But no seriously if you can answer some of those questions if they're non-spoilery that'd be great.
Clearly it's pure black and poor tatsuya's already witch- umm, wizarded? - out. He's just experiencing the memories of his horrible failures!
You found a 'Doka!
This update brought to you despite the best efforts of Fallout 4: the Quest for Duct Tape.

You don't know what these creatures are but it seems you pretty much ignore them for now. That new golden feeling should probably be investigated though. You dash forward through the ranks of the creatures before they can finish surrounding you and exit the room you started in. You run down a hallway that twists and turns a few time and leap up a set of stairs in a single bound, dodging the few creatures you come across. At the end of your dash you wind up at a door, behind which you can sense the source of the golden feeling.

Exercising caution, you inch open the door and slowly enter, keeping quite. On the other side of the door is a balcony overlooking a courtyard. In the courtyard is a shining circle, which the golden feeling is emanating from, and inside the circle is you sister, exactly how you remember her! Your heart leaps into your throat and you nearly jump down to grab her and get her out of this acid trip. But that sort of kneejerk reaction is what gets people killed so you force yourself to breathe again and observe the room.

Of course you start with Madoka. She's uninjured, thankfully, but she's understandably scared. In her arms is one of the Devil's white rats, which is heavily injured. You're confused as to what it's doing here but the rats aren't actually dangerous so you push that aside for now. Besides Madoka there are two other teenage girls in the circle, one standing next to her and one standing across from her. They're just talking for now so you keep scanning for threats. Outside of the glowing circle is a horde of the denizens of the labyrinth, both the ice cream cones and the fluffballs. However it seems that they can't enter the circle, so Madoka is safe for now.

You haven't been noticed yet so you relax a little and take another look at the girls in the circle with Madoka, taking time to take in the details you skipped over before. The girl standing next to Madoka has short blue hair and blue eyes. You vaguely remember that she's one of Madoka's friends. Maybe. The girl standing across from them is blond and her hair is styled into ringlets. Her eyes match her hair. She also has a large chest for a girl her age. All three of them are wearing the same clothes, which you guess is some sort of uniform.

The blond girl takes some sort of yellow gemstone out of nowhere and tosses it in the air. When she catches it there's a blinding flash of light and the golden feeling bursts out of her, this time so strong that it almost overwhelms you. After a moment the feeling and the light die down to a manageable level and the blond girl's outfit has changed completely. It's more like some sort of costume now, rather than a uniform. She even has a little hat.

There's a much smaller burst of the golden feeling and suddenly there's a long gun, you think it's called a musket, in the blond girl's hands. She steps out of the glowing circle and fires at one of the fluffballs, killing it instantly. She then discards the musket, which dissolves into sparkles of light that disperse into the air, and summons two more. She begins to fight the creatures, summoning and discarding muskets as she goes. It only takes you a few seconds to see that besides the obvious fact that she's got magic she's also extremely skilled. She's treating the fight like a dance or performance rather than a life or death battle.

Something else catches your attention. Ever since you entered this place the evil feeling that lead you here has been omnipresent, pushing in on you from every direction, but now you've noticed that the feeling is stronger in a particular direction. Perhaps it has a source, like how the source of the golden feeling is the blond girl.

What do?

[] Help the blond girl to kill the monsters and protect Madoka.
-[] Try out your magic. What's your magic? Ooooooh teasing!
-[] Just beat them to death. ONE PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCH!!

[] The blond girl seems to have this under control.
-[] Just hang back and watch for now. Stalk your sister. Nice one Tatsuya.
-[] Go find the source of the evil feeling and destroy it. Screw this, I'mma go fight a boss!

Am I write good?
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[x] Help the blond girl to kill the monsters and protect Madoka.
-[x] Just beat them to death.

Protect Madoka now. Kill Homura later.
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[X] The blond girl seems to have this under control.
-[X] Go find the source of the evil feeling and destroy it.

Lets go hunt us a Moemura.
[X] The blond girl seems to have this under control.
-[X] Just hang back and watch for now.

I don't want to have to interact with people yet.
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[X] The blond girl seems to have this under control.
-[X] Just hang back and watch for now.

The girl is clearly a combat monster; equally clearly, she's not treating this with the seriousness that combat deserves. We can be most productive by positioning ourselves to pull her fat out of the fryer as and when she over-reaches. (And I'm not just saying that because metaknowledge.)
Protect Madoka now. Kill Homura later.
Lets go hunt us a Moemura.
I don't want to have to interact with people yet.
The girl is clearly a combat monster; equally clearly, she's not treating this with the seriousness that combat deserves. We can be most productive by positioning ourselves to pull her fat out of the fryer as and when she over-reaches. (And I'm not just saying that because metaknowledge.)
[X] The blond girl seems to have this under control.
-[X] Just hang back and watch for now.
-[X] Remember to save her centipede legs when they fall into the fire: it's obvious that that level of flamboyant behavior is a terrible idea in this place.
[X] Help the blond girl to kill the monstersand protect Madoka.
-[X] Just beat them to death.

We're here to gain their favor. Hanging back and watching won't do that.
[x] The blond girl seems to have this under control.
-[x] Go find the source of the evil feeling and destroy it.

[X] Help the blond girl to kill the monsters and protect Madoka.
-[X] Just beat them to death.

Lets break those things legs
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