Yay! The Alliance interlude we've been craving! Thank you for sharing the update with us, and enjoy the break/hiatus while you're workin' on the arc!

Lustrum had a good thing going. The Alliance. Tell the losers of the world that it wasn't their fault. That it was the 'system' that was against them. That they didn't deserve it. That there was such a thing as a better world on the other side of all of the shit that was piling up on the lawn of mankind. She spoke and spoke and more and more people believed her, or believed their own stories that were close enough to hers that they'd used them instead.
Alright, we're getting a look at the movement that's come out of Lustrum's lack of Birdcaging! I'm excited to see how she's using

Fuck "society", he coulda done better. Coulda managed to not get fucking high that whole time.
What a joker, this guy. Not high? Can't possibly be a Merchant, he doesn't seem too recalcitrant.

Scum of the earth, the pit-stain at the asscrack of the world. His father had always said he was--
...a Skidmark? Adam, is that you?

"Adam, buddy. You there?" A cheerful, if heavily Japanese accent voice came in.
Oh migosh, it is! And should the 'accent' be 'accented,' instead?

Maybe if he just stayed quiet he'd go away. "I can hear you groaning buddy. C'mon. Let's go out. I got tickets to the new movie. It's the new Heros X one.
Should there be a comma in between groaning, and buddy, friend? Also, a surly, 'trying to be, and actually doing better' Skidmark is great.

Also, should 'Heros' be 'Heroes?' since they're most likely not talking about sandwiches?

Jugemu was the energizer bunny when he was on a mission, and he had a target all locked in.
Oughta be capitalized, because it's both a brand, and the name of the mascot. And I love Jugemu's whole vibe.

He didn't fucking deserve happyness.
Should be an 'i,' right? Why? Because an affirmation Adam should have is 'I deserve to be happy.' Because my goodness, he's awful hard on himself.

Some stupid long name that Hinata Kimura ( or Kimura Hinata if you did it Japanese style) both 1. found extremely funny 2. Insisted on introducing himself with every time they fought anyone.
Hello, my cape name is Inigo Montoya (not given in this chapter). You killed the vibes. Prepare to die.

Jugemu continues to be a delightful character, and I love his everything the more we learn about him! Does he also have attacks he calls out?

always got a frown from the Boss, since she was big on the 'we are not a gang we are a movement' deal, also the "I am not the Boss, just one os several equals" deal as well.
Who is she my cult leader motivational speaker? Some bosses are just more equal than others. Additionally, they ought to update her operating system to 'of' instead of 'os.'

"Look, I'm planning out my own movie. It's about me and this car taking a trip across America to discover the meaning of… well still working on that."
If anything bad happens to this man, we riot.

Jugemu shook his head. "No. But they still shouldn't have. Muranaka was eighteen, just some stupid kid, high on trying to find some pride. Part of the actual ABB, not the League, from what I heard? Probably never even punched nobody in his stupid life. And a woman, just a girlfriend of one of the hard-core members. Maybe rumors that she helped out sometime with shit, but those coulda just been rumors. And others got hurt.
Wait... we can't humanize the faceless, nameless people harmed by Taylor's panicked, careless actions. She's the protagonist... and we... can't... feel... she's in the wrong... this isn't a guilt-free power fantasy if you flesh out your characters. This isn't what alt-power fics are supposed to be about. /s

But seriously, it's good worldbuilding, and I hope that Inagawa (the fella that got his face burned off) gets a mercy visit from Rescue or Cure or one of them. Maybe not Frankenstein, since everyone's been ragging on them.

Jugemu had even triggered when Lung had pulled his Night of Long Knives.
And then the (Hook)wolves came.

Like, in some Cape circles there were stories going around about some cape called Nobody who did… something? Manipulated and controlled the world? Who even knew. Nobody had heard of 'Nobody' and there wasn't any evidence of their existence.
Polyphemus feels seen.

The pain that came with being so happy that everything unfroze, like a morning bowel movement, like the relief from something being done with. It hurt, that he could laugh and… and all of that. It hurt that he was a shithead who could still be happy when he did not deserve to be.

His uncles face got up close.
Should be an apostrophe here, because it's the face belonging to his uncle. His uncle's face. The face specifically on his uncle. Kuzco's poison.

his name comes from his signature move of stacking the effect on the ground enough to send people (mainly E88 capes) flying.
And he'll take them higher? Even without slinging drugs, Adam still delivers a change in consciousness... now that's customer service!
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To be clear, @Impel , his full cape name is:

Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakōji-no Burakōji Paipopaipo Paipo-no Shūringan Shūringan-no Gūrindai Gūrindai-no Ponpokopī-no Ponpokonā-no Chōkyūmei-no Chōsuke

Jugemu - Wikipedia

Huh, Rachel's the second of Canon Undersiders that the Alliance is trying to woo now.

...wait, is the "T" mentioned by Jugemu who I think it is?
To be clear, @Impel , his full cape name is:

Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakōji-no Burakōji Paipopaipo Paipo-no Shūringan Shūringan-no Gūrindai Gūrindai-no Ponpokopī-no Ponpokonā-no Chōkyūmei-no Chōsuke
That... is awesome! And I can see why Adam went 'I'm not saying all of that shi- stuff.' Electric Avenue's verbal creativity was also a fun part of the chapter, too.

Huh, Rachel's the second of Canon Undersiders that the Alliance is trying to woo now.

...wait, is the "T" mentioned by Jugemu who I think it is?
Probably. But I don't even know how the Alliance managed to get Tōng Líng Tǎ from the Yangban! She'd been Lung's warden for a little while there, so she would know.


Wait, what do you mean it's probably Tattletale? I wonder what Regent's up to. He might not even be in the Bay in this AU.
Wait... we can't humanize the faceless, nameless people harmed by Taylor's panicked, careless actions. She's the protagonist... and we... can't... feel... she's in the wrong... this isn't a guilt-free power fantasy if you flesh out your characters. This isn't what alt-power fics are supposed to be about. /s

But seriously, it's good worldbuilding, and I hope that Inagawa (the fella that got his face burned off) gets a mercy visit from Rescue or Cure or one of them. Maybe not Frankenstein, since everyone's been ragging on them.

Yeah Frank can keep you alive, but actual healing... One of the alliances big weaknesses.

Jugemu continues to be a delightful character, and I love his everything the more we learn about him! Does he also have attacks he calls out?
Yes. Some in Japanese, some in terribly accented english.

Honestly @The Laurent can remind me if there is anyone else, but I low key might think EA and Jugemu might be the capes that most of the Empire hate going up against. Sure, Lustrum is more powerful, but if you take her on, you fought the strongest Alliance cape, no shame in a loss. Losing to teens sucks, but in a city where Vista exists age != power and everyone knows that. Jugemu and EA though? They go for the humiliation. There is no way to look good after losing to a guy hitting you with a wiffle-bat and novelty dildo while screaming at the top of his lungs in terrible english and the other guy freestyles about the size of your dick.