My vote:
[x] Ask to explore The Burrow. You didn't know where anything was, where you'd be sleeping, or where to go to the bathroom.
IC Vote:
[x] Stay with Mrs. Weasley. She could probably tell you all about the Weasley family and tell you more about the wizarding world.
[] Find Ginny and introduce yourself. You two are the same age, you'll both be starting Hogwarts soon, and your brothers are currently ignoring you both. You clearly have a lot in common and could be friends.
"Excuse me, er, Mrs. Weasley?" asked Violet.
"Yes dear?" said Mrs. Weasley kindly as the boys started to head out the door to their de-gnoming. Violet had to mentally prevent herself from giving her brother a glance as he left.
"Would it be alright if I er, went to see Ginny?"
Mrs. Weasley's face brightened. "Oh of course, of course. You'll be sleeping in her room, so it's a fine idea to meet her properly first. Tell her though she should really come down soon for breakfast. If she and Percy stay up too much longer they'll miss their chance." She turned and went back to waving her wand at everyone's dishes, making them float around and join the others being washed.
Violet got up and slowly climbed the stairs.
She reached the first floor and walked to the door at the end of the hall, giving it a sharp knock and waiting for a response. Nobody ever knocked out of courtesy on her own bedroom door, and certainly not when she lived in the cupboard under the stairs. Violet thought it was rather important she not barge in like she owned the place.
There wasn't much a wait before the door opened and Violet got her first good look at the girl.
Ginny looked the typical Weasley to Violet's eyes, from her brief exposure to them. Long red hair and a freckled complexion, her hair was brighter than Violet's own. Now that they were standing next to each other, Violet could tell she was slightly shorter than Ginny.
"Hello," said Ginny, looking not at all surprised to see a stranger show up at her door. She thankfully did sound cheerful as she spoke though. "I figured it was you, nobody else would have knocked, and… well, yeah." She finished lamely.
"Can I come in?" asked Violet. "Your mum said I'd be sleeping in your room while I'm here." There was a pause. "My name's Violet. Violet Potter."
"Oh, right," said Ginny, stepping aside to let Violet in. "I'm Ginny Weasley."
Violet nodded, then walked past her into the room.
It was a bit small, the walls painted pink. There were posters on the walls, and Violet had to remind herself that all wizarding pictures and paintings and such moved. Harry told her so, it was one of the first things he mentioned in his letters.
Violet stepped forward and looked out the window. She could see an orchard, but as she moved closer she could see Harry and the Weasley boys running about a small garden close to the window, chasing what looked like large potatoes, picking them up, spinning them around, and tossing them as far as they could. It looked like a lot more fun than the gardening she was used to at the Dursley's.
"Nice room," said Violet, looking at the bed. Ginny closed her door and sat down on the bed, gesturing that Violet could sit down too. She did so.
"Thanks," said Ginny. "It's not much. I'm right below Fred and George, and there's always a lot of noise coming from their room. Bangs and crashes."
"What do they get up to?"
Ginny shrugged. "No clue. Ron thinks they just like the noise. The ghoul in the attic is like that. Starts banging on the pipes if things get too quiet."
A ghoul in the attic? A wide grin split across Violet's face.
"Your house is wonderful," she said. "Much better than where I live."
"Oh?" asked Ginny, scooting a bit closer. "What's it like? Living with Muggles?"
Violet shrugged slightly. "The Muggles me and Harry live with are horrible. My Aunt Petunia is always bossing me about, making me do everything. And I mean everything. I cook all the meals, I work the garden, I clean the house." Violet shrugged again. "The only thing Harry does is cut the grass, because Aunt Petunia says that's a boy's job." Violet heard herself speak with a slight tinge of bitterness at that.
"My Aunt and Uncle don't do much of anything, I think," Violet continued. "And school was pretty bad. My cousin Dudley is spoiled rotten, fat too, like a blond baby whale." Ginny giggled at that. "He likes to beat Harry up, him and his horrible band of friends. Or he used to, before Harry started Hogwarts. He never messed with me though, I don't think even Uncle Vernon would approve of him hitting girls. But Dudley was… not popular really, but influential. He didn't like Harry, so nobody did, and since nobody liked Harry, nobody liked me. It eased up a bit last year. I still got teased, but it wasn't as bad."
Violet thought about talking about her good marks, but was worried the story about Petunia's reaction would be laying it on a bit thick. She supposed her life really had been very bad, but she'd gotten used to it and really just wanted to put it all behind her. "So yeah… it's horrible, but I know that isn't the typical Muggle experience."
Ginny's eyes had widened as she listened.
"That's terrible," she said. "I didn't know. And I thought I had it bad, with so many boys in the house. Mum always wants me in the kitchen to help with the cooking, but not every day. And I was taught here, so I didn't have to worry about teasing or anything. I mean, besides what just comes with having six brothers."
Violet shrugged. She was doing a lot of that. She wanted to change the subject.
What should you talk about now?
[] Hogwarts. You'll both be going soon.
[] Quidditch. You see a poster of a Quidditch player up on the wall, and Harry's written a lot about it.
[] Living in the Wizarding world.
[] Ginny's life.