These are the options that you didn't take.
Your house = Your younger self and maybe your Dad.
Search for a middle school = 50/50 chance of either Homura or Oriko.
Wander randomly = roll d6 for random encounter. 1 = Junko, 2 = Oriko, 3 = Kirika, 4 = Amy, 5 = Nagisa, 6 = Kyubey.
These are the options that you didn't take.
Your house = Your younger self and maybe your Dad.
Search for a middle school = 50/50 chance of either Homura or Oriko.
Wander randomly = roll d6 for random encounter. 1 = Junko, 2 = Oriko, 3 = Kirika, 4 = Amy, 5 = Nagisa, 6 = Kyubey.
No Mumi encounter?!

Guys, we made the right choice! Mumi encounter is go!

Anyways, our Time Travel seems pretty different from Homura's, with us not replacing our younger version and all.
Before we can take out the Devil, who is most likely Homura, we'll have to find allies, get to training, and gather intel...
Roof Hopping
You can sense something off in the distance. It feels dark, dangerous and… sad? It also seems similar to the power you can feel deep inside you but corrupted some how. Normally you'd avoid it, you didn't survive the apocalypse for god knows how long by running face first into danger, but if you're looking for the Devil then investigating evil sounds like a good place to start.

Of course, that leaves the question of how you're going to get there. You are stuck on a roof after all and the next building in the direction of the evil feeling has to be at least 10 meters away. You could climb down and walk but… Something tells you that you can actually make the jump. You can feel the power coursing though you, enough power to kill the Devil. Surely a little jump like this is nothing, right? You start to bounce on the balls of your feet, hyping yourself up, before you take off running to wards the edge. As you reach the end of the roof you crouch down and push off.

You're in the air. You can feel the wind pushing against you as you move forward. You feel almost weightless. This must be what flying feels like. You start to laugh, a rough, hacking sort of laugh that hasn't seen use in years. You look down and see the ground quickly rushing past. A little too quickly in fact. You over shoot the roof you were aiming for and the next one too. You start to loose momentum a little past the third rooftop and finally you land on the fourth. Your landing is pretty rough too. You don't roll to bleed off momentum or anything, you just slam into the concrete.

Despite your less then graceful landing you're perfectly fine, not a scratch on you. You let out another quick laugh. You're really starting to enjoy this magic stuff. Still, you might want to try to throttle it back a little. It wouldn't do at all if you couldn't control your own strength. You'd hate yourself forever if when you finally do find Madoka you went to give her a hug and accidentally crush her to death.

Deciding to experiment, you try and make a small hop and see how far up that takes you. You hop and you go up a few inches, exactly as if you hopped in the air before you had magic. You decide to jump a little higher this time and you do so, a couple of feet in the air, about your max jump height from before you got magic. Happy you seem to be able to keep control on your new power you decide to try and put a little of that power into your next jump. You push off the ground and this time you reach about 15 ft before you head back down. That last jump was about as strenuous as the first little hop you made.

You decide that you've wasted enough time experimenting and start heading in the direction of the evil feeling once again, this time making small jumps between each roof instead of doing more of the mile long running jump you made before. You still make good time and in just over five minutes you've reached the building the feeling is coming from.

Unfortunately the building is massive, and more importantly, crowded. There must be hundreds of people in there, all of them walking about and talking to each other. The building itself is made of steel and glass and seems to be separated into smaller sections. You can see that through the windows that in the smaller sections people walking though the main hallways will go in, make exchanges of some sort with the people in the smaller section and walk out with bags of stuff. It's actually been so long since you've see trading for goods that it leaves you confused as to what they were doing for a good while.

You jump down off your rooftop to the ground and enter the building. Almost instantly you begin to feel uncomfortable. Instincts developed over years of hard living are all screaming at you that you're surrounded by enemies, you're about to be attacked, THEY WANT TO KILL YOU! You clench your fists and take deep breaths, reminding yourself that the people around you are not your enemies. It works, a little. Still taking deep breaths you wade into the crowd and head in the direction of the dark feeling. Luckily the feeling seems to originate in an area of the building with no one there. If you had to spend one more minute surrounded by more humans you probably would have either broken down and started screaming or lost it and started killing them.

The area you're in now is made of concrete rather than glass and metal. The lights also don't seem to work, leaving the area shrouded in darkness. After a bit of searching you manage to find the source of the feeling you've been following. It's some sort of glowing barrier or portal with butterfly designs on it, floating in the air. Actually, the barrier isn't quite the source. Whatever is causing this awful feeling, it's on the other side of this portal.

[x] Enter the barrier. Hopefully you can get some answers.
[x] Just walk away. It's dangerous and you don't know what you're getting into.
[X] Hide and wait around. Maybe someone will approach the barrier? Maybe something will even pop out!
[x] Enter the barrier. Hopefully you can get some answers.

We'll you guys looks like its time to
[x] Enter the barrier. Hopefully you can get some answers.
[x] Enter the barrier. Hopefully you can get some answers.