Princess of Mandalore (Youjo Senki/Star Wars)

Huh. Well, I predict good things for the Lars family. Tanya's not family, she's a guest being granted a service, and she always pays her debts.
Beru ends up a pop idol on Gargon, completely by accident. Her anti-slavery themed songs become a major hit across the galaxy. It's completely coincidental that a lot of freed slaves somehow end up on Gargon or passed through the planet on their way to freedom. ;)
Huh. Well, I predict good things for the Lars family. Tanya's not family, she's a guest being granted a service, and she always pays her debts.
i can see that

Beru ends up a pop idol on Gargon, completely by accident. Her anti-slavery themed songs become a major hit across the galaxy. It's completely coincidental that a lot of freed slaves somehow end up on Gargon or passed through the planet on their way to freedom. ;)
i did not see that



Hard to say who had the greater character growth this chapter.
role a dice odds it Tanya even it anakin

Those beautiful butterflies. 😂😂😂
Cheap Mandalorian armors saves the day.
always has
Chapter 35
Chapter 35
716 FNM (22 BBY)
Month 6

Tatooine, Lars Moisture Farm
Tanya Kryze

I sat across from Anakin and Padme. They had just explained how verifying a vision several months old had been worth the risk of bringing an assassination target to the most lawless planet in the galaxy. I rubbed my temples for no particular reason. They could have stayed on Naboo, which is probably the safest planet they could be on, instead of coming to Tatooine of all places to find Anakin's lost mother. Which was a whole other matter I was annoyed with, but I would focus on one bout of insanity at a time.

"So your big plan, as a Jedi, was to risk your charge's life by moving her to one of the most dangerous planets in the entire galaxy."

"To be fair," Anakin said, "Padme suggested we come here." The charge in question proceeded to elbow him. "I said no a few times but she ground me down." Anakin carefully avoided meeting either of our gazes.

I was the picture of composure, I didn't begin muttering under my breath about hormonal teenagers.

We were sitting underground in a farmstead, owned by Anakin's adopted father Cliegg Lars, and his biological mother Shmi. Khae and Kastel were sitting in the courtyard unpacking a couple tents they were going to loan us for the night, since the homestead owners were already full up on visitors thanks to Anakin and Padme.

I had stripped out of my armor so that I could clean it. One of the many tasks that needed doing now that we were safe. So I'm sitting in front of them in my pilot suit, Anakin is wearing Jedi robes, and Padme is wearing some fancy dress probably of Naboo make. It's funny that of the three people inside this room, the only one who actually kind of looks like they fit in is Anakin. The Jedi robes could pass for clothing of locals, if well-made.

The room is a rather interesting affair, it looked like someone had carved out a hole in the ground and then just plastered a roof over it. I don't think I'd ever seen anything like this in my history books, so it must be something created simply because of just how awful the conditions on this planet were. It reminds me a lot like a sand igloo.

I did wonder how they kept this place from being submerged in the sand. Though considering it's underground, I think that with the quantity of sandstorms this planet probably experienced, some big storm should have buried it already, eventually. Given even a small chance of the event occurring over a long enough time horizon, it would happen eventually, and this place would get buried. Perhaps there is some sort of technology around here that I wasn't seeing that prevented that.

My thoughts were interrupted as Padme spoke up. "You don't have to worry about that, Tanya, we were completely safe. No one knows we left Naboo and no one even knew that we left Coruscant."

"That's not true." I said matter of factly before adding, "I figured out that you left Coruscant after talking to Obi-Wan for a moment."

"Well, that's you, Tanya. You always were one for making vast leaps of logic." Padme said, sounding a little bit annoyed with me. Fair, I guess we are both annoyed with each other.

"Fine, I'll let the stupidity of running off to Tatooine drop." I wanted to get on with the good news at the very least. "Anyway, I found out who's trying to kill you. Better yet, I convinced the current bounty hunter assigned to the job to drop it as well as manage to provide his testimony as evidence against his employer, so I say that's a good win on my part."

"Are we sure about that?" Padme said, sounding sarcastic, "I mean you had to run off to Tatooine, the most dangerous planet in the Galaxy, to do it. Was that really the safest option?"

"I know it's your complaint and reference, but yes, it was. I had full control of the situation and enough guards with me to make sure everything would go fine."

Padme gave me a look that said that she was less than amused with my attempt to try and bypass that point before saying, "Yes, I think I was also quite safe, after all I had a Jedi with me." After taking that jab at me, she continued, "Anyway, what do you mean he's no longer going to be coming after me. Who is responsible for this assassination plot?"

At that moment, Ordo, who had been behind me making a cup of tea, stepped forward. I preferred to have coffee, but I needed to get some sleep tonight, so tea it was. Ordo stepped to the table and set a saucer down for me.

Giving him a smile, I said, "Thank you." Only after I sipped, did I answer Padme's question, "The master assassin, I guess you could say, is a bounty hunter. He was trying to subcontract the job off to a friend of his as a favor. We came to an agreement, he will return to Mandalore and turn in the evidence he has in return for favorable treatment." Anakin let out a huff that I ignored. "From there, that evidence will be sent from Mandalore to the Senate. The Senate can do whatever they want with this information. I'm sure they'll be rather annoyed considering who it is."

Preempting the obvious question, I said, "It's your arch-nemesis from the Naboo blockade, Nute Gunray."

"Gunray, really? He's that spiteful? Well, at least we know it's not political and just personal."

I shrugged before saying, "Politics is personal sometimes. After all, you've cost him quite a bit of political capital and from my understanding of the situation you won heavily against him in the courts. He probably thought if he could just kill you, he would have had less to deal with in regard to the courts coming after him."

"Perhaps, but now I'm definitely going to go after him for this." I detected a tinge of anger in her voice. Padme had lost her people in the destruction of her transport ship. I wouldn't hold it against her, I had lost friends, both to enemy action and time in my last life. Losing friends like that did tend to draw out the worst in people.

After I took another sip of my tea, I said, "Well, you do what you have to do, Senator. I've done my job. More than what my job required me to do, hopefully this situation can be handled peacefully from here on out."

"Hopefully," Padme said with a shake of her head and an exasperated sigh. "Now you said something about things going sideways during this whole thing, care to explain what exactly happened?"

I shook my head, saying, "I'm not exactly sure. Some droids showed up in the middle of our meeting with the bounty hunter and attempted to arrest me. I wasn't sure what they were planning to do after they caught me, she seemed unsure herself."

"Why would they do that? And how do they know that you'd be here in the first place?" Anakin asked the same questions that I've been asking myself for the last twelve hours.

I shrugged before saying, "The how is probably not that hard to figure out, I used the Bounty Hunters' Guild contact, specifically a lesser Hutt known as Ziro, to communicate with this bounty hunter. Most likely, someone put a couple clues together and figured out that I must have been the one trying to meet with him. Or the damn slug sold that information to anyone willing to pony up the credits. My presence on Tatooine is likely a worse kept secret than yours. Why were they trying to capture me, specifically? That is a little bit more of a conundrum. However, considering the bounty hunter was under the employ of the former head of the Trade Federation, possibly allies or spies from their partner in this other organization, the Workers' Council of Anteevy found out. Anteevy, that name sounds familiar, but I can't place where I had heard it."

"I can." Ordo said, drawing all eyes to him. He had also stripped down to his pilot suit and was sitting right next to me now, nursing his own saucer with tea.

"Anteevy is an Old Mandalorian planet, just on the outskirts of the modern borders of the Mandalore sector, in the Esuian sub-sector. It's not under direct administration of Mandalore anymore, but it was still under a Mandalorian clan council until a few decades ago. It was used as a prison colony by the Traditional Mandalorians, if someone got too problematic they were sent to the planet to basically work the rest of their lives off. Considering that planet is one of the more densely populated in the sector... well, there were a lot of dissident clans and individuals over the centuries."

He sipped his tea before continuing, "About nineteen years ago, during the end of the Mandalorian Civil War and the Mandalorian Clan Wars, the planet declared independence after a violent rebellion led by a child. The ruling clans were massacred, men, women, and children too. Shipping was stopped and a system-wide blockade was established. Duchess Satine ended the blockade when she came to power, but trade and normalization of relationships was never a priority. No one has bothered with the place for the last two decades. The sub-sector it is in doesn't want to deal with them and the Duchess doesn't want to deal with them either. The Republic would need another thousand years before they even begin to think about what they want to do with them. So it's just there and no one's really interested in figuring out what to do with them."

Padme looked more and more frustrated at Ordo's explanation. Likely from the fact that the Republic taking centuries to make a decision is par for the course, which irritates her idealist sensibilities.

"There is also the fact that, as Ordo said, they are outside the Mandalore sector proper, they didn't get hit with the ban on battle droids like every other planet in the Mandalore sector, so that droid company that tried to kidnap me is technically legal. The Republic is an utter mess when it comes to this sort of thing; if Anteevy rejoined the Mandalorian sector, then previously legal battle droids would suddenly become outlawed for them."

"Uh, can you explain why that is?" Anakin asked, not realizing the daunting quagmire that was sector, subsector, administrative sector and representative sector classification. Explaining it to him would likely just annoy the man, rightfully so, the term sector had been bastardized for the sake of politics for thousands of years. There was no real reason why the regions were drawn up the way they were for the vast majority of cases.

"Long story short, the previous ruler of Mandalore before the Mandalorian Civil War wanted to tax the Hydian Way, the hyperspace lane next to Gargon, again and used a droid army to do it. The Republic didn't like that and thought it was a repeat of the blockade of the Hydian Way, so they brought down the hammer in the form of Judicials and Jedi Order to force him back into compliance. After smashing the Mandalorian droid army as well as the deaths of countless Mandalorians, the Senate banned the Mandalorian sector from ever using battle droids. They then returned to business as usual and washed their hands on the matter leaving the Mandalore sector to rebuild by themselves which resulted in the Mandalorian Civil War a few years later. Now the problem is that they used that exact term, sector, but it applies to a dozen different things. This is actually intentional for the Republic, as they can use whatever definition is the most useful at the time. Since the law was designed specifically to curtail Mandalorian power, any group claiming not to be a part of Mandalore can effectively argue that the law does not apply to them."

"Got it." Anakin nodded. His face conflicted, likely at the disproportionate response of the Republic, and it was pretty disproportionate.

With everyone on the same page, I continued, "That explains who and where these droids came from, but why were they after me exactly?" And my unspoken question was even more concerning, 'And why the hell were they using communist terminology?'

Ordo sipped his tea before saying, "I don't know much, but from what I do understand, their leadership opposes the noble houses that run Mandalore and the Mandalore sector. They blame us for basically everything that ever went wrong."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding in at that statement, as that was a socialist thing to do, find someone to blame for everything and then focus everyone's hatred on it. Still didn't explain how they had the communist playbook, but at least I had an idea of what I was dealing with now.

Finally, I said, "Bold move of them to try and kidnap a diplomat, I'm sure that would end well for them." I mused with a joke as I continued, "Now that we understand the situation, I'm sure I can lodge a complaint through the Judicial system and then do something about this Workers' Council."

"I'm sure the Jedi Council would take interest in that. We could probably try to negotiate them down from any future assassination attempts. Diplomacy like this is what the Order does best." Anakin chimed in, causing me to shake my head in exasperation. Depending on whom the Jedi sent, they might even sympathize with a socialist ideology, and this universe lacked my context on just how terrible communists are.

"They can try, though I doubt it'll work. It sounds like these people are well and truly gone off the deep end. I'd rather use Mandalorian institutions to solve this problem rather than rely upon the Republic."

"To be fair, your Highness, that is not exactly your decision to make. I am somewhat obligated to report this to the Council. Since both sides of this conflict are in the Republic, this Workers' Council could request Jedi mediation and we would be obligated to provide it." Anakin said pointedly. He was technically correct. The Jedi Order avoided the Mandalorian sector as much as they could, since Jedi who got involved tended to get a vibroblade between the ribs more often than was worth it. Sometimes purely for bragging rights.

But in this case, the Jedi would receive some guarantees from Satine that we would not harm them. Approaching this situation with the Jedi and the permission from the Workers' Council could be seen as an attractive excuse to expand Jedi influence in the sector from a somewhat safe position. Even if the Jedi did not solve the problem, as long as it did not end in violence, it would move a step towards normalizing Jedi presence in the sector. Normally I would be amicable to the prospect, but not when communists were involved.

"Do you want to explain why you are on Tatooine with Padme to the Council?" I countered, earning a sour look from the Jedi.

"Of course, I don't have to report back to the Council immediately..." We shared a smile.

The Workers' Council might be within the Mandalorian administrative remit the Republic had saddled us with, but it wasn't exactly like I was representing them. I was half tempted to maybe do something as White Silver, but using that identity to attack ideological enemies of mine would not exactly look great for my other identity. White Silver needed to be an example of economic hope, not another warlord settling scores. Granted, if they really were communists then they were a danger to Mandalore's economic future. However, until they did something that was an open provocation, such as an invasion of a planet in the Mandalore sector, White Silver couldn't step in, although I would be keeping a close eye on this organization.

Finishing my tea, I set aside my saucer and leaned back in the chair before finally saying, "That's a concern for tomorrow, tonight I'll just have to try and figure out how we're going to get in contact with the rest of my team and get up on our way back towards Coruscant."

"You are leaving so soon?" Anakin asked, looking across the table to me.

"My mission is accomplished." I simply said, "My objective was to find the assassin, convince him to no longer engage in this particular mission, and get information on who was responsible so that we can all focus on the true enemy of this situation. Considering that my presence here is apparently compromised intelligence, I need to show up somewhere else as quickly as possible." I left out the part where I was also trying to make sure that Mandalore wouldn't get any of the damage from a Mandalorian trying to assassinate a senator, but that was not necessary information for them.

Padme nodded in understanding, "It does seem like you have the situation well in hand. If you wanted to stay around, I'm sure the Lars' wouldn't mind a little extra help around the moisture farm."

I smiled and said, "Although I do sometimes wonder about life as a farmer, I'm not intending to take that up anytime soon." Let alone moisture farming, I had enough sand and sun a lifetime ago in North Africa.

I started to get up when Anakin asked a question that I had not expected, though I probably should have. "You know we'll be going back to Naboo in a couple days. We wouldn't mind a little extra security if you guys want to come along."

Expanding the security team, not something I had considered doing, but technically that's what I've been doing this entire time. I wouldn't mind spending time in a lush vacation home and being attended to by servants. I gave it a thought for a moment and said, "I'll sleep on it, no guarantees if I will agree to this or not."

That said, I finished getting up and brushed my hair back. "Good night, you two." I said, giving a small bow before stepping out.

"Goodnight Tanya." The two called as I left. With Ordo soon following me, grabbing my bag full of armor, I walked up the steps of the entrance way. Outside, I stopped and decided to sit on the seats under the night sky as I cleaned and prepped my armor for another day's use.

Although we were secure, since no one knew where we were, and I hadn't put out a call for the others yet. It was good seeing Ordo follow me up here, carrying his own bag of armor, as he sat down next to me. Intending to do the same, but providing security; another example of just how good of a loyal subordinate he really was.

Tatooine, Lars Moisture Farm
Engiz Ordo

"Wow, this planet's not so bad after all." I said as I stared up at the stars. There's very little population on this planet, so there was very little light pollution to interfere with the damn good view of the night sky here. You could see quite a lot of them up there.

"I think I can agree on that." Tanya said, lying down next to me as we looked up. Over the last half-hour we had cleaned up the armor, removed all scuffs marks, and made sure all systems were functioning as intended. With that job done, technically we should just go back to our tents and start getting ready for a good night's sleep, but even though Tatooine is known for its dust storms and other horrid things, right now it isn't so bad. In fact, it was rather relaxing with the cold desert breeze; we just ended up lying against the warm bricks of the outer wall while looking up at the stars. Thank goodness for modern thermal insulation.

It was a very calming and relaxing environment. The brick and sand were still warm from the day's twin suns, but the air now is starting to be a bit brisk. This is the kind of environment where a person could get used to a quiet life.

It was also probably one of the few and only chances I'd ever had to actually be alone with Tanya in the few years we've been together, since the time we touched helmets. She's always so busy with putting out one fire or trying to light one under someone else's ass that I never actually had any opportunity to discuss that whole thing fully. It was about time to finally do something about that open question.

Taking a deep breath to try and calm every nerve in my body, I asked, "Hey, Tanya, remember a few years ago when we had to dive into an alley?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw her stiffen a bit before she said, "Yes, I remember."

"Good, good. Because there's something you said that's been bothering me for a while, and I just wanted to get a better understanding of what it exactly means. After we had our helmets touched, you said that I was perfectly close. What did you mean by that?"

Tanya and I laid there, looking up at the stars not saying anything for a bit before she finally said, "I meant that you were close enough that I felt quite secure in our safety, that we would be able to get through that situation without having to worry about it."

I blinked a couple of times trying to translate Tanya-speak for a moment before saying, "Do you mean you felt safe near me?"

There was another pause, a rather long one and got me a bit antsy before she finally said, "Yes, if you want to look at it that way. Yes, I feel safe with you here." The next part she said is a little fast as she explained, "I know how reliable you are and that you would have been able to fight by my side if the situation had demanded it."

"Huh. Okay." I said, nodding my head. I turned it to look back up at the sky for a moment before asking, "Do you often feel safe near me?"

There was a weighted pause before she said, "Yes, wherever we go, I know that if you're there I have an ally I can trust."

I stayed silent and continued to look up at the sky as I tried to translate exactly what that meant. It almost sounded like, no, I've been around Tanya for years, she wasn't one to start relationships… Then again, I never saw her in a relationship. I don't recall Vai ever mentioned seeing her in one, and she would have gossiped.

That would be a strange twist of fate, someone who could easily take over an entire planet didn't know how to do people relationship stuff, but maybe that was the trade-off for having that ability. She could conquer a planet but didn't know how to date, not like I am any good at dates either, that is more my siblings' specialty.

It did clear some things up. I had taken her around and showed her Ordo quite a bit. There have been a few opportunities where we've been technically alone, though it never felt right to ask the question that I had just asked. There was always someone within hearing distance or enough context clues that could have led them to finding out what we've been up to before, preventing this exact situation from happening until now. She never really called me out on the fact that I invite her on basically two person dates, without any official stance on the matter. Maybe she didn't see them as dates because of the way her mind worked?

I decided to take a leap of faith. While still looking up at the sky, I lowered my left hand and let it fall on hers, giving it a little bit of a squeeze and seeing how she'd respond. She said nothing, but she squeezed back… Okay my thoughts are saying that maybe there's something here, maybe there's something I can pursue that I had not thought about before. It's not with any definition of how I was going to make the relationship work. It would seem I work very hard to pull it off.

Tatooine, Mos Eisley SpacePort
Count Dooku

This has been an irritating turn of events. I expected to be spending my day preparing for the official signing of the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the next twenty-four hours. I should be resting and enjoying the calm before the inevitable war begins. Because as soon as the paperwork is sent, I need to inform Jango Fett to let the Kaminoans know that the Republic needed those clones and that they needed to contact the Republic to inform them that they are ready for duty.

It might take a while, but I theorize that within a month the war will officially begin, if not sooner it will probably be a little bit later. I imagine some Jedi would be skeptical about using the clones, but they would get used to it in time. Part of the plan ensured the Jedi and Republic would have no other choice.

However, instead of celebrating the conclusion of my time and work at Geonosis, I am here on Tatooine trying to smooth over a diplomatic incident.

One of the factions I had brought in over the years had apparently attempted to arrest someone of interest on this planet. Said arrest had gone as smoothly as could be expected of someone trying to capture a Mandalorian, which meant that it went badly, especially when said victim is my potential future apprentice, Ms. Kryze. So I was not pleased to hear about this, and already had suspicions on who exactly called the hit in. Senator Merrik from Mandalore is proving to be not as secure an ally with every passing year. Not only was he acting too independently, trying to eliminate people he sees as rivals, but he is wasting my assets and my time to do it.

I was not willing to remove him just yet, but there would be a reckoning. Merrik had been chosen for the same reason as most, access, but more importantly, leverage in his personal life. Privileges and extra resources could be revoked as punishment, but doing so would confirm our involvement. Probably safer to leak something to send a message, something public and embarrassing that would not impact his duties. After all, I couldn't prove he was behind it. The Mandalorian woman who was leading the droids had not given me that information, however there was enough circumstantial evidence to satisfy me and back up my suspicions.

Jabba the Hutt contacted me to handle this situation. The Hutts always had an angle and always sought to exploit matters. It would seem Jabba had put two and two together about what was coming and figured that if droids were involved, I was somehow responsible for the mess. Granted I wasn't, but I had enough agency to deal with this situation as it was, the young Mandalorian woman was being packed up with what remains of the droids that she had brought into her ship and sent back to her so-called Workers' Paradise.

The mess on Tatooine turned out to be the easy part. The Hutt representative that contacted me had no problem coordinating the cleanup of the battle droids on Tatooine. The prisoners had been kept in accommodations in town, rather than whatever pit the Hutts called a prison. The straightforwardness made me suspect that whatever schemes the Hutts were involved in did not want attention from the Republic. Why else would they be so eager to contact me and hand everyone over?

The problem lies with the two Mandalorian Royal Guards that I now had in my custody.

Before, when I was a Jedi Knight, I probably would have let them go. They were unimportant to my plans, thus I had no interest in them. The Mandalorians also have their own transportation, so they could depart on their own ship and normally, that was quite alright with me.

Unfortunately, while I had no need for them personally, their presence did provide an opportunity to speak with Ms. Kryze in person. Regretfully, I have never had the opportunity to openly meet with or discuss matters with the outspoken Mandalorian Representative. My previous introduction, some years back when discussing matters with Senator Merrik, hardly counted. In that event, Merrik was obviously intent on suppressing her advancement to preserve his own position, but my interest in her public record and other matters have only escalated over the years.

Actually having a chance to speak to Ms. Kryze may prove enlightening. I did wonder just how well of an apprentice she would actually make. From her reputation, she was outspoken politically, but also shared political views out of step with the Mandalorian sector's view of pacifism. A sign that she could be persuaded to see reason, perhaps, and it would be all the better if we could see eye to eye on things beyond matters of the Force. A true Dark Order would require driven and moral individuals for positions of leadership, after all. Spending time with her would also present me with an opportunity to gauge her true presence in the Force. I did have other options to consider too.

So I decided to have the Mandalorians and their ships sent to Geonosis. The captured Mandalorians are being treated as honored guests, with only limited restrictions on travel. I couldn't allow them to stay on Tatooine to meet up with Ms. Kryze. Too much of a chance that they would group up, grab their ship, and ignore my well-intentioned offer in preference to returning back to the Core. I needed a chance to talk to Ms. Kryze before the galaxy ignited into war, and I would not allow this chance to slip through my grasp.

That is why I am still on Tatooine sitting inside my small ship, waiting for the girl to try and contact one of her two missing guards. The guards had already turned over their communication frequency, after a bit of convincing, ostensibly so I could warn Ms. Kryze of the situation with the Hutts. With the comm frequency I would be able to intercept any messages and be able to talk to her. From there, I could either arrange for her to be transported to Geonosis or coordinate to use a backup meeting site, so we can have our conversation. Either is a possibility, but I am quite interested in seeing which one she would take, as it would tell me my chances of actually getting to meet her.

So there I was, meditating for a rather long time to pass the time with something useful. I didn't know when she would contact her security, but I was willing to wait another twelve hours at least. Past that, I would be forced to abandon Tatooine, I needed to get back to Geonosis and get ready for the signing there. Dealing with the captured Mandalorian Royal Guards would become awkward if I was forced to depart before arranging matters here.

In the midst of my musing, an alert came in, causing me to smile as finally my chance to talk to the girl would be met. Pressing a button to bring up the comm request, though, I found I was mistaken about who I was receiving the message from.

Surprised, I looked at the holographic image of young Obi-Wan Kenobi, a man I had not spoken to for nearly a decade and even before that, we had only spoken once or twice. He once was the student of my Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, whose death had put me on my current life path. The events surrounding his death confirmed my fears about the weakness and corruption of the Jedi Order. The assumption that the master of the Sith had been killed seemed foolish to me, considering what little we knew of Qui-Gon's murderer. The fact that they were unwilling to investigate further and pretend that none of this could be something more made it clear that the Jedi were corrupt and of no help to the public. If anything, they have become a hindrance, too much a part of the political machine of the Republic even as they tried to claim they were independent. If they were truly independent, they would be doing something about the Outer Rim's myriad of problems, but instead they accommodated the corrupt interests in the Republic and spoke platitudes rather than solve the problems for the galaxy.

For instance, if a Jedi were to ever bring justice to a slave Lord in Hutt space and free the slaves, you would think that would be perceived as a good thing and celebrated as a victory by the Republic. You would think wrong, of course. The reality of the situation was that even though it is illegal to engage in slavery, as well as the use of a myriad of drugs, the Hutt's paid taxes on slavery in Hutt Space and greased the palms of the local political establishment.

This created a two-fold problem, not only has the Republic become reliant on the income from the Hutts in the form of taxes, but the politicians who are now corrupt after dealing with them would also protect the Hutts and prosecute the Jedi if they ever did anything about it.

And this problem is not just limited to the Hutts, though they were amongst the worst. Many of the corporations I had aligned with the CIS were pulling the same scheme. In fact, if I could, I would draw the Hutts into our confederacy as well. The Hutts had extensive resources that needed to be destroyed or depleted eventually, and their forces would create a more solid frontline for the CIS. When this war is finally won, they would be unable to do as they had been doing before, spreading their corruption to the Republic for the last thousand years. The Hutt Empire or the remnants of one would finally be destroyed in the inevitable second conflict; one that would come out of the death of the Republic and the creation of the Galactic Empire.

But those are plans for the future, and I needed to keep focus on the present. Finally answering the comm request, I said, "Obi-Wan Kenobi, it's been a long time since the Jedi has taken the time to contact me. I'm honored to speak to a Padawan of my Padawan. What is this about, if I may ask?"

"Count Dooku, it's nice to finally get in contact with you, as I've been trying for a couple of days now." He said with a strained smile before continuing, "I've been tracking down an assassin who was involved in an attempt on Senator Amidala's life."

"Really now?" I listened in growing frustration as Obi-Wan proceeded to reveal the Jedi had discovered Jango Fett was responsible for the assassination. The former president of the Trade Federation had really stepped in his honey. I regret recommending Jango Fett to him, but he demanded the best as part of his bargain to join the CIS in exchange for dealing with his senator issue.

Frankly, I didn't care either way about Amidala's life. Yes, she had served her purpose in extending the time available to build up the CIS. However, she is firmly anti-military and anti-war. She would likely be an issue going into the war when it started, and she would certainly oppose the Empire's creation. A minor senator though is not a threat to the plan and I have no concern with eliminating her. It is well worth the price for a secure alliance, thus I had given him the contact for Jango Fett, a bounty hunter who had never failed me on a mission before.

The fact that he had failed this mission either spoke badly of Jango, possibly his age is finally catching up to him, or conversely, spoke well of the man in front of me, who has no doubt been charged with the Senator's protection. I've seen Jango beat four Jedi Knights to death with nothing but his bare hands myself. Thus, if anyone could survive a duel with him, that person is someone I should keep an eye on.

Frowning, I said, "Yes, I did know a Jango Fett from a long time ago. A good man in my opinion that was given a bad hand in life. No, I have not spoken to him for nearly a decade."

"Unfortunate. It looks like another lead goes cold." Obi-Wan said, rubbing his chin. It looks like he's lost in his own thoughts, staring off at a point in the distance, so I interrupted those thoughts with statements of my own.

"I may know of a way to contact him, but I'm a very busy man. I'm having to deal with many situations out here on the Outer Rim."

"Yes, I've heard about your step into politics, not exactly a way to be a Jedi, I would think."

I chuckled at that before saying, "I think I'm behaving exactly as a Jedi should, or at least the older Jedi, the ones before they became servants to the Republic."

"Isn't that what the Jedi have always been?" Obi-Wan asked, brows raised in confusion.

I shook my head and said, "The Jedi have always served the people and the Republic was a good way to do that for many years, but now the Republic doesn't serve the people. Only the corrupt few at the top of the Republic."

Obi-Wan didn't seem to be refuting that comment, so I am interested in seeing how far this can be pushed. I've always planned to try and bring over as many Jedi as I could to my side of the conflict, and bringing in the Padawan of one of my former Padawan would be a nice thing to do, to honor our friendship at least. Smiling for the first time, I continued, "As I said, at the moment I'm a busy man, although I would like to discuss this and other matters with a fellow Jedi, I must insist on discussing matters in person. If you wish to have a face-to-face conversation on this matter and perhaps see if I can get in contact with this bounty hunter that you're looking for, I will be on Geonosis for the next few days and would not mind holding a meeting with you there."

Obi-Wan seems to think about it for a bit, consulting his droid before saying, "I could make a stop there for a bit, if you have the time for a small conversation on this matter, that is."

"For the Padawan of my Padawan I can make the time." I said with a smile before adding, "Feel free to stop by within a couple of days. Things are, as you might expect, quite busy out here on the Outer Rim, and I can only really guarantee being there for that long."

"I see. We'll next meet on Geonosis then." Obi-Wan said with a nod of agreement, before ending the transmission and leaving me alone in my transport ship to my thoughts.

This was an unexpected development, but it could be a useful opportunity in the long term. Bringing in Obi-Wan is a potential boon that could very well see this war to be more successful than expected. So would the supposed Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, and the interest my master had in him as a potential recruit is quite obvious.

If he really is the Chosen One, and he is meant to bring balance to the Force, then he would serve well within the New Order we are creating. I suspected he would rise through the ranks to become something more than Jedi and something more than Sith, combining the best of both traditions. It is my personal hope that he would work with us to guide the New Order and to see an end to our millennia long conflict. At least, this is my thoughts on the matter. I'm sure my master has a different opinion altogether. He did always seem to favor the Dark Side too much.

Perhaps in his hubris, he thinks he could turn Anakin fully to the Dark Side. An interesting notion but unlikely to be completely successful, if the prophecy is true he would bring balance and balance meant that they must attain that balance.

Of course, it was always possible that the prophecy was merely ancient Jedi mysticism that had no real bearing on what is happening today. There is a reason that the Jedi Order forbade looking into the future, and it wasn't just because the prophecies tended to be outlandish and hard to understand, it's also because prophecies sometimes would lead a Jedi to the Dark Side. Or merely possessing knowledge of a prophecy would cause people to attempt to fulfill it.

Granted, I myself had never seen it, but my friend Sifo-Dyas had been both blessed and cursed with the ability of prophetic visions, and he had not fallen to the Dark Side. While he did have the idea for the Clone Army that was currently being created, he wanted them in order to try and prevent what was about to happen, the inevitable civil war that would break the Republic and form the Empire. Of course, he probably didn't realize how it would be used when he had his visions.

If the Jedi Order had listened to Sifo-Dyas and commissioned this army openly, they probably would actually have a better chance of surviving what was to come. Instead, he was forced to act on his plans in secret, while the Jedi Order remained in the dark about important events, which just showed the internal rot of the Order. They locked those with prophetic abilities in fear that they would become Darksiders in a special prison on Lola Sayu. In fear of what could be learned by searching the future, they rejected looking into the future to try and deal with issues before they came and instead focused on the now as if by doing so they had doomed themselves.

Shaking my head, I really could not fathom how the Order had fallen so far. We had once been the protectors of the galaxy, now we were nothing but the lapdogs of the government, and because we are lap dogs we had missed our greatest enemy taking control of it.

The Sith would ultimately win this game if the Jedi keeps pretending that there is no opponent operating against them. At the current rate of galactic politics, they would continue pretending right up until the start of the civil war. Possibly some would, even after.

Once the conflict begins, I expect some to begin looking for signs of the Sith again. I had taken steps to ensure they would likely look at the wrong place. My own misdirection went so far as to even recolor my lightsaber; it was now blood-red in color and my assassin wielded red lightsabers as well. Both my political actions and personal actions should work to fool the Jedi into thinking that I am the new Sith master and that this is my new attempt at a Sith Empire. No matter what the official government stance would be on the Confederacy, Democracy or not, they would think of us as the new Sith Empire.

The Jedi Order would fight us with everything they had, assuming that victory against us would restore the status quo and banish the Dark Side to the outer edges of the Galaxy once again. Not realizing that their efforts would only strengthen the Dark Side in the Core and when the time was right, those who had not switched to my side would find that the Core is no longer a friendly place for the Jedi.

Sighing, I was about to get up and stretch my legs for a bit, getting older meant I needed to do some light stretches now and then after meditating to keep my limbs functioning properly. Even though my decade long foray into the Dark Side had shown remarkable improvements in my physical abilities, I still needed to do a little stretch now and again to keep my body in peak condition.

I was in the middle of finishing my stretches when a new message appeared on my holo projector. Wondering if it was perhaps Obi-Wan again, I opened the message request, expecting to see Kenobi again. Unfortunately or fortunately, I was mistaken, as it was a message from the young Representative from Mandalore that I have been waiting for in the first place.

Although she is far from what I expected. When I heard she was on Tatooine, I thought she would have come with a heavy security force and let them handle her protection. Yet, she has remained apart from her retinue and seems far more comfortable with her own protection rather than relying on the protection that her station provides. Instead of the excessive garb or dress popular amongst the Republic's elites, she is armored, sporting a pair of blasters at her sides. Although the color did not transmit very well through the hologram, her armor was definitely a lighter coloration. Smiling once again, I said, "Good evening, Ms. Kryze."

"Count Dooku." The young Representative replied frowning, sounding somewhat confused in tone, but she immediately covered for the lapse and smoothed her features. "You were not who I was expecting to receive this call; a few of my men were supposed to pick up this number."

I nodded in understanding, "Yes, a few of your Royal Guard were responsible for facilitating this comm. Unfortunately, they were arrested by Jabba the Hutt's men and their vehicle was impounded. I paid for them to be transferred to Geonosis, the nearby system that I'm working with, and secured their safety. From what I gathered from the Hutt's, they were rather annoyed at the previous group of Mandalorians who traded here and rather suspicious of your guard being spies. Thus they are no longer allowed on Tatooine, so I offered them a safe haven on Geonosis, at least until we could reach you and regroup."

Mostly a lie of course, but one that I think she would accept, although how far she trusted me would indicate which strategies to attempt in convincing her to our side. I watched her hologram carefully, to see exactly how she accepted it.

She tilted her head and paused for a moment, giving me a look that said she did not believe it entirely, but she finally smiled and said, "Thank you for the aid, Count Dooku. Although I'm afraid that they were my only ride off of Tatooine."

"Not a problem, my dear." I said, "I can arrange a shuttle for you, so you can recover your guardsmen and your vehicle on Geonosis."

"Hmm, why thank you, that's very generous of you Count Dooku. Although I do have to ask why, that seems rather forward of you, we barely knew each other."

An understandable yet interesting reaction. She is not lying as there is a look or tell for when people encounter strangers and are introduced, and the look she was giving is not of first meetings. My very weak read of emotions I was able to detect from the Force was one of wariness rather than surprise or interest. She clearly remembered our brief meeting in Senator Merrik's office, and now she wanted to see what I would do about that. I would have to navigate this conversation carefully.

"We have met briefly before in your senator's office, and you piqued my interest. I'm interested in politics, as you no doubt have heard, and there seem to be few honorable politicians left in the Republic. I'm sure I would find your opinions fascinating and I know a few things that might interest you as well." Might as well flatter her with the truth and confirm her beliefs, I figured. It would show that I could be truthful as well. If she believed that, she might assume I am truthful about other matters. There is also the possibility that she would distrust everything I said and ignore my offer. Early signs of distrust and hostility amongst Mandalorians would be important information as well. But I doubted that would occur, I was holding her guards at my leisure, so she has an incentive to be interested in taking up my offer.

The girl seemed deep in thought and avoided answering immediately. I did not add on to my offer, letting the silence hang, as it would probably seem manipulative. Eventually, she said, "I guess I have no choice but to take you up on your offer. There's a small town called Mos Espa not too far from where I'm currently staying. You can have someone pick me up and three others there. We can have our conversation on Geonosis then, whatever conversation you seem to be aiming for."

"Aiming for? Merely a better future for the people of the galaxy." I said with a smile.

The girl scoffed, "Then I will await your transportation and a proper introduction to you on Geonosis, Count Dooku. My ship and men better be in good condition, that's all I'm going to say on that matter."

I smiled as I said, "They are well taken care of and treated as honored guests. I will ensure you have similarly suitable accommodations prepared for your arrival on Geonosis, as well. A shuttle will be directed to pick you up soon. Have a good evening, Ms. Kryze."

"You too, Count Dooku." She said with tight lips, she stared through the hologram and seemed to be trying to perceive something before the image faded.

Leaning back in my chair, I smiled as this was a fruitful first meeting. I had primarily been focusing on the girl for her Force potential, the ability to possibly see through my Master's illusions could be useful in, well, removing him from his place of power. However, she seemed to have an inner confidence I rarely encountered amongst people today. Most of those I could recall with the same confidence were Mandalorian warriors, in fact. She appears to already have training on how to fight, which would be extremely useful down the line. If I could turn her to my side politically, before training her to the ways of the Force, she could result in a worthy apprentice. She is a member of the Mandalorian nobility, and having someone from that station on my side would make for a good figurehead for the movement of Mandalorians I was gathering.

I would have preferred to have Jango as the leader of that movement, but he seems to be more at ease away from Mandalorian politics. I can sympathize with that, if I didn't have to attend the various meetings between the parasites that make up the Separatist Council, I would stay away from politics as well. Unfortunately, attendance is mandatory; I could not trust those incompetent idiots to their own devices and not ruin the plan. Although I'm sure if I offered Jango enough money, he would take up a general's position within the CIS and I may just do that. We would need more competent commanders, and we still didn't have enough of those around to start.

Gargon, Mandal Hypernautics Tower
Vai-Viktis Vizla

'Well, everything doesn't hurt as much nowadays.' I thought as I laid against Tabi on the bed. We were in one of the private apartments in the Mandal Hypernautics Tower that overlooked the city of Gargon and life had been rather easy the last few days. Easy enough that the Bacta treatment had done its work and I was feeling fully recovered again.

This meant I was free of Skota's opinions on medical and non-medical matters, as well as being able to relax with Tabi in private. Said relaxation is pretty good, the room overlooking the city is a great view is a very nice way to enjoy some freedom, and I'll enjoy it for as long as I can.

Yes, I did have to make a few appearances and pose as White Silver, but the voice modulator that Tanya had in her helmet had been copied and added to my White Silver outfit. So besides maybe a small height difference, you have to be looking very closely to notice, we could pass for each other easily enough.

There wasn't much for me to do, in all honesty. I have the initial plan, which is more of a warning than a plan. I've been sent here to act as White Silver to assemble a company-sized unit of mercenaries to provide the firepower needed to bail Tanya out in an emergency. We also rented out several cargo ships from Mandal Logistics to serve as our transport in case they were needed. Mandal Logistics managed to find a way to connect about a dozen M12-L snub-fighters to the bottom of these cargo ships, allowing them to be used as, I guess, light carriers. At best, it would only be a screen of fifty fighters, but fifty fighter crafts are better than none in an emergency.

Now, granted, I didn't have fifty competent pilots, so far I could only confirm about thirty competent pilots, but I was allowing those thirty to train the rest of the volunteers who were willing to go through the steps of learning how to fly. So we should have enough by the time we're called on, hopefully. We've had a week to train them up, so it wasn't exactly like a miracle is going to be pulled off. Thankfully, the pilot candidates did have some flight experience on bigger ships, so it wasn't like they were starting from nowhere, just getting them to learn how to fly something smaller than a cargo hauler. Honestly, the MSDF is sucking the entire sector dry of merc talent, especially when the various MSDF has been recruiting for several months. Those that joined had to sign a contract to serve for three years, and the ones that are left are those that either didn't make the cut for a SDF or wanted a more exciting job. If things kept up, the Mandalore sector would be uncomfortably quiet and civilized.

Besides that, our new recruits needed standardized gear and enough supplies like food, ammo, and other essentials. So I looked into getting the men who signed up for this little mercenary company, as it was being advertised as such, as uniform of a gear as possible. I didn't have a lot of time, so I had focused mainly on getting as many holes filled as possible. Tanya gave me a list of the miscellaneous equipment the mercenary company would need that I haven't thought of like sleeping bags, training manuals, and socks. She also told me to just give that list to X4 and he'll handle procuring it.

Some of them didn't have pauldrons, some didn't have vambraces, while others didn't even have armor. So I just simply bought a shipment of armor that would have been sent off to be sold to Ryloth to give everyone a complete set. At least all of them have helmets, so no changes were needed there. The armor diverted from Ryloth was noted as being unfinished, still silver and unpainted. We finished it with some identifying white stripes on their armor to signify who they belong to, in case we ran into other Mandalorians.

As for weapons, I bought everyone the new SHUKUR S2 Blasters Rifles from the Vesti Engineering factory in Gargon. Then I organized the troops into squads and had them practice shooting their new blasters in a field outside the city. I tried the new blasters myself and they feel pretty nice. It's fairly balanced, can hold up to 300 shots, 100 shots in Triple Power mode that can knock someone down even with Beskar armor (the guy would probably live if given medical help immediately), and reloading it is fairly simple since the pack is right in front of the trigger. Tabi thought about asking Vesti to just weld two S2s together for double the firepower. He said he can carry the extra weight but I told him to wait for Struc's opinion, so he doesn't get in trouble.

All in all, our mercenary company was a bit ad hoc and quickly put together. I thought that if they were needed, they could probably hold a landing zone long enough to get someone out of a situation. Anything more could be a problem.

That being said, I think it was going to work out. Most of the people I hired had trained with Bo's Rangers over the last few months. They mustered out after deciding that it wasn't for them, as they wanted a more exciting job. The idea that there would be mercenary companies forming on Gargon is already kind of a thing being discussed by the upper echelons of the government, so there are plenty of Mandos that waited until those companies were established before committing to one of them. Several of the gangster clans had already put together their own smaller units to build a core of the mercenary party in case of an emergency.

It helped that there were a few good mercenaries in each of the groups we recruited from that were willing to sign up for mine in a short-term contract. I only gave them three-month contracts, considering I didn't think this would be longer than that, it should work out fine enough. Once their contract expires, I'll let Tanya decide if she wants to sign them up for a longer term contract.

Besides that, Bo wasn't in town as she's off dealing with some sort of major meeting that had nothing to do with Mandel Hypernautics, so the CEO had no idea what she's doing. And she wouldn't be back probably until after this whole fiasco's over, so I'm on my own in deciding on how to run things. And since I have no idea what to do, I turned to Tanya's Silver Codex for ideas. Thankfully, there were a couple copies in every apartment in the building, so I was able to read up again on how to organize the unit as she proposed.

It's also worth mentioning that most of the people who had signed up were former military or had combat experience in one form or another. After I had some basic idea of how the system should be, they filled in the holes themselves, and they operated pretty well on their own. They were training pretty religiously over the last few days with the new armor and blasters I had X4 bought for them.

All in all, I think the plan to have a mercenary company ready to bail Tanya's ass out of the fire if something went wrong is well and truly on the way to working out. So yesterday I had taken the day off to enjoy the sights and sounds of Gargon, like seeing the new hotel which I had not gotten a chance to see. The last time we were here, the construction was still ongoing but nearly done. Now, most of the casino rooms were already furnished and the main amphitheater was completed. I wanted to visit and watch a show of the Gargon Girls, but the hotel site was far outside town, so I couldn't even watch one of their shows with how busy I am. However, I was able to briefly tour the empty amphitheater and casino sections, and I had to admit that it had improved quite a bit since the last time I've been here.

Every show they performed seemed to be getting better and better, which the audience seemed to enjoy more and more. Although they were not the only idols in town anymore, as the leader of the mafia Clan Tracyn has a daughter, Vhet'shere, who enjoyed the shows so much she wanted to compete with them for the hell of it, apparently. She goes by the stage name "V's Here", which is ironic since I have 3 Vs in my name.

I had made time to see one of her shows, since her venue was near the Mandal Hypernautics Tower and I was rather impressed. Vhet'shere and her other idols had managed to make her show slightly more exciting, if anything, but their dancing was still pretty good. Vhet'shere made religious use of mini rocket fireworks and pyrotechnics that she had hidden all over her armor and stage as she performed her own show, probably something the girls could add to their own routine. The rockets were used sparingly, used to emphasize beat drops and the climax of their songs. I would have to tell X4 to do research on the competition, at least, so he could get the dressmakers in on adding mini rockets to the girls' armor. Hopefully the competition would push the girls to put a little bit more show in their step now that this new girl is entering the scene.

But that was for the morning, I would have to leave X4 a message. Right now, I was supposed to be asleep or trying to get back to sleep after being woken up for some damn reason. Maybe because Tabi had moved, maybe because I still had a little bit of pain from getting my pelvis cracked. Either way I was up, tired, and wanting to go back to sleep as the communicator next to me chirped, indicating an active message request.

Rumbling and moaning, I rolled out of the bed into a sitting position and moved my hand to try and get the button that would activate the comm. Took a swing or two, but I finally hit it and as I did Tanya appeared on the floor below me the hologram missing the table as I had apparently knocked it so that it was being projected down there grumbling again I moved it into position, so she was at least at eye level with me, so we could talk.

"Hey Tanya." I said half-awake, half-asleep.

"Hello Vai." Tanya said with a smile before saying, "Remember why I sent you to where you're currently at?"

"Yeah." I managed to say through yawn, trying to brush some sleep out of my eye.

"Well, it seems I'm going to have to ask you to move forward with that plan. Something may have gone absolutely wrong, and I may need your help to extract myself from a rather tenuous situation."

I blinked and slapped my face to wake myself up and said, "What do you need?"

Tanya smiled as she said, "I have a bad feeling about this, I may have stepped into a situation I was not exactly prepared for. Most likely the planet we'll need this help on is called Geonosis, out in the Arkanis sector. Things are becoming unpredictable here, and I would like an alternate route out of this situation if the need arises."

I nodded understanding, I had never heard of Geonosis but I recognized that part of space, it was in the south part of the Outer Rim. Her status as a Representative might work against her there, and it seemed like Tanya is trying to just reinforce how much of a problem she was in. Even though she wasn't really explaining the problem right now, she's contacting me across what should be a heavily encrypted line, but better to be safe than sorry, so I didn't mention details of the plan. After all, we didn't need someone breaking in the encryption and finding Tanya asking White Silver for help, better for her to have asked me, and maybe I then went on to ask White Silver. That degree of separation is good for the long-term safety of this secret identity of who White Silver really was. At least that's how Tanya had explained plausible deniability to me, and I believed her when she said that's how it worked.

Nodding my head, I said, "I can have resources moving towards you in the morning, or I could have them moving in a couple of hours, which would you prefer?" If it was a real emergency she'd ask for it now, if it was only a bit of a worry that something terrible could happen she'd let my men have the chance to get some sleep. It all mattered on what she would say, so I asked and waited for the response.

She nodded before saying, "Let your men get some sleep. This isn't an emergency yet, but I do need you to be ready to pull me out of the fire, understand?"

I nodded my head and said, "I understand. I'll get them up and ready in the morning. Good luck Tanya, see you soon."

"Same." She offered with a smile before the communication ended. And as it did, I felt Tabi's arm wrap around my waist as he came across the bed to sit next to me.

"Things going wildly off track by the sound of it." He said bemused. I nodded as I put my head against his.

"Yeah, but that's Tanya for you. Sure it's not as bad as she's making it sound, but then again last time she went on the warpath," I pointed my hands around the room and continued, "she got herself control of a corporation on a mafia planet."

Tabi chuckled and said, "I wonder if she'll get herself a whole system out of the deal this time."

I laughed at that and kissed his cheek. "Knowing Tanya, that's not impossible."

Mandalore, Sundari Airspace
Jango Fett

Of all the desert worlds I think I have ever come across, Mandalore always had a certain place in my heart amongst them.

Mainly because I actually never really been to Mandalore itself, only heard stories about it from the True Mandalorians that were from there. I was born on Concord Dawn, and I've been pretty much all over the Mandalore sector during the Mandalorian Civil War. However, because Mandalore had never properly taken part in the Civil War, the True Mandalorians had never actually taken any action on the planet.

I needed to raise the Mandalore Space Authority on the communicator to get landing clearance. Time to find out if I had gotten burned.

"Mandalore Space Authority, requesting approach and landing for Slave One". I flipped a switch to enable broadcasting the true transponder code for the ship. There wasn't an immediate response, but scanners didn't detect anything amiss.

Mandalore fascinated me more after I became the Mand'alor of the True Mandalorians. I had never rightfully visited our homeworld, yet was expected to represent it as our leader. The contradiction bothered me back then; I had gotten over it later, only after much of my experiences in the war. After all, that time period in my life had been complex, painful, and a hell of a fight.

Finally, minutes later, the comm panel lit back up with a response. The panel crackled to life with audio, "MSA Approach, Slave One transponder confirmed. Confirm receipt of flight path and landing zone for clearance." The external display swapped to showing a flight path into the heart of Sundari spaceport. I confirmed the flight plan on the pilot's console. The landing auto-pilot indicator turned green, so I let the ship's computer do the rest.

During the Civil War, Mandalore was fortified or occupied by the Traditionalists; the exact distinction depended on who you asked. Since it was the centerpiece of their faction, visiting the planet meant dealing with the Death Watch. The Traditionalists backed and supported the Death Watch, even providing manpower and recruits. And Death Watch spies seemed to reach into every corner of Mandalore, so visiting the planet was just giving them a reason to kill you.

Obeying the space authority that was guiding my ship, I flew into a port on one of the southern sides of the Mandalorian city of Sundari. As far as I'm aware, and I did do checks beforehand, I was not wanted in the Mandalore sector or in Mandalore. My bounty hunting had never really interfered with the planet's political agendas, and I've never really taken any jobs in Mandalorian space after I'd left.

There may be some anti-True Mandalorians out there who still dislike me, but my biggest concern is that they might have tried to put me on some sort of watch list. If that was true, it seems that they probably took me off that list then. Then again, not many people knew I was the exact same Jango who led the True Mandalorians in the end of Civil War. A lot of reports were confused or incorrect; with many claiming that I had died. From what I had been able to establish, the reports fell into three categories: completely wrong, dead wrong, and partially wrong. Many reports were pure nonsense. Those that weren't indicated I was deceased, which was annoying at first but later convenient as a bounty hunter. Impressed a few folks, being dead and all and still doing jobs. Finally, a few did correctly indicate my enslavement, but none went further than that. And enslavement usually meant that they were not coming back.

A mistake that Tor Vizsla probably still regretted in whatever hell he ended up in.

I was bored watching the auto-pilot's approach the spaceport, so I started looking at the landing platforms. I didn't recognize any of the ships on the visible ports, but saw a smaller open space closer to the exterior of the city that I liked the looks of better. Might be able to escape from that platform, but the flight path for the correct platform was deeper in, likely with much better security. Waiting for the right moment, I disabled the auto-pilot as we flew close and took control of the ship and slowly brought the ship into the closer port. Once it came to a stop, I started doing shutdown procedures while the platform moved, allowing me to get up for my seat and crack my neck.

"Boba, stay with the ship for now. Going to make sure this whole situation is as the little Representative claimed before I determine it's safe enough for us, got it?"

"Yes, father." He said with a nod, showing proper respect. I was proud of him.

Smiling, I patted his shoulder as I walked by. Still wearing my armor, I carefully walked across the platform to where three Mandalorian Guards were standing there. A lesser version of Mandalorian armor, looking like a child's toy compared to my own.

Someone that looked like a bureaucrat stepped forward while holding a tablet and said in a bored tone, "Name and ship name please. We'll need a credit chip to pay for your day and any fuel you'll need to leave."

Smiling under my helmet, I said, "Jango Fett, this is Slave One. As for funds," I reached into a pocket and pulled out a few chips before putting them in his hand. "That should cover it and any other expenses.

The man counted the chips before pocketing them, and then scowled at the tablet again in surprise. He quickly scrolled through it again before saying, "You're actually expected. You're actually supposed to land over there." He said, indicating the better looking platform, much closer to Sundari. It looks more like it belonged to the higher class citizens of the city.

"Hmm, is it a problem that I landed here?"

The bureaucrat shrugged before saying, "No, not really. Just noting that that's where the people who are supposed to come meet you are going to be when they arrive. I'll send over a message for them to come over here instead."

I nodded and said, "I guess I'll just find somewhere to wait."

"You can wait in the public transportation booth over there." The bureaucrat said, pointing to a small bench with shade provided by a half roof as well as three walls to protect the person from most of the wind. Nodding, I moved over to the bench as the bureaucrat moved on to other ships.

As I stood next to the bench, I noticed a vending machine right to it. Inside are a bunch of snacks on one side and cans of refrigerated drinks on the other. Since I had nothing else to do, I browsed what's inside. I recognized a few brands when I was with the True Mandalorians, the Shatual jerky and Mealgrain bars were a staple ration during patrols and when food is tight. The jerky is usually dry and tough to chew, but the grain bars are savory and sweet. Jaster said that Mealgrain can be tasty if boiled in a savory broth and seasoned well.

For the drinks, there are some cans of insta-caf, Cassius tea, and some fruit soda. I know the insta-caf would usually taste like dirt mixed in water and I'm not in the mood for a sweet drink, but Cassius tea was usually a luxury during the Civil War. I'm surprised that it now costs five credits when it's usually around two hundred credits a pot. The fact that it's in a can and could last for a while might be the reason for the lowered price. It's probably watered-down too.

Feeling curious, I bought a can of tea and two Mealgrain bars for nostalgia's sake, one for me and one for Boba, before taking a seat at the bench. This was probably the first time I'd ever been to Mandalore, it looked just as awful as some of the Mandalorians I'd worked with had ever described it. Granted the city kind of looked nice but the desert bearing wastelands really show just how far this once lush planet had fallen.

Shaking my head, I leaned back and wondered if the young Representative was true to her word or lying to me. I'd like to hope she was true, as she seemed like a down-to-earth sort. Yes, she was some sort of political wheeler and dealer, but she'd understood that family meant everything to me. No doubt it was a product of research into me and my background, based on the fact that I was a True Mandalorian, but it indicated that at least she was familiar with our practices. And a politician who went out of her way to learn the practices of a faction that lost the Civil War is probably a good politician. A rarity in the galaxy.

Of course, if her statement was true and my sister was alive, I would be able to meet her here. Arla would change a bit of the way I would look at the galaxy from now on. Not only that, I would have to give a definite statement that Gunray had been responsible for ordering the assassination attempt. It would be a hit to my credibility among some that I don't see that often, but others might let it pass as they'll have more important stuff to worry about, like the upcoming Galactic war. The only main issue is that I would lose out on opportunities with the Count in the future.

It's an unfortunate thing, but I doubt he would take kindly to the fact that I had not only failed the mission, but turned in one of his political allies. This could trigger the war that he wanted, so maybe it's not that big of an issue. I know his goal is for the Republic to take action against someone within the CIS, to manufacture a casus belli. Once that happens, he would have his war and it wouldn't matter how it happened, so I suspected it would sooner or later.

Sighing, I tried not to think about the possibilities, so I took off my helmet and took a sip of opened my can of tea. Yep, it's watered down but I can at least taste the tea. Might as well eat that Mealgrain bar while I waited for whoever was going to pick me up.

Writer's note: Well now that was a trip, Ordo making moves, Dooku making political moves, Jango making a move for family, and Vai moving assets about to make an army.

All in all a very moving chapter. Hope everyone enjoys their Holidays at home and I hope everyone has a Happy New Year. The next chapter will be out on the 8th of next year, so I wish you all a good New Year!

Editor's notes:
I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and happy Holidays! Watching this story grow and develop over the year and seeing just how far L4 has come as a writer and more importantly, a storyteller has been inspirational and it has been an absolute pleasure to help out in a small way in bringing this creative vision to life. I also want to thank L4 directly, for the wonderful community he has fostered and for the intriguing stories he wants to tell.

Afforess: Merry Christmas! I have greatly enjoyed first reading L4's stories and later contributing as an amateur editor. Editing PoM has been an educational process because I am not a Star Wars fan and have not seen or read much of the supporting media (I have not watched the Mandalorian yet). I'm a sucker for Tanya-fics and helping L4 get chapters out faster is what drew me in. I hope that all the readers enjoy this chapter and have a great winter holiday!

Warmach1ne: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. Editing PoM has been a fun time, especially when I could contribute my own ideas into the chapter. It is fun to see you guys get the references and like the ideas I springkled in there that it made being the one doing bulk edits to clean the Speech to Text into something readable worth the effort. The other editors are also great to have as they catch stuff I missed or sentences that could have flowed better. Overall you guys are great and I hope PoM gets to the Sequel Trilogy so we can write a better story for you guy, Happy Holidays and take care.

Edited by: Guardsman Pius, fallqm, elohir locke, Warmach1ne32, Aemon, Afforess
Community edited by:
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Flynn Pirola-Henderson, Retexks, John Norman, Sacha Lechelon, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, James Williams, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, CookieSide, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Daniel Quigley, Lago, CB-Otaku, Shurukkah, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad
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Dooku is so misguided it's sad. 'Seeing through your master', buddy, you've been a pane of glass to Sheev from the moment you met. And 'pretending' to be a sith? I'm afraid, by definition as apprentice to the Dark Lord, you are a sith my friend. An idiotic Darth Bane 'rule of two' sith as well. Oh to return to the days of Korriban and the true Sith Empire
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Hoping for Vai to lose her helmet mid Geonosis so White Silver is publicly "revealed" to be Tanya's handmaiden, loyal friend of the Krynze clan.

Pre would shit a brick.
I'm afraid, by definition as apprentice to the Dark Lord, you are a sith my friend.
he never develops with eye oddly enough though
I forgot that the Silver Codex also discussed military formations and tactics.
hmm thid voume going to have lot of that i think

Pre would shit a brick.
yep that would screw with him pretty bad, can't move against then or she spilled the beans to satine on Concordia after-hours activites.
he never develops with eye oddly enough though

If its about the Sith eye thing, its either one of two personal theory of mine. This assuming that both the SW live-action movie and the Clone Wars series are consistent, meaning that the times (Clone War) Dooku has his Sith eyes thing and the occasional time Dooku seems to don't have it are true and equally valid.

1) His face was shaped in such a way to basically shade the color of his eyes, meaning that the his eyes always have it; it just that the lighting just doesn't always make that clear most of the time.

2) The development of the Sith Eyes are dependent on how much Darkside of the Force the user are using. Since most Siths are always depicted as always using them to the point of dependence, the color and intensity of it tends to be a prominent and consistent permanent features of them. But, since Dooku are depicted to rarely rely on them, the color and intensity of them on Dooku is less prominent. And in some cases, his natural eye color occasionally appears in the stretch of time he doesn't use the Darkside Force, and occasionally made an appearance in times where he is using them or when in an intense emotional state and/or battles.
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he never develops with eye oddly enough though
That just means he's a good Sith. To a proper old school Sith, the ones that built a superpower that leaves Sheevs "first galactic empire" in the sewers, falling completely to the Dark Side is a failure. It makes you predictable, it makes you hot headed, it makes you STUPIDER.

Like how to the ancient Je'daii, completely separating yourself from your "humanity" and attachments, becoming closer to a biological robot than anything else ("Falling" to the Light Side in other words), was also a failure.

The Sith and Jedi were in decline for millennia, and after Ruusan Reformation they completely tanked into things they would despise.
That just means he's a good Sith. To a proper old school Sith, the ones that built a superpower that leaves Sheevs "first galactic empire" in the sewers, falling completely to the Dark Side is a failure. It makes you predictable, it makes you hot headed, it makes you STUPIDER.

Like how to the ancient Je'daii, completely separating yourself from your "humanity" and attachments, becoming closer to a biological robot than anything else ("Falling" to the Light Side in other words), was also a failure.

The Sith and Jedi were in decline for millennia, and after Ruusan Reformation they completely tanked into things they would despise.

Nope, Ancient Je'daii are just basically a gathering bunch of nerds/scholars fanboying over the force, and nothing else.

Until one of them started whining and basically become the first proto-Sith, wanting to use the force to conquer and all that. This, in turn, cause a bit of a civil discourse turn war. You can reasonably guess who always fire the first shoot, and its not the one who preach tolerance in the future.

The fallen Je'daii/proto-Sith, in the end, loss that fight and got exiled in the process. Thus began the longest recorded period of whiny losers who always go back to this one lost, while terrorizing the galaxy and blaming everything wrong on the Je'daii; that include shooting themselves in the foot.

Also, the fallen Je'daii, in their exile, found the planet of Koribban and their indigenous species, Sith. They have a darkside culture and tradition, on about the same level as the witch of Dathomir, I believe. They got conquered and basically got their name misappropriated permanently, and made their culture much, much worse then they were previously.

The rest, as you can say, is history.
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Nope, Ancient Je'daii are just basically a gathering bunch of nerds/scholars fanboying over the force, and nothing else.
It seems I conflated the Je'daii, the predecessor to both the Jedi and Sith, with the ancient, but not quite as ancient, Jedi who believed as I described as far as I know.
Chapter 36
Chapter 36
716 FNM (22 BBY)
Month 6

Mandalore, Sundari Police Station
Royal Guard Captain Fenn Rau

Yesterday, a data packet came in from Princess Kryze. She sent a message basically saying that she'd found the attempted assassin of the Senator of Naboo and has sent him to Mandalore to give a statement on who's responsible for the attempt. In exchange for that, he is to be offered protection from the Republic's investigation.

Normally, I would ask how she was going to secure that protection, but she seemed to have a good way of working the Republic whenever she showed up, so I'd leave that to her.

Meanwhile, I was tasked with gathering a statement from the assassin, which shouldn't be that hard. After all, he's obviously a Mandalorian who understands right from wrong and is willing to come in. That was before I actually found out with whom I was dealing with.

Shaking my head, I wondered how the teenage Representative managed to get a former Mand'alor to willingly return to Mandalore. When Prime Minister Almec found out about this, he blew a gasket. Especially considering Almec questioned the legitimacy of anyone calling themselves a Mandalorian if they weren't born in Mandalore or in the Mandalore system already.

I'm glad that Duchess Satine put me in charge of this operation because most likely if Almec was in charge, he'd probably have had his Secret Service screw it up.

Currently, I'm on one side of a two-way mirror that allows me to monitor the notorious Mandalorian in front of me without him identifying me. We are in a Police Station in the outer ring of Sundari. I had reviewed his file, what little there are, for outstanding warrants before I allowed him to enter the city. Personally, I would like to expel or arrest him, but the diplomatic papers in front of me would not allow it. He had tried to assassinate a Senator, what's stopping him from going after the Duchess or the Princess other than our impressive security? Apparently the Princess found something that the Bounty Hunter deemed to be worth the hassle.

Jango Fett is a bounty hunter with a successful record. His career was full of assaults, murder, and all sorts of crimes that are to be expected of someone in his profession.

From what I had dug up, none of those crimes had been committed within Mandalorian space. A few of the records were of crimes that had been recorded in planets of dubious authority. Criminal or gangster states abusing the legal system of the Republic to remove someone who's causing problems for them. Mandalore does not have any extradition treaties with those planets, so we officially had no reason to hold Jango any longer than he wanted to be here, which is probably for the best. The longer a former Mand'alor is on Mandalore, the worse it probably would be. Better for him to be on his merry way after I get his statement.

I walked to the next door over and opened it. Stepping inside, I inspect the man, and I see Jango sitting there with his legs crossed out on the table and helmet off, seeming rather relaxed. Someone had also either not bothered or not even tried to get his weapons off him, because it was fairly obvious that he still has his pistols on his side. Jango wasn't reaching for them, but I suspected he could overpower me right now.

I would have to have a talk with these guards and see which idiot had not even bothered to try to get him to disarm himself. Even if I knew that he would object to that.

Sighing, I decided to just get this over with. I stepped across the room and took a seat across from Jango Fett. I placed the recorder on top of the table and activated it, "My name is Fenn Rau, captain of Duchess Satine's Royal Guard, and you are Jango Fett, correct?"

The man across from me nodded. "Yes." Not a change at all in his expression, like he's merely stating a fact. At least put his legs back on the ground

"As I understand it, you were involved in the attempted assassination of Senator Amidala from Naboo. Why have you come to Mandalore and what is the statement that you are going to be giving today?"

Jango smiled. "I'm here because your Representative, Tanya Kryze, promised me a reunion with my lost sister as well as paid me a bunch of money to take time out of my day to do this."

I tried not to show a flicker of surprise at that. I wondered where Tanya got the money and how she found Jango's lost sister but that is above my pay grade. This detail would be going into the report I'll be sending to Duchess Satine. No doubt that if her niece was getting involved in a financial situation, she would probably want to know.

"As for what I'm here to say, it's to say that Nute Gunray ordered the hit on Padme Amidala."

I nodded as I marked that down before asking, "Mind explaining all the details of how this came to be? I need them to have a bit of a fuller report than 'Nute Gunray did it'. According to some of my records, you've not been as active for at least a decade or so. What brought you to this job?"

Jango nodded before saying, "I've been working on other projects for the last decade. I'm a military strategist and consultant, I work mostly with governments, not mercenaries. With the amount of money my clients pay me, I don't need to do bounty hunting work as often anymore because of that. But occasionally I'll get an interesting job sent my way or need to do a favor for a friend. The friend, Zam Wesell, needed money to pay back the Hutts and I wasn't busy. So I found one that would pay well enough to keep the Hutts off her back for a while."

"If you're earning that much money legitimately, why didn't you just help her with a loan?" Which only got a shake of the head from Jango.

"Give a man free money one day, they'll beg for more money the next day. Get them a job that will pay well, and you won't have to hear from them for a week or two."

I nodded as that is a fairly common saying in Mandalore. As he continued his explanation. "I put out some feelers and Nute Gunray contacted me. I organized the hit from there, got together the weapons and let Zam have a go at it. Considering I'm sitting here, as you can imagine things did not go well for her."

"Yes, I saw the report, she's dead." I said tapping the table with a pen, something wasn't adding up, so I poked at it. "It says in the report that the Naboo Senatorial transport was destroyed by an old rocket of Mandalorian make. Are you sure you had no hand in this situation?"

Jango shook his head, "I got her in touch with some of my suppliers, that's all."

"And the report here indicates that you killed her when things went bad?" I asked, trying to find out what he was hiding.

"An unfortunate thing, but that mission ended up being such a fuck up. I knew she'd rather be dead than spend the rest of her life in prison, let alone worry about the people who she's in debt to coming for her. The prison guards on Coruscant aren't exactly the most incorruptible people in the galaxy, if anything I'd say they're more corrupt."

Hmm, I didn't trust these statements one bit. Something about it was off and I knew it, but he was sticking to them and there wasn't much I could push on. Shaking my head, I tried a different angle, "Alright, so after the operation to assassinate the Senator went bad, what did Nute Gunray say about the matter?"

"He didn't say anything. I haven't contacted him yet. I was going to get around to it once I had confirmation that I was safe from being followed by the Republic, and then your little Representative tracked me down and offered me a better deal."

"Must be a good deal then." I said, holding the paperwork up.

"Family is the best deal there is. As long as she's telling the truth about her being transferred here to Mandalore."

I stopped at that and raised an eyebrow, "Well I was not informed about that, does that mean you'll be staying on Mandalore for some time?"

Jango shrugged before saying, "If your Representative is telling the truth, I'll be staying here for at least a year or two. If not, I'll be on my way to your Representative. Better watch her back in the future, I don't like being lied to."

I just gave the man a deadpan stare, he knew what he did as that was definitely a threat against Tanya. I would have to ensure this statement was highlighted in my report as well. Depending on if Tanya was lying to him, I would have to conjure up something to have him arrested and put out of the way.

Not betraying my reaction, I casually said, "I see. I'll look into this matter. "

He nodded before saying, "Am I free to go then? You have your statement. I think I'd like to show my son the city, since we've never been here before."

I nodded and turned off the recording device before saying, "You're free to go, but do not cause any trouble. If we find out anything about your sister, you will be informed. Also, we're not as restrictive on armor as we used to be, but I think everyone would feel safer if you left your flamethrowers and blasters back on your ship."

He nodded and stepped out of the interrogation room. "I'll keep that in mind."

Geonosis Orbit
Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Well, isn't this interesting?" I mumbled mostly to myself, but R4 was always listening too. I looked at the scans as I entered the Geonosian system. Geonosis is quite far out in the Outer Rim, not exactly the busiest place in the galaxy, at least it shouldn't be. Instead of maybe a handful of ships coming and going, there is a large fleet of Trade Federation vessels in orbit around the planet. As my scans are populated with several other ships scattered about as well. Someone is gathering quite a large fleet here. I saw ships from the Commerce Guild, the Trade Federation, and even a little bit of the Techno Union. Quite a large fleet, larger than it was necessary for self defense so why would all these ships be over Geonosis?

I was not familiar with the Geonosian people, but I know that they are industrious and often had large factories built underground. It is the perfect place to rebuild a droid-based military away from prying eyes. The Trade Federation had lost quite a bit of their hardware after the failed Naboo Blockade. The parallels of two opposite secret armies built in two opposite worlds, with the Clone Army in the watery world of Kamino and the Droid Army in the dry desert world of Geonosis is uncanny.

"R4, as soon as we land, send a coded transmission back to the Jedi Council. Let them know that someone's building an army out here." R4 beeped happily, confirming my order and then made a couple more questioning beeps that were translated on the screen in front of me.

What if something blocks the transmission?

"If something does, you have the full authority to take control of this ship and get into orbit to find somewhere where you can send the transmission. The Council needs to know what's going on."

A few more beeps confirmed that R4 understood the order and with that settled I opened communications to the planet, "This is Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, I have been invited to meet with Count Dooku here. Where should I land?"

A droid voice spoke up saying, "Please hold in position Obi-Wan Kenobi, we are verifying your statement. Any attempt to land on the planet without permission will be stopped with force."

"Understood." There are probably a lot of laser cannons tracking my ship as we wait in a stationary orbit. I had a bad feeling about this.

"R4, make sure to run down all other avenues of getting the message out before you take off. It sounds like there might be a chance they'll shoot you out of the sky if you do something they don't accept."

R4 made a worried noise. But before I could try and appease the droid's concerns, a voice responded over the communicator.

"You are clear for landing. We will transmit your flight path to you now. Do not deviate from the course we are providing, Jedi."

I raised an eyebrow at that, no doubt the areas they wanted me not to see were probably constructing something noteworthy, but I would let that pass for now. If I found a chance to get away from Count Dooku I would investigate. "Acknowledged ground control."

I let R4 pilot the ship through the predetermined flight path to minimize human error as he slowly brought the Delta-7 through the atmosphere and down into the planet below. We slowly descended, coming to a stop over a large spire with several large windows looking out across the red landscape of Geonosis. There are more spires in the distance, though what they were for, I did not know.

As my ship came to a stop on a waiting landing platform, I saw the Count already coming out to greet me. Several Geonosians followed him out onto the platform behind him. Bug-like with wings, they were a good foot or so shorter than the Count and menacing, but clearly trying to hide it. Still, the Geonosians were armed and carrying weapons.

I popped out of the Delta-7 and I heard the Count's voice, "Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, it is a pleasure to finally meet the Padawan of my Padawan.'' He gave a nod as I stepped out onto the platform, his billowing cape coming to rest as he did.

"It's an honor to meet you as well, Count Dooku." I said with a nod, "I've heard many things about you in the last few days."

The Count smiled before saying, "Good things I hope, after all I am simply doing the best I can out here in the outer reaches of the Republic."

"They tend to say you are a little bit too involved in politics and an idealist."

"Bah," the Count laughed at that before saying, "A rich statement, considering the Jedi's own position in the political world." Shaking his head, he said, "But we can discuss that over tea. I've prepared a tower view."

"Lead the way, Count."

He nodded and started walking, "I am sorry. I was not able to attend Qui-gon's funeral at the time. A decision I regret. We didn't have a chance to meet then, but if we had, I would have probably come and tried to help finish your training. But I will admit that I was not in a good place after his death and would have made a poor mentor."

"Qui-gon was a good man." I agreed, trying to see what he was getting at.

"He was a great student. I'm sure he would have joined me in my current quest if he was still around." We arrived at some sort of elevator. Once the door opened, he stepped inside. I gave the hallway and distant platform a backward glance, then followed in after him. As the doors closed, leaving the two guards by the door, we started ascending.

"And what exactly are you doing out here?" I asked.

"I'm trying to save the people of the Outer Rim from the abuses and exploitation by the Republic. Its failures as well as other things best spoken of once we reach the top."

I raised an eyebrow at that, but let him continue by saying, "A secure room that I presume doesn't have any listening devices."

Dooku nodded in agreement, "Best to be safe in this time of uncertainty, I think."

"Conflict?" I asked.

"Yes, conflict. Because that is what's coming. It's been building for the last decade. We must be prepared for it."

The elevator came to a stop and we stepped out onto a terrace overlooking the horizon of Geonosis. One of the Geonosians is pouring two cups of tea on a table. Three seats were pulled out for us, waiting. Looking at him, I asked, "Are we expecting another guest?"

"Perhaps," he said, "there's another guest that I expect to arrive today. However, I don't know if you will be included in my meeting with her. I thought I would be prepared just in case."

Count Dooku walked over to the table and took a seat and indicated I should take the one across from him.

Nodding, I sat down without saying anything. Count Dooku took a sip of his tea and indicated that I should do the same. And I did, it's quite good. I could not identify the flavor, though it does taste very floral.

"Well then let us begin, the Jedi Council sent you to spy on me, I assume."

I raise an eyebrow before saying, "Not to spy, per se. The Council is concerned with everything that is happening the last few years, as well as the recent assassination attempt."

"Yes, Jango Fett. You mentioned him in your previous call." The Count interrupted, nodding as he said, "I haven't spoken to him in years, as I said before, but I have tried to get in contact with him. I have sent him a message or two. I have sent business his way in the past, so he should contact me as soon as he is able."

"You work with bounty hunters often?" I asked.

He nodded, "There's one thing you can trust about a bounty hunter, give them the right amount of money and they'll do exactly as you ask."

"Loyalty at the end of money though doesn't seem to always work out."

"True, self-interest is not as good as true loyalty, but it's better to know you've bought the loyalty than to depend on hope. That is after all the problem with the Republic."

"Yes, your issues with the Republic. I've heard samples of your speeches as I was getting myself ready for this meeting. I do not understand how your actions out here on the Outer Rim will be better than the Republic, let alone why you need to go into politics. In fact, you implied quite a few questions that need answers just from our conversation here."

"Yes, I know where to begin." he said, sipping his tea again before finally starting, "The goal of what I'm building out here is not to make the Republic better, it's to build something to compete with the Republic so that it will do better and pay attention to its own problems. If the Outer Rim can maintain the security of the Outer Rim for itself, why did the Republic fail then? The Republic has a much larger population in the Core and could have brought security to the Outer Rim, they could have done it but they didn't. It must be some sort of corruption or politics in the Core of the Galaxy, something that needs to be looked at preferably by the Jedi."

"And your problems with the Council?"

"Problems do not even begin to describe what I have found. The Jedi Council a thousand years ago was involved in politics fine enough. They were often Supreme Chancellors who were former Jedi Masters but with the Ruusan Reformation we stepped back from politics. Instead of leading the way we let the politicians lead the way. We let the politicians maintain control and we gave no thought to who and what these politicians are."

"What they are?"

"What if I were to tell you that at this very moment a large number of the politicians that run the Republic are in the pocket of the Dark Lord of the Sith."

"I'd say that's a very bold claim. I would say you would need some evidence to prove it and the Jedi Council would be very interested in how they have missed that for so long. In fact, I would say that it would be almost impossible for them to have missed that."

Dooku nodded before saying, "Almost impossible is not impossible. A decade ago after the fall of Nute Gunray's attempt to besiege Naboo, he came to me with information about this conspiracy. He told me an interesting story of how he was promised to gain control of Naboo but was betrayed at the last moment by the Dark Lord of the Sith."

"That is a statement from a known liar and a criminal, not exactly the best witness to be basing your beliefs on."

"Understandable, however when you think about it, does it not make sense? So many of our problems over the last few decades tend to be related to politics that tend to involve the Jedi at the last moment. Weakening us, distracting us, and keeping us focused on conflicts in the Outer Rim."

"You believe the Jedi Council has grown blind to the internals of the Core because we're too busy dealing with the political messes out in the galaxy? That seems rather counterintuitive don't you think? If we don't clean up the messes in the Outer Galaxy, wouldn't that just mean we're likely to have a situation such as what's happening right now develop?"

"It does, but looking at things objectively, it appears to me that things have been ramping up for the last few decades. As if a Dark Lord has been pushing things more recently."

"Let's say this is true, that the Sith have infiltrated the Republic. What is their end goal by creating all that conflict?"

"That is the question I've been trying to find out for a while now. My best guess is exactly what they've been creating with this conflict is confusion with the purpose of keeping the Republic and the Jedi focused outward and not on the Core. No doubt that is the end goal of the conflict creation but why do they want the Core? That is the question that I have yet to figure out."

"Why wouldn't they?" came a familiar female voice tinted by an audio interpreter. Confused, I turned towards the elevator and saw a female Mandalorian in green armor approaching the table followed by a brown armored female Mandalorian, a male Mandalorian in black armor, and a Mandalorian Royal Guard. An odd group to say the least, though it was somewhat explained as the female in green removed her helmet revealing it to be Tanya.

"Representative Kryze, I did not expect to see you here."

"Knight Kenobi, I would say the same as I was under the impression that I would only be speaking with Count Dooku. Not that I wouldn't want to have a chat with you too."

The Count chuckled before saying, "An unexpected turn of events have led us all here on the same day. I thought it would be best to converse with both of you together. However, I did not expect you to have some thoughts on this particular part of the conversation. How much did you hear?"

"That you believe that there is a Sith trying to gain control of the Republic." Tanya said walking across the open area before indicating the open seats "May I?"

Dooku nodded and she took a seat before continuing. "In the galaxy's multi millennia long history of warfare, the Core has always won. It doesn't matter who or what the Core faces, the Core won during the Old Sith Wars, the New Sith Wars, the Mandalorian Wars, all of them, the Core fought and eventually won. The only time I believe the Core has ever lost was in a time that's basically legend where the Eternal Empire from the Unknown Regions knocked over both the Sith and the Republic. Fact of the matter is, that was a rare outlier, thus the only way to beat the Core is to be the Core. And what better way to be the Core than to infiltrate it and gain control of it through politics."

Dooku nodded along as if he was agreeing with her, "Very perceptive of you Ms. Kryze. As I have said, I believe the Republic has been infiltrated by the Sith. What their ultimate goal is, is unknown but I doubt it would benefit the galaxy or the Jedi and I'm trying to find people who will help me stop them out here in the Outer Rim."

"All you're doing is making sure that you have a good target for the Sith to aim at." Tanya said, shaking her head as picked up a glass of tea that a Geonosian had put in front of her. "As I said, every time there's a war, the Core wins. Well now the Core has someone to declare war on. If the Sith really are in control of the Core, as you believe, then all you've done is simply created a perfect target for them to attack."

"Perhaps, but I doubt that would go as well as you believe." Dooku said, shaking his head, "I've built up quite a group of alliances and when the conflict comes we will be ready to defend ourselves and force the Republic to negotiate on our terms."

"These alliances happen to include the Trade Federation I assume? I noticed quite a few of their ships in orbit as I was coming down." Kenobi asked.

"Well yes." Dooku said with a nod of his head, "Gunray came to me with the information about the Sith's plan."

"Why didn't you just bring this up to the Jedi Order then? The conflict between the Sith and the Jedi are, principally, matters that concern Jedi and Sith." Tanya said, sipping her tea again as she finished that thought.

"I have been bringing up the possibility that the Sith Lord had survived Naboo for a good while now. The Jedi Order would not listen to me then and why would they listen to me now. They are blinded by their beliefs that they have control over the situation while in fact they are blind to the danger awaiting them. The Republic is the one in control and as long as the Order acts as the hounds of the Republic, they will be of no help in the situation to come."

"Harsh." I and Tanya both said at the same time, which got us both to share a smile before she continued. "Well I got bad news for you, you're choosing terrible allies out there if you've involved the Trade Federation and Nute Gunray. I can now confirm that he was the one who ordered the assassination of Padme Amidala."

"Come again?" Count Dooku asked, sounding genuinely surprised as he looked at her.

"I tracked down the assassin, appealed to his better nature, and got the information directly from the horse's mouth."

"A surprise to be sure, I would have assumed that Jango Fett would not be willing to give up such information. He had always struck me as the kind of man who was loyal to his client.".

Tanya shrugged before saying, "He's a True Mandalorian at heart, he may have been separated from them for two decades or so but he is still one of them. And one thing that all True Mandalorians have in the back of their minds that keeps them going is a need to look out for their family. I just found a member of his family he didn't know that's still around."

"Hmm..." Dooku appears to be deep in thought before nodding his head in agreement, "Well I'll have to speak to Nute Gunray after this. See if I can't get an understanding of why he ordered an assassination on Padme Amidala."

"Well, that's the most obvious question in the world." Tanya continued, "Naboo is still prosecuting several cases against the Trade Federation for crimes against civilians during the occupation a decade ago. Most likely he just thought that if he removed the most vocal proponent of those investigations, perhaps the problem would go away. They tend to do that with the amount of corruption there is in the Republic. I wouldn't be surprised if it could be pulled off with the right amount of money changing hands."

"It would appear that your new alliance is still plagued by the same problems of the Republic." I pointed out after hearing that bit.

"Yes, it would appear so." the Count said, narrowed his eyes in annoyance before he continued, "I will have to ask him some very pointed questions about this. I'll see if I can't get this situation dealt with to prevent any more attempts on the Senator's life. Is there anything else this bounty hunter told you, young Kryze."

She shook her head before saying, "No, nothing of importance. Well as I believe you said that two of my men are currently in your care along with one of my ships. Mind having them released to my care now?"

"One of your ships?" I asked, interested in what she meant by that.

"A necessity politicians need. If you have only one ship and everyone knows what ship you're in, that just means that you are now basically a ship-sized target. Unfortunately, Senator Amidala learned that lesson the hard way, I believe."

Dooku nodded in agreement saying, "Regrettably in these trying times it is best to have misdirection and misinformation on your side to ensure your safety. I will have the Geonosians release the crew and you can be on your way as soon as this meeting is over or you can stay and we can discuss more issues of the Outer Rim. I'm sure that the new government I'm building out here would not mind having the Mandalorians join us."

She shook her head immediately saying, "I don't think the Mandalorians will have an interest in what you're selling Count Dooku. Too likely to start a war and I have already said those on the outside of the Core are always on the losing side of the war. We are more likely to try and find some peaceful way to step out of this conflict completely. As you have made clear, the conflict is one between this Sith Infiltrator and the Jedi. That is a theological dispute that the Mandalorian people simply don't care about."

The Count sighed before nodding, "If that is what you feel is best for your people, I shall respect your decision." He said before continuing, "My opinion is that you can try and run away from the coming conflict but you will need to pick a side sooner or later."

Tanya shook her head before saying, "Mandalore will choose the side that won't get drawn into this war. And if that means we have to form our own side, that's what needs to be done."

"You believe your sector can navigate its way through the coming conflict unscathed?" The Count asked.

"I do. A good chance of doing it as well, especially considering that more likely or not the planets that are at war are going to ask for trainers for their PDFs and who has the best military training apparatus in the Galaxy at this moment?"

"The Sun Guard?" He asked with a smile that I assume is in jest.

"Sun Guard are a military unto themselves, you're not going to get trainers from them. Mandalore on the other hand, well we have plenty of rogue agents who would probably work for both sides."

The former Jedi let out a genial laugh at that before saying, "Perhaps things will change as the war goes on and you will see as I do that the Republic is a wicked thing that needs to be corrected."

"Perhaps, but the core of the issue, pardon the pun, remains. The Republic controls the literal Core economic regions of the galaxy and has defeated every threat arrayed against it through sheer quantity of production. Not through heroic sacrifice, the dubious assertion of destiny, nor the brilliance of the commanders and generals the Core produces. No, the Core has won through logistics and sheer economic power. For every ship the Core losses they can produce ten more. For every Core-world soldier that dies, twenty more are ready to take his place. The wars always follow a pattern, not a particularly glorious one either, the Core-worlds suffer terrible, horrific losses and yet persist in a state of war until they find victory by outlasting the opposition. The Outer Rim might boast great martial cultures and commanders but no tactical brilliance can overcome an absolute strategic advantage. It is simply not worth persecuting a war against such a force, better to shed such fallacy and to make oneself strong enough to bleed any force that is sent against you than hold delusions of successful campaigns against the Core-worlds. The quantity of men, material, and warships has a quality all of its own." Tanya blinked and actually blushed before bowing her head. "But as I said we're more likely to declare neutrality in this coming conflict rather than join either side in the war proper." She got up and finished her tea before saying, "If that's all I think I will be retiring to my shuttle good to see you Knight Kenobi."

"Good seeing you as well, Ms. Kryze." I said with a smile, giving her a nod as she nodded back before turning, picking up her helmet as she did and leaving me with the former Jedi turned politician. It was rather disappointing for Tanya to give such a bleak and calculating reasoning to reject Dooku's offer of turning against the Republic. I would like to imagine that Satine would have assorted neutrality on principle rather than an admission that the war itself would simply be unsuccessful. I imagine that Dooku is rather pleased with Tanya's position, after all she had not disagreed with the merit of his position. He merely had to make a better offer at a later date.

Dooku sat there with an intrigued smile for a moment thinking before asking, "Well, I have laid my cards on the table, Knight Kenobi, what are your thoughts on the matter of your allegiance to the Republic?"

I shook my head then said, "You made some compelling points on there being a Sith Lord possibly in control of the Republic but I'm not about to abandon the Republic just because there may be a problem there. I will simply do my best to fix it from the inside. As Tanya said, fighting the Republic from without is an impossible challenge."

The former Jedi smiled before nodding sadly before saying, "Respectable, and far more polite than the young Representative calling me delusional." He gave a good natured and infectious chuckle. "The offer stands open though, as time goes on I fear that it'll become more obvious that the Republic is under the control of the Sith and when you see it for yourself I will gladly take you on in our efforts to either remove this evil influence from the Galaxy or protect ourselves out here in the Outer Rim from the worst of what is to come."

"And what if the war goes as Tanya predicts? What if that comes to pass? What good will the protection of the Outer Rim be?" I asked.

"The Other Rim is vast and wide. There are many hidden places out there that could be used to hide under. We have already made efforts to try and build up a military force and I've made deals with certain parties to improve it. Tanya's perspective on how the war would progress is hardly unique and I intend to take such concerns very seriously."

"Yes, I can see that…" My thoughts were interrupted as a large contingent of droids appeared at the doorway leading to this veranda with their guns leveled in my general direction as they marched out.

"Oh my, Count Dooku, what's the meaning of this?" I said looking at him wondering what his response would be.

"I'm not quite sure." He said getting up brushing himself off as he turned to the droids and asked "What is the meaning of this? I gave orders that we would not be harassed while we were in a meeting."

"You may have given orders based on how things looked about an hour ago, Dooku, but things have changed." The voice who challenged him is Nute Gunray as he came out from behind a few of the droids, seeming rather apoplectic which is a very rare sight.

"You're bounty hunter not only failed in his mission to kill Senator Amidala but has turned traitor. He's turned in information against me to the Republic. And as of twenty minutes ago a Droid aboard this Jedi's Starfighter transmitted information from the platform where you left it unguarded telling the Jedi Order where we are."

"Hmm, yes these are events that happened, I still do not see why they require you to threaten my guest with blaster fire."

There are several clicks as an older looking Geonosian pushed his way through the droids, accusingly threatening me with his gnarled wooden staff.

"Ah, well that's unfortunate." Count Dooku said, shaking his head, before turning towards me and explained, "Apparently they have laws on this planet that if you are suspected of being an enemy of the state you are to be seized. Because you transmitted information to the Republic about the Trade Federation ships being here you are considered an enemy of the state."

"Oh dear, that seems like a bit of an overreaction." I said still maintaining my seat though moving to finish my cup and get my hand ready to grab my lightsaber if I needed to defend myself.

"A bit, yes." The former Jedi said, shaking his head. Turning back to the two he said, "Now listen, friends, I understand your concerns. Yes, this Jedi has given him information on our location but that's no reason to draw weapons on him especially since he was asked to come here under a flag of peace. Let us be civilized about this."

"It doesn't matter who you invite here under a flag of peace. They've already taken steps to bring about a war. As we speak Jango Fett's testimony is being played to the Republic Senate and once they add in the information about our droid army being built here what do you think's going to happen? The Senate will pass the Military Creation Bill and there will be war!" Gunray said whilst shaking his head. "Best thing we can do is try to stop any more information from leaking."

Count Dooku nodded his head in agreement before turning back to me and saying, "I'm afraid they raise a good point, Obi-Wan. With the situation as is I can't exactly let you leave at least not until we have an understanding of how bad it really is."

The Geonosian said something else which drew the former Jedi attention saying, "Now hold on, they are not agents of the Jedi."

Said Geonosian shook his head saying something and banged his staff on the ground, "We cannot simply arrest Representatives from off world. Certainly not neutral parties and potential allies"

The Geonosian shook his staff again and the former Jedi sighed before saying, "Yes, yes, enemy of the state, I understand. "

"Such wonderful partners you have." I said, amused, "Are they really going to try and arrest the Mandalorian Representative?"

"It would seem so." Dooku shook his head, "I'll have to attempt to try and quell their fears to get you all released."

"Well, that's not what I meant. I mean I understand my position here. My back is to the wall and I have quite a number of blasters pointing at me so my surrender is a given. But a Mandalorian well..."

My point was punctuated by the explosion of something downstairs, furious enough to send dust trickling down from the ceiling causing the Count to let out an amused grunt as the Geonation looked around confused as an alarm siren sounded in the background.

"Mandalorians rarely have the clarity of judgment to surrender in good order. They never see their position clearly or they simply don't want to. I have dealt with them before so we can only hope that the good Princess enjoys herself enough to forgive our indiscretions." The former Jedi said with a nod before saying, "Jedi Knight Obi-Wan you are under arrest could you please follow these guards to a holding area while we get this situation handled."

"But of course." I said, getting up while holding my hands out in front of me. "I'll be in your care."

"This won't take too long I hope, at most a week and we'll have this all cleared up." As he said that his hand moved in such a way drawing the lightsaber right off my belt into his own, "Not a bad design." He commented as he examined my lightsaber before clipping it to his belt, "I will be holding on to this while we get this situation under control. I'm sure you understand, for your own safety."

"I've never felt safer." I said with a bit of sarcastic flair. Oh sure I understood that with a lightsaber on my side I could escape. But I would be unsafe either way and I still would prefer my chances with my lightsaber and I was not a fan of handing it over. But there was not much I could do on that matter as several droids came over and put a pair of cuffs on me.

"You'll see Obi-Wan, you'll see that this will all work out for the best and I will secure your release as quickly as possible."

"Of course, of course. One question though, why did Nute Gunray say that Jango Fett was your bounty Hunter."

The former Jedi stopped mid step as he moved towards the elevator before saying, "Well it might take a bit of time, actually. You know how it is with legal systems and all, have to follow protocols and do things by the book as it were."

I seem to have stepped on a sore spot I thought. Why did I always do that?

Geonosis, Hangar Bay
Tanya Kryze

Something didn't feel right. I was getting a really bad feeling as the elevator descended to the ground floor. As it opened, I noticed the large amount of droids around and about, my feelings only increased in apprehension.

I'm usually not one for going with my gut, logic was a better way of dealing with things, that's why I started to put things in a logical order as soon as I saw things that were upsetting my gut. Large amounts of droids tended to mean that someone expected to fight back and that there were a lot less Geonosians around all of a sudden. Thankfully, it didn't appear to be an outright fight yet as I saw my two wayward Guards, Captain Struc and the Slicer Mok standing there in their guard uniforms looking annoyed at the droids watching over them.

They were standing by our ship, which Count Dooku said was here. Although seeing that someone had put a locking mechanism on one of those struts that would prevent the ship from leaving was not a good sign. What game is Count Dooku playing? I don't know and that probably is what's upsetting me right now.

There was something going on here, something I didn't understand. Some game that was being played on a level that I was unfamiliar with. And if I found myself in a situation like that, there were really only two things to do: evaluate the situation and run. Evaluating the situation told me that running is the best move. Getting off the planet and heading back towards Mandalore or the Core it's probably the safest option right now.

But on the off chance that they weren't going to let us leave, I needed to create some sort of escape path. "Kastel," I said, calling to my subordinate who had been using his old black super-commando armor since escaping Tatooine's disaster, "you got detonators in your suit?"

"I do." he said, sounding a bit confused.

"Place a small charge outside the elevator as we get out. I don't know if we'll need it but it's better to have it than not."

"Of course, Princess." he said, nodding as I stepped out of the elevator with the others falling behind me.

The droids' heads followed us as we moved, looking more like birds of prey watching us than actual beans with their strange head shape they had.

Thankfully, I knew that it's tiny head shape meant that they didn't have much in the way of intelligence behind those eyes, often relying on supercomputers somewhere on the planet to do all the heavy lifting. If this turned into a fight, I think we'd have a good chance, as everyone in this room had Beskar armor on them, so blasters would do fuck all but I would rather not to get involved in such a thing if I could avoid it.

Stepping over to the droids overlooking our wayward companions, I said, "I believe these men are with me. Do you mind clearing the way for them so they can join us on our ship?" as I attempted to stare down a Droid that was slightly taller than me.

"Roger Roger." the Droid said, seeming to take a step back before looking to the fellows that had their guns on Struc and Mok saying, "Let the prisoners go."

"Prisoners? I thought we were your guests?" Mok jokes.

"They're simple droids, they probably don't know the difference between guests and prisoners." Captain Struc said with a shake of his head.

"Whatever they think, I'm going to be glad to be gone from here. Good to see you again Princess Tanya." Captain Struc said with a nod as he came up in front of me and gave me a salute. I gave him a nod in return along with the same salute before moving on towards the ship.

"Mind explaining exactly what happened after we left you two?" I asked as we made our way towards the vehicle.

"Not much to say, we distracted the droids for about an hour. Kept them fighting us throughout the city before their leader showed up. Some Mandalorian in red and blue armor spouted more of that nonsense that they've been ranting about since she showed up and attempted to blow up our ship here."

"Only reason that didn't work out for her is because Count Dooku showed up and used Force magic on her to strangle her, pretty freaky shit." Mok said as he followed us in.

"We were going to be on our way but apparently he'd been called in by Jabba the Hutt. I guess we caused too much of a ruckus and the local outlaws called in help. So now that call worked its way up the ladder to be an annoyance and we were told to either go with Count Dooku or be shot."

"Yeah we're officially banned from Tatooine, they even have pictures of our faces and everything. Zero claimed that he had no idea who we were."

"How do they plan to enforce that?" Ordo asked, "Tatooine is basically lawless except for areas he controls so how can he just ban someone from Tatooine?"

"I think we're just banned from areas he controls, which is good. I'd rather never go back to that dust bowl. I've seen it once and don't need to see it ever again." Mok says as he shakes his head. "I'm not even going to ask how much my electronics are going to be screwed up. Over the next few months I'll probably be trying to get the sand out, probably just need to replace everything."

"I'll see that you have the funding needed to get new stuff to make up for getting arrested by the Geonosian authorities." I said, shaking my head as we got aboard our ship. Everyone started to look around the cargo area before I said, "No, don't get comfortable just yet, we're leaving."

"How? There's a lock on the ship." Morson said looking through the hatchway at the Lock currently holding our ship in place.

"Oh I can handle that, no problem." Mok said, already moving over to his station area he had on board the ship and starting to activate some of his computer equipment.

"Give me 5 minutes to get this thing unlocked and we'll be on our way."

"Well okay then. What are we going to do about all the droids watching us?" Morson asked.

Turning to her I asked, "Have you ever operated a turret?"

She blinked and said, "Not really."

"Well today is a good day to learn on the job. There's a turret through a hatch over there." I pointed to a hatch that led downwards the double blaster which should be able to defend the ship if we can't get unlocked fast enough.

Morson nodded and quickly moved towards the hatch sliding down in and out of sight. Personally, I waited by the door with Ordo, watching the droids move back and forth. Seeming to be non-threatening in nature but I just had a bad feeling as if the droids would turn on us at any moment.

Captain Struc moved towards the front of the ship obviously gaining position to start flying if we needed it and Kastel waited by us as he said, "I put the explosive by the elevator control switch shouldn't do anything too major but cause a nice big distraction."

"Here's hoping we won't need it." I said as all of a sudden the Droid stopped their motions. Every single Droid, every B1 and every worker Droid on the platform simply stopped and the worker Droid started moving away from the platform we were on. The B1s quickly gathered up in front of our ship and their guns slowly being drawn into position to point at us.

And there we go, the other shoe dropped.

"What do you think this is about?" Ordo asked, "The Count said we could be on our way if we want to."

"No doubt Gunray has recently learned that his name is now mud and he's probably trying to get the rest of his allies here on the planet to work with him in trying to seal up any leaks. Or worse maybe he knows exactly who's responsible for his name now being mud and I've now entered his hit list. Which is, besides a worrying sign of keeping good company, considering who else is on his hit list, not conducive to not being targeted for assassinations."

Ordo chuckled before nodding, "Yeah that would probably be it." He said, seeming to grab his staff weapon a bit tighter as one of the droids moved forward.

"Representative of Mandalore, your permission to leave Geonosis has been revoked. All flights out of the planet are canceled. Please step outside and be escorted to your guest rooms."

"What was it you said about guests?" Ordo asked.

"That they don't know the difference between a guest and a prisoner." I answered for him, nodding my head as Mok chuckled. "How much time do you need to get us free?"

"Oh, not that long. About now."

There was a loud bang noise as something released from the front of the ship.
Immediately the Droid started raising their guns and without even taking an order from me, Kastel pressed a button on his vambrace and the elevator across the way exploded once and then twice in a much bigger secondary explosion causing the entire Hangar Bay to fill with fire causing the both of us to look at him.

"What? It was a small explosive. There must have been some sort of fuel line running through the elevator shaft."

"Wonderful," I said before saying, "Get us out of here, Captain." into my radio.

"Will do." He said matter of factly as the ship started to leave the platform with the doors closing slowly. With that, the ship started to accelerate quickly, moving away from the platform. Once the bay doors were shut, I held on to the side of the ship and said on the comms, "Get us out of range of the Tower and start pulling us up. We need to be as far away from here as possible before they scramble any fighters to take us down."

"On it."

As the ship took off I moved up the main cargo ramp into the rest of the ship quickly finding my quarters and closing the door I don't know how long we had but I figured I should take precautions in case we got shot down after all better to have as many strategies for safety as possible then none at all.

Once inside my room I tried to contact Vai. I quickly found that something had either damaged long range communication or something was jamming the frequencies to prevent communication. It's most likely a jamming field around the planet, being created by the Trade Federation ships to keep information from leaking. This was a problem as cutting off communication outside the local cluster meant that I had no way to let her know where we were. Besides being on Tatooine which was the last location we've been on. However there was one possible way. Pressing in a few buttons I brought up Padme's tracking number and quickly gave her a call.

It was only a few moments before I broke through seeing her and Anakin waiting in their shuttle, apparently having already been there for some reason.

"Tanya, what's going on?" She asked

"No time for exact details, just know things have gone relatively off the rails here on Geonosis. I need you to send a message to X4 for me, he's still on Coruscant. Tell him I may need a little help getting myself out of here."

"Why is that?" Anakin asked.

"Well my ship is being shot at, probably." At the moment there is a bang somewhere on the ship confirming my thoughts. "No, the ship's definitely being shot at. It seems Nute Gunray did not take kindly to me exposing his plot to assassinate Padme and has put me on his hit list. I'm trying to get myself out of the situation now but there's always the chance we'll be shot down before we make it off world and I'll need help getting home if that happens."

"If that happens we can be there and help you faster than anything X4 can send your way." Padme spoke up.

I immediately gave her a death glare before saying, "Ah yes, a pacifistic senator and a lone Jedi are going to help get me and my crew off of Geonosis if we get shot down. That is totally something that can happen." I said sarcastically whilst shaking my head. I continued, "I don't need two people in an unarmed yacht that can barely hold ten people, I need the company of mercenaries that I assembled for just this occasion that can get me the numbers and blasters to fight off any force of droids sent to capture me. As much as your help would be nice it's not good enough. Correction, it's helpful for Nute Gunray as the people he wants to murder are conveniently all in one place. Stay on Tatooine and stay out of this situation, it's safer there."

"Till Nute Gunray is dealt with, nowhere is safe." Giving me a mini aneurysm. Grabbing the edge of my desk as the ship buckled a bit as something hit us I hissed, "Senator Amidala, I know you think that you can help and maybe you can but you cannot help when the person you're trying to talk to is going to shoot you the second he sees you. All you're doing is giving them-" Something hit the ship at that point and communications went dead. I blinked as also the lights went dead and then there was a brief moment where I felt weightless. A part of me hoped that meant we'd broken through to orbit then the weightlessness stopped and it became apparent that we were crashing.

Grabbing on to the desk tight I managed to get myself into the seat and buckle myself in. I don't know what was going on and how everyone else was doing but I knew that at the current rate of fall we'd probably be crashing soon so I needed to be somewhat secure otherwise the damage would be pretty bad.

With any luck, we'd get power before the crash and be able to mitigate it but considering that we were falling from the sky I figured that was unlikely. Well, apparently if you live long enough you get a freebie. There was a brief moment of lights returning before my head was sent forward into the computer screen at a rather accelerated rate.

Things got very foggy there as the world seemed to fade in and out of existence. The only thing I could make out was that there appeared to be a new light source coming into my room and I realized it wasn't a new light, it was a hole that was ripped out of the hull. Which meant that there is no way this ship is going to be spaceworthy… that's when everything just went black.

Geonosis, Count Dooku's Chambers
Count Dooku

Damned fools, the lot of them. I was supposed to have a nice conversation with two prospective candidates for joining our ranks in not only a fight against the Republic but the creation of the Empire. Instead I now have to look over a complete and utter disaster because Gunray had to throw an entire tirade when he got pointed out as a schemer who nearly assassinated a senator.

It was rather infuriating that all the plans I had were now up in smoke as he had invoked the Separatist Council to handle this situation and the votes going in there were to be expected rather foolhardy. Already they were talking about making an example of Obi-Wan Kenobi claiming he was a spy and murdering him to try and prevent any other spying activities by the Republic.

It would take a lot of political will to try and prevent that from happening and I had to even consider not letting it happen as Obi-Wan now knew that I did have some connection to lending Jango Fett's services to Gunray.

What's worse is that he was the only one who knew. Frankly I had a chance to review the testimony given out and I had to respect Jango Fett even more as he kept my name out of his testimony and even implied it was all up to Nute Gunray's planning. Which worked well for me as it forced Gunray to choose a side and he would have to side with the Separatists now because he was now a wanted man in the Republic. If there was one thing I could respect about Jango Fett, even if he couldn't get the job done the way I expected, he would do it some way. I had told him that this was to get Gunray to join the Separatists in the coming civil war and he expertly found a way to complete his mission even though a new parameter had thrown it for a loop.

I would have to see that he was well rewarded and that he didn't let loose any other secrets that I didn't want exposed. I doubted he would let anyone know about my existence as Darth Tyrannus or that Darth Tyrannus had ordered the creation of the Clone army but it was always possible. I would make up my mind at a later date whether he must be dealt with as a threat or simply just brought into the CIS as a general which had always been a part of my plan.

Of course, this all was due to one of my other prospects which was an interesting conversation to say the least. As far as I could see, the girl had no Force training yet she had a significant understanding of politics, apparently was willing to wear armor and acted as if she was trained in it, as well as being able to turn an agent I considered near impossible to turn.

There was no other way to say it, she is a perfect candidate for training as a Sith. One so perfect that the fact that they shot down her ship as she tried to leave had enraged me quite a bit.

Already, I had sent droids out there to find her and rescue her. Hopefully she wasn't too badly hurt and hopefully I could prevent the xeno fool who ordered her ship shot down from having her executed as well.

Things were moving at an unexpected direction and rate. I just had to hope that I could gain back control of the situation. If she did die I guess I could contact the good Doctor Zotho from Arkanian and see if she'd still be willing to make me a clone of the girl. No guarantee she would be as well trained and strong in the Force as the original but there was a good bet that at the very least she could reach those heights.

Sighing, I moved over to a window that looked over the desert plains of Geonosis. My Master's plans were already in motion, though the war would come sooner than I expected. No doubt he was already moving to have powers consolidated under his control and start forming the military that would be needed for the Empire's rise.

The plan would pretty much play out as expected. I think from this point Sidious would gather the power needed, he'd declare an emergency, form an army, and within the next few days the Clones would be offered to him with somewhere here on the Outer Rim would be the first battlefield between the Clone and the Droid army. Who would win would be probably up for debate. I've personally believed that I had assembled quite a strong force here and it might be possible for the droids to win through sheer weight of numbers but if it looked like we were going to win, I would have to do something to give the Republic the victory. After all, in order for this operation to succeed it would need to appear that the Republic had a chance to win. If they believed they had a chance they would feed all of their money and power into the military regime as a necessary sacrifice to win. Otherwise they would keep pulling back and try to start thinking of ways to get out of the war.

No doubt that Palpatine would find some way to bring everything under control on his side. All that mattered was that I needed to keep these rogue corporations and Outer Rim planets under control on my side and we would play a large game of chess with the winner already determined. We just needed to play long enough for that winner to have the power to keep that power when it was all over.

Though I did wonder, is my prospective Padawan a possible threat to Palpatine's plans? I've been giving it only the briefest of ideas, that it might be possible for the Sith to be getting control of the Republic and she'd already figured out how they were doing it. She's even figured out that CIS is but a proxy for the war so that the Sith could build its forces and power base.

One more reason why I would like to see that she had survived her near death crash, somewhere on the Geonosian Wastes. She would be very valuable in case I decided that Palpatine is not the right ruler of the Empire that he should be.

Writers note: And so things progress Tanya and Obi had a nice chat with Dooku and now things are going sideways… who could have seen that happening.

Also yes this is releasing today and not runt… runt was not ready, this was so I released this instead. Next chapter though will be in three weeks to keep with the release schedule so don't expect it sooner! How will Tanya get out of Geonosis? Will Padme and Anakin just go straight to Geonosis? Why am I asking you all these questions? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Edited by: Warmach1ne32, Darth Vendar, Afforess, fallqm, Guardsman Pius, Aske Helsted, elohir locke, Adam Daw, Aemon
Community edited by: Jake Breker
Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Flynn Pirola-Henderson, Retexks, John Norman, Sacha Lechelon, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, James Williams, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, CookieSide, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Daniel Quigley, Lago, CB-Otaku, Shurukkah, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad
Last edited:
Oh boy, X-4 is about to do something drastic isn't he.
What was that about those quick to convert freighter dreadnoughts?

Althought the worst thing that he could possibly field would be that ancient mandalorian dreadnought made almost completely out of beskar.
If that one has been salvaged in the meantime.

Anyway, I expect shenanigans.
So, how many ships are there in Tanya's rescue force? It would be embarrassing for the CIS if a handful of Mandalorian ships manage to blow (not slip) through their defense fleet and rescue Tanya.
Chapter 37
Chapter 37
716 FNM (22 BBY)
Month 6

Coruscant, Senate Building
Mace Windu

I shook my head as I watched out over the Senate auditorium as the Gungan finished his speech about giving the Chancellor emergency powers. How did we get to this position?

Three hours ago, a report came in from Kenobi about a large number of various ships and other equipment on Geonosis belonging to several mega-corporations, all having known to have a security force of droids under their control. On their own, that may not have been an issue. Geonosis is a massive producer of droids and this could have simply been the corporations restocking their supply.

However, Kenobi was meeting with Count Dooku on Geonosis and we have not heard anything from him since that message. There really is no other interpretation of events that can explain what happened to Kenobi other than that he is being held prisoner. Likely after coming across something he shouldn't have while meeting with the former Jedi Master. There is the possibility he is killed, an unfortunate reality of Jedi work, but one that I hoped did not come to pass. If it was, it would settle the matter that Count Dooku had in fact fallen to the Dark Side. Perhaps he is not at the level of Sith, but he is very likely to no longer be serving the light. If he is building an army for this Separatist Alliance, no doubt he would be attempting to conquer the rest of the Galaxy like every other Darksider.

It is a shame, he had been a good man and I have trouble believing that, as much of a political idealist that he was, he would fall to the Dark Side. But what other possibility is there to believe at this point? He has assembled an army, he has planets under his banner, and he was most likely holding a member of the Jedi Order prisoner at best or seen to his death at worst.

Shaking my head, I looked on as Chancellor Palpatine began his speech on accepting the emergency powers. We shared the knowledge of the clone army as soon as we found out about it, wanting this not to be kept secret from the Chancellor. And now he was going to use these emergency powers to authorize the use of the clone army, most likely to defend the Galaxy from the threat of the Separatist's droid army. The fact that it would take time to organize the clone army and get it sent to where it was needed, so for the time being Obi-Wan would be on his own on Geonosis. Which leaves the burden to carry out his rescue squarely on the Jedi Order.

While I and many others would not hesitate to save a fellow Jedi, I didn't like the existence of this clone army at all. The details of who had created it and why were still a mystery. The claims of Sifo-Dyas being responsible seemed unlikely, considering they had died around that same time. It was plausible, barely, but why would Sifo-Dyas go behind the backs of the Jedi Council to create such a force? It doesn't speak well to his intentions or what intentions he had for this army. However, if the Separatists were raising an army, the Republic would need one as well.

The Supreme Chancellor finished his speech by promising that he would remove the emergency powers granted to him when the crisis had passed. I could only approve of that statement as the audience erupted into cheers and applause, indicating that any discontent over it was completely put aside. Everyone is in favor of giving the Chancellor more power. Or at least the majority of them support it for a more responsive Republic, which will be crucial in a state of war. I saw a few people here and there trying to indicate they were not happy with the result, but the majority ruled on this one.

Seeing as this gathering had concluded, I turned to my old friend Master Yoda and said, "It's done then." Yoda made a noise that indicated he is thinking on the matter deeply and likely trying to parse at what the future would lay as well. I wish him well on that, but I could only focus on the here and now.

"I will gather what Jedi that still remain at the Temple. We will go and rescue Kenobi. See what we can do about maybe negotiating some sort of end to this conflict before it becomes a real war."

"To Kamino, I will go." Yoda said, nodding his head, "To this clone army, I will inspect. See how well it will do, for the Republic."

I nodded my head in agreement and started to leave before he continued, "Master Windu, keep your eyes open when you arrive at Geonosis. I feel as if there's something moving that we do not yet know and we must be prepared for what is to come."

I looked at him and asked, "Do you have any idea what that might be? Have you had any insight from the Force, Master Yoda?"

You could make out a grumble before he said, "Not sure, I am. A dream I had. A strange one, a Shadow moving through the backstages of a play trying to not affect the scenes playing out before them, but inevitably doing just that. Altering the story of what is meant to be shown."

I raise an eyebrow before asking, "Do you have any idea who this Shadow is and what their goals could be?"

Yoda chuckles before saying, "I suspect I know exactly who it is. What their goals are? I'm not certain. Keep your eyes open Master Windu or I suspect this Shadow will play a role in what is to come on Geonosis."

I knew that but there is one question I needed to ask. "Is this Shadow an enemy or an ally?"

Yoda smiled before saying, "They're a friend, that I am sure."

I narrowed my eyes in skepticism before I nodded, "Let us hope this friend comes through for us. May the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you too, Master Windu." Yoda said, before turning back to look at the still cheering crowds that are going a little bit too long. I left the overlook to head towards the Jedi Temple, I have a rescue mission to organize.

Tatooine, H-Type Nubian Yacht
Anakin Skywalker

"Senator, we cannot go and rescue Tanya." I said for the fourth time.

Padme merely shook her head saying, "It'll take them too long to get over there since they have to come from halfway across the Galaxy."

"Uhh, not exactly. Mandalore is right next to the Hydian Way and then they can cross over down the Corellian Run at Denon. The trip should take about a day and a half, quicker if a faster hyperdrive is used. Not to mention the fact that we aren't supposed to get involved in this situation at all. We're supposed to stay here on Tatooine, transmit a signal to Tanya's X4 Droid and let him handle the situation."

"We have to do something, Ani. Tanya is in danger and her ship was probably shot down."

I sighed saying, "I know, I know. But my duty right now is to protect you, not to go on a rescue mission to Geonosis. Even when we had a chance to go with her when she first was called to Geonosis by the Count, Tanya said-"

"That we should stay here because it would be safer. I know." Padme said with a huff and then let out a sigh before taking a seat across from me. She put her hand on her face, looking very tired. "We should have never let her go alone. We should have gone with her."

"If we'd gone with her, we would have crashed with her. Then no one would know what had happened to any of us." I pointed out as I leaned back in the chair. I was talking good game before, but the fact of the matter was, I agreed with her on all of this. I wanted it to rush off and save Tanya too, but I have a duty to the Jedi Order to maintain. I would not shirk that duty again so soon. I'm already skirting the line with even coming to Tatooine to find out what happened to my mother.

"Maybe Obi-Wan will find her and look after her." Padme said with a shake of her head. "After all, his signal came from the planet of Geonosis as well."

I nodded at that. We had relayed the signal from R4 about the information about the Corporate Alliance and Trade Federation ships in orbit around Geonosis. Apparently we were the only ones who the droid could reach in an emergency.

Chuckling, I said, "He really should, considering." I was a bit amused as I leaned back.

"Considering what?" Padme asked, looking at me a bit confused.

I blinked at her before asking, "What color is Tanya's hair?"

"Blond?" She said with a raised eyebrow. Causing me to realize that maybe I'd been the only one to see her with a real hair color.

Smiling, I said, "Between you and me, that's actually a dye job. Her hair color is actually auburn."

"Okay, why does it matter that her hair color is auburn?" Padme asked, still sounding confused.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe nothing, maybe something. Did you know that Obi-Wan has known Satine for almost twenty-one years now?"

Padme blinked as she tried to piece together what I was saying before her eyes widened, "Wait Ani, are you suggesting that Tanya is Obi-Wan's child?"

"I'm suggesting that it's rather interesting that as soon as Tanya showed up on Coruscant, the first thing Obi-Wan wanted to do was go meet this random Mandalorian girl who happens to have the exact same hair color as him."

She blinked a couple of times before saying, "The attachment thing, he keeps a far enough distance away from her to not grow too attached."

"Exactly what I'm thinking." I said with a nod.

"Does she know?" Padme asked.

That made me pause and think about it before answering, "I'm not sure. Sometimes I think she does, sometimes I'm not sure. I generally just don't touch the subject because I don't think Obi-Wan wants to get too attached to her. Jedi Code and all." While it was frowned upon for Jedi to father or, in rare cases, mother children, it's not an actionable offense. What is against the code was pursuing relationships with offspring.

"I think he's probably going to have to reevaluate that. If she really is his daughter, I suspect he will do something to try and save her." I nodded in agreement before she continued. "And that's why we need to go, to give them a way to get off that planet as fast as possible."

I sigh as this comes up again. I shake my head, "Padme, I get it. I want to go too, but the Jedi Council's order left very little room for interpretation. I am to protect you, not leave you to go on a rescue mission to save Obi-Wan and Tanya. No matter how much I want to."

"So what you're saying is if I were to fly off and go to rescue them, you would be forced to go with me now wouldn't you?"

I blinked before saying, "Okay yes, yes that is true, but putting you at risk to save them is not a good idea. It is what I think Obi-Wan would call a bad idea. Plus, you're not the one who has to explain themselves to the Jedi Council if you get hurt."

Padme tapped her chin before saying, "That could be considered true, that it is a bad idea. But it's also my ship so if I decided to take the ship to Geonosis, what would you do?"

"I would not be happy, but I would go with you to Geonosis and we would work together to try and save Obi-Wan and Tanya." I relented. She could sneak out and take the ship to rescue Tanya without me when I inevitably have to check on the vaporators. So the only way to keep her safe would be to either go with her or tie her up, which I doubt would make her happy with me. I would rather have the Council be mad at me than to lose her trust in me.

"Wonderful and if that's all, help me prep the ship." She said, turning in her seat and started to do pre-flight checks. I sighed and turned towards the console in front of me. Checking over the readouts, I made sure everything was running properly and I was about to help lift off when there was a loud knocking from the rear of the ship.

Both of us turned to look back there in confusion. C-3PO spoke up then from where he had been standing behind us. He and R2 had just been listening to the conversation, so he asked, "Should I go see who's at the door?"

"It's probably the Larses, right?" Padme said.

"Probably, but I guess I should probably talk to them before we set out on this adventure." Getting up from my seat, I brushed a little bit of sand that had built up on my clothing. It'll probably take a few days for Padme's servants to clean this shuttle out. I walked over to the panel that would lower the back door, as it was lowered I looked through and expected to see Owen or maybe Cliegg, maybe even my mother. I should probably go say goodbye before I rush off.

What I saw was neither of that, as standing at the bottom of the ramp was a Mandalorian woman in silver armor with a white shoulder cape blowing in the wind. Behind her is another Mandalorian man in a silver and white colored clothing that seems to have sort of a short armored kilt as its most defining feature. Their holstered blasters were a design unfamiliar to me, which was a bit embarrassing. I had been paying attention to the Council's Mandalorian briefings recently, or so I thought. Engineering has always been a hobby of mine and the Mandalorian designs have a very unique sleek look to it that I rarely see elsewhere. While the pistols are easily recognizable, their blaster rifles are not. It looked like a combination of the sleek Mandalorian design with a black frame more common on conventional blasters. The most notable feature is the frankly massive power pack in-front of the trigger.

About half a dozen other Mandalorians waited behind, although they weren't wearing armor as uniformly striking as the two in front of me. I can see a shuttle or a heavy fighter behind them. It's likely the ship they used to get here. The only thing that seemed to unify them are the white markings of a pair of four wings inscribed on their left torso armor.

I blinked a couple of times not really sure what to say before the female Mandalorian said, "Jedi, Anakin Skywalker I presume?" in a strangely mechanical altered voice.

"Yes?" I answered, how did she know my name? My hand hovered over my side, just in case I was about to have to defend Padme from an assassination attempt. With so many Mandalorians around, each of them would require perfect strikes to take advantage of the gaps in their armor to incapacitate and I would need to jump around with Ataru so that I don't get hit. But then Padme would be vulnerable while I'm busy dealing with the Mandalorians. I could use Soresu to deflect their blaster fire but then they could just keep shooting until someone managed to get a lucky hit, with the size of those blaster's power packs I doubt they'd run out of bolt before I get exhausted. It was simply impossible for me to dispatch so many attackers and defend Padme at the same time. I would have to strike the leader and have her be my hostage before attempting to escape with Padme so they won't shoot us down.

"Good, makes my job easier." The woman said, shaking her head before giving a bow. "I am White Silver, I have reason to believe you have intel on the last known location of the Representative of Mandalore, Tanya Kryze."

"Perhaps I do?" I said, a bit confused at what I am seeing here but the Force is only slightly stirring. The Mandalorians at the back are merely measuring themselves to me without any real intent to act upon such fantasies. I also wasn't feeling any malicious intent from the leader. I lowered my hand away from my lightsaber, as this seemed to be a time to heed the teachings of my master in diplomacy, ugh. "Why are you looking for her?"

"Well, we have reason to believe she's in danger and I am here to rescue her. After all, she is an important asset to Mandalore and our return to a thriving economy. Her service to Mandalore aligned with my own, thus I see no reason why I should not come to the aid of a Mandalorian in need."

I blinked to process what she said, before nodding my head in understanding, "Alright well, come on board, there's a couple seats that we can use to have a chat."

"Good." The Mandalorian said.

I stepped back into the main area of the ship and took a seat next to Padme. "What's going on?" she asked.

I just shrugged before saying, "More of Tanya's friends showed up and are willing to help, I think?"

White Silver and her bodyguard or second in command took seats across from us.

"Ah, you mean terrorists?" Padme said, giving the two a bit of a raised eyebrow. I turned to look at her, but my expression of frustration seemed to be lost on the senator who wanted to antagonize a pack of heavily armed and armored Mandalorians.

The female Mandalorian laughed, seeming to take the insult in stride, "Some say terrorist, others call me freedom fighter. Personally? I just prefer Mandalorian. At the end of the day, it's all just politics, war is merely the continuation of politics by other means."

"So you confess it! You admit you are a terrorist." Padme announced to no one in particular. "I know who you are, I read your little book, you are a warlord with a penchant for philosophy that in no way justifies your actions. As far as I know, you kept the holdings on the planet you attacked."

"They practically begged me to stay and clean up the place, even now Gargon is getting more civilized. I'll concede that I used violence to resolve the situation and I stand by my decisions. It is hardly the worst crime in the world and Gerr was not innocent as he had broadcasted his intention to start a coup to dethrone the legitimate government of Mandalore under Duchess Satine. Besides Senator, I know who you are too, I read the biographies on your life. A little war goes a long way for one's political career, wouldn't you agree?"

"I was the officially elected Queen of Naboo when the Trade Federation invaded my planet, thus the well-being and freedom of my people are my responsibility. You were just some writer with a penchant for violence who had never been seen before coming in to take advantage of a rebellion! We are not the same."

"Yes, I didn't spend time fleeing under the skirt of the Republic only for them to say, 'We'll get back to you in a couple of months'. I moved to handle the problem in a quick and decisive manner myself. All to prevent my sector from erupting into war."

"Oof Burn." The bodyguard muttered, and I had to hide my chuckle with a cough there because they weren't wrong. The whole expedition to Coruscant had ended up being a waste of time. Yes, it had brought me into the wider Galaxy, but Coruscant itself wasn't exactly helpful to Naboo. Okay, besides the fact I had maybe shot a missile into the power generators of a Trade Federation Lucrehulk, but again that was not because the Republic had stepped in.

Though I kept that to myself because Padme did not look happy about that statement and was glaring daggers at the so-called terrorist with her mind.

"So, White Silver," I said to move things along, "what brings you to Tatooine? What plan do you have to help Tanya?"

"Well first off I need a sitrep before deciding what to do next. What's going on, where is Princess Kryze exactly, and what has happened along with any other relevant information you can give me."

I nodded and answered, "Tanya's on Geonosis. The Ratio, her ship, was shot down before it could enter orbit and crash landed on the surface. It might be unrelated, but Geonosis appears to also be a well-armed factory for producing wardroids for the Separatist Alliance."

"Great, that means she's either injured, captured, or on the run on the planet's surface with several armies worth of droids in pursuit."

"Excuse me, but what if the good mistress Kryze is, unfortunately, no longer with us?" C-3PO asked, drawing all eyes towards him.

"I don't think she's dead," I said, shaking my head. "I sense she is still alive somewhere."

"Your Jedi sorcery?" White Silver asked, looking straight at me.

I shrugged before saying, "I guess."

"Well then, we'll be happy to have your magic with us when we stage the assault. I had a Jedi at my side during the war on Gargon, it will be interesting to see how you measure up."

"Assault?" Padme spoke up.

"I've acquired a couple ships and enough men to rescue the Princess, no matter what mess she has gotten herself into. It'll be a bit of a challenge sneaking past the security forces in orbit, but I'm sure it's not an impossibility. The ships are registered as cargo vessels, so if this planet is producing droids, we could give the impression that we're there to collect droids for one of the many factions present. Once we reach the surface, nothing could stop the sons and daughters of Mandalore."

"That's a risky plan, but it might just work." I noted, nodding my head in approval. "We could sneak in, posing as a cargo fleet, drop off a few of your men to search the area for Tanya. I assume they have jetpacks?"

"Of course mobility is one of our greatest advantages." Silver said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Then all we need to do is pick up Tanya, find out where Kenobi is, break him out too, get everyone on board one of these cargo vessels, and run like hell. We don't even need to bring this thing." I said, indicating Padme's yacht.

"How are we going to pose as a cargo vessel?" Padme asked. "I mean sure if the ship looks like a cargo vessel they'll probably think it's a cargo vessel but the moment they hear one of our voices they're going to be asking questions. Do any of us look or sound like a cargo vessel's crew? I don't speak any of the proprietary corporate languages. Do you?"

The bodyguard spoke up at this point, "Well then we just have to find a droid that speaks Geonosian. Since it'll be the Geonotian security that will talk to us from their space control center."

"I speak fluent Geonosian." C-3PO said from the back of the ship. "Oh dear, I should not have said that." R2 beeped something at C-3PO causing him to shake his head, well, entire body. "I dare say I wanted to avoid deadly heroics." He complained, while the rest of us had moved on to discussing how that would work.

"So we have a plan to get in, fine." Padme conceded, "Now how are we going to get out once the Separatists know that we're there? What about the security forces on the planet that would double their efforts to prevent us from leaving?"

"Maybe I can find a snubfighter and shoot the core of another Lucrehulk again?" I suggested.

"Unlikely to work," the bodyguard said before adding, "after Naboo, the Trade Federation moved away from the idea of using a core ship to run their entire army. Some of their older armies still use them, as it'd still take years to replace every Trade Federation army to newer models and can use them well, but now they have redundancies in case they are damaged."

"Hmm, maybe we don't need to escape then." I said, raising Padme's eyebrow.

"The Jedi and the Republic will have to respond to what's going on in Geonosis, right? They are raising an army and they've taken a Jedi and Representative of the Republic as a prisoner. All we need to do is make sure that they're kept safe until the response arrives."

White Silver nodded her head in agreement. "Leave the heavy lifting of breaking through the blockade to the Jedi or escape while they're breaking through. Good idea, we would need to be careful not to get shot down by our own side but it's not impossible to pull off."

White Silver leaned forward before adding, "However, there is one problem. Why do you think we would bring you along, Senator? Aren't you supposed to be staying out of the way in case an assassin takes a shot at you? "

Padme scoffed, "Tanya is a friend, a friend who risked her life to try and help me. The very least I could do to come along and help. I'm a skilled negotiator. I can negotiate her freedom."

"Ah huh, another one for the harem." Silver's bodyguard muttered, while shaking his head. I looked at him, only to catch the others' expression.

"Harem?" I asked before White Silver interceded, drove her elbow into the man's gut causing him to double over and whimper out an apology and spoke with an amused tone.

"Don't concern yourself with that comment, it's just a joke that goes around the Mandalore sector about the Princess. She may be a prodigy in economics, but she has a bit of a… what's the term I'm looking for here? Reputation around her. Some claim that Coruscanti life agrees with her too much."

I decided that I'll look into it another time before getting back on the subject, "Well Padme is going anyway. No matter what you decide. She has her own ship and I can't dissuade her from going on her own. I think it would be safer if we go with you than have her go on her own aboard this ship, don't you think?"

White Silver clicked her tongue before answering, "I don't like it, but I won't contest it. We'll get you some armor. I'm sure we have something that fits you somewhere." She said looking at Padme, her T-visor hiding whatever expression she had underneath the mask.

Nodding towards me, she said, "You are of course welcome to come as well. I don't know if we have any armor compatible with Jedi sorcery, but if you find some, you may take it as needed."

I grunted in acknowledgement, but I was not really sure on that matter. Armor would probably just get in the way of my force abilities, better to trust in the force and my reflexes than inert metal.

"Now that the plan is settled," White Silver said, getting up from her seat, "I'll give you about an hour to get yourselves ready. We have a ship that landed about twenty minutes that way." As she pointed to the west, "Join us there and we'll take off. We'll see if we can rescue young Miss Kryze from her misadventure."

I nodded as White Silver and her bodyguard descended from the ramp, leaving us alone with the droids. "Well, that was a surprise."

"Very surprising." Padme agreed before adding, "Maybe a good one in the long term. A little extra support would be useful in this rescue attempt."

"Huh, I thought you disliked her?"

"Oh I do, she is a violent brute, but they have their uses at times." Then she gave me an odd look.

I nod in agreement before getting up, knocking some sand off my robes again. I said, "I'm going to go down and say goodbye to the Larses and Mom. Also need to explain to them why I'm borrowing C-3PO for this mission."

"Good luck," she said and she got up herself.

Anteevy, Office of the General Secretary of the Anteevy Workers Council
General Secretary Liliya Vhekayno Shepest

Even as deep underground as my office was I could still hear the omnipresent howl of the storm. An endless dirge that crawled across the planet and left regions sunless and stripped of all life for months at a time. There's an odd feeling of comfort that welled up within me at the distant sound as I paced around the wooden paneled room. The howls that had been with me every moment of this difficult but rewarding second chance.

I tapped the terminal on my desk to bring it out of a power saving mode and display the time. Having a little less than I expected, I tapped a few keys before checking myself in the wide mirror that dominated the room. Looking sharp as ever in my professional dress, this style had become the height of fashion on Anteevy for women in the party.

Parts of it had even begun to be incorporated into more masculine attire, it was rather amusing how ties had become a feminine article ever since my ascension to General Secretary. The dress was rather light however and had to be accompanied by a rather thick overcoat and hat for general traversal of the planet, even underground.

I had set the room's climate control to be raised by a few degrees before sitting down and waiting for the problem to arrive. I did not have to wait long, there was a chime from my terminal and the pretty young thing I liked to keep around as my personal secretary informed me about the lieutenant who was responding to my summons.

I had to restrain my smile as the officer walked into my office in the customary Anteevy thick fur overcoat with gloves. She practically lost her footing as the warm air of my office struck her and her eyes darted around for a place to doff her coat.

"Ah, Lieutenant, please take a seat." The worm had begun to squirm already but did as I had instructed. No doubt sweating under all of that fur already.

"Miss Vyeka." I said looking across the table at the unfortunate lieutenant who'd been pulled into the room before me. Today was not a good day for her. She had just returned from Tatooine, a rather hellish world that is on my to-do list of places that needed to be dealt with eventually. The planet itself isn't all that important, it is on the other side of the galaxy and produces nothing of importance, it is the ones who control that are my main targets. Gangsters are useful when you control the gangsters. The Hutts were not something I could claim to have any real control over, an example of one of the few species that were simply not compatible with moral systems that did away with inherited wealth. Eliminating a dissident factor such as the Hutts totally would be difficult but necessary in the long term.

But today was not that day, today I am dealing with the rather foolish individual who'd run off with a combat unit of my droids. It was not done without my notice and required a careful operation to clear the various obstacles to the officer's absconsion. She didn't take the advanced model of droids. Only I and my top generals would have the necessary authorization to utilize them. She only has access to B1 droids. B1s that we've been supplied with from the slowly growing stockpile of military equipment that the Separatist Alliance are funneling to us, in exchange for some more high-end armor and class M durasteel plates.

It was incredible just how many of the units we have been supplied with. After the first thousand or so, I had ordered the Institute of Technology to reverse engineer them so we could produce them ourselves. Slicing through the extensive copy protection and making comparable prototypes had taken a while but it was worth the effort for the experience and knowledge we had gleaned.

Of course, about a week in we had received ten thousand more units. I began to suspect that the war material the Separatist Alliance was providing us are substandard droids. What with the amount of units that had cracks in the outer plating or seemed to have irrational errors in their behavioral matrix. However, I fully intended to make use of every single droid. Even a defective automaton could carry a blaster.

It had been demonstrated that reproduction of the B1 line is simply not worth the effort of reconfiguring the droid foundries we had. But several of the B1's design principles had allowed the more mature and effective designs that we produced locally to be produced with less material without compromising functionality, at least according to my advisors anyway. We had various similar general purpose combat droid projects in development that looked far more promising than the B1. Project Terror was one of my favorites. An alternative to the SD-4K assassin droid Dooku continually refused me.

If Lieutenant Vyeka had taken the good stuff, the Battle Legionnaires, she may have been successful and been able to capture the young Representative of Mandalore. However, I hadn't ordered her Tatooine excursion and the BL were meant for the real war on the horizon, not for a joyride to cut a young revolutionary's teeth.

If she had been able to accomplish the mission on her own, should she have come home with a young royal to present to the Council, I would have celebrated her success. After all, any blow against the decadent monarchy that ruled over the oppressive Mandalorian caste system is a victory for the party! It would have been one step closer to taking control of the sector.

Such deniable operations are the bread and butter of our slow dispersal of influence across the sector and galaxy, followed by infiltration units dedicated to cleanup up after the more ambitious and driven officer core. It also provided my officers with much needed battlefield experience without weighing upon the reputation or prestige of Anteevy. More than a few overconfident commanders had died in raids against isolated Mandalorian communities and pirate outposts. Such losses were disappointing, but in their defense none had been so foolish as to declare themselves openly. Vyeka had somehow managed to escape the clutches of thousands of Hutt mercenaries, likely due to Dooku's intervention. Frankly, I'd prefer her dead than having to owe the Count a favor or pay more in terms of our limited resources than I have too.

Of course, if she had managed to capture the royal brat alive, I would have also engaged in a little bit of extended interrogation to try and get her to give up her royal ways. Having a noble renounce their nobility and claim that socialism as the true way forward would most likely have fueled the recruitment drive that is currently non-existent. Set her up in one of the safer factories with a humble apartment and she would be an endless source of propaganda to the party. Besides, I had little else to entertain myself with these days. There was little in the ways of power politics in the party, I was simply too good at my job.

Not surprising really, I had more experience than anyone else could even dream of in the management of a communist state. If I had even a fraction of the resources and technology I had now in my past life, I could have run the NKVD with a mere fraction of the men I had required.

But back to the problem at hand. Lieutenant Vyeka had failed. Not only have she failed, they have drawn the eyes of Count Dooku on us and made him dissatisfied with my efforts. I had a feeling that we may not be considered part of the Separatist Alliance proper because of that screw up or at the very least delay our integration, which could be terrible for us in the long term or good in the short term. I was not utterly married to the cause of the CIS and had made various overtures to the Republic. Sadly, my efforts to court Republic investments were largely ineffective.

Political games would have to be played and that meant more work for me to do. Despite the setback with the CIS, our operations across the Mandalorian sector are still progressing nicely. I had taken quite drastic actions to scale down things and to clean up any evidence of our operations after the brazen attack against the Royals, but our hooks are deep within the fat and muscle of the growing Mandalorian state. I just needed to be patient and wait for the perfect opportunity to perform a decapitation strike to take control of the sector. Hopefully I'll be able to pull it off. I required a great deal more war materials to begin a successful great revolutionary war against the Mandalorian Monarchy, especially now that they have established numerous PDFs across the various loyalist planets, making any hostile takeover a larger challenge.

The foolish girl who had delayed the revolution is currently squirming in front of me while I gather my thoughts while tapping my finger on my desk. Silence was always a good way to ratchet up the tension and make sure the reprimand sticks. I began to shake my head, "This was a rather large failure, my dear. Because of your adventurism, I have Count Dooku asking rather pointed questions. He is probably going to demand more resources from us as the price for your failure, lowering what we can bring to bear in taking part in the liberation of Mandalore from the Royalists. Your glory seeking has cost us our hard-earned wealth out of the pockets of your comrades. Do you have anything to say before I have you sentenced by a jury of your peers and sent to the lower mines to work off your debt to society?"

"General Secretary, I know I made a mistake, but you must understand this was a time sensitive operation. There was no way I could wait for the council to debate our involvement! It's not often that information like this falls into our lap. It was not a complete success, but it showed that we can actually reach out and touch the nobility. They fled from our droids. We showed we have the ability to fight."

"You have drawn the eye of the Royals, comrade. You have demonstrated that we exist and stand opposed to their oppressive rule. You showed that we are dangerous and you failed to accomplish either of the things necessary for that to be worth it. I'm afraid my dear you have simply demonstrated to me that you are a liability, a selfish parasite, a gloryhound." She seemed to turn in on herself as I elucidated her true failure. "But, comrade, this is not the end, it is a communist ideal to offer everyone a path to redemption. Take her to her jury of her peers, make sure they know exactly what I think of her."

"Yes, General Secretary." The two Battle Legionnaires that guarded my office said in unison, giving a salute before grabbing the girl by her shoulders and dragging her out into the cold. The droids almost look like the 3P0-Series protocol droids, but that was to obscure what they actually were. They were plated in a series of lesser alloys with Beskar added to the mix and had quite a robust set of internal mechanisms allowing them to lift more and move much faster than any 3P0 droid would ever be able to with the more articulated joints on the Legionnaires made them one of the most agile battle droids in production. On the field of battle they would obviously be superior to a B1, but as a bonus they could also function as infiltration units. Already they were doing that for us in several places, collecting intelligence for the party across the sector.

The girl was shaking as she was pulled through the door, and I was left alone with my thoughts with one of the B1 heads that she had sent to my office ahead of time. What a foolish girl and I had such high hopes for her. Not that she would have gotten too far, but she would have at least made a good Commander down the line. Talented officers were rarely politically incompetent, the few that were, proved themselves to be worth their weight in gold for their ease of disposal as a deniable asset. If my last life had taught me anything, it was the necessity of a talented and creative officer corps, one that could operate without the direct oversight of the state.

I ordered a recording be made of the trial and an official condemnation of Lieutenant Vyeka's actions to be sent directly to Mandalore. No doubt if the people heard about this diplomatic overture to Satine that they would protest, so I also sent pings to my various slicers to spread misinformation about the event throughout the local net. To the Galaxy at large Anteevy needed to appear apologetic and outraged at the attack, internally the people needed to be confused or ignorant of the issue altogether. Clarity on matters such as this only caused problems for the state.

Perhaps Vyeka was not an entirely lost cause, I would have to make a note to revisit the officer in a few weeks after the cold of the lower mines had taken a finger or two and give her another chance. Nothing inspired loyalty quite like the terrible embrace of winter. I would override the decision of the court and confide in her that such treatment to an officer so loyal to the revolution was unjust. I would need to massage the database a little and keep her release obscured, of course. She would be very grateful that I had personally gone to such lengths for her. It was rather cliché, but demonstrably effective.

I picked up the B1 unit's head and attached a cord from the table to it. Even though she'd failed, she provided meaningful Intelligence, understanding how the Royals fought will be of use the next time we launch a similar operation. I might as well also take a look to see the face of this Representative Kryze, to put a face to my eventual enemy. It's most likely that Vyeka had uploaded an image to our database, but it is easier to look her up on the holonet. I had never bothered to look too closely into the Mandalorian Royal Family as I had no way of reaching out and touching them yet as well as having a somewhat busy schedule until recently. Soon enough, I would soon have... What the fuck!?

My thoughts were interrupted as the face of the Princess was displayed before me, causing my eyes to widen at the familiar face. It's just ever so slightly different but yet it was definitely her! The girl I'd seen all those years ago floating above Moscow! That angelic demon decimating the heart of communism. I felt that old familiar need to correct, to reform and control what was before me again. Looking upon her, my smile widening as a familiar feeling in this life bubbled up within my core. Fantasies causing me to shift in my seat and lick my lips.

She was gorgeous, where others would have been ruined by the passage of time she remained as enticing, as valuable and pure as the soft maidens who had taken the first unsteady steps into womanhood. A prize like no other, a royal princess no less. I could envision her now, the big sister for all my other girls. A centerpiece rose just for me. Ah, glorious.

Was this some play by that foolish creature who called himself God to draw me away from my path of proving its uselessness? If it was, I would have to move carefully, it was a perfect chance to demonstrate exactly how little a well oiled centrally planned state needed the petty opium of the masses. I would have that girl. I would convert her to Communism and I would prove God as useless as I promised I would. The foolish thing that had given me this form as 'punishment' for my perfectly natural appetite.

A lifetime shouting into the cold wind, of careful plotting and killing when necessary. Networking in cold cantinas and making speeches to tired and angry workers. Creating the conditions for a revolution that would free the workers of Anteevy, that would one day free the Galaxy. After I had suffered so much, worked so hard, did I not deserve personal attendants? Was it so much to ask that I surround myself with nubile beauties? Of course not. For as ever, I was simply on the right side of history.

Geonosis, Wastes
Engiz Ordo

Grunting, I continued my trek across the red sand to get to another set of cliffs, trying to find somewhere that we would be out of sight. All this while I'm carrying Tanya over my shoulder as best I could. It had been a close call, the ship had been hit by some sort of Ion weapon that knocked us out of the sky. Thankfully, the redundant systems had kicked in at the last minute, which provided enough energy to the engine and shields that when we had crashed into the surface of the planet, we didn't explode into a million pieces. However, it wasn't enough to save the ship as it crashed into the side of a mountain. When we inspected the damage, we found that the engines were crushed in the impact and the hull was ripped in several places, which meant we were grounded.

We had a couple choices at that point, either stay there and surrender or walk as a group and be caught or split up into group pairs and try and keep ourselves moving until rescue arrived. Knowing Tanya, she probably already had some form of rescue on the way, she always had plans for backup plans.

We had decided to split up, get as far away from each other as possible, and just try to hold out until rescue arrived. So we'd split into three groups, me and Tanya, who is not conscious as she's been knocked out in the crash and we hadn't had time to see to inspect her before we split up.

Captain Struc and Kastel headed north towards some spires, probably intending to see if they could get inside them and find some way to get in contact with anyone else, just in case we needed another word out.

Morson and Mok headed east, deeper into the canyons that seem to make up the majority of this planet's surface. I had elected to carry Tanya south, into what looks like the most inhospitable piece of terrain on the entire planet. Mainly because it looked like they didn't have any signs of civilization in this area for at least a millennia.

I don't know what had happened to the others, as we have kept radio silence, but so far we had managed to avoid detection. This terrain was very dry even more so than some of the planets I had seen so far. It wasn't like there aren't any non-desert regions on this planet, but in this area there are sand dunes, buffeting cliff sides of rock while most was just flatlands and just dry sand. It made it a little bit harder to cross but the cliffs did provide enough cover so we were not seen by anyone looking for us.

When the crash happened, everyone else had been rather okay. Tanya on the other hand had been knocked unconscious due to where she'd been. As a result I had to carry her the entire time, which is kind of hard but I figured out a way to do it using magnets in her vambraces. I had connected her arms together and put them around my neck. Then I simply just carried her with my two hands holding her legs to my sides. So far it worked out fine, even with the extra weight from her wearing her full armor, it was not that big of an issue. And that didn't include the extra weight from the pair of blaster rifles I had strapped to her armor before we started off. All those months of doing PT are really coming in handy right now.

Even though she had been out for almost 2 hours at this point, I think I needed to take a break somewhere and see to her wounds soon. There's a possibility that perhaps she had some deeper damage than just the forehead bump, I'll have to check to make sure.

I'm still wearing my Royal Guard armor, since we didn't exactly have time to switch from that to something that offered a little bit more protection after the crash. But I worked with what I had as I carried the force staff in between me and Tanya by magnetizing it to my back. Though I think I'd also magnetized Tanya's front plate of her armor to my back as well. I wasn't exactly sure how powerful the magnet is and if it would work that way.

Either way, I need to take a stop soon to rest and possibly pull off the blue robes and rub it around in this red sand. Blue would stand out too much in the soil here, the silver armor would also stand out as it is a reflective beacon if it is illuminated by the desert sun. So I probably should coat it in some dirt too to try and make it harder to spot us from a distance.

I think I saw a cave coming up on the side of the cliff not too far in front of us. It would be a good place to rest, to cover my armor in dirt, and check on Tanya's condition. The cave is also a good place to take shelter from the elements as well as prying eyes from above. There was of course the chance that there might be some bugs in that cave. I supposed all the cave systems on this planet were interconnected in one way or another, but hopefully we'd get lucky and that no one would be living in it. Just to be on the safe side, we'll rest at the opening and not go any deeper.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a mumble of annoyance from behind me, causing my head to tilt a little bit, but not too much. I didn't want to whack Tanya unconscious with the crest of my helmet. "Tanya?" I asked, trying to see how she was doing.

She muttered something in gibberish that sounded fairly angry and barky before I felt her shake her head and say, "Where are we?"

"About a mile south or more from our crash site." I said as I turned back towards the cave and started walking again. "They shot us down, but we managed to not end up splattered in a crater thanks to the Captain and the redundant systems kicking in at the last second."

"Remind me to give him a pay raise when we get out of here." I saw her hands working the mechanism that kept her vambraces magnetized together.

"Do you think you can walk?" I asked as she pressed the button releasing them.

"I can walk." She said as I lowered myself so she could get off my back. Once she's on her feet I stood back up to check on her.

She looks alright, a little unsteady on her feet. I offered an arm for her to hold on to and said, "Yeah, best to hold on until we get into that cave, just so you don't go tumbling down the sand dunes."

She nodded her head and draped her arm over my shoulder and we started walking again. We're only a few yards away from the cave at this point, so it wasn't that far of a walk. We soon passed from the glaring sun that was soon to pass beyond a nearby mountain range into the darkness of the cave. Carefully, I turned on a light on my armor's vambrace. Now we could see where we were going. Soon we found a place where we can rest out to the side of the entrance. I took the staff off my back and left it against the side of the wall before lowering Tanya so that she is resting against the side of the cave. I followed suit and leaned against the wall across from her.

Resting her head Tanya said, "How long have I been out? What's going on? And how many emergencies have come up since I've been out?"

"You've been out for a couple of hours." I said, "Not many emergencies happened after the crash. We decided to split up and head in different directions so it'll be harder to track us. We kind of assumed that you were making a call for aid before the ship crashed and assumed that staying free was the best option."

She made a pained noise as she pulled off her helmet, revealing that the bruise on her forehead was going to be a bit of a shiner for sure. It was definitely looking a bit inflamed, as she's rubbing it gently as if trying to get to go down. She then said, "You're right, I was calling for help. We should have someone on the way to help us out. Although something tells me it'll probably be twenty-four hours before they show up."

Pulling my helmet off, I opened up a side bag on my belt and pulled out some pain medication and offered it to Tanya. "Well twenty-four hours isn't too bad. I think we can hide out in some of these caves for that long. The question is, how are we going to get in contact with the help you called for?"

She smiled and took the medication from me, popping the pill into her mouth before saying, "That's not a problem, the help I called will have our transmitter codes so they'll call us. We just need to be somewhere on the surface to pick it up. The real problem will probably be escaping this planet with the help. The droids are most likely on high alert now and a high alert security is generally not good for people who want to escape a planet."

She leaned her head back and closed her eyes making a humming sound as she thought of a solution before adding, "Of course it might not be as hard as I fear. They probably have plenty of ships lying about and they need to load them up with droids after all. It's probably a good idea to track one of them down and steal a ride on one. We need to hope that they aren't scanning for lifeforms or there's some sort of biological crew."

"Hmm, that doesn't seem too hard." I said jokingly before adding, "We're going to need a lot of energy to pull that off and to make sure we're well hydrated." I reached into my side and pulled off the canteen there before offering it to Tanya.

She chuckled and quickly took a gulp or two of water before closing it up and asked, "What kind of gear do we have?"

"My staff and armor, your armor, and that blaster rifle I grabbed before we left the Ratio." I said matter of factly with a shrug.

"Not a lot but enough." She said with a nod. Grabbing the rifle, she checked it over before saying, "Vai's going to bring in some help to get us off-planet. Most likely within the next twenty-four hours, we'll need to be somewhere that they can find us easily enough as well as finding the others and get them together as well.

"Have any ideas?" I asked.

"One, it's not a good one, but it's one. We need to find out what they're doing with Kenobi."

I blinked before asking, "Okay, Kenobi's been taken prisoner. Are we going to execute a rescue mission?"

"Exactly, we need to find out what happened to him, where he's being held, and move to rescue him. We do that and it should be a big enough noisemaker that the others should find us quickly enough. Not to mention if the Republic's going to do anything about what's going on here, they're going to come here to rescue Kenobi. The Jedi would probably do that as well, so we improve our chances of survivability if we have him on our side."

I nodded my head as what she said made some sense. "How are we going to track down Kenobi though?" I asked.

"That's simple," she said while getting back up. She holstered her rifle as she continued, "If they shot us down, they'd probably assume that anyone from the Republic who's not on their side is a spy. Spies usually end up executed, which means a Jedi spy it's most likely to be ruled as an enemy agent and be set for execution. And executions will usually be very public. They want to encourage their people to see the Jedi as the bad guy and that they can be killed."

I nodded along following this train of thought. "Why does this sound so familiar?"

"Which means they're going to pull a Gerr."

"… Tanya no."

"Tanya yes."

"But we don't have your silver armor and you can't exactly pose as a regular civilian in this situation that was drafted to be shooting the prisoners."

"True," Tanya said with a smile reaching down and picking up her helmet and sliding it back on, "but we don't need to take part in that sort of theatrics, we just need to rescue him before they march him out into the public square and shoot him. They'll most likely be in a cell close to a coliseum. So we just need to get a map of the area, find out where the closest coliseum is, and be in a position to rescue him when the time comes."

"I'm not sure about this, Tanya." I said getting up and putting my own helmet on. "We're putting a lot at stake in this sort of situation."

"Of course we are, but there's a good chance that the Jedi will be doing something as well. If we run into them, that means we can ally with them quickly and increase our chances of survival. With enough chaos that will hopefully draw the others of our party to the coliseum and we'll just get the hell out. Perhaps even the aid we're trying to bring in will arrive before then as well."

"So we're basically hoping for enough chaos that the droids would be too busy to have the attention to prevent our escape."

"If you want to put it in those words, yes. I would rather say we're making enough chaos that we can escape."

Letting out a deep breath, I wanted to bring up some way of saying that this was a bad idea. But, well, the fact of the matter was it could work and knowing Tanya she seems to have the ability to pull it off, I will just have to trust her luck. "Alright Tanya, I know better than to argue with you once you've made up your mind. Let's do this."

Geonosis, Underground Network
Kor Kastel

Strangling a being is not exactly easy. There's a lot of muscles in the way of closing a person's air hole at play. Of course they would also fight you for every last breath they could get in, not wanting to fall unconscious and be left at your mercy.

Thankfully, Geonotians don't follow that rule well. I mean they were trying to fight back and prevent me from choking them out, but they didn't have a lot of muscles around the throat area. In fact it was just enough that… with a sickening crunch I crushed its windpipe and the creature slowly asphyxiated until it went limp on the ground dead with its tongue laying loose from its mouth. Its wings flickered up and down as if it was trying to fly away even in death. Shaking my head I said, "Oops." which got me a look from Struc as if he didn't believe me. He rolled his eyes as the one he'd been strangling fell over unconscious.

"That could have gone better." He said, shaking his head as he stepped over the body into this command and control center we found. It looks like this was the center where they controlled most of the factories in this region. Going by the information displayed in Basic, they were producing a lot of droids. I don't even think there were that many droids inside the entire Mandalore sector. How are the numbers correct? There might even be more droids here than there were civilians on Coruscant.

"That is a massive army." Captain Struc commented, as he shook his head while looking over the screams in front of him. He then leaned over and started to attach a cord of his vambrace to the console.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I kept an eye on the hallway that led us here, making sure no one was following us or would catch us by surprise.

"We can run around this planet all we want, but sooner or later we're going to need to try and find the others. If I get access to these computers we'd have a general idea of all the goings on on this planet. I might not be a very good slicer, but Mok wrote a very easy to use slicing program that does most of the work for me. Now my vambrace should get updates about any troublemakers who are on the planet, troublemakers like Ordo and Tanya."

"What about Morson and Mok?" I asked.

I looked over at him only to get a shake of his head in response. "Morson's not an idiot. I don't think she'd get herself in trouble. Mok could fuck it up, but it's more likely they're not going to be doing the exact thing I'm doing, only better. In fact, there's a better chance of me fucking this up and starting an alarm than anything going wrong with Mok."

He said with a shrug as he pressed a few buttons and said, "Program's finished." As he disconnected his vambrace, he continued, "Now let's get back out of here." Nodding in agreement, we quickly left the small security office and started to make our way deeper into the facility trying to find somewhere that wasn't exactly that well patrolled.

Thank the Manda that droids were absolutely stupid. Since several patrols had passed us and all we had to do was pop into a room as soon as we heard the clanking of their heels on the ground.

We played this game of cat and mouse with the droids, with them occasionally walking past our hiding places for a good thirty minutes before we found a supply closet to hide in. I figured we were probably as deep into the facility as we could go, not too far away from some of the main production areas, but an area that doesn't appear to be patrolled as much. Makes sense that the deeper into the facility you are, the less likely you are to run into a patrol. After all, if they believe that they would catch you in the outer layers, they wouldn't look as closely at the inner layers.

Taking a seat by a box of robotic factory arms, most likely as replacements when one of the assembly line arms broke, I asked to pass the time, "So, was this what you were expecting when you signed up to be a guard for a New Mando Princess? Cuz I'll be honest, none of this was what I ever expected I would be doing."

The Captain was standing by the door with a B1 droid head in his hands. He was examining it as he looked over it. "Same, I did not expect any of this to happen. I was quite sure that it would be a rather peaceful posting till I retired. Finding out that my charge is a revolutionary was a surprise. But I should have expected it since she was trained by Bo Katan, a known follower of the Old Ways."

"Ah, now I see where she got her Old Mando way of thinking from. At least I didn't get left behind with Vai and Tabi again." I said while shaking my head. "Felt like I kind of lost out on all the fighting last time."

The Captain shook his head before he took a seat on another crate across from me. "Thing is, we didn't actually get that much fighting last time. I mean we fought, but most of the city was already against Gerr by that point. We just directed the revolt in the right direction."

"Still better than watching the couple go clothes shopping, you have not known absolute boredom until you watch a man and his girlfriend model clothing for each other for hours on end."

Captain chuckled at that comment while nodding his head in agreement, "Believe me, I know the feeling. Had to watch over my sister's kids for a few weeks, and my niece usually spends her time with her friends at the mall. Being the only adult to a group of teenage girls at the mall is a tiring and thankless job. Anyway, I'm kind of glad that Tanya sent them away to Gargon. With any luck they won't get involved in this situation by being Tanya's alter ego. But if they do, it'll at least it's the alter ego and not her identity."

I nodded at that before adding, "Yeah, I'm surprised she didn't decide that this whole assassin problem is her alter ego's problem and go posing as Silver again to solve it."

He shrugged before saying, "I think it just got a little bit personal for her. The senator is her friend and someone attacking her friend might have been one of those things that's unforgivable. As well as the fact that Silver had no reason to personally care for Amidala, so showing up as Tanya is a reasonable decision. There's the whole fact that last time someone assaulted the identity of White Silver she needed to respond as White Silver herself in that situation."

"So because it affects one identity she only deals with it in that identity. Okay, that makes sense. It means we'll never see White Silver handling issues for Tanya, right?"

Captain Struc shrugged before saying, "No idea, I would like to think so. She obviously uses her money as Tanya to finance White Silver's gear and she's obviously made profit as White Silver for Tanya, so it's very likely that those two are intermingled to some extent. It's just a matter of if she'll decide to intermingle more than just finances."

"Wonderful, I can't wait to lead a crusade at Anteevy." I said with annoyance, shaking my head.

"Why's that?" The captain asked.

"The planet those droids came from on Tatooine. Apparently they were there to assassinate or arrest her and Tanya gave the impression that she really did not like that. I wouldn't be surprised if White Silver would find herself not liking that soon too."

"Hmm, that's probably the best route to handle them when you think about it. Anteevy does not play nice with the rest of the Mandalorian sector so the Royal Guard can't go in there and deal with them. But if mercenaries under the aegis of White Silver started to cause trouble for those ice-worlders, that would handle that problem I would say."

"Oh boy, that's going to be a hell of a fight when that happens." I said with an amused smile while leaning back and thinking of the possibility of leading some men to battle.

Before I could raise any other thoughts, Struc stopped me by raising his hand and raised his vambrace closer to his eyes to read something before sighing, "That's just great, according to this Tanya and Ordo have been captured."

I blinked a couple of times and then swore. "Any idea where they're taking them?" I asked starting to get up.

"From what I'm reading they've been judged criminals of the state and are going to be executed along with the criminal Obi-Wan Kenobi tomorrow. Wonderful." he said sarcastically while shaking his head. Getting up, he grabbed his own staff, "Looks like we're going to have to rescue them."

"Looks like." I said, shaking my head.

Geonosis, Prison Ward
Khae Morson

"Hey, watch it." I said as I was shoved through the steel door into a cell next to Mok's.

"No one cares about your opinions, Princess." Came the voice of the former leader of the Trade Federation, who stepped in front of the cell I had just been shoved into.

"You have been judged a criminal and a spy, Princess of Mandalore. As a result, you and your friend there will be executed with the other spy, Obi-Wan Kenobi, tomorrow. Enjoy your last few pitiful hours Republic scum, for tomorrow we will see just how good of a fighter you Mandalorians really are. I doubt you'll even survive ten minutes against the beasts of the coliseum." Nute Gunray laughed as he walked away, leaving me alone with Mok as he did.

I waited till I heard the automatic doors close before saying, "Can he not tell the difference between brown and green armor? You think he's colorblind?"

Mok looked up from where he was attempting to investigate the wall panels, most likely trying to find some way to get out and said, "I would guess so, since he thinks you're Tanya. It is funny though. It is your job to impersonate her, so congratulations."

I roll my eyes, "Mission accomplished then."

We had screwed up, our resident genius here had made the idea that we'd go into the tunnels and see if we could find our way into a factory and hack the droid brains to see if we couldn't get ourselves more help or at the very least sabotage the factory so that we have less droids to deal with. That had gone over as badly as one would expect, I mean he managed to get a couple droids online and fighting with us before we had basically been overwhelmed under a wall of new droids with shields that mowed down whatever droid that we managed to reprogram because we couldn't exactly pierce their shields. So we basically were pinned behind cover until they stopped firing and demanded our surrender. From there they'd stripped us of our guns but left us in our armor and shoved us into a transport.

From there we've been transferred to this coliseum building and had to deal with Nute Gunray gloating about our capture for the last half hour. He was just so smug about catching Tanya that I just couldn't bother to even correct him. Well that and it was again my job to pose as Tanya. I didn't expect them to not be able to tell the difference between brown and green armor, but hey a victory is a victory. I wouldn't put it past him to think that all humans looked alike.

Sitting down at the back of the cell I asked, "So what's our plan now?"

He replied, "I'm working on it." before he continued to work on whatever it is he's doing, leaving me alone in my thoughts.

"Well, I would assume the plan is to escape." A voice from the cell next to mine called out. I pressed my face against the bars and I could just barely see into the next cell. I managed to get a glimpse inside the next cell and noticed their prison arrangements were a bit more spacious. More importantly, the cell was blocked by a red shield and occupied. Inside is one Jedi Knight we had just seen not four hours ago, looking rather annoyed as he's floating around continuously in a circle at a slow rate.

"Kenobi?" I asked.

Getting a smile from him as he turned to me saying, "Yes, that would be me. I assume that you're part of Tanya's party?"

"Yeah, that would be us." I responded, looking around the hallway to make sure that there were no guards listening in. If they thought I was Tanya, it was probably better for Tanya that it stays that way. It would mean that they wouldn't go looking for her anymore. So I thought I better keep an eye open and make sure that no one overheard our conversation. "Do you have any ideas for how to escape this situation, Jedi?" I asked while looking around.

"Well, the easiest way would be to somehow disable this ray shield. Without it we could break out of here rather easily. We'd still have to fight our way out, but it is possible. Unfortunately, I can't exactly reach the shield controls and something tells me you can't either."

I looked at our slicer who responded with a hum before saying, "I could probably cut my door open with my plasma torch, but it'd take a few minutes and it isn't exactly subtle. If there is a panel that I can slice into, I'd probably be able to unlock the bars. But there isn't any way for me to access the controls from here. So I can't do that either."

"Well that's unfortunate. I guess we'll have to go with plan B."

"What's plan B?" I asked.

"I'll let you know when I have plan B. It'll most likely require us to break out when they take us to the coliseum. Hopefully we'll have help coming or assume the others that are with Tanya are still on the loose."

"They are."

"Then we are not without hope. That and I trust in the Force that something will come to give us a way out of this situation. We just need to wait long enough for help to appear."

I blinked before saying, "I guess we have to trust your wizardry and Tanya then, Jedi. Personally, I would prefer to have some sort of blaster and just break our way out of here."

"I know you Mandalorians prefer your blasters. Sometimes you need to be patient for more civilized weapons to make their move."

"Hmm, alright." I said before taking a seat again under the window and asked, "So, does anyone know any games? We are kind of just stuck here, might as well try and kill time until tomorrow."

I heard Obi-Wan chuckle before saying, "Well I guess we could play 'I spy' but I think mine would be rather boring considering I can only view everything around me in a circle."

Mok shook his head before saying, "I got a chess board hologram on my vambrace, give me a minute."

Writers note: Well, White Silver is on the move, I wonder who's wearing that helmet? Either way, war is coming to the red planet in the shape of a ticked off Mando and perhaps some other factions are making their move, a more Republic based faction. See ya all next time.

Edited by: elohir locke, Guardsman Pius, fallqm, Adam Daw, Afforess, Warmach1ne32, Aemon
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Community editable doc (Chapter) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Xodarap4, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Neso, Lmc9389, Staradder, KrasieK, Zollus, Jog256, Ethan Dowie, Maxim Blashkevych, The GrandMage, loyalChaos, Daryl, FreelancerD0, Zul The Lich, Flynn Pirola-Henderson, Retexks, John Norman, Sacha Lechelon, Ian R Major, Dale, Darth Vendar, BigKumaDM, Taylor Tilbury, Treant Balewood, Aske Helsted, James Williams, Sam, Brandon Goodman, BarrettSlayer, Guillermo Echeverria, CookieSide, D3ad0s, Pulse Rager, Daniel Quigley, Lago, CB-Otaku, Shurukkah, Adam Daw, Michał Kotuła, Louis Kasser, Arkhad, Tree Man
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Everyone just assumes that Anakin is the hothead in their relationship, but he is actually the voice of restraint that desperately tries and fails to hold back his feral girlfriend.

For real though, a little hard to stomach Padme in this chapter. Being told all the reasons that her plan was fucking stupid doesn't seem to matter.

And unless it's a misdirect, Yoda can feel Tanya stumbling in the background of the plot with the grace of an elephant, whose footsteps change the environment no matter how delicately she tries to step.