I have seen way to much Cynthia porn to take her seriously. It doesn't help that Diamond and Pearl are the more forgettable generation in my opinion. Not bad, just boring I guess.
His design is so boring. It's just a generic grey haired guy in a suit look.
Cynthia's outfit is far more fashionable, and she's actually got some story stuff going on. She shows up throughout your journey and gives you help as a veteran trainer to a rookie one, she's a scholar of Sinnoh's mythology, and her studies give her particular insight on Galactic's plans.
I don't remember any of Steven's traits and checking bulbapedia gives me "son of the CEO of some corporation and collector of rare stones".
Gen 3 was my first and favorite Gen (cue hatemail). I loved Mudkip because it was so much fun to show up to the Electric gym with a water/ground type and nope all their attacks.
Plus Gen 3 has the cutest pokemon in the game.
Look how adorable he is. And he evolves into a dinosaur.
His design is so boring. It's just a generic grey haired guy in a suit look.
Cynthia's outfit is far more fashionable, and she's actually got some story stuff going on. She shows up throughout your journey and gives you help as a veteran trainer to a rookie one, she's a scholar of Sinnoh's mythology, and her studies give her particular insight on Galactic's plans.
Gen 1 was the best experience for me, but that's because it was all still new and mysterious at the time.
Best Gen in terms of game...hard to say. From what I've seen, I want to say Gen 5, but I've never played it.
Best Gen in terms of Pokemon designs? Hard to say. Not Gen 5, that's for sure (Vanillish? Garbador?). Maybe 3...although they all have great mons, that Gen had pretty consistent quality.
Gen 1 was the best experience for me, but that's because it was all still new and mysterious at the time.
Best Gen in terms of game...hard to say. From what I've seen, I want to say Gen 5, but I've never played it.
Best Gen in terms of Pokemon designs? Hard to say. Not Gen 5, that's for sure (Vanillish? Garbador?). Maybe 3...although they all have great mons, that Gen had pretty consistent quality.
Galvantula was the the best in my opinion. And no, it's not just because my Galvantula was the best pokemon on my party. (His name was Raiden and he was awesome.)
I liked a lot of gen V's designs. Just off the top of my head there's the Venipede line, the Yamask line, the Snivy line, the Zorua line, those deers I can't remember the name of off the top of my head, and as usual its the two evolution dragon line was solid.
Guy, let's take a look at steven's suit for a moment here.
Look at this. Look at this garish trash. What even is this. What are those fucking arm bands. Why are there fucking purple zigzags on it? I don't know why, and I can't figure it out because my eyes are bleeding so I mercifully can't see that suit properly anymore. I tried using that to give my eyes time to stop bleeding so I could get a look at the suit again and try to figure out why, but as soon as my vision would start to clear and I could start to see the suit my eyes would start bleeding again, so the world may never know.
Guy, let's take a look at steven's suit for a moment here.
Look at this. Look at this garish trash. What even is this. What are those fucking arm bands. Why are there fucking purple zigzags on it? I don't know why, and I can't figure it out because my eyes are bleeding so I mercifully can't see that suit properly anymore. I tried using that to give my eyes time to stop bleeding so I could get a look at the suit again and try to figure out why, but as soon as my vision would start to clear and I could start to see the suit my eyes would start bleeding again, so the world may never know.