So we're not just Doctor Strange now, we're also en route to become a Reed Richards/Bruce Banner clone eh?
The Sorcerer Supreme
The Sorcerer Supreme

Magic was a life long pursuit. Sometimes it displayed order, while it could easily unravel into chaos at a whim. Untameable, but malleable, unrestricted, but contained by imagination; progressing through the various philosophical implications and practical applications were Severus' favourite part of training with his ancestor.

"Controlling magic is far different from mastering it," Ptolemy explained gently, in his characteristic ways, "and no one in the world can claim to have done such a paradoxical thing."

"But while perfection has never been achieved, many have approached it. And a very special few," Ptolemy's gaze shifted towards the horizon, "have managed to take a single step into the realm."

Severus focused on the explanation, but he could not help but wonder what heights such beings could have ascended to. His own ancestor was a legendary existence, but to see him so forlorn, and even kind of desperate was both humbling and eye-opening. Even Antares, the most powerful being Severus had seen, supposedly pales in comparison to these individuals. At least, according to Ptolemy, he does. But neither knew about his limitations...
With renewed vigour and a newfound appreciation, Severus began training. Hard.

After the second apple, Severus had yet to experience strain. But Ptolemy managed to make him wish year for breaks. Using forgotten knowledge and several recondite arrays, Ptolemy used various hidden functions installed in the ring to create a training ground.

The exercises were simple in theory; Severus would attempt to literally find his soul, and try and control it and imbue it while casting. As the home of magic itself, controlling the soul would provide several benefits. As an upcoming Archon, Severus had no trouble finding his soul, but controlling it proved to be difficult. But like all obstacles that had previously blocked his path, they soon after became obsolete and meaningless. Or so Severus had thought.

The azure wisp that was his soul eventually conceded to his willpower, but little did he know that he had somehow managed to fuse it with the golden strand nearby.

The stellar outlines on his hand frantically ignited, immolating into a raging golden brilliance which significantly expanded and remolded itself into a bigger shape. It undulated with a heavenly potency and shined like the Morningstar. When the metamorphosis finished, Severus found himself feeling a lot different. There was something in him, something not entirely him. Something much more than himself, and possibly even magic.

"It seems you have done it, after all." Ptolemy's comforting voice echoed. "Congratulations on an early ascension. I have a feeling you might have beaten the previous record. At least, as far as I know..."

Yup, there were several questions to be answered. But that something else, it seemed to let Severus ->

Pick 1

[] Vaguely glimpse at Ptolemy's surface thoughts.
[] Merge your mind with the void.
[] Try and control Ptolemy.
[] Discharge a beam of psionic radiation.
[] Empower himself telekinetically to exceed bodily limitations.

What did Severus call this new ability?

[] Write-in.

+4 Piety

Trait confirmation roll -> Roll(1d100)+0:

Trait Nascent Divinity -> Psionic Divinity

Psionic Divinity ->
Your spark of True Divinity has finally attained its identity. Having been fostered under the power of Force, it has certainly made you the Chosen One.

1) Gain the intrinsic attribute of "Psionic Divinity".
2) You are officially more inhuman than human. (+1 to all stats.)
3) You can cast Divine Magic, and Psionic Magic (Unique).
  • Force Crush (Stage 3): Allows Severus to use telekinesis, and also concentrate that power to impose a telekinetic implosion on the chosen target. Immensely powerful, and incredulously draining, the spell also creates a golden radiance around the user, lighting up their left hand's runic symbols and both irises.
4) Automatically raises the levels of all Psionic Magic by a single stage.
5) As a divine being, all worldly laws are less effective. (+5 to all rolls.)
6) Anybody with a respective stat beneath your own will automatically fail their respective rolls against you.

A/N -> A big reward for a big roll. Just to clarify, the last effect of the trait basically lets you auto pass in certain situations. For example, if you were to get into a conflict with someone with 14 martial, you will have an auto pass. If you were to have diplomacy checks with someone with a 4 in their stat, the dice roll will not even occur. Same for the other stats. So effectively, there is no way for a weaker scrub to beat you if you are unlucky. Unless they too are divine or have some special traits. Also, you have free telekinesis now. The chosen power will be added as the second Psionic Spell, and then added into the character sheet, once consensus has been reached. So vote away, while I try balancing some more stuff in the background...
Also yeah, vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Divine Oblivion on Mar 12, 2020 at 8:47 AM, finished with 45 posts and 21 votes.
[X] Vaguely glimpse at Ptolemy's surface thoughts.
[X] Mind Surfing.

I reckon we get telepathy or a version of it, this time.
We already have TK.
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[X] Empower himself telekinetically to exceed bodily limitations

We should double down on our physical prowess, become the physical juggernaut of the wizarding world.
Also, I would like to have the ability to read surface thoughts when we deal with the cultist next interlude.

[X] Merge your mind with the void
[X] Primordial Conundrum
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My lore may be off, but I thought if we learn legilimancy that we could read people's minds.

Edit: Also, with our Archon ability we can merge with magic. Imagine merging with both magic and the void at the same time...
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[X] Merge your mind with the void.

@Divine Oblivion Can we wait on naming these, till AFTER we find out what they do?

My lore may be off, but I thought if we learn legilimancy that we could read people's minds.

Edit: Also, with our Archon ability we can merge with magic. Imagine merging with both magic and the void at the same time...
Legilimancy is a spell, while this appears to be a more innate ability.
[X] Merge your mind with the void
[X] Primordial Conundrum

"There is nothing in the void, and yet we are in the void. This contradictory truth and more will be explored further as we grow more enlightened!"
[X] Merge your mind with the void.

Could possibly make us much harder to mind control, which seems to be our main concern in terms of weaknesses.