5) As a divine being, all worldly laws are less effective. (+5 to all rolls.)
Does that only apply to the FIRST roll, or does it apply to explosions as well?

Also, our first-roll bonuses with mentor help
Martial : 57
Diplomacy : 10
Stewardship : 11
Intrigue : 15
Learning : 18 + 15 if Muggle Stuff
Piety : 57
+30 to all searching, identifying, and enchantment rolls.
+10 to all potions related rolls.
+5 when Transcended.

Edit : How far away could people sense our aura, if we just went full blast?
I'm sure you guys have a good idea what each one of them does. But re-naming spells is something that can be done anytime. So if the name chosen right now seems lacklustre, a re-naming vote can be cast anytime, and if consensus is reached, the name shall be changed accordingly.
It's unclear what Void would do. The others are clearer.
If we ever go to get a wand, we're going to burn out every one they have us try.
We will likely need a six-foot-long staff just to avoid instant burnout, yes.
I don't know, Ollivander has a knack for having the right wand. We're probably going to get some super-special one.
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Does that only apply to the FIRST roll, or does it apply to explosions as well?

Edit : How far away could people sense our aura, if we just went full blast?

Only first roll. Even the divine have their limits.

If you go Transcended, and amp up to maximum, then you would be "visible" to an entire city. People specialised in searching and identifying could probably sense you from much further away. The exact distance depends on the person's skills and abilities.
[X] Empower himself telekinetically to exceed bodily limitations.
[X] Force Ascension

Physical prowess is enough of a novelty in the HP world that it'll make the quest very interesting. Also i want chad Snape to flex on his classmates.
Also i want chad Snape to flex on his classmates.
I'm pretty sure we can already. Except maybe on James, who has probably eaten 3 golden apples (he always has to show us up)
Physically, he grew once more. He was tall for a ten-year-old, and now he was a veritable giant, and could easily pass for someone two to three years his senior. His endodermis was smoother, softer, and stupendously stronger. His muscles were firmer, toner, and massively more powerful. His bones were denser, harder, and carried immense potency. His organ systems were extremely synchronised and made him feel livelier than ever as if his lifespan had multiplied serval times over.

He was capable of moving automobiles, lifting furniture, running faster than world record timings, and even abstain from eating, drinking, and sleeping for weeks.

Mentally, it was a whole another level. He could see ultraviolet, and infrared, hear several buildings away, and sense vibrations more easily. His sense of equilibrium was tremendously higher, making him have almost absolute flexibility and coordination. His thoughts processed faster, he was capable of parallel processing and even seemingly possessed eidetic memory. It showed outwardly as well.
[X] Merge your mind with the void.

I'm assuming this is some sort of higher level occlumency or mind protection, which I'm all for.