Potter Quest [HP]

Aww, I wish I had seen the vote earlier. I world have suggested forcing her to come with us when we went to find Snape. That's.... Basically? The same thing as a prefect, just with more escalation.

[X] Just a general warning and threat of future punishment.

We should save the parselmouth thing for when we need it. It might let us get some space, or at least stall, if some uperclassmen try to stat something
We should save the parselmouth thing for when we need it. It might let us get some space, or at least stall, if some uperclassmen try to stat something
I don't think this is really a full reveal, as we're only telling one person, while threatening her.

Since she'll hopefully be terrified, she might not tell others at first. Though, as time passes, she's more likely to. On that note, since she'll be the only one to initially spread that rumor, it will probably be taken as her spreading lies about us because we threatened her for stealing from us. This is likely to make others wary, but not wholly convince them, so we should still have the option to reveal being a parselmouth later on.

I consider this a good method of keeping our house mates guessing, by providing them with an unreliable source that they can't really verify.
Preperations for Revelations
[] Just a warning this time. Next time, an even better hex.
[] A general warning out loud, but then whisper Parseltongue so only she can hear.
[] Go find him right now.

"But obviously," said Violet after a moment. "If you decide to do something like this again, well…." The warning sounded kind of lame to Violet but suddenly she had a stroke of inspiration.

Well, I did think it would be useful, she thought to herself before leaning in close to MacDougal. The girl seemed to want to move back but was frozen, wide eyed as Violet approached.

As quietly as she could, Violet said, "I won't be happy," in Parseltongue. It still wasn't much of a threat, but MacDougal didn't know that. When Violet stood back towards her friends, who were now looking at her oddly, MacDougal was doing her best to imitate a statue, still and extremely pale.

Violet joined her friends and led them outside of their dormitory in the staircase leading back to the common room before stopping.

"Look, I have to go talk to Professor Snape," said Violet. "I'll see you all at breakfast. I'll explain later." Hestia opened her mouth to say something but Violet cut her off. "Tonight, after class."

Without waiting any more Violet bolted out through the common room, out the stone wall, and towards Professor Snape's office, hoping that he was available.

It seemed she was lucky as when she got to his office she found him having just left, in the midst of closing his door behind him.

"Professor Snape," she said, slightly out of breath. Hear head of house looked at her, his brow furrowing.

"What is it Miss Potter?" he asked.

"I found some information on where… it went."

Immediately Professor Snape opened the door to his office again and went back inside, gesturing for her to follow. He waited behind her and closed the door before waving his wand at it, silently locking it and probably making it so they couldn't be overheard.

"What did you learn?" asked Professor Snape. "I presume you did not find it, or else you would have given it to me immediately." In that question was an order. If she did find it, don't waste time talking about it first.

"One of the other girls who sleeps in my dormitory, Morag MacDougal, took it after I was taken to the hospital wing," began Violet. "She says she didn't read it, but yesterday showed it to the second year girls. But one of my… friends, Ada Runcorn, saw her doing this and took the diary back. Ada was missing from dinner last night, and I haven't seen her since."

"Wait here," said Professor Snape, as he quickly opened the door back up and left Violet alone without another word. She heard the click of the office door locking behind Professor Snape, and figuring this was going to take a while sat down in the open chair across Professor Snape's desk.

It did take a while. But Violet figured she couldn't leave even if she wanted to. She wanted to get this problem solved quickly, as the thought of Voldemort running around possessing students after she'd gone and made an enemy of herself was making her stomach squirm.

Eventually the office door clicked again and the door opened, revealing Professor Snape and Ada, who was looking especially terrified.

Again he closed the door and cast his spells, before leading Ada towards his desk and near Violet, who didn't know if she should stand or continue sitting.

"Miss Runcorn," began Professor Snape. "Is unable to recall the incident you spoke of, Miss Potter. Further questioning must be done in private, and as such I must insist that you do not repeat what we discuss here to anybody." He said "anybody" very slowly and deliberately, and Ada shrunk slightly before nodding and looking at the floor.

"Look at me," said Professor Snape, and Ada's head lurched back up. "You said you do not remember taking a diary from Miss MacDougal. Then tell me, what is the last thing you do remember before dinner yesterday?"

Ada looked put off by the question, but continued to keep eye contact with Professor Snape. After a moment she looked confused, and then said, "I remember eating lunch. And on the way back to the common room I overheard that Violet had woken up. But then… nothing. I don't… remember."

She seemed surprised to find herself with parts of her memory missing, as if she wouldn't have noticed if not asked about it.

"I want you to think, hard, about what happened during that missing time. Think hard, and try to remember."

"Er," she said, and looked back down at the floor.

"Look at me," snapped Professor Snape, and Ada jumped slightly before snapping her head back up again.

Ada stared and Professor Snape kept silent for what seemed like an eternity. Violet's heart was starting to beat hard in her chest as she wondered if Ada would remember something. She'd clearly gotten possessed, but Voldemort had erased his tracks while doing so, and if she didn't remember anything then her chances of finding the diary again before something bad happened were slim.

"I see," said Professor Snape finally. He stood up straighter and continued. "You may go, for now." He waved his wand at the door and it clicked open. Ada took a step back before glancing at Violet, taking another step back, then rushing to the door and slamming it behind her. Professor Snape locked it again once she was gone.

"I was able to discover enough to corroborate the story. She did take the diary from Miss MacDougal, intending to give it back to you later. But what she did after remains unknown, and I doubt that she will be able to recover that particular memory even with assistance. Still, I will inform the headmaster." He gestured for Violet to stand up and pointed at the door, clearly dismissing her.

"You must be on your guard. The diary may no longer be in Slytherin house, and if another student is possessed, it is possible the Dark Lord will go after you. If anything seems amiss, or you discover any more information, come find me."

"Yes sir," said Violet as she left.

"Be very careful," were the last words Professor Snape said before she left his office.

Violet ran back to the common room, only to find that it was almost time for breakfast and everyone was heading to the Great Hall. Not wanting to start the day without a shower, she got properly ready for the day as quickly as she could before rushing back to the Great Hall in the middle of breakfast, finding a seat next to Ginny, and piling on her plate whatever happened to be closest, not paying much attention.

She found she was quite hungry.

As Violet quickly shovelled food into her mouth before it all disappeared, she noticed Ada was on her other side looking morose, twirling her spoon into her porridge. She probably didn't even know what had happened to her, or why. Professor Snape probably never told her.

Before Violet could further ponder that thought, the food on the tables vanished and it was time to get ready for Charms.

Violet didn't have time to discuss things with her older terrified friend. She'd missed the entire weekend either sleeping in the hospital wing or talking to the headmaster, and for the first time she hadn't finished her homework. This was still a school, and there was still time to maybe scrape something up before classes actually started.

She had finished her Charms homework, and DADA didn't matter to her as the class was pointless. So instead of writing notes in Charms class, she asked Flora and Hestia to take good notes while she tried to finish her Herbology homework.

This seemed to work rather well, and Professor Flitwick left her to her devices once she demonstrated she could perform the Softening Charm properly.

Violet was finished before class ended and it was time to head to Herbology. One in her second class she handed her homework in and breathed a sigh of relief as she sat next to Luna, who was smiling serenely at her.

"Hello," said Luna. "I'm very pleased you're all better."

"Thanks," said Violet as Ginny sat down.

Flora and Hestia usually sat with MacDougal in Herbology, but this time they left MacDougal and sat next to a confused looking Ravenclaw girl, the only one Violet didn't know the name of.

As they worked on their plants for the day, Violet wondered if she should tell Luna about the diary. She'd already assured Ginny, Flora, and Hestia that she'd explain everything tonight, but Luna didn't know anything about what had happened. Still… she trusted Luna, and the diary could be in another house, even Ravenclaw. It'd be good to have somebody keeping a lookout in another house.

"Hey Luna," said Violet, as they worked. She kept her voice low so others wouldn't hear. It wasn't exactly hard, as Herbology was normally a loud class with lots of conversation.

"Yes?" asked Luna as she placed her Flitterbloom inside its new pot.

"Are you going to be busy after dinner tonight? I need to… explain some things to my friends, but I can't have people overhearing. So I was thinking of explaining in one of the empty classrooms in the dungeons."

"Oh," said Luna knowingly. "Is this about who cursed you?"

Violet nodded.

"It's very important that nobody else learns about this, so we've got to be careful."

"Oh, sure," said Luna. "I'll find you after dinner then."

Professor Lockhart's class was a waste of time as usual, as he smiled at everyone and hinted that he had acquired some very important job in the school that he of course couldn't tell anybody about. Violet had a good idea what that job was, and really wished he hadn't heard about it.

When dinner finally arrived Violet was again starving, but she had one more thing to do. Eating as fast as she could she got up and found Harry at the Gryffindor table. Ignoring his worried look as she approached she lowered down and whispered. "Come find me after dinner. I have something important to tell you."

Looking suddenly stern, he nodded and she went back to her table.

This was it, she thought. Once everyone knew, they could find this stupid diary as fast as possible and everything would be okay.

When she sat back down, she looked at Ada, who she as usually hadn't seen all day. But she was still here, sitting next to her with the rest of her friends, even if she wasn't saying anything. Violet had completely forgotten that Ada might want to know what was going on to. She was her friend now, after all. And even more, she had been affected by the diary escaping as much as Violet had.

And yet, Violet had only known the girl for about a week. She didn't know if she could trust her yet. On the other hand, she'd shown enough strength to try and take back what she thought was one of Violet's private possessions.

Should you tell Ada about the diary along with Harry and your other friends?

[] No. She's not entirely trustworthy yet.
[] Yes. She's proven herself to be loyal and more resilient that she appears.
I don't really trust Ada yet, but I don't distrust her or dislike her either. Telling her would be the kinder thing to do.

[X] Yes. She's proven herself to be loyal and more resilient than she appears.

Also vote says 'that' she appears. I corrected it in mine.
[X] Yes. She's proven herself to be loyal and more resilient that she appears.
Urgh. I wouldn't trust Ada to necessarily be resilient enough. But out of these two options, I'd prefer Violet to take the second.

At the least, Ada needs a basic explanation and thank you, even if she's not fully trusted. Also, if she's aware of the threat, she might have a slightly better chance if anything similar happens again.

[x] Yes. She's proven herself to be loyal and more resilient that she appears.
[X] Yes. She's proven herself to be loyal and more resilient than she appears.

Its better hearing why she's summoned by Snape on our say so.

Honesty I hope we can boost her confidence somehow in a private meeting since being interrogated in front of our presence creates a sense of vulnerability since she's being opened to the questioning in a way.
[X] No. She's not entirely trustworthy yet.

While this is the unpopular opinion, I feel the need to support it. If we tell her there's a good chance all of Slytherin will find out the Dark Lord's diary is out and about. If Slytherin finds out, we now have people looking that won't want the diary gone. And as much as it pains me to have to destroy it, it'd be out of character for Violet to not want it burned now.

Although, it would be fun to have the diary get away and incarnate itself, and it tries to become the real Voldemort.
[X] No. She's not entirely trustworthy yet.

Ada's will save is crap, spare her
The question isn't whether or not she can stand up to the Diary, we know she can't. And he knows she can't. Moreover, the diary already knows what he's going to do anyway.

The real question for her trustworthiness is whether or not we think she's still spying (or at least malleable) for the other Slytherins, particularly in the higher years.

That said, Slain makes a compelling argument. Even though I'm still suspicious of her, we don't lose that much by telling her. It's not like Lockheart will be able to keep a secret anyway

[X] Yes. She's proven herself to be loyal and more resilient than she appears.
[X] No. She's not entirely trustworthy yet.

She, quite frankly, is not trustworthy. It's kind to tell her, and helps her feelings, but she's still a wire sieve.
[x] Yes. She's proven herself to be loyal and more resilient that she appears.
I'm just not sure.

She's demonstrated that she's on our side. Hell, it was even verified by Snape of all people. But, but I'm not sure she can stand up to peer pressure.

One thing is certain, if we do tell her, we're going to have to put in a lot of effort into making her strong and confident enough to not reveal things if pressured. The other option, of course, is to make her terrified of us, but that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, given how she just demonstrated that she's a loyal friend.
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[X] No. She's not entirely trustworthy yet.

Agreeing with tricholysis here. She's not trustworthy. Not that she isn't friendly enough, she's just (as MacroDaemon also mentioned) not capable of keeping our secrets.
Ok guys, I've come down with the flu. I feel like absolute garbage so it's unlikely I'll even start writing the next update until next week, depending on how long it takes me to get over this. But I figured at least this time you have the warning before hand, and it's not going to be a month, just a little over a week.
Get well soon.

what about MacDougal. if she says anything about us being a parseltongue and the others pick up on our group avoiding her she will either be pushed into Malfoy's or Cavendish's camp or find herself alone in the most cutthroat house. either could turn into a problem. it sends a message but is it the message we want to send. maybe a tempeory time for "we don't like you!" instead of making a longer term enemy for ruining their life. cause life in slythern with no friends would probably be hard. or as i said before strengthing a known enemy isn't a good idea either.
Partial Disclosure
[] Yes. She's proven herself to be loyal and more resilient that she appears.

Making up her mind she nudged Ada softly on the shoulder. For once Ada didn't react in a ridiculous way, instead blinking her eyes suddenly and looking up like she was lost in thought. When her eyes met Violet's however, Violet realised the girl had been crying at some point recently. Either that or was currently near tears, her eyes red and watery.

Maybe she just ate something spicy, thought Violet, not wanting to immediately jump to conclusions.

"After dinner," Violet whispered. "We're going down to the dungeons where we practiced spells. I have some stuff to explain, and you should come."

Ada gave the barest of nods, and then went back to diligently staring down at her food.

Once dinner was over Violet stood up as if she'd been shocked, which was probably a bit too obvious. She was feeling jumpy now, nervous, maybe a tiny bit excited.

She led her friends off to the other side of the table away from the stairs down to the dungeon, wanting to make sure the other Slytherin's had enough time to leave, and Luna and Harry had enough time to find her.

Harry didn't take long, and he was marching up to her within moments of her standing still. As he walked up he took note of her friends, and frowned at Violet, who didn't really know what to say or do about that. She never said he was the only one she wanted to talk to.

"What is it?" he asked once he got to her, eyeing Ada oddly as the girl then shuffled back behind Violet. It was almost funny, as she was much taller than Violet and couldn't even begin to hide behind her.

"Waiting for Luna," said Violet. Not a moment later Violet found Luna who was skipping towards them as if there wasn't a care in the world.

"Hello everyone," said Luna as she got into range.

After everyone said their hello's to Luna, Violet was eager to get going. She didn't want to attract attention.

"Let's go," said Violet. Once outside of the Great Hall and into the dungeon she began to feel more and more tense. What was going to say to everyone? How was she going to explain this? She'd already decided she wasn't going to tell them everything, except for Harry. But the gravity of the information she held was weighing on her as she got closer to the empty classroom.

Once inside Violet tried desperately to keep herself steady. This was like some kind of horrible classroom presentation, one where much more than a grade was at stake. She swallowed, hard, and tried to seem calm as she got to the centre of the room and waited as Hestia locked the door and the others crowded around her.

Luna seemed quite happy to be where she was, while Harry looked like he very badly wanted to say something to her, probably about what all these other people were doing here and he was her brother and it was his job to blah blah blah. The Carrow's were both looking on expectantly, as if Violet had been annoying them on purpose until now. Ada finally settled behind Ginny, and once Ginny noticed she moved out from in front, rolling her eyes. Ada didn't try to hide again, accepting her fate to be clearly seen.

"I have a bit of a story to tell," began Violet. Her voice cracked slightly, and she swallowed again, taking a deep breath. "It's very important that nobody interrupt me."

Harry looked even more sceptical, while Ada's eyes widened. Maybe she was expecting some kind of major revelation now, some kind of plot that she'd been kept from until now.

Again, Violet told the story, starting with Ginny finding the diary then giving it away as a birthday present. Violet didn't explain much on the specifics of what she used the diary for, instead saying that everything seemed fine until a few days ago.

"I was cursed," said Violet. "But it was the diary. The diary is cursed."
Unfortunately at this revelation, everyone started talking over each other.

"Well where is it now?" she heard Harry ask.

"But why did it take so long if it was cursed?" asked Hestia.

"Why didn't you just tell us earlier?" asked Ginny.

Violet just waited for them to calm down, and once they realised she still had something to say, they got quiet again. The only two who hadn't spoken were Luna and Ada.

"I was told by one of the Professors that the diary can influence people, and can possess them if they've been with it too long or are weak willed. It can also erase their memories."

Ada's breath audibly hitched at that, and it looked like she was now putting the pieces together. Harry looked like he wanted to shout again, but valiantly kept his mouth shut.

"This is why I've been so secretive about it," said Violet. "The diary is missing, Morag MacDougal, a girl in my year, stole it after it cursed me. Ada…." Violet tried to say this as gently as possible. "Apparently took it from MacDougal, meaning to give it back to me, but she doesn't remember what happened after that."

Everyone looked at Ada, who visibly shrank at the attention. Luna moved towards her and patted her on the shoulder, something that would have been funny due to the height difference if not for the situation.

"So you don't know where it is?" asked Harry, to Ada. The girl shook her head wildly, staring at the floor.

Again, there was a flurry of people talking over each other.

"We have to find the diary then," said Harry.

"Does Professor Snape know?" asked Hestia.

"How bad is the diary exactly?" asked Ginny.

"Professor Dumbledore and the heads of houses know about it," said Violet, speaking over everyone. Again, they quieted down at her words. "So does Professor Lockhart, though I think we can all agree he's not going to be much help."

Harry chuckled, but he was the only one who did.

"And the Head Boy and Girl, and the school prefects were told something about this. Not all of it, and I don't know how much."

"How do you know all this?" asked Ginny. "Did Professor Snape tell you?"

Violet shook her head. "I spoke to Professor Dumbledore last night. He told me."

"Wow," replied Ginny. "This really must be serious then."

Violet nodded.

"Dumbledore says he doesn't know exactly what might happen, but obviously it can't be left alone to curse and possess anybody it wants. So we have to find it."

"And we're sure she doesn't know where it is?" asked Harry, eyeing Ada sceptically.

"We're sure," said Violet, clearly telling Harry in her voice to drop it. The poor girl was already dragged into Professor Snape's office without an explanation. If he didn't think she was lying, Harry wasn't about to discover something. "Professor Snape knows all this too."

"And that might be your problem," said Harry. "He may be your head of house, but he's still a git." Violet rolled her eyes as Harry continued. "What makes you think he actually told you the truth?"

"Why would he have lied?" asked Violet.

"So he could find the diary and take the credit for saving everyone."

"But hardly anybody knows the diary exists!" said Violet, getting frustrated.

"Dumbledore knows. Snape could just go to him with the diary and say that obviously he found it with no help. Everyone knows he wants the Defence Against the Dark Arts job, he could use finding the diary as proof that he deserves it."

Violet scoffed.

"Then we don't have anything to worry about," she said tersely. "Professor Snape must be a better teacher than Professor Lockhart, and then the diary is gone. We'd all be better off if your theory is true."

Harry didn't seem to like where his accusations had gotten him. He folded his arms and looked very unhappy, but at least he didn't say anything else on the subject.

"Well," said Violet after a moment. "That's about the sum of it. There's a cursed diary out there. Anybody could have it. So… we have to keep a look out. But this information can't get out. Professor Dumbledore doesn't want a panic."

You don't have anything more to say on the diary, but you now have all your friends and your brother in one place. Is there anything else you'd like to tell everyone, before you give Harry the full version of events?
