Questing in Kanto

"That doesn't seem like a very good idea, Sakura. We can get into serious trouble by doing that." Yuki warned her, but was still tempted by the idea. Maybe just for a bit. "Fine. But we won't go too far, ok?"
"Great!" Sakura gave a big thumbs up. "What do you think, just far enough it's hard to see the route? So we can still make it back easy, but we're really off it, not just on the side. Or maybe, we could try and find a local pokemon that would be willing to show us something? You hear tales about wild pokemon doing that." There were also plenty of tales about wild pokemon eating people, but she wasn't thinking about that.
"As long as we know which direct we came from, we should be fine." Yuki said. He didn't know if the local Pokémon will be so willing to help them like that. But it can't hurt to think about.
Sakura grinned, and lead the way off to the forest. If she was lucky they'd get to see some pidgeottos, which tended to be more solitary than pidgeys, or nidorans. The nidorans would be much preferred, the pokemon were so charming. They managed to look super cuddly despite the spikes on their body.

Carnation was more than willing to help lead the way, off into the trees and investigating each bit of undergrowth they passed for possible treasure. The sounds of wild pokemon echoed around them, even if they mainly caught sight of them in flashes of too quick movement. Sakura froze when she realized that one of the bushes they'd been going by was in fact partly a tangela that had enmeshed itself with the bush for camouflage. The tangela seemed at the moment peaceful. Sakura quickly pulled out her pokedex to take a picture.
Yuki was against the idea, at first, but he slowly grew more into it. Staying on the given route was a good idea, but maybe this will allow them to see other kinds of Pokémon? He could find a Pidgey, Caterpie, or Weedle! But he didn't voice this to continue to be the responsible one. Only giving a small gasp of surprise once the came across Tangela. It's not a Pokémon one would expect in this area. So he silently watched with her, enjoying the sight.
Carnation watched along with them for a time before reaching out his vines to poke the tangela. The tangela immediately responded by puffing up and making an odd ripping noise that had Sakura half tripping over herself going back. Vivi puffed himself up and pressed into Yuki giving a hiss. The tangela kept making that odd noise, but remained in the bush, content with its bluff for now.