Puella Magi Caterva Bella: A Game of Magic, Memories, and Memes

[X] Tsukasa and her girls are always willing to take in more impressionable young kids and fill their brains with education. She tends to be really motherly. A little too motherly sometimes. By which I mean way overprotective.

Mom character? Mom character!
That's all I needed for sale, really.
Best Demon Tips? Anonymous No.82315
File: DemonClump.jpg

Hey /mga/. Ruralguca here, mostly self-taught. Small population = less miasma = less gucas and all. Another contracted a few days back, though, and she's sorta under my wing for now. I've only been at it a few months, though, and I'm worried I'll miss informing her of something important just cause I'm kind of a noob too.

So, if you were putting together a guide to demons and hunting for newgucas, what would you put in it? What's need-to-know, what are just fun facts, what sort of veteran tips have you got to offer?
[Pretend I formatted this correctly]

Has anyone tried experimenting with the grief cubes? Incubator bodies?

Been tryin to fuck wit enchantment.
s. Best Demon Tips?
Best Demon Tips? Anonymous No.62315No.62322 No.62472 No.62484 No.62499
File: DemonClump.jpg

Hey /mga/. Ruralguca here, mostly self-taught. Small population = less miasma = less gucas and all. Another contracted a few days back, though, and she's sorta under my wing for now. I've only been at it a few months, though, and I'm worried I'll miss informing her of something important just cause I'm kind of a noob too.

So, if you were putting together a guide to demons and hunting for newgucas, what would you put in it? What's need-to-know, what are just fun facts, what sort of veteran tips have you got to offer?
Small(town)hunter!?!R3dW1ssB14kY3ll0w No.62322No.62331
>>62315 (OP)

Heyo! Small town girls unite! Big city girls can't scare us!

lol, ok now that my obligatory small town stand of solidarity has been done I'll cover some of the basics. Miasma = bad. It makes the normies all depressed and develop mental conditions. Demons = bad. They make the miasma spread and also like make the normies wanna suicidal for real.

Hunting => don't get surrounded, don't charge straight in. Crowd control tactics are the best, it keeps them from bunching up and makes them easy to pick off. The city gets a lot of demons- and that means both a lot to take on and a lot of grief cubes to take in. Don't be afraid of use a ton of magic attacks and stuff. That's the biggest problem I had adjusting to the city.

And remember, there's a lot more girls you can ask for help with. It's not like back home where everyone was like 'my quota for this month'. A lot of girls will help you for nothing more than a favor re-payed back in the future.
Small(town)hunter!?!R3dW1ssB14kY3ll0w No.62331No.62334 No.62451

>First response finally
Wow, only 7 posts away. Slow day today?
Anonymous No.62334No.62338

Meeting in Shinjuku that all of the major cliques are attending is probably drawing all the attention away. They're arguing over territorial disputes and settling grudges and stuff. It happens every year. Usually they don't get much done, but occasionally something big happens so people check it out anyway.
Small(town)hunter!?!R3dW1ssB14kY3ll0w No.62338No.62342

Oh cool. Didn't know that. Anyone talking about it?
Anonymous No.62342
Stream link below. Chat's on the right, the head mod of /str/ ripped some sort of American streaming site design.

I Don't Know Everything, I Only Know What I Know!?B4ChoRL3TT3 No.62451
Oh yeah, right. I was representing the library girls and they don't let us use cellphones in there, sorry for the late reply.

Um, there's not a lot on demons. I think one of the girls in /his/ asked about something demon, it should still be archived. Dig around for the tag Demonology 101. Arch did a whole info dump on it. Other than that, I'm not the biggest expert on the whole combat thing. Sorry, I don't participates in a lot of the high intensity demon fights.
Anonymous No.62472No.62484 No.62499
>>62315 (OP)

Consider checking out /pmc/. They're the board's focus on combat expertise.
Anonymous No.62484No.62499
>>62315 (OP)

/pmc/ does a lot of the fighting discussion, yeah. You'd be best off to ask advice on any combat from them.
Checkstamasta!?!Mu220ubsRprme No.62499No.62503
>>62315 (OP)

No. Disregard these two idiots. Do not take any advice from /pmc/. They will teach you nothing about demon hunting and their half assed training will only drill bad habits into your head.

There's no substitute for actual combat experience, but if you want some tips from veterans, consider asking /req/. The good advice there will actually drown out the drivel that they'll shove at you.
Rekstar?!!C3hk3dN23k7 No.62503No.62512

Lol, check you still buttmad about that last run I pulled with you? Get over yourself already.
Checkstamasta!?!Mu220ubsRprme No.62512No.62517 No.62521

Of course I'm still mad. Your reckless disregard for any safety measures almost got two girls eaten. When I told you I would be working with some rookies, I expected a different level of attitude from you. Your skill level may allow you to get out of the situations you run into because of your devil-may-care attitude, and I am fine with that.

What I am not fine with is when it endangers other people.
Anonymous No.62514
I've never been to /pmc/ but a few basic hints I would recommend would be to always run with a larger group if you can score one and to make sure you have a defensive position to retreat to if things go bad.
Rekstar?!!C3hk3dN23k7 No.62517No.62529

Check, I specifically told those girls that I was going to do something that they probably couldn't handle, and they should only come if they were extremely confident in themselves. If they overestimated their own skill levels and got themselves into trouble because they couldn't handle it, that isn't my problem.

((User Was Warned for This Post: "You're already on thin ice for your history, Rek. Don't push it."))
Ixtwist!!!B14d37Wi2tNs1iP No.62521No.62529

Check, you need to calm down. Rekstar may have been over-zealous but the fact of the matter is that none of the issue lies with her. She had warned them, she had told them of the difficulty level, and she had made every effort to inform them of risks they were talking.

No one expected her to sacrifice her life for them like she was Floesie.

((User Was Warned for This Post: "You're not helping. Please stop. Also, don't bring up Floesie."))
Anonymous No.62524
Hey, you guys, maybe we should all calm down before a mod gets angry? Just a suggestion.
Checkstamasta!?!Mu220ubsRprme No.62529No.62534

And I had specifically told you to rein in your attitude you fucking moron. You should have controlled that urge to even do shit like that, because I had told you that you had two new girls with you. Goddamnit, Rek is that so fucking hard to do?

Don't you start this with me Ix. You're the reason that the state of /pmc/ is even like this. If you even bothered to teach them any sort of decent attitude, they wouldn't be shitheads who valued combat skill more than combat discipline.

And don't you dare fucking bring up Floesie.

((User was Kicked for this post: "And you need to take a moment to calm down."))
Rekstar?!!C3hk3dN23k7 No.62534
If you wanted me to do that, maybe you should have damn told me that, Check. Don't give me half assed instructions and then rage at me when I don't do exactly what you want because you didn't tell me a single bit of what you really wanted.
Queer(y)Mod ## Mod No.62543
Everyone shut. Up. I'm nipping this in the bud before it gets any worse, because I can see exactly where this is going to lead to.

Check, take a time out. You're obviously getting way too angry about this, and you're not thinking clearly. Go take a bath, shower, eat your favorite ramen, whatever. But you're out of this thread, starting now.

Rek, you've been board-banned from /mga/ before, and your behavior last time was pretty egregious, but from all accounts, you haven't done anything ban worthy... yet. Just watch yourself. Because we certainly are.

Ix... I appreciate you trying to calm down the fight, and I know you're one of the more respectable girls and all, but please, next time don't intervene like this. You're just adding fuel to the fire. Also don't bring up Floesie, what are you, crazy?

KK, I'm done. Peace, and everyone who doesn't want it can fuck right off.
Small(town)hunter!?!R3dW1ssB14kY3ll0w No.62548
Holy crap.
Anonymous No.62551
Woah. Uh... that was unexpected. Uh, to get back to your question, OP.

Yeah, the best source of demon information is probably that stuff with the Demonology 101 tag. And uh, some advice for hunting would be to make sure you retain mobility while keeping your sides and flanks secure. Most girls are blindsided by something they didn't see coming, and the rest eat it because they were hemmed in by something they couldn't dodge. Don't let that be you.
I Don't Know Everything, I Only Know What I Know!?B4ChoRL3TT3 No.62564No.62551
Hey, it's me again. Check messaged me earlier and said she was sorry for shitting up your thread. She gave me some advice to relay on to you.

1. Have a partner to watch your flanks. If you can get more in your group, get more. Having three girls in a v formation is pretty good, but the best split is two pairs of two who watch each other and the other pair.
2. Make sure that your footing is stable. The biggest problem to holding a steady defense is having bad footing. Make sure yours is good so your mobility is safe and your defense is strong.
3. Clearly delineate your front and rear lines. Do not let the two get mixed. Your front needs to protect the rear and your rear needs to support the front. If you get surrounded and your rear is threatened, retreat rather than try to tough it out.
4. If you can, take a couple of grief cubes with you as a reserve. Most fights will be over quick, but some extra magic could be the difference between life and death.
Ixtwist!!!B14d37Wi2tNs1iP No.62565
Yeah... I probably didn't help things any. Sorry.

Anyway, /pmc/ probably isn't the best place for a newbie to start off with in terms of hunting strategies, but if you want weapon tips, you're really welcome to come. We have experts on practically everything.

Just ignore it if people tell you need to diversify your weapon usage. For a newbie, it's best to just focus on one at a time. If you try to work with more, you're just going to get confused and mess up.
Anonymous No.62551No.62551

>stable footing
Going to second this, it's really important. I can't count the number of times I've fought on somewhere I thought was a good step, only to nearly get chomped because something collapsed under me.
Anonymous No.62551
I think she mean in terms of stance, but both are important, really.
s. Untitled 1
Anonymous No.31867No.31874 No.31882 No.31885 No.31889 No.31901 No.31903 No.31912 No.31945
Has anyone tried experimenting with the grief cubes? Incubator bodies?

Been tryin to fuck wit enchantment.
Anonymous No.31874No.31934
>>31867 (OP)

>tryin to fuck wit
lol fug off
Anonymous No.31882No.31894 No.31934
>>31867 (OP)

>experimenting with grief cubes
Do you need help or something? You know there's some girls who can heal permanent brain damage, I can direct you to some.
Anonymous No.31885No.31894 No.31934
>>31867 (OP)

>experimenting with grief cubes
Anonymous No.31889No.31894 No.31934
>>31867 (OP)

>experimenting with grief cubes
This has to be a troll, right guys?
Anonymous No.31894

Anonymous No.31901No.31934
>>31867 (OP)

>tryin to fuck wit
Please refer to /mga/ board rules. In particular rule 3: NO SH*TPOSTING.
Anonymous No.31903
>>31867 (OP)
>incubator bodies
Literally what is even the point?
Anonymous No.31912No.31934
>>31867 (OP)

>muh grand experiment
Truly this will be the most original and greatest experiment to have ever been performed. I can already feel the foundations of our understanding of magic and everything it's based on begin to shift already! The new age is upon us!
Anonymous No.31934No.31945

Have you guys considered that this may just be a really confused newbie and that you guys shouldn't fug with them?
Deeblo!!?5w1s8yf15h13 No.31945No.31949 No.31956
>>31867 (OP)

Pretty low quality bait, but it got me to bite, so you can have some cred for that at least.

>screwing with grief cubes
Supremely dumb idea. You don't screw with grief cubes unless you want it to spontaneously sprout an entire horde of demons and have them all converge to eat you. Just.. in the first place, it's a really really stupid idea to mess with grief. This stuff will literally kill you.

>screwing with incubator bodies
What's even the point? There's nothing special about an incubator, and nothing will change. They'll just get a new body and look disapprovingly at you like you've killed a cat for no reason or something, which you literally just did.

No, a newbie would make a high effort middling quality post. This is the sort of posting that it takes true effort to achieve.
Anonymous No.31949No.31967

>getting deeblo to bite
That's not really a high standard, though.
Anonymous No.31956
Even so, responding to shitposting with shitposting seems like a dumb idea.
Deeblo!!?5w1s8yf15h13 No.31967
If this is Tatsuki, fug off. If this isn't Tatsuki, fug off anyways.
[X] Tsukasa and her girls are always willing to take in more impressionable young kids and fill their brains with education. She tends to be really motherly. A little too motherly sometimes. by which I mean way overprotective.
[X] The internet is the solution for all problems! More specifically, a very specific BBS would probably solve a lot of these girls problems. It's a good information and support network for them to use at their own initiative.
> grief cubes

Well, I've been TRYING to get them to spawn demons.

>Make a single grief cube to spawn demons
> spawn multiple demons from one grief cube

I mean, it's not ethical, but...

> incubator bodies

I just want to make one that goes with my outfit and have it follow me around.
[X] The internet is the solution for all problems! More specifically, a very specific BBS would probably solve a lot of these girls problems. It's a good information and support network for them to use at their own initiative.
4. Introducing Rookies to a Sempai
Saturday 6:38 PM
Ikebukuro, Tokyo
June 6, 2015 CE

Truth be told, I didn't really have the time to mentor them. Fortunately, though, I knew several who would both have the time and the inclination to do so in my stead. A couple of names came to mind, but there was definitely one more suitable than the rest.

"I don't really have the time for that." I told them, and then quickly amended myself when I saw their expressions begin to fall. "But, I know someone who does!"

"She's quite knowledgeable, and she usually takes on teaching new girls." I extolled Tsukasa's virtues. "She has a lot of experience with this sort of thing. Don't worry, she'll take really good care of you."

"If you say so, sempai." Haruka said a bit doubtfully. Well, she'd warm up when she actually met Tsukasa, I was reasonably sure of it.

"I'll call ahead and ask her to meet with you." I twisted my wrist and my phone feel right out of my detransformed catsuit. I paused as I noticed the time. It was rather late, especially for schoolgirls. "It's almost 7:00 PM. Shouldn't you girls be getting home by now?"

"Nah." Nasu her head. "We're good for weekend nights. Haru's got permission from her parents, I can probably talk my way out of any punishment so they won't really bother anyways, and Tsumiko's mom doesn't really care. We're good. Actually, what about you, Senpai? Shouldn't you be getting home too? Your parents will worry, right?"

I frowned and shook my head. "No. I'm 24, I don't live with my parents anymore."

There was a moment of shocked silence and I think Tsumiko nearly fell over. Then all three of the girls exclaimed at once. "Twenty four?!?!"

"Yeah." I nodded. What was with this reaction? "I've been doing this for a while. About.... eight years now? Nine-ish?"

"B-b-but you look so young, sempai!" Haruka stammered out.

"Y-y-you're not just playing a practical joke on us, are you sempai?" Nasu asked.

"Thanks, I guess?" Was I being complimented here? I guess I was. "But no, I really am twenty four."

There was some more shocked mumbling. I guess I just gave off the air of a younger woman or something? I dialed Tsukasa's number and waited for the dialtone to pick up. "Hey, Tsukasa. It's me, Yukiko. I got some new girls..."


"Next stop for Kokkai-gijido-mae. Next stop for Kokkai-gijido-mae." The announcer stated loudly over the crowded woman's car. I blinked my eyes open, and pulled my cheek away from the cool metal pole on which I had fallen half asleep. "Next stop M-14, next stop M-14."

I looked over to my left where Nasu had slumped onto Tsumiko's shoulder and was snoring softly. Tsumiko for her part was sitting ramrod straight in her seat, as Haruka had slumped over with her head in her lap. Uncomfortable position, yeah. I could sympathize.

"Hey." I said to catch Tsumiko's attention. "That's our stop. You should wake them up."

Tsumiko nodded, and began to wake up Haruka. I tapped Nasu on the shoulder. "Hey, kiddo. We're getting off soon."

"Mrrrrm?" Nasu moaned and snuggled deeper into the crease between Tsumiko's shoulder and neck. Tsumiko froze. "Mrrrrm."

"Yeah, mrrm." I said, a little amused by the whole situation. "C'mon, we're getting off, here. This is our stop."

Eventually Tsumiko and I managed to get her friends all awake. I didn't blame them, they'd been through a lot, and as soon as the adrenaline wears off you really want to do nothing more than to fall over and close your eyes. But, they'd asked for this, really, and I aimed to deliver. I took them aboveground after I'd paid off the metro fair, and to a nearby cafe. Most of the shops and stores were closing. Nagatacho wasn't what you would call an 'exciting nightlife scene'. But there was one nice cafe that was open at least until I think 1 A.M. if I remembered right.

I pushed the door open with a jingle of bells, and the older owner behind the countertop greeted as I walked in. "Welcome."

"Hi." I greeted him back as I walked in with a trail of three high schoolers behind me. "I'll be sharing a table with one... Hanegawa Tsukasa?"

"Ah yes." He nodded. "She's by the window over there."

"Thanks." I said, and he nodded. I looked over to spot that Tsukasa was, indeed, by the window stable staring out at the dying light over Nagatacho. She was dressed pretty formally, probably came here straight from work. Her dark brown hair was tied back and plaited, and she was wearing a tight wrap skirt which went down below her knees and a nice looking white blouse. Her eyes were scanning a book. As I approached she looked up and pushed up her glasses.

"Hey, Tsukasa-san." I said, and pulled out a chair opposite to her. I invited the three kids to take seats nearby. "You just got off from work?"

"Yes, indeed." She nodded and scanned the three high schoolers that I had brought here. They squirmed uncomfortably beneath her gaze as it stripped away the outer layers and sought to determine who they were underneath. "These three are the children you mentioned?"

"Yeah." I nodded as I flipped through the menu. Hm... ooh, was this Turkish Coffee? It looked expensive... but I guess I could afford to splurge a bit. I decided to order it. "Um, waitress? Can I get the turkish coffee? The 'bosanska kahva'?"

"Sure." She smiled, all cheery with blue hair and blue eyes. "Though that's actually Bosnian coffee."

"Is there a difference?" I asked. The picture... that was definitely Turkish coffee.

"There's a slight difference in the preparation, but it's essentially the same thing." She explained. "Though if you talk with Croation people, they'll insist it's different. They get very touchy about it."

"I see." I nodded. "Then I'll have that."

"If you want to order anything go ahead." I told the three girls. "I'll treat you this time."

I was probably reinforcing that cool sempai image way more than I should, but honestly it wasn't like it was going to do any harm. In a few seconds, we were all sitting there, sipping at our drinks. Tsukasa had ordered another cup of tea, too.

"So." She started. "You just cleared a miasma. With these girls."

I nodded.

"A group with what you reported to rage demons... greater rage demons." Her tone was deceptively calm and I sighed. Oh boy, I knew what was going to happen next.

"Don't you think that that sort of thing would have been too challenging for a new group like this?" The question was rhetorical, but I bothered to explain myself anyways.

"Hey, sempai was per-mrrrf" Nasu started to say something, but Haruka slammed a hand over her mouth, watching me carefully. Probably the right choice. I didn't need this to get stirred up.

"Look, Tsukasa-san, I had it handled." I told her. "In addition, the rate of the miasma spread was really bad; it was either move then or spent the next three days trying to negotiate to get someone to help me, and that would have taken too long."

"Those weren't your only two choices, you know." Tsukasa told me. The expression on her face and her tone of voice....? Oh. I think I might have misjudged this entirely. "You could have called me, or anyone. We'd be willing to help."

Yep. This wasn't her chewing me out for bringing the girls into a tough fight. This was her chewing me out for not asking her for help more often. "Look, I didn't want to impose-"

"It wouldn't have been imposing." Tsukasa interrupted me. "You've helped everyone around here, so many times. When I couldn't pay my rent that time you fronted the money for me. When Nakimura-san went missing, you went and tracked her down and made sure she got in contact with everyone. You told us we weren't imposing on you. I just want to have a chance to repay you."

...she was just determined to make it hard for me to refuse her, wasn't she? I looked away, avoiding her direct gaze. "Look, if you want to repay me, watch out for these girls for me, alright? I know you got a soft heart for these sorts of situations, and you know a lot more than the average girl. You'd probably do a better job than me at this."

"I don't know everything, I only know what I know." She said reflexively, and we both chuckled at that old joke. "You've got to stop selling yourself short Yukiko-sempai. Of course I'll do it."

"Thanks." I finished my cup and set it down. Checking the dzezva, I found it empty. Well, that was that, then. "Well, if that's then, I'll leave it to you. I trust you'll introduce them how to use it?"

"Yep." Tsukasa nodded. "No problems. I'll handle it."

Okay, responsibility carried out. I got up from my seat and went to the coat rack to put my helmet back on, and enter back out into the brisk spring evening air. But before I did, Tsukasa called out to me. "Oh, and Yukiko-sempai you should stay a bit longer next time. We don't hang out nearly enough."

I just waved to her as I left the cafe. There on the sidewalk was parked my bike, kickstand already out. My baby always knew how to find me, even when I had left it to its own devices.

What a good boy. I almost patted it a couple of times, but then I remembered I was in public.

I mounted it and revved up the engine. With a roar, I went off and sped into the night.


"Yo, Yukiko-chan." A voice called out to me as I stumped up the steps to my apartment on the fourth floor. I looked over tiredly. A tall girl who kind of looked like a punk with her cap-like hat and her street jacket waved at me from the third floor. She had long black waist-length hair and brown eyes which seemed to be playing a joke on me.

"Sakujo-san." I greeted her. She was the leader of one of the most powerful cliques in Tokyo, and fronted what was generally considered the longest lasting alliance ever formed. "What can I do for you this late at night?"

Sakujo leaned back against the railing and threw something right at me. I caught it right in front of my face and turned it over to take a closer look. It was a can of instant coffee, the sort you usually got from the vending machine. MAX Coffee or something. I had heard it was pretty popular among highschool students.

"You can have that." Sakujo offered me. "I thought I'd bring something to compensate you for your time."

I sighed. "Sakujo-san, it's much too late to be drinking coffee. It's almost time to go to bed."

"Well, then you can keep it and save it for tomorrow then." Sakujo persisted. Bullheaded as always. "I just wanted to ask you some things. I've been going around the city all day looking for information."

"This late at night."

"It's very important." Sakujo replied. "I've been asking everyone, you're the last person on my list."

She really wasn't going to leave until she found what she was looking for, was she? I gave in and motioned for her to ask her question.

"One of my girls said that two days ago, she saw some men wearing blue scarves around their necks like this come into town." She motioned on her neck a long triangular facemask with her hands. "Have you seen anything like that? Anyone hanging about with magical girls in particular?"

Blue... scarves, no I hadn't seen anyone like that. At least not with anyone I usually saw. I shook my head.

It seemed that was good enough for Sakujo. "Thank you for the answer than. I apologize for taking up your time."

I shook my head again. "No apology needed."

"Then, I will be off." Sakujo excused herself and began to walk back down the stairs I had just come up on. Before she descended the corner, though, she turned around and mentioned something. "By the way, I spotted some noise from your apartment earlier. It seems someone has gotten in."

...someone got into my apartment? I frowned. Then... yes it probably was her. Breaking into my apartment again. Urgh. I nodded in thanks to Sakujo Ichijo and hurried up the stairs to my apartment. If it was her, then...

I jammed the key in the door, swiped my finger across the touchpad, and slammed open the door. There, standing in my kitchen and humming merrily while she was making full use of the cooking facilities, was indeed Aragami Nanako. She was a slim girl with light brown girl styled in two long twintails that fell down to her waist, and at this moment wearing an apron over a t-shirt and slacks. She turned around and waved at me when she noticed my entrance, as if breaking and entering into my house was a completely normal thing (which it probably was at this point). "Come on in, dinner's already ready."

I just stared at her. "How did you get in?"

She just wiggled her fingers at me. "Magic~"

...please, Nanako be more dignified. It's a bit embarrassing having the girl who practically taught me everything I know being this whimsical! Aren't you supposed to have a more experienced and mature aura?! Or that's what I wanted to say, but instead I just said. "Yes, of course, Nanako-sempai."


I chewed. Chewed some more. And then swallowed. Then I set my bowl and chopsticks down. "Okay, so you broke into my house through magic. That doesn't quite answer the question why you broke into my house."

Nanako gave me a look that just screamed 'duh'. "Isn't it obvious? I wanted to have dinner with you."

She was doing it again. I sighed. "No, no, really Nanako-sempai. Why?"

Nanako sighed back at me. What? Why was she sighing? She leaned forward and propped her head on her elbows. "Neither Misaka nor I have seen you in a while, and we got worried. Plus, Tsukasa said something about you getting into an incident earlier today."

Oh. Right. Tsukasa. I shrugged. "I guess I've been busy for a while. Sorry for not checking in."

"Oh, Yukiko-chan." Nanako reached across the table to rub my head. I grumbled... but to be honest it feels kind of nice. "You should see us more. You... you can't let your grief dwell."

My grief dwell? My.... grief? Oh... that's what she's talking about. I reached up and stopped her hand from where it was ruffling my hair.

"How do I stop from dwelling, then?" I asked quietly. "Should I accept it, then? I don't want to accept it."

Nanako smiled gently. "Let it go, Yukiko-chan. If it dwells, it will turn into despair and kill you. Look to the future and realize what the seeds of the past have planted there. Your friends laid a bush, and it has blossomed and produced fine roses."

"Magical girls are creatures of light and hope, and Puella Magi are no different. We cannot live in the past, nor let ourselves be constrained by the present. We must look to the future, and subside on hopes and dreams."

"Besides." She mentioned in teasing tone. "You can't just run off from something you saddled on me! Take responsibility!"

I nearly choked. "Nanako-sempai!" People would get entirely the wrong impression from a statement like that!

Nanako laughed. "I'm just kidding, kidding of course. Now, we finish this quickly. It's getting far too late."

I looked at the clock. Indeed, it was late. I should have to sleep like thirty minutes ago. "Then, are you going to be alright going home then? Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Nanako waved me off. "It's time, it's fine. Mikasa's going to come by with the car in a few. Besides, you really should go to bed."

I nodded. I'd go do that then.


My ringtone rang. I had set it like half a year ago, some or another by Threatre Brook. At the time, I had thought it was really some nice funk rock music, perfect for a ringtone. But from where I was in bed, it seemed really annoying, and not at all suited to be something that I heard thing upon waking up.

I groped along the side of my bed, looking for my phone. My hand slapped against cold, hard wood several times, before I picked it off my dresser and my arm withdrew back into the warmth of my blankets. I tapped the key to receive the call.

"Yes, hello?" I asked still cocooned inside my blankets. "This is Himegawa Yukiko speaking."

"Himegawa-san yes?" It was my boss. I shed some of my sleepy fugue immediately. "Are you free this Sunday?"

Actually, I had been considering some things, like calling my mother back, going to buy groceries, trawling /req/ to see if there were any open requests, or just lurking around in general, but I hadn't really made my mind up on any of those. "Not really. I could make time if you need it."

"Ah, in that case, can you report to the head office?" He asked. "Completely optional, you don't have to, but I'll pay you overtime."

Ah.... my Sunday looked like it was quickly slipping away between my fingers.

I guess I would...
[ ] Head in to work on Sunday. This sounded vaguely important, and the overtime money wasn't really necessary but would be gladly and gratefully received.
[ ] Call my mother back. She was the sort of person to get easily worried and distressed over tiny things, and I would probably want to reassure her that I was alright.
[ ] Check up on /req/ and maybe take a job. Well, this really wasn't really that different from heading to work. Maybe I was becoming a sort of workaholic? Oh no.
[ ] Check up on Mikasa and Nanako, and perhaps some of my other old friends. Nanako had mentioned something about them being worried, and she kind of had a point...
[ ] Screw it. Now was the time to cuddle into my sheets and just spend the entire day as a complete lush and just eat comfort food and lurk around on various boards.
[ ] Write in.

Notes: Happy Thanksgiving everybody! My goal for this and the next few updates is to slowly introduce everyone into the setting through a comfy mood, so there's a bit more fluffy filler before we jump into the main plot.

Also, if you don't mind, please tell me who was the most waifu material in this update please!
[x] Check up on Mikasa and Nanako, and perhaps some of my other old friends. Nanako had mentioned something about them being worried, and she kind of had a point...

We've got loads in savings; we really don't need to be scrounging for overtime. Plus, I want to meet our friends.

As far as waifu material, I dunno, but Nanako is my favorite.
[X] Call my mother back. She was the sort of person to get easily worried and distressed over tiny things, and I would probably want to reassure her that I was alright.

Geeze Yukiko you need to not be such a shitty daughter, this is why you're still single.
[X] Call my mother back. She was the sort of person to get easily worried and distressed over tiny things, and I would probably want to reassure her that I was alright.

Right, let's not make mom more worried.
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[X] Head in to work on Sunday. This sounded vaguely important, and the overtime money wasn't really necessary but would be gladly and gratefully received.

A delivery girl being called into the Head Office. Somethings up.

But we should definitely call back Yukiko's mother sometime soon.
[X] Head in to work on Sunday. This sounded vaguely important, and the overtime money wasn't really necessary but would be gladly and gratefully received.
[X] Call my mother back. She was the sort of person to get easily worried and distressed over tiny things, and I would probably want to reassure her that I was alright.
[x] Check up on Mikasa and Nanako, and perhaps some of my other old friends. Nanako had mentioned something about them being worried, and she kind of had a point...
[X] Call my mother back. She was the sort of person to get easily worried and distressed over tiny things, and I would probably want to reassure her that I was alright.

I kind of wonder what we actually do when we're not being a bad-ass magical girl, but I also want to check in with our friends. Going around on the boards would be massive fun, but probably largely unproductive.

Let's start with Mom, and work our way down the list. I'm interested in seeing how terrible our relationship with her is, and how we explain the fact that we're twenty-four, but also still barely manage to look legal.
[X] Call my mother back. She was the sort of person to get easily worried and distressed over tiny things, and I would probably want to reassure her that I was alright.

We can head into work later =p

And clearly the most waifu is Yukiko. I ain't even bias in the least.
[X] Call my mother back. She was the sort of person to get easily worried and distressed over tiny things, and I would probably want to reassure her that I was alright.

We can head into work later =p

And clearly the most waifu is Yukiko. I ain't even bias in the least.

You can't wed yourselves, Lilithium. Do you want Yukiko to become wizard-

Who's the most waifu-ish, hm? I suppose Nanako feels the most interested in Yukiko. But maybe not that way. I also enjoy that banter they've been having. Although, of course, we're all destined for Madokami's harem. ;)

[X] Head in to work on Sunday. This sounded vaguely important, and the overtime money wasn't really necessary but would be gladly and gratefully received.

Out boss seems like he needs our help.
[X] Call my mother back. She was the sort of person to get easily worried and distressed over tiny things, and I would probably want to reassure her that I was alright.
[X] Check up on Mikasa and Nanako, and perhaps some of my other old friends. Nanako had mentioned something about them being worried, and she kind of had a point...

(Voting both on the clandestine assumption calling mom isn't going to take all day...)

My assumptions are always wrong.

[X] Call my mother back. She was the sort of person to get easily worried and distressed over tiny things, and I would probably want to reassure her that I was alright.

I just waved to her as I left the cafe. There on the sidewalk was parked my bike, kickstand already out. My baby always knew how to find me, even when I had left it to its own devices.

What a good boy. I almost patted it a couple of times, but then I remembered I was in public.

Clearly, the bike is the best waifu
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