Oh! Uhh....just~ realized all my corrections regarding the spelling of Vermilion were false. I was thinking the place was spelled identically to the colour, but Bulbapedia is informing me that no, what you had was right. So just ignore those bits, mmkay?
Oh, there's stuff to read in the hideout? Suppose I should go back, then.
It's in Celadon, by the way, @Mizu.
...trying to set up a Steel type gym.

Area to the left of Route 6's northern point cuts off, and the reference the Hiker gives makes me believe it leads to some town. Still under development?

The Bug Catcher around the exit from the Underground Path and the one nearest to the entrance to Vermilion have the same pre-battle dialogue.

Copycat doesn't work properly if you are the first to move in a turn, using the last move your 'mon performed instead of what your opponent used last turn.

Bug Catcher closest to Underground Tunnel, once you win against him
I could catch one in Viridan forest, but I don't have do that. I'll trade you a Yanma for one!
have to do that.

Picknicker Girl
Hey! We're trying to have a momment here!

Once you win:

Hey now, can't a guy get a momment alone with his girl?

Can talk to Shop Clerk in Vermilion near the docks to repeatedly get Potions.

Invisible barrier a sprite above the blue-and-white striped covering before the Vermillion bridge.

...are swarming the SS Anne for some reason. Not all of the passengers are trainers and the ones who are are frankly cowards who've already run away.
S.S. Anne, Trainers

...look like a red faced 12 year old. Wait, you are 12 aren't you?
red-faced, twelve, twelve

...handle the upper decks see if you can find the captain.
upper decks, see if you

Nurse Joy in cabin
I don't even like Mudkips!

When exiting the cabins on the S.S. Anne, you exit in the wall, which allows you to move backwards and through the black bits of the map. Shift the player up a tile when they move between the cabin map and the ship one to prevent this.
I was pretty surprised when every 'mon I found on that boat were...different to the expected, as it were. Kinda wondering what happened there, and considering I haven't finished that area I guess I'll find out.
Found a free to use theme for Giselle.

And mayhaps the opening and Victory Road.

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I like them. How you gonna make them loop, though? As you are gonna want to fuse their ending into their beginning like the official songs do.
I'm away from home and currently playing on my weak laptop, is there a way to disable the in-battle animations? As in, the way the Pokemon sprites bob up and down?
I'm away from home and currently playing on my weak laptop, is there a way to disable the in-battle animations? As in, the way the Pokemon sprites bob up and down?

It's not the bobbing, but the filesize. These are the super optimized base sprites.

Try them, but may not be positioned correctly and do not have Pokemon past 649.


I like them. How you gonna make them loop, though? As you are gonna want to fuse their ending into their beginning like the official songs do.

There's a script that I can use to do this I believe, but I'm going to worry about perfecting music and grapics last.
Pokemon Rebalanced: Phase 2

The Regal Dog

Intimidate or Sun Touched(Fire move heal for 1/8 Damage dealt)

HP Attack Defense Speed Sp. Attack Sp. Defense
75 100 80 95 100 65

LVL Move

Phase 2 is where I go though and do a second rebalancing of moves, BSTs, and level of movesets. It's to make sure all of the Pokemon are being changed consistently and that I haven't made outrageous new moves, as well as to try and give each Pokemon a little more individuality it may have lost.

Arcanine here is now Fire/Normal. This is to give it STAB Extremespeed, contrast with the now Fire/Ghost Ninetales, and to add new(when I started this) typing to the game.

It has a new ability, Sun Touched. Arcanine received a large BST nerf and I had feedback that it may have been too much. So I created Sun Touched to help with that. Sun Touched let's Arcanine regen in battle for free while using its powerful fire moves and will stack with other healing items.

It retains Intimidate, and its BSTs have been shifted to accommodate it, to allow it a physically tanky build for your team and the general utillity being able to lower the enemy's Attack on switch in brings.

It's moveset is awesome now. Lots of Special Fire type moves, early STAB Quick Attack, latter STAB Extremespeed, a good set of Physical coverage moves, late game Agility, and Morning Sun. Morning Sun will do much to help alleviate its weak bulk if you can be tactical with healing.

Any questions? Feedback?

CIRCLETHROW: 75 BP Physical Fighting: Dragon Tail Effect.
Outrage: 70 BP Physical Dragon: Hits twice, 50% Recoil.
VDASH: 140 BP Physical Fire: 100% Accuracy but with 30% Recoil, Confuse Self.

Hm... I should see if I can put together a mono-Fire team. I've got at least 4/6 caught, just need to raise 2 of them. I'd call it 5/6 if Ninetales didn't share Chandelure's typing.
Hm... I should see if I can put together a mono-Fire team. I've got at least 4/6 caught, just need to raise 2 of them. I'd call it 5/6 if Ninetales didn't share Chandelure's typing.

It'd be cool, but you'd have to be careful.

Aftermath was bugged hard. I've made it a hidden only ability until I fix it.

Demo 1-2.rar UPDATED.
It'd be cool, but you'd have to be careful.

Aftermath was bugged hard. I've made it a hidden only ability until I fix it.
Yeah, I would. But I could burn everything!
Sunflora would make it 5/6...
Keep the last slot on rotation for coverage. That gives me Fire, Flying, Normal, Ghost, Dark, and Grass, plus at least 1 more. Aside from a horrifying weakness to Rock, that's not bad.
Attempting to battle Picknicker Alicia (The first trainer east of Cerulean) crashes the game. So does fighting a wild Pokemon. Tried re-downloading Battlers, didn't help. Is this just me?

Talking to Mom in the garden crashes the game.

The flowerbeds near the Daycare center work slightly differently than normal: to plant a berry, you have to be standing on the ground to be planted, not right next to it as is normal.

There is a Wartortle hanging out on a tree in Route 1.
Attempting to battle Picknicker Alicia (The first trainer east of Cerulean) crashes the game. So does fighting a wild Pokemon. Tried re-downloading Battlers, didn't help. Is this just me?

Talking to Mom in the garden crashes the game.

The flowerbeds near the Daycare center work slightly differently than normal: to plant a berry, you have to be standing on the ground to be planted, not right next to it as is normal.

There is a Wartortle hanging out on a tree in Route 1.

Battle hotfix. Unrar and place this http://a.pomf.se/kakmjm.rar into the data folder.

Not needed if you've just downloaded it.

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Random question: Is Bill going to tell us he designed the PC at some point?

...Is Sunflora part fire-type now? Because I just ran into one with the Flash Fire ability that used Heat Bloom.

Beat Blue at Rock Tunnel. He seems a bit underleveled- the only Pokemon I had trouble with was the Kadabra, and even then I only lost Pokemon to it by being careless. (And I haven't done any battles since Vermillion except the Route 9 trainers, and I was underleveled for Vermillion.)

Bug Catcher Brent (on Route 9): I've raise my Pokemon - should be raised

The signpost on Route 9 doesn't say anything

The Town Map is horribly broken (and also doesn't have Sable City)
Random question: Is Bill going to tell us he designed the PC at some point?

...Is Sunflora part fire-type now? Because I just ran into one with the Flash Fire ability that used Heat Bloom.

Beat Blue at Rock Tunnel. He seems a bit underleveled- the only Pokemon I had trouble with was the Kadabra, and even then I only lost Pokemon to it by being careless. (And I haven't done any battles since Vermillion except the Route 9 trainers, and I was underleveled for Vermillion.)

Bug Catcher Brent (on Route 9): I've raise my Pokemon - should be raised

The signpost on Route 9 doesn't say anything

The Town Map is horribly broken (and also doesn't have Sable City)

...Maybe that should happen!

Yep! Sunfloria:D

Noted. I will look into slight buffs. Do you feel his team comp was weak and who is your starter?
...Maybe that should happen!

Yep! Sunfloria:D

Noted. I will look into slight buffs. Do you feel his team comp was weak and who is your starter?


My starter is Charmeleon. Part of the problem was that his Pokemon were Lv. 28-30 where mine were 31 (plus I had six to his four). In general, though, his Pokemon weren't too impressive. Raticate was a two-shot (Brick Break). Wartortle was a two-shot (Thunderbolt). My Goldeen out-damaged his Doduo. Kadabra did well, but it was one Pokemon against virtually my entire team.

It just felt ... easy. Blue beat me in Cerulean, and came within 5 HP of beating me on Route 22, but this battle was extremely lopsided even though I wasn't putting much effort in (I used only direct damage moves and was sending out Pokemon pretty randomly, excepting avoiding type mismatches, and I wasn't using items) and was making mistakes.
It just felt ... easy. Blue beat me in Cerulean, and came within 5 HP of beating me on Route 22, but this battle was extremely lopsided even though I wasn't putting much effort in (I used only direct damage moves and was sending out Pokemon pretty randomly, excepting avoiding type mismatches, and I wasn't using items) and was making mistakes.

S+ tier feedback.


Ah, his 'mon don't have custom moves.

Blue now has a Mewtwo.

My starter is Charmeleon. Part of the problem was that his Pokemon were Lv. 28-30 where mine were 31 (plus I had six to his four). In general, though, his Pokemon weren't too impressive. Raticate was a two-shot (Brick Break). Wartortle was a two-shot (Thunderbolt). My Goldeen out-damaged his Doduo. Kadabra did well, but it was one Pokemon against virtually my entire team.

It just felt ... easy. Blue beat me in Cerulean, and came within 5 HP of beating me on Route 22, but this battle was extremely lopsided even though I wasn't putting much effort in (I used only direct damage moves and was sending out Pokemon pretty randomly, excepting avoiding type mismatches, and I wasn't using items) and was making mistakes.
