Project Moon Related Media Crossover and Fanfic Ideas Thread


Judgment Upon You
So I made this thread because a recent boom in project moon quest gived me a lot ideas but if i posted those there I will derail those quest completely. So I'm going to make this thread and post my ideas here.

if you have any other ideas for project moon related things. Just post it here.

Important: Project moon deals with very heavy topics and very gruesome things. If you have a weak stomach for violence, gore or you don't like topics like mental illness, please do not go further than this.
Also, spoilers for anything Project moon related.
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What is project moon?
Project moon is a korean game studio That is famous for their storytelling, bleak world building, intriguing characters, unique game mechanics And Wonderful artstyles.
their games lobotomy corporation depicts a dystopia corporation with you interact with monster beyond imagination to produce energy, With you as the facility manager.
library of ruina, show you a city that runs on suffering with intriguing characters and tear jerkingly hardcore card games
There's also distortion detective, which is a web novel that they made, And two web comics, Wonder lab and Leviathan.
with that out of the way, here are some probably very half baked ideas.
so, instead of future foundation recruiting everyone, After getting out, makoto went into hiding because the fragment of despair are haunting him, Not long after he reaches his mewest safe house he received a letter sent by a individual named x, or After getting out everyone saw a man in a lab coat is waiting for them in front of tobviously heavily guarded Front door with multiple machine gun aimed at him
Scenario one, Everyone got a letter.
"... hello? " Makoto says, slowly inching towards the entrance of that very obviously abandoned warehouse...Why did he come here? This is very obviously a trap, but something about that letter just feels compelling, like he must follow it.
In the same time, it feel... Kind of nostalgic, really. The last time he received a letter is from hopes peak academy, A letter congratulating him that he can come over to the best school in the world, We are all the geniuses and people with talents go.
It was always his dream to go there. Of course, everybody hopes to get into the hopes peak academy.
Everyone says if you cangraduate from that school, then there is nothing you need to worry about. Your life is on a set course now and you will have everything you wanted right at your doorstep.
That did not happen to him.
All those old memories... Gone, It still feels unreal. Like they haven't gone out the academy, it still feels that junko is watching them, making every step, Laughing from ear to ear...
Taking a deep breath, he walks forward, The door of the warehouse cracks open. rusted metal screeching, like they are in pain.
Whoever choose to meet makoto at this god damn place must be wanting to kill him for a long time.
darkness inside of the warehouse, some boxes lying around, A strange Symbol imprinted on them a brain section with a l sticking into it, the things inside of those possibly already rotten or dead...
a liquid is covering the floor... Again, breathing in and breathing out. Makoto hope to god that this isn't the liquid he imagined.
He is always stupid. Isn't he?
He should not have come here, isn't he? He should not have listened to the letter.
he should join the future foundation as soon as possible. Instead of running away covering himself in his own dirty laundry.
The wind blows and the door closes.
The dim light bulb flickers to life.
"So you were alive then, the bastards the foundation lied to me."... That voice!
"That worked? man am i smart! " n-no.
" Oh, t-that is just d-dumb luck! Stop feeding your own ego! "this can't be.
" Oh, settle down you two. at lest makoto is finally here! hey! makoto! haven't seen you for a few years now! How's it going!" This this can't be happening. You're dreaming. You're definitely dreaming. This cannot be happening.
The last one, the ones sitting in the middle chair, she simply stared at you, a bit of disbelief showing in her eyes.
The man standing behind them, walks up,
"... I hate to interrupt this lovely reunion, but, Mr.Makoto, with you here. We can finally start to do business. Your friends here requested me to find you and lead you here or else they would not be cooperating with anything I do . So that's what I did, Hopefully you like this reunion I set up for you. It takes a lot of work to hide you from the eyes of despair."
... You're getting into something you shouldn't be getting into, aren't you?
I am lazy. So I won't take a shot at scenario two Before I have more Free time.

Lobotomy Corp × Harry potter
This one is still on the drawing board. So I'm gonna take some time
And I need to refamiliar myself withthe storyline of one to seven.
Yeah, I know. That's why I say I suck at it.
And I didn't really pull that much heart into that. I'm just experimenting, And if I don't get bored of the idea two or three weeks later, I will give it a shot.
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Yeah, I know. That's why I say I suck at it.
And I didn't really pull that much heart into that. I'm just experimenting, And if I don't get bored of the idea two or three weeks later, I will give it a shot.
What the heck.

That sentence structure is way more normal than your usual way of talking.
What do you mean?

Anyway, I'm going to expand on my Harry potter idea for a bit. Wait here.
so, harry potter
I want to do a ayin Harry potter stand in, but those are overused and very much boring. And I don't want to spend three or five chapters shopping for supplies with nothing interesting happening.
So, After releaseing the rest the seed of light, the head comes too early in this fic, Everyone was unprepared, Zena almost killed Angela. But Angela and all the books got thrown into a tear in space.
Because they think Angela is dealt with. They just left, the library dematerialize soon after that.
At the same time, at a different world, A massive broken tower materialized in the middle of the forbidden forest, with no trace of magic.
Reports flying around, saying the Hogwarts was being invaded by some unknown force. There is even some papers saying this is the work of no-nose and he's not dead.
Because the pressure from the press, the ministy send a team to investigate the scene. But they can't even seem to get close to a place.
Which makesthe ministry almost a laughing stock. Because they can't seem to find a big tower in the middle of a forest.
Angela, at her almost dying state decided to sleep because spending too much energy will just kill her quicker, and all librarian has been turned into kids to spend less energy on maintaining their body with the light.
thats when something unexpected happened.
After looking through the remaining books in the library. They found out one thing, the book of lobotomy corporation and the book of distortion is gone.
Meanwhile, at a normal England family household with no kids.
The husband and wife of that household find out there is two babys lying on their front yard with cards next to them.
"Please take care of me—— Ayin&Carmen"
It seems in her infinite wisdom, Angela got rid of some things that she do not want in her library.
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... After looking through my choices i might actualy send Malkuth hod or chesed to hogwarts.
One is a cute, brave Outgoing girl who doesn't afraid to lead and will always find chances to get everyone together.
the other two makes everyone relax and talk about their issues, hod is kind and don't actually pray into it. The other might actually dig it open because it is a problem that needs to be addressed or its gonna rot.
I really want hokma or binah to have a big speech about why no-noses attempt to escape death is stupid and meaningless, but i can make do.
I also want to have a arc about malfoy trying to woo binah, but got so horribly rejected he got traumatized.
ayin and Carmen will be neighbors with Harry potter. So at least there will be some positive influence to the boy instead of horrible dickheads 24/7.
And that's it for now, I'm going to look up what kind of wand library gang get.
And plan some interaction with the spells.
horrible dickheads 24/7.
...You do know that's mega wrong right?

Since this is post Lobotomy Carmen and Ayin. Who hasn't managed to first, understand that she is being MEGA MEGA stupid, and Ayin who still hasn't managed to get over Angela's betrayal yet.

Those 2 will be in a state of very high instability...

Though now that I think about it, they will probably be more busy being tsundere rivals towards each other more than anything to really improve or worsen Harry's situation.
I hope they will act normal in front of a child. But I maybe have too much hope for them. So yeah.
And also Harry potter in the original novel is getting child abused. So I think two nutters will be better than a bunch of Assholes trying to exploit him and torture him and maybe cause a accident So they don't have to take care of him anymore.
I guess so yeah. Carmen and Ayin are idiots when it comes to children.

In the sense that on one side Carmen cares for them a lot (She literally offered the entire city for Angela), and on the other, a bit sloppy at handling it, he got better than he used to be...but still somewhat sloppy.
If that happens, it will make his puppy dog eyes super effective against them.

Like super mega goddamn effective. Ayin got a chip in his shoulder regarding Enoch already, but Carmen's entire psyche would fall apart immediately.
"Your persistence is admirable, but sadly, your existence is not. and It is becoming quite won't you to just lie down and die already? I have more important business to attend to." the young Arbiter says, those unbreakable golden lines stretched out, As the defeated red mist falls down dead on the ground, Blood leaking out of her armor.
"shut it!" A long sword struck down the line, but even him cannot stop the second one from ruining his fine suit with a big hole in the chest.
he coughs, blood drip down,on the ground.
So much blood...
He failed her, it is so close to the end... Yet he failed.
Guess... it was all for nothing, After all....
There is no witty come back this time.
There is no way for him to say, I guess I should have expected that.
the Line retracts. The spine severs, and the black silence finally received his curtain drop.
The young arbiter laughs as she walks forward towards her trusty claw, Almost like a schoolgirl walking towards their best friend.
Shattering the pride of black silence under her feet, His favorite sword.
Crushed like a piece of garbage.
Past the shameful display. Baral attacks the once Great Arbiter of The Head again.
What a disappointment.
Their Dear colleague, helping a machine.
The very thing they swore to destroy, yet when the chance to let her out finally presents themselves. She refuses.
How arrogant.
How fitting.
welp, she will die with that pride, Slowly.
a parry, and her attack completely fails.
Her fate is sealed.
the Executioner thinks to himself as he using this opportunity to close in the distance.
She is bound to death.
The young arbiter thinks to herself, That ugly smile reappears.
Barals claw stretches out and grabs Garion by the neck.
Is it wrong to say that he always wanted to do this? To kill an arbiter without repercussion?
"...On behalf of the head, I, Arbiter Zena, Here by declares your sin against humanity and the head and your punishment. It's death."Oh, she always have to steal the spotlight."Baral."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Kill her."
the sharp calws digs into her throat, And off with her head.
one of the best arbiter of the head, dies like a pig, Zena smiles to herself.
She didn't even struggle, how disappointing.
...Now, There's only one left.
"Oh, Angela....where are you?~"
so, the opening scene.
I'm gonna fine tweak a few things about it, and I don't know how should I open that space and time tear. should I use the claw to drag Angela through nine floors and let her disappear when it is done or just let Purple tear do something about it.
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It's a coinflip on how much irony you want to imbue into it.

The Head once created Angela due to their foolishness.

The Head could be the one to save Angela due to their fuck up yet again.

Or you could go for the "Infinite IQ Purple Tear" option. Either is fine.

Also, Baral, those are some treasonous thoughts you are having there.
Well, to me he seems like a prideful motherfucker and he always hated the head that they will never let claws do a important job alone. So he have inferiority complex and he is extremely petty in my version.
and he is disappointed too by binahs lack of struggle.
It seems like even a cornered beast wants to die with dignity.
My version of Baral is just someone who wants to get the job done and go home go to bed.

He doesnt seem so much bloodthristy and more "I wanna go home and sleep" to me
eh, They show up too little and baral only speaks for once. So yeah. Anyway.
I'm gonna go look through some books and get Harry potter side of things ready.
"Your persistence is admirable, but sadly, your existence is not. and It is becoming quite won't you to just lie down and die already? I have more important business to attend to."
the young Arbiter says, those unbreakable golden lines stretched out as the defeated red mist falls down dead on the ground, blood leaking out of her fading armor.

"shut it!" A long sword struck down the line, but even him cannot stop the second one from ruining his fine suit with a big hole in the chest.

he coughs, blood drip down on the ground.
So much blood...

He failed her, it is so close to the end... Yet he failed.
Guess... it was all for nothing, After all....

There is no witty come back this time.
There is no way for him to say, I guess I should have expected that.

the Line retracts. The spine severs, and the black silence finally received his curtain drop.

The young arbiter laughs as she walks forward towards her trusty claw, Almost like a schoolgirl walking towards their best friend.

Shattering the pride of the black silence under her feet, His favorite sword.
Crushed like a piece of garbage.

Past the shameful display. Baral attacks the once Great Arbiter of The Head again.

What a disappointment.
Their Dear colleague, helping a machine.
The very thing they swore to destroy, yet when the chance to let her out finally presents themselves. She refuses.

How arrogant.
How fitting.

welp, she will die with that pride, Slowly.

a parry, and her attack completely fails.

Her fate is sealed.
the Executioner thinks to himself as he using this opportunity to close in the distance.

She is bound to die.
The young arbiter thinks to herself, That ugly smile reappears.

Barals claw stretches out and grabs Garion by the neck.
Is it wrong to say that he always wanted to do this? To kill an arbiter without repercussion?

"...On behalf of the head, I, Arbiter Zena, Here by declares your sin against humanity and the head and your punishment. It's death."

Oh of course. she always have to steal the spotlight.

"Yes, ma'am."
"Kill her."

the sharp calw digs into her throat, and off with her head.

one of the best arbiter of the head, dies like a pig, Zena smiles to herself.

She didn't even struggle, how disappointing.

...Now, There's only one left.

"Oh, Angela....where are you?~"


She stares, at the corpse of the man she considered her friend.

h-he's dead
Roland, is dead.

... She stumbles, almost dropping on the ground, back against a bookshelf, stareing in disbelief.

that, that can't be.

He promised, he promised to-
Promised to stay with her.

Her nails is cutting to her hands.
Her pale white hands, covered in redness.

No, not yet
She must do something. Roland is gonna be dead if she doesn't do something quick and save them.
Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself, even though her legs is still shaking, She focussed, even if her mind is almost crumbling.

to think, is to survive.

She takes a deep breath and started to consider her options.

But...what can she do? There is no power left in the library to summon something! even if this place is indeed her ego like that madwoman says. All that is left for her to do is simply run away!

There is no possibility of her surviving without leaving Roland and everyone behind.

For the first time in a millennia, Angela is thanking Ayin for slowing down her perception of the time.

So she can think.
So she have a chance to survive, with everyone.

... Metal scraping against the hard wooden floor, a noise of steam pumps out of tiny holes can be heard from a distance away.



The fabric of reality shatters.

"here you are."

And the Claw arrives.

Her movement is quick, side steping away from that fatal blow towards her throat, a few strain of blue hair scatters the floor.

her cheek, there's blood running down her cheek.

She almost died, and that's just a greeting from the bastard.

Her opponent kept his silence and another mighty swing comes down towards her head.
Almost without thinking, shd throws out the book she is always holding in her hand, her notebook, the old script, a keepsake.

He cut through it like nothing, like it was just air.

Angela backs away, she considers running, but that will not be enough, she considered just start hitting him, but it won't even do anything. So there is no options, then.

there's no hope for her to get out of this. She is done, this is her curtain call.
This will be the death of Angela, the AI who never gets to have a good ending.

Even this moment of hesitation is being exploited by this monstrosity, the clawless hand grabs her by her wrist and breaks it, her artificial blood and bones crumbles under the might.
redness, tainted his black trench coat.
This is her end, even when she did everything right, this is her end.


This is so unfair, isn't it?

The claw dig into her chest, a faint blue light emanated from behind his mask.


"any last words?"
"Fuck *cough* you...."


Hogwarts, Forbidden forest, 1981, a month after the defeat of you-know-who

It was a normal day for hagrid, watering his pumpkins, reading some papers, preparing food for his friends in the forest.

And the patrolling that he is doing right now.

He enjoyed his life, these peaceful days he always loved, it is simple.
Humming a simple tune hagrid walks forward carefully.

he sometimes wonders if Harry is having a good day or not, he hope he is, He hope he is having the time of his life.

He hopes the spell that Professor Dumbledore put on him will work. those damned death eaters, always crafty.

he sighs, the sadness is eating away at him again.
...No hagrid, Lily and James won't want to see you putting on a sad face.

He walks forward with those heavy steps, shakes the earth every time he put down his foot, The big basket in his hand smells nicely, a pot of potato meat stew, a ham sandwich, And a bottle of fire whiskey!

it's the perfect meal for a day out!

"...hmm" hagrid hums "Today is a bit strange isn't it..."
The spiders are nowhere to be seen, The unicorns is not wondering about, The centaurs is not out hunting...
Even the trees are quiet...

"This is werid..."Scratching his chin, hagrid wonders deeper into the forbidden forest, Now a bit more serious then his previous happy and Cherry mood.

theres only two possibility of why the forest is quiet.
One, something very bad is happening, Like a dragon is building a nest on the territory of another dragon and they are having a big fight about it.

Two, a Dark wizard is here.

He really hopes that it is not the latter, he will need to call professor Dumbelbore here if thats the case.
The war is over for a month already. The forces of you-know-who should be all but captured right now!
And everyone is extremely scared right now!

Then, hagrid smells something.

smoke, and blood, a lot of blood.

the half-giant runs.
so, After finishing this chapter, I realize if I want to do this then I'm gonna spend a lot of time. So, yeah, I'm going to take this slow and finish the seven books and the movies first.
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So I saw this idea for Prescript-based quest, and it seems like it'd be a cool idea. The readers could be limited by having a character limit to their votes. We don't really have much info on the City outside of DD and Leviathan, so it could work better as part of a crossover. A random Index Proselyte gets stuck in another world thanks to being dumped in the wrong place after LoR and the readers act as the replacement for the pendulum/Weavers.

Worm would be an interesting place for it. The Prescripts guide people to the best outcome for the Index, and having the world not end is a good goal. Contessa does the same schtick, but she has blind spots. Plus, people can make the inevitable Weaver joke.

In a semi-related note, is there an index of all PM quests on the site? There's at least 5 that I can count.