kind of title is that?


After a minute's head-scratching and thinking, I realized that "Ganges VI" was probably the name of a planet. Which meant that the IV would make sense as the number of films made.

But it made me go "wut?" for a while.
It is the title made by someone who really didn't expect 'The Monstrosity of Ganges VI' to get a bunch of sequels due to being a runaway success. :D
havocfett said:
It is the title made by someone who really didn't expect 'The Monstrosity of Ganges VI' to get a bunch of sequels due to being a runaway success. :D
Oh come on, be fair to Chandra. After II they were just milking the franchise for money. It's no surprise he messed it up, they all mixed together. :p
[X] Hit the Shock Troops

Okay guys, let's remember. Chandra is exceedingly fast and lethal but not immortal. His best defense is going to be a really good offense, and therefore the best way we have of keeping Abhas alive is to cut dudes in half. Furthermore, look at what Chandra's styles are. Notice he has no styles for defending. He has one style for killing things quickly with a sword. Reduce the firepower coming our way, gottakillfast.

[X] Trust in your blade, run and slice

Have you seen how quickly we hemorrhage power in combat? This is very important because we don't ever regain quantum points from stunts. Power conservation is very important and sometimes we need to rely on passive abilities and use active powers only when they give us massive advantages.

[X] New System for Channels

Out on the streets, the commodity that was most valued was trust. Sometimes you had to know when to trust someone, when to let them do what they wanted because you couldn't spend time looking over their shoulder 24/7. Knowing when to trust and when not to. Knowing when paranoia was justified and when it was a waste of time. Right now, Chandra must trust. It is hard, but he has no other choice. Chandra has to trust that Ilana can take the G-12 out before it can take more shots. He has to trust that Abhas can recover well enough to get back into position. All he can do is harvest the enemy, taking lives with the inevitable certainty that is entropy. It is the only way he sees forward. The IFV's turret turns towards him, one of its AI-controlled antipersonnel railguns also tracking in his direction. He sprints explosively forwards, and pays them no heed. Enemy weapon traverse will be completed in 200 milliseconds. Will enter enemy IFV blindspot in 190 milliseconds at maximum velocity. Evasive maneuver success probability high.

Chandra touches the ground and kicks off explosively. He had been addicted to speed since his first race. He embraces the addiction again, feeling the wind whipping in his hair. He allows himself to think of it as just another race. Divots of earth explode behind him. Ahead of him, the azure lance of the lightning cannon burns stone to reflective black glass. His teeth shake in his skull from the concussive beats of the heavy antipersonnel railgun discharging again and again. Shrapnel from the indiscriminate use of explosives by both defenders and attackers fly around him, but he moves heedless of the incoming metal. In a race, all that matters is the finish line. Here, his competition is not another racer, but Death itself, seeking to claim his life the same way it did Ravana. He shuts out everything else, focuses only on his prey and the clock, and he keeps moving.

One of the shock troops is next to the IFV, using the armored vehicle's bulk as cover as he or she fires. The armor must mass a quarter ton at least, artificial muscle and semi-ablative ceramic plates and glossy anti-DEW coating, helmet dotted with the dull red of a half-dozen sensor eyes. The person inside probably masses another hundred kilos, dense with skeletal reinforcement and joint motors and subdermal plating. Running into him or her at Chandra's current velocity would be dangerous for anyone who wasn't inhumanly tough. But Chandra has left humanity behind long ago, even if he hasn't figured it out or embraced it yet, and with the furious explosive strength of a Mantis stylist, boosted by literally reality-breaking power, he slams into the shock trooper full-tilt, stunning the attacker.

Even before he knows it, Chandra's blade is up, held in a reverse-grip, stabbing downwards on the stunned soldier again and again and again, blade moving so fast it becomes invisible. Thick white smartblood flies everywhere. Capable of carrying more oxygen and sealing wounds faster, the thick nanopaste that the shock trooper has replaced his blood with attempts futilely to compensate for injuries, redirecting itself through undamaged arteries and veins. It is not enough. When Chandra is done with the unfortunate commando, all that is left is scrap metal and shredded meat.