[X] We don't have much to offer right now in exchange, but we'll owe him a favor, any task he desires that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible we'll perform to the best of our ability.
[X] Leave and never come back.

We've already eaten the fruit, and I think we should take a moment to think and reject a second. If we want power then we must work for it like anyone else.
[X] We don't have much to offer right now in exchange, but we'll owe him a favor, any task he desires that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible we'll perform to the best of our ability
Here's hoping the dice continue to favor us. Also, what is your Omake Policy?
Never expected them to be honest. But if anyone wants to write them, then go ahead! I'll add it to the mechanics section if anyone's interested.

<250 word -> +1D2 to a roll.
250<>500 -> +1D5 to a roll.
500<>1000 -> +1D10 to a roll.
1000+ -> Interludes/+1D15 to a roll.

If it gets out of hand, I'll hash out some more rules, I guess.
Never expected them to be honest. But if anyone wants to write them, then go ahead! I'll add it to the mechanics section if anyone's interested.

<250 word -> +1D2 to a roll.
250<>500 -> +1D5 to a roll.
500<>1000 -> +1D10 to a roll.
1000+ -> Interludes/+1D15 to a roll.

If it gets out of hand, I'll hash out some more rules, I guess.
This is a big thing, and it'd be nice to get some extra bonuses to this roll. And this is a fun enough quest that I got some ideas rolling around in my head. I'll see what I can type out, hopefully I'll get something done before the update.

As for "get out of hand", honestly the best mechanism I've seen to prevent abuse, is just to have some minimum quality standard. If it's obvious that someone is just cranking it out for the points, without putting in much effort, then it's a no-go.
[x] "Get the fuck out of the way or one day I will come back and subject you to more torment than every living being has ever experienced. And I will do it again and again until even creation cries for your miserable existence."
What has me worried is the possibility that eating a second fruit will kill you anyway regardless of any success in convincing the dragon (that already considers you greedy) of allowing you another. So what are the odds that you can convince/persuade the Dragon to train, or impart knowledge unto, you instead in exchange for giving up on ever getting another apple or until the Dragon itself deems you worthy of another. After all you've shown greed why not try to show some wisdom too, especially since we have so little to give/sacrifice in in the first place and don't have any clue as to what the dragon would be interested in (most dragons I've heard of like to hoard treasure, but beside the ring we have none to give unless we are secretly already Head/Lord of House Prince and our grandparents have recently died without knowing we stand to inherit everything they may have had. Also, considering the Dragon may consider the apples it's treasure and it may well prove impossible to convince it to allow you a second anyway).

[x] Convince/persuade (the Generous) Dragon that training a human/Arcanist may prove to be an interesting/entertaining past time and could further/better prepare him for whatever end goals the being that blessed him in the first place wanted him to achieve. After all, considering how nigh on impossible it was to locate this place on accident the first time, how soon after he furthered/improved on the benefits of the first fruit (eternally infinite to divine in a year) , how much more difficult and unlikely to repeat the feat for a second time on purpose then surely Severus has proven himself capable/worthy/interesting enough to warrant some training. This would of course be contingent on Severus giving up the possibility of ever having another apple without the Dragon's blessing.

If this is not possible then I suppose leaving is better than nothing since the only thing we have that a Dragon may prove interested in is if we sacrifice our magic in it's entirety or our nascent Divinity (which evolved from the trait the first fruit gave us in the first place). Unless giving up our Divinity is an option that only regresses us back to the prior Eternally Infinite trait in which case that may be worth sacrificing.
What has me worried is the possibility that eating a second fruit will kill you anyway regardless of any success in convincing the dragon (that already considers you greedy) of allowing you another.
That feels like a dick move on the QM's part, something I don't think they'd do. "Congrats! You rolled high enough and convinced him! Quest over, you're dead."

If this is not possible then I suppose leaving is better than nothing since the only thing we have that a Dragon may prove interested in is if we sacrifice our magic in it's entirety or our nascent Divinity (which evolved from the trait the first fruit gave us in the first place). Unless giving up our Divinity is an option that only regresses us back to the prior Eternally Infinite trait in which case that may be worth sacrificing.
We could theoretically have him give it to us for absolutely free, if we roll high enough. The more we offer, the lower the DC, but it will all come down to a dice-roll regardless.

I think we are best off offering our future services. We will be Something Great one day, so we can do a lot for him later.
Umm our guy is only nine right now I don't think he is going to be intimidating any dragons

Maybe the dragon would find it amusing enough to allow it. After all most stories show Dragons as being somewhat arrogant and this dragon may appreciate a Human/Arcanist with the backbone to threaten a dragon (may even consider him dragon like if you combine that with the fact it considers him greedy).
That feels like a dick move on the QM's part, something I don't think they'd do. "Congrats! You rolled high enough and convinced him! Quest over, you're dead."

We could theoretically have him give it to us for absolutely free, if we roll high enough. The more we offer, the lower the DC, but it will all come down to a dice-roll regardless.

True we can convince him to give the fruit to us for free, but this seems like a decent opportunity to get training from a being possibly more ancient and knowledgeable than Ptolemy himself and no one said that getting training from the dragon wasn't on the table. All I'm saying is that offering to be the Dragon's student and giving up on the fruit until we have the Dragon's blessing seems like it could benefit us more than relying on luck, a blind sacrifice, or hoping to impress the being.
We could theoretically have him give it to us for absolutely free, if we roll high enough. The more we offer, the lower the DC, but it will all come down to a dice-roll regardless.

I think we are best off offering our future services. We will be Something Great one day, so we can do a lot for him later.

Perhaps offering our future services is possible, but for all we know this could be like the dragon in the Merlin tv series who wants to be free from it's prison in order to destroy Uther's kingdom (ie it wants out of this odd dimension and may possibly bring harm once it does) or it could want for nothing. Also becoming this Dragon's student could lead to all sorts of neat things if we impress it enough (ie a trait of Loved by Dragons or Allied to Dragons does not seem out of the realms of possibility). I would also like to point out that becoming the Dragon's student does not necessarily mean that we can't offer our future services as well (after all wouldn't the dragon prefer to know just how capable the being offering its services is rather than risk how incapable he may be).
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True we can convince him to give the fruit to us for free, but this seems like a decent opportunity to get training from a being possibly more ancient and knowledgeable than Ptolemy himself and no one said that getting training from the dragon wasn't on the table. All I'm saying is that offering to be the Dragon's student and giving up on the fruit until we have the Dragon's blessing seems like it could benefit us more than relying on luck, a blind sacrifice, or hoping to impress the being.
I actually feel like it'd be HARDER to become the dragons student than getting the apple. One has him just forking over one apple, the other has him spending A LOT of time and energy on us.

We are far from bereft of ancient and powerful beings to be our teacher. I think we're by far best off boosting our power by eating the apple, so that we can learn better and faster from our other masters. Worst come to worst, we can come here AGAIN at a later date, once we've surpassed all other teachers.
Perhaps offering our future services is possible, but for all we know this could be like the dragon in the Merlin tv series who wants to be free from it's prison in order to destroy Uther's kingdom (ie it wants out of this odd dimension and may possibly bring harm once it does) or it could want for nothing
The clause preventing us from having to perform something morally reprehensible will save us from being forced to kill people, and if it wants for nothing then we by definition have nothing to offer
The clause preventing us from having to perform something morally reprehensible will save us from being forced to kill people, and if it wants for nothing then we by definition have nothing to offer

As far as I'm concerned the Dragon is in charge here and the fact that we follow an offer of our services in exchange for the magic fruit of incredible power by immediately placing a clause that limits what the dragon can ask of us seems far too likely to fail. The magic Fruit is by and large the kind of gift that most would think is priceless as such any service we might exchange should reflect that (ie if he asks you to go against your morals then you do it or suffer the consequences). Also if it wants for nothing and we chose not to leave it may well be all the permission it needs to eat us. You forget the Dragon only offered us two choices in regards to the magic fruit.

"I am a generous spirit and considering your peerless fortune, I'll provide you with two options."

[] Leave and never come back.
[] Write-In. (How do you wanna go about convincing the dragon to give it to you? Keep in mind the dragon can reject any ridiculous propositions.)

Assuming that the write in is you automatically choose not to leave nothing says that the Dragon won't kill or hurt you if whatever you offer is rejected or that it will be impossible to return if you screw up badly enough. Sure I'll admit that if the Dragon lets you leave if the offer is rejected then it may well be possible to return without making it more difficult since my understanding is that choosing to leave results in making it more difficult if you go back on your word and try to come back but having the write in rejected may mean that if you do come back that it won't be more difficult if you try for it again (ie we know that if we leave the DC will be higher/harder if we come back what we don't know is what happens if the write in fails). But as stated these 2 options are specifically in relation to the fruit the fact that becoming the dragons student is, as far as I'm aware, the unseen third choice that isn't at all related to the fruit unless you choose to tie the fruit in (ie make me you're student and in exchange I'll only ever eat a second, and possibly third. fruit with your blessing or give it up entirely). After all this could be some kind of odd test (ie the Fruit signifies an easy path to power but nothing else and shows how greedy, and therefore undeserving, for power you are while the dragon signifies knowledge and your willingness to put in work and effort for power rather than just blindly grab for it).

We are far from bereft of ancient and powerful beings to be our teacher. I think we're by far best off boosting our power by eating the apple, so that we can learn better and faster from our other masters. Worst come to worst, we can come here AGAIN at a later date, once we've surpassed all other teachers.

Also we only have exactly one (maybe not bereft but also not a plethora of options to chose from) Ancient being as a teacher and while Ptolemy is both ancient and knowledgeable he also may be incredibly limited in his knowledge in comparison to the magnificent being before us. Hey do you think asking Ptolemy for help in this situation is possible? Maybe he even knows this Dragon somehow and could give us a hint as to what we can offer? And while you're not wrong about taking on a student will involve spending time and energy on Severus the fact is it's a DRAGON/spirit inside a virtually inaccessible dimension that has (to my knowledge nothing else or better to do). It is also telepathic and it may be possible for it to teach Severus even if he is not physically present so it's not exactly the chore you make it out to be.
As far as I'm concerned the Dragon is in charge here and the fact that we follow an offer of our services in exchange for the magic fruit of incredible power by immediately placing a clause that limits what the dragon can ask of us seems far too likely to fail. The magic Fruit is by and large the kind of gift that most would think is priceless as such any service we might exchange should reflect that (ie if he asks you to go against your morals then you do it or suffer the consequences).
Thing is, our services would be priceless, even with that claus. A limitation of our services is reasonable, and only cuts off a VERY slim section of tasks which he could provide us.
Also if it wants for nothing and we chose not to leave it may well be all the permission it needs to eat us. You forget the Dragon only offered us two choices in regards to the magic fruit.
That would be basically the same as having the apple kill us. An instant game-over with no warning is just REALLY bad form quest wise,
Assuming that the write in is you automatically choose not to leave nothing says that the Dragon won't kill or hurt you if whatever you offer is rejected or that it will be impossible to return if you screw up badly enough. Sure I'll admit that if the Dragon lets you leave if the offer is rejected then it may well be possible to return without making it more difficult since my understanding is that choosing to leave results in making it more difficult if you go back on your word and try to come back but having the write in rejected may mean that if you do come back that it won't be more difficult if you try for it again (ie we know that if we leave the DC will be higher/harder if we come back what we don't know is what happens if the write in fails). But as stated these 2 options are specifically in relation to the fruit the fact that becoming the dragons student is, as far as I'm aware, the unseen third choice that isn't at all related to the fruit unless you choose to tie the fruit in (ie make me you're student and in exchange I'll only ever eat a second, and possibly third. fruit with your blessing or give it up entirely). After all this could be some kind of odd test (ie the Fruit signifies an easy path to power but nothing else and shows how greedy, and therefore undeserving, for power you are while the dragon signifies knowledge and your willingness to put in work and effort for power rather than just blindly grab for it).
Alternatively, the dragon would take offense at refusing the two options he set forth, and trying to go for a third. A third I do not find at all worth-while.
Also we only have exactly one (maybe not bereft but also not a plethora of options to chose from) Ancient being as a teacher
We'll almost certainly gain Dumbledore. We can probably gain Voldemort or Grindelwald if we felt like it. That's 3 more Best Of The Best wizards for us to get to teach us. And given our absurd luck, I would be far from surprised if we found one of the Peveral Brothers, or Merlin, or something.
Ancient being as a teacher and while Ptolemy is both ancient and knowledgeable he also may be incredibly limited in his knowledge in comparison to the magnificent being before us
While that might be true, it will take A WHILE before we exhaust the stores of knowledge Ptolemy has to teach (you know, assuming we don't Insane Crit our way through everything. And in the decade or two later once we have, we can then return and make a much better deal with The Dragon.
We found it by being dazed in a condition I can only equate to being drug-addled.
Yeah, we might have took some conceptual-drugs while doing said work, but that doesn't mean it wasn't work.

There was effort there, you can't deny that, it wasn't JUST cosmic chance. We did with a smidgen of effort what other people fail to do with a lot of effort, there is no shame in reaping our reward just because we were lucky.
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[X] Leave and never come back.

Fucking King Ghidorah is telling us we're too greedy and to get the fuck out. Nope, I'm done here.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Trondason on Feb 7, 2020 at 7:35 PM, finished with 33 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] We don't have much to offer right now in exchange, but we'll owe him a favor, any task he desires that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible we'll perform to the best of our ability.
    [X] Leave and never come back.
    [X] What will it take for you to be willing to relinquish one of the apples. I doubt Money would appease you as they are near priceless, but could I instead offer my services in exchange for another one.
    [X] Write-In. Within my veins runs the ancient bloodline of Ptolemy. I offer some of my blood for the apple
    [X] I will assist you in tending to this blessed tree.
    [x] "Get the fuck out of the way or one day I will come back and subject you to more torment than every living being has ever experienced. And I will do it again and again until even creation cries for your miserable existence."
    [x] Convince/persuade (the Generous) Dragon that training a human/Arcanist may prove to be an interesting/entertaining past time and could further/better prepare him for whatever end goals the being that blessed him in the first place wanted him to achieve. After all, considering how nigh on impossible it was to locate this place on accident the first time, how soon after he furthered/improved on the benefits of the first fruit (eternally infinite to divine in a year) , how much more difficult and unlikely to repeat the feat for a second time on purpose then surely Severus has proven himself capable/worthy/interesting enough to warrant some training. This would of course be contingent on Severus giving up the possibility of ever having another apple without the Dragon's blessing.
[X] We don't have much to offer right now in exchange, but we'll owe him a favor, any task he desires that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible we'll perform to the best of our ability.

The vote is a smidgen too close for my liking, best to vote me thinks.
[X] We don't have much to offer right now in exchange, but we'll owe him a favor, any task he desires that is neither suicidal nor utterly morally reprehensible we'll perform to the best of our ability.