Who/What should the focus of the next interlude be?

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I understand where you're coming from, I feel the same way in regards to Fandom Amy, where she is the ultimate woobie, where most of her issues can be solved by "having a friend" or "taking a break".

I love your version of Amy because she's so different from the norm. If you don't like how Lisa is normally portrayed then change her like you did Amy; she had a different Tigger event, she joined The Elite or Accord before coming to BB, or maybe she joined the Wards.

Yeah, I've got a massive backlog of worm fic ideas I was sifting through before I finally decided to work out and post this one, and in it I've got three different Amy's to work with. One is the one you see here, another is a one that became best friends with Brian after meeting him as a kid in a self-defense class Carol made her take after Fluer's death. They became best friends after she kicked him in the dick when he said he didn't want to hit a girl. The third is mostly canon Amy, but neither she nor Vicky had triggered by High School and the prototype scene I have of that includes Amy and Vicky shitting on each other with a smile, which I'm told is what siblings are supposed to do.

Anyways, I plan on doing some tweaking with Lisa. I don't have to worry too too much about it yet, since even if we're going by strictly canon timelines then she's just triggered and hasn't even considered going to BB. There's a lot of wiggle room for me, especially because Sanctuary offers a very nice out for her. And since the Undersiders will never be a thing, her horizons are open on that front too.

One of the ideas I'm tossing around loosely
...becomes a Ward put into the grudging care of one commander Piggot.

But overall, Lisa's pretty low on my priority list for this fic.

Yeah, I get it. I mean, I generally just enjoy seeing her be happy and the fluffiness that results from it, but I feel like actually addressing all of her problems is more cathartic. Earn Your Happy Ending is my jam, but I understand that it would take time and a portion of a story's focus, and that's hard to justify in fics where she's not the main character and likely not part of its premise.

I am very much a fan of earning ones happy ending. More often than not when the heroes just kind of win because reasons in a few quick beats, if feels hollow, cheap, and like their begging for someone to ruin their on so perfect life. When people earn their happy ending, i actually want them to keep it. They went through hell to get here, they deserve to be happy.

Which is one of the many reasons i like the Witcher 3, especially Blood and Wine.

But that does come around to the major issue i have were it takes me a fucking eternity to get to the meat of the story. About 50k in and we're honestly still in the introductory phase. If im very very lucky I'll be done this first part by 100k. I hope to God i make that goal, but who the fuck knows?

Anyways, i might post the interlude tomorrow, might sit on it a bit more and perfect it. It'll be introducing a lot of the AU things in both subtle and blunt ways, so i want to make sure it's done well and says everything i want it to. I'm also kinda dragging out editing it at this point.

As for the 2nd interlude, at this point it's a race between Annette and Victoria. Anne may be winning here, but Vicky is crushing it on SB.

And Dragon is sad no one cares about her.

Anyways, you'll find out whatever i decide when it happens.
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... another is a one that became best friends with Brian after meeting him as a kid in a self-defense class Carol made her take after Fluer's death. They became best friends after she kicked him in the dick when he said he didn't want to hit a girl.
And Dragon is sad no one cares about her.
So three things come to mind from this comment. First: if we get an Annette interlude, would you please (here or in the future) bring up one of her students? She seriously impacted the lives of innumerable college students, yet no one reached out to the Heberts after her death? I've only read one Worm fic where her career mattered. I know she was a cape in your fic, but the wasted potential from that detail is a pet peeve of mine. After all literally any adult cape, hero or villain, could have known Annette by attending her University.

Second: Dragon, what, how, why?! I am curious and scared.

Third: Feel free to ignore this, but I'm more interested in Brian, Alec AND Rachel than I am with Lisa. Mmmmostly because the potential "I know-you-know-I-know" situation that could pop up between Lisa and Amy. And because those three basically never become main characters in fanfiction. I'd be happy if they basically have completely-AU, baffling adventures in the background. About at important as Shielder is right now: minimal dialogue, good at igniting speculation. Plus your scenario with Brian and Amy is great, so I trust you to do something worthwhile with him regardless of how important he is to this story.
Valentine's Day Needs More Bourbon (Canon)
Progenitor: Valentine's Day Needs More Bourbon

Daniel Hebert was tired.

He walked through the door, unfastening his shoes with his heels and flinging them across the room with his feet. He stretched, his back and shoulders sore from looking over a desk all day. It was well past eight at night now, he'd spent so much time at the office.

"I'm home!" he called out in an exhausted voice.

No one answered him.

He frowned as he unslung his computer bag from his shoulder.

Odd, He thought.

Daniel flicked his eyes up to the ceiling and saw his wife moving around a few insects in what she probably thought was a subtle pattern. The pattern didn't really hold any meaning, nor was it especially obvious to anyone who didn't know what to look for, but after being married to the women for around a decade he picked up on a few of her habits. The vague patterns the bugs on the ceiling, walls, and floor were crawling in was essentially her version of humming to herself or tapping a finger.

Which was good. That told him that nothing...worrying, was happening. If things were boring enough that she was occupying herself with this, then he didn't have to worry.

Though, it was a bit strange for the girls to be in bed so soon.

"Well, at least the house isn't on fire," he mumbled as he walked into the dining room. He sniffed and picked up a whiff of something burnt. "Might have spoken too soon."

He saw movement out of the corner of his eye and looked down.

On the table, scuttling towards him, was a giant tarantula with a plate on it's back. Displayed on the plate was a warm, steaming, cheeseburger with fries.

"Oh what in the fuck." Danny muttered as he starred at the spider.

The black spider stopped and tilted it's body towards Danny, presenting the food to him. Danny sighed, rolled his eyes, and picked up the plate with one hand. With the other he threw his coat over the back of a chair and sat down at the table.

He bit into the burger and sagged in relief. Despite the burnt smell from the kitchen, it was exactly what he need. It wasn't, as he originally thought, from a restaurant in town. When he tasted the oh so subtle hint of honey in the meat of the burger, he knew that she'd, somehow, managed to cook her own special mix.

"Alright, this?" He said around a mouthful of perfectly seasoned food, "This is perfect."

Insects and bugs of all stripes chittered excitedly all throughout the room.

"Don't ruin this for me."

They stopped.

A small cloud of dragonflies flew into the room, an unopened glass bottle held in a net of spider silk suspended in their grasp. Danny raised an eyebrow as he watched them carefully maneuver the bottle in place and drop it right next to his plate. The bottle didn't so much as rock when it hit the table.

"Huh," Danny said as he picked the bottle up to inspect it with his own eyes. "Four Roses."

He eyed the tarantula with a pointed look. "Subtle."

The Tarantula, somehow, shrugged.

Danny rolled his eyes and finished his burger and fries. He downed it all with a glass of water, and then started looking for his wife with a bottle of bourbon in one hand, and two glasses in the other. He didn't have to walk long before a line of fireflies appeared in the air leading him into an unlit hall.

"That's not suspicious at all," he muttered to himself as he followed the trail through the dark house.

Finally, he arrived at the end of the trail, right at the door to their bedroom. Danny paused, looked at a fly on the wall, then opened the door.

Danny froze. He very nearly dropped the bottle of $50 bourbon.

The room had been completely redecorated. Illuminated only by the candlelight of dozens of sources, he could see the dark blue walls that were once white covered in the white outlines of butterflies, spiderwebs, and other bug-related designs. The floor had a white, fuzzy, carpet covering it where once was hard wood. The bed was covered in new, red, no doubt silk, sheets, and the once flat and beige pillows had been replaced with full pillows of red, black, and gold with more various designs across them.

And at the center of it all, was his loving wife.

"Ravish me, Daniel," Annette said in an alluring voice with lidded eyes.

She lay across the bed, body spread out and inviting, nearly naked save for the dark silk lingerie that showed him all the right places, and hid all the right pieces. It was, by itself, an incredibly seductive pose for her and more than enough to the tear the pants off him.

Less inviting were the hundreds of beetles, ants, and spiders crawling all over her and the bed. They all danced in mesmerizing patterns in a myriad of colors, all arrayed in such as was to hint at the sweet flesh underneath.

And atop it all, was his wife wearing her white gold Matriarch helmet.

Danny stared at the twin golden eyes for a long moment, then glanced at the two unusual insects in the room, both Spider-Wasp Queens sitting in the bathroom and peeking around the corner, watching them.

For a long moment, Danny was silent. Then, after what felt like hours, he opened his mouth.

"My penis is very confused right now."

Annette convulsed, then snorted like she'd been trying to hold it in.

"God dammit," She muttered under her breath. A moment later she reigned herself in and spoke in that low and seductive voice once more.

"I said," She began.

Just then, Danny noticed insects falling from the ceiling and landing on his shirt. Their mandibles snipped and tore through his shirt with surprising dexterity and precision. In a couple moments later, his shirt slid off his chest and onto the ground in tatters, taking all the insects on him with it.

"Ravish me Daniel" His wife repeated, beckoning with a "come hither" finger.

Danny starred at the crumpled mass of cloth and insects that lay at his feet and said, "I liked that shirt."

"I'll make you a new one," Annette responded in a dismissive way that somehow managed to maintain that, "Now come over here and give your hungry wife a kiss."

"Is this the part where you bite off my head and implant eggs in my corpse?" Danny continued.

Annette nearly catapulted into a coughing fit trying not to laugh. She pulled her helmet part way off to give herself more air.

"I feel like we need a safe word." He added, spurred on by her laughs.

"Fucking shut up," She laughed, "Stop making me laugh!"

"Can mine be 'Oh god, not the bees?'. It's very situational." Danny said with a straight face.

"Damn you!" Annette chucked her helmet at her husband.

Danny caught the helmet with an awkward hand as he struggled to keep the bottle, the glasses, and the helmet all in his hands.

"I'm trying to seduce you!" Annette cried, pointing an accusing finger at Danny while she tried, and failed, to keep the grin off her face.

"Oh, it's working." Danny said.

Annette huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I can tell."

Danny looked down and saw a couple lady bugs crawling along the crotch of his pants.

"Now that's just impolite."

"You're impolite!"

"True," Danny nodded. He moved over to the bed and sat down beside his wife. She sent him a half hearted glare. He placed the matriarch helmet on the nightstand beside them and waved a glass in her face in way of offering it to her.

She eyed it for a moment before plucking it out of his hands.

"So where are the girls?" Danny asked.

"They're over with Zoe and Alan." She answered.

"Weren't they gonna to, uh, 'celebrate the season' too?" Danny asked, uncorking the bottle of bourbon between them.

"Pft," Annette waved it off, "Last year they had their turn. This year they get the kids."

Danny raised his brows, "Fun fun fun," he said as he put his glass on the nightstand.

Annette raised her glass and Danny started pouring for her. As he did, he looked at her, really looked at her. Without her helmet on, Danny got to really take in his wife's appearance.

Her green eyes, long, curly, black locks, high cheekbones and unblemished snow white skin seemed like something out of a fairy tale to him. She was wearing a hair ribbon today, it's ruby red bow done up in the shape of her precious rose. He could smell her perfume from here, a sweet scent of roses and honey that brought to mind thoughts of a spring meadow.

Those intense green eyes flickered up to meet his own as he finished the pour. She frowned.

"What?" She asked.

"Just wondering how I lucked out enough to meet you." He said, knowing exactly how corny it sounded.

She snorted, "You think I'm the catch? I'm flat as a board and come with enough issue to fill the fucking grand canyon."

"Maybe," He began, pouring for himself, "But you're the super successful cape who managed to win every fight she got in. The government, the gangs, the nine, your own best friend."

He shrugged, "You're smart, beautiful, driven, and you're changing the world with every breath you take. I'm lucky to stand in the sidelines."

"That's not true."

"It is"

"What about that time you shot out Jack's kneecap."

"That wasn't me, that was Amelia's tutor."


Danny snorted. Annette glared.

"I'm fine here on the ground, Anny-"

"Oh my god, stop calling me that," She groaned.

"-You do your thing up in the clouds. I'll be here keeping things together when you decide to land." He continued.

A glare with no heat landed square on his face. Danny brushed it off with ease.

"I think that's too much moping and heavy-handed shit for Valentine's day anyways." He shrugged.

Annette mumbled something under her breath.

"Less grumbling, more alcohol?" He suggested, raising his glass. "Valentine's Day celebrations are best had with good drinks."

"Ok, fine" Annette agreed, clinking her glass together with his, "But can we try bug stuff?"

Danny stared at his loving, beautiful, smart, powerful, wife that he really did love very much with dead eyes for several seconds.

Then he started chugging bourbon straight from the bottle.

"Oh come on, I think you'd like it! Just give it a shot!"

Danny chugged faster.

A/n: Alright, so there's my tiny little canon Valentine's Day omake. I'm actually surprised I got to write this.

Anyways, I just threw this shit together in a couple hours. very very little editing, no revisions, this is a quick and dirty little peek into the life of Danny and Annette.

Hope ya'll like it.

And I'm really sorry I haven't gotten that interlude out yet. I'm trying to make sure it's rock solid because it introduces so many AU worldbuilding elements, so I don't want to fuck it up.

Anyways, I hope this is good enough to tide you over for a bit.
Progenitor: Valentine's Day Needs More Bourbon

Daniel Hebert was tired.

He walked through the door, unfastening his shoes with his heels and flinging them across the room with his feet. He stretched, his back and shoulders sore from looking over a desk all day. It was well past eight at night now, he'd spent so much time at the office.

"I'm home!" he called out in an exhausted voice.

No one answered him.

He frowned as he unslung his computer bag from his shoulder.

Odd, He thought.

Daniel flicked his eyes up to the ceiling and saw his wife moving around a few insects in what she probably thought was a subtle pattern. The pattern didn't really hold any meaning, nor was it especially obvious to anyone who didn't know what to look for, but after being married to the women for around a decade he picked up on a few of her habits. The vague patterns the bugs on the ceiling, walls, and floor were crawling in was essentially her version of humming to herself or tapping a finger.

Which was good. That told him that nothing...worrying, was happening. If things were boring enough that she was occupying herself with this, then he didn't have to worry.

Though, it was a bit strange for the girls to be in bed so soon.

"Well, at least the house isn't on fire," he mumbled as he walked into the dining room. He sniffed and picked up a whiff of something burnt. "Might have spoken too soon."

He saw movement out of the corner of his eye and looked down.

On the table, scuttling towards him, was a giant tarantula with a plate on it's back. Displayed on the plate was a warm, steaming, cheeseburger with fries.

"Oh what in the fuck." Danny muttered as he starred at the spider.

The black spider stopped and tilted it's body towards Danny, presenting the food to him. Danny sighed, rolled his eyes, and picked up the plate with one hand. With the other he threw his coat over the back of a chair and sat down at the table.

He bit into the burger and sagged in relief. Despite the burnt smell from the kitchen, it was exactly what he need. It wasn't, as he originally thought, from a restaurant in town. When he tasted the oh so subtle hint of honey in the meat of the burger, he knew that she'd, somehow, managed to cook her own special mix.

"Alright, this?" He said around a mouthful of perfectly seasoned food, "This is perfect."

Insects and bugs of all stripes chittered excitedly all throughout the room.

"Don't ruin this for me."

They stopped.

A small cloud of dragonflies flew into the room, an unopened glass bottle held in a net of spider silk suspended in their grasp. Danny raised an eyebrow as he watched them carefully maneuver the bottle in place and drop it right next to his plate. The bottle didn't so much as rock when it hit the table.

"Huh," Danny said as he picked the bottle up to inspect it with his own eyes. "Four Roses."

He eyed the tarantula with a pointed look. "Subtle."

The Tarantula, somehow, shrugged.

Danny rolled his eyes and finished his burger and fries. He downed it all with a glass of water, and then started looking for his wife with a bottle of bourbon in one hand, and two glasses in the other. He didn't have to walk long before a line of fireflies appeared in the air leading him into an unlit hall.

"That's not suspicious at all," he muttered to himself as he followed the trail through the dark house.

Finally, he arrived at the end of the trail, right at the door to their bedroom. Danny paused, looked at a fly on the wall, then opened the door.

Danny froze. He very nearly dropped the bottle of $50 bourbon.

The room had been completely redecorated. Illuminated only by the candlelight of dozens of sources, he could see the dark blue walls that were once white covered in the white outlines of butterflies, spiderwebs, and other bug-related designs. The floor had a white, fuzzy, carpet covering it where once was hard wood. The bed was covered in new, red, no doubt silk, sheets, and the once flat and beige pillows had been replaced with full pillows of red, black, and gold with more various designs across them.

And at the center of it all, was his loving wife.

"Ravish me, Daniel," Annette said in an alluring voice with lidded eyes.

She lay across the bed, body spread out and inviting, nearly naked save for the dark silk lingerie that showed him all the right places, and hid all the right pieces. It was, by itself, an incredibly seductive pose for her and more than enough to the tear the pants off him.

Less inviting were the hundreds of beetles, ants, and spiders crawling all over her and the bed. They all danced in mesmerizing patterns in a myriad of colors, all arrayed in such as was to hint at the sweet flesh underneath.

And atop it all, was his wife wearing her white gold Matriarch helmet.

Danny stared at the twin golden eyes for a long moment, then glanced at the two unusual insects in the room, both Spider-Wasp Queens sitting in the bathroom and peeking around the corner, watching them.

For a long moment, Danny was silent. Then, after what felt like hours, he opened his mouth.

"My penis is very confused right now."

Annette convulsed, then snorted like she'd been trying to hold it in.

"God dammit," She muttered under her breath. A moment later she reigned herself in and spoke in that low and seductive voice once more.

"I said," She began.

Just then, Danny noticed insects falling from the ceiling and landing on his shirt. Their mandibles snipped and tore through his shirt with surprising dexterity and precision. In a couple moments later, his shirt slid off his chest and onto the ground in tatters, taking all the insects on him with it.

"Ravish me Daniel" His wife repeated, beckoning with a "come hither" finger.

Danny starred at the crumpled mass of cloth and insects that lay at his feet and said, "I liked that shirt."

"I'll make you a new one," Annette responded in a dismissive way that somehow managed to maintain that, "Now come over here and give your hungry wife a kiss."

"Is this the part where you bite off my head and implant eggs in my corpse?" Danny continued.

Annette nearly catapulted into a coughing fit trying not to laugh. She pulled her helmet part way off to give herself more air.

"I feel like we need a safe word." He added, spurred on by her laughs.

"Fucking shut up," She laughed, "Stop making me laugh!"

"Can mine be 'Oh god, not the bees?'. It's very situational." Danny said with a straight face.

"Damn you!" Annette chucked her helmet at her husband.

Danny caught the helmet with an awkward hand as he struggled to keep the bottle, the glasses, and the helmet all in his hands.

"I'm trying to seduce you!" Annette cried, pointing an accusing finger at Danny while she tried, and failed, to keep the grin off her face.

"Oh, it's working." Danny said.

Annette huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I can tell."

Danny looked down and saw a couple lady bugs crawling along the crotch of his pants.

"Now that's just impolite."

"You're impolite!"

"True," Danny nodded. He moved over to the bed and sat down beside his wife. She sent him a half hearted glare. He placed the matriarch helmet on the nightstand beside them and waved a glass in her face in way of offering it to her.

She eyed it for a moment before plucking it out of his hands.

"So where are the girls?" Danny asked.

"They're over with Zoe and Alan." She answered.

"Weren't they gonna to, uh, 'celebrate the season' too?" Danny asked, uncorking the bottle of bourbon between them.

"Pft," Annette waved it off, "Last year they had their turn. This year they get the kids."

Danny raised his brows, "Fun fun fun," he said as he put his glass on the nightstand.

Annette raised her glass and Danny started pouring for her. As he did, he looked at her, really looked at her. Without her helmet on, Danny got to really take in his wife's appearance.

Her green eyes, long, curly, black locks, high cheekbones and unblemished snow white skin seemed like something out of a fairy tale to him. She was wearing a hair ribbon today, it's ruby red bow done up in the shape of her precious rose. He could smell her perfume from here, a sweet scent of roses and honey that brought to mind thoughts of a spring meadow.

Those intense green eyes flickered up to meet his own as he finished the pour. She frowned.

"What?" She asked.

"Just wondering how I lucked out enough to meet you." He said, knowing exactly how corny it sounded.

She snorted, "You think I'm the catch? I'm flat as a board and come with enough issue to fill the fucking grand canyon."

"Maybe," He began, pouring for himself, "But you're the super successful cape who managed to win every fight she got in. The government, the gangs, the nine, your own best friend."

He shrugged, "You're smart, beautiful, driven, and you're changing the world with every breath you take. I'm lucky to stand in the sidelines."

"That's not true."

"It is"

"What about that time you shot out Jack's kneecap."

"That wasn't me, that was Amelia's tutor."


Danny snorted. Annette glared.

"I'm fine here on the ground, Anny-"

"Oh my god, stop calling me that," She groaned.

"-You do your thing up in the clouds. I'll be here keeping things together when you decide to land." He continued.

A glare with no heat landed square on his face. Danny brushed it off with ease.

"I think that's too much moping and heavy-handed shit for Valentine's day anyways." He shrugged.

Annette mumbled something under her breath.

"Less grumbling, more alcohol?" He suggested, raising his glass. "Valentine's Day celebrations are best had with good drinks."

"Ok, fine" Annette agreed, clinking her glass together with his, "But can we try bug stuff?"

Danny stared at his loving, beautiful, smart, powerful, wife that he really did love very much with dead eyes for several seconds.

Then he started chugging bourbon straight from the bottle.

"Oh come on, I think you'd like it! Just give it a shot!"

Danny chugged faster.

A/n: Alright, so there's my tiny little canon Valentine's Day omake. I'm actually surprised I got to write this.

Anyways, I just threw this shit together in a couple hours. very very little editing, no revisions, this is a quick and dirty little peek into the life of Danny and Annette.

Hope ya'll like it.

And I'm really sorry I haven't gotten that interlude out yet. I'm trying to make sure it's rock solid because it introduces so many AU worldbuilding elements, so I don't want to fuck it up.

Anyways, I hope this is good enough to tide you over for a bit.
its beautiful pls stop mocking us single people though
Sorry, but there is a little too much Taylor there for me

Considering the romantic nature of the snippet...


Oh! Right! Cause the bugs! And the...right, right...


I honestly hadn't thought about that at all. Never even crossed my mind, the cross between tay and anne.

Probably because tay is filled into a whole different file in my head for this fic.

Well if it helps, just think of it as, uh, like mother like daughter?

Hmm, that might be worse.

Well there's a strong family resemblance. But rest assured, this is a 100% incest free story. 200%, even.

Dunno if that helps.

I really just came up with this while I was brainstorming about how Danny and Annettes relationship looked.

This is also about as close to sexytimes as I'm probably going to get. Using sex for other things like humor, romance, breeding(that sounds bad doesn't it?), and plot stuff is what I'll likely do. I'm not overly fond of citrus.

Oh, was that our Past!Annette interlude?:V

Nah, I gots a good long something in mind for that.
I love it!
Now I'm really curious about what point in their relationship Annette outed herself to Danny. How did that dating experience go? Is that something will learn later?

Btw I also really enjoyed the previous update. I didn't have a ton to say, so I didn't post anything, but I kinda regret that now after seeing multiple negative-ish comments. Thanks for sharing this story with us!
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Interlude 1: PRT

Interlude 1: PRT


A/n: Warning-Significant AU details ahead. If you are not interested in an AU that changes more two or three events, then beware. All AU changes stem from a singular Nail or "Butterfly" at the crux of the AU, but the changes resulting from it are extensive.

You've been warned.

Commander Emily Piggot hated her chair.

She didn't hate her chair because it was uncomfortable, quite the contrary. As she let her body fall into it, she could feel it shift and adjust to her height, weight, and overall body shape. Everything to become as ergonomic, comfortable, and supportive as possible. It was fantastic work; Emily knew from experience she could get a full night's sleep in one of these things and feel completely rejuvenated, or that she could sit in a six-hour meeting and get up feeling better then she did when she started it.

Like this damned table, Piggot thought, glaring at her reflection in the glossy black surface.

Looking back at her was a woman the middle of her life, and could probably have been considered "beautiful" by some men, a couple decades ago, if they'd had a few beers too many. Now she had her fair share of wrinkles, and four very unfair lines of scarred flesh cutting down the left side of her face. One of them went right through her left eyelid, another twisting her lips into half an angry sneer. Piggot had never been a particularly vain woman, but she'd happened to be somewhat attached to her face.

At least she'd killed the bastard that did it.

Still, that'd been a long time ago. While she couldn't say she'd really gotten over it, or that she ever would, she'd adjusted. Piggot accepted the woman she had become.

The table, however, pissed her off. A glossy black hexagon stretched out until it was at least twice as long as it was tall. The whole thing looked like it was made of a solid piece of some fancy high tech material Piggot couldn't identify, an odd blend of plastic, glass, and metal. It held emblems, flags, and symbols for the PRT, the Protectorate, the ENE, and the United States, all in some kind of glowing blue holographic display that looked like it was lying just beneath the surface of the table.

Said table was the centerpiece for the meeting room, and shared its aesthetic with it and much of the PRT ENE HQ itself. Lots of gloss, black, white, and blue. It helped the PRT go for that advanced law and order vibe that the people in PR seemed so concerned with. However, right now most of it was shrouded in shadows. The lights were off for the meeting, meaning almost all attention was forced towards the lone bright spot in the room, the oh so pretty and advanced table and it's occupants.

Which was part of the problem. It was all too cushy, to advanced, too shiny. It all felt wrong to her, like someone had spent hundreds of thousands making sure the "feng shui" of the room boosted productivity, instead of actually solving the problems the country was faced with. Much like how PR would spent millions of taxpayer dollars making sure their precious "heroes" looked flashy and cool.

Piggot spared a glance at them for a moment. The senior heroes of the Protectorate ENE in their colorful outfits and costumes sat across from herself while the heads of the local PRT's departments and branches in their muted and monochrome suits and dresses sat opposite alongside herself. Given the somewhat chaotic nature of the city and parahumans, as well as the fact that she was the commander of all PRT troopers and was expected to lead from the field, she was the only PRT member the table still in her dark blue fatigues.

At the head of the table stood Director Holt, a man with midnight skin and close-cropped white hair. Piggot had once heard his resting expression described as "an unimpressed grandpa."

She couldn't really dispute that.

Deputy Director Renick sat closest to the head beside her, while the leader of the Protectorate ENE, Miss Militia, sat opposite him. Staring across from herself, Piggot looked at Armsmaster, the second-in-command of the Protectorate.

Piggot remembered the controversy that had surrounded the previous head's retirement and determining who got promoted. Armsmaster was favored for a while, but certain actions Miss Militia had taken during the Nilbog campaign had distinguished her enough to earn her the promotion, especially in light of the changing role the PRT was being forced to take in the modern landscape. It helped that Miss Militia being given command left Armsmaster free to spend more time for tinkering and research instead of managing people and paperwork, both things he seemed far less invested in. That didn't stop Armsmaster from occasionally grumbling about it, but Piggot was glad that it was enough to satisfy his classic parahuman ego and get him to cooperate.

Truth be told, Piggot actually thought both Miss Militia and Armsmaster were more or less on equal footing as far as leadership went. Miss Militia might be more caring and better with people, but Piggot had a certain respect for Armsmaster's ruthless drive and the way he could adapt and overcome anything when given the proper motivation. The only problem she had with it was that Armsmaster, like many parahumans, tended to have a sense that he had to be the one to do everything. Piggot was certain it was a trait that would tweak her brow to the end of her days.

Fortunately, he and the rest of the Protectorate answered to her on the field. Being the PRT Commander, the unofficial 'cape wrangler' of the ENE, had its many perks.

"Now that we're all here, let's get started with today's meeting," said Director Holt.

A three-dimensional hologram of the entire city of Brockton Bay appeared, bathing the room in blue. It rotated slowly, allowing each person sitting at the table to view it. The hologram appeared to be emitted from the table, but she'd once heard that there were actually concealed holo-emitters placed all throughout the room

"Yesterday, Commander Piggot assisted in the apprehension of two parahumans wanted for a number of crimes revolving around their little rampage that cut a swath through downtown and ended in Matriarch Memorial near Sanctuary." Then he nodded in Piggot's direction, "She successfully engaged both parahumans despite only being armed with the most basic of equipment, in addition to being caught by surprise on her day off. For this, I must offer thanks and commendations."

A round of cheers went around the room. Some hollow, others genuine. Miss Militia actually seemed happy—possibly even relieved—something that irked Piggot given their history. Armsmaster was hard to read, but if Piggot had to guess he was respectful of the accomplishment but largely indifferent. Director Holt, despite his relatively blank face, was clearly proud of her actions, as he had made clear in an earlier discussion. The only two who really seemed to resent her were Challenger and Ursa Aurora.

"Now," Holt said, raising a hand in warning. "The problems."

He pressed a finger to the table and the hologram shifted to zoom in on the section where the incident had happened. All the damage in the resulting fight with the two parahumans was illuminated in a bloody red against the otherwise calm blue.

"While the fight was relatively light, compared to fights with Lung, the Empire, and the Teeth, the fact is that in the eyes of the public, this whole fight was sloppy," Holt said, his displeasure coming through in his flat baritone. "It's entirely possible that without Commander Piggot's involvement that it could have turned into a hostage situation. That is unacceptable."

"I'm working on a new training regimen with my 2nd in command for the troopers right now, sir," Piggot answered Holt's unspoken question. "I'm hoping to coordinate a joint session with Protectorate capes, and possibly even independent heroes in the bay area. Something to help the new squads get used to high activity environments and assist the veterans in solidifying ways to deal with parahuman abilities and personalities, while also allowing the parahumans to train in dealing with hard combat."

"Good," Holt nodded. He gestured at Miss Militia and Piggot with a remote in his hand. "You two, get on it. We'll need to schedule it in line with the upcoming Analog Drill."

"Could we have it at the same time?" Armsmaster proposed. "It would be an efficient use of time and produce a more trying and productive training exercise."

"Possibly," Holt considered. He turned to a young brown-haired man, no older than his early thirties, wearing a black suit with a blue tie. "Samson, thoughts on combining the exercises?"

Samson chewed his lip for a moment. "While it seems easy enough on paper, there's usually at least one dumbass in town who considers the Analog Drill a good time to do something under the radar. If all the muscle is distracted doing a training drill, then that limits the speed and effectiveness of our response."

Samson was the head of DT, or the Digital Technologies department, which meant he was in charge of organizing the drill that effectively shut down all his operations.

"If we did it in the city it could increase response times," Hindsight Bias suggested.

The Protectorate Thinker was one of many additions that had been transferred from New York in the past five years. Wearing a hooded white cape, set of boots and gloves, along with ivory belts and straps keeping all his gear attached to his thick black bodysuit, he capped it all off with a dark full face mask with a bulky tinker tech visor.

He was only able to avoid PR's oppressive hold, of course, by having a bombastic and theatrical personality in the field that tended to overshadow his appearance as some kind of paramilitary assassin. Fortunately for all involved, he was a complete professional when it mattered.

"It would also mean any collateral damage from the exercise hits the city, which we'd have to pay for," Piggot pointed out with a hard voice.

"Both in PR and expenses," Adams, the plain woman in a suit and skirt who headed of Public Relations, added. "The people wouldn't exactly welcome the government coming in and wrecking downtown just for a training exercise."

"Speaking of," she continued, folding her arms together and leaning over the table, "Sanctuary is pissed that we burned down half their forest."

"That wasn't exactly us," Challenger pointed out, "and it was only a few trees."

"Dryad doesn't see it that way, and she's pretty pissed about what happened. She might not be the head of the local Sanctuary branch, but she's got enough pull and support to paint this whole event as an enormous failure in the eyes of the public."

A number of faces frowned, and more than a few grumbled about ungrateful civilians.

"It was a failure," Piggot spoke up.

The whole room turned to her, most confused, though Director Holt seemed to know where she was heading given the way he nodded in agreement.

"Just because we caught the bad guys doesn't mean we won," Piggot clarified through gritted teeth. The fact that so many seemed to think it did, especially the capes, made her blood boil. "We're here to protect and serve. That doesn't mean 'beat up villains', that means 'keep the public safe'. If 500 people die on the way to capturing one man, that's not a victory."

"Weren't you part of the Nilbog campaign?" Ursa Aurora asked.

The bear-themed master in neon purple and black had been another transfer from New York after the Christmas Eve Massacre. She'd been understandably disgruntled, to say the least, but after 5 years she'd managed to integrate well enough with most people. Piggot was not one of those people.

"Yes," Piggot sneered, knowing her scarred mouth only enhanced the expression, "And it was the second-worst failure in all of the PRT's history. Possibly in the history of the United States. If you'd been there, then you'd know that."

Miss Militia opened her mouth to respond at the same time Hindsight Bias held up a hand to throw in his own two cents and a tan man in a black suit and turban on her side of the table spoke up. The room was on the edge of dissolving into chaos when Director Holt raised his voice.

"Let's," he began loudly, his voice once more cutting through the static, "Table that discussion for later. More importantly," he gestured to Piggot, "You mentioned in your report that you had certain suspicions regarding the way the incident yesterday was...resolved."

"I think there may have been parahuman involvement," Piggot responded, "one from a third party, not the tinker tech in the park."

"For those of us uninformed as of yet about the details, why don't you enlighten us?" Holt said, gesturing to the rest of the room. The Director had, of course, read her report already. Piggot figured Miss Militia probably had as well. This was just to bring everyone else up to speed.

"A number of the civilians we interviewed for the after-action report mentioned hearing someone telling them to run and lights guiding them out and away from the fires. One girl was even saved from burning to death by this unknown third party." Piggot paused and took in a sharp breath through her nose, "More than a few claim that… 'the bugs' saved them."

"Matriarch," Challenger whispered, a thoughtful frown in his voice.

Challenger was one of the few locals in the room. Most people had been transferred in from one place or another over the years. While Piggot, Miss Militia, and Armsmaster had been familiar with her from their time in the city, Challenger had grown up with Matriarch as a household name.

While she was alive her career had been, to put it mildly, polarizing. Some hated her, found her to be a weakening, corrupting, and even seditious influence on Brockton Bay and the United States as a whole. She certainly had her fair share of enemies in the PRT given the legitimacy she helped give to the idea of parahumans not working under the thumb of the government. By that same notion, however, she had an enormous following of supporters. In many ways, she was demonized by the country just as much as she was idolized by it.

After her death, however, it became more or less political suicide to do anything less than put her on a pedestal for her civil service and self-sacrifice.

Piggot had her own mixed feelings on the matter, and she hadn't really known the woman in person too well before she died. She seemed to be serious and passionate about her ideals, which was more than Piggot could say for most capes and politicians, but Matriarch's goals and motivations sometimes put her at odds with what Piggot thought was best for the country. Plus the woman could be too damned stubborn for her own good.

Still, Piggot supposed she could admit to herself she at least respected Matriarch, even if she didn't particularly like the woman.

All this, of course, made this whole situation all the more...uncomfortable.

"Are you suggesting that Matriarch had a hand in this?" Hindsight Bias questioned.

"That's impossible," Mr. Mir, the tan man in the turban that headed up the Intelligence branch of the ENE said, "We know for a fact she died. Her death's a matter of public record, is it not? We have her remains and everything."

"You mean what's left," Challenger crumbled.

"We do," The Director clarified before anyone else could cut in, "We also have confirmation from Lustrum and other verified sources that Matriarch did, in fact, die that day."

"Indeed," Mir nodded. His voice only had the barest hint of Indian accent, something Piggot believed he either left in or created on purpose. It gave his voice an exotic flavor that made him stand out as a distinct person, something aided by his turban.

Piggot wasn't sure why he did it, but she tried to stay away from cloak and dagger operations as much as she could, so she figured there was some kind of underlying spook logic to it that she just didn't get.

"So what other conclusions can we come to? This is a clear indication of something we didn't know before; we just have to put the pieces together and follow the trail to the truth." Mr. Mir continued.

"Is it possible the tinkertech that pacified the insects in the area also controlled them?" Armsmaster suggested, "Directing them to mimic actions Matriarch could or would have taken?"

"That was the initial working theory, yes," Holt answered, "But the Tinker in question says that that function is outside the design parameters for their device."

"Is it Archon?" Samson asked the obvious question, fear creeping into his voice.

It was the question on everyone's mind. Now that it'd been spoken, the tension in the room felt like a physical thing pressing down on them. No one wanted to imagine that possibility, but it was slowly becoming all too real. The air itself felt oppressive, the once perfectly climate controlled and immaculately organized room felt tight and claustrophobic.

"I mean-"

"Doubtful," Mr. Mir countered, "While the basics sound similar, using a pawn to save lives doesn't fit his MO. If he had Matriarch, she would have been used by now to cause chaos on a scale hitherto undreamt of."

"Yeah, this whole thing sounds more like what the woman herself would do, not some puppet," Challenger added.

"Well, how else do you explain it?" Ursa questioned.

"At this point, we have little in the way of probable conclusions," Armsmaster admitted, "but we already have protocols for dealing with Archon. It's best we look into and rule out any other alternatives before we get too fixated on any one idea. That way we won't be blindsided if the truth comes from an unexpected angle."

The assembled group grudgingly acknowledged his point. Archon was dangerous, yes, but he was far from the only threat out there. That didn't make the room any less tense.

"So...what? we have a Matriarch clone?" Hindsight Bias said, leaning back in his chair. "How's that possible?"

"She managed to 2nd trigger and live on through her power," Adamant, the ferrokinetic New Yorker grunted, "wouldn't be the first time."

"Wouldn't be the first new biotinker either," Piggot suggested.

For a moment, there was silence as they all contemplated that horrifying thought.

"...ah, shit," Challenger whispered.

Piggot raised a brow.

"Anything you care to add, Challenger?" Director Holt asked.

"Right...well...everyone knows about the New Wave?" Challenger slowly began, looking around the room, "The, uh, original team, anyways.

"Yes?" Adams said impatiently, "And?"

"Yeah, and you know how they're basically the flying textbook for second gen capes, right?" he added.

Piggot noticed the way Miss Militia's eyes suddenly widened and got a bad feeling about what was coming next.

"Yes. Their family dynamics have been the subject of more than a few case studies," Director Holt said. "What of it?"

"Right right," Challenger nodded, rolling a hand. "So, uh what if...you know…?"

"Oh no," Deputy Director Renick sighed, lowering his head into a waiting hand. "Second-gen capes."

"What about them?" Armsmaster pressed, a hint of irritation tingeing his voice.

"There were a lot of ideals that Matriarch rallied and advocated for in her day. In spite of how broad and varied they could be, they tended to revolve around a set core of themes." He explained with a weary face, "One of her favorites was that she was a proud mother."

Oh, Piggot realized.

"There was a stint in the '90s where she was visibly pregnant and she actually stopped appearing," Renick explained, "And afterward she would gush about her daughters pretty much every chance she got."

"There's a reason she was called the mother of all," Miss Militia muttered, connecting the dots herself.

"Yeah, yeah," Challenger nodded, "So, you know, what if one of her kids triggered?"

"Then we could be looking at the second coming of Matriarch," Renick huffed in exasperation, "With all the good and bad that comes with that."

Quiet filled the room again.

"Well fuck," someone voiced all their thoughts.

Piggot could already feel the headaches coming her way. The PR meetings, the sensitivity training, the flag-waving. Ellisburg, as bad as it had been, was in her element. This could be political hell.

Director Holt's face shifted into a fractional frown, "Well, it won't do to make baseless assumptions."

Challenger opened his mouth but Holt cut him off with a sharp hand gesture, "We have rumors, speculation, and circumstantial evidence. We're not going to start running around like chickens with our heads cut off just because we might have the daughter of one of the largest political headaches in recent memory coming into her powers."

"That being said," Holt leaned back ever so slightly, "I probably have a long and unproductive discussion with Lustrum ahead of me."

"We have a long and unproductive discussion ahead of us, Director," Adams added with a strained smile of commiseration.

Piggot noticed the way Miss Milita shifted in her seat. Narrowing her eyes, she was about to ask the woman about it before Holt spoke up again.

"Indeed," he nodded, cutting through the distractions. The Director rapped one knuckle against the table, as if to punctuate the end of the topic, and pressed a button on the remote to change the display.

"On to larger matters."

The image shifted again, now showing a blue satellite image of the northeastern United States. Most of it was blue, but one section was a deep bruised purple. A grid overlaid the whole landscape, dividing the territory into sections. The Director highlighted that section and zoomed in. Piggot felt a chill go down her spine and what was left of her stomach twist itself into knots as a familiar fog that filled the field.

"Our satellites and aerial patrols have detected large movements through the miasma of the region."

Piggot saw large red clouds forming through the haze and felt dread bubbling up again. They popped in and out of existence, denoting each sighting. Though scattered and unfocused, it was undeniable that each movement invariably sent it further and further east.

"Analysts say it's likely that it is one of the larger aberrations. We don't know which kind yet—it could be an Ogre or two, it could be a Gestalt — the miasma is too thick in there to tell," the Director explained. He pressed a button and the display zoomed out. The holo-table lit up with several dotted lines leading from the Plaguelands outwards, displaying projected destinations, routes, and arrival times.

"The fog's too thick to do a pinpoint airstrike on it, and we've only got a rough 5-mile radius for it. We've tried a few probing strikes but we haven't had much luck yet. We're basically striking blind."

"As such," He continued, "Brockton Bay, Boston, Philadelphia, Syracuse, Albany, Toronto, and Montreal have all been put on alert, as well as all North American Coalition forces in the region. The Plaguelands miasma ends a few miles from the nearest military outpost and several dozen miles from the nearest populated town. We should be able to get eyes on the aberration well before it gets to a populated area."

Hushed whispers fell over the whole table. More than a few frightened glances were sent Piggot's way, all of which made her grind her teeth. That so many of these people heard of her actions in the Nilbog campaign grated on her. Not specifically because she disliked the fame, though she could do without it, but because it felt like they were all ignoring the sacrifices made by everyone else who fought in that campaign. Like all the people who'd fought and died alongside her hadn't mattered, that somehow Piggot had magically solved everything by herself.

The only thing that pissed her off more was Miss Militia's worried glance.

"The good news," Director Holt spoke up, cutting through the static once again with his loud baritone, "is that the United States Second Fleet will be moving a carrier group to be stationed offshore of Brockton Bay and Boston, and another one near Philadelphia. Combined with the rest of the Coalition assets both here and in Canada, we'll have more than enough firepower to bury whatever comes out of that hellhole in its own lead coffin."

"That said, one of the major reasons the fleets are moving isn't because of some aberrant sighting in the Plaguelands." The Director pressed another button and the display changed again.

This time an image of the northeastern American continent came up, the Atlantic Ocean taking up the right side of the map, Canada the upper left, and the US the lower left.

"Archon has been making moves recently, and it's got the boys upstairs nervous," Holt explained. As he did, a massive red region lit up, encompassing much of the northern section of the map. "As such the N.A.C is reorganizing fleets in preparation for another attack like Bloody Valentines or the Christmas Eve Massacre."

An uncomfortable feeling a dread filled the room. As worrying as an aberration from the Plaguelands was, it was old news compared to the Bloody 14th.

Speaking of Archon had a way of doing that to people.

"In such an event, we will have immediate naval support from the carrier group offshore and military installations inland," Holt said, the map above the table highlighting the numerous fleet and military base locations in blue. "Intelligence is concerned that this may be in response to the recent efforts made by the Navy to keep up and overtake Archon in our arms race."

He clicked another button and the view shifted again to the docks of the city.

Piggot had heard that for a while the docks of the city had been neglected. The appearance of Leviathan had been the death knell for many coastal cities across the globe. After Hero killed the beast in '04, the tide had turned. Combined with the recent power vacuum in the nation's economy and the growth of the city's tech sector, it seemed like the docks of Brockton Bay couldn't grow fast enough.

It still surprised Piggot to see all the sprawling harbors, slipways, and drydocks that took up nearly a quarter of the whole city.

"The Navy has recently ordered a new set of warships, some of which are slated to be built here. These new ships are going to be packed full of the latest and greatest tech out of Ladon Industries."

"What happened to buying from the lowest bidder?" Ursa Aurora remarked.

"When there's only one bidder selling railguns and laser point defense grids, it doesn't really matter what the lowest guy's selling," Daniels, the Kentucky born manager of the ENE's purse commented in his notable drawl, "They might be expensive, but they're worth it."

"Not surprising given it's all tinkertech," Adamant all but snorted.

"Which," Director Holt cut in, "is why we need to be on high alert."

He highlighted several warehouses in the area, "Ladon is going to have to store the equipment that will be installed on the vessels in several high-security places. They plan to ship most of it to the docks just before it can be installed, but they'll still need to store it for at least a day before it can be put in place. That's a window of vulnerability that can be exploited."

"Our job," he continued, "is to make sure that none of the parahuman led gangs get anywhere near them. These are highly valued objects, there's nothing on the market like Ladon tech, and I wouldn't be surprised if Lung or Kaiser would sell their own mother for a chance to get their hands on this stuff, either to sell or to use for themselves."

"Remember," Samson said, "this is Ladon tech, so even if it's tinker tech it's post Kharkov Limit stuff. That means any random schmoe with the right training and equipment can maintain it."

"Equipment that is also being stored in those warehouses," Armsmaster guessed, "and would also sell quite well."

"Correct," Holt nodded, "and I don't want to be the one to tell the Navy or Hero that I lost their brand new plasma railgun battery to a bunch of punks chasing after an outdated ideal we beat over half a century ago."

"I'd be more worried about Dragon," Adamant remarked over crossed arms, "girl knows how to pout."

A few people chuckled, Piggot snorted, Challenger rolled his eyes, and Armsmaster looked like he was smiling only because he thought he was "supposed" to.

"Piggot," he continued, "I'm going to need you to set up airtight patrols with Miss Militia and Mr. Mir."

Piggot, Miss Militia, and Mir all nodded in agreement.

"You'll all be working with Naval, Ladon, Police, and a litany of other groups to make sure the site is secure. I'll be sending each of you files on the project for you to examine," Holt explained, pressing a few buttons on the table, "Moving on…"

The meeting went on for another two hours after that, nothing surprising to Piggot. While most of it mattered, it either wasn't in her wheelhouse, or she already knew it. The only real news that struck her was that Lung's other pet enforcer was back in town from her little excursion with his thinker out in the badlands.

When all was said and done, the Director called an end to the meeting. As everyone began shuffling out of the conference room and back to their departments, Piggot decided to ask one last question.

"Director," Piggot began, grabbing the dark-skinned man's attention,

"Yes, commander?" he asked, though the look in his eye said he already knew where this was going.

"Do we have any more information on the potential biotinker threat that attacked the merchants?" she asked.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Miss Militia sigh.

"Armsmaster and our forensic scientists have concluded that there was no aberrant biomatter at any of the scenes," Holt explained. "Although there are signs that unusual drugs did significantly alter their brain chemistry. Possibly tinker drugs."

"But no unusual biological samples?" Piggot pressed.

"No," Holt shook his head. "I can understand why this issue hits close to home with you, but so far the evidence we've gathered is leading us to believe that rather than some manner of infection or virus, that this was an act of smoke, drugs, and mirrors. A potent combination as old as time."

Piggot grunted at the answer, getting out of her seat along with the rest of the staff, "I have my doubts."

"You don't believe the results?" Armsmaster pressed, "I can vouch for how thorough we're being."

Piggot brushed off the concern. Armsmaster had been in the Nilbog campaign, he'd seen the same things as her, even fought beside her once. Armsmaster understood the horrors of a biotinker, of how dangerous this could be, of that Piggot had no doubt.

"No, I believe you," she said as she walked towards the door of the conference room. "I just have a bad feeling about this."

"Emily." Miss Militia called out.

Piggot stopped and leveled a half-hearted glare at the woman. The Protectorate Veteran shrugged it off this time.

"I know what this means to you."

Piggot's glare sharpened.

"You know what it means to us, too," Miss Militia pointed out, gesturing to the four of them.

Piggot nearly sneered at the insinuation. Some part of her wanted to claim that even if they'd been in the campaign, they didn't know it like she did. The rest of her knew that after months in hell, things like that stopped mattering.

So instead she nodded at the woman with grudging respect. "I do," She ground out.

Miss Militia took a breath and glanced at the director. He nodded back in a way that implied they'd already talked about this, or at the very least he knew where she was going with this.

"I'll look into it, Emily." The gunslinger promised. "I've got time you don't. I can use it to look into this personally. Whatever else may be between us, you know you can trust me on this."

Piggot gave Miss Militia a hard, icy, gaze. She looked at the woman's emerald eyes, trying to find even the slightest hint of wavering purpose or ulterior motive.

"I'll hold you to that."


A/n: I'm sorry it took so long to post this chapter, but I put in an extra 2 weeks of editing to make sure everything worked just right.

I really like the way it turned out, and I'm glad I did it. A number of things I was doing either just weren't working or didn't actually make sense from a lore perspective upon closer inspection. I also managed to hash out a few more details for stuff I was very unclear on.

So it's here, and I really hope you guys like it. There's a lot of worldbuilding I'm showing here, but I didn't want to beat you over the head with it. I hope it's organic enough not to put you guys to sleep. It's funny, and kind of frustrating, but while working on this I actually thought of a hundred other ways I could have better built up the world and hinted at stuff. Things like shirts that said "never forget" and recruitment posters and such. It would have really been a nice touch and I can add them later, might even retroactively add them in earlier chapters, but at the moment I can't change what I've already done.

I'm posting it on SV first to see how it shakes up. See if there's anything me and my multiple editors missed. I've got to thank Trav, Mondrae, and the others at Cauldron that helped out to refine this thing into what it is now.

After this chap I'll be adding a couple options to the vote for the 2nd interlude. After another week or whatever of looking at the results I'll call the vote.

I'll be heading to work soon, so I probably won't be able to respond to much until I get back tonight, so I apologize ahead of time if I can't get back to you quickly.

Honestly, I just hope the thread isn't on fire by the time I can get back to ya'll.
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... Your worldbuilding. I want more of it.

It is a different take on Worm, but I'm the sort of person who likes the setting more when the "regular mortals" have a say in it, and the author actually explores how people and society would react to things, rather than just imposing a flat, two-dimensional Hero-Villain Narrative where only people with superpowers matter.
We're very interested to see the full extent of these butterflies, and their source.
One of our current theories is that Scion bit it and Eden's the Entity running the show now, but that feels too easy. Maybe the Siberian killed Eidolon instead of Hero?
We're very interested to see the full extent of these butterflies, and their source.
One of our current theories is that Scion bit it and Eden's the Entity running the show now, but that feels too easy. Maybe the Siberian killed Eidolon instead of Hero?

That is an interesting thought. So maybe the foggy areas are the result of the Sleeper being more of a nightmare made real effect?
'm posting it on SV first to see how it shakes up. See if there's anything me and my multiple editors missed. I've got to thank Trav, Mondrea, and the others at Cauldron that helped out to refine this thing into what it is now.
You're welcome. It was fun to read and beta. Btw it is Mondrae*

I am curious about what prompted the AU changes as well. The part where you want to rewrite bits is understandable, but dont get caught up in it.
... Your worldbuilding. I want more of it.

It is a different take on Worm, but I'm the sort of person who likes the setting more when the "regular mortals" have a say in it, and the author actually explores how people and society would react to things, rather than just imposing a flat, two-dimensional Hero-Villain Narrative where only people with superpowers matter.

Yeah, same. It's one of my largest problems with Worm, the fact that regular mortals are so useless. Even in the two major comic book universes, Marvel and DC, normies aren't that useless, largely because there isn't some universal singular granter of powers. People like Captain America, Hawkeye, Green Arrow, and Batman would all be considered "normies". Batman, Arrow, and Hawkeye might get slapped with a Tinker tag, but it'd likely be on the lower end of the scale. Especially since they get their gadgets in large part because they have a powerful tech company behind them, not because they can bang two rocks together and get shark repellent.

Because of Worm's setup even the people who would normally be put in the "badass normal" category get tagged with "lesser" powers like being a combat thinker or minor brute, etc etc. And that's on top of the major problem of the superhero genre, in general, undermining the power of the common masses to get things done and instead of tending to focus on the "Great Man" idea.

It's annoying, but part of it comes with the territory. If everyone in the setting is super and the superheroes aren't very heroic, then what are you left with? Random people with weird inexplicable powers?

I happen to like that stuff, by the way. Heroes was pretty good, until it wasn't. Umbrella Academy and Misfits, though, pretty top notch stuff for me.

Anyways, I'm sort of getting off track, but I'll round it off by saying that a large part of my influence for this fic has come from the 6 Sci-fi book series' I've read over the past year, 5 of which I'd call Military Sci-fi and the 6th being The Expanse. All stories with themes of having both "great men", and also allowing anyone to step up and make an actual difference. It's good stuff, and I plan to bring some of those ideas into Progenitor.

Moving on...

We're very interested to see the full extent of these butterflies, and their source.
One of our current theories is that Scion bit it and Eden's the Entity running the show now, but that feels too easy. Maybe the Siberian killed Eidolon instead of Hero?

I can safely say Scion's still the one running around. And Eidolon's just fine. Well, as fine as a man who's nearly almighty powers are slowly waning into uselessness in the face of a world teetering on the edge of apocalypse and anarchy.

Legend might not be.

If Hero killed Leviathan, then, which Endbringer replaced him? Is there even a new Endbringer ?

There are new Endbringers. Homebrewed Endbringers to be precise. Specifically designed to counter the way Hero killed Leviathan.

That is an interesting thought. So maybe the foggy areas are the result of the Sleeper being more of a nightmare made real effect?

I can also safely say that's not it. The Plaguelands and Miasma in it are all fallout from the Nilbog campaign which could best be described as a pyrrhic victory.

You're welcome. It was fun to read and beta. Btw it is Mondrae*

I am curious about what prompted the AU changes as well. The part where you want to rewrite bits is understandable, but dont get caught up in it.

Thanks again for your help. Also, whoops.

And to be honest, I'm more likely to never actually do a rewrite and just keep going, "Man, I should probably do that...later".

Anyways, since I've been getting a lot of questions about it on SB, I'll be doing a dedicated informational spoiler-free post about the Kharkov Limit and Ladon industries. Anything I put in there will be something you will also be able to read at least hints about in the story going forward. It will be pretty long and dry, so if you don't have any interest in that you are absolutely able to skip it and not miss anything important to enjoy the story.

I'll be wrapping up the poll soon. On the SB side of things Vicky and Annette are actually tied with 23 each, and Dragon is in 3rd with 10 votes. We'll see how things shake up in the end.

In the meantime, I hope this has been in any way helpful for you. I'l see you when I see you.
Captain America would be considered a Brute/Thinker.
At the same time, seeing as how he's on the lower end of the scale, and those weren't the things that made him great, he could just as easily have been completely un-augmented.

But then, the backstory is part of the wish fulfilment that is so central to many traditional superhero stories.
I kind of felt like Worm's setting satirized some elements in cape comics. Like tech or gadget using heroes pulling whatever the plot demands out of their butts when they're not well written. At least Worm owns up to it by making it an actual superpower.

Edit: Because Batman's supertech stops being "low-end" when he pulls out a gun that can kill a god. Or how about one of those evil Alt!Batmen from Metal that fused with the Flash by combining his Cosmic Treadmill with his Batmobile and strapping Flash onto the hood? That's not exactly sensible either.

Same for badly conceived "Badass Normals" whose skills and prowess are not actually normal or achievable by human beings at all when you take a good look at it. Really, my main issue with Worm would be with the characters, as I find the setting interesting enough to play around with.
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At the same time, seeing as how he's on the lower end of the scale, and those weren't the things that made him great, he could just as easily have been completely un-augmented.

But then, the backstory is part of the wish fulfilment that is so central to many traditional superhero stories.
He's beyond any normal human in strength, and heals very quickly, so he's at least a Muscle/Regen Brute 3. He's also a genius that takes in knowledge quickly, learns quickly, has enhanced senses, and so on. Likely a Skill/Combat/Sense Thinker 3 or 4. Probably with Hurdle Mover 2 subratings due to skill and experience.

Steven Rogers (Earth-616)
  • Peak Human Strength: Rogers' physical strength is enhanced to the very peak of human potential, making him consistently able to sustain lifts 800 lbs (363 kg).[4] This strength also extends to his legs, enabling him to leap 20 ft (6 m) out in a single bound,[161] and 10 ft (3 m) into the air without a running start.[162] Though when really pushed, he has been able to leap even greater heights than 10 ft.[163] He can snap steel handcuffs and chains with ease,[164]throw his shield with enough force to dislodge the turret ring of a tank,[165] yank a small helicopter out of the air using a grappling hook and cable,[166] overcome the pulling power of two modified motorcycles,[167] wield a heavy bench-press barbell like it was a light-weight weapon,[168] prevent enough concrete rubble to make a fallout shelter from crushing him with help from his shield,[169] remove a large stone block from a wall using chains,[170] topple a large statue while trying to break the chains that tied him to it,[171] smash wooden columns with his fist,[172] lift up a heavy utility pole,[173] and a large steel beam,[174] breaking through wooden walls and steel doors with a single kick,[175] as well as lifting General Wo, a 460-lb. sumo wrestler, over his head and throwing him.[176]

  • Peak Human Speed: Rogers can move at speeds equal to that of the absolute finest human athlete, being capable of running at a sustained 30 mph (48 kph);[4] however, he has shown capacity to run at twice that pace over shorter distances when necessary,[177][178] such as when he was able to complete a 40-yard dash in 3.82 seconds,[179] or a mile "in just over a minute."[177] He was stated to be able to run faster than a HMMWV driving at top speed.[178]

  • Peak Human Durability: Rogers' bones and muscles are vastly denser and much more harder than the average person,[180] as they are amplified to the highest human potential, making him very durable.[181] He is durable enough that a concrete block,[182] or a hardwood ax handle,[183] have been shown to break against him with Rogers exhibiting little discomfort. He also withstood being struck by a metal bat with no visible injury.[93] This is how he survived other forms of extensive punishment throughout his career, such as withstanding a nearby explosion,[184] getting burned by jet exhaust,[185] being buried beneath a collapsed building after having been smashed through many walls and floors by the Red Skull,[186] and descending from heights, such as the time he landed on a vehicle after jumping from a low altitude aircraft,[187] or a high altitude, low open parachute jump from ten miles up, with little to no injury.[188]

  • Peak Human Agility: Rogers' agility is enhanced to be greater than that of any Olympic gold medalist and the world's greatest acrobat.[181] He can perfectly coordinate his body with enhanced balance, flexibility, and dexterity.[65][71] He is quick to block bullets with his shield while both the ground,[189] and while falling.[78] He has been seen leaping across rooftops,[190] and using a street pole to fling himself onto the top of a building.[191]

  • Peak Human Reflexes: Rogers' reflexes are enhanced to superhuman level and are far superior to even the finest human athletes.[192][65] His reaction speed is almost ten times faster than normal humans,[159] which makes it possible for him to dodge gunfire, even at point blank range, from multiple shooters simultaneously,[78][192][65] as well as laser beams.[193][194]

  • Peak Human Stamina: Rogers' body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles;[155] he is unable to feel the fatigue toxins flowing through his body,[88] granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity.[159][155] He can exert himself at peak capacity for an hour without any rest and before showing any signs of fatigue toxins in his bloodstream.[195] At one time, he was able to sprint for over 5 miles,[177] as well as run for 20 miles without any sign of fatigue.[196] He could also resist the freezing cold waters of the Arctic while constantly holding his breath for at least an hour while searching for D-Man.[60]

  • Accelerated Healing Factor: Rogers' healing speed and efficiency is enhanced to function beyond the limitations of human capabilities, which means he can heal faster than typical humans.[197] The white blood cells and Super-Soldier Serum in his body are efficient enough to fight off any microbe, foreign body, and other pathogens from his body, keeping him healthy and immune from all infections, diseases, disorders, etc.[29] Rogers furthermore cannot become intoxicated by alcohol,[198] drugs, or impurities in the air, and is thus immune to typical terrestrial diseases.[156] He is also immune to hypnosis or gases that could limit his focus, which makes him genetically perfect.[199][200]Rogers' ability to heal is so great that his eyes regenerated after having been incapacitated by Arnim Zola's Robotic Body;[201] furthermore, he regenerated after he was shot in the head with a bullet, even though he was unconscious for at least six weeks, and Alisande Morales surmised that Rogers recovered partially due to sheer willpower.[202]Rogers also completely healed from severe third-degree burns on his hands from a structure fire in a matter of seconds.[203]

  • Peak Human Mental Processing: Rogers' mental performance is greatly enhanced allowing it to operate in the most advanced and rapid manner possible.[158][204] His mental processing is so great that he possesses limitless information storage and perfect pattern solving.[195] His mind also processes information quickly, giving him an accelerated learning aptitude; for example, Beast once stated that Rogers can learn and master any weapon within seconds.[166] Rogers can quickly multi-task and analyze multiple, limitless information streams, as well as rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.[178] He possesses an eidetic/photographic memory and perfect recall, meaning he never forgets what he sees and experiences, paired with the ability to speed read, and can thereby intuitively understand what's likely going to happen and how best to deal with it.[178] This enables him to remember any military tactic and apply it to any situation, making him arguably the best tactician in history.[178]

  • Peak Human Senses: Rogers' senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are enhanced to the highest limits of human potential.[205] He once said that he is able to dodge bullets because he sees faster than them,[77] as if time itself is standing still.[206] He was able to hear trucks driving by from far away,[207] as well as the slightest footfall,[36]and could feel heat through thick walls simply by lightly brushing against them.[205]
  • Advanced Longevity: The Super-Soldier Serum halts Rogers' aging due to perfect cells. This was tested when he spent many decades in Earth-69901 and its numerous divergent realities while fighting against Korvac's galactic empire, repeatedly dying and having time rewound, before ultimately being returned to his own time,[208] as well as spending twelve years in Dimension Z, before being returned to Earth the same day with no noticeable signs of aging.[24]
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I can safely say Scion's still the one running around. And Eidolon's just fine. Well, as fine as a man who's nearly almighty powers are slowly waning into uselessness in the face of a world teetering on the edge of apocalypse and anarchy.

Legend might not be.

No! Not the rainbow man!
Still, it's good to know that our guesses were off. They both felt a little flat. This is a really interesting story and we're looking forwards to more.

Also, we love the Badass Normal trope too. The closest canon Worm got was the Dragon's Teeth, which was kind of...glossed over.