If you're still willing to accept new players, I would be interested in joining. Just in case, I'll make my claims now...

Claim 1: Russia, with the previous player vacating the spot this is the most important nation that is available at the moment. I would assume that all the actions that they did would carry over to a new player, so I checked over what they had been up to on turn 1 and it leaves them in an interesting position. They did not manage any great victories, but nor did they suffer any great defeats. The current state of the conflict could be very beneficial for Russian interests.

Claim 2: Bavaria, honestly while Russia would be cool, I'm an inexperienced player and it kind of intimidates me. Bavaria would probably be easier for me to manage and is in a pretty good position. It would need some work done to recover from some of the problems that came from the Thirty Year War, but it is something that can be done with some effort. Also, it has Dwarves, which are pretty much one of my favorite fantasy creatures. Also beer.

Claim 3: Kongo, it might be pretty cool to play as an African nation. I'm not overly familiar with the situation here, but it shouldn't be too difficult to do some research.

I would be a pretty new player to these sorts of games, so I would likely require some clarification at points.
If you're still willing to accept new players, I would be interested in joining. Just in case, I'll make my claims now...

Claim 1: Russia, with the previous player vacating the spot this is the most important nation that is available at the moment. I would assume that all the actions that they did would carry over to a new player, so I checked over what they had been up to on turn 1 and it leaves them in an interesting position. They did not manage any great victories, but nor did they suffer any great defeats. The current state of the conflict could be very beneficial for Russian interests.

Claim 2: Bavaria, honestly while Russia would be cool, I'm an inexperienced player and it kind of intimidates me. Bavaria would probably be easier for me to manage and is in a pretty good position. It would need some work done to recover from some of the problems that came from the Thirty Year War, but it is something that can be done with some effort. Also, it has Dwarves, which are pretty much one of my favorite fantasy creatures. Also beer.

Claim 3: Kongo, it might be pretty cool to play as an African nation. I'm not overly familiar with the situation here, but it shouldn't be too difficult to do some research.

I would be a pretty new player to these sorts of games, so I would likely require some clarification at points.
Seeing as you are rather new, I'd rather give you Bavaria. That, and we need some more Germans.
So if anyone needs Tuscany from the 13-18th of January, they won't be able to as I will be on vacation and unable to access internet.
Well, I am honestly amazed things went as well as they did for me.

Sure we got Anti-Nymph conservatives, and Obelisks coated in human blood (I hope it was voluntary and priests were not upset by it) and the Nymphs are still having way too many affairs but its a start.

If I got any treasury left due to the mobs killing them. Unfortunately, I will be thinking of a response/solution to these problems. During the vacation.
Genoa, light losses, Lose mercenary army.
What are these losses referring to? I assume the lost mercenary army refers to the Armata de Genoa being contracted out as mercenaries, but "lost" implies gone and "light losses" implies only wounded. I'm assuming this means that the "Consummate Mercenaries" trait kicked in and they deserted, (so they took light losses, then were lost as active mercenaries) but I'd like to confirm. And if they did desert, did they desert the Venetian war to return to my retainer or just quit entirely?
I uh.... thought you had navies there too. Light naval losses, and the mercenaries left.
Okay. If you have something that HASN'T been finished, assume it worked out. I'll backdate anything else needing done, but I'm rolling the turn. Hopefully future ones will go faster.
I uh.... thought you had navies there too. Light naval losses, and the mercenaries left.
Nope. Venice got the Armata de Genoa as mercenaries, but that's all they hired. The navy should've been staying back home.
1. Condottieri: The Armata de Genoa is contracted out to assist the Venetians in their war against the Turks for [2 TP].

When you say the mercs left, did they leave Venice or leave me?
Alright, the new year begins. I might as well actually roll for my economy now, then. Current rating is 4...

Alright it drops to 3, which is still at the stagnant level and I'll just assume it's the result of all those pirate attacks and the war in the north.
Maugan Ra threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: English Economy Total: 3
3 3
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Gonna roll for Econ and having more kids. Econ first. Econ is at 4, so need 5 or more to improve.

Welp, Econ Status 5. Clearly I am doing good work. No child though.
IcePickLobotomy threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Econ Total: 5
5 5
IcePickLobotomy threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Conception Total: 17
17 17
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France loses 1 army.
Venice, light casualties all units
Ottomans, Moderate fleet losses, heavy Ordular losses, lose 1 fleet
Genoa, light losses, Lose mercenary army.
Papal Army lost.
Crete, Venetian balkan islands seized by Ottomans
Aegean armies, Montenegro and Croatia seized by Venice
Ottoman fleets have broken free into the med.
Well that could've gone worse, to quote myself from NSS.
Mahal said:
These are certainly sustainable losses for me
I mean, Venice is going to run out of land before I do.