Puella Magi Caterva Bella: A Game of Magic, Memories, and Memes

[x] Sanya's Grill and Bar: For those times when you want a weird fucking Russian girl suplexing you as a greeting
9. Drunk Philosophy
Saturday 4:29 PM
Ikebukuro, Tokyo
June 13, 2015

Disclaimer: Please drink responsibly

The large sign wooden sign bolted above the doorway of Russia Sushi was splashed with black ink- spelling of the name of the sushi bar. I peered inside. There were a ton of people inside, noisy and raucous. Not exactly the sort of place where you wanted to sit down and have a drink to yourself.

I wondered what I had been thinking, coming here.

"Yukiko-chan!" There was a voice- a familiar one. I knew exactly what was going to happen- and how to avoid it! I darted forward- trying to escape- but it was no use. A pair of arms clinched tight around me and with a yell of surprise I was lifted into the air.

"Russian!" Oh no no no no no no! "Suuuuuplex!"

A crack resounded, and my shoulders and neck hit the ground, hard. The force of impact spread from my neck down my body, and I groaned in pain, slipping out of her grasp to topple slowly onto the ground.

"And Sasha takes home the world trophy again for Mother Russia!" A slavic looking girl with pale skin and black hair crowd as she held her arms up in victory above me.

I merely groaned.

"Sasha, stop manhandling the customers!" A heavily tinted voice called out in Japanese from within the store. "What what your father say if he knew he was doing this?"

Sasha said something nasty sounding in Russian and then muttered under her breath in Japanese. "He'd say that it's just fun roughhousing and that you're way too strict uncle Simon."

"Besides, you don't mind do you, Yukiko-chan?" She turned an eye to me, and upon the realization that I was still within her arms reach, I hastily responded in the negative by shaking my head.

"No, no, I don't mind at all!" I lied.

"Yeah, that's right, you don't mind." Sasha nodded, to who I didn't know. To herself maybe? "Still... you should probably go in already."

She shooed me through the door, and I went in. Behind the counter was a large burly black man dressed in a sushi chef's outfit. He smiled at me. I smiled back at Simon, the cook. Apparently he was an old friend of Sasha's father and had taken over the restaurant from him after he had retired.

"Ah, Himegawa-san." He said in badly accented Japanese and nodded at me. "What will you have?"

"Uh, I guess I'll start with a mixed Makizushi bento." I ordered while looking up at the menu above the countertop. "And, some cold sake."

"It'll be up in a second. Take a seat."

There were two choices of seats at Russia Sushi. One: in a booth that could seat up to eight people and partitioned off from the rest of the restaurant by a cloth barrier. The second: at the counter, up in one of the bar stools. I opted for the latter and climbed up onto a stool as Simon slide over a bottle of cold Sake over to me. The Makizushi would take some time to prepare and would come later.

"Yo. Himegawa." My neighbor to the right greeted me, and I looked over. It took me a bit to recognize who had called me out, but when I did I was fairly surprised.

"Von Illianburg?" I probed. She certainly didn't look like the mad scientist I knew. Von Illianburg was semi-famous in Tokyo circles- she was one of those back alley Tokyo doctors who also happened to operate on magical girls because she was one herself. Supposedly a German immigrant to Tokyo she was primarily known for her bombastic manner and fantastic wild aristocrat scientist appearance.

The girl in front of me certainly didn't look anything like that. No spikey hair- her blonde hair was down loose to her shoulders, nothing on but a casual set of slacks and shirt plus jacket- no lab coat anywhere in sight, and she looked unusually calm... which was probably due to the bottle of pale lager clutched in her right hand. The brewery was Bitburger; I didn't recognize it.

"Aye." The girl nodded- confirming my suspicions that she was indeed the famed mad scientist. "Don't recognize me like this, do you?"

"...no." I admitted. "Not at all. This doesn't look like your normal appearance at all."

She smiled wryly. "Could it be that this is my normal appearance and what I do usually is just an act I put up?" Before I could ponder the question, she continued. "Yeah, it's not like normal at all. I had a bad day today- and I decided to let my hair down and relax a bit."

"Mmm." I commiserated a little. Bad days were something I knew pretty well. "How was it?"

"A girl was on my operating table today." She took a swig of her drink and looked down at the countertop. "Her friend took her in- and she was in extreme shock. I kept telling her to stay with me the whole time, and her friend kept feeding her grief cubes to stop the depression from setting in."

It sounded like a good story to m-

"She didn't make it. Law of cycles took her right before I could finish stitching her up." Von Illianburg laughed bitterly. "Didn't even leave a body. Just a mess of blood on my sheets."

...that was rough. I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just took the bentou of Makizushi when it arrived and started eating. It was mostly Futomaki with a variety of fillings inside and a bit of Hosomaki placed around the sides. It was pretty good despite the oddity of the ingredients used. I dug in in silence. The cold sake complimented the sushi well. The- well, I was no food critic so I probably shouldn't try to describe it with my inadequate grasp of language.

It was good, was what I was saying.

"So, what's up with you?" Von Illianburg flicked some leftover rice off her chopsticks and pointed them at me. "Why're you so down?"

I paused. Was this an open invitation to a real conversation with the famous Von Illianburg? "Someone reminded me of something. Some people I lost."

"Ah, a conflict between cliques?" Von Illianburg nodded- but she was wrong. It wasn't just another clique conflict. The four clans of Kyoto couldn't just be described as another clique. "Yeah, I see a lot of those."

"Cliques fights don't get people killed." I tried not to snap in irritation. If this was just another clique conflict, my friends would still be with me. No- what had happened to them was a ruthless extermination. "Across all of Tokyo per year, ten girls tops die because of conflicts between cliques. Girls don't smash gems. This wasn't a clique fight."

"They don't smash gems, right?" Von Illianburg smiled in a odd sad little way. "Just because gems aren't smashed doesn't mean girls don't die."

I blinked at her. What was she getting at here? She was a doctor who operated on bodies- she should have known better than anyone the specifics behind the lack of connection between vital functions and the actual body.

"What do you think happens to all those girls who lose out on fights?" Von Illianburg posed a question. "They lose out on territory fights and are driven away slinking into the darkness. What do you think happens to them after that?"

"They slink away into the darkness to find another territory." I replied. "It's not like there's exactly a lack of them."

"That's what you'd expect a sensible functioning magical girl to do, isn't it?" Von Illianburg leaned in as if imparting some sort of great secret. "Except they're not exactly sensible functioning magical girls are they? They're broken bloody and filled with grief aren't they?"

...I had never thought of it that way.

"I'll tell you what they do. They sit around. Filled with worthlessness. They slow their hunting and stop after they're beaten. And then what?" Von Illianburg waved her hands in the air like a butterfly flapping its two wings. "Poof. The law of cycles takes them. I've seen it more times than I've had to."

It wasn't the same, though. "It's not the same, though. Those are fights-"

"Over what?" Illianburg wondered. "Territory? Maybe prestige. All those things that normal magical girl cliques fight over? The only difference here is that the killing happened sooner rather than later."

I fell silent. Was that all I had lost my friends over- a simple fight over territory or prestige? Where they just another casualty in the long line of conflicts between magical girls?

Was this the fate of all magical girls? What a sad way to die. If the wraiths didn't do you in- another girl would. So much for solidarity between the saviors of humanity. So much for saving the universe.

"Yeah- no one thinks of it that way do they?" Von Illianburg leaned back, and cracked open a fresh bottle of pale lager. "As long as they don't see the killing done in front of their eyes- it doesn't happen."

And I too, had fallen to that same very trap. Perhaps I had grown too complacent in my position of a comfortable job and friends. I sat back and stared up at the ceiling. I had prided myself on never killing anyone- none of us had. But how many had we driven to self destruction through our actions. How many deaths had we inadvertently caused.

"Hey- you ever heard of Psychopomp?"

No reaction. I looked over. Von Illianburg was giving me a somewhat piercing stare. "Are you wondering about something?"

"Yeah." I said. "I'm wondering how much blood I have on my hands."

Illianburg paused for a moment, and then sighed. It was low and breathy, tinted with a bit of realization. "I guess I laid some heavy stuff on you, didn't I? And you came over here to unwind too?"

She barked a short laugh. It was kind of depressing and there was a bit of self loathing mixed into it. "See, this is why I never let my hair down. The act keeps me happy- keeps everyone around me happy. When I take a break from it- everyone just gets depressed."

There was a break. She was digging through her memory, most likely. I waited for her answer. I really did want to know.

"You're good. I've never heard of anyone who bit the dust because of anything you or associates did." She tilted back in her chair. "So probably no worse than any other."

"Yeah." I stared forwards and felt a bit of regret for not caring more in the past. At the time though, I was just a dumb kid, filled with ideas and who made decisions that I would later come to regret. Nowadays it seemed like that was all I did. Regret.

I slammed back the rest of the sake and called for more.

At least I wouldn't regret the hangover (because there wouldn't be any).

Thursday 8:23 AM
Ikebukuro, Tokyo
June 28, 2015

The phone was ringing. Annoying. I reached out through my covers and snatched it up. The number... Nananko-sempai? What was she doing calling then early in the morning?

Well, if she was calling, I suppose that I should answer, right? I slide down on the touchscreen to receive her call. "Hello?"

"Yukiko." Sharp and brisk. This wasn't like the usual Nanako at all. "Tsukasa's been attacked."

"What?" I sat up almost immediately. What?

"An attack last night. We're lucky someone checked up on her today- otherwise we probably wouldn't have found anything but an empty apartment."

Oh. Oh no. No. I shook my head. What the fuck. "Is she alright?! Did-"

"She's alive, critical condition but we've got her being worked on, and we're feeding her grief cubes right now." Nanako's immediate reply was reassuring and probably meant to be soothing but I didn't feel any calmer at all. "The net's howling for blood- but at the moment, everything's more or less under control."

Tsukasa- the net-a thought popped into my head. A responsibility I had passed off to her. If they were... "Tsukasa was mentoring some girls- did you find anything about them? Where they involved?"

"Girls who...?" There was some shuffling in the back and a pause as Nanako spoke to someone. I waited impatiently until she came back to the conversation. "Yeah. Two of them with her. They were attacked it looked like- they left Tsukasa for dead and bagged the girls and ran."

...two rookie girls taken. A friend almost dead. And an internet in uproar. And absolutely no idea who was behind this mess.

This was the worst way to make up to a Thursday morning ever.



Immediate Reactions?
[ ] The scene of the crime. Scope it out.
[ ] Visit Tsukasa. I need to be there for her.
[ ] The net. It can't be allowed to boil over.
[ ] An information dealer to shake down. Literally a suicide option unless you can come up with a viable way to restrain or bypass Shizuka.
[ ] Write in.

Notes: @Avalanche introduced me to Fargo and then this update was delayed for 3 days. Also prologue is over with, welcome to Arc 1!​
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[x] The scene of the crime. Scope it out.

The net can handle themselves for a while. We do need to be with our friend, but she's alive for now while there are two girls -our responsibility- whose fate are not certain yet and who knows how many more will got threatened if whoever doing this is not stopped. To find a clue about them, we must investigate the scene while it is still hot.
Notes: @Avalanche introduced me to Fargo and then this update was delayed for 3 days. Also prologue is over with, welcome to Arc 1!

Fargo will do that, yep. (Thanks again for bringing it over Avalanche!)

[X] Visit Tsukiko. I need to be there for her.

A) it means we get to be there for her, as noted
B) The newbies were a trio; third one is probably with Tsukiko.
C) Better to hear it from them what happened, it's not like we're CSI Meguca
Thing is, the people who were attacked can tell us so much more about who attacked them than we can deduce from the scene.

Plus this is a magical girl fight; I'm not sure what kind of evidence that leaves behind and odds are Kyubey cleaned it up already...

Actually speaking of, can we ask QB what happened? Certainly be interesting to hear his perspective on it.

[X] Visit Tsukiko. I need to be there for her.
[x] Visit Tsukiko. I need to be there for her.

Oh, wow, things just got really bad. >.<
Actually speaking of, can we ask QB what happened? Certainly be interesting to hear his perspective on it.
He'll probably say something bullshitty or actually truthful but vaguely helpful, but it's certainly an option! And you might even get some information that might be useful out of him.

Possibly maybe. Put it in a write in if you wanna see what you can squeeze out of that little cat-rat.
He'll probably say something bullshitty or actually truthful but vaguely helpful, but it's certainly an option! And you might even get some information that might be useful out of him.

Possibly maybe. Put it in a write in if you wanna see what you can squeeze out of that little cat-rat.

Well, if you say so. One of QB's favourite excuses is 'You never asked' after all...

[x] Visit Tsukiko. I need to be there for her.
- [x] If he's around, ask QB what happened, who attacked them and if he knows where the kidnapped newbies were taken.

Even if he's an evasive asshole about his answers, how he responds should still be telling.
[x] Visit Tsukiko. I need to be there for her.
- [x] If he's around, ask QB what happened, who attacked them and if he knows where the kidnapped newbies were taken.
Normies REEEEEEEEE Anonymous No.71251
Hey fellow gucas, I was wondering, what keeps this place from getting discovered by Normies? Even if you can't google it, what keeps someone from accidentally stumbling on it by just typing random shit?
Pic Unrelated.
Normies REEEEEEEEE Anonymous No.71251
Hey fellow gucas, I was wondering, what keeps this place from getting discovered by Normies? Even if you can't google it, what keeps someone from accidentally stumbling on it by just typing random shit?
Pic Unrelated.
>What is /bebe/
>What is /sms/

I think paellabook and meggic are invading

Nice story. Watched.
Normies REEEEEEEEE Anonymous No.71251
Hey fellow gucas, I was wondering, what keeps this place from getting discovered by Normies? Even if you can't google it, what keeps someone from accidentally stumbling on it by just typing random shit?
Pic Unrelated.
Anonymous No.71253
>typing random shit
who even does this
Anonymous No.71258
>implying gucas know anything about the web
There's like only two types of gucas, dukas who have lived for a thousand years and are basically old grannies who can't into technology, and young girls who do nothing but tweet and browse facebook all the time. Neither of them have any idea how shit works.
Anonymous No.71259No.71264
It's probably related to the fact that I don't even have a fucking URL for this website and we had to access the site transformed for the first time. I'm going to guess magic shit.
Queer(y)Mod ## Mod No.71264No.71266
Basically this >>71259. The entire system works off this really weird self propagating magic that works kind of like a peer to peer network off magic girls- which means it's unlisted on the actual network at all. There's a server stack somewhere in Shinjuku that us supermods just feed grief cubes into and it pushes the signal. That's why girls outside of Tokyo have such shitty ass connections- quality gets worse and worse the farther away from Tokyo you are, which is the biggest concentration of magical girls.

It's pretty ingenious- and I have no idea about the girl who came up with this, but it's a pretty amazing piece of magical engineering work. I'd like to ask her if I knew who she was.
Gan Ceann ## Admin No.71266No.71272 No.71274 No.71275 No.71278 No.71279 No.71280 No.71281 No.71283 No.71284 No.71288 No.71299 No.71300 No.71315

Don't bother, she's dead. Also the grief cubes don't get fed into the servers. Topmod just refreshes the enchantments on them every six months and collects the grief cubes for her own use.
Anonymous No.71272

holy shit
Anonymous No.71274
sweet buddha
Anonymous No.71275

jeezusto churisto
Anonymous No.71278No.71290

is this real life
Anonymous No.71279
someone fucking screencap
Anonymous No.71280

Praise be to thy holy admins- blessed be your name.

Anonymous No.71281
clusterfuck incoming
Anonymous No.71283

Anonymous No.71284No.71286

Anonymous No.71286No.71289

Anonymous No.71288No.71290

is this real life
Anonymous No.71289No.71296

Anonymous No.71290No.71293

or is this just fantasy
Anonymous No.71293No.71295

nice taste in music doubledukas
Anonymous No.71295No.71297

screw off queen is the best
Anonymous No.71296No.71303

Anonymous No.71297No.71335

yeah the best for losers
Anonymous No.71299

finish ur fugging fried rice recipe in /cok/ you duka. WHAT COMES AFTER THE SESAME SEEDS.
Anonymous No.71300No.71307

oh hey wow you're actually alive. quick question- can you approve the mpeg library for /btk/? Our mod hasn't replied to any of our requests about it- but we've already got the proposal done.
Anonymous No.71303
Anonymous ## Mod No.71307No.71310

fugg off friendo, i've been talking it over with query. This shit takes time.

also don't bother the admin with asinine questions.
Anonymous No.71310No.71318

You've literally said nothing on the topic for more than a month and ignore all questions about it. Plus you unstickied the progress thread on it.
Anonymous No.71315No.71321

Anonymous No.71317No.71323

no u duka, she's dead. lrn 2 read
Anonymous ## Mod No.71318
I unstickied the thread and stopped answer questions about it because I got tired of people asking me for progress reports- just like you're doing right now. I'll tell you the news when I fugging have it, you duka.
Anonymous No.71321No.71327

Anonymous No.71323
She's talking about the admin- not whoever her friend is I think.
Anonymous No.71327No.71331 No.71332 No.71333

Anonymous No.71331

your post gave me cancer
Anonymous No.71332
/bebes/ fugg off
Anonymous No.71333

Queer(y)Mod ## Mod No.71335No.71338 No.71340 No.71341
Holy crap, no idea that my response was going to cause all this shit. Archived for posterity and stickied (for at least the next two hours).

u have shit taste, friendo
Anonymous No.71338
Anonymous No.71340
query confirmed for best supermod
Anonymous No.71341
holy shit why is staff so based today
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Gan Ceann ## Admin No.71266No.71272 No.71274 No.71275 No.71278 No.71279 No.71280 No.71281 No.71283 No.71284 No.71288 No.71299 No.71300 No.71315

Don't bother, she's dead. Also the grief seeds don't get fed into the servers. Topmod just refreshes the enchantments on them every six months and collects the grief seeds for her own use.
Anonymous No.71299

finish ur fugging fried rice recipe in /cok/ you duka. WHAT COMES AFTER THE SESAME SEEDS.
Good to see someone's got her priorities straight.