EarthScorpion said:
Genetically locked controls, eh?

Man. If only we had a shapeshifting hypertech murder-assassin who's also a really good technician around.
Okay, CHANGE OF PLANS. Recruit Ilana into Grand Theft Beecloud (because you know the IFV is built by Beecloud Enforcement and Local Logistics, a subsidiary of Beecloud Manufacturing)

The IFV busted through a wall, so we attack from above. With Ilana there to eat the pilots.

Acquiring the IFV is actually a good idea here. It takes away firepower from them, gives it to us, and all of us know how to use the guns on vehicles. It means that we have a method of evacuating noncombatants, and it also means we have a giant pile of health levels and armor soak between us and any further threats while Abhas reunites with his family.
[X] Take none, we've got plenty of Zandatsu opportunities right here, motherfuckers.
[X] Grand Theft IFV+Ilana
If we can steal the IFV, we need to steal the IFV. And if we're going to, killing extras sounds like a distraction we don't want.
...This raid is going to go down in history as a legendary clusterfuck, isn't it? At least, I hope so.
As the IFV bursts through the walls, Chandra takes a good look at the positions of everyone even as he dives through the smoke, evaluating the battlefield yet again while evading a swarm of corkscrewing rockets. Proximity fuses detonate them behind them, and he sees out of the corner of his eye someone lose an arm, probably one of Abhas's men. Ten soldiers, the IFV, and its crew complement.

Enemy armor is highest target priority. Enemy armor can be suborned. Rooftop approach is viable.

His new calmness in combat scares even him. Before, he might have looked unflappable in a fight, but internally he was just as spooked as anyone. Only fools and Ravana... okay, maybe only fools felt no fear whenever they were facing potential horrible death. Now, whatever animal instincts that existed have been rewritten, a cold machine logic ruthlessly optimizing for how to best achieve his goals. Fear and emotion are no part of it. Whatever passes for fight or flight has been reprogrammed, altered. Chandra suspects it might well be smarter than he is. The analysis makes some level of sense when his conscious mind catches up. He's probably strong enough and agile enough to get back up to the ceiling. The close range and limited traverse of the IFV's main guns will make an upwards approach work. Ilana can probably jump that far. Probably. Hopefully she'll agree to the idea. He steels his conscious mind to carry out this damn fool plan, and the music that seems to follow him around changes again.

"Ilana." He says over his earpiece, as the twin blasters of the Beecloud Enforcement and Local Logistics (a subsidiary of Beecloud Manufactories Interstellar) G-12 Urban Pacification Vehicle (how is he remembering these random details in the middle of a fight? He asks himself and again, gets no answer) cough out two thin lines of angry plasma bolts and stitch a pillar of blue-white explosions across the walls, tracking to Ilana's position. The crew is triangulating her location blindly. Conclusion: Skilled crew, high threat. Increase target priority. A burst of heavy repeating railgun fire flies at him, and he evades a few, deflecting the rest with the edge of his blade, as he moves behind a collapsed pillar while under fire. A few shots from the commandos' railguns wing him, but they fail to even draw blood.

"A little busy here, Chandra!" She cries out. She fires back, clearly distracted. The shot misses, causing a few of the power-armored commandos to dive for cover. It does, however, get her a pause in the firing as the IFV pops anti-beam smoke. Good, Chandra thinks. That'll play into his hands. The thick colloidal fog is designed to disperse lasers, particle beams, and plasma weaponry. It will leave the IFV essentially blind for a few critical seconds.

"Look, you want to take that tank out faster?" Chandra asks. "I have an idea. Let's board it."

"Okay, I don't want to ask this, but are you crazy?" Ilana responds.

"Maybe. But it's the best way to take it out of business. BELL doesn't build low-quality crap. But you think its gunner and driver are going to be capable of standing up to us? Or its hatches? Get in from the roofs, hit it from the rear. Kill everyone inside, and hijack it. You're good enough to do it, right?" Hopefully by phrasing it as a challenge, she might be more willing. He doesn't have time to wait for her. He puts his hand to the ground, crouches, and leaps. A fusillade of poorly aimed but concentrated fire from six of the remaining ten commandos hits where he stood a heartbeat ago. The other four fire on Abhas, concentrated suppressive fire keeping him down and cutting chunks out of the overhangs. Ceramic tile explodes into dust.

Chandra lands so hard it cracks the thin stone of the ceiling, revealing polished black armor underneath, but the moment his feet touch something solid, he is already running, high-velocity explosive-tipped flechettes detonating centimeters behind him as the G-12's AI-directed point defense railguns seek to tag him with their high-caliber ordinance. He is tempted to look behind him, but he knows that if he does so, he'll definitely be hit. Instead, he runs. Like in his youth, when his marks realized that something of theirs had been stolen, running is life. Running is survival. Chandra had learned to run to live long before he had learned to fly. And with another powerful leap, he flies again, blade flashing out in front of him to cut down incoming weapons-fire, arcing perfectly towards the IFV's top.

He just needs to weather the storm for a split-second, then he'll be on the machine, and another acrobatic maneuver will get him inside, where they can't use their unwieldy heavy weapons and he can take them all down with that blade of his. He puts everything he has into keeping himself alive as the IFV's bulk creeps ever closer.

Roll 2d10 for the Join Battle Stunt

Stunt a Dodge or Parry v. Extended Machine Gun Burst and Lightning Cannon Blast

Two of the Shock Commandos deployed from the IFV are dead, as are three of the remaining PA infantry.

Abhas has suffered a direct hit from rockets and is not responding over comms. His body is on the floor a scant few yards from you. What do.

Pick One:

[ ] Go check on him now, if he's not dead yet you may be able to stabilize him, and you need him to unravel this weird-ass mystery. Ilana can take the IFV solo, anyways.
[ ] You'll both get killed if you turn around right now, take the IFV then check on him.
[X] Go check on him now, if he's not dead yet you may be able to stabilize him, and you need him to unravel this weird-ass mystery.

best bet for finding shit out. Especially because, being one of the targets, he will keep drawing the enemy.
[X] Split the difference. Have Ilana take the IFV while you move to stabilize him. If nothing else, maybe you can use your time stop to give him the time to wait for a medic to do the job for you.
Amorous Intent said:
[X] Split the difference. Have Ilana take the IFV while you move to stabilize him. If nothing else, maybe you can use your time stop to give him the time to wait for a medic to do the job for you.
Oh, Ilana keeps going for the IFV if you check on him. Sorry, I'll make it explicit in the vote.
Amorous Intent said:
[X] Split the difference. Have Ilana take the IFV while you move to stabilize him. If nothing else, maybe you can use your time stop to give him the time to wait for a medic to do the job for you.
I agree with [X] Amorous Intent, with reservations.

Those reservations being "We have Accelerate Time on, can we check on him real fast and then move to get rid of everyone else here before someone decides to make sure?"

We have a ton of extra Accelerate Time actions right now, we can use one to check him. If he's not dead, we'd probably want to keep him that way.
[X] Go check on him now, if he's not dead yet you may be able to stabilize him, and you need him to unravel this weird-ass mystery. Ilana can take the IFV solo, anyways.
-[X]EarthScorpion's modification.
[X] Go check on him now, if he's not dead yet you may be able to stabilize him, and you need him to unravel this weird-ass mystery. Ilana can take the IFV solo, anyways.
[X] Go check on him now, if he's not dead yet you may be able to stabilize him, and you need him to unravel this weird-ass mystery. Ilana can take the IFV solo, anyways - modified

What, above all, Abhas needs is more time if he's not already dead. We're moving very fast, so we can at least check his vitals. He's an Exalt - which is to say, a gene and nanoaugumented supersolider - which means that if he's not already dead, he can recover. Hence, it's not so much that we need to stop the bleeding - as Exalts are packed with hypertech which means their wounds close easily - as we need to stop other people murdering him or trying to drag him off as a prisoner or whatever.

Hence, as he needs more time, why don't we give him all the time in the world? We know we can move faster, so logically we can do the opposite for him. If we gritted our teeth and tried to use our time bullshit to freeze him in time, he wouldn't get any worse (if he's going to get any worse), and other people couldn't hurt him. That'll be much faster than giving proper treatment, so we can head on to help Illana. Then, once we take the IFV, there'll be medkits in the back of it and we can move him into it, out of the line of fire.
[x] Go check on him now, if he's not dead yet you may be able to stabilize him, and you need him to unravel this weird-ass mystery. Ilana can take the IFV solo, anyways.
EarthScorpion said:
[X] Go check on him now, if he's not dead yet you may be able to stabilize him, and you need him to unravel this weird-ass mystery. Ilana can take the IFV solo, anyways - modified

What, above all, Abhas needs is more time if he's not already dead. We're moving very fast, so we can at least check his vitals. He's an Exalt - which is to say, a gene and nanoaugumented supersolider - which means that if he's not already dead, he can recover. Hence, it's not so much that we need to stop the bleeding - as Exalts are packed with hypertech which means their wounds close easily - as we need to stop other people murdering him or trying to drag him off as a prisoner or whatever.

Hence, as he needs more time, why don't we give him all the time in the world? We know we can move faster, so logically we can do the opposite for him. If we gritted our teeth and tried to use our time bullshit to freeze him in time, he wouldn't get any worse (if he's going to get any worse), and other people couldn't hurt him. Then, once we take the IFV, there'll be medkits in the back of it and we can move him into it, out of the line of fire.
I vote for plan Timeshift.

Changing vote to [X] EarthScorpion

Time is our sword, why not also make it our shield?
I think whether we take Abhas to the IFV or not entirely depends on whether the bunker the friendlies are holding is closer.
EarthScorpion said:
[X] Go check on him now, if he's not dead yet you may be able to stabilize him, and you need him to unravel this weird-ass mystery. Ilana can take the IFV solo, anyways - modified

What, above all, Abhas needs is more time if he's not already dead. We're moving very fast, so we can at least check his vitals. He's an Exalt - which is to say, a gene and nanoaugumented supersolider - which means that if he's not already dead, he can recover. Hence, it's not so much that we need to stop the bleeding - as Exalts are packed with hypertech which means their wounds close easily - as we need to stop other people murdering him or trying to drag him off as a prisoner or whatever.

Hence, as he needs more time, why don't we give him all the time in the world? We know we can move faster, so logically we can do the opposite for him. If we gritted our teeth and tried to use our time bullshit to freeze him in time, he wouldn't get any worse (if he's going to get any worse), and other people couldn't hurt him. That'll be much faster than giving proper treatment, so we can head on to help Illana. Then, once we take the IFV, there'll be medkits in the back of it and we can move him into it, out of the line of fire.
That is a great idea IMO. However, regarding coordinating with Ilana, remember that we need to communicate with her somehow. She's taking cover on a rooftop, we're down below, and there's smoke and gunfire blocking sight with plenty of noise getting in the way of old-fashioned yelling. We have a sensor readout clipped onto our shades, and Ilana has some sort of armor, but I don't think the two are synchronized to communicate right now. (remember also that the manse's command center and comms hub is down)
Nuts! said:
That is a great idea IMO. However, regarding coordinating with Ilana, remember that we need to communicate with her somehow. She's taking cover on a rooftop, we're down below, and there's smoke and gunfire blocking sight with plenty of noise getting in the way of old-fashioned yelling. We have a sensor readout clipped onto our shades, and Ilana has some sort of armor, but I don't think the two are synchronized to communicate right now. (remember also that the manse's command center and comms hub is down)
Havoc said we could stunt communicating with Ilana. REALITY WARPING NOVA POWERS ARE GO.

FYI: We still need a stunt for the dodge/parry of lots of deadly incoming firepower.
MJ12 Commando said:
Havoc said we could stunt communicating with Ilana. REALITY WARPING NOVA POWERS ARE GO.
You do have to stunt how, though. Like 'guess what, it turns out I had a commbead the entire time' or 'I'm using timehax to write messages in the ground as I go' or whatever.

Anyways, tallying votes, I'll have a thing up in a bit, then post the combat summary to tick 6 and write the update.
Looking pretty set, soooo

Three Way Tie on those Zandatsu's, so, please:
Pick One:

You Proc'd two Zandatsu Opportunities during the surprise round. Taking an opportunity costs 3 Motes. Of which you are currently at 23/26

[ ] Take both. More health is worth the Mote loss.
[ ] Take one, possible healing is nice but that is a fucking tank right there.
[ ] Take none, we've got plenty of Zandatsu opportunities right here, motherfuckers.
Someone break dat tie.

Planwise we're going for Argent Witchery.

Aaand you're going to check on him, soooo

Uncontrollable Healing Aberration Activate

6d10 +1 Autosuccess: Healing. 2 Motes used. Stunt it.

Pick One:

[ ] Channel 3 Dot Virtue (Compassion)
[ ] Channel 2 Dot Principle (Abhas (Professional Relationship))
[ ] Channel 1 WP for 1 Success
[ ] No Channel

Summary of Combat is waiting on some stunts for the dodges and stuff.