Pokemon Emerald Random Nuzlocke

Protean is indeed awesome.

I've been playing a Pokemon X mod which among other things (all pokemon catchable, more difficult) gives starters a chance to have their hidden ability.

Automatic STAB and 4 types to switch between are pretty awesome.
You can mod 3ds games?
Hey, Machamp still has No Guard + Dynamic Punch.

It's good, but power creep has left it behind. Drain Punch Conkeldurr is just generally superior. Machamp best role as counter lead is pretty weak now with Team Preview. And Conkeldurr gets Mach Punch while Champ is left with Bullet Punch.

It reflects in usage, Conkeldurr is seen ~3-4x as much as Machamp in OU.

You can mod 3ds games?

I can understand the criticisms against the Vanillish line but I will fight you over Garbador.
It is literally garbage.
It's fuzzy. It takes something pretty big to pull off Badass Longcoat when the longcoat looks like Santa took the red pill, and Cynthia doesn't have it.
Hey, who's thread is this again? Yours? Didn't think so.
The guy's own grandfather can't remember his name.
I actually like stoutland. It may be generic, but its simplicity works for it.

And I like the snivy and oshawott lines a lot too. Also jellicent, Lilligant, joltik, excavellier ... there are a few good ones.
The thing about the gen 5 designs you hear people complaining about is that they're all similar to 'mons that appeared in previous generations that nobody is complaining about. The main reason people dislike those gen 5 designs isn't because the designs are bad in and of themselves, it's that the people criticizing them A) thought it was cool back when gen 1 was a thing but no longer do, and/or B) think that GF should have actually made the region's dex from scratch like they said they were instead of just making expies of older gen 'mons.

For instance:

(Vanillish? Garbador?)

Exeggcute. Grimer.

Like, I get that Trubbish is a garbage bag and Garbodor's an overflowing garbage bag, but Grimer's literally an oil slick and Muk is exactly the same as Grimer, just bigger, and nobody complains about them.

I find the Stoutland line the least interesting looking gen 5 Pokemon. It is, for all intents and purposes, just a dog.

Meowth's just a cat. (Growlithe's just a red dog that breathes fire, but that's arguably enough to distingush it.)

...As for gen 5 designs that are likable, I love Lilligant's design, and wish they'd made it an actually decent 'mon instead of giving it like one non-Grass move total.
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Pidgey is just an ordinary bird. Rattata is just a rat. Butterfree is just a butterfly.

Pikachu is just a mouse. That shocks you every time. :V
Part 2

This is Route 101. It has three grass patches and not much else. I don't even run into any wild pokemon on the way threw. Not that I'm looking for them right now. I don't have any pokeballs and it's not like I need to grind Farai. She's a goddamn Suicune after all.

I reach Oldale Town without issue. It's not much better than Littleroot but there are some signs of civilization like a pokemart and a pokecenter. I'm in a hurry to go find May but I stop and talk that guy by the house there.

Rex: Cool. Why should I care?
Pokemart Guy: Follow me and I'll show you.

Rex: Cool. Still don't care.
Pokemart Guy: ...We have free samples?

Pokemart Guy: Be sure to visit again!
Rex: Yeah, sure, whatever.
After getting free stuff, I remember that I was given a job to do and so continue my journey northwards.

This is Route 103 and no, I didn't miss one. Route 102 is to the east of Oldale Town but I have no business there at the moment so I skipped it. Route 103 is almost as boring as Route 101, at least on this side. It has a lake in the middle of it but who knows what's on the other side. This side just has three grass patches, some schmuck and May. Speaking of grass patches...

As soon as I set foot in the tall grass I encounter a Pokemon. Looks to be a electric Ghastly. Now, I have a mistake to admit. I played this last night and that's when I took the screen shots. It's now almost 7pm the next day and I don't actually remember what happened. All I have are these pictures.

I can see that Farai killed it in two hits (Good Girl!), it wasted a turn on Odor Sleuth and at least one of the moves was super effective. As for what move was super effective, I have no idea. I'll know for next time to write out an update as soon as I'm done playing.

Anyway, nothing else jumps out at me and I quickly find May at the top of the Route.

Rex: Yo.
May: Rex? What are you doing here?
Rex: Your dad sent me to find you.
May: No, I meant how did you get her safely without... Wait, he didn't give you a pokemon, did he?
Rex: Yep, a Suicune.
May: Damnit! That was supposed to be mine when I was older!
Rex: Oh! Uh....
May: Don't worry about it. Dad's kinda... Let's just say there's a reason I spend most of my time away from the house. Anyway...

And that's how we got to our first Trainer battle. As you can see, May has a new title. Yet another thing randomized.

The battle begins and as I suspected, May has that Grimer. Farai uses Ember and also like I suspected...

...It's a steel type. It's not often that you get the type advantage over your rival instead of the other way around. The ember knocks it down to the yellow.

As you can see, when it's Grimer's turn it uses Shadow Punch and barely does anything. I finish it off with another ember and it's over.

May: Congrats on winning your first trainer battle!
Rex: I have a Suicune. It breaths fire. This was totally unfair in my favor.
May: Well, I guess we'll just have to have a rematch later won't we?
Rex: I look forward to it.

May exits to the south and so do I, headed for home.

Of course, first I drop by the Pokemon Center to heal my pokemon. Always the most important thing to do.

That done May meets me at the edge of town.

She doesn't say much besides hurry my ass up but more politely. Which I do.

Back at the lab, Birch and May sing my praises a bit about how good I am. The flattery would stroke my ego except that, again, Suicune and type advantage. Really not that hard. Anyway, they tell me to go explore a bit and give me free stuff.

A pokedex to keep track of all the pokemon I meet.

And some pokeballs so I can catch them. Which we'll do Next Time! On Pokemon Emerald Random Nuzlocke!

Sorry about the bad photos on this one. It was really late when I played and as you can see, I missed a lot of stuff. Also, do you guys want me to walk around and talk to NPCs or just focus on important people who'll give me shit and battle me?
Oh, and before I forget again, here's Farai!

So an ability that prevents stat reduction and nice defensive stats. Looks like Farai might shape up to be a good tank.
That gastly actually looks kinda cool.

Professor Birch is such a jerk. He gave the kid next door a legendary, and then handed out a Grimer to his daughter.
That gastly actually looks kinda cool.

Professor Birch is such a jerk. He gave the kid next door a legendary, and then handed out a Grimer to his daughter.
He wanted to give his daughter a proper rival to beat. Didn't quite work, because she's our rival, not the other way around. And her job's even going to get taken by some sickly kid who didn't even know how to catch a pokemon before we met him.
He wanted to give his daughter a proper rival to beat. Didn't quite work, because she's our rival, not the other way around. And her job's even going to get taken by some sickly kid who didn't even know how to catch a pokemon before we met him.
The Hoenn Rival, be it Brendan or May, was kinda disappointing.

My favourite rival was Blue, or Gary if you call him that. Dude led us on a wild chase throughout Kanto, curbstomped Lance and waited for us in the Champion's room. It was also kinda sad when Professor Oak flew over from Pallet to congratulate him, but found that he'd been beaten by Red already.